
Nose Bleeding Epistaxis

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The nose is a part of the body rich in blood vessels (vascular) and is situated in a vulnerable position as it protrudes on the face. As a result, trauma to the face can cause nasal injury and bleeding. The bleeding may be profuse, or simply a minor complication. Nosebleeds can occur spontaneously when the nasal membranes dry out and crack. This is common in dry climates, or during the winter months when the air is dry and warm from household heaters.

Nosebleeds occurring once or twice a year is acceptable and is considered normal. When bleeding happens more frequently it calls for help and that is where homeopathy comes in. Homeopathy has been able to help numerous children and adults having nosebleeds reduce the intensity and frequency of nose bleed and eventually completely stop the nose from bleeding.

Epistaxis or Nose bleed
Epistaxis is very common, almost all of us have experienced nosebleed at some point or the other.

How common is epistaxis:
Most of us experience nosebleed but only 10% of nosebleeds are severe enough to seek medical intervention.

What is Epistaxis:
Most kids have nosebleed once or twice a year. I would not recommend doing anything about nosebleed, just ignore it. But some kids have nose bleeding every month, two months, or three months and once the nosebleed starts it goes on for some time. It shows that these kids have a tendency to bleed, not all kids have this problem. The blood vessels of these kids are sensitive and they rupture very easily.

Causes of Nosebleed:
There are various reasons for a nosebleed. It ruptures because of extremes of temperature. It can happen in severe summer, severe winter, when kids get into a fight or touch their nose, finger their nose.

They just start to bleed sometimes, their shirt gets drenched with blood and seeing your child full of blood is a very horrifying sight but they are okay. In a few hour’s time they get back to playing. It is us who get worried and go to the doctor and get a series of investigations done, and nothing comes out in the reports.

Suddenly one day, your uncle or father or somebody will come and say that they had the same problem as a child. It can run in the family sometimes. Children who have the disposition to get cold very frequently can also have nosebleed.

In adults, it is a different issue. If you have bleeding from the nose, rule out blood pressure or any systemic disease that might be causing it, you need to consult a physician and take care of it.

In my 30 years of practice, I have not seen any serious case of epistaxis in kids.

Allopathic approach:
You go to the child specialist, he will give you some medicines, and the nosebleed stops but it comes back again after some time.

Recurrent nosebleed happens because these kids have a tendency to bleed.

Homeopathic approach:
Homeopathy has wonderful medicines to take care of nose bleed. Our medicines take care of the tendency of nosebleeds and helps to strengthen the blood vessels so that they do not rupture easily. If the nose bleeding is because of frequent cold and cough, we take care of it by improving the immune system to reduce your frequency of cold and cough.

If the child has a nosebleed every month, it comes down to once in a month, 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year and over a period of time the nose bleed stops completely.

What happens if you don’t treat epistaxis?
If left alone, the frequency of nosebleeds increases over some time and there might be prolonged bleeding.

Diet restrictions:
There are no diet restrictions to follow.

Do’s and Don’ts:
Do not blow your nose or tilt your head back when you have a nose bleed.

What would I do if I were in your place?
I would for sure not start any allopathic medications, I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 3 to 6 months to try and get rid of nosebleed permanently. Trust me, nothing is going to happen to you in these three to six months’ time. But if these medicines can help you avoid allopathic medications and get rid of the tendency of nosebleeds permanently for the rest of your life, isn’t it worth giving it a try?

Take care. Stay safe.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][tm_contact_form_7 id=”2534″][tm_heading tag=”div” custom_google_font=”” font_style=”italic” align=”center” text=”Your email address will not be published.” css=”.vc_custom_1540454250212{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][tm_spacer size=”lg:60″][tm_box_icon style=”3″ icon_type=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”far fa-map-marker-alt” custom_border_color=”#d4d2d2″ border_style=”dashed” heading=”Location” text=”Bahria Town, Lahore, Pakistan” button=”|||” lg_spacing=”margin_bottom:30;border_bottom:1;padding_bottom:30″][tm_box_icon style=”3″ icon_type=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”far fa-phone-plus” custom_border_color=”#d4d2d2″ border_style=”dashed” heading=”For Appointment” text=”Via Phone Call & Whatsapp
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Hussain Kaisrani

Hussain Kaisrani (aka Ahmad Hussain) is a distinguished Psychotherapist & Chief Consultant at Homeopathic Consultancy, Lahore, Learn More

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