
Psychology – Homeopathy and Homeopathic Remedies (Shazia Ayub)

📍 Sensation
📍Sensory Perception
📍A person experiences
🎯 In the absence of relevant external stimulus
🎯Seeing ,feeling ,tasting hearing something that doesn’t really exits

📝Most Common Type of Hallucination in Schizophrenia
📝Visual Hallucination s are also relatively
📍Hallucination s also tend to be worse when person is alone
📍The patient Complains chemical smell in and around his room
No one else smell it

📝Causes of Hallucination
🎯Parkinson Disease
🎯Brain Cancer
🎯Liver kidney failure
📍Serious Disorder
📍Which effects How a person feels and act
📍Some one with shizopherina may have a difficulty distinguishing
What is real?
What is imaginary ?
📍May be unresponsive
📍Many have difficulty expressing normally emotions in social situations
🎯Contrary to Public
Schizophrenia is not split personality
Multiple personality
📍Mojority affected patients are nor violent not pose a danger to other
📝Point to be noted
Shizoprenia is not caused by childhood or la
ck of will power ,not by poor parenting

Types of Shizophrenia
🎯Paranoid Schizophrenia
📍A person feels extremely
Combination of these emotions
🎯Disorganized Schizophrenia
📍A person is often incoherent in speech and thoughts but may not have delusion
🎯Catatonic Schizophrenia
📍A person is with drawn mute ,negative and often assumes very in usual positions

🎯Residual Schizophrenia
📍A Persian is no longer experiencing delusion or
Hallusination s but has no motivation or interest in life
🎯Schizophrenic Disorder
📍A person has symptoms of both Schizophrenia and major mood disorder such as depression
🎯Causes of Schizophrenia are unclear
Some theories
The brain ‘s chemistry

🎯Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Fals ideas
📍Disirdered thinking and speech
Moving one topic to another in a nonsensical fashion
📍Individuals may make their own words or sounds
📍Negative symptoms are capabilities that are lost ” from the person’s personality
📍Social withdrawal
📍Extrwme apathy
Homoeopathic Remedies
Hyosyamus Nigar
📍Best for schizophrenia
Main symptom
Delusion of persecution
Patient feels that other are making some plot against him
Patient’s perception that
He will be poisoned
Thus refusing to take any thing offered even medicen too
📍There is mistrust that his friends are no longer his friends
📍He carries on conversation with imaginary people

📍Affective for treating delusion of persecution and its use is for symptoms of
Without Amy reasons
📍Effective for talkativeness
📍Patient imagines that he is under super human powers
📍His friends and children trying to damage him he thinks
📍They are planning to put him in a mental aslymus
📍Others are talking about him

Platinum Met
📍A characteristic Remedy
📍Superiority Complex
📍Very proud
📍Adrogent In nature

📍An excellent remedy for curing the gradiose delusion
📍Possessing an exaggerated idea of self importance
📍Oversensitveness to all external impressions
📍Indifferent behaviour towards family
📍Have strange imaginations
That something is creeping out of every corner
Worsen by thanderstrome

📍A patient complains of hearing voices from fae away that command him to do activities
📍Patient also hears voices of dead people
📍 Excessive talk activeness

Cannabis indica
📍Disorganized Speech in schizophrenia
📍Thoughts crowding the brain which make the the patient forget while speech
📍The patients forget while talking last said words and can’t recall them
📍HAS THR fear of becoming insane and exhibits uncontrollable laughter

📍Disirganized speech
📍Continuex talking
📍INcomprihensible speech
📍Excessive praying
📍REligious mania
📍Fear of darkness
📍Tendency to talk with spirits
Arsenic Album
📍Condition due to fright and grief
Crying at slightest probation
📍THERE IS immense liking for cleanliness

Nux Vomica
📍Sensitive to all impressions
📍CAN not bear noises odours ,light etc
📍They are fault finding ,quarrelsome scolds and insult others

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Hussain Kaisrani

Hussain Kaisrani (aka Ahmad Hussain) is a distinguished Psychotherapist & Chief Consultant at Homeopathic Consultancy, Lahore, Learn More

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