Essence of Pediatric Matera Medica by Dr. Pravin Bjain




I was delighted to receive a copy of Dr Jain’s newest book. It has been several years since his original publication ‘Essentials of Pediatrics’. Since that time I have closely followed the development of the ideas and practice of Dr. Jain’s pediatrics approach.


What makes this approach stand out to me is the practical application of the ideas propounded. Many homoeopathic books have been published that are full of theory and supposition. The information provided in this book has the advantage of having been implemented in clinics in India for many years. Thus Dr. Jain has been able to verify repeatedly the efficacy of this approach. He has also been able to refine his ideas and the result is this fine work.


If you are familiar with Dr. Jain’s work you will know the importance of understanding what he calls the AXIS. If you are not familiar than I encourage you to carefully read the introduction and understand how to use the AXIS.


In my own (modest) practice, I have used the AXIS approach repeatedly to good effect. I find it reliable and a great way to really get focused into a few remedies to differentiate between. The AXIS is also a good way to eliminate remedies very quickly.


In this latest publication, I especially like the Keyword and Rule Out sections. The Keyword section helps provide instant focus on each remedy and allows you to quickly assess the remedy you are considering. As an example, take the Keyword for Aethusa which is Excess, Knowing this quickly enables you to evaluate whether, in your little patient, ‘excess’ applies.


As another example, if your child is a show-off (or boaster) in front of you, this can be a valuable confirmation of the remedy Veratrum album as seen in the Keyword entry for this remedy.


The Rule Out sections are very useful and it also helps you remove or eliminate remedies from your consideration (when applicable).


Dr. Jain often portrays each remedy at different levels of a child’s age/ development. This is also very helpful in practice as it gives a good grasp of the remedy at each stage.


There are other useful sections for example the Mind and Physical PQRS which provide quite detailed information about each remedy. The Entry Point is also a recent concept which will prove useful.


I highly commend this work to you. If you are browsing this book at a seminar or in a book shop then do not hesitate to buy – this is the one book with which you can improve your pediatric practice! If you have already purchased this book then accept my congratulations on a wise purchase.


David Witko

DiHom RSHom (Hon) UK

Creator of the CARA and ISIS software systems



Finding the right simillimum is the greatest challenge for every homoeopath and when it is the case of our little patients then it is an uphill task because Pediatric case taking is always very difficult as the child cannot answer all our questions and whatever parents tell, it’s their judgment or feeling. To understand the child properly one has to keep both eyes and mind open as, first the doctor needs to keenly observe the little one and then correctly interpret his observation and finally confirm it from the parents.


Exclusive Pediatric Materia Medica were very few and that too with very few remedies. Minimal amount of information about children is found in our hundreds of Materia Medicas and to search those three-four relevant pediatric information (symptoms) one has to read hundreds of symptoms.


So, it becomes a very cumbersome task. Hence even after reading such exhaustive Materia Medicas, the knowledge related to pediatric remains insufficient.


Even I felt a definite lack of a comprehensive pediatric materia medica.


So, I began writing all the symptoms relevant to pediatrics, trying to extract symptoms of children from existing materia medicas, verifying them in clinical practice, extracting new symptoms from cured cases.


Ultimately, I penned, ‘Essentials of Pediatrics’ in the year 2003 where I explained in brief development and psychology of a child, and my approach to pediatric case taking and materia medica. Thousands of homoeopaths in India and abroad have benefitted with the book. As my understanding about little ones became clearer, case taking and finding the right simillimum became a very easy task. I started enjoying treating kids and felt happy and a contented after curing my little patients. The success of the book helped us to open exclusive pediatric clinics all over India under the brand HomoeoCARE and today we have specialized pediatric clinics all over India treating almost 5000 patients annually.


With the opening of HomoeoCARE, the number of pediatric patients increased and I felt that my current knowledge was not enough. So, I started going deeper to understand the characteristics, temperament, personality and constitution of each remedy. In other words, trying to perceive the essence of each remedy. Hence, I christened the book, ‘Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica’. This book is the result of my perception about our little patients. It contains symptoms from our source books, cured cases in HomoeoCARE clinics and your valuable feedback.


I sincerely hope this book will prove to be a game changer in you clinical practice. This book is an effort to give new insight into handling pediatric cases and is first step for an efficient and effective result. However no effort is complete or successful without the feedback from readers. I urge all readers to please send your feedback and symptoms from cured cases so that we can improve this still further.


Dr. Pravin B. Jain



Numerous people have inspired me to continue my journey for following the path of truth, homoeopathy being the closet for me in this journey.


There have been many ups and down during this journey, some old friends leaving some new joining, and everyone motivating me to follow this difficult journey.


I acknowledge the inspiration of my homoeopathic guru Dr. Prafull Vijayakar for encouraging me to pursue true homoeopathy and his approach has a deep impact on my homoeopathic understanding. The concepts of this book are based on what I have learnt from him. Thanks for instilling confidence in me and many other homoeopaths for practising Hahnemannian homoeopathy.


I acknowledge the contribution of my spiritual guru Dr. Pradeep Jain who has always guided me like a light house in difficult times whenever I was drifting away from the path of truth.


I’m thankful to David Witko who has always guided me to work diligently and honestly for true homoeopathy. I have always eagerly waited for his comments and feedback for any of my homoeopathic work. His constructive feedback has helped me to become more and more perfect.


This book would not have been completed without the active push from my dearest friend Dr. Randeep Nanda who has always given me positive energy. His positivity and constant push has helped me immensely to complete the book. My colleague Dr. Muktinder Singh has contributed immensely towards the better understanding of the remedies. Dr. R. S. Sodhi has helped me technically to complete the book. All three HomoeoCARE directors Dr. Randeep Nanda, Dr. Muktinder Singh and Dr. R. S. Sodhi, have been managing their respective branches at Chandigarh, Ludhiana, and Jallandhar and contributed immensely to the new clinically verified database of symptoms by supplying cured cases from their clinics. Thanks to Dr. Vinod Suri and Dr. Ved Sharma for their contribution of cured cases.


I acknowledge the contribution of my classmate, Dr. Prafull Borkar for giving feedback from time to time to improve my clinical knowledge. I’m also thankful to all my former predictive colleagues for boosting my confidence. Special thanks to Dr. Praveen Kumar, IPS officer who taught me pertinacity and how to be focused on one thing in life.


I’m thankful to my CMPH college teachers Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Kamlesh Mehta, Dr. Devadiga, Dr. Jai Patel, Dr. Nanabhai, Dr. Shukla, Dr. Goel and many others for inspiring me to practice homoeopathy during my early college days. Special thanks to Dr. Rajan Sankaran for those Wednesday video lectures which were truly mesmerizing.


I’m thankful to my homoeopathic colleagues from all over India for sharing their experiences which has improved my clinical knowledge. Dr. Sanjeev Lazar, Dr. Kannan, Dr. Rajesh Sofat, Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar, Dr. Pradeep Garge, Dr. Shreepad Khedekar, Dr. Varsha Pednekar, Dr. Rahul Kolambkar, Dr. Sudhindra, Dr. Sanjay Raut, Dr. Bindu Kohli, Dr. Paras, Dr. Abida, Dr. Dominic, Dr. Wahi and others.


Special Thanks to Dr. Geetu Aggarwal for meticulously and minutely correcting and editing the book. This book is incomplete without her painstaking efforts, working day and night and meeting the deadlines for completing the book. Also thanks to Dr. Misbah Kazi for helping me compile the symptoms from our cured cases.


Thanks to my daughter Nitya, my first ever real encounter with pediatrics, who stimulated me to go into depth of pediatrics. And my son Kalash for teaching me many new remedies. Without these two, I would have never been a pediatric specialist.


Also thanks to my thousands of patients who has given me a chance to learn newer and newer things daily.


Thanks to all my assistants Dr. Poonam Singh, Dr. Nancy Goyal, Dr. Priyanka Singh, Dr.

Kavita Shingrupe, Dr. Manisha Jain, Dr. Vishi, Dr. Sandhya Chhabra, Dr. Subodh Patil, Dr. Daxita Singhvi, Dr. Ansarin, Dr. Gurman, Dr. Isha, Dr. Poonam Singla, Dr. Inderpreet who have helped in my daily practice reducing my burden of handling hundreds of patients and given me some respite so that I can complete the book.


Finally the most important person, my wife Meghna, who is always ready to bear my tantrums and my odd working hours and sacrificing her desires so that I can dedicate my time to my patients. And all my family members – my dad, my mom, my brothers, my sisters–in-law for bearing with me.



Being the follower of Predictive school of thought, I have tried to keep the plan of the book consistent with the generals and innate characteristic concept. Hence, I have included the clinically verified thermals, thirst and sides of most of the commonly used remedies.


The remedies are described under the following headings:







Reaction to stimulus

Physical PQRS

Entry points

Rule out







References have been added for better and clear understanding of the remedy. The extracts have been taken from authenticated Materia Medica books and cases from our HomoeoCARE clinics. These are written in a smaller font.




Under Introduction, I have explained general characteristics about the source of the remedy or doctrine of signature or sphere of action or some very striking features (theme) of the remedy.




Axis represents the essence (or gist) of the general and innate characteristics of a child for quick reference.


The following points are included in it:


  1. SAD (Sociability + Activity + Aggression)

(I have changed the term ‘Destructibility’ used in my first book to ‘Aggressive’ or ‘Non-aggressive’ for better understanding).


  1. Physical Generals (Thermals + Thirst + Side + Constitution).


  1. Behavior (Diligent/Non-diligent + Obedient/Misbehaving).


  1. Important characteristics of the remedy.


  1. Speed of the remedy.


If while prescribing, all the above points included in the axis are considered then, rapid gentle and permanent cure is definite.


  1. SAD axis




Sociability refers to the initial response of a child to a new situation or a new stimulus. This new experience can be anything such as meeting a stranger (guest or doctor), tasting a new food etc. Some children move easily into new settings, taking very little time to join a new group of playmates, while others may observe the scene for a long time before going into a new situation or they simply stay away. We need to observe the ease with which the child accepts and adjusts to changes in his environment and life styles. This is judged by the interaction between the child and the mother, child and the doctor (you), child and a stranger, giving the child a new stimulus.


Approaching children will jump right in while withdrawing children will hold back cautiously until they feel comfortable.


Approaching child


Means the child who is ‘Extroverted’, ‘Easy going’, ‘Uninhibited’.


Whenever a new stimulus is there, the child responds positively to the new stimulus, does not have any inhibitions and adapts very easily to the new stimuli or new environment.


Withdrawing child


Means the child who is ‘Introverted’, ‘Cranky’, ‘Inhibited’. Whenever a new stimulus is there, the child feels internal inhibition to that stimulus responding negatively to it by withdrawing himself from the stimulus.


Such a child takes more than normal time to adapt to the new stimuli or new environment.




Activity is defined as the degree of energy expenditure through movement. It should be viewed as one of the important dimensions in determining temperament. Activity level is apparently inherited (and is also influenced by the child’s environment).


We need to assess the child’s activity level on both the mental and physical plane. The biggest mistake which every homoeopath makes is to judge the activity level by observing the physical activity of the child and taking rubrics (hyperactive or restlessness) from the mind section that leads to failures. There is a possibility that the child is physically inactive but mentally very active and vice versa. Hence, we not only see the physical restlessness of the child but also try to assess the level of mental activity.




Aggressive (Destructibility)


Smashing, ripping, or tearing apart objects are the expressions of aggression. It can be a reaction to anger. This aggressive behavior is often directed at a nearby convenient target, often the source of anger.


An aggressive child will hit, slap, bite, kick, strike others or break toys.


Non-aggressive (Non-destructive)


Anger can also be manifested without motivating destructive behaviour.


Non-aggressive children are more calmer and handle anger situations peacefully. In situations of anger the child mildly ignores the situation or the cause and moves ahead and does not react much.


  1. Thermals – Thirst – Side axis


Thermals [Chilly or Hot]

Thirst [Thirsty or Thirstless]

Side [Right sided or Left sided]

Constitution [Emaciated or obese to tall etc…]




Thermals form one of the most important aspects of prescribing for the man in disease.


Heat is continuously produced in the body as a byproduct of the different chemical reactions in the human metabolism. Heat production in every individual depends upon the basal metabolic rate, muscle activity, amount of epinephrine, nor-epinephrine thyroxin and sympathetic stimulation. All these are different in different individuals depending upon their genetic constitutions (code). Hence those who generate more heat are generally HOT and those who generate less heat are usually CHILLY. So to prescribe for man in disease and not disease in man, that is, to unlock the genetic constitutional simillimum, we need to unlock, how much heat this man is generating (that is, the thermals). Theory of Acutes by Dr. Vijayakar]


Dr. Margret Tyler in her book “Repertorising” gives an example …“after careful examination, now you find out that he (patient) cannot stand heat – whatever his stomach may do; that he is ill if long out in the sun; that he wants a cool room, prefers cold weather and cold climate; that he never goes near the fire; and you noticed when he came in that, though the weather was cold, he was not buttoned up, or thickly clothed. It is not closeness or stuffiness so much that affects him but heat. He is one of Dr. G. Miller’s “predominantly hot-remedy people.” There is an eliminating symptom for you! You know at once, whatever his stomach conditions may be (its particular symptoms might perhaps be equally wellmet by Ars., phos., Nux, Lyc., Nat.-m., or a host of others); but with that temperament, that warm personality, it would be useless for deep and curative work to think of giving him Ars., Phos., Nux., or Sep. he is a hot patient, and these are predominantly cold remedies.


You can strike them at once. For even if one of them, aptly fitting the exact stomach symptoms only, will give temporarily relief to the immediate condition, the patient would relapse again and again. It would not hold. It would act as a palliative and not a curative drug. It might provide a temporary organ-stimulus; it could never be a stimulus to the organism. And here you see well the difference between deep and superficial work – between curative and palliative….”


Hence, when we want to have a deep and effective cure, we have to consider thermals as one of the key prescribing points.


How to assess Thermals?


Thermals means tolerance to heat and cold.


Thermals does not mean aggravation or amelioration from Heat or cold.


So when we have to access the thermals, we should try to access, whether the patient can tolerate heat more or cold more.


Assessing thermals in Children


This has to be determined by assessing how much heat is produced by the child, and how much extra warmth (heat) the child needs. Normally a child feels colder compared to adults. So check for the following points:


Temperature of abdomen.

Temperature of neck.


Desire to need cooler environment.

Position in sleep.


The temperature of the extremities is not to be considered, as they are usually cooler. Also kicking is not to be considered, because it might reflect hyperactivity.


When not to consider Thermals


In hysterical patients.

When it is not very clear from history (ambithermal patients).

Hypersensitive patients who react to smallest changes in temperature.


Thirst – Side – Constitution are self explanatory.


  1. Behaviour axis


Diligence [Diligent or Non diligent]

Behaviour [Obedient or Misbehaving]




Persevering and careful in work; done with careful, steady effort; painstaking. Unremitting attention, usually to a particular task, and connotes enjoyment in the task itself. [Webster’s Dictionary]


This word is coined by Dr. Vijayakar in his book Theory of Acutes.


Following is the excerpts taken from his book


“A human being or any organism as we all know, owes its existence, structure, tolerance, susceptibilities, nature, emotions, immunity, idiosyncrasy etc. etc. to the genetic code present in each an every cellnucleus. How are all these genetic qualities expressed? Every character on the gene is expressed by synthesizing corresponding protein which is directly or indirectly responsible for the exhibition of that particular character. Every protein responsible for green color of iris or say a fair skin or curly hair, or angry nature or a reserved nature etc. is synthesized as per the inherited code. Hence we owe our entire existence, appearance, attitudes, sufferings etc. to the products (proteins) manufactured in this factory ‘the cell’. The nucleus is the manufacturing machinery or plant. The Genes are the workers along with the D.N.A., R.N.A. The success or the failure of this factory rests entirely upon how diligently the workers work for the production.


Their work is to synthesize the protein with care and effort (if the organism has to live). Never mind if one of the character on the genetic code leads to disobedience or avarice or even debauchery.


So diligence does not mean exactly conscientious or anxiety of conscience or industrious etc., it only implies that there is an INNATE quality in the cell to do that thing which it is supposed to do when created. Every creation is created to progress and evolve.


Evolution of man in the universe is synonymous to progress of life and every organism in the universe. Man and every living cell has to work for a living sincerely, and engulf as much knowledge as it can to deal with, to face life with success and finally evolve to a higher state, thus fulfilling the sole object of existence.


Thus Diligent stands for sincere, hard working, steady working, knowledge accumulating person.


How to determine the diligence of a patient? [Dr. Vijayakar]


     If a child or an infant is interested in going after a book or a magazine or paper and pen, trying to write with a pen or pencil in a paper is taken as Conscientious-Diligent.


     If a young boy or a teenager is considered Diligent if and only if, he or she has NEVER to be forced or even asked to study. He/she performs her duty and studies on his own. He/she never takes a leave or bunks off form her school. Wanting to go to school, despite high fever is also diligently-conscientious. Here we have to rule out diligence in a child who insists on going to school for fear of being punished or because of other vested interests.


In a middle aged man who has never taken a leave from his office or service in last 20 years; or a man who insists on going to office not from avarice of getting money nor from fear of the boss, this is a diligent person.


In a lady who works for the family, cooking and doing daily chores despite having pains or suffering from fever. This can safely be taken as ‘Diligent’ provided she’s not doing it because she says “Who else will do it?” or “I’ll get scolding from my in-laws or husband.”




Obedience means doing, or being willing to do, what you have been told to do by someone in authority. It is often associated with submissiveness. Every parent wants their child to be obedient, and hence they are always instructing their child. Obedient children will often comply with the orders of the parents.


The child can be obedient due to any of the following reasons:


Strict parents

Timid child

Conscientious child

Diligent child

Sensitive child

Mild and yielding child

Child has a fear of being rejected or abandoned


Expressions of obedience are


Well-behaved children

Infants when told ‘no’ will stop doing what they are doing.

Toddlers will roam in the clinic but only close to their mother.

Toddlers will keep the toys back in place.

Preschool and school child will not talk much and will sit quietly in the waiting room. If offered chocolates will look at mother and then only accept.




A Misbehaving child is the one who voluntarily or involuntarily misbehaves with others and disturbs them. Following are some of the expressions of misbehaving:


Censorious and critical




Loquacious and gossiping


Obstinate and defiant child




This is a single most important point which describes the remedy in one word. Keyword can also be thought of as the core of the remedy.


Physical makeup of the individual.



Here, I have explained the mind in general of the remedy.


There are also certain symptoms which are relevant only in the case of infants while other for a school going child. Thus, after writing mental generals, I have categorized the mental symptoms into following three groups according to the age.


Infant (0-1year)

Toddler (1-3 years)

Schooling child (Above 3 years)




Every individual (be it a child or an adult) reacts differently even in the same situation and these reactions help in finer differentiation between the similar remedies and finding out the simillimum. In case of children, when their demand is not fulfilled or they are asked to do something against their wishes or they get a scolding from their parents or a low score in exams, all of these can provoke a reaction. Even in the clinic we can incite a reaction by simply staring at the child and gradually increasing it to stern look or reprimanding the child for an imaginary offence; during physical examination of the child.


Different types of reactions are:




Impulsive (expressive either physically or verbally)


    Extrapunitive (directed towards others): Striking, biting, kicking, punching, poking, pulling etc.


    Intrapunitive (directed towards self): head banging, rolling on floor, pulling own hairs, tearing own clothes etc.


    Inhibited (non-expressive kept within oneself; suppresses the anger; withdraws into oneself) may be due to:


Lack of guts; fleeing from offended person or object.


Feels that resistance is futile and it is better to accept the frustrations, conceal anger than to express it and run the risk of punishment or social disapproval.


It is expressed by acting hurt, being sullen, crying, refusing to talk, threatening to run away, feeling sorry for oneself etc.




    Expressing means when the child feels hurt they express their feelings by crying loudly.


    Non-expressing means when the child feels hurt and suppresses their feelings, sulks. It can be manifested by loss of interest in things which the child previously enjoyed doing, sullen behavior, loss of appetite, refusing to play or talk, sleepiness or sleeplessness, fearful dreams etc.



I have tried to explain physical generals and some important particular symptoms of the remedy.



It refers to the vital pointers of the remedy guiding our path of thinking process towards the remedy or group of remedies. REMEMBER never prescribe a remedy on the basis of entry points but take into consideration other points written under Axis also.



It refers to those symptoms on the basis of which the remedy is striked out. For example, Lachesis can never be prescribed to a chilly patient or Natrum mur to an extroverted person or Pulsatilla to a thirsty person.


And if there is a situation where you prescribe a remedy in spite of it being ruled out, have a close look at the follow-up and in case there is suppression or symptoms against Hering’s law, change the remedy.


I have written mental, physical and particular symptoms of the remedy in fever.



Aggravations and amelioration of the remedy are explained separately under the respected headings.


I have tried my level best to bring out the minute differences between two closely related remedies so that we can easily decide upon the best simillimum for our patients. The comparisons are written in the remedy that comes first in alphabetical order. For example difference between

Phosphorus and Pulsatilla is written under Phosphorus; differences between Arsenicum album and Phosphorus is written under Arsenicum album.



Abrotanum is a flowering plant. It is used mainly as an antiseptic, insect repellant, etc. The volatile oil in the leaves is responsible for the strong, sharp scent that repels moths and other insects. Similar is the Abrotanum child who repels anyone who comes close to him. Hence, it is a touch me not remedy.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy



Think of Abrotanum when complaints shift from one organ to another. For example, the patient complains of diarrhoea and suddenly the diarrhoea stops (even with homeopathic medicines) and rheumatic pains start. Give Abrotanum 200 and the diarrhoea should start again. Or when the inflammatory conditions disappear and pain starts. For example, pharyngitis stops and neck pain starts. [Vijayakar]


Old looking infants or children with wrinkles on the face and blue rings around the eyes.

Emaciation of the legs with bloated abdomen; emaciation starts from the lower limbs.

Infant cannot hold up the head due to weakness of the neck.


  • Cross, irritable, ill-natured and violent. Exceedingly peevish, feels as if she would like to do something cruel. No humanity.
  • Feebleness and dullness of mind. Thinking difficult; loss of comprehension. No capacity of thinking as if all bodily and mental power gone. Easily fatigued by conversation or mental effort.
  • Doesn’t want to be touched or handled (Cina, Natrum mur, Sepia).


  • “Syco-Syphilitic” disease conditions after suppressed discharges like diarrhoea, etc.
  • Cannot hold up the head.
  • Bloated abdomen with distended veins on the forehead.
  • Hydrocele in infants.
  • Oozing of blood or moisture from the umbilicus in newborn infant.

Schooling Child

  • Irritability in the child with marasmus.
  • Cruel, violent, inhuman.
  • Emaciated children with ravenous appetite.
  • Emaciation most marked in lower extremities.
  • Weak in studies.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Touch me not child. He will be cranky and irritable when examined.
  • Anger Extrapunitive.
  • Quarrelsome and violent.

Physical PQRS

  • Always hungry. Inordinate appetite. Eats well but emaciates. • Emaciation

It is the remedy for marasmus in children when the nutrition is affected. Eats well but emaciates. (Iodum , Natrum mur, Sanicula, Tuberculinum). Emaciation is more marked in the lower extremities. (Iodum, Sanicula, Tuberculinum). Emaciation spreading upwards so that the face is last affected. (Opposite of Lycopodium, Natrum mur, Psorinum).

  • The complaints start when the discharge, especially diarrhoea, is suppressed. The child develops rheumatic conditions after suppressed diarrhoea and with Abrotanum, the rheumatism disappears and diarrhoea restarts.

Entry points

When disease suddenly shifts from one system to another.

Excessive growth of hair on the body. (Thuja – hair on unusual parts)

Rule out

If diligent and caring.

If no appetite.

If no exhaustion or emaciation.


Cold air; Wet; Checked secretions (especially diarrhoea); Night; Fog.


Loose stools; Motion.



The parents have to go out for a party in the cold weather and dress their child in a nice party dress. As the child is not sufficiently covered, she is exposed to the cold air. On coming back home, she develops fever and pain in the ear. This pain and fever come on suddenly; the child puts her hand on the ear and screams with pain. Pain is acute, violent and has sudden onset. She is hyperactive, restless and wants to be carried. Her one cheek is red and hot; the other cheek pale and cold.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical  + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Fat (robust) Fast remedy


Strong, healthy, robust constitution.

Sanguine temperament.

Persons leading a sedentary life.

Rosy, chubby, plethoric babies.


  • Anxiety, intense fear. Fear of fright remains. With fear – screams, moans, gnaws fist, bites nails . Timidity after fright. Fear of touch by others passing by.

Dread of impending death. Mortal anxiety recurring from time to time. Lamentable fears of impending death. Fear of some misfortune happening to him. Palpitation of the heart and anxiety, and increased heat of the body, especially in the face. Palpitation of the heart with great anxiety; oppression of the breathing and great weariness in all the limbs; it rises from thence into the head, and she is as if stupefied from flying redness in the face. Inconsolable anxiety and piteous howling, with complaints and reproaches about (often trifling) evils. Piteous, anxious complaints, with cowardly fears, despair, loud whining weeping, bitter complaints and reproaches. [Hahnemann]

  • Restlessness, tossing. Hurry.

He does everything in a hurry, and runs about the house. [Hahnemann]

He cannot remain long at one occupation. Excessive disagreeable restlessness; without occasion for hurrying, he is in the greatest haste, every obstacle that delays his rapid pace is excessively annoying; he knocks against some people who do not get out of his way fast enough, and runs in breathless haste up the steps; this hurried disposition lasted two hours. Restlessness, uninterrupted, unpleasant; he must sit, now stand, now walk; he does not know what is the matter. Excessive restlessness, all movements and actions are performed with great haste and hurry. Impatience, he throws himself anxiously about, and constantly changes his position. Hurried speech. Speaks much and rapidly. [Allen]

  • Clairvoyance. Predicts the time of death.

Lucid (clairvoyant) vision. [Allen]

  • Angry disposition.

He takes every joke in bad part. He is extremely disposed to be cross. He becomes quarrelsome. He makes reproaches. Quarrelsomeness, alternating from hour to hour with silly insanity – he chatters childish nonsense, and is extravagantly merry. [Hahnemann]

Lively power of imagination. [Hahnemann]

Lively memory. Lively imagination. Great activity of mind. He sits buried in thought. [Allen]

Becomes gay and inclined to sing and dance. More gay and excited than usual. [Hahnemann] Loquacity. Exalted spirits. [Allen]

  • Alternating states.

Alternate attacks of opposite states of humour. Sometimes he is quite rational, sometimes he talks nonsense. Sometimes he despairs of his recovery; sometimes he is full of hope. [Hahnemann]

Alternate attacks of opposite moral symptoms. Variable humor, at one time gay, at another dejected. At times he seemed to weep, and at times he sang. [Allen]


  • Ailments from Fear and Fright.

The reason that Aconite is so often the infant’s remedy is the fright that makes the infant sick. As the infant is exposed to the world, the Aconite constitution takes this exposure as shock, hence it is commonly indicated in infants. New-born children with difficulty of breathing after forceps delivery or from a tedious labor; the child is breathless, there is difficulty with the heart and in a few hours fever comes on. Fever and anxiety; the child must be carried.

  • Retention of Urine from shock.

Retention of urine from shock makes it one of our best remedies for retention in the new-born. The infant just born into the world has undergone a shock. At your next visit the nurse says, the child has not passed urine. The functions of that little one are not yet established because of the great shock the little one has gone through. Retention of urine from cold especially in children, with crying and restlessness. The retention of urine in the infant is so commonly an Aconite condition that you will hardly ever need to use any other medicine. [Kent]

  • Summer diarrhoea.

When pure blood is passed and mucus with tenesmus or when a little green mucus is passed by infants with summer troubles, pure blood or grass-green discharges with fever coming on suddenly in bright rosy little ones think of Aconite. Most of the bowel troubles come on from intense heat in the children. The infant takes on inflammation of the liver from the heat and the stool becomes white like milk of putty consistency. The child becomes yellow and screams with pain. Watery diarrhoea in children in hot days; they cry, are restless and sleepless. [Kent]

  • Wants to be carried.


  • Hoarse dry croup and cough; loud labored breathing. Child grasps at the throat every time he coughs.
  • Children put their hand on the affected part.
  • Itching at the anus due to restlessness; worse at night.

Schooling Child

  • Fears to go where there is excitement. Avoids crowd.
  • Least noise, even music is intolerable.
  • Inclind to sing and dance.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger – Extrapunitive. Quarrelsome.

Flares up suddenly with great violence.

A strong disposition to be angry, to be frightened, and to quarrel. [Clarke]

  • Starting when touched or examined.

Physical PQRS

  • Acute , violent and painful. Symptoms appear suddenly, remain for a short while, as of a big storm, which soon blows over.
  • Pains intense and insupportable; tearing, stabbing, cutting; often associated with local numbness or tingling.
  • Hyperesthesia of the special senses.

The slightest noise is intolerable to him. Music is intolerable to her; it goes through every limb; she becomes quite melancholic. Excessive tendency to be startled. [Hahnemann]

  • Excessive restlessness, all movements and actions are performed with great haste and hurry.
  • Craving for bitter drinks.
  • Haemorrhages of bright-red blood when the characteristic mental anxiety is present.
  • Everything tastes bitter except water.

Entry points

Ailments from Fright. Complaints arising suddenly from fright.

Case: A 7 year old child came with fever and had a frightened look on the face. On enquiring into the cause it was found that a day before the child had gone with the parents to see a horror movie. One dose of Aconite cured the fever.

Child who is friendly with doctor but becomes panicky and do not allow the doctor to touch or examine him.

Rule out

If no anxiety.

If no restlessness.

If you see pathological changes or infection in fever.

Fever totality

  • Chill passes through him in waves. Chill or coldness alternating with heat.
  • High fever; dry burning heat; in eyelids , nose , mouth , throat , lungs and palms; must uncover.
  • Sweat drenching , wants to uncover. Sweat on covered parts or affected parts.
  • Ailments from exposure to dry cold winds; sunstroke.
  • During fever the child wants to be carried.
  • Only indicated in inflammatory stages of fever.
  • Thirst for large quantity of cold water.
  • Feet cold as if ice.
  • During fever noise (even music) is intolerable.


Evening, Night; Warm room; Lying on painful side (Belladonna, Heparsulph, Nux vomica); Rising from bed.


Open air (Toothache & cough aggravation); Uncovering (Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Secale-cor, Camphor).



Aethusa cynapium is a frightful poison, having paralyzing effects. The principal use we make of the drug arises from its action on the stomach. It produces a deathly nausea and sickness, with vomiting. In the case of a child the vomit consists of curdled milk, which is often green. After vomiting, the child falls back exhausted and goes to sleep. It awakens hungry, eats and vomits again. The face is pale, and there are dark rings around the eyes. [Farrington]

Improperly fed babies

It takes about two to two and a half hours for a healthy baby’s stomach to transact good wholesome business in digesting the milk taken and it ought to have a rest of half an hour or so. Hence, when the baby cries after three hours of taking feed then he is probably hungry and will be glad to take some more and digest it. Any shorter interval of feeding than that is a bad practice. Every time when the baby cries, the anxious mother puts the baby to the breast or feeds him creating an Aethusa state.


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Aggressive

Hot + Thirstless

Non-diligent + Idiocy

Fast remedy

Milk intolerance (Food allergies, wheat allergies)



In Aethusa anything in excess (more) quantity causes a problem. It can be seen at both mental and physical level.

  • Excess study results in brain fatigue and the child is unable to concentrate on his studies. It is a good remedy for examination funk.
  • Excess food (the child is fed milk more than required) leads to intolerance of milk and the child vomits it.


Children who lack the power to hold their head up with no particular ailment; sometimes they can’t even stand or bear any weight on their limbs.

Expression of great anxiety and pain.

Well-marked linea nasalis.

Children having complaints during dentition and summers.


  • Idiotic children. Idiocy alternates with furor.
  • Restlessness, anxious and crying. As the disease progresses the patient becomes more and more retired in his disposition and more inclined to weep.
  • Love for animals. Sympathetic towards animals.

This is the result of some deep disturbance between the mother and the child, resulting in closing off the emotions and hatred. The love that has gone sour is now directed to animals (as these creatures are incapable of hurting and betraying), who become their closest friends. [Corrie Hiwat]


  • Improperly fed or overfed babies .
  • Vomiting after milk.
  • Profound prostration, the child cannot hold head up.
  • Nibbling appetite. Always hungry. Frequent waking at night (more between 3a.m. to 4 a.m.).
  • Cannot sleep in the dark.
  • Perspiration on least exertion.
  • Toddler
  • Inability to fix attention.
  • Loss of comprehension; as if a barrier between the senses and external objects.
  • Awkwardness, drops things. Schooling Child
  • Weak intellect.

Inability to think or fix attention from over study. [Phatak]

Unable to read after overexertion of mental faculties. Incapacity to think; confused. Cannot retain any idea. [Hering]

  • Examination funk from simple sense of incapacity. Anticipation and fear before examination. (Silicea, Gelsemium).

To a little waif (child without home or friends) in an orphan home who suffered from severe headaches and inability to fix his attention on his lessons I sent single doses of Aethusa at rare intervals, with very great relief. The little boy asked for the medicine himself subsequently on a return of the old symptoms. [Clarke]

  • Reading is difficult. Writing is satisfactory.
  • Timidity appearing in public, (Gelsemium, Ambra grisea, Silicea, Lycopodium) .
  • Loquacity, jesting and witty.
  • Throws things, spits.

Reaction to stimulus

  • Doesn’t want to be examined. Reaction is shrieking.
  • Grief Non-expressing.
  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Physical PQRS

  • Violence is one of the key notes of its action. Violent vomiting, convulsions, pains.
  • Prominent linea nasalis. Herpetic eruptions on the tip of the nose.
  • Intolerance of Milk.

Intolerance of milk in any form. Violent , sudden vomiting of milk as soon as it is swallowed or in large curds. Sleepiness and hunger after vomiting .

  • Nibbling appetite. Always eating. Hungry after vomiting. (Iodum always hungry without vomiting)


  • Violent vomiting
  • Ailments from Milk


  • Weakness
  • Sleepiness
  • Cranky and weeping
  • Hungry

Entry points

Aggravation from milk. The child is unable to digest milk and gets diarrhoea from it.

Especially for children during dentition in hot summer weather; children who cannot bear milk.

Good remedy for mentally slow schooling children, where they cannot concentrate in studies (reading) and have examination funk. The child is confused and cannot think before examination. Cannot think or pay attention to anything.

Rule out

If the child is intelligent.

If disease develops slowly (In Aethusa, the symptoms develop suddenly and after the attack, that is vomiting, child goes into stupor and drowsiness.)

If desire for milk, or can tolerate milk without problems.

Fever Totality

  • Hot + Thirstless + Sleep Overpowering + Suddenness + Vomiting of Milk .
  • Heat of head. Abdomen cold, extremities cold .
  • Body cold and covered with cold sweat.


After eating or drinking; Hot summer weather; Milk; After vomiting; After stool; After spasm; Dentition; 3a.m. to 4a.m.; Evening.


Covering; Open fresh air; Sea shore; Rest; Company; Tight bandage on head.


Baryta carb

See under Baryta carb page no 105.



Sulphur is active and restless in acute but Aethusa is cranky as the suffering increases resembling the picture of Antimonium crud (white coated tongue), Chamomilla, Ipecac.



This fungus contains several toxic compounds, the best known of which is Muscarin. The symptoms of poisoning do not develop at once, usually twelve to fourteen hours elapse before the initial attack.  Agaricus acts as an intoxicant to the brain, producing more vertigo and delirium than alcohol, followed by profound sopor with lowered reflexes. Jerking, twitching, trembling, and itching are strong indications.

The proving bring out four phases of cerebral excitement.

  1. Slight stimulation – shown by increased cheerfulness, courage, loquacity, exalted fancy.
  2. More decided intoxication – great mental excitement and incoherent talking, immoderate gaiety alternates with melancholy. Perception of relative size of objects is lost, takes long steps and jumps over small objects as if they were trunks of trees – a small hole appears as a frightful chasm, a spoonful of water an immense lake. Physical strength is increased, can lift heavy loads. Twitching accompanies all symptoms.
  3. Delirium – Third stage produces condition of furious or raging delirium, screaming, raving, wants to injure himself, etc.
  4. Depression (Fourth stage) – mental depression, languor, indifference, confusion, disinclination to work, etc. We do not get the active cerebral congestion of Belladonna, but a general nervous excitement such as is found in delirium tremens, delirium of fevers, etc. [Boericke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Diagonal symptoms + Thin (slender)

Non diligent + Misbehaving

Fast Remedy


UNCONTROLLED (Judgment is lost; cannot realize the gravity)

It is an intoxicating drink (stronger than alcohol); hence the control of mind over the body is lost. So, we see many symptoms which are uncontrolled:

  • Fear – Control / judgment lost – Fearless, runs about in most dangerous places (Anacardium, Merc sol).
  • Speech – Control / judgment lost – Incoherent talk; reveals secrets (Bovista, Veratrum alb).
  • Thoughts – Control / judgment lost – Makes bold plans (Opium).
  • Strength – Control / judgment lost – Can lift heavy weights (Tungsten, Ferrum, Fluoric acid).


Obstinate children who are slow in learning to walk and talk.

Fair complexion with light hair; skin and muscles relaxed.

Lean, thin.


  • Approaching, Loquacious

Cheerfulness. Cheerful, careless mood. Cheerful mood but without any impulse toward conversation. Extravagant fancy, rapture, prophesying, makes verses. [Hahnemann]

Screaming and raving like mad. Cheerful delirium; the patient sings and talks, but returns no answer when questioned. Great mental excitement. He talks incoherently; passes very rapidly from one subject to another, and soon enters a state of cheerful delirium, with great loquacity. Talking volubly and respectfully, as if to his parents; returning no direct answers when questioned; he alternately sings and is vexed, embraces his companions and kisses their hands. He performs all these actions while affected with a general spasm, more like a trembling than convulsion. Great loquacity, and at the same time strong convulsions of the facial and cervical muscles, especially on the right side, drawing the head down toward the right shoulder. At the same time, movements of flexion and extension alternately in the lower limbs, not preventing locomotion; these cause movements of putting them down and lifting them. He walks for some time in this way, with a great deal of merry, incoherent talk. Bright mood, with absence of care. [Allen]

The natives of Siberia intoxicate themselves with this decoction. Soon after drinking it they become jolly, and are gradually seized with such a fit of gayety that they take to singing, leaping, and reciting before the beauties of the tribe their exploits in war or the chase. Their physical strength is increased. [Allen]

Inclination to make verses and to prophesy. [Clarke]

  • Fearless

Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy; also, frenzy which causes the patient to assail and injure himself, with great exertion of power. He is intoxicated with fearless frenzy; forming bold and revengeful projects. Some run and walk involuntarily in the most dangerous places. Taken in moderation it excites the intellect and inspires cheerfulness and courage. [Allen]

  • Fury

Fury. He becomes so furious that he can hardly be restrained from ripping up his bowels, as he fancies the mushroom had ordered him to do. [Allen]

  • Dullness

Children who cannot remember, make mistakes and are slow in learning.

Children indisposed to perform any kind of mental labor. Weak memory, lazy in school. Cannot do anything new.

The whole mind and sensorium seems to be paralyzed; the patient is sluggish, stupid, at times seems to be delirious; there is confusion of the mind so nearly like delirium that it is not unlike intoxication. A delirium such as is produced by alcohol.

At times the patient is stupid awkward and clumsy; at other times quick and poetical- can run off poetry without effort especially at night (Coffea).

  • Inquisitive and curious

Great interest in weired subjects (UFO, ghost stories, horror stories).

Likes to read horror stories. Makes fantastic (imaginary and bold) stories trying to impress their friends.

  • Awkward. Drops things.


  • Approaching infants, who are always active and cheerful.
  • Startles easily, frightened.
  • Giggling and laughing infant.
  • Falls asleep after feeding.
  • Sleeps badly and wakes up unrefreshing.


  • Milestones delayed.

Toddlers are late in talking and walking. These milestones are delayed. The reason is due to slowly developing mind. (Children are late in learning to talk and walk, thus combining the features of two remedies Natrum mur, which has the symptom late learning to talk and Calcarea carb, which has the symptom late learning to walk. It will be noticed in Calcareacarb that this is due to a defect in bone weakness.) [Kent]

  • Musical intelligence is marked.
  • Learning difficult but learns nursery rhymes easily .
  • Incoherent talk. Stammering.
  • Kisses companions. Clinging at bystanders.
  • Dancing babies. Jumping babies (Thuja, Tarentula).
  • One who is mild and placid becomes self-willed, obstinate and conceited.

Schooling Child

  • Schooling children who complain of vertigo, headache and mental depression after over exertion of mind and prolonged study. For example, a child works hard for his exams, studies day and night and later on becomes lazy, not interested in studies and his memory becomes weak.
  • Very talkative and restless.

Agaricus, like Lachesis, is very loquacious. However, like the bifid tongue of the snake, Lachesis branches out or bifurcates while speaking and thereby keeps the conversation going. Agaricus is very talkative but does not answer your questions. In fact he sings, talks incoherently, changes rapidly from subject to subject but does not answer. Agaricus can make great verses, and sings hilarious and joyous songs. [Humranwala]

Unrestrained,   Uninhibited,        Fearless,     Thoughtless,        Reckless     with Clumsiness. Runs about in dangerous places. Courageous.

  • Reciting his exploits.
  • Expression as of idiocy.

Some patients when going on with their own usual vocation are pretty smart but if you put some new idea before them, something not in the routine of their work, they are perfectly idiotic. This is especially noticeable in the morning. He can’t take in anything new in the morning but he is able to take in new ideas and is bright in the evening like the effect produced by tea and coffee and alcoholic beverages. [Kent]

Children with twitching and easy fainting; nervous girls prior to puberty who have convulsions from being scolded, from excitement and shock; late in mental development. [Kent]

  • Sensitive to being criticized (Gelsemium, Ignatia).
  • Dancing and singing child.
  • Memory weak, cannot remember the right words. Reaction to stimulus
  • Grief Non-expressing.

Physical PQRS

  • Patient suffers from many and diverse symptoms.
  • Speech jerky and indistinct. Speech late and unclear.
  • Symptoms appear diagonally (Right arm and Left leg).
  • Strength increased.

During intoxication they lift and carry the heaviest loads. [Allen]

  • Spasmodic conditions.

Tremors, twitching; involuntary movements while awake, cease when asleep; chorea, from jerking of single muscles to dancing of the whole body.

You will observe this about the Agaricus eyes; as the patient looks at you there is a pendulum like action of the eyes, they go back and forth all the time; they oscillate though he tries his best to fix his look on you. This stops only during sleep; all the motions subside during sleep. [Kent]

  • Spine sensitive to touch; painful at every turn of the body .
  • Drops things.

Clumsy motion of the fingers and hands. In handling things she drops them. Fingers fly open spasmodically while holding things. You will sometimes cure Bridget in the kitchen with Agaricus or Apis when the trouble is that she is continually breaking the dishes by letting them fall. These two remedies are opposites- Agaricus must stay near the fire while Apis she wants to get out of the kitchen. The awkwardness, clumsiness, etc. are both mental and bodily. [Kent]

Entry points

Start thinking of Agaricus, whenever you see a child, whose actions and emotions are uncontrolled leading to boldness, fearlessness, recklessness, loquacity, jumping, singing; where you remark, “How can this child do such daring acts? Doesn’t he have any fears?”

A child who is not so good academically, but is good at learning nursery rhymes.

Singing + Dancing + Violent babies.

A child who is loquacious but does not answer your questions.

Rule out

If there are rhythmic movements and  no jerkiness.

If child is timid.

If the speech is clear.

In Child who is  very good at studies.

If patient has profuse urination.

If the child wakes up refreshing. Fever totality

Rolling of head during fever.


After eating; After moving; Pressure; Cold air, Freezing air; Mental application; Before thunderstorm.


Open air; Warm application; Gentle motion .



Both Agaricus and Hyoscyamus reveal secrets. But in Hyoscyamus it is more because of naivety and loss of controls and in Agaricus judgment is lost, not knowing what should be and what should not be talked.






Allium cepa covers more symptoms of common cold than any other remedy, as the wellknown effect of onions in producing tears would suggest. It will cure a large proportion of cases of cold in the head, but the conditions which most particularly indicate it are: Cough, or cold, or headache < in a warm room, > in open air, < again on returning to warm room. [Clarke]



Hot + Thirsty + Left sided


Specially adapted to phlegmatic patients.

Psoric and allergic constitutions.


  • Afraid that the pain will become intolerable .
  • Inexpressible anxiety turning himself hither and thither full of despair, with severe colic.
  • Dullness of intellect.

Physical PQRS

  • Bland lachrymation and acrid coryza.
  • Voracious appetite with thirst.
  • Allergic to peaches .
  • It is a wonderful medicine for babies with colic. Cutting, rending, tearing pains drawing the poor little thing almost double. He screams with the violent cutting in the lower abdomen. Stitching pains in the abdomen. Colicky pains beginning in the hepatic region and spreading over the whole abdomen worse around the navel; worse when sitting. Wind colic from eating cucumbers and salad.
  • Allium cepa is a wonderful remedy in whooping cough and when it is indicated the child will often have indigestion , vomiting and flatulency; will pass offensive flatus, will double up with colic. Painfulness of larynx in whooping cough. The child shakes and shudders and you can see that he dreads the cough because of the tearing pain in the larynx. Severe laryngeal cough which compels the patient to grasp the larynx; feels as if the cough would tear it. The child will reach up to the larynx and clutch it.
  • Pain in amputated parts.

Fever totality

  • Coldness alternates with heat during catarrh.
  • Heat, with rumbling in the abdomen, coryza and thirst. Flitting heat over whole body and thirst.
  • Sweats easily and copiously.


Evening; Warm room; Wet feet; Spring.


Cold air; Open air.






Aloe-socotrina is one of the oldest and most famous remedies. It is used worldwide as a purgative and forms a leading ingredient in a large number of patent medicines for regulating the bowels and menstrual functions. [Murphy]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided




Usually seen in adults, the main theme of Aloe is to compromise against their wish. It is clear from the proving symptom Merry, self contented; fraternized with the whole world.

In the forenoon, he is disposed to become reconciled, where he would not otherwise have been so. Immediately after a meal, he sat down by himself, without speaking, without any desire for mental or physical exertion; meditating, wrapped up in himself, as after a sickness or a fit of anger, which still gnaws internally, which one cannot express. Nothing can engage his attention, he is averse to and disgusted with everything. From one till after four in the evening, already an opposite condition sets in; he is not at all angered about an accident which otherwise probably would have angered him. Great serenity and good humor. Contented with his station in life; it involuntarily occurs to him, that he is really much better off than many other people. Quiet and serene humor. [Allen]


Weary and broken down constitutions having laxed look and who are easy going.


  • Children, much emotional , chat and laugh. The child is very much enlivened and vivacious, it plays and prattles uncommonly, with much mischievousness and laughter.


Dissatisfied and angry with himself more so when he is constipated or suffers from pain.

  • An easily excitable, angry and revengeful state of mind. Wants to destroy object of wrath. Anthropophobia. Hates people, repels everyone. Hatred and revengeful.
  • Aversion to mental labor. Great disinclination to mental labor , it fatigues.


  • Laughing infants.
  • Sensitive to slightest noise and music. Can’t tolerate musical toys.
  • Starting from noise.
  • Diarrhoea early in the morning. Passes much flatus and small quantity of stool.

Diarrhoea immediately after eating. Mucus in jelly like lumps. Sometimes the Aloe patient before having a stool will expel a teacupful of thick jelly-like mucus which has occupied the lower portion of the rectum.

  • Alternate diarrhoea and constipation .
  • Weakness and prostration after stool.
  • Abdomen distended and flatulent.
  • Desires apples, juices and juicy things.


  • Children much enlivened, chat and laugh; but soon become angry when they suffer from pain, especially abdominal colic. They don’t want anyone near them and get angry. “Hates people, repels everyone”. They are hard to please and cry on the least provocation. During pain everything disgusts them.
  • Easily angered and wants to destroy object of wrath.
  • Trembling from musical toys and other noises.
  • Lack of control of sphincter.

Little ones soon after they begin to walk will drop all over the carpet involuntarily little yellow drops of mucus and feces. The mother sometimes punishes the little ones but they cannot help it. The child cannot hold the stool as it is passed involuntarily. There is a lack of control of the sphincter. This state is not always confined to diarrhoea because sometimes children will go around dropping involuntarily little hard round marble-like pieces of stool.

They do not even know the stool has passed. [Kent]

Feces and urine will pass at the same time; cannot pass one without another. [Lippe]

Schooling Child

Jesting and laughing.

  • The child is very much enlivened and vivacious; he plays and prattles uncommonly, with much mischievousness and laughter. [Allen]
  • Disinclination for mental labor; causes headache with heaviness in the eyes and must close them (Gelsemium).
  • Difficulty in concentration.
  • Aversion to physical and mental labor.
  • Reaction to Stimulus
  • Anger Extrapunitive.
  • Wants to destroy the object of wrath.

Anthropophobia. (Immediately, strong exhibition of will; he quarrels with everyone who contradicts him; it seems as if he would permit himself to be torn in pieces, sooner than give up his will). [Allen]

Physical PQRS

  • Periodic headache which alternates with lumbago .
  • General weakness and weariness.
  • Desire for juicy things, fruits especially apples, salty food.
  • Hungry during diarrhoea .
  • Hard stools pass involuntarily.

A five year old child suffering from most obstinate constipation since birth, had to be forced and held to the stool crying and screaming all the while, being totally unable to pass any feces even after an enema; yet when not trying passes solid pieces in bed without knowing. Cured with Aloe 200. [Nash]

Entry points

Approaching infant but gets scared when a musical toy is played. Hot Phosphorus.

Vegetable Lachesis

Rule out

If rectal complaints either diarrhoea or constipation is absent. If mental concentration is good.

Fever totality

  • Chills, with coryza, in the cold open air; at stool, shivering.
  • Heat in spots, on scalp or face.

Sweat smells strong; offensive on genitals; at night, after drinking.


Early morning; Hot damp weather; Cloudy weather; After eating and drinking; Standing or walking.


Cold water, Cold weather; Discharge of flatus and stool; Tea or stimulants.



Hot, cheerful children, venous congestion, morning diarrhoea drives him out of bed in the early morning, there are times when he puts the feet out from beneath the covers to cool them off, the soles of the feet burn and he uncovers them.









Alumina is a ductile and malleable metal which can be easily rolled into thin sheets or thin wires. Similarly, Alumina children can be easily moulded by their parents. Alumina is a child who loses his identity due to parental pressure. He is basically a left-handed child who has been forced to be right-handed. Hence he loses his identity. Whatever the child does, the parents try to correct him and in the bargain the child loses his identity.


The Alumina child’s identity has been so much suppressed that he doesn’t know who he is anymore. He is so confused because someone has tried to shape him into something that he is not. It is one of the most important remedies for confusion of identity in our Materia Medica. The situation of Alumina may arise as for example from a conflict between parent and child, where the child is not being given an identity. Whatever the child does, they say: “No, not this!” His individuality and identity have been broken down. Whatever the child says is not right – “You are no one, you know nothing!” Then comes despair: “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I am, who I am. I don’t even know what I want, what I want to be. I am so small, so timid and completely dependent on the parent.” Sometimes the parental control is so strong that the child loses his identity and becomes impulsive, for example he may grab someone’s hand, or has impulsive acts of violence. This shows the impulsiveness, the destructiveness, irresolution, timidity and fear. Alumina might be a good remedy for lefthanded children who have been forced to write with their right hand. They are forced to lose their identity and become confused as to whether they are left-handed or right-handed. When you force a child to be something other than what he naturally is, you encourage the Alumina situation. [Sankaran]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hypoactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided or Crosswise (Left upper – Right lower) +

Emaciated (with big belly)

Diligent + Obedient

Weak will Slow Remedy



  • Mind

Impressions reach the mind with a marked degree of slowness. Time passes too slowly.

Confusion of mind.

Low Intellect.

Inept for Mathematics.

Mistakes in writing and speaking.

  • Body

No desire for and no ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation.

Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool requires great straining.

A prick on the extremities is not felt until a second or so afterwards.


Delicate children having dark complexion who are given artificial baby foods or are bottle fed.

Big bellied children.


  • Moulded; History of domination

Case: Dhwani, a 7 year old child, was sitting next to her mother though there were many toys in the waiting room. When we invited her to play with the toys, she started removing one toy, played with it and then kept it back. Then she went on to play with the second toy. Her mother said, “Dhwani is very fastidious and she also cleans her study table. If she spills water while eating, she will clean it immediately”. However on interrogation it was found that Dhwani’s mother was a perfectionist and wanted Dhwani to abide by table manners while eating. She would scold her if she spilled food on the table while eating. So, Dhwani developed an attitude of fastidiousness but in true sense she was not fastidious as her books in the school bag were never kept properly. Dhwani’s mother complained that she takes a lot of time to eat food and is very slow in activities. She is average in studies and very weak in Mathematics. When asked to draw, she asked for a book to draw from and copied from that book. (Book was of ABC with explanation like c for carrot, f for fish, h for house, i for ice, etc) Inference from Drawing of Dhwani:

  1. No clear ideas.
  2. Drawings were very small.
  3. Mistakes while drawing (She drew three houses which were wrong and then finally one which was correct).

Case: A mild, soft spoken religious girl who is very creative and always got first rank in creative works and singing. She wanted to pursue PhD studies in Punjabi but was forced to take medical stream against her will due to parental pressure. This changed her personality totally. Now she has become dull, no interest in studies, lack of confidence, fear that she can’t do anything as her brother and parents say she can’t do anything. She says “My concentration is reduced, when others say that you can’t do this, then I feel yes I can’t do this.” She is totally demoralised.

  • Withdrawing

The Alumina child is cranky and low spirited. It is very similar to

Pulsatilla. Crankiness is more in the morning on waking. Peevish.

Everything is viewed in sad light. The boy weeps constantly against his will, for half an hour. Involuntary tears. Conversation aggravates.

  • Sluggishness

Hasty but slow in execution. Internal hastiness but slow in execution, hence makes mistakes in writing and speaking.

Everything is slowed down. The conductivity of the nerves is impaired so that a prick of a pin upon the extremities is not felt until a second or so afterwards. All of his senses are impaired in this way until it really means a benumbing of the consciousness and appears to be a kind of stupefaction of his intellect, a mental sluggishness. Impressions reach his mind with a marked degree of slowness. [Kent]

  • Hyperactive Mentally

The Alumina child is always in a hurry. Hasty and hurried. Time passes too slowly. An hour seems like half a day. Internal hastiness but slowness in execution, hence makes mistakes in writing and speaking.

  • Intellect

Weak; confusion of intellect; loss of memory. Makes mistakes in writing and speaking; uses words not intended. Inept for Mathematics and calculations .

  • Timidity alternating with reassurance.

Most of the time Alumina is a very timid person but on facing trouble they are very reassuring. They are very sure of what they are doing.

Case: A lady came with hoarseness of voice since three years after her son’s car met with an accident. Her son was very critical and the whole family was completely shaken up and disturbed but at that time she gave all her family members confidence in spite of the fact that she was the most timid person. She reassured them by saying that he would be alright and her prayers would be definitely answered. Finally her son recovered but in the bargain she lost her voice. [Vijayakar]

  • Weak will.
  • Affectionate .
  • Anxiety of conscience .
  • Aversion to music.


  • Wakes up confused and starts crying.
  • Dislikes all those things which a child generally likes such as attraction to red color, music , etc.
  • Infants, who are put on formula food early either due to working parents or due to insufficient milk in the mother, appear weak and malnourished.
  • It is a very common medicine for constipation in infants when you cannot find anything else; the child will strain and strain and make every effort

to press the stool out. On examining the stool is found to be soft and should have been expelled easily .

  • Hair falls out early.
  • Absent perspiration.


  • Does not smile .
  • Aversion to red color .
  • Quiet disposition .
  • Offended easily, takes everything in bad part.
  • The child wakes up confused and wonders where he is . (Aesculus, Lycopodium).
  • Desires indigestible things.
  • Nails have tendency to break.

Schooling child

  • Mentally weak , child can’t recollect and memory is weak.
  • Child is more interested in cramming things (learn-by-heart) than work creatively or intelligently. The brain works slowly like Calcarea carb. Inability for calculations .
  • As soft stool passes with difficulty, so is the delivery of information from the mind. He takes a lot of time to tell or answer even what he knows very well.
  • Makes mistakes in writing and speaking.
  • Lack of Confidence.
  • Weak will. Anybody can influence them. Irresolution.
  • They are obedient and yielding but intellectually weak. Mathematics is the most difficult subject for them.
  • Blood, pointed objects. Cannot look at blood.

She cannot see blood or a knife without horrible thoughts pressing in upon her, as if she should, e. g., commit suicide; though she has the greatest horror of it. [Hahnemann]

  • Child gets tired and bored easily. Wants to lie down after little exertion.

Reaction to stimulus

  • Gets confused. Unable to think in difficult situations as if paralysed.
  • Hopelessness and despair.

Physical PQRS

  • Constipation; has to strain even for soft stools.
  • Urine slow to start and slow to flow.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Paralytic weakness of the vocal cords.
  • Craving for indigestible things like Chalk, Starch, Charcoal, dry rice, and other unnatural and indigestible substances (Cicuta, Psorinum).
  • Aversion and aggravation from eating potatoes . • Dryness
  • Absence of sweat. Sweat rare and scanty.
  • Dryness of skin and mucous membranes .
  • Nails have tendency to break when cut.

Entry points

Obedient, mild, timid and quiet children.

Soft stool yet there is constipation.

Obedient like Carcinosin but not as intelligent and creative like Carcinosin.

Rule out

If no straining for stools.

If perspiration is profuse.

If mentally sharp.

If confidence is good.

Fever totality

  • Chilliness better by open air.


Full moon, New moon; Eating potatoes; Cold air during winter; Warmth of room;  Warmth of bed (though chilly); On waking.


While eating; Summer weather; Warm drinks.


Calcarea carb

Calcarea carb comes very close to Alumina when you see a child who is slow in doing their work and for whom mathematics is the most difficult subject. But Alumina has dry skin and no perspiration whereas Calcarea carb has profuse perspiration.






Chilly + Thirsty (Thirstless during fever) Non-diligent + Obedient


  • Ailments from grief (After Ignatia)

Absent – Minded

Impossible to concentrate



  • Fear something will happen.
  • Serious and sits silent.
  • Talks in sleep.

Physical PQRS

  • Marked aversion to motion and exertion.
  • Amelioration from pressure.
  • Symptoms are worse after eating.
  • General emaciation.
  • Aversion to potatoes and warm food .
  • Standing is the worst position (Sulphur).
  • Inclination to lie down after exertion.
  • Paralysis of lower extremities.




Young modern society girls (approaching), who after the loss of a near and dear one go into a state of shock and introversion. They start withdrawing from the society and do not like presence of strangers. Hence, they become shy, nervous and timid.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + One sided

Non-diligent + Obedient



Embarrassed manner in society; bashful. [Clarke]

One thing running through this remedy is that the presence of other persons aggravates the symptoms; also the marked aggravation from conversation. A woman when attended by a nurse is unable to have a stool without sending the nurse into another room. In spite of much straining she can do nothing unless alone. It is said that in Natrum mur the patient cannot urinate in the presence of other persons. The urine will not start when anyone is around. That is a sort of general feature of this remedy. Confusion of mind and embarrassment in the presence of other persons. Embarrassment in company. As soon as he goes into company there is flushing, trembling, nervous excitement and the thoughts vanish. [Kent]


Suitable to thin, scrawny, excitable, nervous and hysterical children. Flitting, flighty talking young modern society girls.


  • Bashful, blushes easily. Embarrassment. Aggravated by presence of strangers. Cannot pass urine or stool in front of others.
  • Conversation aggravates; aversion.

Is irritated by speaking, has shaking and trembling all through the body, especially in the lower extremities, and must remain for some time alone, in order to rest. [Hahnemann]

  • Aversion to laugh and smiling faces.

Repugnance to laughter and conversation. [Clarke]

  • Jumping from one subject to another, never waiting to have first question answered.

Excited; she spoke unusually much (loquacious), was very much exhausted thereby. Unusually long excitement. [Hahnemann]

  • Music aggravation.

Restless all day, with tightness of the chest. Disposition restless and excited. [Hahnemann]

  • Hurried, Impatient.

Hurriedness in intellectual occupations. Irritable humour, as if weak in nerves and impatient. [Hahnemann]

Hastiness and nervous excitement when talking. [Clarke]


  • Fear of people approaching him, infant cannot bear anyone go near him.


  • Children talking in sleep.
  • Child coughs at the sight of strangers.

Schooling Child

  • Embarrassed bashful children.
  • Memory impaired; slow comprehension.

Bad memory; the thinking power is very feeble; he must read everything three or four times over, and even then cannot take it in. He cannot think of anything properly; he is as if stupid. [Hahnemann]

  • Inept for Mathematics and calculation.
  • Inferiority complex.
  • Not accepting any change. Usually fall sick on starting of the new academic year when the class changes.

Reaction to Stimulus

Physical PQRS

  • Symptoms suddenly change places.
  • Weakness of upper parts of the body with trembling of lower part.
  • Nervous affections; twitches and jerks.

Unless there are some nervous symptoms present in the case, you can hardly expect it to do good service. Ambra grisea affects the cerebro-spinal nervous system, causing spasmodic symptoms here and there over the body. [Farrington]

  • One sided symptoms.

Entry points

Embarrassment, bashful.

Child cannot pass stool or urine in presence of others.

Rule out

If desires company especially presence of strangers. If child is smiling and laughing.

Fever totality

  • Frequent flushes of heat at short intervals.
  • Sweat on slightest exertion especially on abdomen and thighs.


Music; Presence of others; Embarrassment; Agitation; Worry; Thinking of worries; Overlifting; From any unusual thing; Morning; Warmth; Warm milk.


Slow motion in open air; Lying on painful parts; Cold drinks.


Natrum mur

But while concentration of the mind is difficult, he is compelled to sit and dwell upon the most disagreeable things that force themselves upon him and he cannot get rid of them. It is somewhat analogous to Natrum mur but the peculiar feature of Natrum mur is that she delights to dwell upon past unpleasant occurrences and lies awake at night thinking about them. Ambra grisea is forced to dwell upon such things. [Kent]





Ammonium carb is the combination of Natrum mur and Nux vomica. They get easily angered from contradiction (like Nux vomica, whereas the positivity of Nux vomica is lacking in Ammonium carb) but will not express anger (like Natrum mur). Hence, the Ammonium carb child harbors a lot of bitterness and resentment inside.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical or Hypoactive + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right Sided + Obese (robust)

Non-diligent + Misbehaving



The Ammonium carb child harbors a lot of bitterness and resentment inside. They always think of the bad things others have done to them and express this by being malicious, censorious and abusive.


Extremely robust children but poor learners.

Children who take cold easily.

Fat patients with weak heart, wheezing and suffocative feeling.

Lazy and indolent.


  • Spoiled children. Disobedience, obstinacy. Lack of docility, easily takes offence.
  • Abusive, censorious, cursing, hatred, malicious, anger from contradiction.

Case: A female aged 15 years was very shy, quiet and does not make eye contact. She was not answering questions. Her mother said, “She is very quiet, doesn’t talk much even with us. If I give her some work, she won’t do it, so I hit her then she gets angry and won’t talk to me for two to three days” (Hatred towards those who have offended her). She is very scared of the dark, being alone and cannot sleep alone. Stage-fright; starts shivering, feels as if someone will point out her mistake. Her dad slapped her when she failed twice in tenth standard, then onwards she talks very less with her dad (hatred towards him).

  • Uncleanliness in bodily habits. Great aversion to water. (Antimonium crud, Sulphur) Aversion to washing in children. Does not like to play in water. Cannot bear to touch water.
  • Lack of self confidence, self contempt. Cowardice.
  • Tendency to make mistakes in speaking, writing and calculating.
  • Aversion to family members; females; to certain persons .
  • Restlessness drives him from place to place. Desire to travel.


  • Aversion to bathing; cannot touch water.
  • Snuffles of infants. Stopping of nose mostly at night , must breath through the mouth , loses breath when falling asleep . (Hepar sulph, Nux vomica, Sambucus, Lycopodium)
  • Falls asleep after feeding.
  • Very hungry but small quantity satisfies.


  • Good at learning nursery rhymes.
  • Uncleanliness; remains untidy.
  • Aversion to water; doesn’t like to play in water.
  • Desire to travel.
  • Fear of dark; cannot sleep alone.

Schooling Child

  • Children of hateful, vindictive nature; unfriendly.
  • Anger from contradiction .

Hatred is the key for Ammonium carb patients. The situation is typical when the parents are strict and try to advise the child what is good for her and what is not. But the child develops a kind of bitterness inside and Hatred in the relationship with parents. Slowly this hatred develops into Defiance and the child does not listen to the parents and does the exact opposite of what is told to her. Finally the child develops complete aversion to the parents and other family members and is always in search of an opportunity to go out and be with friends. Likes the company of friends more than family members.

Case: When the child’s mother would give her some work to do, she would not do it.Then her mother would beat her, so she would feel bad and start crying. She would then not talk to her mother for two to three days.

Rubric: Hatred towards those who have offended him.

  • Lack of self confidence. Stage fright. Starts shivering. Feels as if someone will point out something and then I will forget the words.
  • Tendency to make mistakes in speaking, writing and calculating; but good at verses.
  • Aversion to exercise.

The Ammonium carb child always compares her situation with others and is envious of her friends as she feels they get more love and affection from their parents than her and harbors resentment about this. 11 year old Miss P always complains that her parents don’t have time for her. All her friends go for movies while her parents don’t allow it. So she feels bad. “My friends’ fathers talk to their daughters then why not mine?”

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Inhibited.

They express the anger inside by being rude, cursing, swearing or criticizing. But often the anger is held inside and is only expressed by surliness, obstinate silence, contrary behavior or biting sarcasm.” [Scholten]

  • Shrieking in anger.

Physical PQRS

  • Dyspnoea; stoppage of the nose at night with long – continued coryza.
  • Craving for sugar, sweets, chocolates.
  • Acrid, hot and adherent secretions. Entry points


Strict parents and the reaction is disobedience, misbehaviour, contrariness and hatred towards parents.

Rule out

If the child shows affection towards parents.

If the child likes to play in water.

If the child does not like sweets or sugar.

If the child is neat and clean or fastidious.

Fever totality

  • Burning heat with thirst.


Cold, wet weather, raw cold open air; Wet poultices; From washing;     3 a.m. to 4 a.m.; Charcoal fumes.


Lying on abdomen (Acetic acid); External pressure; Warmth; Dry weather.

Comparison Natrum mur



Anacardium Orientale is the marking nut found in the sub-Himalayan and tropical parts of India. Parts used are fruit, gum and oil. This nut has externally an oil which is strong, black, acute, caustic and bad but the heart of the nut is sweet. It is what we call malicious but with a good heart. Having in mind this description of the marking nut we come to the central idea of

Anacardium which is the idea of separation. [Vassillis Ghegas – Links]

The situation of Anacardium is that of a kind of child abuse. Over strict parents impose all their desires on the child and do not allow him to think or do anything on his own. He cannot take his own decisions, to the extent that he is not allowed even to decide what clothes he should wear. If he starts taking his own decisions or does not live up to the expectations placed upon him, he will be punished cruelly. [Sankaran]

Case: A 7 year old child was having a poor memory, but his strict parents had a lot of expectations from him. (When he fails in the examination, he is severely punished. Anacardium reacts by becoming shameless while Ignatia will feel bad and suffer from fever). He will now not listen to his parents or teachers and become ill-natured. He develops hatred towards his parents, will do exactly opposite of what is told to him. No feeling towards parents. If the parent is ill and asks him not to make noise, he will make double the noise just to trouble them. Occasionally, he shows caring attitude towards grand parents who show affection towards him, but shows scant regard towards parents, never obeying them, even hit back. A typical “Unsocial” child. He is hyperactive, runs here and there, but is not cautious so gets himself hurt frequently while walking and running. However the mental faculty is so perverted that he does not feel any pain in the injured part.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving



  • TWO WILLS – Good at one point and bad at another point (Angel and Devil)

Case: The key to identify an Anacardium is whenever you see a two sided image in the same patient. An 8 year old child was seen behaving very nicely in the clinic, but his parents complained that he is very different. They were puzzled as how this boy was behaving nicely today. The parents complained that the child was disobedient, always troubled others, never listened and was not interested in studies. But in clinic the child was behaving exactly opposite.


Ill-natured, hard-hearted, cruel, profane, cursing and swearing, neurotic, suspicious [Phatak].


Neurasthenic patients.

Ill-natured children.

Sensitive, nervous and hysterical females.

Mild and good looking person confessing cruel thoughts.


  • He is under the control of two wills.

Case: A child sitting outside in the reception, waiting for his turn, was siting quitely and patiently. When called in the play room, was very scared of the ghost. He did not pick up a single toy until asked. Even while leaving he kept the toys in place (Image of a good boy); while mother describes him as a bad boy, a very mischievous child. He hits his elder brother, back answers, and is defiant and stubborn. His teacher says that he steals other children’s pens, pencils, books; eats from others’ tiffin-box. He even robs money (kleptomania). He talks very rudely, hits animals, throws stones and mud on people. He plays pranks with school friends and tells lies to his teacher. When he goes down to play, there are all sorts of complaints about him. This gives a picture of two opposite persons or contradictory states; ‘angel’ and ‘devil’ in the same person. Also there is a history of strict parenthood as his mother hits him if he doesn’t listen to her or plays mischief.

  • Want of self control. The child says that he wants to be a good boy, but does not know why he ends up misbehaving.
  • Misbehaving

Violent anger. Irresistible desire to curse and swear. Cruelty towards animals or people. Hatred, malicious, destructive. Very easily offended, takes everything in bad part. Want of moral feeling. Obstinate and malicious. Ill-natured children. Unfeeling hard hearted. Shrieking, shameless.

He takes everything ill and becomes violent. Passionate and contrary. Extremely passionate at a slight offence, breaking out into violence. Very indifferent and unfeeling; neither agreeable nor disagreeable matters excite his sympathy. [Hahnemann]

Disposition to take everything amiss, to contradict, and to fly into a rage. Frequently screams loudly, as if to call someone; so furious has to be restrained. Want of moral sentiment (wickedness, impiety, hardness of heart, cruelty). Irresistible desire to blaspheme, and to swear. [Clarke]

  • Sexual exploitation at an early age.
  • Impatient and impulsive.
  • Insulting, malicious and revengeful.


  • Shrieking and weeping during fever.
  • Mother says that his mood is unpredictable.
  • Infant wants frequent feeding.


  • Does not understand the difference between right and wrong. Child will touch hot objects again and again, does not learn that it can hurt him. Child does not cry when hurt.
  • Cough from anger.
  • Not learning toilet habits; cannot control his stools and urine.
  • Cruel child who beats his pets violently and loves them at other times (Medorrhinum).
  • Palms sweaty.

Schooling Child

  • Examination funk. Fear of examination.
  • Weakness of memory. Cannot remember names. cannot remember right word. Difficult to fix attention. Thought vanishes while reading or writing.

Great weakness of the memory; he could not find the words he wanted. Great weakness of the memory; he cannot retain anything; everything immediately slips from him. Difficult recollection; nothing remains in his memory; he has a lack of ideas, and loses his subject quickly and without perceiving it. His memory is quite deficient early in the morning, especially as to single names. In the afternoon, there is a diminution of imagination and of memory; he cannot recollect anything. Anacardium enfeebles the understanding. Everything intellectual is hard for him, as in a dearth of ideas. [Hahnemann]

  • Sense of right and wrong abolished

The right and left side of the brain do not interact nor do the punishment centers and reward centers interact before the child takes any step as a response to a stimulus. This person does not understand what is punishable and what is right. The child does not understand what wrong morals are.

A child who used to lift the skirt of girls in school did not stop doing so despite being punished, beaten, and reprimanded by school teachers and parents. He was not obstinate or defiant. Never did he try to argue with his parents that what they said was wrong, that what he was doing was right. He accepted the punishment, agreed upon not doing it again but he did it again. This was something beyond his control. The syphilitic – ‘out of control’ is elaborated here very well. [Vijayakar]

  • Contradictory impulses, laughs at serious things, remaining serious at laughable things.

When occupied with serious things he is obliged to laugh on account of a tickling at the pit of the stomach; when occupied with ludicrous things he is able to refrain from laughter. [Allen]

  • Timidity, bashful. Timidity appearing in public. Stage fright.
  • Inferiority complex. Lack of self-confidence.
  • Fit of nerves in students who don’t know what subject to choose nor what answer to give (Worst of all multiple choice tests).
  • Caring and sensitive.
  • Mercilessly killing insects.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Shrieking and weeping.
  • Anger Extrapunitive .

Offended very easily, takes everything in bad part. Very angry, with CURSING, becomes wild and then it is very difficult for anyone to control him. Parents are ashamed of his behavior.

  • Hatred and Unfeeling .

Intense hatred and anger for people who contradict him. Like Mercury, wants to stab those who contradict him. Want of moral feeling.

  • Shameless .

Case: A 4 ½ year old child would put his hands under his mother’s shirt and touch her nipples. He would not change his behavior despite severe punishment.

  • Irresistible desire to curse and swear .

Tendency to use violent language. Senseless talks. Absence of all moral restraints.

Physical PQRS

  • Eating ameliorates.

Symptoms better after eating. All gone empty sensation, better by eating.

  • Loss of appetite alternating with violent hunger.
  • Great desire for stool which passes away with efforts.
  • Weakening of all special senses, sight, hearing, touch , etc.
  • Hot and warm food aggravates. Entry points

Whenever there are complaints from school but the child is not affected (UNFEELING, HARD HEARTED) by those complaints. You feel,

“Doesn’t the child have any feelings?” “Shameless child”.

Contrasting image, where different family members have different opinion for the same child.

When you see a child who has intense hatred for everything. They hate going to school. They hate the teacher who had scolded him. They hate parents who were strict with them.

A child waking mother to cook meal for him at midnight when sick and then refusing to eat.

Rule out

Diligent child.

If the child is intelligent and good in studies.

Fever totality

  • Easily chilled , ameliorated sunshine.
  • Heat from 4 p.m. till evening passing off after supper.
  • Clammy sweat on palms , especially left.


Motion; Mental work; Empty stomach; Anger; Drafts, open air.


Heat, hot bath; Eating.

Antimony group


  • Withdrawing group. Doesn’t want to be touched at, looks at and spoken to. Reaction will be shrieking.
  • Anger ++
  • Tongue coated white.
  • Overeating aggravates.
  • Dentition difficult
  • Aversion to mother’s milk.
  • Aversion to fruits.



Antimony is most commonly found combined with sulphur in the mineral stibnite. Pure antimony can exist as metallic antimony – the more common form – and as a black powder, known as black or grey antimony. The native ore of tersulphuret of antimony is found in blocks of parallel black needles with an almost metallic luster, and composed of twenty-eight parts of sulphur combined with 100 parts of metallic antimony. [Hahnemann]

Antimony has been known for thousands of years. In addition, the Bible and ancient writings from China, India, and Mexico refer to medicinal uses of antimony preparations. The ancient Egyptians used substances containing antimony as cosmetics and medicines. Even now when employed in minimum doses it is used chiefly for cosmetic purposes where there is tendency to produce rough scaly skin with horny, tender excrescences which are the warts.

Antimonium crud corresponds in a sense to the race of swine, as Arsenic does to horses and Pulsatilla to sheep. [Clarke]

The child who is either fed excessively or put on a solid diet early in life (four months) by an overtly anxious and protective mother causing weakness of the digestive system results in the development of Antimonium crudum state. Being very protective, the mother doesn’t allow anyone to lift the child and gradually this child becomes a typical touch me not’ child. Does not want to be touched; whenever anyone tries to touch the child, he cries immediately. He is exceedingly fretful and peevish. Very sensitive child, the sensitivity is so marked that the child will start crying even if he is looked at.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly (occasionally Hot) + Thirstless + Changing sides (more Left sided)/

Crosswise (Left lower and Right upper) + Obese

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Cranky Sulphur




Irritable and cranky children. Even when you look at them they get cranky. The more you try to console them, the worse they become. Doesn’t want to be disturbed. Angry at every little attention.


Always fat; rather over-weight, usually pale.

Body fat with thin legs; tendency to grow fat.

Tendency to formation of cracks.


  • Glutton .

Antimonium-crud patient is a Gross feeder – a glutton; he eats beyond the capacity of his digestion or without discrimination; therefore the mental and skin symptoms are due to the gastro-intestinal disturbance. [Phatak]

  • Sentimental .

Sentimental means she will preserve old greeting cards or small gifts or even a red ribbon that was tied to a small gift that she received in her childhood. Their sentiments are attached to all of these things. [Vijayakar]


  • Touch me not.
  • Wants to be carried only by mother. Carrying by any other family member is not acceptable. (Hence the repertory says doesn’t want to be carried)

Case: A 10 month old child started crying so loudly when the doctor tried to pick her up that even her mother took time to calm her down. The reaction was out of proportion, that is, when she cries, she holds her breath almost for a minute. On enquiring, her mother said that she is a “CRYING BABY”, very irritable and always clinging to her. She would start crying on looking at strangers or crowd. She would not even go to her father. Basically a “TOUCH ME NOT” child as no one should touch or look at her. Her only problem is she cries a lot. She craves fruits.

  • Sleeps a lot; wakes up , takes breast feed (as if very hungry) and again goes back to sleep. They put on weight and their constitution appears like Calcarea-carb. But the child is more irritable and cranky than Calcareacarb and doesn’t want to be touched by anyone else other than mother. Whenever he is awake he is cranky.
  • Sleepiness after feeding.
  • Child vomits milk in curds after taking feed and refuses to take feed afterwards (reverse of Aethusa; Aethusa wants feed immediately after vomiting).
  • Aversion to bathing.
  • Perspiration cold and profuse. Perspires easily.
  • Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
  • Thick milky white coating of tongue.


  • Toddlers are quick to remember and grasp nursery rhymes. It soothes them.
  • Hyperactive mentally. Physically hypoactive. Clumsy in movements.
  • Child cries if looked at or touched (Antimonium tart, Cina) or washed (Sulphur).
  • Angry at every little attention.
  • Very liable to burst into emotional tears from any emotional stress.
  • Does not want to be carried. (Antimonium tart wants to be carried erect).
  • Seldom restless. [Kent]
  • So busy with oneself that forgets to urinate or defecate, eats only when asked.
  • Stubborn and obstinate.
  • The child has great desire to eat but no strength to do it.

Schooling Child

  • Preschool and schooling children are sensitive and impressionable. They get easily upset and burst into tears from the slightest emotional disturbances.
  • Sentimental and romantic.
  • Makes verses. Good at writing sentimental poetries. Child remembers lyrics of a song more than musical note (Crocus will remember notes more than lyrics).
  • Schooling children who fall in love easily, and gets disappointed because of break-up, becomes sad and sentimental and writes sentimental poetries, worse in moonlight.

Ecstasy and exalted love, with great anxiety about his fate and inclination to shoot himself; worse when walking in the moonlight, and then his conduct is like that of an insane person. [Clarke].

Continual condition of ideal love and ecstatic longing for some ideal female being, which wholly filled his fancy; more when walking in the open pure air than in the room; this symptom disappeared after a few days, his sexual desire apparently diminished at the same time. [Allen].

Over excitable intense nervous hysterical ecstatic young girls and women are overcome by mellow lights such as flow through stained glass windows or the mellow light from the moon in the evening. That is what is meant when it says in the text: “Sentimental mood in the moonlight.” It is a hysterical state a disorderly outburst of the affections such affections as can be aroused only in one who is sick or one who is unbalanced in the general nervous system. [Kent]

  • Dreams of pleasant memories.
  • Fond of junk foods.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Antimonium crud children are very difficult to examine. They will scream even before entering the doctor’s cabin.
  • Starts crying even when you look at them.
  • Grief Non-expressing.
  • Anger Inhibited & Intrapunitive.

Physical PQRS

  • Tongue coated thick white like fur , whitewash or milk.
  • Desires acids , pickles, cucumbers .
  • Cracks at corners of mouth. Crusty nostrils.
  • Eats more than required. Eats beyond his capacity (overeating) to digest and without discrimination. Child falls sick after birthday parties (due to over eating).
  • Nails are deformed and thickened; horny or split nails. Crushed fingernails grow in splits; like warts and with horny spots .
  • Horn-like excrescences and disposition to abnormal organization of the skin.
  • Horny corns on soles of feet; very sensitive when walking.
  • Dislikes washing (Sulphur).
  • Sun aggravation.
  • Profuse exhausting sweat. Entry points

Dirty looking children, who are always on their mother’s arm and cry when you try to examine or touch them.

Withdrawing child but when told to recite a nursery rhyme will happily do it.

Excessive irritability and fretfulness, together with a thickly-coated white tongue, are true guiding symptoms to many forms of disease calling for this remedy. [Boericke]

Rule out

If the child wants consolation.

If the child likes taking a bath. If the tongue is clean.

Fever Totality

  • Tongue coated thick white during fever.
  • Aversion to people during fever.
  • Makes verses.


After heat of sun or fire; Heat of summer; After eating; Cold bath; Vinegar and acids.


Open air; Warm bath; Rest.


Antimonium tart











Arsenic album

The prostration in Antimonium crud is similar to Arsenic alb but Arsenic alb has overwhelming fear of death while Antimonium crud has loathing of life; and so they both part company.

Arsenic alb has overwhelming restlessness while Antimonium crud is seldom restless.

Arsenic alb has an intense thirst but Antimonium crud is thirstless.

So even though both these remedies have excessive exhaustion with continued fever we see they have features dissimilar enough to make them wholly distinct. [Kent]




Antimonium tartaricum or Tartar emetic, as it is also called, is a compound salt of antimony and potash, both of which substances depress the circulation. Hence you will expect to see symptoms due to this cause intensified under Antimonium tartaricum. It causes more weakness of the heart and lungs than does antimony itself. [Farrington]

There is some similarity of symptoms between Antimonium crud and Antimonium tart especially in the mental and digestive sphere. Antimonium tart affects the MUCOUS

MEMBRANES especially of Bronchi and Lungs causing GREAT ACCUMULATION OF

MUCUS with coarse rattling; thereby respiration is impeded and the heart’s action becomes labored; defective oxygenation in the circulation of blood occurs. All these conditions cause cyanosis, depression of vital power. Patient becomes INCREASINGLY WEAK, SWEATS, and BECOMES DROWSY AND RELAXED with LACK OF REACTION. [Phatak]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless (sometimes thirst for sips of cold water) + Left sided /


Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Clinging or carrying ameliorates

Sleepiness + Weakness + Perspiration




Cannot tolerate touch. Doesn’t like anything to touch him. Even the collar of the shirt is unbearable.

You will see this patient sitting up in bed with no clothing around the shoulders or neck and the night-gown wide open in order to breathe. Suffocates if the room is too warm. Also he does not want to be meddled with or bothered. The child when sick doesn’t want to be touched or talked to or looked at. Wants to be let alone. Always in bad humor that is extremely irritable when disturbed. Any disturbance seems to increase the breathing and is an annoyance and makes the patient irritable. [Kent]


Children are weak, pale and dropsical; Hydrogenoid constitutions.

Broken down constitutions as if the child had grown old.

Suited to children with gastric and catarrhal affections.


  • Desire to be carried.

Desires to be carried erect. The child wants to cling on to the mother and sit in her lap. This erect position is the only position in which the child is comfortable and hence will sit in mother’s lap in erect position away from anyone’s attention and contact.

Fear of being alone. Clinging, wants to be held by attendant. Child grasps at the nurse or bystanders.

Desires numerous things which are refused when offered.


  • The infant is always keeping up a pitiful whining and moaning. [Kent]
  • Nursing infants let go the nipple and cry out as if out of breath and seems to be better when held upright and carried about .
  • Child bends backwards with cough.
  • Aversion to milk and it is vomited immediately.

Aversion to milk and every other kind of nourishment, but milk especially makes the patient sick, causing nausea and vomiting. [Kent]

  • Good at day worse at night.
  • Stupid on awakening. Lamenting on waking up.
  • Sleeps with half open eyes .
  • Infant perspires while feeding. Perspiration is more on the face and forehead.
  • Head hot with perspiration.
  • Complaints develop immediately after the child is vaccinated.


  • The child when sick doesn’t want to be touched or talked to or looked at. Wants to be left alone. Will not allow the doctor to feel the pulse.

If the patient is a child we note unwillingness to be looked at or touched, and if you persist in your look it may have convulsions. On awaking from sleep the child seems stupid, and is so excessively irritable that he howls if one simply looks at him. Vertigo is often an accompaniment of the Antimonium tartaricum ailment; this vertigo seems to alternate with drowsiness. [Farrington]

  • On waking the child seems to be stupid, but extremely irritable so that he howls if anyone simply looks at him.
  • The child continuously wishes to be carried erect , unwilling to be looked at or touched.
  • Fear of being alone; Despair of recovery so clings to the attendant.
  • Suppressed eruptions .

We often find Antimonium tartaricum indicated in cases of suppressed eruptions when there result these symptoms of the head. Particularly is it called for when the eruption of scarlatina, measles or variola does not come out properly, or has been repelled; then we have great difficulty in breathing. The face is bluish or purple; the child becomes more and more drowsy and twitches. [Farrington]

Schooling Child

  • Apathetic, drowsy, dull or easily annoyed; wants to be left alone. Peevish; whining and moaning.
  • Fear of being alone. Frightened at every trifle .
  • Desire for acids, sour drinks and apples, which aggravates .

Reaction to Stimulus

  • The child doesn’t want to be examined by the doctor. He will not allow the doctor to feel the pulse; will howl and shriek on attempting to be examined.
  • Anger Extrapunitive .

Biting, spitting, howling, wants to set things on fire.

  • Despair of recovery.

Physical PQRS

  • Excessive weakness, sweats, becomes drowsy and relaxed with lack of reaction.
  • Copious , cold , clammy sweat.
  • Desires apples, fruits and acids which disagree. Aversion to milk.
  • Yawning with many complaints.
  • Biting nails.

Fan like motion of alae nasi.

Tongue coated pasty, thick white with reddened papillae and red edges.

  • Nausea .

Great nausea with all complaints. Similar to Ipecacuanha, but it is less intense than Ipecacuanha and is ameliorated by vomiting. Ipecacuanha nausea is not ameliorated by vomiting and has a clean tongue, whereas Antimonium tart has a white coated tongue.

Entry points

Great accumulation of mucus in the air passages with coarse rattling, but inability to raise it; it seems as if much would be expectorated, but little or nothing comes up.

Rule out

If drowsiness or weakness is absent. If there is no perspiration.

Fever totality

  • Copious , cold , clammy sweat.
  • Marked Drowsiness. Difficult to keep eyes open.
  • Touch me not. Cries when examined.


Damp cold weather; Change of weather; Warmth of room; Lying down at night.


Cold open air; Sitting upright; Expectoration; Lying on right side.


Antimonium crud

See under Antimonium crudum page no 49.


Veratrum album

Veratrum album has more of cold sweat on the forehead while Antimonium tart has more of drowsiness.



The well known effects of a bee sting; burning, stinging, smarting, prickling, lancinating pain with excessive swelling; are the leading symptoms for the selection of this remedy. It acts on CELLULAR TISSUE especially of the eyes, face, throat, ovaries causing edema of the skin and mucus membranes. In the SEROUS MEMBRANES of heart, brain, pleura, etc it produces inflammation with effusion. Various parts are swollen, PUFFED UP; become edematous and of shiny red rosy color. The burning is like hot needles. [Phatak]


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirstless + Right sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving



The toddler is seen to be physically hyperactive, but the activity does not fetch any result. When given a drawing to color, the child will color it half and then proceed to color a new drawing instead of completing the first one. Most of the things (academic activities) are half complete and the child shifts to something new without completing what he has in hands.


Nervous girls who are awkward and let things fall from their hands though they are careful.

Hysterical girls.

Edematous and bag-like swelling under the lower eyelids.


Child is always restless, always wants to keep himself busy. Fruitless activity.

Busy, restless, continually changing his occupation. [Clarke]

Awkward, drops things easily. A child though careful, drops things when handling them.

Awkward, lets things fall and laughs silly at the mishap. [Clarke]

Desire to break things and laugh over it.

  • • Cheerfulness.

In the daytime, he danced with excessive joyousness; performed all his antics singing and dancing; was affability itself; and utterly unable to walk slowly. He laughed at the greatest misfortune, as he would at a comedy. [Allen]


  • Shrieking and screaming without any cause.
  • Startles easily.
  • Constant whining in children.
  • Child nurses by day , refuses at night.
  • Irritable especially when crossed.
  • Stools are intermingling of blood , mucus and food giving it an appearance like tomato sauce.
  • Infants go a long time without passing urine; screeching and carrying the hand to the head; crying out in sleep; kicking off the covers. Strangury. Agony in voiding urine. Retention of urine in nursing infants.
  • Waking with shrieking because the urine burns.


  • Irritability; allowed no one but his mother to come near him.
  • Precocity in recognizing colors and shapes; Can recognize colors, shapes. Understands the difference between same and different.
  • Weeping disposition.

Child weeps easily at the smallest trifling things (like Pulsatilla). Great tearfulness, cannot help crying, weeps day and night without any cause.

  • Child wakes up at night with a start and holds on to the cradle without any cause.
  • Child likes to hide in narrow places at home.

Schooling Child

  • Fault finding.
  • Laughs at his mistakes.
  • Concentration difficult. Cannot concentrate on one subject for long. Flips between different books while reading. Fruitless activity.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Irritability when questioned. Sends the doctor back , says he is not sick.
  • Grief Expressing.
  • Grief Non-expressing
  • The child will sometimes control his emotions, though feeling sad inside but will have expressions of happiness outside.

Physical PQRS

Aggravation touch or pressure; constriction disliked .

  • Edematous swellings. Bag-like swelling under the lower eyelids.
  • Thirstlessness in nearly all complaints , especially dropsical conditions.
  • Ailments right-sided or travel from right to left.

Entry points

Approaching child with urinary complaints.

Approaching child who does not stick to one game, but constantly plays with different games. Cannot concentrate on the game which he is playing.

Approaching child who can recognize shapes, colors early.

Rule out

If jealousy is absent.

If thirsty.

If no awkwardness.

Fever totality

  • Chill; anticipating with dyspnoea, urticaria, desire to uncover; alternating with heat. Thirsty during chill.
  • BURNING HEAT but chilly when moved. Heat of one part with coldness of another. Thirstless during heat stage .
  • Sweat in gushes, partial sweat breaks out and dries frequently.


Warmth; Hot application, hot drinks; 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Covering; Getting wet; Sleeping; Afternoon.


Cold application, bathing; Open air; Uncovering; Pains ameliorated by coughing, walking, or changing position; Sitting erect.



See under Helleborus page no 271.


Natrum mur

Natrum mur is chronic of Apis.



All spider poisons powerfully affect the nervous system (See Tarentula, Mygale, etc).  All symptoms of Aranea are characterized by periodicity, and coldness, and great susceptibility to dampness. [Boericke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive Right sided


  • Nervous
  • Confusion from mental exertion, from eating.
  • Sadness, will not leave bed.
  • Enlarged sensation

Feeling as if parts were enlarged and heavier. Wake up at night with hands feeling twice their natural size.

  • Plays with ropes.

Physical PQRS

  • Exact periodicity .

The most characteristic feature of this drug is the tendency to a periodic recurrence of the symptoms at exactly the same hour. [T.F.Allen]

A case of Parkinsonism was given Aranea diadema on symptoms of exact periodicity at 3:00

p.m. All family members anticipated that now the patient would start screaming. Restlessness used to start exactly at 3:00 p.m. every day.

  • Extreme sensitiveness and nervous excitability. • Coldness

Patient feels cold to the very bones. As if bones are made up of ice. Coldness not relieved by anything. Every damp chills.

  • Hydrogenoid constitution. All symptoms are worse by damp weather or residing in damp conditions.


Dampness; Late in afternoon and at midnight; Cold bathing; During rains.


Tobacco smoke; Open air; Pressure; Summer.


Aranea ixabola



Aranea ixobola is a black cross spider found in Europe and America, and is much larger than Aranea diadema. It is a powerful hunter, and one of its favourite locations is under wooden bridges. [Vermulen]


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive Thirsty


  • Aranea ixabola is combination of Hyoscyamus and Tarentula H. It has inciting, witty and teasing nature of hyoscyamus and physical restlessness of Tarentula.
  • Witty, Teasing.
  • Rudeness, impolite, answers snappishly.
  • Inciting others. Mischievous.
  • Cunning remedy.

Physical PQRS

  • Sensitive to odours, noise.
  • Nervous affections.



The situational Materia Medica of Argentum metallicum is that he has been forced by his parents to perform, to be a performer, to demonstrate his intellect, his skill, his talents, his brain power. The parent expects the child to show the world how talented he is and the child feels this as the condition for acceptance by his parents. Given this kind of expectation, the child tries his best – talks, sings, preaches. Either his intellect is highly developed or he can’t remember, is confused, has loss of mental power. Everything in Argentum metallicum is about mental power. The child is expected to have high mental power and to demonstrate it, show it, express it. Constant need to show by using his mental power, and by speech. [Sankaran]


Approaching (at home) or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Nonaggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Left sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy



Approaching at home or at known places, but withdrawing and haughty in society.

Pure silver is extremely soft. As a result, small amount of another metal is generally added to increase the silver’s hardness and strength. So are all the Argentum met personalities who seem soft and extremely yielding; but this is just an external appearance which they have put up. In reality it is not so. There is actually a dictatorial side underneath wanting to show off; to actually show their abilities. This quality of “showing off” could be very well co-related with the innate property of the silver metal to “shine.” Silver metal reflecting 95 per cent of the light that strikes it, makes it the most lustrous (shiny) of the metals. The Argentum met constitutions but, are able to show off only at home as they have a very low self esteem. There is a sort of restrained haughtiness in them. Though they lack self confidence they try to compensate it by trying to be more polished in their countenance, reserved in expression and refined in manners. Thus they show what they are not.


Suited to thin patients with hollow eyes and pale skin.


Silver does not react chemically with most substances. So is the Argentum met personality who are indisposed to talk in society inspite of having a great inclination to talk; they cannot mingle with others.

  • Anxious about health and nervous, but reserved in expression and attitude.

Trying to compensate their lack of self-confidence with refined manners.

  • Loss of mental power.
  • Time passes slowly.
  • Restless anxiety drives him from place to place.

Restlessness, which forces one to walk quickly. [Clarke]

  • Hurried feeling .

Increased cheerfulness and disposition to talk the whole day (after three hours). [Allen]

Physical PQRS

  • Complaints come on insidiously, lingering, but progressing deeply and penetrating . Pain increases gradually and disappears suddenly.
  • Secretions like boiled starch; or may be thin and at the same time a thick yellow or greenish discharge from mucous membranes.
  • Great hunger even after a full meal.
  • Extreme dryness of mouth, the tongue sticks to the palate.
  • Hoarseness of voice – larynx is also a special center for this drug.
  • It acts on articulations and their components – bones, cartilages and ligaments.

It produces a hypertrophy of cartilages, a thickening of the cartilaginous portions of joints, of the cartilage of the ears and of the nose. Produces cartilaginous growths and tumors; infiltrations. [Kent]

Entry points

Chilly and reserved Argentum nitricum.

Similar to Argentum nitricum – Fear of high places; Fear of narrow places; Fear of crowd; Anticipation; Desires sweets; BUT more reserved, far less impulsive, a kind of restrained haughtiness and chilliness. [Scholten]

Rule out

If complaints appear and disappear fast, or the disease progresses fast.


Towards noon; From riding in a carriage; When touched or pressed upon; From laughing, talking, singing or reading aloud.


In open air; From taking rest; From keeping quiet.



Argentum nitricum children are lively, and talkative. The usual complaint of teachers is that they are very talkative during the lectures, and inattentive. Loquacity changing quickly from subject to subject. “Happy go lucky” child. Greater cheerfulness of disposition and inclination to speak all day. [Hahnemann]

When the exam time comes near, these children develop examination fear and develop physical complaints. A good remedy to be thought of during exam period. Examination funk. These children frequently suffer from digestive disorders especially diarrhoeas. Fear to be late, of exams, of high places. Lack of self confidence. Fear of undertaking anything new.

Apprehension when ready to go to church or opera, bringing on diarrhoea. [Clarke]


Approaching (fear of examination) or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental +


Hot + Thirsty or Thirstless + Left sided + Emaciation

Non Diligent + Misbehaving



Anything which is unknown or has an element of suspense or surprise (toys which spring up) will scare the Argentum nitricum child.


The child looks like a withered old man.

Progressive emaciation. Emaciation progressing every year; most marked in the lower extremities.

Nervous hysterical children. Nervousness seen on face with wide open eyes.


If a time is set, becomes uneasy the day before; is worried and ready long before the time.

  • Anxious and timid. Timidity appearing in public. Cowardice. Fear in crowd, public places.
  • Impulsive and hurried.

Nervous , impulsive and hurried yet timid and anxious. Mind is in tomorrow, body is in today [Vijayakar]. Very fast, hurried so makes mistakes in school (Poetries, alphabets, etc). Fruitless activity. Wants to be busy always.

Anxiety, which makes him walk rapidly. [MM Pura]

Very impulsive; always in a hurry but accomplishes nothing; in continual motion; he walks fast. Hurries restlessly to fulfill engagements, fears to be late when there is plenty of time. [Clarke]

  • Strong desire to be appreciated for performance.
  • Non-diligent but having good image as can manage things well.
  • Indecisive, irresolute.


  • Lean, thin and tall infant.
  • Consolation aggravates.
  • Feeding hastily and hurriedly.
  • Waking confused.
  • Diarrhoea after weaning; stools bright yellow, thin, fetid. Diarrhoea during dentition.
  • Red tip of the tongue.


  • Obstinate child. You just cannot tell him anything to do. He will object to anything you suggest.
  • Consolation aggravates.
  • Hurried. Wants to talk but stammers a lot as he is always in a hurry.
  • Builds air-castles in day and has monstrous dreams at night.
  • Impulsive but apprehensive with loss of control somewhere.

Schooling Child

  • Faltering speech, cannot find the right word.

Dullness of sense, absence of thought, inability to think; he is unable to find suitable words for the ideas; hence he falters in his speech. Weakness of memory; he is unable to think connectedly, and falters in speech. [Allen]

In conversation, forgetting what he wanted to say, he looked around as if expecting someone to help him out. [Hering]

The child will pray many times before going for exams. He has lots of fixed ideas, for example, if a cat crosses his path then he might fail in the exams or he will not perform properly. So while going to school he will pray at every temple he sees on his way. Irrational; does strange things, does foolish things. Hidden, irrational motives for actions. He always has the most singular peculiar reason for what he is doing; Justifies his actions.

A strange thought comes into his mind that if he goes past a certain corner of the street he will create a sensation will fall down and have a fit and to avoid that he will go around the block, he avoids going past that corner for fear he will do something strange. [Kent]

  • Anxiety and anticipation.

Fear before examination, before any event. He thinks that he will not be able to perform and feels that he will fail. Lack of confidence. Stagefright.

When looking forward to something that he is about to do, or that he has promised to do, or in the expectation of things, he is anxious. When about to meet an engagement he is anxious until the time comes. If he is about to take a railroad journey he is anxious, full of fear and anxiety and tremulous nervousness until he is on the car going and then it passes away. If he is about to meet a certain person on the street corner he is anxious and breaks out often in a sweat from anxiety until it is over with. [Kent]

  • Misbehaving child.

Child is very obstinate. He thinks what he does is right and will not listen to suggestions by parents. He gets frustrated when his parents keep on telling him persistently. He feels that the family members are constantly troubling him and starts misbehaving and does things against the wishes of his parents.

  • Non-Diligent.

Will feel that he is sick, and want to remain in bed on the slightest excuse. No real inclination to work or go to school. Not a true anxiety about health. But if the child suffers from fever, he will use this as an excuse for not going to school. He will constantly talk about his complaints to avoid to go to school. (Argentum met is more indicated in anxiety about his own health). However if his parents fall sick then he gets more worried about them. (Argentum nit has anxiety of health of relatives)

Frequently remains in bed on the slightest pretext of being indisposed. [Hering] Does not work, thinking it will do him harm or that he is not able to stand it. [Hering]

  • Deceitful and sly. Liar.
  • Memory weak. Forgetful. Cannot remeber the right words. concetration difficult.
  • Forsaken feeling. Reaction to Stimulus
  • Grief Non-Expressing.
  • Nervousness is seen in the eyes of the Argentum nit child. Very alert on entering the clinic or when you intend to examine him. Holding mother or attendant. Doesn’t want to be examined or touched. Reaction is weeping. He will hold the stethoscope while you examine him.

Physical PQRS

  • Desires sugar which disagrees. Many children eat candies whole day long and then complain of pain in the abdomen or diarrhoea.
  • Emaciation progressive. Progressing each year, most marked in the lower extremities. Spreading upwards.
  • Though Argentum nit is a left sided remedy, but the patient cannot lie on the right side because it brings on palpitation (Alumen , Badiaga , Kalmia , Kali nitricum, Lilium tig, Platina, Spongia).
  • Pains increase and decrease gradually.
  • Profuse discharges.
  • Noisy flatulence.
  • Aggravating desires.

Chilly when uncovered but feels smothered if wrapped up.

Desires sugar which aggravates.

Left sided remedy but cannot lie on right side.

Anxious remedy but no anxiety about his health.

Entry points

An approaching child who doesn’t want to get examined and cries when you force him to be examined. Now when you give him the stethoscope, he takes it, inspects it, and then slowly allows you to examine. So, when you help the child to drop his guard (of anticipation) then you can very easily examine him. You need to reassure him. While reassuring him you cannot go near him, but from a distance and once reassured then you can examine him with ease.

Anxiety in general but no anxiety of health and no anxiety during fever. [Vijayakar]

Rule out

If anticipation is absent. If anticipatory diarrhoea is absent.

If impulsiveness is absent.

If the child can perform in school gatherings.

If the child is slow in work.

If no nervousness while entering the clinic.

Fever totality

  • Chill with nausea. Chilly when uncovered yet smothers when covered.
  • Gets scared when examined.


Cold air , cold food; Sugar; Ice-cream; Warmth; Lying on right side.


Open air; Cold bathing, cold application; Tight bandage; Eructation.





To understand Arnica properly as a whole you must know that it affects the blood vessels. Exactly how it does this, I can hardly tell you, for it is not clearly defined in my own mind; but the results I can tell you. It so affects the walls of the blood-vessels, particularly of the capillaries, that dilatation of the small vessels and extravasation of blood becomes possible. This weakening of the capillary wall, which admits of extravasation of blood, explains the applicability of Arnica to trauma. It also explains the relation of the drug to typhoid conditions. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy

Touch me not (because of fear of pain)

Symmetrical eruptions



Fears touch as feels that anyone approaching him will hurt him.

  • Body

Bed feels too hard. Restless, constantly changing position. Sore lame bruised feeling with or without injury.


Sanguine plethoric children with dark hair and rigid muscle fibre.

Robust, well built.


  • Angry when obliged to answer.

Very cross and reticent, she will not speak a word. [Hahnemann]

Declines to answer any questions. [Clarke]

The Arnica patient is morose, wants to be let alone, does not want to be talked to; does not want to be approached. He does not want to be approached both because he does not wish to enter into conversation, a mental state, and also because he does not wish to be touched on account of the great bodily soreness. [Kent]

  • Sympathy aggravates .
  • Fear of touch, touch aggravates .

You will see the old grand-father sit off in a corner of the room, and if he sees little Johnnie running towards him he will say “Oh, do keep away, keep away!” Give him a dose of Arnica and he will let Johnnie run all over him. He does not want to be touched or approached; He feels that anything that is coming towards him is going to hurt him. He is extremely sensitive, his joints are sore and tender and he is afraid they will be hurt. [Kent]

  • Pain when lying on bed (soft pillows hurts) .
  • Angry, quarrelsome.

He contradicts; is opinionative; no one can please him. Quarrelsome crossness. Cross; he wants to quarrel with everyone. Stiff-necked obstinacy. Surly insolence and imperiousness. [Hahnemann]

  • Talking with air of command but aversion to answer.


  • Soreness of whole body. Infant screams out every time the mother takes hold of legs or arms because of soreness.
  • Head hot, body cold; or heat of upper part of body; also deathly coldness of the forearm in children.
  • Shrieking in sleep.


  • Does not complain because if he complains then parents will come and touch him which he hates. So he prefers to sleep peacefully rather than telling about his complaints. But after some time of lying in the bed he feels uncomfortable and hence changes place constantly.
  • Swelling of mammae in children.
  • Child cries every time he coughs, before a paroxysm begins or after it.

This is due to fear of soreness which the cough causes.

Schooling Child

Distraction of mind, her thoughts stray unobserved from the subject in hand, and diverge into fantasies and pictures of the fancy. [Hahnemann]

He is easily absorbed by reveries while awake. He sits absorbed in a reverie, although he thinks, properly speaking, of nothing. [Allen]

  • Want of memory; he forgets the word he is about to speak .

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Touch me not. Stay away from me.
  • Anger Inhibited.

Physical PQRS

  • Oversensitive to pain, touch.
  • Sore, lame, bruised feeling all over. Bed feels too hard.
  • Offensiveness like that of rotten eggs – discharges, eructation, flatus, etc.
  • Ailments from injuries – physical or mental and their effects – acute or chronic.
  • Great weakness, rapid exhaustion.

Entry points

Good remedy for haemorrhages, after-effects of injuries.

Rule out

No soreness, if patient is lying in bed without changing position. If the child wants touch and massage from mother.

Fever totality

  • Thirst during chill . Must uncover but it chills him. Coldness of part lain on.
  • Chilly with heat and redness of one cheek. Head or face alone hot , body cold.
  • Intermittent , typhoid , septic , traumatic fevers.
  • Typhoid fever, with the greatest indifference; putrid breath; and red spots, like suggilations on the body.


Injuries (falls, blows, BRUISES); Shock; Jarring; Overexertion; Sprains; TOUCH; After sleep; Motion; Damp cold; Coal gas; Lying on left side.


Lying down and lying with head low or outstretched.


Opium has fear of touch but is approaching.


Argentum nitricum avoids being examined due to anticipation.



Arsenic is known as the horse’s remedy. The horse is an animal on whose power of endurance, enormous demands are made and Arsenic is the remedy for the effects of feats of prolonged endurance. The drug acts on muscular tissue both of the limbs and of the breathing apparatus so as to increase its power of endurance. Hence in olden times, the mountaineers would take as much as six grains of white arsenic, every two days thus imparting them a sense of invigoration and enabling them to carry enormous loads up perpendicular mountains. This fact could be taken as the doctrine of signature because Arsenic is suited to conditions arising from climbing mountains or a long journey.

Even in another way the horse typifies the Arsenic temperament.. The horse is a exceedingly nervous animal, constantly moving about, restless to a degree, and very prone to take fright quite a picture of the Arsenic temperament.[Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical & Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty or Thirstless + Right sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving (Verbal censoriousness) Fast remedy



Very peevish and dissatisfied with everything, she finds fault with everything; everything seems to her too strong and loud, all talk, every noise, and all light. Irritated state of the disposition, he vexes himself about trifles and cannot leave off talking about the faults of others. [Hahnemann]


Restless, anxious and very sensitive children.

They are very highly strung, usually finely made, finely built, often with a very fine skin and fine hair; they are delicate-looking children.

Old looking children, who because of unhygienic food, suffer from digestive disorders.


  • Fastidious and sensitive to disorders.
    • peculiar feature that perhaps I have not brought out is the oversensitiveness to the circumstances and surroundings of the room. The Arsenicum patient is an extremely fastidious patient. Hering once described him as “the gold-headed cane patient”. If this is carried out in a woman who is sick in bed, she is in great distress if every picture on the wall does not hang perfectly straight. Those who are sensitive to disorder and confusion and are disturbed and made worse until everything is placed in order have a morbid fastidiousness which has its simillimum in Arsenic. [Kent]
  • Restless, changes place continually, wants to go from one bed to other; children are capricious, want to be carried; want to go from father to mother to nurse. Child better when carried about quickly. Wants to be carried fast (Opposite of Pulsatilla).

He can find no rest in any place, continually changes his position, and wishes to get from one bed into another and to lie, now here now there. Restlessness and tossing about in bed with sadness and unquenchable thirst. Restlessness with pains in the head, in the belly and in the knees. Full of restlessness, the child is cross and whimpers. Restlessness, and hypochondriac anxiety as from constant sitting in a room, as if from the upper part of the chest, without palpitation (at once). [Hahnemann]

  • Anxiety

She cannot fall asleep before midnight on account of anxious heat, for many days. In the evening, after lying down, and at about 3 a.m. (after waking), anxiety. The most intolerable anxiety. Talks little, or complains of anxiety. Death anxiety. Praecordial anxiety, interrupted by the occurrence of fainting. Long-continued anxiety. Anxiety, trembling, and quaking, with cold sweat in the face. When he is alone he falls into thoughts about disease and other things, from which he cannot easily tear himself away. Piteous lamentations, that the most intolerable anxiety, with extremely disagreeable sensation in the whole abdomen, took away his breath and compelled him to curl himself together now here now there, then again to rise up and walk about. In the evening, in bed, anxious sad fancies, e.g. that something bad must have happened to his relatives. [Hahnemann]

  • Clinging; desire to be held. When ill , the child will be anxious of his disease and wants parents to be near him; wants their support and reassurance.
  • Fear of being left alone. Insecurity. Wants company. Fears death.

Great fear of being left alone. Fear of solitude, of spectres and of robbers, with desire to hide oneself. [Clarke]

Her disposition has changed very much since the poisoning (four months ago); her natural cheerfulness was quite banished, she was afraid of solitude and death. [Allen]

He runs through the whole house at night in search of thieves. He imagines that the whole house and the space under the bed, are full of thieves, which causes, from fright, anxious cold sweat to break out over his body. He sees thieves in his room, and therefore hides himself under the bed. [Allen]

  • Will not take risks. Cautious.
  • Sensitive to reprimands, criticism and reproaches.

Children tend to be prim and proper and very concerned about the opinion of others. They are often anxious and overly responsible. Their anxiety prompts truly compulsive school work which may even extend to obsessive behaviour.

Very peevish and sensitive; the least thing insults him and angers him. [Hahnemann]

Indignation, alternating with mildness; in her indignation she looks at nobody, and does not want to hear anything; she also cries. [Allen]

  • Anxiety of conscience.

Continual anguish, like remorse of conscience, as if he had acted in violation of his duty, without knowing in what particular. Dissatisfied all day and extremely vexed at himself; he thought he had not worked enough and reproached himself most bitterly. [Hahnemann] Anxiety of conscience, as if a crime had been committed. Too great sensibility and scrupulousness of conscience, with gloomy ideas, as if one had offended all the world. [Clarke]

  • Self torture.

Disposition to suicide. After midnight, a frequent desire to kill himself, by stabbing his heart through and through. [Allen]

  • Jesting, sarcastic.

Inclined to sarcastic mocking. [Hahnemann]

Inclines to jest in a malicious manner. [Allen]

Caustic and jesting spirit. [Clarke]

  • Desires more than she needs. Child accumulating things, toys, money. Miser.

Her desire is greater than her need; she eats and drinks more than is good for her; she walks further than she need do or can bear. [Hahnemann]


  • Anxious look on the face. Will always cling to the mother and not leave her (Insecurity).
  • Restlessness at night.
  • Infants become uncomfortable if their clothes are spoiled or wet. Get restless when they pass stool or urine in the diaper and are not cleaned immediately.
  • Desires to be carried and rocked when sick. Mother complains that she can neither rest nor do household work when the child is sick. Desire to be carried fast.


  • Clings to the mother (because of fear, anxiety and insecurity).
  • Keeps toys at their proper place after playing. Cannot tolerate simple folds in the bed sheets.
    • small girl will keep her dolls in a most astonishingly tidy condition. Even small boys, whonormally break their toys and leave them lying about on the floor, if of Arsenicum type, will put them away and be distressed, not because the toy is broken but because it is in a mess.

They are upset if they spill jam over themselves and get into a mess, and their distress is out of all proportion to the cause. [Borland]

  • Angry when forced to eat.
  • Cannot stay alone. Aversion to company but fear of being alone.
  • Cannot tolerate pains. Anxiety from pains.
  • Fears ghosts, robbers.
  • Late in color recognition.
  • Biting nails.

Schooling Child

The child will throw off, or will not tolerate any kind of dirt on their clothes. They are very attractive and neatly dressed. Wants everything in perfect order.

  • They have a nice way to put things across the table without undue aggression. [Vijayakar].
  • Generally sit on the edge of the chair, slightly leaning forward, without support of the back of the chair. [Vijayakar]
  • Anxious about their health combined with despair of recovery.

Case: Whenever Kaushik has fever, he will ask whether it is very serious or not, should he go to school or take a leave. He always feels that he will suffer from some illness. He is happy taking leave from the school (Non-diligent).

They are always very nervy, very easily scared, very easily frightened, anything unusual will frighten them, they are afraid of being left alone in the house, afraid of going out alone, terrified of the dark, and they always have a very vivid imagination. They suffer from night terrors, and wake up in the middle of the night terrified, jump out of bed and wander through the house to find somebody to talk to. It is always the feeling of some horrible occurrence hanging over her; very often she does not know what it is and is just terrified. When comforted and consoled, she will quieten down and go to sleep again particularly if taken into the parent’s bed and has somebody near. [Borland]

They may take up a thing, do it for a while, then go on to something else, but they never spend their time doing nothing. [Borland]

  • Censorious and critical. They will always keep on finding faults with others.
  • Always complaining, about their illness.
  • Fruitlessly busy/

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Censorious and critical.
  • They want to be examined and even seek reassurance from the doctor but have an anxious expression on the face during examination.
  • Weeping, tearful. Grief expressing.

Physical PQRS

  • Sudden intense effects .
  • Sudden great weakness, prostration.
  • Desires warm food and drinks.
  • Burning pains better by warmth.
  • Great thirst for small quantities at frequent intervals.
  • Discharges burning, excoriating , offensive, debilitating, thin, watery; generally scanty.
  • Oversensitiveness of all the senses especially to smell and touch.
  • Aversion to meat.
  • Biting nails.

Entry points

Fastidious child. Child who cannot tolerate even little dirt on their clothes. Well combed, well dressed child.

Anxious child keeps on asking many questions about his health. Angry when obliged to answer.

Rule out

Aversion to warm drinks.

No censoriousness. (in school going children) If there is no anxiety.

Fever totality

  • Externally COLD with internal burning heat. Coldness; in spots. Sensitive to cold yet ameliorates in open air. Waves of icy coldness in blood vessels or intense boiling heat.
  • Chills irregular shaking; craves hot drinks during chill; dyspnoea during chill. (Lycopodium)
  • Heat as of hot water in veins; or they burn like lines of fire. High fever, hectic fever. (Rhus tox)
  • Sweat with great thirst, dyspnoea or exhaustion. Sweat cold.
  • Touch me not.
  • In acute condition thirst for ice cold water and for only enough to moisten the mouth or for large quantities and yet it does not quench the thirst.


PERIODICALLY; MIDNIGHT; after midnight; After 2 a.m; 14 days; Yearly; COLD; ICE DRINKS; COLD FOODS; Cold air; Cold and damp; VEGETABLES; Watery fruits; DRINKING LIQUIDS; Infections; Bad meat, food; Eruptions undeveloped or suppressed; Quinine; Lying on affected part; EXERTION; Sea shore.


HOT APPLICATIONS (Dry), FOOD, drinks, warm wraps; Motion; Walking about; LYING with head elevated; Sitting erect; Company; Sweating; Open air.



See under Aconite page no 8.


Antimonium crud

See under Antimonium crud page no 50.



See under Carcinosin page no 179.



See under China page no 196.



See under Phosphorus page no 452.


Secal cor

See under Secal page no 495.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciation

Diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy


  • Restlessness especially at night driving out of bed.
  • Hurry, impatience.
  • Unable to study; study causes headache. Worse from mental exertion.
  • Aversion to answering questions.
  • Oversensitive to noise.
  • Likes to wear bright colors.

Physical PQRS

  • Irritating corrosive discharges. The discharge irritates the membrane from which it flows and over which it flows.
  • Emaciation in children.
  • Glandular swellings.
  • Sensitive to pains. Entry points

Hot and hyperactive Arsenic. Left sided arsenic.

Rule out

If the child is not hyperactive. If not diligent.


Bathing, cold bathing.


Open air.



See under Lycopodium page no 345.



Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided

Diligent + Obedient


  • Intense anxiety and fear .
  • Censorious, critical with dearest friends.
  • Desires more than she needs.
  • Suspicious towards family and friends.

Sensitive to wastage of things. Combination of Arsenic “miser behavior” and Sulphur “rags seems important”, we have Arsenic sulph flavum as someone who will not want to waste paper. They will use both sides of paper for printing. They will reuse paper or other things. Believes in recycling.

  • Dreams regarding safety of family members.
  • H/O Parental Domination. Sulphur Feature
  • Eco-friendly behavior. Will always think and do things so that there is less harm to nature. Will get irritated when see wastage of electricity and water.

Physical PQRS

  • Ameliorated by steam or hot water.
  • Corrosive discharges.
  • Desires warm foods, drinks and juices.

Entry points

Hot Arsenic.

Fastidious Sulphur.

Though some repertories mention Sulphur as fastidious, Kent says Sulphur can never be fastidious. So if you see any Sulphur patient who is fastidious think of Ars-s-f

Rule out

If not organized. If not in hurry.


Afternoon and evening.


Steam or hot water; Lying down.


Carcinosin will be more perfectionist whereas Arsenic sulph flavum will be more organized.




Arum triphyllum has irritating properties that are well marked, excitable and irritable in mind and body. Raw, bloody surfaces appear on lips, on mouth, on nose, etc. With the rawness there is itching. Discharges are acrid, causing painful soreness, rawness and burning of parts. [Murphy]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciation


Fast remedy



  • Mental

Restless and Irritable.

  • Physical

Picking and boring into raw surfaces.


Lean and thin child.


  • Excessively cross stubborn, contrary.

He is excitable and irritable in mind as well as in body. Thus, you see that Arum triphyllum is an exceedingly irritating drug. The child is restless, tosses about, and is cross and sleepless at night. [Farrington]

  • Wants his wish to be fulfilled immediately.


  • Boring and picking the nose until it bleeds.


  • Child puts hand on back of head and cries during headache.
  • Bites himself. Bites fingers.

Schooling Child

  • Children lose their appetite; do not want to play, loose flesh; have headaches.
  • Sighing in children.
  • Contrary behavior.
  • Biting nails.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Irritable, repulsive.
  • Anger Intrapunitive. Bites himself.

Physical PQRS

  • Discharges are acrid causing painful sore rawness and burning of parts.
  • Persistently boring into the nose; or picking at lips , fingers at one spot until it is sore or bleeds , especially in children.
  • Inflammation and irritation in vocal cords caused by overexertion of voice. Throat feels sore and excoriated, painful on clearing or coughing, yet grasps and want to scratch it.

Entry points

Raw surfaces over face and the child still picks on them.

Rule out

Never indicated in psoric conditions.


Exertion of voice; Singing; Talking; Speaking .

Amelioration Warmth.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided

Non-Diligent + Obedient



  • Aurum has self condemnation and Arsenic is censorious and critical. Hence Aurum arsenicum criticies both self and others.

Reproaches himself for having done wrong. Reproaches others for imaginary injury. [Kent]

  • Inclined to criticize and find fault with everybody.
  • Over conscientious.
  • Ailments from grief.
  • Aversion to being spoken to. Indisposed to talk.
  • Non-diligent.

The child neglect studies but still goes to school because he thinks it is his duty (due to aurum element). Hence, Aurum arsenicum appears to be non-diligent but obedient.

  • Easily angered. Anger from contradiction.


Physical PQRS

  • Desires cold drinks and cold milk.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Restlessness mentally but physical exertion aggravates.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Censorious and critical.

Entry points

Anxious Aurum.

Non diligent Aurum.

Rule out

If physical restlessness is seen. (Child is mentally hurried but cannot do physical exertion)

If censoriousness is absent.


Open air; Cold, wet weather; Ascending; Lying; Winter; Touch; Mental and physical exertion


Heat; Summer.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided Diligent


  • Over-conscientious about small matters.
  • Aversion to company.
  • Feels hurried and seems hysterical. Fretful and impatient.

Physical PQRS

  • Increased ravenous appetite.
  • Glandular affections.

Rule out

If not right sided.


Warmth; Exertion; Lying.


Open air; Walking slowly.




The situational Materia Medica of Aurum is a situation in which his survival is dependent on his fulfilling his duty. Aurum is the eldest child of the family and his father is no more. Society will blame him if he does not take charge of his siblings. He raises the family. He is the duty-bound son; his views are very moral and conscientious. Aurum is concerned about how he appears to himself; he always checks whether he has done things right since his survival depends on this. [Sankaran]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided

Diligent + Obedient Auto-immune



Aurum is a very well behaved and responsible child. In the clinic they usually take care of other children who are playing. They will play very cautiously and will never break any toy. After playing, they will keep the toy back from where they took it. They will even instruct others to do the same.

The obedience of Aurum comes from his strong sense of duty. They will sit quietly in the waiting room, prefer reading some book rather than playing. At home, they will do all their work on their own and never trouble parents to do their work.

They always feel that it was their mistake and that they are at fault (In reality this might not be the case).

Case: When Abhiram was 2 years old, his father suffered some injury on the chest and had to undergo few stitches. So when his father used to carry him, his father and mother used to caution Abhiram not to swing his legs as this might hurt him. Now, when Abhiram is 3 years old, he feels that because of him, his father got hurt and feels bad about it (but this was not the case. The parents only cautioned him not to swing his legs).

Feeling of condemnation and utter worthlessness. Self-reproach; selfcriticism. Feels he does everything wrong; thinks has neglected something; his friends, duties.


Dark complexion, black hair and eyes.

Sanguine. Nervous, hysterical. Pining boys.



Hopeless, despondent, and great desire to commit suicide. Every opportunity is sought for self-destruction. Feeling of self-condemnation and utter worthlessness. Profound despondency, with increased blood pressure, with thorough disgust of life, and thoughts of suicide. [Boericke]

Melancholy, with inquietude and desire to die. Suicidal; desperate; inclined to jump off heights; to dash himself into a chair. Sad, feels that all is against her and life is not desirable, and the thought of death alone gives pleasure. Great anguish, which even induces a disposition to suicide, with cramp-like contractions in the abdomen. [Clarke]

Intense hopeless depression; and disgust of life. Weeping, praying and self reproaching from heart disease. Violent hysteria; with desperate actions; thrashes oneself about, etc. Self reproach; self criticism. She does everything wrong; thinks had neglected something; her friends, her duty. [Phatak]

Melancholy; he imagines he is unfit for this world, and longs for death, which he contemplates with internal delight. He feels discouraged and despondent; he imagines he does everything wrong, and cannot succeed in anything. He is dissatisfied with everything; he imagines obstacles everywhere in his way, partly occasioned by adverse fate, partly by himself; this latter makes him morbidly depressed. He feels uneasy and uncertain; he constantly imagines he neglects something, and deserves reproaches in consequence; he appears to carry this uneasiness about him in his mind, and it deprives him of all energy and perseverance. [Allen]

Remorse about his idleness, and yet he cannot work at anything; it drives him out of the house, he must be always moving. [Hahnemann]

  • Solitude desires. Anthropophobia.

He is dejected, and seeks solitude. Unsociable mood. Peevishness, and want of disposition to speak. [Allen]

Constant sulky seriousness and reservedness. [Hahnemann]

  • Angry disposition.

Contrary mood. Some persons excite his extreme antipathy. Choleric and quarrelsome. Excessively disposed to take offense; even the least thing seeming offensive to him, affected him deeply and caused resentment. He gets excited in his thoughts about some absent persons. Peevish and irascible; the least contradiction excites him to the greatest anger. If he is left undisturbed, he sits by himself in a corner, quiet, reserved, as if melancholy; the least contradiction excites him to the most violent anger, which he manifests at first with quarreling and much talking, but afterwards with a few abrupt words. He trembles, when he cannot give way to his anger. He tries his best to quarrel with somebody and to revile him. Passionateness and violence. [Hahnemann]

  • Esteem and Egotism.

He imagines he has forfeited the affections of others, and this grieves him to tears. [Hahnemann]

Frequent weeping. Despondent melancholy, he imagines he cannot succeed in anything. Dejected, and full of melancholy. [Allen]

Religious excitement. [Allen]


  • Fear least noise. Oversensitive to noise but better by music.


  • Child sobs in his sleep without waking up, and apparently without having been distressed the night before.
  • Asks constant rapid questions without waiting for an answer.
  • Bashful .
  • Aversion to being approached by persons.

Schooling Child

  • They are less talkative, more responsible. When the teacher assigns to them some work or duty, they will become very serious and make all the efforts to do it; will not take it lightly, rather make a point to do it. Performance oriented. Industrious. Ambitious. Wants to be best. They are usually made monitors in the class. Laughing and having fun is difficult.
  • If anything wrong happens while doing their duties, they will blame themselves and will give self punishment to hurt themselves. Anxiety of conscience. Feels he has neglected his duty.
  • Reserved and alone; no friends or just a few superficial acquaintances.
  • Cannot tolerate contradiction. Dictatorial and dominating.
  • Has lot of faith in God and in case of crisis will pray to God.
  • Fidgetiness, as if something dreadful is going to happen. Uneasy, hurried , great desire for mental and physical activity.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Intrapunitive.

Aurums are sensitive about their duties and responsibilities. They are always on guard if they are failing in their duties. Reaction to this sensitivity is self condemnation, self reproach and self criticism. Feels he has done wrong, think he has neglected his duties.

  • Grief Expressing.

Aurum children are frightfully sensitive to any disappointment; they will grieve over it for days, quite out of all proportion to the normal child’s reaction. [Borland]

  • Self reproach and self destruction.

Physical PQRS

  • Very sensitive to noise and have a very acute sense of taste and smell.

Oversensitive to music, pains.

  • Induration and Hypertrophy . Hypertrophied tonsils.

Hypertrophied adenoids.

  • Intense, deep-seated boring pains aggravated at night.
  • Caries of bones, especially nasal, palatine and mastoid, with deep ulceration and horribly offensive discharges.
  • Circulation

All the blood seems to rush from the head to the lower limbs.

Orgasms as if blood were boiling in all the veins.

Erratic ebullitions.

Venous congestion – more to head and chest.

Entry points

Strong sense of responsibility.        Disciplined child.

Rule out

Child is talkative in school.

Child expresses anger on others.

Non diligent.

If no anger.

If no self esteem. Fever totality

Painfully sensitive to cold; shivering in bed. Cold and damp all over.


Emotions – Depressing; Mental exertion; Cold weather; Cloudy weather; Winter; Night (sunset to sunrise); Mercury.


Cool open air; Cold bathing; Becoming warm; Music; Walking; Moonlight.




Hot + Thirsty Diligent + Obedient


  • Sensitive to noise.

Starting when spoken; in sleep.

Physical PQRS

  • Fullness of the veins all over the body is a strong feature of this remedy.
  • Wet weather ameliorates. Dry weather aggravates.
  • Desires open air.

He walks the streets slowly to be in the open air which ameliorates; he is much worse in the house and in the warm room. [Kent]

  • Strong sycotic miasm.

Rule out

If can walk fast or can run without any complaints.


Ascending stairs; Warmth.


Cold washing; Cold weather.





Hot + Thirstless + Left sided

Physical PQRS

  • Boring pains are very marked in the pathogenesis of this salt; over left eye, skull, chest, tibia, and bones generally.
  • Warts on tongue.
  • Cold wet weather aggravates. (Opposite to Aurum mur)

Fever totality

Sweats only on right side of head, left side remains dry.




Motion; Evening.



This valuable gold preparation has been used with success in Aurum metallicum cases with some Sulphur indications. [Clarke]



Chilly or Hot + Thirsty + Right sided Diligent


Red-faced full-blooded people.


Aurum Symptoms          Sulphur Symptoms

  • Duty Conscious. Theorising, Many plans and ideas.
  • • Psuedo creativity.
  • Guilt Conscious Wants to invent or do something • Diligent.     that gives them fame and recognition.


  • Anxiety of conscience with fear about salvation. Despair of recovery and salvation.
  • Loathing of life and desires death. Disgust for life. Suicidal thoughts occupy his mind.
  • Marked increase in her imaginative powers. Mental prostration; weakness of memory. Confusion in the morning worse from mental exertion. Exertion of mind makes all the mental symptoms worse. He is becoming weak-minded and indolent; will not work , becomes like a tramp. These states change to excitement and a mania for work.
  • Very timid , even cowardly. Fear on going into a crowd; of death; of evil; of people; of robbers. Very forgetful and easily frightened. She has lost all confidence in herself.
  • Excitement and discontentment. It should become an excellent remedy for insanity, irresolution and extreme irritability; moaning and lamenting.

Suspicious; quarrelsome; morose obstinate. Very critical with all her friends.

  • Hysterical and in a hurried state of mind. Generally oversensitive; easily offended. Moods constantly changing. Weeping worse at night; alternating with laughter; insane mirth. Maniacal conduct and loquacity. Morbidly cheerful and gay.
  • Great restlessness worse during the night.
  • Ailments from Grief. It is a very useful remedy for chronic complaints that date back to grief. Extreme sadness in the morning but worse in the evening and during perspiration.
  • Desire to sit and brood. Desire for solitude; aversion to company.

Averse to being spoken to; indisposed to talk. [Kent]

Physical PQRS

  • Touch aggravates. Sensitive to touch.
  • Cold legs and feet.


Touch; Pressure; Bathing.




Baryta group

Desire company

  • Can’t stay alone. Can’t go out alone.
  • Fear of being alone, dark, getting lost on the road.
  • She gets ready 5 minutes before going to tuition so that her friends should not leave her and go.
  • Gets anxious if she has to go out alone, gets scared how and what to talk.
  • Waited for an hour for husband before entering the clinic, as didn’t want to come alone to the clinic.

Shy, reserved (Withdrawing)

  • Doesn’t talk much in school or public places. “What if they make fun of me? I sit alone on the bench, I don’t talk to anyone.”
  • Doesn’t talk to someone she doesn’t know. Says, “How do I talk when I don’t know that person?” Will not even come out from the room in that case.
  • So reserved that never went out of the house, friends used to come to her place, never gone to her neighbour’s place .
  • Doesn’t like to go to family functions.
  • Takes time to mix up with new people.
  • While giving case, mother answered all his questions, no expression, listless face.

Very slow in adjusting or doing work.

  • He is slow in doing the work, but does the work perfectly. Though Barytas are less intelligent, but once they take up a task, they will meticulously complete it (Diligent).
  • Mother said he takes two hours to do a thing, which another child can do in one hour.
  • Cannot write fast, can’t complete her homework.


  • When angry or hurt, cannot answer back to anyone. Will ask others, “Why was I scolded?” But can’t reply to the person who scolded him or her .
  • I cannot score good marks, everyone makes me feel inferior.
  • If someone at home is ill or in pain or some loss occurs then she becomes absolutely quiet.


  • Cannot take decisions on their own.
  • Forgave and started talking to husband after divorce.
  • Wears dirty clothes when going out and wears new clothes at home.
  • Doesn’t go to a doctor when ill, takes any medicine kept at home for any ailment.


  • Feels “How and what will I talk?”
  • Confused look with a smile while answering questions.
  • Likes clothes, but doesn’t know how to carry them . Doesn’t know what to wear when going out, wears whatever mother says.

Cleanliness desire

  • House should be perfectly neat and clean.
  • Doesn’t eat at anyone else’s house, if she has gone for the first time.
  • Doesn’t like to drink water from anyone’s bottle. Even at home, I take glass by myself, wash it and then drink.

Poor intellect and memory

  • While studying, feels distracted.
  • Everything stays in her mind for a short period only. Has to search a lot, as to where she has kept her things.
  • Scared of mathematics, no hobbies or interests.
  • Immediately replied NO, when asked if she can remember studies.
  • If he studies one page, can remember only two-three lines. Sensitive to people’s comments or teasing
  • What if they make fun of me?
  • Imagine that they are being laughed at.



Anxiety about small-small things, about daily affairs and about daily routine but no anxiety about serious matters (Misplaced Anxiety).

Fixed routine

  • If wants any book from the bag, will empty the entire bag, take it out and then put all the books inside again.
  • Takes all the books to school every day, “What if they are required and I don’t have them?”
  • Fixed praying times, gets disturbed if changed.
  • Cannot take up a new task easily. Gets confused if told to do a new task.



Delayed (Late)

  • Late coming into usefulness; or activity.
  • Late learning to talk.
  • Late with their studies; late learning to read.
  • Late learning to make the combinations that enter into life.
  • Late learning to take in images and form perceptions.
  • Late to take on their activities and responsibilities.
  • Late to do their work.


Withdrawal + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided + Emaciated and dwarfed

Obedient + Diligent Slow Remedy Keyword


Feels themselves inferior and incapacitated. “Delusion legs are cut off”.


Children whose growth is retarded; dwarfish mentally and physically.

Suitable to children who suffer from marasmus with enlarged glands and abdomen but emaciation of the tissues and limbs with dwarfishness of mind .


  • Shy of strangers.

The Baryta carb child will be seen hiding behind the furniture when strangers come in; will hide as for shame of something or as if afraid. Child does not want to play but sits in the corner doing nothing. Thinks one is being laughed at and made fun of.

When the Baryta carb child enters the clinic, he will keep his hand over the face and peek out through the fingers.

Children in a constant whining mood; always whining.

  • Child either cannot comprehend or cannot memorize or cannot maintain a thought and you go over it again and again. The mother wonders if the child is ever going to learn something and the teacher reports that the child lacks capacity. Children cannot remember and learn.
  • Misplaced anxieties. Anxiety not in proportion to illness. For example, a patient who comes for Bell’s Palsy or ptosis of eyelids does not understand the importance or seriousness of the disease but will be more anxious about cough or sneezing or itching which disturbs their sleep at night. [Vijayakar]
  • Nervous biting of finger nails.


  • Feeding to satiety. Perspire while feeding.
  • Sleepy but cannot sleep; hungry but cannot eat.
  • Salivation from mouth during sleep .
  • Dentition delayed.
  • Perspiration soles. Offensive foot sweat and cold feet.
  • One sided perspiration and complaints.
  • Scalp sensitive to touch.
  • Magnetised mesmerism ameliorates. Toddler
  • Aversion to play.

The child is not interested in playing and usually sits at one place and observes others playing. They feel that they are inferior and they are also very shy .

Any situation which is out of the routine is disliked by Barytas. Desires routine work.

  • Strangers’ aggravation.

When a stranger tries to talk to them, they feel themselves very uncomfortable and feel easily embarrassed. Similarly when the toddler is taken to a new relative’s house, they start crying and are uncomfortable.

Loss of self confidence. They feel security at home. Too dependent to leave the house on his own. Desires familiar surroundings.


Learn the same thing over and over again , yet remains untrained. Learning poorly.

Schooling Child

  • Shyness

Baryta carb is always an excessively shy child. It is nervous of strangers; scared of being left alone; very often it is terrified of going out of doors; a town-bred child going to the country is terrified in the open fields. [Borland]

  • Inattentive

Another marked feature is an exaggeration of the normal child’s forgetfulness. Every child is forgetful, every child is inattentive, but in the Baryta carb child this is very much exaggerated. If they are playing they never stick to it for any length of time, they pick up a toy, play with it, and drop it; you may hold their attention for a minute or two, then they turn around and look at the nurse or mother or whoever happens to be there. They pick up a thing from your desk and fumble with it for a minute or two, and the next moment they are playing with the handle of a drawer. It is that lack of concentration that is the outstanding characteristic. As they get older the same report comes from school-the child is inattentive, never concentrates on a lesson, appears to learn something today and has completely forgotten it tomorrow. The mother would teach the child its alphabet a dozen times over, and ten minutes after it knew it, it would be allowed to go out and play and half an hour later it was all forgotten. [Borland]

  • Feels others are laughing at him. Feels they are being criticised.
  • Excessively busy but without any aim.
  • Biting finger nails.
  • Want of self confidence. Fear to undertake anything.

Can’t decide on his own and has to take help of parents or teachers in doing anything.

Case: 7 year old S was given three topics for a school project by his teacher. He was very anxious as to what to choose. He kept on asking teachers which project he should choose. Then after coming home he kept on asking his mother what he should do. He could not decide on his own. When his mother told him about one topic, he would still not be sure and at night he would again ask his father which topic he should choose. This kept on happening for three days. Finally he decided the topic and worked on it very hard for a few days. Just one day before the project was to be submitted, he said that the topic he had chosen was not good enough, and he would not get marks for it. So, he started preparing for another topic. In this case the rubrics considered were

  • Irresolution
  • Diligent
  • Confidence lack of self.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Look to me not. They do not like being interfered with and are very easily irritated.


Physical PQRS

  • Tendency to enlargement of glands with induration, especially tonsils, cervical and prostate gland .
  • Offensive foot sweat. Cold clammy feet.
  • Biting nails.
  • Dribbling of saliva. [Borland]
  • Sense of smell is very acute.
  • Slightest exertion makes them feel sleepy.

Entry points

Whenever a child evades looking directly into your eyes. When you ask a question and he looks down. He will keep his hand over his face and peek out through the fingers.

Dwarfishness or retarded growth.

Child repeats the same mistake again and again. (does not learn)

Rule out

If the child can adapt very easily to changed situations. Fever totality

  • Flushes of heat more at night.
  • Sweat on single parts; one hand , one foot , one side of the body, face; stinking of feet; worse in presence of strangers.
  • Anxiety during fever.


Company; Thinking of symptoms; Cold damp; Cold to feet and head; Heat, of sun, of stove; Lying on painful part; left side; Odours; Raising arms; Eating.


Cold food; Warm wraps; When alone.



Bufo is very similar to Baryta carb but Bufo is more mischievous and more intelligent than Baryta carb. Bufo is combination of Baryta carb and Hyoscyamus. In a Bufo child the physical growth is normal, but mental growth is diminished while the Baryta carb child is dwarfed both mentally as well as physically.


Both Baryta carb and Aethusa have difficulty in concentration especially while reading; confusion; cretinism; idiocy and prostration of mind. The Aethusa child cannot tolerate milk which is vomited out in the form of curds. Aethusa gets complaints from anticipation. Baryta carb has aversion to company whereas Aethusa desires it. Aethusa suffers from brain fag, i.e., after over-study the mind becomes blank. Aethusa loves animals and is sympathetic and compassionate especially towards animals.


Ambra Grisea

See under Ambra Grisea page no 35.


Baryta mur

See under Baryta mur page no 109.

Calcarea carb

See under Calcarea carb page no 146.

Natrum mur

See under Natrum mur page no 402.




Approaching + Hyperactive Mentally Hot + Thirsty + Emaciation


  • Impatient, hasty, hurried.
  • Desire to sit and brood over events.

Physical PQRS

  • Easy haemorrhage.
  • Induration especially of glands.
  • Eats well yet emaciates.
  • Strong desire for open air.


Warmth; Warm room; Becoming warm; Walking . Amelioration

Cold open air.



The symptoms of Baryta-mur are like those of the other Barium salts, but it has a distinct character of its own. Convulsions are more marked in the muriate. Periodical attacks of convulsions, with excessive jactitation of the limbs. Idiocy. Mania, with increase of sexual desire; “in every form of mania as soon as the sexual desire is increased.” [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided

Obedient + Diligent

Introverted Baryta

Nasal speech


It is useful in children who are slow to learn or understand.

Children who do not desire to play like other children.

Stupid appearance.


  • Children sit in the corner and give confused answers.
  • Children who go around with their mouth open and who talk through the nose.
  • Child lies on the abdomen all the time to shun the light.
  • Mental dullness.
  • Developmental delay.
  • Fear of people, anthropophobia.
  • Aversion to play and sit in a corner.
  • Sensitive to rudeness.


  • Easily startled.
  • Talks in sleep.
  • Aversion to bathing.
  • Children sit in the corner and give confused answers.

Reaction to Stimulus

Grief Non-expressing.

Physical PQRS

  • Hard , knotted , rope – like glands.
  • Electric shock like sensation or pain (Camphor).
  • Cold feeling in the body. Icy coldness of the affected parts. • Desires dry bread. (Alumina, Aurum met). [Vijayakar]
  • Disposition to tonsillitis.
  • Salivation and odour from the mouth.
  • Aversion to bathing.
  • Throat pain better by cold drinks. Ear pain better by sipping cold water.
  • Convulsions are more marked in Baryta mur.
  • Desires open air yet open air aggravates.

Entry points

When we see Baryta carb like childish, foolish, dwarfish people with sharper features and faster pace.

When you see a child who is bashful and has more of a nasal tone of speech.

Sensitive and anxious Baryta.

Rule out

If pain in affected parts (Painlessness is more marked).

Fever Totality

  • Redness and heat of the face.
  • Cold perspiration.
  • Thirst increased.


Cold, cold air. Open air.


Lying on Right side.


Baryta carb

Baryta mur •   Less angry.

  • Comparatively More sad and introverted.
  • Physical Indolence more marked.

Baryta carb

  • More angry.
  • Comparatively Less introverted.
  • Both physical and mental slowness.



Approaching + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided




Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided + Tall


  • Censorious and critical .
  • Aversion to company .
  • Always in a hurry .
  • Talks in sleep .
  • Forgetful especially of words.
  • Anxiety during fever.
  • Always planning something.
  • Prefers to stay at home rather than attend a social function. [David witko]
  • Enjoy being alone, doing computer work. [David witko]

Physical PQRS

  • Cannot bear hunger.
  • Lips dry and cracked.

Entry points

Fear of conversation.

Slow starter.


Reaction is desires more than she needs.

Closed room aggravates like Pulsatilla.

Midnight aggravates like Arsenic album.

Desires chocolates like Carcinosin.

Interest in art, creativity, imagination like Sulphur, but no aptitude. [Vijayakar]

Case: He is a timid boy who doesn’t mix with strangers and can’t stay alone in the room. He didn’t shake hands with the doctor and didn’t come in front of him or answer any of his questions. He sat between his parents. He is not naughty, obeys his teachers and is very particular about what his teacher says. He likes to collect new pencils, peels off the whole pencil. He gives irrelevant answers when he speaks; he is slow in learning and writing. His writing is not good or neat. He likes to fly kites, his parents said that he knows forty to fifty types of kites marks but when the doctor asked him about it, he told only four to five. Case: A 59 years old female is very concerned about her looks. She says, “If my body is not maintained, if I get wrinkles on my face and become obese then, I will look ugly.” She has anticipatory anxiety, due to which there is shivering of her hands, neck and speech. Shivering of hands is aggravated when guests come to her home.


Morning; Heavy meal; After bathing; Closed room; Midnight.


Open air.



Belladonna was known to the medical profession as early as 1500 A.D, but the first Homoeopathic proving was made by our Master Samuel Hahnemann. It is derived from two latin words, “Bella” “donna” which means the beautiful lady, from the circumstance that the venetian ladies in olden days used as a cosmetic to brighten the eyes and flush the cheeks. Its properties are due the alkaloids atropin and belladonnin.

Studied as a poison, Belladonna causes the following symptoms: eyes dry and injected; face red, turgid, and hot; skin scarlet or studded with papillae, all but identical with those in scarlatina; violent congestions especially of the head; mouth and throat distressingly dry; this last sensation extends downward, compelling frequent swallowing, and suffocative spasms of the fauces and glottis. [Farrington]


Approaching (Withdrawing during acute illness) + Hyperactive Physical &

Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty (Thirstless in acute) + Right sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy



Its influence is felt more in intelligent and plethoric children who are jovial and entertaining when well but violent when sick; therefore a great children’s remedy. “An angel when well and devil when sick”.

Chubby, large headed children.

Children of light hair, blue eyes, fine complexion, delicate skin.


  • Extroverted, open, investigating.

Senseless talk. Continual senseless chattering and laughter. Speech loud, disconnected. She spoke constantly and rapidly, talking nonsense. Her mind was disordered, so that speech did not correspond to thought, nor thought to sense, nor sense to the objects present. Talkativeness. Garrulity; he constantly uses foolish and absurd language, at which he often laughs aloud; when addressed he turns toward the speaker, but does not answer correspondingly. Great garrulity, with a silly unmeaning smile and laugh. The expression and actions denoted uncommon cheerfulness; with incessant senseless talking. [Allen]

  • Sweet Talker.

Affectionate, approaching and loving. They have pleasant personalities.

Excited, ferocious; noisy; cries out. Biting objects, persons. Biting, striking, tearing mania. Spits on faces of other persons. Disposed to tear things to pieces. Biting.

He bites at everything near him. Inclination to bite those about him. [Hahnemann]

Instead of eating what he had asked for, he bit the wooden spoon in two, gnawed the plate, and growled and barked like a dog. She attempted to bite and strike her attendants, broke into fits of laughter, and gnashed her teeth. The head was hot, the face red, the look wild and fierce. [Allen]


Inclination to tear everything about her to pieces. He tears to pieces everything about him, bites, and spits. [Hahnemann]


Pull desire to one’s hair. Self torture.

She tries to strangle herself, and begs those about her to kill her. Throws herself down from a height (in delirium). Throws herself into the water. [Hahnemann]

He strikes his face with his fists. Violent madness; the children scratched themselves with their nails. [Allen]

  • Hyperactive

Talks fast; Very restless. Excitable, weeps easily. Tendency to dance, laugh, sing, whistle. Playful. Desire to play hide and seek.

  • Anger

Emotions, rage, and fury. Anger proceeding even to paroxysms of convulsive rage. She tosses about in her bed in a perfect rage. Fury. Raging, violent fury. Furious delirium. The forcible administration of fluid medicine makes her furious. Such fury (with burning heat of the body and open, staring and immovable eyes) that she had to be held constantly, lest she should attack someone; and when thus held, so that she could not move, she spat continually at those about her. [Allen]

  • Fear of dogs.

Fearful madness; he is afraid of an imaginary black dog, of the gallows. [Hahnemann]


  • Asphyxia, apparent death in a new born infant.
  • Infantile hemiplegia.
  • Fullness and congestion especially to the head.
  • Head hot with cold extremities.
  • Large head.
  • Convulsions in infants

They are violent and are usually associated with cerebral congestion. They are brought on from light, from a draft of cold air, from the infant becoming cold. [Kent]

In Belladonna the infant also commonly remains in a profound stupor, the profound stupor that goes with congestion of the brain; pupils dilated; skin hot and dry; face red, throbbing carotids. Finally the child becomes pale as the stupor increases and the neck is drawn back because as it progresses the base of the brain and spine become involved and the muscles of the neck contract drawing the head backwards and he rolls the head; eyes staring pupils dilated.[Kent]

  • Half-opened , protruding , staring eyes.

You will see that in the infant when the child lies in a stupor; eyes half open; congestion of the brain; face flushed and intensely hot; rolling the head from side to side if it has been going on for several days the face will later become pallid and the neck drawn back.[Kent]

  • Infant cries out in sleep from ear pain.


  • Likes dancing. Tendency to dance, laugh, sing, whistle.
  • Angel when well, devil when sick.
  • Sweet talker.
  • Urinates outside the pot.
  • Children suffer from convulsions with head troubles , with congestion and irritation of the brain. Convulsions from taking cold in plethoric children and the limbs are most likely to show forth those convulsive efforts of the muscles.

It has violent colic , intense cramping pain in children. The mother finds that by holding the child on her hand it will relieve the colic. Cramps , spasms and convulsions in children.

The child will cry the instant he feels that urging to cough because he knows what a great suffering is going to take place. The chest is so painful that the child dreads the cough and screams. By the child’s cry we know that it is going to have a coughing spell. Just like Bryonia, Hepar sulph and Phosphorus which have that feature more than other remedies. There is burning in the chest; violent congestion in the chest.

Schooling Child

  • Sudden outbursts of anger. Howls in rage. Biting in children. Shrieking.

Consolation aggravates.

  • Restless, keeps wandering. Jumping.
  • Stammering speech in children.
  • Involuntary urination, difficult to wake from sleep.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • During acutes, the child is touch me not; doesn’t want to be examined.

(otherwise approaching).

  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Biting, Striking, Spitting.

Physical PQRS

  • Thirsty; great thirst for cold water.
  • Its effects are sudden and violent. “SUDDENNESS”. Symptoms appear and disappear suddenly.
  • Pain causes delirium; child cries out in sleep.
  • Tongue hangs out of the mouth in children.
  • Desires lemonade or lemon (which agrees).
  • Strawberry tongue.
  • Oversensitiveness .

Abdomen tender, distended, aggravated by least jar even of the bed; obliged to walk with great care for fear of a jar.

  • Congestion and convulsions.
  • Liquids aggravate.

She abhorred all liquids, and acted frightfully, bit the jaws tightly together, and raved so that she was obliged to be tied down. Aversion to all fluids, so that she demeaned herself frightfully at the sight of them. Abhorrence of all liquids; he would scream violently as soon as a spoon or glass containing liquid was brought to his lips, would convulsively set his teeth together, and, if forced to swallow some, violent general convulsions would immediately occur. [Allen]

  • Throbbing pains.

Entry points

Redness of the face.

Cheerful Babies.


Rule out

If the disease develops slowly.

If redness of the face is missing (more in acute illness). If the child wants to be rocked. Fever totality

  • Sudden onset of symptoms.
  • High fever when the child has a bright red face. Child has high fever but plays normally, as if not sick at all. Dry mouth without thirst, during fever. Otherwise great thirst for cold water.
  • Extreme sensitivity to noise, light, and being jarred.
  • Craving for lemonade.
  • Sleepy but cannot sleep .
  • Head hot but hands and feet cold.
  • Delirium during fever.


Anything that takes him out of one position; Slight motion; Jar; Touch; Noise; Smell; Summer; Sun; Lying down; Cold drafts on head, Checked perspiration.


Rest; Warm room; Standing or sitting erect (perpendicular), bending backward.



Aconite     has    anxiety       and    restlessness          whereas      Belladonna          has aggressiveness with congestion and redness.


See under Bryonia page no 132.


See under Stramonium page no 517.


See under Tuberculinum page no 556.



It is pre-eminently a remedy for children, especially when they are passing through the period of dentition, but more particularly in nursing infants. It is suited to poorly nourished soft and flabby children.

It has been said in routine practice that in all cases of sore mouth in children when the child is worse from downward motion Borax is the remedy. When the mother is in the act of laying the child down on the bed it often rouses up in its sleep and cries out in fright. It is natural for everyone to feel with the rapid motion an anxious feeling in the stomach, a sensation of falling; that is natural to the healthy man but if you exaggerate that intensely you have the Borax condition in which the slightest downward motion of even riding downhill or walking downstairs or in the child when being carried downstairs in the mother’s arms produces a violent aggravation. The child screeches and screams when it is dandled and tossed up and down. If one rocks the child it has an anxious expression of face. [Kent]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Wrinkled skin

Non-diligent + Misbehaving



Extreme sensitiveness to the slightest noise. Starts or frightened at every noise or sudden noise, or at trifles such as, that of snap of a match, fall of a door latch, rustling of paper, rustling of dress, a cough, a sneeze.

Timid, both he and she are startled by a shot at a distance. The suckling is startled at expectoration and sneezing. [Hahnemann]


Suited to children during dentition having light hair, lax skin and muscles, wrinkled skin.

Consequences of getting cold in cold and wet weather, riding, and eating fruits.


  • Fear of downward motion. Child awakes suddenly, cries and screams, holds the sides of the cradle without any apparent cause. Cries out in sleep as if frightened. Child is afraid of going downstairs, can’t swing, and can’t ride downhill. There may be anxiety even when riding on a horse-back.

Very timid, in driving down a mountain; quite at variance with his customary bearing; he felt as if it would take his breath away. The child is timid while being dandled; when it is rocked up and down in the arms it makes a very frightened face during the downward motion. [Hahnemann]

Borax is distinguished from Belladonna, Pulsatilla, & Chamomilla by this starting with the pain or from slight noises, by the paleness of the face and above all by another well-proved symptom, the dread of downward motion. Thus if the little one is sound asleep in its mother’s arms and she makes the attempt to lay it down in its crib, it gives a start and awakens. If she attempts to carry it down stairs, it will cling to her as if afraid of falling. This must not be confounded with the excitability of other medicines, as Chamomilla and Belladonna. It is not simply the motion that awakens the child, for the child will not awaken if it is moved without any downward motion. It must, then, be the downward motion that arouses it. The reason for this is that the child is suffering from cerebral anaemia and this downward motion causes a feeling as though it were going to fall. This symptom may also be utilized in adults, as, for example, in the case of invalids who have been ordered to take horseback rides, but who cannot do so, because when the horse lets them down, they feel as if they were in torture. You will also find that ladies, after some exhausting disease, cannot use a rocking-chair, because when they rock backwards, they feel as if they would tumble. [Farrington]

  • Restlessness, changes from one room to another.
  • Excessively nervous, easily frightened and sensitive to the slightest noise.

For instance, in the earache, you will find that each paroxysm of pain causes the child to start nervously. [Farrington]

  • The child weeps periodically, very violently, after sometime it stops and is then very friendly and laughs.
  • Anger with ill-humor and passion.
  • Apprehension and fear of infection. Fear of being infected by some contagious disease.

Peevish and cross. Passionate, cross, takes offence easily (the first days). Passionate, he scolds and swears about trifles (the first days). [Hahnemann]

He fritters away the afternoon, without getting to any real work, goes from one work to another, from one room to another, without remaining at one thing. [Hahnemann]


  • Fear of downward motion.
  • Aphthous ulcerations of mucous membranes; of mouth with heat, tenderness, great thirst, etc., prevents child from nursing, often associated with diarrhoea of yellow or green stools day and night.
  • Irritable before stool but cheerful and happy after passing stool .
  • Startling at the slightest noise like coughing, sneezing.
  • Screaming before urination.
  • Red shining tip of nose.
  • Hot head with heat of palms and mouth.


  • Diarrhoea with pain or soft yellow stools .
  • Hair entangled at tips, stick together.
  • Functional urinary troubles in children; urine frequent, scanty, hot with burning, shooting pains causing child to scream before passing (Lycopodium, Sanicula , Sarsaparilla).

Schooling Child

  • Child screams out in sleep as if frightened by dreams.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive Angry and kicks in tantrums.

Physical PQRS

  • Infants cyanotic from birth. Puffy face; bluish in infants.
  • Hot head of babies. With heat of mouth and palms.
  • Muco-cutaneous surfaces are sore. Nostrils ulcerated , soreness , pain and swelling of tip of the nose.
  • Unhealthy skin; every injury suppurates; nostrils crusty, inflamed; tip of nose shining red, hair becomes frowsy and tangled, splits; ingrowing eyelashes, etc.
  • Desires sour things.
  • Undisciplined hair.

Hairs and eye lashes seem to behave in an undisciplined and wanton fashion. Hair becomes entangled; is rough and frowsy; splits, sticks together at the tips; “If these bunches are cut off, they form again, cannot be combed smooth (Fluoric acid, Lycopodium, Psorinum,

Tuberculinum.)” Eyelashes turn inward toward the eyes and inflame it. Tendency to “wild hairs”. [Bhanja]

Entry points

Child waking terrified at night.

Worse when airplanes take off or land.

Cannot take high adventurous rides, or gets frightened when the ride comes down.

Rule out

No sensitiveness to noise.

No fear of downward motion.

If hairs are smooth and can be combed easily.

Fever totality

  • Shivering, shuddering, or cold with trembling, heaviness and weakness, or with cephalalgia and pains in the periosteum of femur, followed by heat.
  • Coldness, most frequently in the afternoon; afterwards heat, with headache or pain in the hypochondria, sometimes followed by sweat.
  • Chilliness, especially during sleep. Thirst before or during the cold, or else after the sweat.
  • Heat in the evening in bed, with shivering on being in the least uncovered.
  • Perspiration during the morning sleep. Moisture of the body during the night.


Damp cold weather; Sudden noises; Warm water; Downward or upward motion.


Pressure; Holding painful side with hand.



It is commonly called Yellow viper.

The venom of this snake is most coagulative, therefore, it is expected to be useful in thrombosis and thrombotic affections as hemiplegia. [Phatak]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving


  • Indisposed to talk. Aphasia.
  • Forgetfulness of words while speaking, word hunting.
  • Makes mistakes while talking, using wrong words.

Physical PQRS

  • Day-blindness, ‘can scarcely see her way after sunrise’. Blindness of vision after retinal haemorrhage.
  • Inability to articulate without any affection of the tongue.
  • Haemorrhages from every orifice, the blood being fluid and black.

Entry points

Snake remedy with haemorrhagic conditions.

Snake remedy with speech related disorders, word hunting and mistakes while talking.

Rule out

If no haemorrhagic history. Left sided complaints.




Bovista is a fungus remedy, and like other fungi (Agaricus) it is also approaching.

“This globular fungus, which, according to report, is eaten in Italy before it is ripe, becomes filled, while ripening, with a blackish dust that breaks the husk which contains it, with a slight noise.” Corresponding to this signature, “bloatedness” puffy condition of the body surface,” and a sense of “enlargement,” flatulent distension and noisy passage of flatus, are leading features of the Bovista pathogenesis. [Clarke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirstless

Non-diligent + Misbehaving



  • Awkwardness in speech Stuttering speech.
  • Awkwardness in actions    Drops things from hands.


Haemorrhagic diathesis.

Adapted to stammering children and “tettery” patients.

“We may always think of Bovista when we see a very ‘tettery’ person, one who has tetters here and there, all over the body. These tetters may be either moist or dry”. [Clarke]


Talkative. Very open-hearted; she spoke of her own feelings, contrary to her custom. [Allen]

Great loquacity and unreserved conversation. [Clarke]

  • Courageous. Quarrelsome.

Very courageous and vigorous he would like to fight with everybody. [Allen]

  • Absent minded. Weak memory.
  • Laughs and cries alternately.


  • Icterus in new born children.
  • Waking up confused.


  • Timid, bashful children.

Schooling Child

  • Stammering children.
  • She is very absent-minded, makes mistakes in writing, leaves out whole syllables, and writes several words entirely wrong .
  • Awkwardness, inclined to drop things from hands (Apis); objects fall from powerless hands.
  • Naive and tells the plain truth.
  • Sensitive; takes things in bad part.

Reaction to Stimulus


Physical PQRS

  • Laxity especially felt in the joints which seem loose.
  • Enlarged or swelled feeling in head , heart , etc.
  • Usually deep impression on finger, from using blunt instruments, scissors, knife, etc.
  • Intolerance of tight clothing around the waist (Calcarea carb, Lachesis, Sulphur).
  • Sweat smells like onions.

Entry points

Naïve; naivety about sexual matter. Can discuss sexual matter with doctor easily without any inhibitions.

Rule out

If comfortable in tight clothing.

If no awkwardness. If child is having good hand to eye coordination.

Fever totality

Chill with pain .


Menses; Full moon; Hot weather; Getting warm; Cold food; Wine; Coffee.


Bending double; Hot food; Eating.



Bromine is a halogen derived from the Greek word ‘ bromos’ meaning stench. It is a reddish liquid chemical element. It is highly reactive and readily vaporizes into a reddish brown gas that has a strongly irritating odour. The dilute vapour when inhaled has an irritant effect on the throat, nose and also on the eyes. Both the liquid and vapour forms of bromine are corrosive and poisonous. The liquid can cause skin burns. It is the only non-metallic element that is liquid at room temperature. It is found in the form of bromide salts in salt water and dry salt beds.

It is used in making fire-retardant chemicals and as a disinfectant in water treatment. Some of the compounds are used in photographic materials, in dyes, sedatives, anaesthetics, insecticides.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Physical + Non aggressive

Hot (occasionally Chilly in acute) + Thirsty or Thirstless + Left sided or

Diagonal (Upper right and Lower left) + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving Slow Remedy



Bromium patients desire exercise and like motion. Usually they are nondiligent and don’t like to do their normal routine i.e. physical or mental work, but are very passionate about exercise and once stimulated can exercise for long.


It is useful in scrofulous children with enlarged glands; parotid, thyroid, maxillary, ovaries and mammary glands are especially affected.

Bromine is useful in scrofulous children with enlarged glands, which are swollen and indurated, but seldom suppurate. Like the other halogens, Bromine is a strong anti-scorbutic. [Clarke]

Suited to children with light blue eyes, flaxen hair, light eye-brows, fair delicate skin.

Blond type. (Calcarea-carb, Pulsatilla).


  • Anxious

They become nervous, anxious, very often frightened, in the evening, very much about the Pulsatilla time. They do not like to walk home in the dark and have the impression that somebody is following them, and they get scared – very much like the symptom of Pulsatilla they look not unlike Pulsatilla, and occasionally bouts of depression in the Bromium patient are not unlike Pulsatilla. But Bromium is a much more placid depression, much more a melancholy outlook than the acute tearfulness of the Pulsatilla. [Borland]

There is much anxiety of mind; a fear of ghosts or visions when in the dark. [Clarke]

  • Industrious, mania for work. Desire for mental work.


  • Nails and hairs grow fast . (Fluoric acid) [Vijayakar].
  • Desires to be carried fast.
  • Child cannot be looked at. (Antimonium crud, Antimonium tart)


  • Always wants hugging and kissing.
  • Desires to be carried and wants to be carried fast.
  • Wants to move in fast cars, because wants air in motion. But they themselves are not very hyperactive. (Like Tuberculinum; but Tuberculinum is hyperactive).
  • Whenever the child is cranky, the mother takes him out for a stroll and more so near the seashore, he is immediately quieted.
  • Sensitive to the noise of water splashing.

Schooling Child

  • Absent minded. Makes mistakes in talking.
  • Sits alone in her room without doing anything; looks constantly in one direction without saying anything. Inclination to sit still and silent.
  • Aversion to reading.
  • Low-spirited and inconsolable.
  • Feels that strange persons are looking over his shoulder; or that he would see one on turning , as if someone were behind him.

Reaction to Stimulus

Child will not allow the doctor to examine him. He will scream and weep.

Physical PQRS

  • Ailments from The child is weak and easily overheated, then sweaty and sensitive to drafts.
  • Indurations

Glands hard and indurated. Dry , rough , thick , hard skin. Ulcers indurated.

  • Membrane formations

Membrane in throat and larynx in diphtheria; passes membranous formations in stools.

The mother takes the baby out in a hot day in the summer and that baby has been overheated with too much clothing and it is a plethoric child and towards midnight you are called up and the child has a red face and your examinations reveal a membrane in the throat; we will see as we study the remedy that this may be a Bromium case. Hoarseness coming on from getting overheated. Loss of voice coming on from getting overheated. [Kent]

  • Flushed face in acute conditions while sickly ashy grey face in chronic conditions.
  • Fan-like motion of alae nasi. (Antimonium tart, Lycopodium) • Continuous yawning and drowsiness with respiratory problems.
  • Perspires easily on slight exercise.
  • Bromine produces a rather peculiar effect on the sensorium, causing a sort of vertigo, which is worse from running water. Anything moving rapidly produces this vertigo.
  • Left sided remedy (except lung on right side is affected).

Entry points

Every now and then becoming absent minded.

Disconcerted; this is more like being unsettled [like Ignatia]. They do some mental activity but suddenly find that everything is disturbed; harmony is disturbed, “I cannot just work”. The patient has been working continuously and suddenly get upset and loses his links. When he loses his links, he starts making mistakes in talking, talks wrong words or loses his line of thoughts. This is syphilitic Bromium. For example, professors who keep on talking but when a question is asked to them then they forget the whole link or the thread of the talk. [Vijayakar]

Hardness of glands.

Rule out

Diseases develop fast.

In Bromium the processes of inflammation are slow; they are not that rapid, violent kind like we find in Belladonna and Mercurius [Kent]

Fever Totality

  • Icy coldness of the limbs. Hands cold and moist.
  • Heat of the head.


Evening to Midnight; Warm room. Amelioration

Seaside; Nosebleed.



Bromium              Iodium

Both are Hot and from Halogen group.

  • Light complexion, fair skin. • Dark complexion.
  • • Dark hair.
  • Light blue eyed. Black eyed.
  • Inspiration difficult. • Exhaling difficult. Better by exhaling.
  • Better by rapid motion. Aggravated by rapid motion.
  • Aggravated by uncovering. • Better by uncovering.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided

Diligent + Obedient

Touch me not (Disturb me not)



  • Dryness both at level of mind and body. Not much emotional but money minded.

People firmly rooted in the material world, objective and business-like, not hindered by much emotions, sentimental feelings or imaginative power, but nonetheless with a strong desire for security and support, which they try to find in money and property. Typical Bryonia-patients will not be found among artists, poets and philosophers, to which the material basis of life is of minor importance, but among stock-brokers, businessmen, insurance agents, etc. They are sober, orderly, methodical, censorious, reliable, economical and dry. For them, the main demands of life are security, stability and safety. When lacking this sure ground, they become irritable, anxious and sad. [Vermulen]


Dark hair, dark complexion, firm muscular fibre.


  • Irritable and inclined to be angry and vehement. Ugly in behavior.

Quarrelsome. Contradiction provokes anger.

Disposition more irritable than usual; contradiction easily provoked anger during the whole proving. Irritable mood (will not have his wife and children about him; wishes to be alone). Fretful mood. Very irritable mood; inclined to fright, fear, and vexation. Very ill-humored and inclined to be angry. Ill-humored and quarrelsome without reason. Morose; everything puts him out of humor. Mood at once irritable, weeping, and morose. [Allen]

  • Irritability when disturbed; wants to be let alone. Dislikes to be carried or to be raised.

In these, as in all other complaints, the exquisite sensitiveness of the drug to movement of all kinds is a leading characteristic. The patient avoids even the movement of the eyes; raising head from pillow causes faintness, nausea, and vomiting. Allied to this is > from pressure; from lying on painful side. (This distinguishes Bryonia from Belladonna in pulmonary complaints. A case of intense pleurisy with high fever grew steadily worse under Bryonia until I noticed that the patient lay on the unaffected side. Belladonna was then given, and cured rapidly. Lying on the painful part keeps the part at rest.) [Clarke]

  • Capriciousness

You go to a child who is being carried in the arms of the nurse and wants one toy after another; you get the toy he wants but now he does not want it and will throw it back at you.

Desire for things which are rejected when obtained. [Clarke]

  • Ask for nothing. Wants to be quiet and desires rest.

Aversion to conversation. [Allen]

There is an extreme state of irritability in Bryonia; every word which compels him to answer a question or to think will aggravate him. The effort to talk will be attended with horror. You disturb him and he says, “Go away and let me go home”, and if you let him alone he will relapse into a perfectly quiet state and seldom speak. [Kent]


  • Cranky infant who cannot be quieted.
  • Waking with screaming.
  • Sore mouth; child does not want to take hold of the breast; but after the mouth becomes moist it nurses well.
  • Children pick the lips. Lips cracked and bleeding. Lips parched , dry and bleeding such as will be seen in typhoid states where the whole mouth is dry and brown, cracked, parched and bleeding; dry brown tongue.
  • Constant motion of the mouth as if the patient was chewing , seen in brain affections of children; it occurs in little ones when there are no teeth; but they keep up a chewing motion.
  • Stools large and hard.
  • Inflammation in eyes and lips especially in new-born infants.


  • Does not want to remain in the clinic. Wants to go home. Aversion to talking.
  • Excessively irritable and inclined to be angry.
  • Capricious – Desire for things which when offered are refused.
  • Frequent desire to take deep breath, must expand the lungs.

Schooling Child

  • Anxious about money; will find security in money, hence will not spend much. He will always relate things with money.
  • Speech hasty.
  • Feels he is away from home and must go back. Reaction to Stimulus
  • Touch me not.
  • Angry when obliged to answer.
  • Anger Inhibited.

Physical PQRS

  • Thirsty; thirst for large quantity of cold water at large intervals . Mouth is always dry.
  • Symptoms increase if the room becomes very warm or from warm covers.

In children this will be noticed whereas if the window be thrown up to relieve the stuffiness of the room the child will sleep quietly. If you go into a room and find the child raging with delirium, turning and tossing and the mother is trying to keep the room warm because she is chilly and you say “Why, how stuffy it is in here!”, and you open the window and then notice that the child goes off to sleep, do not overlook that; because that relief was caused by something.[Kent]

  • Dryness everywhere.

Dryness of mucous membrane.

Dry mouth. Lips dry, parched, cracked, sometimes bleeding. Stool hard, dark brown or black, dry as if burnt.

  • Desire to lie down, remain quiet. Aggravated by slightest motion.
  • Aversion to food.
  • Metastasis; symptoms shift locations quickly. Diarrhoea from suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather.
  • Pains are so violent that he cannot keep still, yet motion aggravates pain.

Entry points

Touch me not (Disturb me not).

Angry when obliged to answer (AWOTA). Better by pressure.

Rule out

If disease is fast, or child is physically very restless.

If symptoms develop quickly. If Anger is absent.

Fever totality

  • Chill with hot head and red face; worse in warm room.
  • Dry burning heat; with aggravation of all the symptoms. Blood seems hot. Painful continued fevers.
  • Sweat; sour or oily.
  • The mucous membranes are dry, the lips and tongue are parched and cracked, and the stools are dry, as if burnt.
  • The patient is drowsy, or sleeps during the day, but is delirious at night, and desires to remain perfectly quiet.
  • AWOTA – Doesn’t want to be disturbed.
  • Thirstless or thirst for large quantity of water at large intervals.


Slightest motion; Exertion; Touch; Warmth – Warm food and drink, warm room.


Rest; Lying on painful side; Pressure; Cold, eating cold food and cold drink; Cool open air.



Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between Bryonia and Chamomilla because they are both cranky. Chamomilla baby is worse at 9 a.m. while Bryonia baby is worse at 9 p.m.



Bryonia will lie on inflamed side or painful parts to keep it still while Belladonna does not want the painful side to be touched. In Bryonia, diseases develop slowly and gradually but in Belladonna diseases develop suddenly and fast. Bryonia child is hypoactive while Belladonna child is hyperactive both mentally and physically.



Bufo is a good remedy for Mental retardation. Physically the body grows having a tendency to become obese, but dull mentally with mouth open, tongue thick, cracked and protruding. He gets aggravated by the slightest noise; music is unbearable and is startled easily. The child has no awareness, and exposes his sexual parts (shameless) and also handles his genitals. It is also suited for children having history of convulsions.


Sexual control


Lost (not developed)


Handles genitals .

Case: A child aged 1 ½ years, had a rounded face and appeared as if completely dumb. But the mother said that he is very mischievous. The observations made were completely in contradiction with the history given. This is typical of Bufo which has both the states in one person.

Sankaran calls Bufo the combination of Baryta carb and Hyoscyamus. In the repertory we find alternating states- Lamenting alternating with crying; Complaining alternating with shrieking. In a Bufo child, the physical growth is normal, but mental growth is diminished while Baryta carb is dwarfed both mentally as well as physically.

Case: A child aged 1 ½ years came to the clinic with his parents. He came alone in the play room of the clinic and talked with me. But there were no expressions on his face as if dumb yet was very aggressive and mischievous. He threw things, bit and teased others just for fun. When he was scolded, he just made a funny face and laughed. On looking at the ghost toy there were no expressions, no excitement and no fear. So mischievous, just like Hyoscyamus (Inciting others, biting, throwing, laughing when reprimanded) with a very dumb look without any expressions just like Baryta (very quiet, no expressions). This combination of BARYTA +



Approaching or Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Aggressive Hot + Thirsty

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Keyword DUMB

  • No expressions (joy, grief, anger) on the face.
  • Mentally dull, idiotic.


Stupid besotted appearance, thick lips, open mouth.

Children develop an unusual tendency to low forms of chronic disease; they do not possess a good healthy nature, a good sound brain; but they are feeble, they break out with eruptions, they go into consumption. This is one of the remedies that you will need to use for the development of feeble-minded children whether there are spasms or not. [Kent]


  • Withdrawing

Talk indisposed to, strangers’ aggravation. Doesn’t want to be examined.

Aversion to strangers. [Allen]

  • Desire solitude, yet afraid of being alone.

Desires solitude, and yet is afraid of being left alone and dying forsaken. [Allen]

The first symptom in the text reads Desire for solitude in order to practice masturbation. This alone throws a flood of light upon the nature of the remedy; the lack of government, the lack of control over the sexual longing and the low-mindedness whereby he is willing to abandon himself to the lower things that are in the human race, to perverted practices and vices. It tells a great story. [Kent]

  • Retardation or developmental delay.

An aspect of child-like simplicity is present and the mind returns to a state of child-like innocence. An adult takes on the ways of a child as a state of imbecility. This mental state is especially found under Baryta carb in adults who have never developed beyond childhood who have always remained children. A persons reasons like a child talks like a child, whimpers like a child, cries like a child, wants to be petted like a child; so it is in Baryta carb. [Kent]

  • Propensity to bite; Howling.
  • Fears animals and strangers.
  • Moral depravity; want of moral feeling. Laughing over serious matters.
  • Shameless; wants to be naked.
  • Destructive. Tears things.

Bufo is a wonderful medicine. It profoundly affects the mind and especially the intellectual faculties including confusion of mind and loss of memory until the patient gradually goes towards a state of imbecility. [Kent]

  • Cannot bear shining objects. Shuns bright light.
  • Normally children like music, but in Bufo they dislike music and have aggravation from noise and music.


  • Dislikes music. Gets scared if musical toys are played.
  • Does not like toys with glittering lights.
  • Wakes smiling. Toddler
  • Walks with handling genitals.
  • Laughing causeless.

Schooling Child

  • Feeble minded; simple child-like.
  • Weak memory and idiotic.
  • Longs for solitude yet dreads being alone.
  • Angry; bites at surrounding objects.
  • Easily laughs or cries.

Case: Master K is an approaching child. He is aggressive to some extent, expresses his anger by hitting with toys or biting, if he doesn’t have anything else to hit with. He has no fear of dark; can move in a dark room. Likes to roam about, can play alone but if children are there then he will play with them. He likes to tease others and then laughs. When he is shouted at, he starts laughing; throws things out of the window and then laughs. His mother said that he would go and bite the toe of whoever is sleeping then laugh and then run away. On observation, there was constant licking of lips. He was just sitting at one place and playing. There were no expressions as such on his face. Here the history was suggesting a mischievous remedy like Hyoscyamus, but on observation he was looking dumb like Baryta. Bufo cured this child.

Reaction to stimulus

  • Does not want to be examined.
  • Anger Extrapunitive.
  • When angry, howls, spits on others, bites and strikes others; ugly behavior.

Physical PQRS

  • Handles genitals.
  • Spasms in children after a fit of anger or fright in nursing mother.
  • Disposition to handle genitals.
  • Unconsciousness after convulsions.
  • Constant licking of lips, lapping or playing with tongue.

Entry points

Body grows but mind does not.

Rule out

If child has expressions (anger, excitement, fear, etc) on his face.


Warm room; Sexual excitement, Masturbation; Least motion, Injuries.




Baryta carb

See under Baryta carb page no 105.

Calcarea Group


  • Uses the words “Support” “Security” during history.
  • Wants safety and security. Will want the touch of parents while sleeping (except Calc-fl).
  • Will not sleep in dark. Wants a lots of soft toys around and will cling to those while sleeping.

Fear of dark; will not go alone in the room.

Fear to see horror movies or serials.

Can’t see fighting in movies, and also affected by fights in the  house.

  • Mentally slow and weak.

Not so quick brain (execpt calcarea flour) Cannot think in crisis. • Non-aggressive (Timid).

In situation where there is some danger, Calcareas will usually take the path of flight rather than fight. (except Calcarea sulph)

  • Can’t decide things for herself. Will want mother or friends to take decision.
  • Lazy and Indolent

Gets up late in the morning.

  • Milestones delayed

Walking, dentition, talking delayed

  • Sensitive to criticism, reprimands.
  • Interested in drawing.
  • Coldness of Extremities


Obedient Calcareas

  • Calc-c, Calc-sil, Calc-mur


Misbehaving Calcareas

  • Calc-s, Calc-p, Calc-fl, Calc-ar, Calc-i


Diligent Calcareas

  • Calc-c, Calc-i, Calc-sil


Non-diligent Calcareas

  • Calc-s, Calc-fl, Calc-p, Calc-ar, Calc-m


Quarrelsome Calcarea – calc-s Money minded Calcarea – Calc-fl


Right sided Calcareas

Calc-ac, Calc-c, Calc-i, Calc-p (Right to left), Calc-s (one sided), Calc-sil


Left sided Calcareas

Calc-ars, Calc-br, Calc-fl, Calc-mur



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Obese

Non-diligent + Misbehaving


Calcarea ars is the combination of Calcarea and Arsenic.

Calcarea Symptoms             Arsenic Symptoms

  • Timid and fearful Anxiety
  • Non ambitious (Indolent) Fastidious
  • Wants safety and security • Censorious

• Anxiety

  • Anxiety about family members.
  • Anxiety about health.
  • Wants company. Fear of being alone.
  • Slightest emotions cause palpitations in the heart.
  • Dullness of mind.

Mind seems dull and unable to digest any subject. Unable to attend to any business, on account of headache. [Hering]

Physical PQRS

  • Desires warm soup and warm drinks.
  • Sweet potatoes aggravate. Entry points

Restless Calcarea.

Anxious Calcarea. Rule out

If no anxiety.

If no desire for warm things.


Slight exertion; Errors in diet; Cold air.


Rest. Open air.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Non-aggressive Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided (Guernsey) but can be left sided+ Fat and flabby

Diligent + Obedient


SHELL (Protection)

Calcarea carb is prepared from the middle layer of the oyster shell. As the basic salt is always found in protected environment, similar is the Calcarea constitution that will always live or desire to live in a protected environment. So, the Calcarea child will always remain attached to the parents for his safety and security.


Fat, Fair, Flabby (Emaciation does not rule out Calcarea carb).

Children with red face, who sweat easily and take cold readily in consequence.

Large head and abdomen; fontanelles and sutures open; bones soft, develop slowly.

Curvature of bones especially spine and long bones; extremities crooked, deformed; bones irregularly developed.

If you shake hands with Calcarea, you will find the hands to be soft, often cold also.


  • Obedient

Like Pulsatilla, even the Calc-c child will be playing near to his mother. It is not for love and affection from the mother but for safety and security. He avoids going into unfamiliar surrounding, places that are new to him. Hence, will not venture out in the clinic to explore the toys kept. At home parents say that he listens to us and does not go outdoors to play. However the reason is that he does not want to play aggressive sports like football. He prefers indoor games where less risk is involved. He would rather prefer to watch other children playing from the balcony of the house.

The Calcarea carb child is very much dependent on parents, and in the clinic will not answer all the questions directly to the doctor but will whisper the answer to the parents. His voice is too soft to be heard. He is very well behaved in the clinic. He is not         aggressive, and when another child snatches a toy from his hand, he will not resist but will go and pick up another toy.

Calcarea carb child can be very obstinate and can occasionally be aggressive, but this behavior is confined only within his home and is directed especially to his parents. Outside, they are quite timid and fearful, well-behaved, sensitive to rudeness and      admonition.

  • Slowness

Fat, flabby children who are slow both mentally and physically. Very slow to respond to commands. (Calcarea like constitution but mentally fast, think of Calcarea phos or Calcarea fluor).

Mental slowness is seen in academics. Academically average but slow. Weak in mathematics. Incapable of handling too many things at a time. If you give them three tasks to complete, they will initially avoid doing but when forced, they will take up one by one, complete one task and then only start the second task. They will take their own time to complete homework. Easily get tired from mental exertion. (Coffea undertakes many things at the same time. Usually can read two novels at one time. One novel in the bedroom to read at night and another one in the briefcase to read while traveling.) Artistic inaptitude. Drawing inaptitude.

Confused. Misplaces words and expresses himself wrongly.

Dull lethargic children who do not want to play; would prefer  watching rather than playing games.

  • Timid (Cautious)

Children want to play more of indoor games and avoid risky games like football. If they play football then they are goal       keepers. Rule out Calcarea, if the child is interested to play at forward position in football.

They are perfectly happy as long as there is somebody around, will sit peacefully or play.

When it gets dark, they are scared to go to bed without a light in the room. Nightmares; children scream after midnight and     cannot be pacified.

Afraid of everything they see; cannot see fighting in movies. Fear is excited by reports of cruelties. Horrible things and sad stories affect them profoundly.

Want of self confidence.

  • Sensitive to Rudeness



Being laughed at

They are very sensitive and timid children having a lot of fears and anxieties.

They cannot see any cruelties, horror movies and are easily affected by them. They cannot see fighting movies or cartoons like Pokemon, rather prefer cartoons like Disney world, Tom and Jerry .

If you shout at them, they will immediately start weeping (like Pulsatilla).

  • Anticipation

Fear something bad is going to happen. Calcarea have many fears like:Fear of darkness; animals; high places.

Fear of loss of reason.

Fear of contagious disease; Anxiety about health; Mania of   reading medical books.

Fear of being observed, that other people will watch her        confusion.

  • Sad and unhappy. Child cross and fretful.
  • Lack of initiative; Irresolute; Indecisive. Tastelessness in dressing.
  • Not ambitious. Adult Calcarea might talk of money and will appear as if they are interested in money, but on probing further it is observed that they earn money because it gives them security and not out of ambitiousness. Work is very important, but they are neither competitive nor ambitious. (Money minded Calcarea is Calcarea fluor).
  • Duty bound , practical and economical.
  • Child is precocious, obstinate, self willed, and cries persistently.


Sleepy , restless with crying out at night.


  • Has anxious look when lifted from cradle.
  • Plays alone only if someone is around. Gets scared if mother is not there in the room. (Searching for safety and security) • Fear of dark, shadow. He will not sleep in the dark.
  • Scratches his head when aroused in the morning.
  • Startles easily. Startles during sleep.
  • Plays with hand and fingers.
  • Profuse sweat; wets the whole pillow (Silicea, Sanicula); perspiration mostly on the back of head and neck, or chest and upper parts of the body.
  • Difficult and delayed dentition, open fontanelles.
  • Sourness of the whole body (Hepar sulph, Rheum) .


  • Timid; avoids risky, bullish games. Instead will sit in the corner and watch.
  • Cannot see fighting in movies, cartoons or horror movies.
  • Prefer watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry, Disney world rather than Pokemon, Power rangers (violent television serials).
  • Indolent; sits around doing nothing.
  • Loves pet animals (Carcinosin, Chocolate, Natrum mur , Staphysagria). { This is a non-demanding relationship; people who have been suppressed and criticized do not like bonding with people, since they fear that the relationship will hurt them. [Vijayakar] }
  • Sensitive to rudeness and criticism .
  • Craving eggs and indigestible things.

Little children crave eggs; at every meal they will eat eggs and eggs will digest better than anything else. It is very seldom that little children naturally long for eggs; children with cold feet, emaciated extremities, large heads, enlarged abdomen; stomach distended like an inverted saucer, rounded out; bloated abdomen and slender extremities; cold and sensitive to cold; pale skin; pale waxy surface. [Kent]

  • Biting nails with forsaken feeling.
  • Difficult dentition.
  • Sprains ankles easily.

Schooling child


They will avoid raising their hands and giving answers in the class.

  • Fear he will be laughed at.
  • He will not answer in the class even if they know the answer, for fear of being laughed at.
  • Wants to read religious book all day long . Religious precocity.
  • Curious; asks questions about metaphysical things in order to relieve his fears of life and death. Inquisitive about supernatural matters.
  • Not ambitious

Timidity along with sensitivity to criticism and being laughed at makes them non-ambitious. Calcarea children are happy with whatever they are doing and excel in it. They avoid taking new initiatives or risks. They are perfectly contented in sitting about and doing little or nothing. Being clumsy in their movements and bad at games tends to push them back into themselves, so that instead of sticking at it and becoming efficient, they give up the game altogether as they hate being scoffed at or laughed at.

  • Grow too rapidly.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Inhibited. Will immediately go into shell.

Calcarea when faced with threatening situations will try to run away from those situations seeking support, security and shelter. When an elder child bullies the Calcarea child then Calcarea child will come home weeping and never fight back.

  • When shouted at, the Calcarea child will immediately start weeping and get scared.
  • Has fear of injections. So, when you examine the Calcarea child, he will immediately start weeping.

Physical PQRS

  • Coarse and curly hair .
  • Feels better when constipated.
  • Aversion to hot food.
  • Craves icy cold things, ice-creams; indigestible things.
  • Aggravation from milk.
  • Fontanelles are open. Head is big with tendency to perspire.


Cold feet, sensation as if they have worn cold, damp stockings. Great sensitiveness to cold.

Easy sweating on slightest exertion. In the night they wet the pillows with sweat.

The child lies at night upon the pillow and the sweat pours from the head and wets the pillow all around; especially sweating at night. Children going through difficult dentition have dreadful times in their dreams they screech out in the night and the pillow is wet all around their head. [Kent]

Entry points

Child who is timid, cautious and always sticking to mother.

Child who cannot see horror movies, or actions movies on television.

Child who will avoid playing risky games like football or hockey, and will prefer indoor games like carrom.

Child weak in mathematics and slow in studies.

Rule out

An aggressive or a fighter child. (Think Calcarea sulph)

Child who is quick in decision taking. (Think Calcarea fluor or Calcarea phos)

Desires hot or warm food. (Think Calcarea ars) Fever totality

  • Excessive thirst for cold water during fever.
  • Wants touch and protection. Wants mother to be besides her. (Phosphorus also wants someone to be besides him, but it wants more of magnetism, i.e. wants someone to massage him).
  • Desires sweets.
  • Cold and clammy perspiration. Sweats mostly on head, neck and chest.
  • Icy coldness of the affected parts.


Cold air, cold water; Wet weather; From washing; In morning; During full moon; Dentition; Milk.


Lying on painful side; Dry climate and weather.




See under Alumina page no 30.



See under Tuberculinum page no 556.


Calcarea                           Phosphorus

Chilly + Thirsty + Fearful + Wants mother                                            + Desires ice cold drinks.

  • •        Approaching.
  • Can be both sided right or left.         Left Sided.


  • Wants support and security. • Wants Love.
  • • Non-diligent.

Baryta carb

Calcarea                           Baryta carb

Withdrawing + Chilly + Thirsty + Right Sided.

  • Fear that people will laugh at         Know that people are laughing them         at them.
  • Mathematics is difficult but not         Intellect is almost zero, hence impossible. After some efforts                      in spite of best efforts,


they are able to solve the problem.                     cannot solve the problem.

  • Obese or tall.         Dwarf.


Calcarea                               Silicea

Withdrawing + Chilly + Thirsty.

  • Child is dull and sluggish. • Child is nervous and excitable.
  • Less tendency to ulceration. • More tendency to ulceration.
  • Head sweat is confined to scalp.         Not so.
  • Sweat does not make the feet • Sweat makes the feet raw raw.  and sore.



Calcarea fluor is Schussler’s ‘bone salt’. It is found in the surface of bones, the enamel of teeth, in elastic fibers and in the cells of the epidermis. It has been principally used for dispersing bony growths; ulcerations of bone and for fistula.


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Hot or Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided

Non-diligent Sharp brain



The insecurity of Calcarea, the fear of coming to want and poverty makes them to go into business at a very young age. They rarely pass graduation as their mind is too weak to concentrate on studies because it focuses and thinks of only one thing, that is, how to make money. In childhood, they have difficulty in reading and studying but as they grow up they can use their brains for business or selfish gains very well. This is because of SELFISHNESS. [Vijayakar]


Eats well yet emaciates.



Quickness of comprehension and quick in getting to work, but not purposeful and effective; always getting into trouble; work in the end irregular and chaotic; cannot master his own reactions; tendency to rely on other people, due to instability; wants guidance and support; born acrobat; actor; decides suddenly, doesn’t contemplate first; indiscrete, loquacious; intelligent, but making many mistakes due to thoughtlessness. [Vermulen]


  • Ravenous appetite, insatiable yet emaciated .
  • Vomiting in infants of undigested food.
  • Rachitic enlargement of femur in infants.
  • Cephalhematoma .
  • Birth marks. Toddler
  • Tardy development of bones. Slow learning to walk.
  • Doesn’t like to hug or kiss.
  • Fear of dark (like all Calcareas) but doesn’t want touch of mother while sleeping.
  • Dreams of terrorists coming and taking him away.
  • Loves to play in water.

Schooling Child

  • Acute indigestion from fatigue and brain-fag; in over-taxed children.
  • Understand the things quickly and also understands the consequences but cannot take the decision.
  • Anxiety about money matters.

Feeling of anxiety about money matters; of the thought that he would come to want or would soon be “running astern” financially (entirely without occasion). [Allen]

  • Wants family members for security but no attachment to them. If mother is ill then not much concerned about her health.
  • Will try to solve the exam papers in a hurry, hence makes silly mistakes.
  • Wants to wear flashy and expensive clothes. Wants to show-off. Likes to wear branded things. But will never spend from his pocket. Will save his pocket money and wants others to spend for him.

Physical PQRS

  • Induration of glands.
  • Desire sweets but hate rich food .
  • Premature caries. Enamel deficient and crumbles easily. Entry points

Sharp and fast Calcarea.

Calcarea with less attachment to home, family and parents.


Beginning of motion; Cold Weather; Drafts; Changing weather; Sprains.


Continued motion; Warm applications; Heat; Rubbing.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided

Diligent + Misbehaving (obstinate)



Calcarea iodata persons are a very pleasant company, always very cheerful, making people laugh and feel happy in their presence, always smiling and being agreeable, gay and mirthful. At the same time they can be quite diplomatic. They rarely contradict or go against anyone. They are very tactful, and have no clashes. I had a case of a doctor who had affairs with eighty women at the same period of his life. Each woman knew about the others but he was so nice and diplomatic that there was never any problem. He did well on Calcarea iodata. [Sankaran]


Flabby children subject to cold.

Emaciated children.


  • Impatient and Restless

Gets hyper very fast, cannot wait for things to happen – I like, I want, I do. I know my time to play on the computer, but don’t wait for that time; Instead sit on the computer before the scheduled time. I finish my paper before time, keep fifteen minutes to revise the answer sheet .

  • Anticipation

Lots of nervousness before starting or writing my exam.

I finish my paper before time, keep fifteen minutes to revise the answer sheet.

  • Indolence

When the parents tell them to work, they feel lazy. But always ready to play games. Likes to play carrom, badminton, running games. Mother says , “Everywhere she has to be pushed – very lazy. Wants to lie in bed. Will say “No” for work every time.”

Patients who are mentally restless but physically weak, require alcohol or stimulants to pep them up. [Vijayakar]

  • Confusion

Confused while shopping; cannot decide on her own (because of Calcarea element).

  • Likes company .
  • Desires consolation.
  • Weeps easily.
  • Fear of dogs . Infant
  • Can’t tolerate hunger. Better after feeding.
  • Wakes early in the morning. Sleep is restless.
  • Profuse perspiration.


  • Hyperactive; cannot sit idle at one place.
  • Intelligent; learns quickly.
  • Cannot watch horror serials; will hide behind mother when a horror or fighting scene comes on the television.
  • Can’t tolerate hunger.
  • Hands feel cold.

Schooling child

  • Exertion is impossible.
  • Angry over small matters .
  • Dullness of mind. Worse from mental exertion.
  • Desire for stimulants like soft drinks (Coke, Pepsi, etc) .
  • Aversion to routine food.
  • Loves to recite poetries.
  • Strongly sycotic miasm .

Young girls and boys who wear the most trendy clothes, love perfumes and are very careful about how they present themselves. When they return from school their restlessness prevent them from sitting at home and compels them to go in open air and move on bicycles, motorbikes, etc. They love cold air, cold wind on the face which aggravates them or causes headaches. [Vijayakar]

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Physical PQRS

  • Increased hunger; tends to overeat at times.
  • Unquenchable thirst.
  • Profuse perspiration on extremities, palms and soles.
  • Glands (tonsils, thyroid, adenoids, etc.) are affected.
  • Profuse yellow discharges.
  • Strong desire for open air; open air excites and also ameliorates symptoms.
  • Headache whilst riding against a cold wind. [Clarke] • Likes cold things and cold water. Entry points

Fast and aggressive Calcarea .

Very aggressive yet fearful.

Calcarea with glandular enlargements .

Rule out

Speed of disease is slow.


Night; Warmth of bed; Cold draft air; Fasting.


Open air .



                 Calcarea Iod                           Pulsatilla

Both are Changeable + Irresolute.

Both desire open air but worse in cold drafts.

Both have anxiety that comes and goes in paroxysms.

  • Wants support and security. • Wants consolation.
  • Thirst especially for stimulants • Thirstless

like Coke, Pepsi, orange and alcohol.



Most of the Calcarea mur children are the elder child in the family who are always dominated by the younger sibling. He feels angry about this,   weeps and complains to the mother but will never have grudge against the younger one. He will take care of the younger sibling when the mother is not at home.

Essence: The idea and the fear that others will think it strange that you need care and nurturing.

Mind: They have a great need of attention, care, nurturing and help. But on the other side, they are afraid to ask for it. That is because of the fear that others will think it strange. [Scholten Minerals]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Non-aggressive

Hot or Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Obese Obedient + Non Diligent



Calcarea mur is greatly attached to the mother and comes very close to Pulsatilla. (Whenever you think of Pulsatilla, you should always give a thought to Calcarea mur.) She wants to sleep with mother, requires help of mother in everything and shares everything with mother. If mother is late even by half an hour, she will be very concerned. She doesn’t want to emotionally hurt her mother in any way and hence does activities to please her. She wants complete attention and pampering from her mother.


Most of the Calcarea mur cured patient were obese.


  • Matured

Behave much matured than his age. Understands others’ emotions and then consoles them.

  • Non-Diligent

They will complete their homework before going to school because of fear of reprimand. As they are very lazy, the mother might have to tell them to do their homework but once told they will immediately sit and study.

  • Withdrawing

They don’t like socializing. When they go to their relatives’ house they get bored very easily. They don’t even like guests coming to their house because then the mother’s attention is diverted towards the guests, which they don’t like. In school also they are very quiet and don’t have many friends. Will not share much with their friends, but when they come home, will share everything with the mother. • Sensitive

Get affected easily.

  • Doesn’t like to travel. (Calcarea phos wants to travel)
  • Fear of snakes.


  • Child wants mother all the time, wants mother’s touch a lot, keeps on kissing her frequently in the day.
  • When sick, wants mother near her .
  • Shy and withdrawing. Will speak so softly, that the opposite person will hardly understand.

Schooling Child

  • Sensitive to criticism . Affected if mother criticizes her in front of others.

Will not like mother to compare her with other children.

  • Like other Calcareas, “What will others think of me?
  • Timid; stage-fright. Fear of dark, will not go alone in the room.
  • Fastidious; whatever she does, she does neatly. She wants her school shoes to be properly polished because she fears remarks from the teacher. She will eat food which is either very tasty or at least is served in a presentable manner.
  • Behave maturely. If mother is disturbed for some reason, will console her.
  • Feels comfortable at home only. Doesn’t want to go out and play with other children, instead is happy to stay at home watching television.
  • Likes to read books, goes to the library and can spend hours reading. Will prefer to remain indoors and read books rather than playing outside.
  • Caring and affectionate. Will take care of younger brother.
  • Likes to listen to music; will listen to soft music.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Grief Non-expressing .
  • Weeps very easily if upset or someone hurts her. She will not weep loudly (like Pulsatilla to gain consolation), instead weeps silently.
  • When angry, will not talk to anyone; go in a corner and brood.

Physical PQRS

  • Gourmand; wants tasty food. The food has to be either very tasty or has to be in presentable manner.
  • Capricious appetite.
  • Desires sweets.

Entry point

Loner but dependent, obedient but non-diligent, attached to mother but non-expressive child.

Rule out

No attachment with mother.



                Calcarea mur                         Carcinosin

Withdrawing + Obedient + Sensitive + Left sided + Hot or Chilly.

  • Non-diligent. Diligent.
  • Not very clear history of Strict Parents.

parental domination.

  • Not much creative. Creative.
  • Timid and indecisive. Strong.
  • • Perfectionist.



                Calcarea mur                      Pulsatilla

Both are “Mother’s baby” + Hot + Timid + Non-diligent.

  • Grief Non-expressing. Grief Expressing.
  • Sad but not a weeping child. • Weeping child though not sad, because wants consolation.
• Matured enough. • Childish behavior.
• Hot or Chilly. • Hot with desire for open air and wants covering.
• Thirsty. • Thirstless.




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Right sided (Right to Left) + Emaciation



Children who are delicate, tall, thin or scrawny; with dirty brownish skin. Anaemic children.

Peevish flabby children having cold extremities and weak digestion.

Head disproportionately large and delayed closure of fontanelles.

Sluggish development

During the growing period many children need this remedy. If the head bones are slow in forming or do not keep pace with the growth of the child, this remedy is often called for. Where the child is losing flesh, slow learning to do things, slow learning to walk or the legs are not strong enough to support the body or it is behind in mental development this remedy is one to be examined (like Baryta carb, Borax, Phosphoric acid, Natrum mur, Calcarea carb). Growing pains especially at nights in fast growing children. [Kent]


  • Irritable

Calcarea phos infants are irritable and whiny. The child cries and requires constant attention. He wants to be carried which is reminiscent of Chamomilla, but is less aggressive than Chamomilla, Cina, or Antimonium crud. Older Calcarea phos children are very sensitive and often overwhelmed by the stresses of school. At school age the child often presents with complaints of school phobias, school headaches or stomach pains. A strong characteristic in the Calcarea phos child is a constant complain of boredom. The feeling may often be associated with a chronic, causeless feeling of unhappiness and a generally bad attitude. [Morrison]

  • Intolerant of Contradiction

Grows very violent, if his opinion is differed from, or if contradicted, so that he is vexed not to have been able to control himself. Violent, irritable, and snappish; it affects him most to hear that someone has done wrong; indignation rises in him, and he would like to avoid the conversation. [Allen]

  • Fear of hearing bad news

Unpleasant news makes him beside himself; sweat breaks out; inclined to indignation and anger. He can seriously think of nothing, cannot collect his thoughts, and gets into a general sweat about it. [Allen]

  • Mental Sluggishness (Brain Fag)

Slow comprehension. Difficulty in performing intellectual operations. [Clarke]

The mind shows above all a tired and weak brain. Feeble memory and inability to sustain mental effort. Suffering in the head from mental exertion. Dreads mental exertion. Sluggish mind. Feeble minded children. [Kent]


  • Head disproportionately large. Delayed closure of fontanelles.
  • Peevish, restless and fretful.
  • The child grasps the head with the hands and screams.
  • Child loses breath on being lifted up.
  • Children cry in sleep.
  • Desire to be carried.
  • Strong appetite. Infants want to nurse all the time and vomit easily.
  • Diarrhoea from juicy fruits; during dentition. Foul, watery, green, slimy stools.
  • Fissure of anus in tall slim children. Child refuses mother’s milk; milk tastes salty.


  • Weakness and relaxation. Child is slow in learning to walk due to weak ankles, inability to stand.
  • Neck too thin and weak to support head.
  • Capricious restlessness; wants to go home when out and when at home wants to go out; goes from one place to another (Phosphorus element pushes them to go out, away from home, but when out Calcarea element pulls them back). Dissatisfaction. Desire to wander from place to place.
  • Children cry out in sleep. Frightful dreams cause him to awaken with a start.

Schooling Child

  • Mentally weak. Slow comprehension. Difficulty in performing intellectual operations. Writes wrong words or the same word twice. Slow mental development , even stupidity.
  • Aversion to school and mental exertions.
  • Headache of school children . (Natrum mur)
  • Very tired and sleepy.
  • Aversion to interference, interruption.
  • Censorious and fault finding.

It affects him most to hear that someone has done wrong; indignation rises in him, and he would like to avoid the conversation. [Allen]

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Grief Non-expressing.
  • Anger Inhibited.


A communication in which someone is justly reproached concerning his conduct, affects him very disagreeably; he grows violent, and holds up his faults to himself. [Allen]

Physical PQRS

  • Craving for salted or smoked meats; loves roasted food.
  • Defective bone development. Cranial bones very soft and thin, cracking like paper upon pressure. Delayed closure of fontanelles .
  • Non-union of fractured bones.
  • Malnutrition; malassimilation.
  • Sunken, flabby abdomen.
  • Weakness; torpidity; relaxation.
  • Slow in learning to walk on account of weak ankles.
  • Unable to stand . Entry points

Headaches after going to school.

Active, restless and industrious Calcarea. [Vijayakar]

Rule out

If the child desires to remain indoors. If no restlessness.

Body is active but mind is dull. [Vijayakar]


Exposure to damp cold weather; Melting snow; Change of weather; Motion; Exertion.


Summer; Dry warm weather; During rest.


An important point in this connection is that in the CALCAREA PHOS. child the growing pains are definitely muscular. In a similar type of child, also with growing pains but not so touchy as the CALCAREA PHOS. child and locating the pains in bones, especially in the shin bones, the indication is for MAGNESIUM METALLICUM. [Borland]




Calcarea sulph (Calcium sulphate) is commonly known as Plaster of Paris (Gypsum). Plaster casts are used to immobilize a fractured limb and in preparation of statues. Similarly, the Calcarea sulph child also shows immobilization; sits like a statue with a plastic (non-expressive) face, will not utter a single word. But after initial inhibition (Calcarea timidity), he will start talking about himself, his deeds (Sulphur boasting) and will end up lamenting that no one appreciates him. He laments that his parents always praise other children, keep on comparing him with other children and never appreciate him.


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + One sided

Disobedience + Non-diligent



Feeling of being not appreciated due to high expectations from the parents and the constant comparison made between him and other children (like cousins or siblings), therefore SIBLING RIVALRY. He laments for not being appreciated so that parents realize how he feels and the reaction is HATRED which is reflected in the form of maliciousness, obstinacy, being quarrelsome. Hatred for the persons who do not agree with him.


Flabby muscles. [Kent]


  • Appreciation desires .

In addition to a need for stability of Calcarea, Sulphur introduces an element of ego and appreciation to the salt. Hence the main feeling of Calcarea sulph is that he is not appreciated at the place of security, for example by his parents. Thus the Calcarea sulph person is constantly trying to do things that will gain him appreciation. [Sankaran]

The place of security is not school, playground or outside but is home. So, he will try to do everything in such a manner that he is appreciated at home and never in clinic. Therefore, Calcarea sulph is not there in rubric, Antics plays.

  • Delicate child .

Calcarea sulph cannot play sports. Cannot bear exertion of any kind. He is a fat child who easily gets breathless on ascending stairs, running, cycling or playing sports. Easy tiring. Does not want to walk. [Vijayakar]

  • Quiet child.

Calcarea sulph children are hypoactive, indolent (as Plaster of Paris is used to immobilize the part).

  • Brooding over imaginary troubles
  • In Calcarea phos there is a desire to go home when out and vice versa, while in Calcarea sulph there is desire to go out but as soon as he sets out, the desire vanishes and he sits and broods over imaginary troubles, distressing apprehensions of evil to loved ones. Expression is gloomy, melancholic, never cheerful. So when all alone laments for not being appreciated resulting in escalating jealousy.

Since Sulphur (an element of ego) is present; because of his ego, he doesn’t go to his parents instead will sit back, weep and feels miserable, unhappy. Infant

  • Like Sulphur , it has cured morning diarrhoea but has also an evening diarrhoea. Hence very useful for diarrhoea in children. Diarrhoea with discharge of pus or bloody pus.
  • Infants; with bloody coryza, diarrhoea or eczema.
  • Scald head of children; with purulent yellow discharge.
  • Dry eczema, worse in infants.


  • Children who like to play in water or who will not come out of a swimming pool. Schooling child
  • Despises those who do not agree with him. Aversion to people who do not agree with him.
  • Lamenting because he is not appreciated.
  • Jealousy between children.
  • Horrible things and sad stories affect him profoundly.
  • Children who do not like to study, especially mathematics. When forced , they forget everything. Goes blank before examination.
  • Fear of animals. Fear of birds.
  • Anxiety about future, health.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Hatred .
  • Maliciousness .
  • Aversion to answer.

Physical PQRS

  • Tendency to suppuration, abscesses, etc. When the abscess has broken and is discharging, then Calcarea sulph comes in; the presence of pus with a vent is the characteristic indication. Discharge of thick yellow pus .
  • Wants to uncover; feels better in open air.
  • Children who like to play in water and don’t want to come out of the swimming pool .
  • Yellow coating at the base of the tongue .
  • Flushes of heat while eating .
  • Cold foul foot sweat but burning of the soles.
  • Craving stimulants to overcome weakness.
  • Aggravated after eating ever so little .

Entry points

Quarrelsome Calcarea. Courageous Calcarea. Rule out

If no desire for appreciation.

If jealousy is absent


Physical exertion; Morning; Getting Wet; Drafts; Touch; Cold; Wet; Heat of room.


Cold bathing; Washing face; Open air; Eating; Uncovering.



The use of Cannabis indica in the East as an intoxicant gives the leading note of its sphere of action. It produces a state of exaltation with sublime visions, delusions and hallucinations. Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica are botanically identical; the difference in their properties is solely due to the difference of soil and climate in which they are grown. [Clarke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly or Hot + Thirsty

Non-diligent + Misbehaving



All impressions on the senses are exceedingly exaggerated. Conceptions and perceptions are exaggerated to the utmost degree. Sense of proportion; or sense of time and space is lost.

Extreme apparent protraction of time. Extreme exaggerations of the duration of time and extent of space-a few seconds seem ages-the utterance of a word seems as long as a whole drama, and a few rods are a distance which can never be passed, it is so great. The room expands, and those around the centre-table near recede to vast distances, and the ceiling is raised, and he is in a vast hall. His calculation of the time he enjoyed the dreams was about three hundred years, the fact being that only a quarter of an hour had elapsed. When writing these notes, time seemed prolonged; he seemed to dream between each stroke of the pencil. His friends seemed gone out of the room a long time. Among the first effect was noticed that the letter or number which had just been written seemed like something that had long since been accomplished. Minutes seem to be days. The length of time occupied in urinating seemed days instead of seconds. Only ten minutes had now elapsed, but it seemed to him to be two hours. His sensations were exalted and magnified; his pulse felt to him to be stronger; ideas flowed more rapidly; the pictures on the wall seemed larger than reality. A friend who was in the same room seemed a long way off. Imagines he is gradually swelling, his body becoming larger and larger. [Allen]


  • Imagination beyond the realms of reality making him either a good poet or man of scientific thinking or a vacant weird or world fantasizer.

The thoughts seem to stand still; he stares before him; he feels as if his mind were occupied by elevated contemplations, but he does not know what they are; with a slight feeling of aching pain on the parietal bone. [Hahnemann]

Constantly theorizing. Falls constantly into reveries. Delightful reveries came over him. He thinks he can fly through the air like the birds. Said “he had been transported to heaven,” and his language, usually commonplace, became quite enthusiastic. The sun seemed reeling from his place, and the clouds danced around him like a chorus. [Allen]

  • They talk about things which are supernatural.

He imagines that he is possessed of infinite knowledge and power of vision, and then that he is Christ come to restore the world to perfect peace. He believes there is creative power in his own word, and that he has only to speak, and it will be done. He believes he is Daniel Webster, and omnipotent in argumentative eloquence. Then he possesses the wealth of the world, and with benevolence equal to his wealth, showers riches on all the needy around him. [Allen]

  • Makes verses.
  • Talks of one subject especially science.
  • Rapid flow of ideas

Quickness of ideas and pleasant sensations. Constant succession of new ideas, each one of which was almost instantly forgotten. Rapid succession of unassociated ideas, and impossibility to follow a train of thought. The flow of ideas was very rapid; though early, it seemed to him that it was very late in the day; the fantasies continued through the night and prevented sleep. His mind is filled with ridiculous speculative ideas. Thoughts followed one another through my head in most rapid succession; they were very vivid, but were forgotten immediately, at their very beginning. [Allen]

  • Fixed ideas

Fixed ideas. He seemed to have the one idea that he should die and soon be dissected. He seemed possessed with the idea that he did not know whether he himself existed, or whether men generally existed, or for what purpose he existed. He became possessed with the idea that he was about to die, from which he cried out, “I am dying; I shall be carried to my deathchamber”. [Allen]

  • Clairvoyance
  • Vivacious. Jumping.

Very excited; he began dancing about the room; frequently laughing; talked nonsense; knew that he was talking nonsense, but could not stop without an effort of the will, which he did not care to make. He shouts, leaps into the air, and claps his hands for joy. He sings, and extemporizes both words and music. On becoming conscious, he finds himself dancing, laughing, and singing, before a looking glass. Incoherent talking. Every now and then speaks uncontrollably loud, and then corrects himself. [Allen]

Exaltation of spirit, with excessive loquacity. Full of fun and mischief, and laughs immoderately. [Clarke]

  • Creativity
  • Tendency to blaspheme
  • Sensation of duality

Had a feeling of duality. One of his minds would be thinking of something, while the other would laugh at it. Quick transition of the ideas of one mind to the other. The soul seemed to be separated from the body, and to look down upon it, and view all the motions of the vital processes, and to be able to pass and re-pass through the solid walls of the room, and to view the landscape beyond. [Allen]


  • Exhilarated look on the face of the child. [Vijayakar]


  • Good at nursery rhymes; grasps them easily.

Schooling Child

  • Makes mistakes in writing. (Mental faculties are exaggerated but memory is weak).
  • Fancies (Imagination is good, but output is zero). [Vijayakar]

Physical PQRS

  • Feels weak and all gone to nothing.
  • Paralysis with tingling of the affected part.
  • Desires sweets.

Rule out

If no theorising.

If new ideas lacking.

If body is fast and mind is slow.

Fever totality

  • Loss of animal heat. General chilliness . Coldness of the face, nose, and hands after dinner.
  • Profuse sticky sweat, standing out in drops on his forehead.


URINATING (Cannabis sativa); DARKNESS; Exertion; Talking; Walking; Coffee; Lying down and going upstairs (Cannabis sativa).


Fresh air; Cold water; Rest.



Cannabis Indica                          Coffea

Approaching + Quick + Witty + Intellectual +  Lots of ideas + Fancies + Senses acute.

  • Hallucinogenic drug. Stimulating drug.
  • Remains in his own world. • Is aware of his surroundings.
  • Clairvoyant; sixth sense Special senses acute.

more acute.

  • Absorbed in himself, • Very active, can do multitasking, forget what he reads.         strong presence of mind.
  • Attracted to planets, universe etc Attracted to worldly things.
  • • Makes many plans.
  • More sleepy. More cheerful and active at

night. Comfortable with little sleep.



Cantharis belongs to the animal kingdom and finds its most prominent sphere of action in exciting the animal passions. There is anger in a very acute degree amounting to paroxysms of rage; and a corresponding condition of the bodily tissues. The word “irritation” best expresses the totality of the Cantharis effects. The pains are burning, and sharp, lancinating along the course of a nerve. Neuralgia of head and face from taking cold, with loud screams and jerking of muscles. [Clarke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided

Fast Remedy


VIOLENCE (Intense)

Violent anger. Violent spasms. Moaning and violent cries. Violent acute inflammation. Violent burning. Violent pains.


  • Constantly attempts to do something, but accomplishes nothing.
  • Excessive sexual desire. Sings lewd songs.

This kind of mental conduct in Cantharis is similar to what will take place in Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus and Secale, a violent delirious state intermingled with sexual ideas and talk. In some instances he deliriously sings lewd songs and prattles on the subject of human genitals, urine and feces, a wild raving on subjects not talked about in health except among the depraved. But in disease, chaste and modest persons, virgins, will speak so that it is surprising where they have picked up such language. In such cases it is well to exclude everybody from the room except the nurse and doctor. I have seen a dear old mother weep and wring her hands and say, “Where did my daughter learn such language?” The daughter is not to blame. It is simply a condition of the urinary tract or the menstrual function, brought on from cold or exposure, or through the mother’s neglect to tell her daughter what she should know in regard to her menstrual function and how there is inflammation of the ovaries or uterus or outside parts and the urine burns and causes an inflammatory condition of the outer parts or the urine is retained and there is frenzy. [Kent]

  • Insolent contradictory mood.
  • Disposition to fly into rage

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive Crying, barking, striking.

Physical PQRS

  • Burning pains.
  • Constant intolerable urging to urinate. Urine scalds him, passed drop by drop.
  • Cold sweat on hands and feet.
  • Burning of soles at night.
  • Burning thirst with repugnance to all drinks. Lips, mouth, throat dry and crave water, while the mind is averse to it.
  • Extremely sensitive to touch and slightest pressure.
  • Haemorrhages from the nose, mouth, intestines, genital and urinary organs.
  • Inflammation rapidly develops into a gangrenous state.

Entry points

Constant urging to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time, which is mixed with blood.

Burning before, during and after urination.

Rule out

If inflammation spreads slowly.


Urinating; Drinking; Cold; Bright objects; Sound of water; Touch especially larynx; Coffee.


Warmth; Rest; Rubbing.



It acts with great intensity on the mucous membranes, and also on the bones: affections of bones in general; pains in bones of face; inflammation of the petrous bone. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Fat and flabby

Non-diligent + Misbehaving Indolent



  • Oversensitive to noise, smell, taste, touch.
  • Oversensitive to impressions, insults.
  • Increased acuteness of senses.
  • Cold drinks cause shuddering.


Suitable to children of light hair, blue eyes and red cheeks.

People who are weak, lazy, indolent, fat, red, clumsy, awkward, have unclean habits and lax tissues.

Children who are opposed to physical exertion and averse to go outside of their routine and get homesick easily.

Lack of reaction and bodily irritability.


  • Peevish, irritable, angry and easily offended. Inclined to be jovial but gets angry at slightest trifle. Always on look for insults. Cannot take a joke. Aversion to jesting.

Repugnance and crossness. He makes reproaches, and is indignant at the faults of others; he takes trifles ill and finds fault with them. In the midst of joking he takes the slightest trifle in bad part. He can get angry very easily. [Hahnemann]

  • Refractory, especially children. Desires numerous things but opposes if offered by someone else.

Obstinate to the extreme; it is a devilishness. Even if she wants a certain thing she will oppose it if it is proposed by someone else. [Kent]

  • Sensitive to reprimands, criticism and reproaches.
  • Jocular, given to witticisms.
  • Homesickness; with red cheeks and sleeplessness.
  • Children are clumsy and awkward. Knocks and strikes against things .
  • Untidy.
  • Desire to be left alone, wants to lie down and sleep.
  • Suicidal thoughts.

The Capsicum mind is almost overwhelmed by persistent thoughts of suicide. He does not want to kill himself, he resists the thoughts and yet they persist and he is tormented by these thoughts. [Kent]

  • Alternating moods. Laughs and weeps by turn; is now jocose and sings but becomes angry on slightest cause.

Schooling Child

  • School girls who cannot study or work , get home-sick and want to go home.
  • Unclean children.
  • Clumsy and awkward children.

Physical PQRS

  • Chilly; fear of slightest draught.
  • Shuddering during pains or drinking.
  • Sluggish, repugnance to movements. Easily fatigued. Dread of any kind of exercise.
  • Constriction of fauces, throat, nares, chest, bladder , urethra, rectum.
  • Burning and smarting pain aggravated by cold water.
  • Tonsillitis with burning and smarting pain. Constriction of throat with burning. Pains are worse between the act of deglutition. Uvula elongated. • Affinity for bones.
  • Each explosive cough expelling a pungent, fetid odour; threatened gangrene of lung; pain in distant parts on coughing, especially head.
  • Marked tendency to suppuration in every inflammatory process.

Entry points

Child is so lazy, indolent and contented that is not moved by any amount of motivation.

Rule out

If child is neat and clean.

If the child is very active and not lazy or indolent.

Fever totality

  • Chilly with the pains. Chill begins in the back with violent thirst but shivers from every drink; with excruciating backache. Chill alternating with heat; mounting to head; then sweat. Coldness of affected part.
  • Sweats easily. Cold sweat on thighs.
  • Fever after emotions; with homesickness.



Cold and damp weather; Dread of open air; Cold water.



Heat, wants to be in a warm room.


Carbon Group


Carbon is found in many different compounds. It is in the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the cosmetics you use and the gasoline that fuels your car. Carbon is the sixth most common element in the universe. In addition, carbon is a very special element because it plays a dominant role in the chemistry of life.

Mind Emotions

  • Withdrawing (except Carbon sulph) .
  • Sad and melancholic .
  • Timid . Weak will.
  • Mental exertion aggravation.
  • Hopelessness, Despair .
  • Irritable but non-expressive (except Petroleum which is expressive) . Intellect
  • Intellect confused .
  • Memory weak (Forgetful) . Physical
  • Chilly + Thirsty .
  • Emaciated (except Graphite) .
  • Aversion to work (Indolence) .
  • Child when fed is quickly satisfied.
  • Perspiration soles .
  • Weak digestion .
  • Ulcers .
  • Desires sweets . Aversion to fats .


Right sided         : Carbo vegetabilis, Carbo animalis, Carbon sulph Left sided : Graphite

Both sided         :  Petroleum



Carbo vegetabilis is charcoal. It is made by igniting a pile of dry birch or beech wood, which is covered up with a thick layer of soil. Thus the burning process is slow and the temperature remains somewhere between 300 – 400°C. Because the combustion is carried out under virtual exclusion of oxygen, the wood is thus converted into volatile compounds and the remaining charcoal which consists mainly of carbon.

The acute Carbo vegetabilis state corresponds to the production process of the charcoal. The main feature is the lack of oxygen, which hinders the fire from burning and keeps the vitality of the patient on a very low level. This state typically occurs in collapses or final stages of a serious and consuming disease. It is characterized by excessive prostration and weakness. The patient lies in his bed lacking almost any sign of vitality. The pulse is weak, the respiration superficial and his face is sunken and pale or bluish. The vital heat is gone, everything is cold: the whole body or at least the extremities, the perspiration on the forehead and even the patient’s breath is cold. He also lacks the strength to produce any emotion. So the main feature in the mental sphere consists of a profound apathy to all aspects of life. And remember the lack of oxygen during the carbonification process of wood – there is a marked desire for an open window or being fanned. [Links]


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow Remedy



Sluggishness both at the level of body and mind.

They are slow in thinking; they are dull mentally; they have a slow reaction time; and they are lacking in go of any kind. They are very easily discouraged, rather dispirited and miserable sort of children, and if they are pushed they become peevish, but it is a futile sort of peevishness without much bite in it. Associated with the general mental sluggishness, there is always sluggishness of circulation. [Borland]


Heavy, sallow complexioned children having bluish and always cold extremities (fingers and toes).


  • Weakness of memory and slowness of thoughts.
  • Quiet slow, confused, sad, silent. [Vijayakar]


  • Constipated infants, passing lots of gas.
  • Rocking Aggravation.


  • Fear of dark, ghosts.
  • Aversion to milk and fatty foods.

Schooling Child

  • Mannish habits of girls; likes boyish clothes and boyish games.
  • Sensitive weeping mood.
  • Indifference to joy and suffering and to music which he used to love.
  • Timid yet sarcastic, mocking as if deeply hurt. [Vijayakar]

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Gets irritated, but don’t have courage to express but just utter sarcastic comments.
  • The child weeps when doctor examines him.

Physical PQRS

  • Offensive foot sweat.
  • Headache from exerting mind.
  • Never well since some exhausting diseases like measles, pneumonia or typhoid.
  • Though chilly wants to be fanned.
  • Imperfect oxidation leading to blueness of skin and coldness of extremities.
  • Sour and rancid eructation.
  • Haemorrhages; blood dark, oozing, persistent.
  • Blueness due to venous stasis.

Rule out

If the child is active.

Disease develops suddenly.

Red discoloration of face after anger or any excitement. [Vijayakar]

Child wakes up fresh in the morning. [Vijayakar]


Fever Totality

  • Thirst only during cold stage. Else thirstless during fever.
  • Excess perspiration yet wants fan.


Evening; Open air; Cold and hot food; Butter, Coffee, Milk; Damp weather.


Eructation; Fanning from close; Passing flatus rapidly; Cold applications.


Carbo animalis

Carbo veg has Rocking agg and Carbo Animalis has Rocking amelioration.



See under Graphites page no 267.



See under Petroleum page no 440.




Carcinosin parents are very demanding and want the best performance from their child in academics, sports, extra-curricular activities, etc. The child is asked to behave in a disciplined and obedient manner in front of others. Thus, in order to maintain a good image, child becomes precocious (mature too early) and take up early responsibilities. Carcinosin child is ‘Bonsai’ as the child’s own individuality is never allowed to express.

Hence, Carcinosin is a good remedy for:

  • Ailments from long history of domination from others .
  • Ailments from too early responsibility.

Carcinosin people often have a history of taking on too much at a young age, having too many expectations placed on them, too strict parental control. They try to live up to these expectations and make a tremendous effort to perform exceedingly well. They set for themselves high standards or goals that are near impossible to achieve and drive themselves to try and accomplish them. In that sense, they reach out for perfection, and almost finish themselves in doing so. [Sankaran]


Mix of all remedies hence no clear axis

Left sided

Diligent + Obedient



Carcinosin is one of the most sensitive remedies in our Materia Medica. Sensitive to rudeness and reprimands. They are very easily offended but never express it (Cyclamen, Ignatia, Natrum mur, Staphysagria). Always score good marks in the exams but if by chance unable to score good marks then feel bad and weep. Very sentimental, sensitive to music and reprimands and also have artistic aptitude. They are perfectionists and even the slightest criticism about their work hurts them the most. They are precocious and behave too mature for their age. Very sympathetic and concerned about others.


Tendency to insomnia even in young children.

Tendency to have inflammatory illnesses, usually whooping cough or pneumonia, very early in life, and therefore almost always severely.


  • Fastidious, perfectionist

Sensitivity to criticism makes Carcinosin extremely fastidious. The child will keep all his toys, things, etc. neatly and in a proper manner. Its worthwhile to check the school bag of a Carcinosin child as his school bag will always be in perfect order, all the books and their covers will be in good condition and kept properly . • Affectionate

The child craves for love and affection. Very sympathetic.

Very affectionate towards animals; loves to be with pet animals. • Sociability

Usually seen as a withdrawing remedy, but approaching doesn’t rule out Carcinosin.

Vijayakar groups Carcinosin under Secondary Extroverts (Smiling and receptive to new people, look friendly but quiet initially. Opens up after someone else has initiated a conversation and if he feels comfortable with the new person, which stems from timidity).

  • Artistic aptitude

Sensitive to arts, drawing and literature .

The Carcinosin child loves to draw natural sceneries. The colors will never go out of the boundary lines. • Sacrifice

Never have any wish of their own. Their desires are sacrificed for others.

Case: Female aged 43 years is a very strong person. She is very conscientious to whatever she is committed. E.g. she did not leave her husband, in spite of knowing he was always sick before marriage. Her father is very strict, she had a difficult childhood, and she could not do anything she wanted or felt like doing. She says that she wasted her life because of her father. Due to these circumstances she became rebellious. (Started doing everything which she was not supposed to do- love marriage). “I am actually a creative person, not happy with my profession. (M.B.B.S/ M.D) My father forced me to study. I wanted to become an architect, interior- designer, event manager, etc. I sacrificed my life for my parents, husband and children.” But she is still very positive. Fear of dark.

  • Erosion

Erodes herself from inside just to please and satisfy everybody else’s need. Others are more important than self.

  • Non assertive

Will never express their wishes or desires. Always suppressing their wants to please others so that others don’t get hurt. Precocious children, strong sense of duty and responsibility .

  • Loves dancing, sensitive to music.
  • Enjoys watching a thunderstorm.
  • Desires to travel.
  • Children dislike and are intolerant of consolation.
  • Sleeplessness in children from birth. Child must be rocked. Sleeps on abdomen; on knees with face forced in pillows.



  • Blue sclera.
  • Sleeps in knee elbow position.
  • Sleeplessness in children.
  • Fastidious; will cry till diaper is changed after soiling it.


  • Fastidious; wants clothes to be changed immediately if they become dirty.
  • Desire for dancing; strong sensation of rhythm.

Schooling child

  • Fastidiousness, Perfectionist

They are well dressed people with good taste. Carcinosin children are well-mannered and well-behaved. They can become neurotic about perfection, and sometimes this can be so extreme that they become suicidal. [Sankaran]

Case: A child aged 3 years is very particular about cleanliness and work which should be done properly. For example, while eating if rice falls then will ask her mother to first clean it and then continue to have food or if her mother is feeding her then she will ask her mother to wash her hands again and again. Until she is not satisfied with everything she has written, will keep on erasing till she find everything is properly written. If her drawing is not properly done, throws it or tears the page. Approaching, says ‘Hi’ to everyone on the road. Very obedient and will not go out unless her mother allows it. Her mother is very strict. When her mother is not well, she tells her to go to the doctor and take medicine.

  • Sensitive, easily offended

The need for perfection makes Carcinosin people sensitive to reprimands and fastidious in every sphere of life to the point of being faultless. But unlike mineral remedies, which merely want order in everything that they do, Carcinosin patients often show an interest towards artistic things like music, dancing and painting. They are sensitive to and enjoy beautiful scenery, seashore, thunderstorms and lightning. They show the sensitivity of a plant as well in that, like Pulsatilla and Ignatia, they are sensitive to reprimands and are offended easily.


Case: A child aged 11 years is very intelligent, obedient and at the same time very creative. He has repaired blenders, mixers, television, and watch on his own. New creative ideas come in his mind and he tries to make the best out of waste. He loves drawing and painting. He is scared of his tuition teacher who is very strict and hits him if he scores less marks or if he does not do his homework. Therefore he completes his work on time. Even his dad is very strict and has told him if he doesn’t study well he will send him to boarding school. During exams he gets scared and anxious about what will happen if he doesn’t score good marks. He is sensitive to reprimands, starts crying, but doesn’t back answer, very good boy. Will keeps things in place. He has fear of dark and being alone.

  • Suppression

There is also a tendency to suppression, like in Ignatia. They accept their disappointments and also their domination with a kind of resignation, and tend to accumulate all the grief within, without expressing their sensitivity. [Sankaran]

  • Anticipation


Reaction to Stimulus

  • Grief Non-expressing

Immediately starts weeping but weeping is non expressive, meaning inward weeping.

Physical PQRS

  • Blue sclera.
  • Tendency to moles, keloids, café au lait (pale brown) complexion .
  • Seashore aggravation or amelioration.
  • Amelioration during thunderstorm.


Entry points

When a child suppresses his normal desires for others or parents.

Rule out

If child is Non-diligent.

If child expresses his desires.


Arsenic alb

Carcinosin                           Arsenic alb

Both are Fastidious and anxious

  • Perfectionist and Artistic. Censorious and critical.
  • Find faults with self and tries• Find fault with others to improve.    and criticises others.
  • Good in relationship and Refined and aristocratic manners.  but selfish.
  • Sharing and caring. Does not share with others.
  • Calm and composed in acutes.         Anxious in acutes. Will be Will not bother others much.       restless and bother others.



See under Alumina page no 30.


Aurum ars

See under Aurum ars page no 88.


Calcarea Mur

See under Calcarea mur page no 155.



See under Palladium page no 436.




Causticum is one of the great polychrest medicines of the Chronic Diseases. It is an antipsoric, antisycotic and antisyphilitic. The leading feature of the Causticum effects is paralysis, showing itself both in voluntary and involuntary muscles. The weakening effect of potassium in allopathic overdosing is well known, and is strongly brought out in the Causticum proving. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy



Very empathetic and can’t bear to hear about the suffering of others.

Causticum is not sensitive to pain but is particularly sensitive to any emotional disturbance. Often these children will cry because they think you are hurting another child. It is the idea of pain which affects them rather than the actual pain to themselves, and they often stand pain quite well, but cannot bear to see another child crying. [Borland]


Children are slow in learning to talk and walk.

Body wasted, abdomen swollen and hard, feet disproportionately small.

Emaciation due to diseases, fright, worry and grief.


  • In Causticum the feeling of injustice done is more marked than resentment (In Ammonium carb, there is more of resentment).
  • They are very sensitive and sympathetic towards others suffering.
  • The defiance of Causticum is more of rebelliousness for a particular cause or for injustice done to others. They will fight more for others than for self. In school when the teacher wrongly punishes another child, then this Causticum child will raise her voice against this injustice and will talk to other children to form a group and complain about this injustice to the principal. They feel indignity when they see injustice done to others.
  • Thinking of complaints aggravates. Infant
  • Emaciation though eating well.
  • Sensitive to noise; startles easily.
  • Starting from the slightest noise; in sleep with twitching and jerking; the child is easily startled or acts as if startled without cause. Cannot remain in bed alone and wants somebody around.
  • Restlessness of legs during sleep.
  • Infant wants to be carried and petted.
  • Fear of strangers .
  • Waking anxious.
  • Feeding hurriedly and fast.


  • Milestones delayed. Toddlers are slow in learning to talk and walk.
  • Unsteady walking and easy falling. Weak ankles.
  • Cries easily when sees the suffering of others. They take proper care of their parents when they are sick.
  • Child does not want to go to bed alone; least thing makes him cry. Timid, bashful, nervous and fearful especially at night.
  • Fear of strangers, dark, ghosts.

Children who do not allow other children to touch their toys without their permission. They fight, quarrel and defy if anyone touches their toys against their wish. [Vijayakar]

Schooling Child

  • Confounds letters and syllables.

Causticum children make a lot of mistakes in writing and talking due to anticipation or apprehension. They are always pulled up for wrong spellings. Do not have the ability to spell correctly. The representation of a sound in writing or in syllable is most difficult for them. Mister will be written as ‘mitser’. Eight will be written as ‘eihgt’. Teacher is written as ‘teahcer’. [Vijayakar]

  • Great sympathy for suffering of others. Caring.
  • Cannot stand injustice. Great anger over injustice towards himself or others.
  • Positive and strong willed. Furiously opinionated and quarrelsome.
  • Defiant.
  • Irritable temper, disposition to take everything in bad part.
  • Teenagers are rebellious and highly idealistic.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Shrieking on examination.
  • Grief Expressing. Weeping.
  • Grief Non-expressing.

Physical PQRS

  • Chorea is apt to follow when the eruptions are suppressed in children.
  • Affects single parts, organ or isolated group.
  • Restlessness at night, especially the legs are constantly on the go.
  • Aversion to sweets.
  • Anger provokes the cough in children. Cough worse from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight, during sleep but does not wake up the child. Rattling of mucus in child’s chest.
  • It is a very useful remedy in children that wet the bed.
  • Thirst after eating. Thirst for cold drinks with aversion to water.
  • Cloudy weather ameliorates, clear fine weather aggravates.
  • Desires dry food.
  • Stools passes better when standing. Entry points

Children who fight for any injustice done to their peers.

Children who wake up at night and ask for water.

Irresistible yawning when listening or paying attention to others.

Rule out

If the disease is progressing fast.

Fever totality

  • Coldness not ameliorated by warmth. Coldness; left sided of diseased part with pain.
  • Heat from 6 p.m. to 8 p . m. Flushes of heat followed by chill.
  • Sweat about 4 a.m., profuse on slight exertion, open air.


Clear fine weather; Dry cold wind, Exertion.


Damp weather; Warm air; Heat of bed, Gentle motion.


Nitric acid

Like Causticum, Nitric acid too is very sympathetic and both come from a similar situation. The only difference is that Nitric acid is actually fighting a very hard battle with an enemy. It is not merely fighting unfairness like Causticum, but a long and unforgiving battle against a person who has harmed him. For this battle he requires the support from all his friends. So Nitric acid is very sympathetic to all his supporters. He is sympathetic conditionally. As long as you are his friend, he is sympathetic. Once you offend him he will kill you. [Sankaran]



Phosphorus gets concerned when sees mother ill. But the difference is Phosphorus will show caring attitude towards the mother and will weep (go into panic), whereas Causticum is troubled with the illness of the mother but will not panic and have the courage to call the doctor.

Phosphorus sympathy is different from Causticum and Nitric acid. There is a kind of selfishness behind the sympathy that both Causticum and Nitric acid feel. They stand to gain by their sympathy whereas Phosphorus is genuinely sympathetic. In being sympathetic Causticum is anxious for others, whereas Phosphorus feels the anxiety of others. If the child goes out and is a little late returning home, Causticum will be worried even though the child is enjoying himself. It is not so with Phosphorus. Phosphorus feels the anxiety of the other person, i.e. when the other person is anxious Phosphorus feels it. Causticum is always anxious for others, always on tenterhooks, always checking where they have gone, when they will return, etc. If they are late, Causticum has to keep pacing up and down. Both Phosphorus and Causticum are very similar remedies. Both are chilly, both desire cold drinks and are averse to sweets. Also, both may have paralysis of the right side of face. Hence they are inimical remedies. [Sankaran]


Mercury is an active mobile person who though basically timid in childhood has developed the revolting instinct secondary to attack on him. He fights not for the rights like Causticum but revolts if he himself is wronged. He is not sympathetic and so he will not fight for others. He has been at the receiving end and hence he decided to get back to teach them a lesson. He might go to extent of committing crime and that too without any remorse. He does not feel sorry for it. Causticum fights for justice and once it is delivered, he keeps no grudges. [Vijayakar]




It is called Copperhead snake and is found in North America.


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Both sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving


Emaciation extending downwards.


  • Females who do not like to do house work, refuse to cook at home, wants to do outside jobs, avoids routine and domestic work, but they do not mind cooking some delicacies at home. [Vijayakar]
  • Hatred for parents, do not care for parents, no attachment for children or parents. They have attachment to themselves; selfishness and ungrateful people. [Vijayakar]
  • Alternating moods (Crocus sativa).
  • Absent minded. • Suspiciousness.

Suspicious, thinks her husband is going to put her in an insane asylum, every day, 3 to 8 p-m., for ten days, yet she knew it was a delusion. [Clarke]

  • Anxiety in chest in the region of heart.

Anxiety with a feeling that she will die suddenly. [Kent]

Instantly after lying down at night she was seized with a horrible, sickening anxiety all over the body but most at the heart and through the chest, exclaiming, “I shall die! I shall die!” This soon passed into profound sleep which was not interrupted until morning but full of horrible dreams. [Kent] Feeling of general anxiety throughout the body. [Kent]

  • Fear to go to sleep; fear to suffocate during sleep. [Vermulen]
  • Restlessness

Not able to rest in bed, must walk the floor to ease mind yet has no mental trouble. [Kent]

Extremely restless during night compelled to move constantly. [Kent] Restless after stools. [Kent]


  • Can’t bear tight clothing especially around abdomen.


  • Crying and very frequent sighing as if very sad.

Schooling Child

  • Absentmindedness

Took the wrong car without realising where she was going. When riding in the car rode past the place she intended to get off at. [Clarke].

So absent-minded and stupid that I tremble and shiver and my teeth chatter for some time before I begin to realize that I feel cold [Kent].

  • Vivid and horrible dreams. Frightful dreams.
  • Aversion to play.
  • Sibling jealousy (like Lachesis). When the mother starts attending to the new born baby, feel forsaken and develop jealousy towards the younger ones.
  • Anger when disturbed. Reaction to Stimulus
  • Jealousy .

Physical PQRS

  • Ineffectual attempts to recline.
  • Swellings
  • Great sphere of usefulness in conditions where excessive swelling is a leading feature.
  • Swelling above eyes, below brow, like an over-hanging bag of waters. [Clarke]
  • Swelling of upper lip. [Clarke]
  • Feels as if heart were distended, or swelled to fill the whole chest. [Clarke]
  • Tight clothing intolerable.
  • Difficult empty swallowing, but easy swallowing of solids and liquids.
  • Nausea better by ice; aggravated by water which causes vomiting.

Entry points

Lachesis + Arsenic-album

Similar to Lachesis but chilly and anxious like Arsenic-album.

Like Arsenic-album, it has dyspnoea, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water, necessity for having clothing loose, like Lachesis. [Boericke]

Rule out

If the child has interest in studies or helps parents in their work.

If the child wears sober clothes and not interested in fashionable clothes.

Fever totality

Chill or fever beginning in afternoon.


Most of the symptoms come after 3:00 p.m. [Kent]; Night; Waking; Pressure; Lying down


Warm drinks.



Lachesis is nearest, but affects left ovary more than right; Cenchris has difficult empty swallowing with easy swallowing of solids and liquids; Lachesis can swallow solids but not liquids.



Both have anxiety felt in region of heart, death presentiment of, fear death of sudden, anxiety bed in, anxiety evening aggravates bed in, dreams frightful, restlessness, suspiciousness.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot or Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving (Uncivil)

Touch me not. Look at me not. Talk to me not

Fast remedy



  • Oversensitive mentally (Cina is oversensitive physically).
  • Sensitive to pain; shrieking, angry and impatient with the pains. Numbness with the pains. The pains are unbearable and drive to despair. The child wants instant relief.


Adapted to children with light brown hair who are of irritable temperament.

New-born infants and in particular children during the period of dentition.


  • Uncivil

The child answers snappishly . Cross and Uncivil; Quarrelsome; so irritable and snappish that the child can hardly return a civil answer. Cannot be civil to doctor.

She forgets all about her prudence and her diplomacy. Loss of generosity; she has no consideration for the feelings of others. She will simply enter into a quarrel or dispute regardless of the feelings of anybody. So when you go into practice, do not be surprised when you go to the bedside of a patient in labor who is full of pains and sufferings, if she says, “Doctor, I don’t want you get out.” Just such a one will pass under other circumstances as a lady. [Kent]

Disposed to anger, scorn, and quarrelsomeness. Talks with aversion, in a short, abrupt way. [Allen]

  • Capriciousness

The child whines and cries and sputters about everything. He wants something new every minute. He refuses everything that he has asked for. If he asks for something to eat or something to play with (toys) then when these are handed to the child, he throws them away; flings them clear across the room.

It seems that the pains and suffering are sometimes ameliorated by passive motion, this very particularly in children. The pains seem to be better when the child is carried so the child wants to be carried all the time. Children must be carried. The nurse is compelled to carry the child all the time. And then there is the restlessness and capriciousness about the members of the family. The child goes two or three times up and down the room with the nurse and then reaches out for its mother; goes two or three times up and down the room with her and then wants to go to its father. And so it is changing about. Never satisfied. It seems to have no peace. [Kent]

  • Withdrawing

Patients neither endure to be addressed by others, nor to be interrupted when conversing.

Peevishness, ill-humour, absence of mind, taciturnity and repugnance to conversation. [Clarke]

  • Whining restlessness. Piteous moaning because the child cannot have what he wants.
  • Desires to be carried.
  • Oversensitive children.

Sensitive to touch: The Chamomilla child cannot be touched. Sensitive to scolding.

  • Omits words while writing and speaking. Infant
  • Whining restlessness. Piteous moaning because the child cannot have what he wants.
  • Capricious .
  • Wants to be carried during illness .
  • Child can only be quieted when carried about and petted constantly.
  • Waking with anger and shrieking.
  • Dentition difficult. Dentition delayed.
  • Sweats around the head. Face sweats after feeding. Palms sweat.
  • Does not want warm drinks. Likes cold things.


  • Wants something new every minute. Never satisfied with anything. Asks for toys which are not there, when given will not take it and ask something else.
  • Inconsolable child.
  • If things are not given or demands are not fulfilled, then will kick mother.
  • Bangs his head on the floor .
  • Screaming and crying.
  • Sitting erect. Stiff posture.
  • Burning soles; puts the feet out of covering.

Schooling child

  • Cross and uncivil. Quarrelsome. So irritable that the child can hardly return a civil answer.
  • Abrupt speech.
  • Extremely fussy. Wants things in a particular way or else throws tantrums.
  • Mischievous disposition in children when well.
  • Demands instant relief.
  • Omits words while writing and speaking.
  • Intolerance to pain. Wants instant relief but doesn’t want massage.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive. Kicking. Striking.
  • Grief Expressing.

Weeping, Shrieking.

  • Does not allow examining. Child stiffens himself and bends backwards, strikes, kicks when carried, screams immoderately and throws everything off. Even bangs head on the floor. If forced then the child will hit the doctor and be very uncivil to the doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • One cheek red and other pale. One cheek red and hot and the other pale and cold.
  • Warm sweat about head, forehead and scalp .
  • Aversion to warm drinks.
  • There is desire for open air yet over sensitiveness to open air especially about ears.

Entry Points

One cheek red and hot and the other pale and cold.

Rule out

If the child is mild, calm and gentle.

If the child complains of constipation.

Fever Totality

  • Excessive thirst for cold water.
  • Child wants to be carried.
  • Once cheek red and other hot. (Partial heat in different parts of body).
  • One sided symptoms.
  • Child is irritable and restless during the fever.


Anger; Dentition; Night; Being looked at; Cold air.


Being carried; Sweating; Heat; Cold applications.


Restlessness of Aconite, Arsenic alb and Chamomilla

Nash differentiates the restlessness of Aconite and Arsenic from that of Chamomilla by the absence in the case of the last of fear of death. The Chamomilla patient “would rather die than suffer so.”



See under Bryonia page no 132.



The main feeling of Chamomilla and Cina is that they are not getting enough attention from their parents. Chamomilla reacts to this by loud shrieking and demanding, not quieted unless carried, whereas Cina reacts with         irritability   and    temper-tantrums such as      throwing     things, capriciousness and pushing away his parents. It is a kind of pest-like behavior, with frequent complaining and demanding of attention, a kind of behavior that forces you either to avoid or to push away the child, rather than giving immediate attention.

The outstanding mental distinction between the Chamomilla child and the Cina child is that in Cina there is a degree of obstinacy never met with in Chamomilla. The Chamomilla child is always unstable; the Cina child can be as obstinate as a mule. In Chamomilla there is the irregular flushing of one cheek and pallor of the other. The whole face may be red but more likely there is irregular distribution. In the CINA child much more commonly there is a circumscribed red patch on the cheeks, and very often a noticeable pallor about the mouth and nose. The next distinguishing thing about them is that although both dislike being handled and resent interference, in Chamomilla it is much more mental resentment whereas the Cina child is definitely tender to touch. There is very often the same description of the two that they will scream when handled, but once the preliminary discomfort of handling is over the Cina children are quite peaceful, and they allow themselves to be carried about and it will quiet them down; whereas in Chamomilla they want distraction all the time, and are always wanting to be doing something new. The Cina child will want to be carried because the steady, passive motion soothes him. Another point which distinguishes Cina from Chamomilla is that Cina children are very apt to vomit, as are the Chamomilla types, but almost immediately after the Cina children have vomited they are hungry. Often the Cina children will cry for more food immediately after a meal, and the Cina child often suffers from nightmares and night terrors if it has had a late meal. Another distinguishing factor between Chamomilla and Cina is their diarrhoeic upsets. Both types have attacks of diarrhoea. The typical Chamomilla green stool is absent in Cina. The typical Cina stool is a very white, watery stool. [Borland]

Nux vomica

Chamomilla                          Nux vomica

  • Misbehaving (uncivil). • Malicious.


Stramonium and Petroleum

Chamomilla is between Stramonium which is very fast and Petroleum which is very slow. [Vijayakar] Petroleum is a carbon, so the speed is slow and there will be a lot of anticipation (God knows what will happen of me). Stramonium has panic; speed of restlessness is fast like a fish out of water.


See under Rheum page no 481.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Nonaggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving (Insolence) Aversion to being disturbed



  • Mentally

Irritable, sensitive and touchy. Sensitive to slightest offence. Reproaches others.

Even mild scolding makes them irritated.

Slightest attention irritates them.

  • Physically

Slightest touch physically aggravates them.


Emaciated children.

Adapted to children who were healthy but became weak and emaciated because of diarrhoea.


  • Disobedient, stubborn, contempt for everything. Rudeness of naughty children.
  • Withdrawing

Quiet mood. He is quiet and will not answer. Obstinate silence; he will answer nothing. Silent,    ill-humored, disinclined to talk. [Allen]

  • Disposition to hurt other people’s feeling.

Extremely inclined to become angry, and to seek every opportunity for being angry; afterwards quarrelsome, and inclined to grieve and reproach others. [Allen] Ill-humour, with disposition to hurt other people’s feeling. [Clarke]

  • Fear of dogs and other animals at night.
  • Aversion to being caressed.
  • Air castles. Theorizing. Ideas abundant. Plans many.

He has many ideas, a variety of things occupy his mind; he builds castles in the air. A large number of projects. He makes many plans and reflects upon their execution; many ideas crowd upon him at once. His head is full of many plans which he would like to execute, in the evening. [Allen]

  • Discontented

Discontent; he considers himself unhappy, and thinks he is hindered and tormented by everyone. Discontented and sensitive mood, inclined to anger. [Allen]

  • Oversensitiveness

Excessive irascibility, with pusillanimity, and inability to bear the least noise [Clarke]

  • Mistakes in speech and writing. Spoonerism. Reverses words while talking.
  • Naive but intelligent.
  • Artistic aptitude.


  • Cranky child.
  • Whenever they suffer from diarrhoea, even if the stool is small, the weakness and debility is out of proportion. They are too weak to move.


  • Eats well but emaciates.
  • Capricious .
  • Doesn’t want to be touched.
  • Doesn’t want to be caressed. They get irritated if hugged or kissed (Cina) .
  • Fear of dogs and other animals.

Schooling Child

  • Censorious and critical. If something is not kept properly in the clinic, they will easily comment on it without thinking that it their comments might hurt someone. Their comments and expressions border on being rude but are neither intentional nor they want to hurt anyone. It is their naivety which makes them to express their displeasure.
  • Because of their naivety, they sometimes wear very flashy clothes or do a lot of make-up and come to clinic.
  • Artistic aptitude. Good at drawing and writing poems.
  • Senses are very acute and can immediately sense any change in the environment. They are affected by beauty and can pin-point if anything

is wrong in the environment.

  • Strong imagination.

They think and imagine that they are very rich, and have beautiful clothes.

  • Very meticulous and will plan everything very carefully. Their ideas are very clear.
  • Mistakes in speech and writing. Spoonerism. Reverses words while talking.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • AWOTA (Angry when obliged to answer) • Insolence; will scorn others.
  • Doesn’t want to be examined. If forced, they become irritable. They express their irritation on parents and doctor and cry but will never strike (Reaction is verbal and not physical).

Physical PQRS

  • Desires various things without knowing what.
  • Desires fruits.
  • Very sensitive to touch.

While lightest touch is unbearable to a diseased part, hard pressure relieves the pain of the same. Converse effects.

  • Periodicity .
  • Worse every other day.

Entry points

Angry when obliged to answer. Reverse frown.

Rule out

No sensitivity (aggravation) from touch.

Fever totality

  • Marked prodrome. Stages of chill , heat and sweat well marked.
  • Ravenous hunger during fever.
  • Chill then thirst then heat then thirst.
  • Chill begins in the breast.
  • Red hot face with cold hands. Hectic fever.
  • DRENCHING SWEATS; AT NIGHT; worse least motion; from weakness; from depletions , etc.


Vital fluid losses; TOUCH; Jar; Noise; PERIODICITY; Alternate days;

Autumn; Summer; Cold winds, drafts; Open air; Eating; Fruits; Milk; Impure water; Fish or meat spoiled; Tea; Mental exertion; During and after stool.


Hard pressure; Loose clothes; Bending double; In room; Warmth.


Natrum mur

China comes very close to Natrum mur. Both are withdrawing and sensitive. But Natrum mur is pessimistic and a negative thinker. Natrum mur will brood, and enjoys brooding, whereas China will fantasize and is a positive thinker.


Both are sensitive, sensitive to nature and are artistic. But China is withdrawing and irritable.

Arsenic album

China is too weak to move. It perspires and becomes weak and does not have the restlessness of Arsenic album. China has a constant frown, a reverse frown as, “I am being troubled so much.” [Vijayakar]


See under Coffea page no 215.




Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided.


Ailments from excessive joy (Coffea). Prior to the sadness and tormented feeling was a history of excessive joy.




Hot + Thirsty + Left sided. Fever totality

Heat with excessive thirst; sweat with great thirst; apyrexia with great thirst.

  • Back pain.

Painful sensitiveness of the dorsal vertebrae to pressure on lying down, especially during the shivering stage of intermittent fever.

  • Long continued shivering.




Cicuta virosa is one of the most active of the poisonous Umbelliferae. Its chief influence is excited on the medulla oblongata, the gastro-intestinal tract, and the skin. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving Fast remedy



Everything is confused and strange. Confounds the present with the past. Faces of familiar person and familiar places seem strange. Sense of sight, taste and smell are disturbed and confused. Child is unable to discern what is edible and what is inedible. Hence, desires to eat coal.

The faces of old friends look strange; he looks at them and wonders if they are the same persons he used to know. His house and familiar places look strange. Voices sound strange. [Kent]


Convulsion during dentition or from worms.


  • Childish Behavior

The actions and behavior are much below their expected age. A ten year old child behaves like a three year old.

He felt like a child of seven or eight years old, objects were very dear and attractive to him, as toys are to a child. [Hahnemann]

  • Horrible things and sad stories affect her profoundly. Sadness from sad stories.

Anxiety; he was violently affected by sad stories. [Hahnemann]

Anxiety, and great tendency to be deeply affected by mournful stories. [Clarke]

  • Withdrawing

Talk indisposed to. Company aversion to and avoids the sight of people.

Likes to be alone and is disinclined to speak, with diminished power of comprehension.


Depreciation and contempt of mankind; he fled from his fellow creatures, was in the highest degree disgusted with their follies, and his disposition seemed to change into misanthropy; he withdrew into solitude. Want of trust in people and anthrophoby; he fled from them, remained solitary, and thought seriously about their errors and about himself. [Hahnemann]

  • [Hahnemann]
  • Despises others; over-estimation of himself.

Tranquility of mind; he was extremely satisfied with his position and with himself, and very cheerful. [Hahnemann]

  • Inclination to dance and sing.

Mania ; after unusual sleep, heat of the body ; she leapt out of bed, danced, laughed, and did all sorts of foolish things, drank a great deal of wine, jumped about constantly, clapped her hands, and at the same time was very red in the face-all night long. [Hahnemann]

Aberration of mind, singing, performing the most grotesque dancing-steps, shouting. Lively mood, inclined to work, with a feeling of lightness on walking or making any other muscular exertion. [Allen]


  • Great liability to be startled; every time a door is opened, or a word is spoken even not loudly, he starts .
  • Worm fever with colic and convulsion.


  • Sings, dances and shouts.
  • Groans, complains and howls .
  • Anxiety; he was violently affected by sad stories.
  • Disposition to be frightened.

Schooling Child

  • Confounds present with the past.
  • Forgets his own name.
  • Does not remember what has happened; does not recognize anybody but answers well.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Grief Expressing.
  • Anger Extrapunitive

Shrieking and screaming when angry. Biting.

Physical PQRS

  • Spasmodic affections, convulsions from centre spreading to periphery. Convulsions spread from above downwards. (Opposite Cuprum met)

The convulsions extend from center to circumference; the head, face and eyes are first affected. An aura in the stomach gives warning of the convulsion. Some complaints spread from the chest especially from the heart; the rigors and chills begin in the chest; and there is a sensation of coldness about the heart and from there it extends to other parts. Convulsions often begin about the head and throat and extend downward. Any irritation in the throat or Esophagus will cause violent convulsions in this region. On swallowing a fish bone, instead of only a pricking sensation as would occur in phlegmatic individuals the irritation is so great that a spasm commences and spreads to other parts. [Kent]

  • Bending backwards. Rigid muscles. Head turned or twisted to one side. Back bent backwards like an arch.
  • Suppressed eruptions give rise to brain diseases.
  • Craves indigestible things like coal.

The patient has strange desires; desires to eat coal and many other strange articles, because he is unable to distinguish between the edible and things unfit to be eaten; eats coal and raw potatoes. [Kent]

  • Ailments from injury. Chronic effects of concussion.

Mind and head symptoms after injuries. Complaints brought on from injuries to the skull, from blows on the head. Many times there is no trouble in the region of the injury; there may be compression and yet all the pains be in distant parts; drawing of the muscles and cramps. Concussion of the brain and chronic injuries there from especially spasms. Semi-lateral headaches forcing the patient to sit erect. [Kent]

  • Eruptions with yellow honey-colored crusts.

Entry points

Convulsion after head injury (concussion of brain). Convulsion spreading downwards.

Rule out

If child has inferiority complex.

Fever totality

  • Shivering, and perpetual desire to be near the fire. The chilliness begins in the chest and extends down the legs and into the arms. Coldness in the thighs, and in the arms, with fixedness of look.
  • Heat only internally.
  • Perspiration at night (in the morning hours), principally on the abdomen.
  • Pulse weak, slow, trembling.
  • Worm fever with colic and convulsions.


INJURY TO THE BRAIN; to oesophagus from splinters in flesh; Jar; Noise; Touch; Cold; Dentition; Suppressed eruptions; Draughts; Turning the head.


Thinking of pain; Warmth.


Cuprum metallicum

The convulsions of Cuprum metallicum spread from the extremities to the center; i.e. the little convulsions merely cramps are first felt in the fingers and then in the hands and later in the chest and whole body.

In Cicuta, the little convulsions of the head, eyes and throat spread down the back to the extremities with violent contortions. [Kent]


Secale cor

The convulsions of Secale cor sometimes begin in the face. [Kent]




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Obese

Non-diligent + Misbehaving (Naughty)

Touch me not


Touchy and oversensitive

  • Mentally

Can’t take a joke, and more so if it is related to him.

Offended easily by slightest thing.

Doesn’t want hugs and kisses. Cannot be caressed.

  • Physically

Very sensitive to touch. Cannot have head combed or brushed. While lightest touch is unbearable to a diseased part, hard pressure relieves the pain of the same. (China) Oversensitive to light.

The senses of taste and smell are exaggerated or perverted. Things taste and smell differently.


Worm like behavior. The child irritates you so much that you start disliking him. The crying is like boring as if something is being bored into your ears. The child cannot be quieted. He cries piteously when carried.


It is a children’s remedy indicated during dentition.

Children who are big, fat, rosy and scrofulous.

Obstinate children with black hair and black eyes who stiffen out when looked at.




Capricious children who do not like any of their toys; play with one toy and after sometime throw it away and want another. They do not have anything which is their favorite. When they do not get what they want, they become angry and in anger they throw things and push their parents .

The child wants something but does not know what. Desires many things but rejects everything offered; uneasy and distressed all the time. Dislikes his favorite playthings.

  • Good natured children become cross.
  • Child is restless tosses about.
  • Do not want to be touched or carried. Wants to be rocked; the child is aggravated by touch and even by being looked at and is worse from seeing strangers. Cina child is proof against all the caresses.
  • Refuses hair cutting.
  • The child takes a moderate supper and dreams all night , jerks and twitches in sleep , rouses up in a fright , talks excitedly about what he has dreamed , thinks it is real and sees dogs , phantoms and frightful things he has dreamed about. [Kent]
  • Indifference to play.
  • Anger when things he wants are refused. Throws temper-tantrums.

Intolerant of contradiction.

Case: He is an irritable and obstinate child, bangs his head on the floor in anger. His demands have to be fulfilled otherwise he sulks and cries loudly for a long time. He does not mix with strangers and didn’t come to the doctor’s room when the doctor called him. He didn’t like his hair to be combed.

Observation: He was throwing his bottle again and again. He was repeatedly asking his grandmother to take him home and was hitting his head in grandmother’s lap.

Case: He is a cranky child who hits himself when his wish is not fulfilled and cries loudly when he wants anyone to pick him up. He wants mother all the time, his mother can’t go to office in front of him, hits and pinches his mother in anger. He feels jealous when his mother gives attention to any other child. He doesn’t mix with strangers and goes to the other room when guests come to his house. He cries so loudly that even his mother gets irritated.


  • Does not want to be touched or carried but wants to be rocked. Sleeps when rocked.
  • Aversion to being touched.
  • Cannot have their hair combed.
  • Night terrors; cries out, screams, wakes frightened.

Child lies only on abdomen. Wakes in any other position.

  • Restless and tossing. Restless sleep attended with jerking and sharp screaming out.
  • Child refuses breast milk .
  • Vomiting with clean tongue.
  • Complaints concomitant to yawning which comes on whenever someone yawns.
  • Sour smell of body.
  • Head hot and extremities cold.


  • Does not want to play with others.
  • Child bores finger into the nose.
  • Gets frightful dreams, wakes up frightened and talks about them as if they were real.
  • Child lies only on abdomen. Wakes in any position.
  • Child is always hungry. Greater the hunger , greater is the emaciation.

Hunger is not relieved by eating.

  • Desires sweets.

Schooling Child

  • Complete inability to hear a joke of any kind, particularly if it refers to them .
  • Unreal feeling of having done something wrong.
  • Doesn’t want to play.
  • Convulsions in children when they are scolded or punished (sensitive and touchy).
  • Diarrhoea from slightest mental disturbances.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Touch me not.
  • On examination the child strikes, bites, throws toys at you, weeps and cannot be quieted. (Chamomilla will throw things anywhere).
  • Screaming, shouting.

Physical PQRS

Child is always hungry. Greater the hunger , greater is the emaciation. Hunger is not relieved by eating.

  • The stomach is sour and the child is always spitting up sour milk and belching sour wind. The child smells sour. The mother says that the baby has a worm breath but the same odour is present when there are no worms.
  • When there is gnawing in the stomach after eating or when the child has taken all it can hold yet cries for the bottle or empties its stomach by spitting up and vomiting the food and then reaches out whining and crying for more think of Cina.
  • Refuses breast milk.
  • The complaints are aggravated in summer; the heat affects the brain , arrests his function and on comes diarrhoea with green slimy stools or white stools and the child vomits.
  • The skin is sensitive to touch.
  • Cannot have the hair combed.
  • Child lies only on the abdomen. Wakes in any other position.
  • Child cannot sleep unless on the belly or in constant motion.

In spasms, child throws arms from side to side. Convulsions when the child is scolded or punished. Convulsions due to worms.

  • Child rubs its nose with the hands or on the pillow or on the nurse’s shoulder. Child bores into the nose until it bleeds.
  • Before the child has teeth it has a chewing motion , a side to side movement.
  • Child keeps still and does not talk or move because of the fear of cough.
  • Desires sweets.
  • Vomiting with clean tongue.
  • Better by pressure on abdomen

A constant characteristic of the Cina child, both in its digestive upsets and in general, is its relief from pressure on the abdomen. If it has colic it will turn over on to its tummy, if carried about while it has colic it will turn over the nurse’s arm so as to get pressure on its tummy. If it is restless at night, it turns over on to its abdomen and is at peace. [Borland]

Entry points

Cina child does not want to be hugged or kissed.

A yawning child picking its nose always indicates the possibility of its needing Cina. [Borland]


Rule out

Child likes to be hugged or kissed.

Child has less appetite.

If a child is crying and he is pacified by soothing words or by touching his head.

Fever totality

  • Face cold and hands warm.
  • Ravenous hunger during fever.
  • Thirstless during fever (Thirsty in chronic stage).


Touch; During sleep; Full moon; Looked at; Sun, summer.


Lying on abdomen; Motion, feels better while moving about.



Very often the Cina child will flop over on its belly and get to sleep in that way. If you had a child with copious gushing violently foetid stool ameliorated by lying on the abdomen and it would have another stool if lying any other way Podophyllum would be the remedy. That would not be Cina. The Cina stool is not very copious and often white.



See under Chamomilla page no 191.



See under Rheum page no 481.



Seeds of Cocculus contain an active principle called Picrotoxin which has the property to stupefy fish making them easy to catch. Correspondingly we find it produces great disturbance of the sensorium in human beings and all the symptoms of intoxication. It is commonly used as an adulteration of beer to heighten its intoxicating properties. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided

Diligent + Obedient

Slow remedy


Slowness and weakness


  • Slowness of comprehension
  • Slowness in thoughts. Cannot find the right word to express himself.
  • Slowness in grasp and physical activities.

Cocculus slows down all the activities of the body and mind producing a sort of paralytic weakness. Behind time in all its actions. All the nervous impressions are slow in reaching the centers. If you pinch this patient on the great toe he waits a minute and then says, “Oh”, instead of doing it at once. [Kent]


  • Can hardly stand.
  • Feels too weak to talk loudly.
  • Too weak to hold up head, stand or even speak.
  • Weakness of abdominal muscles leading to inguinal and umbilical hernia.


Suited to light-haired, sensitive and romantic girls.

Mild and sluggish temperament.

Hypochrondriacal, timid, fearful and nervous persons.


  • Full of cares and worries

Weakness after excessive worrying and caring for a loved one.

Earnest and little concerned as to his own health; he is very anxious about other’s sickness. Extremely earnest, after which he breaks out into complaints. [Allen]

Case: She takes care of everyone in the family, even of her mother-in-law who is very critical and impolite to her. She says, “I don’t want to spoil my home environment. She is my RESPONSIBILITY.” Also worries a lot for children when they are ill. She cries with her children. She says, “I cannot see anyone in pain or suffering”. Weeps when someone is in pain and she goes out of the way to help even strangers. She gives away her good clothes to the servants.

  • Sensitive to Reprimands and Rudeness

They are very sensitive to reprimands. Mother speaking rudely affects them but they don’t express, instead sulk and become silent. They put in extraordinary efforts to get love and affection. When reprimanded, they don’t react instantly , rather fall sick . They get sick or attack of asthma returns at even a little rudeness of others.

Sensitive to any kind of emotional disturbances like anger, grief, fear, etc.

Case: She is sensitive to reprimands and sufferings. She cries easily when husband or anyone else says something loudly to her, while watching movies. She is unable to express her feelings when someone hurts her. She lets go things though she gets upset as she doesn’t want to spoil the relations. She feels bad if not given the due respect. She feels offended even when others are reprimanded.

  • Anxiety conscience as if guilty of a crime.

Anxiety, as if she had committed a great crime. Great anxiety, as though he had done some evil. [Allen]

  • Disposition to be frightened.
  • Disposition to take everything in bad part and be angry.
  • Romantic

Boy babies who are favorite of other girl babies and vice versa. Children who like romantic movies and characters (a boy liked the character of Mini in Mickey and Donald serial). They draw cartoon characters, love animation movies and live with their favorite character in fantasy (a boy drawing himself as a friend of a cartoon character in drawing) .

  • Sadness

Pre-occupation of mind, and sad and melancholy reflections, as if the patient had sustained wrongs. He sits as if wrapped in deep sad thoughts, and does not take notice of anything; anxiety. [Clarke]

  • Mistakes concerning the lapse of time; it passes too quickly.
  • Dull when sick .
  • Recognise but does not move .
  • Ailments from loss of sleep. Slightest loss of sleep reflects on him, can even cause convulsions. Insomnia from mental excitement and overexertion of memory. Bad effects from prolonged night watching, especially when associated with worries and anxiety as in nursing and not professional.


  • Easily startled.
  • Least jar or motion is intolerable.
  • Sensitive to open air.


  • Premature caries in children.
  • Exaltation of fancies.
  • Convulsion from loss of sleep.
  • Sad, sentimental, sighing.

Schooling Child

  • Mild, yielding and introspective children. They will think a lot on small issues.
  • Irresistible inclination to sing.
  • Speaks hastily. Hurried.
  • Cannot take decisions (Weak willed persons). Impressionable.
  • Concentration difficult. Vacant feeling on attempt to concentrate. Confusion while reading. Forgetfulness. Dullness while reading due to over-study. Makes mistakes, uses wrong words. Reading difficult with vertigo.
  • Sentimental romantic girls.
  • Cannot sit in merry-go-round.
  • Sympathetic, gets easily affected by others sorrow and has a strong desire to soothe them.

Reaction to Stimulus

Grief Non-expressing.

Sits in the corner buried in deep sad thoughts and takes no notice of anything around him.

Physical PQRS

  • One-sidedness.
  • Sensitive to motion .

Motion sickness, seasickness, airsickness.

Traveling sickness, even giddiness in the school bus.

Nausea and dizziness worse by motion.

They don’t like swings. Can’t sit on rides, giant wheels.

Dizziness from looking at moving objects or watching things out of the window of a moving vehicle.

  • Sea shore aggravates.
  • Desires sour .
  • Sensitive to noise and touch.

Entry points

CARING children. Children who are very caring when someone is not well in the family. They behave like a nurse.

Rule out

If patient’s speed is fast.

Fever totality

  • Nervous form of low fever from fits of anger.
  • Chilliness with perspiration and heat of skin. Chill alternating with heat.

Chill with colic , nausea , vertigo.

  • Sweat; from slight exertion; on affected part.


Motion, of BOAT, CARS; Swimming; Loss of sleep; Touch; Noise; Jar; Emotions; Kneeling; Stooping; Eating; Anxiety; Cold; Open air; Exertion; Pain.


Sitting; In room; Lying on side.




The proving of Coffea-cruda were made with the raw berries. The effects of Coffea-cruda have to be considered separately from those of Coffea-tosta, since the roasting converts much of the Coffeine into Coffeone or Methylamine, which gives to coffee its aroma. But the effects are scarcely distinguishable, and I have not attempted to keep them strictly apart. [Clarke]

Coffee causes loss of sleep, hence Coffea is indicated when child gets less sleep.


Approaching          +         Hyperactive         Mental         &         Hyperactive

Physical                              + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided + Lean

Diligent + Misbehaving Fast remedy



Coffea is magnifier of external impressions. The senses are intensely acute.

Sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste more acute then usual (Belladonna, Chamomilla, Opium).

Unusually clear sight. Can read fine print easily and more distinctly.

Noises are intolerable. Distant noises seem to be magnified.

The least noise or motion excites the pain. They avoid talking, being talked to, or hearing others talk. [Clarke]

Pains are increased by noise. Sensitiveness of hearing is so great that sounds are painful. Pains in the face, toothache, headache; pains in the lower limbs; everywhere aggravated by noise. All the nervous disturbances possible are found in this medicine and they are all aggravated by noise. Even the opening of the door and the ringing of the door-bell produces great suffering. Such patients are so sensitive that they hear sounds which those in a state of health cannot hear. [Kent]

Sudden starting from the slightest touch. Painfully sensitive skin. Pains seem unbearable driving to despair.

Coffea has a painful sensitiveness of the skin beyond comprehension. I remember one particular case. A woman had her lower limb out of bed and it was as red as fire down one side. I walked toward it to put my hand on it. But she said, “Oh, don’t touch it, I can’t bear to have it touched; I can’t touch it myself”. I asked how long this had been coming on. She said “Oh, it all came on within an hour”. Such a symptom is common in coffee drinkers. There was no fever. Intense stinging, burning pains in the skin with the redness and heat with coarse rash coming on suddenly leaving just as suddenly. The sensitive part is aggravated by cold air, aggravated by any wind or from fanning, from motion, yet aggravated by warmth. Aggravated from any one walking across the floor. The woman I referred to scowled when l was walking toward the bed. A number of times I have seen such a thing relieved within a few minutes by Coffea. [Kent]

Sense of smell is heightened.


Tall, lean, stooping, dark-complexioned subjects.

Sanguine, choleric temperament.

Complaints during infancy and dentition.


  • Approaching

Emotional. Lively fancies; full of plans for the future. [Allen]

  • Ailments from Excitement, Joy

Excitable, sharp, excitement very easily. Excitement gives sleeplessness.

The mental activities are exalted. Sudden emotions, especially joy, produce dangerous symptoms. Fright from sudden pleasant surprises. [Clarke]

The Coffea state is brought on by emotions or violent excitement of the mind but especially by joy or ‘pleasant surprise’. The result is sleeplessness, nervous excitement, neuralgia, twitching of muscles, toothache, face- ache, red face and hot head. Fainting from sudden emotions. [Kent]

  • Fascinated by nature.

Contrary to his custom is very much charmed by the beauties of nature, descriptions of which are related to him. [Allen]

  • Mind active

Recollect old memories of things and songs long forgotten.

Intellectual. Unusual activity of mind and body until midnight when she fell asleep. The greatest activity of mind. Acuteness of thought. Vivid flow of ideas. [Allen] Sentimental ecstasy; excited imagination; increased power to think. [Clarke]

The Coffea patient is quick to act and to think. So full of ideas that she lies awake nights making plans thinking of a thousand things; utterly unable to banish the thoughts that flood the mind; hears the clocks on the distant steeples as do Opium, China and Nux vomica. Memory active, easy comprehension; full of ideas; increased power to think and to debate. Coffea increases the mental capacity. There is no end to the fancies, to the visions. Fanciful visions come before the mind. Recalls things not thought of for years; recalls poetry that was recited in childhood. [Kent]

  • Fast in understanding, fast in explaining and remembering.


  • Sleeplessness in children.
  • Weeping in children with sleeplessness, irritability and sensitiveness.
  • Wakes up immediately if there is slightest noise .
  • Feeding quickly. Hasty and hurried.
  • Infant cannot bear to be carried. (Because of increased perception of slightest passive motion)
  • Startles if hears a loud noise like the whistle of a cooker , falling of utensil, etc.


  • Complaints during dentition .

Complaints of anaemic children during dentition. Those nervous, excitable children that talk to the nurse and the mother very rapidly with brilliant eyes, red face, cannot go to sleep. It will quiet the patient and actually favor the growth of the tooth in a painless manner. [Kent]

  • Aggravation from pleasant surprises like birthday parties, receiving gifts, etc.
  • Obedient child becomes hyper and excited when friends come home to play. Will not sleep and play with them throughout the night.
  • Exhilaration

When happy, bangs the toys in excitement. Loves music, becomes very happy and starts clapping. Shouts with joy when see people whom he knows and gets very excited when they come home or when offered something by them.

  • Restless

Can’t sit at one place; constantly roaming. Likes to go out. Will not stay in the same place for more than five minutes.

  • Fear of dark. Can’t sleep or stay alone in a dark room, starts crying.

Schooling Child

  • Smiles a lot, approaches and mixes easily.
  • Convulsions, spasms from laughing in weakly excitable children.
  • Comprehension and memory good. Score excellent in competitions.
  • Dominating at home.
  • Affectionate and loving child. Caring for everybody.
  • Memory active, quick to act and witty

Whenever any question is asked, replies very fast, instantly and wittily. Picks up very easily and quickly whatever is taught.

  • Loquacious, sharp tongue

One has to shout at him to refrain him from talking . Mother asked,

“What color is the car?” He replied, “I know better than you.”

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Doesn’t allow examination as they fear touch.

Physical PQRS

  • Oversensitiveness to pain.

The pains seem insupportable, driving to despair. All kinds of pains are intolerable; and are accompanied with fear of death. [Clarke]

  • Toothache ameliorated only by ice-cold water.
  • Hasty in eating and drinking.

Entry points

Ailments from any excitement especially joy. Child falls ill after his birthday celebration where he receives lots of gifts.

Hyper acuteness of all senses.

Rule out

If there are no upheavals of emotions. If mind is not active.

Fever totality

  • Ailments from pleasant surprises.
  • Activity increased, cheerful, excited, oversensitive.
  • Chilly + Thirstless.
  • Cold extremities.
  • During the febrile heat she talked irrationally, with open eyes, and wished this or that thing brought to her.
  • Feverish with pain and always ready to weep.
  • Traumatic fever.
  • Cannot bear pain.
  • Sleeplessness due to overactive mind, full of ideas.


Noise; Touch; Odours; Air, open cold windy; Mental exertion; Emotions; Overeating; Night; Narcotics; Strong smells.


Lying; Sleep; Warmth.



Coffea Thea
Approaching + Hyperactive + Witty + Makes verse + Chilly + Thirsty.
Mental activity more marked. Physical activity more marked;

Likes to travel.

Confidence level good. Less of confidence.
Anger comparatively less. Anger comparatively more.
Oversensitive to pain. Will not complain of pain.


Nux vomica and China.

Coffea Nux vomica China
All are Ambitious, Intellectual and sensitive to noise.
Artistic. Non artistic. Artistic.
All senses are acute. Sensitive    to      noise, light. Sensitive to touch.
Approaching. Withdrawing. Withdrawing.
Wants silence due to acuteness of senses. Wants rest and repose. Nothing marked.
Interested   in    mental work Aversion     to    mental work. Aversion     to    mental work.
Thinking quick. Thinking difficult. Thinking disconnected.
Will weak. Will strong. Will weak.


Coffea Tosta.

Coffea tosta is left sided (coffea cruda – Right sided) and better by moderate exercise.




Coffea also produces an ecstatic state of mind. Here it finds a concordant remedy in Cypripedium. Especially is the latter remedy indicated in children who awaken at night from sleep, and are unnaturally bright and: playful, and evince no desire to go to sleep again. Such symptoms are often preliminary to some brain affection, which the timely use of Cypripedium may avert. [Farrington]

Piper methysticum

Piper methysticum has also been proved as a medicine. Its effects seem to be something like those of coffee, for it produces at first a feeling of buoyancy or tension, as though every nerve were “strung-up” to its highest pitch. The prover feels that he can work hard without fatigue. If these effects reach their extremes, there is a feeling of mental tension as though the head were large, almost full to bursting.  There is dizziness also; dizziness on closing the eyes or on directing the attention to any object. The vessels of the brain, and particularly those: about the base of the brain, fell full, as if lighted (that is the symptom given in the language of the prover).  Thus far you see it is somewhat similar to Coffea. But the secondary action quickly follows the use of Piper, and this reverse effect is characterized by what we may call brainfag. The brain feels tired on awakening, as one feels after being out late at night and losing considerable sleep, or after a hard night’s study. There is heavy, dull aching in the head, which is worse from reading, thinking or any use of the mind, The mental symptoms, be they those of excitement or of depression, are relieved by diversion of the mind. Further than this, Piper seems to produce convulsions, and it has cured them. [Farrington]

Cannabis Indica

See under Cannabis Indica page no 165.



Colocynth produces a state in the nervous system like that found in individuals who have for years been laboring under annoyances and vexation and those who are in the habit of overeating. [Kent]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy


Suitable to easily angered irritable persons with tendency to obesity.

Light haired children.

Persons of choleric temperament.

Those liable to cramps and colic from fruit.


  • Irritability extreme. Throws things out of hand.

Irritable disposition. Excited, irritable state of temper; taciturnity. [Allen]

As soon as the prover of Colocynth begins to have pains along the course of nerves he becomes irritable; everything vexes him; he is worse from vexation. [Kent]

  • Becomes angry or offended when questioned. (AWOTA)

Extreme peevishness; everything is amiss; he is extremely impatient; every word he has to answer, vexes him, and embarrasses him painfully; everything vexes him, even things the most harmless. [Hahnemann]

  • Aliments from anger with indignation.

The trouble starts after an episode of indignation. Patients who are haughty and offended easily get Colocynth complaints. Pressure ameliorates (Opposite of Nux vomica which does not tolerate touch).

The pains are often due to a very singular cause, namely, anger with indignation. Hence persons who are haughty and easily offended or chagrined have Colocynth complaints. Anger will be followed by violent neuralgia in the head, eyes, down the spine and in the intestines. [Kent]

Colocynth produces a state in the nervous system like that found in individuals who have for years been laboring under annoyances and vexations. A man whose business affairs have been going wrong becomes irritable and nervous exhaustion follows. A woman who must watch her unfaithful husband night and day to keep him away from other women gradually assumes a sensitive irritable state of mind and is upset by the least provocation. This is the state of the Colocynth prover. [Kent]

Dejected, joyless, indisposed to talk. Indisposed to speak, the whole day. Moroseness; he takes everything ill, and is unwilling to answer. [Hahnemann]

Disinclined to occupy oneself, even averse to visit his otherwise well-liked friends. [Clarke]


  • Cholera infantum.
  • In colic, the child has to be carried with abdomen pressed against the shoulder. They are relieved by lying on the stomach; as soon as the position is changed they begin to scream again.
  • Diarrhoea from grief and indignation.
  • Wants to be carried.


  • Angry and impatient children.
  • Doesn’t want to be touched or disturbed. Will scream in anger if disturbed. When he is upset no one should touch him or talk with him otherwise becomes violent and reacts. Just let him like that then after sometime he will be normal.
  • Child doubles up with the pain.

Schooling Child

  • Grief, indignation or chagrin causes diarrhoea, cramps or neuralgias.
  • Aversion to talk, disinclined to answer questions.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Angry when obliged to answer.
  • Anger Inhibited. sulking.
  • Throws things.

Physical PQRS

  • Colic

Sudden atrocious cramping; griping, tearing pains which make the patient twist; and turn, cry out; or wriggle for relief or bend him double; patient presses something hard against the abdomen. Pains are accompanied by nausea and diuresis. The patient vomits from intensity of pain. [Phatak]

Colic from potatoes.

  • Neuralgia especially of the larger nerves, especially trigeminal; sciatic and spinal nerves . Cutting; pinching clamping gnawing or boring followed by numbness .

The principal feature of Colocynth is its severe tearing neuralgic pains; so severe that the patient is unable to keep still. Sometimes they are ameliorated by motion—at least it appears that they are worse during rest— ameliorated by pressure and sometimes ameliorated by heat. [Kent]

  • In spite of extreme restlessness , there is great weakness with the pains. A patient suffering with chronic diarrhoea with severe colic will sometimes become so weak that he can hardly speak.
  • Constipation from eating cheese.

Entry points

AWOTA (Angry when obliged to answer) Pains better by bending double.

Rule out

Child wants consolation during pains.

Fever totality

  • Chill and shivering with pains. Coldness of hands and soles, rest of the body warm.
  • Sweat; at night; cold; smelling like urine.


EMOTIONS; VEXATION; Chagrin; Anger; Lying on painless side; Night in bed; Drafts; Taking cold; Before and after urination; 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.


HARD PRESSURE; On edge; Heat; Rest; Gentle motion; After stool or flatus; Doubling up.




Staphysagria is sometimes to be substituted for Colocynth in the effects of violent emotion in women and children when the violent abdominal cramps fail to yield to Colocynth.




Crocus sativus is Vegetable Lachesis .


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive Hot + Thirsty + Left sided

Non-diligent + Obedient and Misbehaving (because of alternating state)

Fast remedy


HYSTERICAL (Alternating state)

  • Anger alternating with quick repentance .
  • Frequent and extreme changes in sensations and mental conditions.

The patient is alternately cheerful or depressed. In the former state she will sing, dance, jump, laugh and whistle, love and want to kiss everybody. In the latter, she will cry, get into a rage, abuse her friends, and then repent it. [Nash]

A slight cause which would usually have made her laugh, now causes a most violent illhumor, almost rage, so that she frequently loses her consciousness; afterwards she is astonished at this outbreak. [Allen]


Especially suited to hysterical subjects.


  • Approaching

Always happy. Laughing, dancing and singing. Loquacious. Uncontrollable laughter. They like to dance to music. Involuntary singing on hearing a single note sung. Loquacity and jesting.

Almost constant unbecoming laughter. Immoderate laughter, as if he would die. Sardonic laughter, and attacks of morbid jollity. It causes a lively mood in a most unnatural degree. Lively and joyous mood, much more than natural. Very lively mood, witty, jocose, excessively talkative. Very gay and laughing mood in a dream. Great joyousness even in those who are naturally melancholic and hypochondriac. Irresistible inclination to joke and laugh, with great prostration, and great dilatation of the pupils. [Allen]

Uncontrollable laughter is also in the Crocus symptomatology. Hysterical laughter is one of the effects observed by the older physicians. Teste cites from Murray the case of several children “who were seized with an extraordinary laughing mania, from having smelled of leather bottles that had contained essence of saffron.” [Clarke]

  • Music

The toddler gets attracted to nursery rhymes. They start reciting rhymes before talking. Vivid recollection from music heard (Lycopodium).

Suddenly there arises before her fancy a concert which she attended a long time since, as vividly as if she were listening to it; she even imagines she can hear the different instruments; after a time this vivid recollection of the past disappears, and she is no more able to recall the music. Inclination to sing. If anyone happens to sing a single musical note, she begins involuntarily to sing, and then is obliged to laugh at herself; she, however, soon sings again in spite of her determination to stop. Even when out of humor, quiet repetition of lively melody. Singing in sleep. [Allen]

  • Alternating states, Changeability

Rapid alternation of mental conditions:

Anger with violence rapidly followed by repentance.

Vacillating, peevish mood; the slightest cause excites his anger, for which, next moment, he is sorry, which however, soon returns, because his calmness frets him and prevents his exposing his feelings; usually he changes a hard word which he has on his tongue to a mild one, but the latter seems too mild, and he now chooses a more severe word, which he again changes to a still milder one, and so on in speech, and action. He takes everything in anger and suddenly repents of having injured others. Great ill-humor; the behavior of relatives and friends excites her to anger, and she is at the point of permitting an outbreak of passion towards them, but at this moment she feels calm; at the next moment this calmness seems a weakness; she is vexed with herself, and her anger becomes greater than ever; this very unusual vacillation of mood lasts several hours. [Allen]

I once cured with a few doses of Crocus a young artist who has become subject to violent outbursts of rage in which he would take up a knife to throw at his mother, with whom he lived, and almost immediately after would be abjectly repentant. The household was on the point of being broken up when the trouble was completely removed by Crocus. [Clarke] Laughter quickly followed by tears.

Joy and sadness alternating; with paleness. A joyous mood frequently alternates with a sad one. [Allen]

Anger alternating with lively, affectionate mood.

Disagreeable mood; vehement, peevish, quarrelsome; an hour later talkative, lively, laughing, singing. At time she is very peevish, and morose to others, and, next moment, wishes to embrace. [Allen]

  • Affectionate, Kissing boy

The child showers affection on everyone , even strangers. If he is told to give a kiss to a stranger, he readily does that. Likes to kiss and hug. Kissing mania (But this kissing mania can very easily change into rage). • Childish

Silly, laugh at every occasion.

Childish foolishness; silly dementia. [Allen]

Even grown up adults show childish behavior by laughing at trifles even in serious environment. For example, a lady said that she never goes to cremation as she laughs and it is not in her control.

  • Impressionable


  • Constipation in the newborn.
  • Laughing babies; laugh very loudly and also shriek very loudly (cheerfulness alternates with rage) .
  • Cheerful infant .


  • Affectionate, kissing, caressing .
  • Sensitive to music; they recognize the song by a single note. Small children start reciting the nursery rhymes (tunes) even before they start talking.
  • Children who like jokes, whistling, jumping .
  • Children who become more cheerful when the music is turned on .
  • Laughing is uncontrollable, at trifles .
  • Epistaxis; dark, stringy haemorrhage aggravated by slightest motion.

Schooling Child

  • Hysterical laughter .

On one occasion, in hospital, I happened to see a young girl who was really desperately ill with heart failure and valvular disease, in a fit of hysterical laughter. This made me think of Crocus. The only definite sensation she complained of in the heart region was a “jumping” sensation. Crocus 30 was given, and very soon she was able to lie down flat (after having been propped up for weeks), and from that time she made a rapid recovery. [Clarke]

  • Children who love to participate in extra-curricular activities .
  • Alternating states.

Case: A child aged 4 years was very cheerful, playing with toys in the play room but when called for interview, he was very dull and not responding to questions. So, was sent back to the play room and I was surprised to see that he was again very cheerful (Alternating mood). When enquired about this, his mother said that he is very naughty, loves puppies and kittens, but at the same time, he is very aggressive. He cannot tolerate hunger.

  • Very impressionable children.

Case: One girl started behaving like the character ‘Ishaan’ after watching the movie ‘Taare Zameen Par’ and became a dyslexic patient. She started getting punishments from her teacher and father. She even changed her ambition to become a painter from becoming a doctor.

  • They remain in their own world of fantasy .

Case: A  child’s drawing showed an imaginary brother and a flying car. She was talking of fairies and liked magic serials and magical fantasies.

  • Drowsiness better by literary occupation.
  • Quickness of memory.
  • Forgetfulness .

On attempting to write down anything, he is unable to do so without loss of ideas. [Allen] He makes mistakes about the time or about objects, although they are quite clear and distinctly visible. Absence of mind and forgetfulness; he does not recognize a person whom he frequently sees; on coming near she seems like one wholly unknown to him; he looks wonderingly at her, remembers having seen her, but cannot recall her name, and mistakes her for another; only recognizes her after a long time. [Allen]

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive .
  • Allows the doctor to examine him.

Physical PQRS

  • Haemorrhages are black, dark, stringy, clotting, forming itself into long black strings, hanging from the bleeding orifice.
  • Sensation as if something alive was moving about in the abdomen or chest. This may be a definite sensation or it may be a hallucination or fixed idea.
  • Alternating symptoms. Symptoms rapidly change sides.
  • Touching and rubbing ameliorates.

Entry points

Singing involuntarily.

Hysterical laughing, changeability, alternating states.

Affectionate, kissing, caressing.

Dancing, laughing and singing babies. Dark stringy haemorrhages.

Rule out

If speech is delayed.

If musical intellgence is absent.

Fever totality

Descending fever.


Lying down; Hot weather; Warm room; Morning; Fasting; Before breakfast; Looking fixedly at an object.


In open air.



See under Agaricus page no 18.



                       Crocus                                Lachesis

Approaching + Hyperactive + Aggressive + Loquacious+ Jesting + Dancing + Hot + Thirsty + Left sided.

  • Neither malicious nor deceitful. • Malicious and deceitful.
  • Sensitivity to music more  Sensitivity to music   marked.   comparatively less marked.


Tarentula hispania

                       Crocus            Tarentula hispania • Music does not ameliorate. Music ameliorates.



It is commonly called Brazilian rattle snake.

The poison of Cascavella is as deadly as that of the other Crotalidae, and the general symptoms are like those of the other members of the group, but the mental symptoms are more pronounced and peculiar. Lancinating pains are frequent, and are worse by cold washings. [Clarke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right side

Non-diligent + Misbehaving




  • Right sided snake with clairvoyance will be the indications for Crotalus Cascavella.
  • Fear of being alone. Fear that someone is behind him.

Tremendous fear of being alone, of being pursued, of someone behind him. Hears voices he must follow. [Hering]

  • Moaning during sleep.
  • Magnetic state and hallucinations. Clairvoyance. Sees ghost, spirits.

Magnetic state, in which she does not answer questions, but hears a strange voice to her left, and behind her; she follows it, throws herself against closed doors, and scratches them with her nails. Three very similar attacks succeed each other; they are occasionally interrupted by silly laughter, and always end with a flood of tears. She again cries out; “He is in the den, but the lions will not eat him” [Allen]

  • Gestures, playing with fingers.
  • Thinks of her death.

Her thoughts dwell on death; with great sadness. Thoughts of death haunt her everywhere, especially when alone. [Allen]

  • Indifference apathy. Infant
  • Fear of being alone.
  • Startles during sleep.


  • Relaxation of muscles. Schooling Child
  • Desire for physical activity.
  • She answers all questions with “no”.
  • Fear that someone is behind him.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Grief Non-expressing

Grief , sorrow , cares but cannot cry.

She longs to weep, but cannot. [Allen]

Physical PQRS

  • Haemorrhagic tendencies; from any or all orifices, from gums, under skin, nails, etc. Blood does not coagulate.
  • Feet icy cold
  • Mental symptoms alternate with physical. [Boger] Entry points

Right sided snake with more mental symptoms and clairvoyance.

Rule out

If clairvoyance is absent.

If no strong religious ideas.

Fever totality

Feet icy cold.


Night; Tight clothing; Sleep, After asleep; Touch; Drinking; Pains aggravated cold washings; Change of weather.


Open air.


Crotalus horridus

Crotalus cascavella differs from Crotalus horridus by affecting the tissues in a lesser degree, but mentality and sensation to a far greater extent. [Tyler]CROTALUS HORRIDUS



It is commonly called Rattlesnake.


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided + Fat

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast Remedy


Broken down constitutions.

Body appears mottled blue intermingled with yellow.

Crotalus horridus appears to affect fat persons more than thin. [Jahr]


  • Loquacity

It differs somewhat from Lachesis. Both have loquacity. The Lachesis loquacity is so rapid that if anyone in the room commences to tell something the patient will take it up and finish the story, although he has never heard anything about it, so active is his mind. No one is permitted to finish a story in the presence of a Lachesis patient. One will commence to tell something. He will say, “Oh, yes; I understand it”, and he will go off on another line and finish up with something entirely different. Crotalus does that too, but Crotalus will take it up and mumble and stumble over his words in a clumsy manner. It is a low passive state like intoxication; in Lachesis it is wild excitement. [Kent] Loquacious, with desire to escape. [Clarke]

  • Snappish temper; irritable, cross, infuriated by least annoyance.
  • Aversion to family members.
  • Memory weak. Clouded perception.

Memory weak; stupid, cannot express himself; makes ridiculous mistakes; with coldness of skin. Inability to hold her mind to a subject; perception clouded, on walking street would have been run over but for her sister’s watchfulness; entering a shop she forgot what she came to purchase. [Clarke]

For several days, a certain dread of selecting remedies which usually is an agreeable occupation. [Allen]

  • Excessive sensitiveness.
  • Weeping mood. Easily moved to tears by reading. Weeping, with timidity, fear, anxiety.
  • Fears evil.


  • Sensitive to tight clothing especially around neck and stomach.
  • Sleepy but cannot sleep.
  • Grinding of teeth during sleep.
  • Cannot sleep on back or right side.


  • Fear of crowd and public places.

Schooling Child

  • Cannot add figures; makes mistakes in writing transposes sentences and in words transposes letters. Inept for mathematics and calculations.
  • Memory weak for dates, proper names, persons, places, words and expressing oneself.
  • Answers snappishly.
  • Talk bombast, worthless.
  • In girls who appear waxy or anaemic, yellowish green, have for a long time missed the menstrual period and break out in pustules and pimples.
  • Suspicious of his friends and is unable to reason upon a rational basis.
  • Antipathy to his family. Aversion to certain persons.

Reaction to Stimulus


Physical PQRS

  • HAEMORRHAGES are slow oozing of dark thin blood not clots; from all the orifices and surfaces especially from pharynx, even pores of the skin. Either dark clots or blood that has no tendency to coagulate and keeps on flowing.
  • Dark or bluish parts or spots.
  • Pain appears suddenly, lasts for some time and then disappears suddenly.
  • Periodicity: every spring as the cold weather subsides and the warm days begin. [Kent]
  • Quivering of tongue on protruding it.
  • Twitching of the muscles and trembling of the limbs.
  • Desires stimulating drinks.
  • Septic conditions.
  • Putrid and malignant conditions.
  • Mouldy odour of secretions.

Entry points

Hot and Right sided snake. Bleeding snake.

Fever totality

Sweat cold, bloody.


Lying on right side; Falling to sleep; On awakening; Warm Weather; Spring; Damp and wet; Yearly; Jar.


Light; Motion.




Crotalus Horridus                      Lachesis


Right sided                               Left sided

Crotalus has suspicion but is not            Jealousy +++ so jealous as Lachesis.

Crotalus does not know where      Lachesis does not know what he is, in the street and is in     time of day. danger of being run over.

There is more obtuseness and                   Not so sensitive and more stupidity with Crotalus, yet is                malicious, deceitful and excessively emotionally sensitive,        selfish.

easily moved to tears even by a story.

Crotalus has a much more             Lachesis has more action on predominating action on the liver         blood than Lachesis, hence its greater appropriateness in yellow fever and some conditions of jaundice.



See under Naja page no 388.



Metallic copper is an antipsoric remedy, working from within outwards. It ranks with the most important of those which relieve states arising from the “striking inward” of diseases, or the failure of eruptions or discharges to appear. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided

Diligent + Obedient (Disciplined) but Misbehaves when angry Touch me not + Look to me not



Very rigid (Stubborn) in their behavior.

Rigid (Spasmodic affections) in reactions.


Obese and fair-haired children.

It is suitable in those girls who have always had their own way, have never been crossed and when they grow older and reach puberty, and have got to submit to some sort of discipline or never become women, they have mad fits, have cramps. Cuprum will sometimes make them sensible, so in that way it fits into the loves and hates. [Kent]


  • Breath holding spasms .

Mother says that when the child is seized with a spell of this violent whooping-cough the face becomes livid or blue, the fingernails become discolored, the eyes are turned up, the child coughs until it loses its breath, and then lies in a state of insensibility for a long time until she fears the child will never breathe again but with violent spasmodic action in its breathing, the child from shortest breaths comes to itself again just as if brought back to life. Cold water especially will relieve the spasm and so the mother soon gets into the habit of hurrying for a glass of cold water and the child also knows, if it has tried it once, that a glass of cold water will relieve it. [Kent]

  • Uneasy.
  • Bashful and timid.
  • Joy at misfortune of others.
  • Attacks of rage; wants to bite bystanders. Mania; bites, beats, tears the things. Sudden urge to injure, scream, run away and escape. Kicks and become stiff when carried.
  • Imitates; mimics. Imitates everybody.
  • Alternatingly yielding and headstrong.
  • DILIGENT; duty-bound. Great sense of responsibility. Disciplined.
  • Dictatorial; talks with an air of command.
  • Caresses aversion and aggravation but magnetism and mesmerism ameliorate.


  • Infants do not want anyone to come near them. They become stiff when carried.
  • Dentition delayed.
  • Feeding fast.
  • Constant protrusion and retraction of the tongue like a snake.
  • Whooping cough, long-lasting, suffocating spasmodic attack, unable to speak, breathless, blue face, rigid and stiff; three attacks successively.
  • Convulsions with blue face and clenched thumbs; eyes fixes, turned upwards .
  • Cramps in the extremities.
  • Bores head into the pillow.
  • Grinding of teeth.
  • Complaints brought on by suppression of skin eruptions or foot sweat.


  • Avoids everyone who approaches her .

In children, this feeling is seen in the form of a fear of being approached; cannot bear anyone coming near them and react immediately by striking, piercing shrieks, biting, spitting, rage, kicking, attacking with fists, etc. [Sankaran]

  • Cramps preventing speech. Slow speech. Inarticulate and stammering.
  • Deceitful. Duplicity. Alternately mild and obstinate.
  • Aversion to change.

Schooling Child

  • Dictatorial and dominating.

Child wants to be the in-charge of the whole situation. Delusion that he is a general. Hence the Cuprum child is usually the class monitor, disciplining the whole class, not tolerating other children making noise and complaining to teachers about them.

  • Serious people; very closed, suppressed feeling.
  • Duty-bound. Great sense of responsibility.
  • Ambitious and independent.
  • Mildness alternating with obstinacy .
  • Wants to be appreciated.
  • Imitates and mimicking.

They take part in dramas and speeches, and act like comedians mimicking various personalities.

  • Fear of society, shuns everybody.
  • Ailments from fright.

Case: A girl, after a fright, had involuntary motions of the left arm and leg developing into pronounced general chorea. Cuprum brought about slow but decided recovery. [Clarke] Case: A girl of 12 years of age who had recovered from whooping-cough got a kind of chorea from repeated frights on seeing an epileptic. To the muscular movements was added silly behavior; tongue heavy, speech slow, gait unwieldy. Frightened at night. Greediness in eating and drinking. Ignatia, Stramonium, Sulphur did little good. She became ill-natured. Cuprum cured completely. [Clarke]

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Attacks of rage; wants to bite bystanders. Mania; bites, beats, spits, tears the things. Sudden urge to injure, scream, run away and escape. Kicks and becomes stiff when carried.

Case: A 2 ½ year old boy throws temper-tantrums. He is obstinate and screams when his wish is not fulfilled. He does not obey his parents. When asked not to do something, he will do it intentionally. When he was not allowed to play a computer game, he bit his father’s ear.

  • Screaming when doctor examines him.

Physical PQRS

  • SPASMS and CRAMPS beginning in the fingers and toes. Aura begins in the knees.
  • Desire for warm food and drinks. Great thirst for cold drinks. Many complaints like colic, cough are ameliorated by drinking cold water.

Suppression of eruptions means eruptions which are suppressed or not erupted.

Scantiness or suppression of urine.

  • Metastasis to the brain from other organs .
  • Relapsing tendency.
  • Nausea greater than in any other remedy. [Boericke]
  • Icy coldness of the whole body.
  • A slimy metallic taste in the mouth’ is one of the strongest indications for Cuprum. (Rhus-toxicodendron is the only other remedy which has this symptom so marked).

Entry points


When you examine the child and the child cries loudly, holding its breath spasmodically think of cuprum. This is because the child gets scared of examination.

Fever totality

  • Icy coldness of the skin. Chilly.
  • Sweat; cold clammy at night; sour smelling after convulsions.



Touch and Pressure; Emotions; Cold air, cold wind; New moon; Hot weather.



Laying hand on affected part; When mesmerized; Colic and cough better by cold drinks.



See under Cicuta page no 201.




Cyclamen has a traditional reputation as a remedy for affections of the uterus and appendages.

The later proving have demonstrated the correctness of this. It is in many ways analogous to Pulsatilla, from which it differs mainly in having no amelioration from open air. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Left sided + Anaemic

Non-diligent (but Conscientious) + Obedient



Extremely conscientious. Feel that they have done some mistake. Guilt conscious that they have hurt someone (Aurum). Children who blame themselves for the divorce of parents. [Vermulen] Grieves over neglected duty.

The situation of Cyclamen is that of a woman who feels that she has done something wrong, or that she hasn’t done her duty and something bad has occurred as a result. She feels solely responsible for what has happened and feels like a criminal. She cannot reveal the crime to anyone, keeps everything within herself and tries to rectify things as much as possible. She

avoids all social contact, does not talk to anyone and feels totally alone. [Sankaran]

Terrors of conscience. Grieves over duty neglected. [Boericke]

Extreme sadness, as if he had committed some evil, and had not done his duty. Internal grief and anxiety of conscience, as though he had not done his duty, or had committed a crime. [Allen]


It is suited to the phlegmatic; leucophlegmatic subjects with chlorotic conditions and flabby muscles.

Debility, torpidity of mind and body; disinclined for labour and easily fatigued.

Special senses enfeebled or their functions suspended.


  • Alternation

Very similar to Pulsatilla. Like Pulsatilla the moods are very changeable. Sometimes sad, and then suddenly cheerful. Sometimes very active to do work, mental labor, then alternating with indolence.

Sudden change of sadness and cheerfulness. Love of labour, alternately with indolence. [Clarke]

Alternation of mood is a striking feature of the mental state. Great flow of ideas alternates with weak memory. Joyous feeling alternating with irritability. Serene humour changes suddenly into seriousness or peevishness. [Kent]

Sometimes he is very ill-humored and fretful, but suddenly he feels again a strange joyous sensation, to which he even gives expression by a slight quivering of the joints. Although previously lively, he now becomes suddenly very earnest and somewhat fretful; after some time he became again lively, soon again ill-humored. Disinclination to work followed by remarkable desire therefore, in paroxysms, lasting two to several hours. Memory is very much blunted; he can scarcely remember occurrences that have just happened, but it is soon again very active; in rapid alternation. [Allen]

  • Grief

Tearful and meditates upon her grief which is only imaginary.

Depression, when weeping desires to be alone. [Boericke]

Grief and fear keep her in continuous mental agitation. Absorbed in thought; seeks solitude; thinks about the future. Wants to remain in a warm room and in solitude. Remains a long time silent. Tearful and meditates upon her grief which is only imaginary. Sadness as if she had wronged somebody (Aurum). [Kent]

He is constantly absorbed in himself and disinclined to talk. Profound reflection concerning the present and future, almost to weeping. More melancholy than ever; she complained of her weeping mood. Fretful and sad; has no desire to work; she felt a great anxiety, as if some great misfortune were impending. [Allen]

  • Dullness

Dullness of senses. Dullness of mind prevents mental labor. Easily fatigued not inclined to any kind of labor; feeble or suspended function of organs or special senses.

Weakness of memory. Dullness and confusion of mind, with unfitness for every kind of labour. [Clarke]

Answers incoherently; confusion of mind. Impaired vision, smell, hearing and taste. [Kent] Impaired power of thought. Great forgetfulness; he easily misplaces his words. The mind is in a constant state of stupefaction; he at times seems to be slumbering; is unable to rejoice or to be sad, although he constantly feels as though he had just suffered from an overwhelming affliction; only when he becomes excited is his mind somewhat clearer and then he acts like one who has just awakened from slumber, and only half understands what is going on about him. [Allen]

The memory is sometimes very obtuse, and he can hardly recollect what has occurred quite recently; but sometimes it is very active-in quick alternation. His mind is in a constant state of stupefaction; all its powers are in abeyance; he can neither rejoice nor be sad, although he is always as if after some great (though passed) sorrow; only when he is excited his head becomes somewhat clearer, and he behaves like a person wakened up from sleep, having only half understood what has happened about him. Obtuseness of the mind; he is neither inclined for, nor capable of any work. [Hahnemann]

  • Thinks she is alone and persecuted.


  • Child when fed is quickly satisfied.
  • Waking cheerful . Toddler
  • Desires indigestible things.
  • Weak knees. Schooling Child
  • Offended easily.
  • Feels they have not done their duty and feels bad about it. Reproaches self.

Internal grief and anxiety of conscience, as though he had not done his duty, or had committed a crime.  [Allen]

  • Wants to be alone.
  • Writer’s cramp. Does not like to write. Does not like to read. No desire to study.
  • Anxiety about the future. Reaction to Stimulus
  • Grief Non-expressing. Silent weeping.

Physical PQRS

  • Desire lemonade, indigestible things.
  • Aversion to bread and butter.
  • Contradictory modalities.

Aversion to motion yet motion ameliorates her pain and uneasiness. Aversion to the open air yet open air ameliorates some symptoms especially, the coryza and cough. [Kent]

  • Red tip of tongue.
  • Child coughs at night but does not wake up.
  • Ameliorated when busy and active.
  • Very salty saliva.

Saliva has a salty taste, which is communicated to all food eaten. [Clarke]

Entry points

Conscientious + Chilly Pulsatilla.

Aurum + Natrum + Pulsatilla (Guilt of Aurum, Sensitiveness of Natrums and Changeability of Pulsatilla)

Rule out

If no anxiety of conscience. Fever totality

  • Chill not ameliorated by warm clothing. Chilliness during menses. Chill forenoon or evening. Chill predominates in the evening.
  • Heat of face follows chill. Chill and heat alternate. Sensation of heat through whole body particularly in face and hands. Heat with swelling of the veins (China). General heat after eating.
  • Offensive Sweat at night during sleep. Sweat sometimes on lower part of the body.


Cold; Evening; Sitting; Standing; Fresh air; Fats.


Motion; Rubbing; Warm room; Lemonade; Weeping; Bathing the part.




Cyclamen                           Pulsatilla

Changeability + Tearful mood +  Crying + Thirstless.

  • Aversion to open air. Desire open air
  • Wants to be alone when sad. • Wants consolation. Seeks solitude.
  • • Hot.



Several accounts of poisoning from the berries of the Dulcamara have been recorded. The symptoms thus produced are hard griping pains in the bowels, followed by unconsciousness and spasms which are tetanic, and are accompanied by hot, dry skin, trismus, loud rattling breathing, and. in one case, death. The ordinary symptoms produced by the drug are not so severe. We find as the very central point around which all the other symptoms of the drug group, this one: aggravation from cold damp weather or from changes from hot to cold weather, especially if these changes are sudden. [Farrington]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One Side + Emaciation

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy


Phlegmatic scrofulous subjects with low vitality.


  • Domineering, strong minded and possessive especially in family.
  • Cannot find the right word for anything. Cannot concentrate his thoughts.
  • Impatience; cannot wait for anything and wants it to be done immediately. Even he does things in hurry .

Impatient, in the morning, he stamped his feet, wanted to throw everything away, began to be delirious, and at last to weep. [Hahnemann]

  • Quarrelsome or scolding without being angry. Abusive without being angry.

Quarrelsome mood in the afternoon, without, however, being vexed thereby [Allen]

  • Anxiety for others. Sympathetic, compassionate.
  • Desires numerous things, rejects when offered.


  • The babies who fall ill when days are hot and night are cold. It is too warm to take the child out in the middle of the day and so he is taken out

in his carriage in the evening; he has been overheated in the house during the day and then catches the draft of cold air in the evening.

  • Eruptions that come out upon the face , upon the forehead , all over the nose , but especially on the cheeks which become completely covered with the crusts; eczema of infants.
  • Infants must cough for long to expel phlegm .


  • Desires many things impatiently; dislikes favorite playthings.
  • Very susceptible to earache.
  • Retention of urine in children every time the child catches cold.
  • Children sometimes have ringworm in the hair.

Schooling Child

  • Rudeness of naughty children.
  • Mental confusion; cannot find the right word for anything.
  • Perspiration palms and hands

Physical PQRS

  • Ailments from suppression of discharges or retrocession of eruptions; from damp air; working in water.
  • Excessive secretions from mucous membranes especially of bronchi , bladder and eyes.
  • Burning thirst for cold drinks
  • Aversion to sweets
  • Stiffness , numbness , aching and soreness of muscles on every exposure to cold especially of back and loins.
  • Delicate skin especially liable to nettle rash over the whole body often precedes menses; chronic vesicular eruptions even to ulceration; large, smooth fleshy warts.
  • Paralysis of single parts; parts feel cold.
  • One-sided spasms with speechlessness.
  • Results from sitting on cold, damp ground.
  • Hemorrhages; blood watery or bright red. Fever totality
  • Coldness; in different parts, icy of paralyzed parts; with pain. Chill starts in the back not ameliorated by warmth, worse evening. Chill with urging in stool and urination.
  • Foul sweat.


Lying on back; Stooping; Rest; Evening and night; Cold air, Change of weather; Being chilled-when hot; Suppressed discharges, eruptions, sweat.


Lying on side; Erect position; Motion; Warmth.



It is commonly called as Coral snake of Brazil.


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving Fast remedy


  • Timidity and fear

Fear of being left alone; causes chattering of the teeth and trembling, dreads to be left alone, as if something horrible might happen. Horror of rain. Apprehensive of some fatal disease. Fear of death. Forebodings.

  • Company aversion to yet dreads to be alone.
  • Averse to conversation, being spoken to. Talk indisposed to. Sits still and silent wrapped in deep sad thoughts and notices nothing.

Desire to be alone; she takes refuge for days together in a corner of the antechamber. She seeks a retired room to work in. Depression of spirits; desires to be in a deep cavern, where he can see no one. [Allen]

  • Intolerant of contradiction, shudders and blood boils.
  • Angry about oneself, and does not wish to be spoken to.
  • Aversion to light. Letters run together while reading.


  • Biting fingers in sleep.
  • Desire to play in grass.
  • Icy cold feet.


  • Can identify colors quickly. (A toddler will start identifying colors after age of three years. But Elaps will identify colors at an early age.)
  • Can speak, but cannot understand speech.

Schooling Child

  • Mistakes makes in time.
  • Restlessness in children.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive. Desire to strike.

Physical PQRS

  • Black

Black discharges

Black stools, haemoptysis, menses.

Elaps is distinguished from the other serpent venoms by the pre-eminent blackness of its discharges and haemorrhages; black ear-wax. [Clarke]

  • Sensations

Internal coldness.

Fruit and cold drinks lie like ice on stomach and cause a cold feeling in chest. Sensation as if all the blood were collected in head. [Clarke] Icy cold feet. [Phatak]

Corkscrew, twisted sensation.

Heavy load, as if weigth of Iron bar.

Spasms followed by paralysis. Desires sweetened buttermilk. Entry points

Black discharges.

Sensation of coldness.

Rule out

If the child is not interested in drawing and coloring.


Approach of storms; Cold drinks, food, air; Dampness; Warmth of bed; In room; Night; Touch; Fruits.


Rest; Walking ameliorates nosebleed and pain in abdomen and chest .





Ferrum metallicum affects the circulation, producing irregular distribution of blood, congestions, surgings of blood and pulsations. It relaxes the blood vessels causing hemorrhages which are bright or with small clots especially in rapidly growing youth or the veins dilate during neuralgia, menses or fever. [Murphy]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Anemic (Red cheeks due to false plethora)

Diligent + Misbehaving (Obstinate)

Authoritative + Intolerant of contradiction + Hypersensitive to noise + Easily fatigued



The main theme of Ferrum is ‘Firmness’. Ferrum is authoritarian.

A 3 year old child once told his maid to prepare bournvita for him. The maid was busy and said that she will prepare it later. Child very coolly said, “I want bournvita now means I want it now”. The maid had to give him bournvita. This is the authoritarian behaviour of Ferrums, which is quite distinct from obstinacy. Here the anger part is missing when they demand things. Whatever they say (instruction) has to be followed immediately.


Suited to child who is anaemic, flush easily and slight active effort fatigues him.


  • Positiveness and Strong will

Ferrum has a positive outlook towards their work, duty and   accomplishments.

Can be a bread winner and support the family from a very young age.

  • Withdrawing

Aversion to company even of intimate friends.

Constant desire for solitude; horror of conversation, noise, visits, and even the society of her cherished friends. Not inclined to talk. Everything irritated or depressed her; even her children’s caresses increased her bad temper; she was often rude to those about her, because she hated to see or talk to them, and wanted them to leave her in solitude, which alone was pleasing to her. [Allen]

  • Intolerant of contradiction

Domineering; dictatorial. Always claims to be right. Slightest contradiction aggravates. If anything does not happen according to their wish, they become irritable and angry. They cannot take no. Feels his importance.

Peevish, passionate, and disputative. [Clarke]

Haughtiness; self contented look. [Hering]

Excited by the slightest opposition. Violence, quarrelsomeness; insists that he is right. [Allen]

  • I’m Right

Ferrum has to be convinced for anything. If he feels right then only he does that work. If he feels what mother says is not right, then he will not do it. Logical reasoning can convince him. He has guts to put his foot down and say “No”.

  • No compromise and substitution

When they want a toy, you cannot give them another toy. Very difficult to convince them.

  • Defence

When others try to irritate him, he will defend himself. Never come home crying, instead fight out the battle himself. When elder children try to bully him, he confronts them, if that child hits him, he will hit back.

  • Independent

They start comparing themselves with elders (elder brother) and seeing them they will also start eating food on their own.

Child can sleep comfortably in other room. Not necessarily wants touch of mother or company while sleeping.

  • Hyperactive

Hyperactivity is more at mental level. Physically he is indolent (gets fatigued easily), but mentally easily excited.

  • Senses are acute

Sensitive to least noise like crackling of paper, whistle of pressure cooker etc.  Slightest noise is intolerable.

Irritable; little noises drive to despair. [Clarke]


Positive, strong and self willed people with high morals and values. Feels he is right.

Very obedient and duty conscious. (Here it seems very close to Aurum).

Task masters and trouble shooters in all situations. Decisions are instantaneous and can handle any situation. Positivity and firmness is seen in all Ferrum actions. Whenever a problem arises, or sees any injustice, he will not shy or run away from it but will face it boldly and fights it with positivity. After sometime he develops more positivity and feels that whatever he does or thinks is always right. He becomes intolerant of contradiction and gets easily angered when somebody contradicts him.

The triggering factor of pathology in Ferrum is when he unexpectedly sees his parents or guru, whom he respects a lot, cheating or deceiving or doing something immoral. He will not accept it. As he has high respect and regards for them, he will put his point in front of them and fight with them (not in public but privately) and then leave them and will never see their face again. If the same thing is done by others the he will fight and resist it openly.

Ferrum adults are very sensitive and feel that they are being dominated by others (especially their father) and hence try to defy them by being non-communicative and avoiding their sight. Feel they are being forced, and their positivity makes them defy or challenge the force and later they react by moving away from the force.


  • Emaciated and feeble children.
  • Very sensitive to the slightest noise. (Asarum, Borax, Kali-carb).
  • Do not like solid food, and wants all the food to be mashed and pureed. Cannot bite food. When the mother tries to force food into their mouth, they become red very easily.
  • Do not like to be rocked but are better by gentle motion.
  • Diarrhoea painless, at night .


  • Do not like much of physical activity. Get fatigued very easily.

Schooling Child

  • Dominating and dictatorial.
  • Very firm in their opinions. Once convinced about an idea, it is very difficult to change it, and they always feel that they are right. They cannot stand the slightest contradiction.
  • Positive and strong willed in execution of their duties.
  • Love challenges

Reaction to stimulus

  • Anger Inhibited
  • Anger Intra punitive
  • Does not want to talk or work. Even does not want company of his best friends. Misanthropy.

Physical PQRS

  • Congestions with tendency to recurrent haemorrhages, especially of upper air passages (Ferrum-phos).
  • Aversion to solid food and dry food.
  • Canine hunger alternating with complete loss of appetite.
  • Craving for bread, raw tomatoes.
  • Aversion meat, eggs; Intolerance of eggs.
  • Tough and thick hair.

Entry points

Strong and authoritarian personality.

Rule out

If the child wants cradle to sleep.

If the child eats solid food.

If the child sleeps in a noisy environment.


At night; Rest especially sitting still; Exertion; Loss of fluid.


Gentle motion; Summer.



See under Manganum aceticum page no 361.




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical and Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided

Diligent + Obedient Fast remedy


Ferrum                                 Iodum

  • Optimistic Eats well but emaciates
  • Strong and positive Physical restlessness
  • Intolerant of contradiction


Emaciated and anemic.     Goitre.


  • Acts responsible and mature. Tells elder brother not to spend much money but save. • Positive

“If I didn’t get the prize then what atleast I have tried” .

  • Strong

No stage fear.

  • Egoistic and haughty; walks haughtily.
  • Confusion while reading and concentration difficult

Physical PQRS

  • Cannot tolerate hunger.
  • Feels as if she had eaten too much, a sort of upward pressure. Stuffed feeling in abdomen as if she could not lean forward


After eating; Exertion; Lying down; Motion; Touch.


Open air.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty or thirstless + Right sided


Ferrum                                Muriaticum

  • Optimistic Emotional
  • Strong and positive Cries easily. Weeps on
  • Intolerant of contradiction seeing emotional movies
  • Consolation aggravates


  • Strong and emotional in order to take care of family. Pillar of strength in the house.
  • If there is any problem, would go into complete details, finding everything about it. Want a clear answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
  • Perfectionist and fastidious.
  • Feels will become weak if cries in front of everyone. So cries when alone • Does not treat servant as servants; Respects them.
  • Likes music. Reaction to stimulus
  • Anger Intrapunitive
  • Grief Non expressing, Sulking

Physical PQRS

  • Desires bread and butter.


After eating; Eggs; Motion; Pressure; Mechanical injury




It is the Phosphate of Iron, and constitutes one of the organic tissue salts of Schussler. Its function is to lend colour or pigment to the blood corpuscles. It also carries oxygen to all parts of the body. The deficiency in this cell salt leads to disturbance of circulation. Disturbed circulation again in its train causes other disturbances in the normal equilibrium of the human system. Hence, according to Von Schussler this remedy is of great economic importance in setting things right through the supplying of the deficiencies of the cell salts. [Chaudhary]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided + Thin

Diligent + Obedient Fast remedy


Pale, anaemic subjects, with violent local congestions.

Lean thin.


  • Approaching

Child is cheerful and communicative, replies to all the questions but is not loquacious.

Very talkative and hilarious; unnatural excitement. [Clarke]

  • Strong, firm and intolerance to obstacles

Evening, impetuous feeling, yet obstacles cause annoyance and hesitation, and trifles seem like mountains, still intolerant of hindrance and annoyance. All the morning under pressure of influences of contradictory sort, no lack of firmness. Indignation for causes followed by oppression of left chest and stomach. Marked increase in resoluteness and precision of mind; less of “exhausted” feeling from dealing with opposition and hindrance than for awhile past; less “intolerance” at the same time. [Allen]

Case: Husband had infarct and undergone bypass surgery. She alone managed everything very strongly. Spoke about her genital complaints without hesitation. She said that she takes her own decisions, takes things as they come, and easily adapts herself to any new surroundings. Very bold, if gets a push while walking, she abuses. If she decides something then don’t like to get diverted in anything else. Very adamant; No means No.

  • Injustice cannot support

Very strong willed person who tries to protect others (younger siblings) whenever sees them in trouble. (Ferrum met fights for themselves for things which they feel are right, whereas Ferrum-phos will fight for rights of others also.)

Case: Could go alone at midnight to the owner of house to solve the issue as she had done some cheating that the patient couldn’t tolerate. The patient said, “Rebels if I am not at fault; can’t take contradiction”.

  • Indifference to pleasurable things and excitable events.
  • Ideas are abundant and there is unusual clearness of mind (Coffea) .
  • Fear of going in crowd.


  • Aversion to milk.
  • Diarrhoea from change of weather.
  • Ailments from being chilled when hot; when infant is exposed to cold air of air-conditioner after sweating.
  • Sleeps with eyes half open.

Physical PQRS

  • Ailments from

Checked perspiration on a warm summer’s day. Mechanical injuries.

  • Sensitive to noise.

Hearing sensitive.

Gets up at the slightest noise.

Can hear slightest noise in the other room.

  • Likes music.
  • Aversion to milk.
  • Tendency to sudden local congestions, especially in pale anaemic persons.
  • Haemorrhages; bright blood from any outlet.
  • Strong smells cause headache.

Rule out

If complaints are left sided.

If yielding.

If not affectionate.

Fever Totality

  • First stage of all inflammatory conditions. In the early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of Aconite and Belladonna, and the asthenic sluggishness and torpidity of Gelsemium.

The whole system is relaxed and weakened by its action. The blood becomes deficient in hemoglobin. The brain, excited in acute febrile states, later becomes sluggish and functions imperfectly. Even diarrhea is produced by a relaxation of blood vessels of the intestinal walls. The, patient, instead of being plethoric and robust, is more apt to be anemic and lacking in physical vigor. For this reason Ferrum phos ailments are characterised by great weakness, malaise and a sense of indolence and apathy. There is indifference to mental or physical labor and the ordinary affairs of life, even to pleasure, and a great desire to lie down. Exertion or effort aggravates all the patient’s complaints and motion increases his pains. There is little of restlessness. If fear is present, it is only when in a crowd of people or at night as a sense of some impending evil. If there be anxiety, it is because the patient is beset with the idea that he has done wrong to someone, and worries about it. Frequently he is irritable even to violence, but more often the mental state is one of complacency, or dullness and difficulty in finding the right words and inability to concentrate. [Farrington]

There is a tendency to loquacity and mirth. Children coming down with measles or capillary bronchitis with red face and high fever, joke, laugh and chatter as though they were not ill. But the fever and red face give ample evidence of the beginning of a serious condition. They keep up a constant stream of conversation, but it is not the vehement loquacity of such remedies as Belladonna. In both Belladonna and Ferrum phos beginning cerebral hyperemia is the cause, active in the one, passive in the other. [Farrington]

  • Chill daily at 1 p.m.
  • Great weakness and desire to lie down.
  • Indifference to mental and physical labor, to any pleasure and great desire to lie down.
  • Short, quick and soft pulse.
  • Palms hot.


Night; 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.; Motion; Noise; Jar; Touch; Cold air; Checked sweat; Cold drinks; Sour food; Meat; Coffee; Cake.


Bleeding; Cold applications; Lying down.



Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirstless + Left sided

Diligent + Misbehaving


Ferrum                                Sulphur

  • Optimistic Theorising, Many plans and ideas.
  • Strong and positive Psuedo-creativity.
  • Intolerant of contradiction • Want to invent or do something that gives them fame and recognition. • Thermals: Hot


  • Strong

Communicates very clearly; It may be rage, frustration but makes things very clear.

  • Egoistic

It is impossible for her to say sorry, although she realizes but never says it.

Self opinioned; I’m right although she realizes that she may be wrong but sticks to her opinion and never accepts that she is wrong.

  • Dominating

Dominates maids, elder siblings and other kids. Bullying nature. “TOUGH”. When wants a toy will snatch from the other child.

Doesn’t like to be disturbed. Tells parents and grandparents not to shout at her.

Emotionally doesn’t get upset and when mother gets angry and scolds her, she will tell her “Don’t get angry, Ok!”

She avoids if asked to do what she is not interested in and    reacts by crying or refraining from eating.

  • Bold and aggressive

Throws things, shuts the door hard, beats her father (unrestrained force) .

  • Rude

Very rude to talk.

Case: The child was very rude in talking even with the doctor. When doctor asked her a question, she avoided and said that she is busy in drawing. After waiting for sometime the doctor again asked a question, she said she has already answered enough questions and now not going to answer a single question asked by the doctor.

  • Creativity

Like to draw or paint.

Gadget crazy; learns easily laptop, mobile etc.

  • Likes to read books. Knowledge desires.
  • Likes hugging and kissing. Attached to the mother.
  • Understands things (obeys) if explained logically. You cannot force her, but if you explain the logic behind, then she will obey your commands.
  • Strong sense of responsibility.

Reaction to Stimulus

Shouts and screams.


Warmth; Warm room.


Cold air; Open air.



This is a highly excoriating acid, eating, as you know, even into glass. It is to be particularly remembered by its action on the bones and on the skin. We find it indicated in caries, particularly when the long bones, as the femur, humerus and radius are affected. The discharges from the affected parts are thin and excoriating. [Farrington]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Diagonal (Left upper and Right lower) + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Obedient (because of indifference) Slow remedy



People who have no attachments to anybody and no sentiments. Attachment to parents are missing. Toddlers can stay in relatives  house for many days without remembering parents.

Great disposition, when alone, to repulsive fantastic imaginations, particularly in regard to persons with whom he stands in near relations, or with whom he is connected; it seems, for example, as though he must get rid of all the servants, children must go out of the house, a betrothal must be broken off, a marriage should be dissolved, etc. [Allen]


Emaciated child.

Fair haired and fair skinned.

They are rather thin, underweight, usually fairly fine-boned, fineskeletoned. [Borland]


  • Contented and Happy

They are very often extremely patient, and unlike most of the drugs in the Materia Medica they often have a strange enjoyment of life, and find it very pleasant indeed; quite simple things seem to give them an inordinate amount of pleasure. That is the normal peaceful state. [Borland]

He is more cheerful and vigorous. Uncommonly gay disposition of the mind. Feeling of perfect happiness within and without. Feeling of an interior happy state, never experienced before. Feeling of highly enjoying everything. All nature seems to smile, in the morning. Satisfaction, he desires no better state of things; all is right. [Allen]

  • Buoyancy

Fluoric acid has easy adaptability, easy coping up tendency with situations—nothing affects me, I do not care, whether hot or cold, rains or no rain, etc.  He faces any situations (happiness, grief, dangers, shocks) with the same composure. No anxiety in dangerous situations.

Fluoric-acid is flirtatious, has many acquaintances but no deep relationship. The term “buoyancy” has been used to describe Fluoric-acid. The word is derived from “buoy”, a conical object which floats on the surface of the ocean and never sinks, never reaches any depth. Thus Fluor is quite superficial (as will be seen) in comparison to the other Halogens. However, a study of the pathology for which Fluoric-acid and Calcarea-fluor are well known shows very deep, chronic processes – a substance containing Fluor seems to take on syphilitic dimensions. With the Muriaticum (Chlorine) and Bromium (Bromine) compounds, we find more of sycotic tendencies. This paradox can be explained by the extreme lightness of the element. It falls out of the human range – the feeling of Fluor is abnormal for a human being at any time; thus to be fixed in a Fluor state becomes an extreme feeling, nearing the syphilitic miasm. [Sankaran]

He does not become anxious so easily as formerly. During the tottering sensation he has decided though not anxious expectation, as if there was to happen something awful, but he feels no anxiety. Sensation as if dangers did menace him, but without being afraid. [Allen] Uncommon buoyancy of mind; fears nothing and is self-satisfied. [Clarke]

  • Hyperactive

People who get bored easily. Even children who get bored too soon.

“A constant, irresistible desire to walk in the open air; it does not fatigue,” is characteristic of Fluoric acid. Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue. [Clarke]

  • Shuns responsibility.

Fluoric acid doesn’t show any attachment to his parents. If they are ill or having some problem and ask the child for help, he will flatly refuse.

  • Mannish


  • Goes easily to anyone or can walk away with any strangers. Can easily stay away from their parents without missing them, will not cry, as they are very adaptable. [Vijayakar]
  • Hairs and nails grow fast. Nails are brittle and crumbling.
  • Wants frequent feeding. Cannot remain hungry.
  • Wants to uncover feet. (Chamomilla, Medorrhinum, Pulsatilla, Sulphur)
  • Glabella puffy .
  • Palms red.


  • The child loses interest in new toys very soon.
  • Toddlers stay at relative’s house for many days without remembering parents.
  • Runs around the whole day, but doesn’t seem to get tired. In the evening also the energy is as good as in the morning. Doesn’t sleep in the afternoons and is still very active.
  • Always feels too hot, wants to bath in cold water.

Schooling Child

  • Rapid and violent motions like dancing and running ameliorates . Better by physical exertion.

Playing games does them good, it wakes them up, they are better for it. [Borland]

  • Very easily tired by mental concentration. Get headaches or brain-fag at school, and are not exceptionally bright as far as book work is concerned. • Aversion to family and loved ones but talks pleasantly with strangers.
  • Liable to get quite pointless and unreasoning hatred for one or other individual in school. It is a weird difference from the ordinary child’s make-up which is striking.

Very irritable towards people, even to the greatest hatred, which he does not hesitate to give vent to in words, but as soon as he sees them everything is forgotten, and he has an entirely different opinion of them. This does not arise either from hypocrisy or cowardice, but it is a suddenly altered view. Whilst considering what might happen he gets into a most ungovernable anger, but only in his thoughts. [Allen]

  • Make mistakes in writing. Transpose words, transpose letters, and the mistakes seem most senseless. The teachers complain it is pure inattention, and say the child could not make such mistakes if he was paying attention; but the child cannot help it.

Intellectual. He has great difficulty in fixing his attention upon anything. A more difficult comprehension of philosophical works; on the other hand all facts appear clearer to him. On making his notes he mistakes right and left, a circumstance that does not easily happen to him. Though his memory (for symptoms, etc.) is good, yet he daily writes December instead of August. Forgetful: he does not recollect sometimes the most common things. If his ideas are interrupted by other thoughts he is unable to recall the former, or at least only slowly and stupidly. [Allen]

  • Hunger is very marked.

They usually have a good appetite, and get hungry between meals, with hunger headaches. Quite a number of these Fluoric acid children need extra food at school in the middle of the morning or they finish the morning with a headache. They wake up hungry in the middle of the night unable to sleep unless they have something to eat, and in spite of the amount of food they eat they are still fairly thin. [Borland]

With their big appetites, they have a desire for highly-seasoned food, it does not matter very much what it is as long as it has a strong taste. [Borland]

Reaction to Stimulus

Indifference. Child is not bothered about anything.

Physical PQRS

  • Growing hunger .
  • One-sided sweat .
  • Desires cold water. Aversion to hot drinks.
  • Worse from drinking tea and coffee.
  • Short sleep ameliorates.
  • Fluoric acid children rarely have a really sound dentition, and associated with that is the other important characteristic – unhealthy finger nails which are brittle, cracked and splintered.

The nails are crippled likewise corrugations in the nails; the nails grow too fast and grow awkwardly; that is, they are deformed and crippled, too thick in some places and too thin in others; break easily, brittle. [Kent]

Child has very faulty dentition, very poor enamel of the teeth, liability for the teeth to decay early, and very often abscesses at the roots of the teeth. [Borland]

  • Red, sweaty palms and very offensive foot sweat, which tends to make the feet hot and sore.
  • Dry, red, fissured tongue.
  • Numbness of parts not lain on. Better on lying on the painful side.
  • Great physical endurance.

Fluoric acid also acts upon the muscles. Here its effects are rather novel. It causes an increase in muscular endurance. Under its influence a person is able to withstand unusual muscular exertion. More than this, he seems to be better able to withstand the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Thus the drug has a general invigorating or tonic effect. [Farrington]

  • Discharges are offensive, thin and excoriating.

Entry points

People who never get physically or mentally tired. Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue.

Hairs and nails grow fast. [Vijayakar]

Always feel too hot, wants to bath in cold water.

Rule out

If attachments to parents is present.

If no problem with dentition or dental diseases like caries, abscess.

If disease is fast and rapidly progressing.

If hairs are smooth and combed easily.


Fever totality

  • General heat with nausea from the least movement, with inclination to uncover oneself and wash oneself with cold water.
  • Perspiration, clammy, acid, disagreeably smelling, principally on the upper part of the body, especially on moving in the afternoon and evening, with itching. The perspiration favours soreness of the skin and decubitus.


Heat; Night.


Cool bathing, Rapid motion.



Both have a cosmopolitan mind. The difference is that Fluoric acid has no attachments whereas Tuberculinum has strong attachments. [Vijayakar] (See also under Tuberculinum page no 556).


Fluoric acid is really a hot-blooded Silicea, with amelioration from motion, and a cheerful outlook instead of the flat tired outlook of Silicea types.


Fluoric acid is very much more like Phosphorus, much more intense mentally, more active, more alive than Phosphorus.



Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirstless + Right sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy




Gelsemium is indicated by 5 ‘D’s Dullness.

Drowsiness, languid, desirous of lying still .

Dizziness as if intoxicated; blurred vision; double sight.


Diplopia, heavy drooping eyelids .


For children, young people, especially women of a nervous hysterical temperament (Crocus, Ignatia).


  • Anticipation

The anticipation of any unusual ordeal, preparing for church, theatre, or to meet an engagement, brings on diarrhoea; stage fright, nervous dread of appearing in public (Argentum nitricum).

Argentum nitricum has the peculiar condition that when dressing for an opera a sudden attack of diarrhoea comes on, causing more or less sudden exhaustion and she must go several times before she can finish dressing. They who are to appear before an audience are detained because of a sudden attack of diarrhoea. A lady has an attack of diarrhoea when about to meet friends over whom she expects to become excited at the meeting. The anticipation brings on the diarrhoea. Such a state is Argentum nitricum. [Kent]

  • Muscle refuse to obey the will

Confusion; when attempting to move, the muscles refuse to obey the will; head giddy.


  • Dullness, sluggishness, slowness.
  • Excitement aggravates

Every exciting news causes diarrhoea; bad effects from fright and fear. [Clarke]

  • Withdrawing

Great irritability, does not wish to be spoken to. [Hering] Irritable, sensitive; desires to be let alone. [Clarke]



  • Child starts , grasps the nurse and screams as if afraid of falling.
  • Waking confused. Waking with shrieking.
  • Feeding, satisfied quickly.



  • Clinging child who grasps the nurse when carried or will always take the hand of his mother.
  • Fear of falling.
  • Shrieking during fever.
  • Retention of urine in children.
  • Convulsions, spasms during dentition.

Schooling Child

  • Weak, tired, delicate, timid, excitable children.
  • Gets angry easily.
  • Confusion; acts as if crazy. Dullness of mental faculties with more or less stupor; cannot think properly.
  • Desire to be quiet, to be let alone; does not wish to speak or have any one near her, even if the person be silent (Ignatia).
  • Timidity about appearing in public. Utter lack of courage. The anticipation of any unusual ordeal, preparing for church, theatre or meet an engagement brings on diarrhoea .

The child has done lots of preparation to perform on stage in a school function, but he does not have enough courage to perform on stage. He feels that he cannot perform and does everything wrong .

  • Non-diligent. Aversion to study.
  • Concentration difficult.

Incapacity to think or fix the attention. Unconnected ideas; cannot follow any idea for any length of time; if he attempts to think consecutively, he is attacked by a painful, vacant feeling of the mind. [Hering].


Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Inhibited.
  • Grief Non-expressing.

Physical PQRS

  • Aching, tiredness, weakness and soreness of muscles.
  • All complaints (like dullness, headache, pain in the eyes, dim vision, etc) better by profuse urination.
  • Slow and insidious onset of complaints.
  • Circulation sluggish; congestion.
  • Extremities cold; head and back hot.
  • Relaxation and in – coordination leading to paralytic conditions.

Complete relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system, with almost or entire motor paralysis.

Lack of muscular co-ordination.

Muscles refuse to obey the will. Trembling, speech thick.

  • Heaviness .

Great heaviness of eyelids, cannot keep them open.

Whole body and limbs feel heavy and tired.

Relieved by profuse urination.

  • Trembling

Tongue trembles.

Tremors of single muscles, face, chin, tongue, etc. Patient wants to be held because he shakes.

Entry points

Dullness, drowsiness and dizziness.


Rule out

If no examination funk.

If no dullness.

If complaints develops quickly. Fever totality

It is only occasionally that you will see a child or infant shake with a distinct chill, but they often go into a remittent fever, an afternoon fever which will subside along towards morning, to be followed the next afternoon by fever. With Gelsemium, the child will lie as still as in Bryonia but there is more congestion to the head; there is the dark red face and duskiness like Bryonia. [Kent]


Heat; Damp weather; Before thunderstorm; Mental emotions and excitements; When thinking of ailments.


Profuse urination; Continued motion.



See under Aconite page no 8.



Gelsemium                            Bryonia

He feels that if he ceases      The Bryonia patient lies quietly

to move the heart will cease because if he moves the pains to beat.    are worse.



The Graphite babies are usually cesarean babies who were shifted to an intensive care unit immediately after the birth, so the warmth between the mother and child did not develop. Hence, the baby is withdrawing, shy, timid and over cautious. The baby also lacks confidence in everything and becomes indecisive.

The Graphite child can be a nuisance. The child does not show respect in the clinic to the doctor and when the mother reprimands the child, he laughs at her.


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Obese

Non-Diligent + Obedient

Slow remedy


Adapted to fat, flabby children who suffer from constant chilliness and herpetic eruptions which crack and ooze a glutinous fluid.


  • Excessive cautiousness, timidity, extreme hesitation . Tendency to be frightened. Timid, fearful and weak willed.

Timidity. Easily affected and frightened. [Hahnemann]

  • Irresolute; unable to make up mind about anything.

Though usually quick to decide, she, soon after taking the medicine, becomes slow of recollection and resolution. [Hahnemann]

Extreme hesitation; she is unable to make up her mind about anything. [Allen]

Irresoluteness with excessive cautiousness and hesitation. [Clarke]

  • Fatigue from scientific labor.
  • Fastidious, fidgety, conscientious about trifles. Every trifling thing upsets her.

Extreme scrupulousness; she cannot take anything lightly. [Hahnemann]

  • Over sensitiveness. Music causes weeping; aggravation from music.

She was obliged to weep at music. He would much rather be alone; every disturbance irritates him. [Allen]

  • Magnetism ameliorates.
  • Indolence; want of disposition to work.
  • Sadness, weeps without cause.

Grief even to despair, about the most trifling matters. Very much disposed to grieve and to weep, in the evening; while in the morning, contrary to her won’t, she laughs at every trifle. Sad, melancholy, she has to weep. Extraordinary apprehensiveness, so that she cannot compose herself; it goes off on weeping. [Hahnemann]

Sadness, with thoughts of nothing but death. Sad, despondent; she was obliged to weep. Gloomy mood. Grief about the slightest occurrences, even to despair. Weeping in a child, with fretfulness. She was obliged to weep, without cause, in the evening. [Allen]

  • Makes mistakes in speaking and writing.
  • Remembers past events, forgets recent events .


  • Alopecia, falling out of hair from occiput .


  • Child impudent, teasing, laughing at reprimands.
  • Hates music.

Schooling Child

  • Apt to make mistakes in speaking and in writing.
  • Doesn’t like gossiping.
  • Timid but sarcastic.
  • Outspoken; will not give diplomatic answers.
  • Stage fright; can perform in presence of known people but gets nervous in presence of strangers.
  • Obedient but lazy. Keeps postponing work.
  • Laughs and smiles when mother or teacher scolds.
  • Tendency to yawn and stretch. [Vijayakar] Reaction to Stimulus
  • Laughing, sarcastic.
  • The child weeps when the doctor examines.

Physical PQRS

  • Ravenous appetite with constant desire to eat. Cannot remain hungry; worse when hungry.
  • Cracks, fissures, dryness, bleeding . Dryness of inner ear.

Obstinate dryness of skin and absence of sweat.

Cracks of tissues at muco-cutaneous junctions; mouth, anus, nipples, folds of the skin.

Stool brownish, liquid, undigested, intolerably offensive.

  • Discharges are honey-like fluid; corrosive, transparent, especially about the ears, face or entire scalp .
  • Ear troubles; hears better in a noise (Nitric acid), or on violent motion.

Entry points

Honey like glutinous discharges.

Rule out

If not obese.

Fever totality

  • Wants covers in all the stages of fever.
  • Chill in the evening, worse eating, better open air and drinking water.
  • Sweats often on front of the body only. Sweat; offensive, sour, stains yellow and cold. Entire inability to sweat.
  • Recurrent periodical fever.


Warmth in general; Night; Rich food; Extremes of temperature; Uncovering; Cold drinks.


Warm drinks; Being wrapped up; Open air; Eructations and eating.


Carbo veg

Graphites                          Carbo veg

  • Ailments from lack of affection . • Ailments from strong

dominance               and strictness .

  • Sensitive and emotional.   Not very sensitive and




Helleborus niger is also termed Christmas rose, because it blossoms in midwinter. It has a dark brown root, which contains two active principles, Helleborin and Helleborein. The latter is said to be the poisonous constituent of the plant. [Farrington]

Commonly it is known as Christmas rose or black hellebore. If the abbreviation “Hell” and the adjective black are any indication, many of its typical symptoms will be understood. It is a remedy for low states of vitality and serious diseases when everything around the patient looks dark. Patient’s face, lips, hands, etc become dark and nostrils sooty; hence it is a dark and dusky remedy. [Phatak]


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + One sided + Cretinism

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy


Bluntness and sluggishness

Senses become blunt and responses becomes sluggish. The patient is dazed, stupefied; seems to be semi-idiotic. Sees, hears, tastes, smells, drinks, talks in a deficient and imperfect way.

  • MIND: Where the mind is often or always without ideas; where the past is forgotten or little remembered. Answers slowly when questioned.
  • SIGHT: Although the sight is unimpaired, still nothing is seen completely and the patient does not pay attention to anything .
  • HEARING: Though the hearing is perfectly sound but nothing is heard distinctly.
  • TASTE: Even with perfectly constituted gustatory organs , everything seems to have lost its taste .

The main feeling of the Helleborus person is that the outside is so painful, unpleasant, horrifying and shocking that he completely shuts himself from the outside world. He remains completely absorbed. He does not see, even if his eyesight is clear. He can’t hear though his ears are intact. He is completely indifferent to both pleasure and pain. He takes a lot of time before answering a question. But in my experience such manifestations represent an extreme stage which may be seen in conditions like encephalitis. In normal circumstances, Helleborus persons live with a tremendous dullness; nothing interests them anymore. They cannot register things in a normal conversation; when they read, it does not register. [Sankaran]


Weakly, delicate children prone to brain troubles (Belladonna, Calcarea carb, Tuberculinum) with serous effusion especially at dentition.

Face, lips, hands, etc. become dark, nostrils sooty; hence it is a dark and dusky remedy.


  • Stupefaction , sensorial depression or blunt sensibility.

The patient answered much more slowly than usual when questioned; this condition of stupefaction bordering on insensibility lasted three hours. [Allen]

  • Answers slowly when questioned. Waits for long time before answering, or does not has the capacity to answer at all. Staring thoughtless. Absent minded.
  • Picks at lips and clothes.
  • Awkwardness, especially if he takes his mind from what he is doing, even to speak. The muscles refuse to obey the will, strong concentration needed before muscles will act.
  • Deeds , as if he could do great.
  • Indifference to loved ones; to pleasure.
  • Melancholia; silent despair .

On seeing a happy person he becomes melancholic and then only he feels very unhappy. Sad disposition respecting his present position, everything seems to him so insipid and nothing interests him. [Hahnemann]

  • Aggravation consolation .

Any attempt at consolation, so long as the patient is able to think, only aggravates the trouble. [Kent]


  • Convulsions with extreme coldness; in sucklings.


  • Sighing in children.
  • Sudden shrieking in children, shrieking in sleep.
  • Irritable, easily angered; consolation aggravates (Ignatia, Natrum mur, Sepia, Silicea); does not want to be disturbed (Gelsemium, Natrum mur); does not speak or eat.
  • Brain symptoms during dentition (Belladonna, Podophyllum) .
  • Constantly picking his lips, clothes, or boring into his nose with his finger .
  • Lies on back with knees drawn up.

Schooling Child

  • The sick child

It comes in especially in children between two and ten years of age. The child lying on the back and staring with half-closed eyes—is typical of the remedy. Sometimes the lips move without any sound. The lips move as if the child wishes to say something but on further questioning the words he wished to speak are lost forgotten. The child will cry out in sleep. The child lies upon the back and rolls the head from side to side. [Kent]

  • Distraction of the mind when studying; he could not fix his thoughts.

Physical PQRS

  • Greedily swallows cold water (bites the spoon), though unconscious; hydrocephalous. Child nurses greedily with disgust for food.
  • Convulsions and twitching of muscles; automatic acts; automatic motion of one arm and leg. One side is paralyzed , other keeps up automatic motions.
  • Onset of the disease is gradual with progressive weakness.
  • Epilepsy; with consciousness , followed by deep sleep. Noise arrests the paroxysms of convulsions.
  • Eyes half-open.
  • Aggravation from 4 p.m to 8 p.m. (Lycopodium)

Entry points

Ill effects of head injuries in children.

Rule out

If the child is quick to react, his responses or reflexes are quick.

Fever totality

  • Chill spreads from the arms. Gooseflesh. Chill; with fever; with sweat; with aversion to uncover.
  • Coldness; of


Cold air; Dentition; Suppressions; Exertion; Evening; 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Touch; Stooping.


When thinking of complaints or when mind is diverted.



In Helleborus hydrocephalus there is a sharp scream, the brain cry. The child will cry out in sleep. He will carry the hand to the head and shriek like Apis. But the Apis hydrocephalus is far more active and acute. The Apis patient kicks the covers off; this patient does not mind the covers, he does not mind anything. He is not easily disturbed. He lies upon his back with the limbs drawn up; often making automatic motions with the arms and legs. Sometimes one side is paralyzed but the other keeps up automatic motions. Hellebore is useful in the low form of disease known as apathetic typhoid. These same symptoms guide to the remedy. Indifferent to all external impressions. Rarely much disturbed by being touched or by being covered too warmly or by not being covered at all. He does not seem to be sensitive to heat or cold or pricking or handling or pinching. Listlessness. What is called in the text “stubborn silence” is more an apathetic silence, an inability to speak. It appears as if he refused to answer but he does not; he does not know how to answer; he cannot think. [Kent]


Baryta carb

See under Baryta carb page no 105.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving


Fast remedy



  • Mentally

Extreme irritability to the slightest disturbance.

  • Physically

Extreme sensitiveness to cold air, especially dry cold air.

Extremely sensitive to pain, fainting from even slight pain. Extremely sensitive to touch.



Blondes with sluggish character and weak muscles.

Slow torpid constitutions having lax fibre and light hair.


  • Anger at trifles. Anger violent. Temper tantrums. Throws things into fire.
  • Cross children. Child does not laugh, does not amuse itself.

The slightest thing put him into a violent passion; he could have murdered any one without hesitation. Very cross; every trifle annoyed him. Cross about trifles. [Hahnemann]

The slightest cause irritates him and makes him extremely vehement. A sort of furious spleen as though one could murder a man in cold blood. [Clarke]

The mind takes part in this oversensitiveness and manifests itself by a state of extreme irritability. Every little thing that disturbs the patient makes him intensely angry, abusive and impulsive. The impulses will overwhelm him and make him wish to kill his best friend in an instant. Impulses also that are without cause sometimes crop out in Hepar. A man may have a sudden impulse to stab his friend. A barber has an impulse to cut the throat of his patron while in the chair. Mothers may have an impulse to throw the child into the fire or an impulse to set herself on fire; an impulse to do violence and to destroy. [Kent]

  • Quarrelsome , hard to get along with. Contrary. Disposition to contradict.

The patient is quarrelsome, hard to get along with; nothing pleases; everybody disturbs; oversensitiveness to persons, to people and to places. [Kent]

  • Discontented

Nothing pleases him. Dislikes persons, places; becomes cross and violent. Irritable and dissatisfied with oneself and others.

Irritable mood; whatever she started to do, was not satisfactory, she wished to be alone.

Whatever she thought about was unsatisfactory and did not suit her. [Hahnemann]

He desires a constant change of persons and things and surroundings and each new surrounding or person or thing again displeases and makes him irritated. [Kent]

  • Impolite .
  • Touchy both mentally and physically. • Withdrawing

Sits silent and speechless in corner. Sits still.

Ill-humour; dislike even to see friends. [Clarke]

  • Aversion to amusement. Aversion to play.
  • Memory weakness.

He was cross, and had such weakness of memory that he required three or four minutes to remember anything, and when at his work the thought often left him all at once. [Hahnemann]

Sad mood, for many hours; she had to weep violently. [Hahnemann]

Hurry in eating, drinking, talking.

Tendency to do everything quickly.


  • Very chilly; though perspiring will not throw off the blankets.
  • Cold sweat on head. Perspiration smells sour.
  • Hands icy cold.
  • Clay colored soft stool.


  • Speech hasty.
  • Desires sour and strong things.

Schooling child

  • Irritable; everyone gets on her nerves. Wants to set things on fire or kill those who offended her .
  • Complains constantly.
  • Dissatisfied about everything .
  • Makes mistakes easily when talking and writing .

Reaction to stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive

Anger violent. Child hits, kicks and commit dangerous acts. Rudeness and abusive.

Physical PQRS

  • The babies are always sour in spite of much washing.
  • Oversensitive to cold, pain, touch, draft of air; oversensitive to all external stimuli.
  • Splinter like pains.
  • Tendency to suppuration.
  • Profuse easy perspiration especially about the chest; day and night , perspiration does not ameliorate .
  • Desires sour and strong things. Aversion to fat foods.

Entry points

Angry and Chilly Calcarea. (Ferocious)

Like Calcarea carb, Hepar sulph children are very sensitive, full of cares and worries. But the reaction to any stimulus is violent anger. They will sit still in one corner, doing nothing. If they are disturbed, they will lose their temper and get angry to the point of hitting and kicking.

Rule out

If Anger is absent.

If perspiration is absent.

Fever totality

  • Profuse sweat; with least exertion; day and night; sour , sticky , offensive. Night sweats.
  • Profuse sweat but has to cover.
  • Chilly in open air or from slightest draught.
  • Excessive thirst for cold water.


Cold air; Uncovering; Eating and drinking cold things; Slightest draft of air; Touching affected part; Lying on painful side;  Clear fine weather.


Warmth; Wrapping up; Damp wet weather .



See under Chamomilla page no 191.




Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

One sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving



The child feels that he is alone in the world. This feeling may arise from various situations:-

  • Sometimes the child is more attached to his grand-parents . Ailments from death of his grandparents .
  • When the child stays at home with the maid and the mother is working .
  • The birth of another sister or brother makes the child feel ignored.
  • If a child’s brother or sister is physically or mentally challenged, the parents give more attention to the sibling and the child feels ignored .
  • Forsaken feeling in children. The child feels he is alone in the world. He says , “No one loves me”. He feels unfortunate . He tries to gain attention by saying , “I see ghosts, spirits and specters”.


Emaciated children.


  • Affectionate

The Hura child is an affectionate child. But when the child suffers from grief, his whole image changes. He becomes indifferent and indolent. He loses interest in television, doesn’t like to see his favourite cartoon show, and may throw away his favourite toys.

The affections are very active. During and after the fainting spell, disposed to love everybody, especially those about him; he often thinks of death, but does not fear it; he even feels as though he could die without regret. [Allen]

  • Approaching

Great cheerfulness, with inclination to laugh, followed by chills in the head and legs, at 8 A.M.

  • Nervous laughter

Nervous laughter, which makes her shudder, at 7 A.M. Every paroxysm of pain excites a nervous laugh, with moaning like those of a sick child. Causeless weeping, followed by nervous laughter. [Allen]

  • Sad, melancholic, gloomy

Child becomes tearful. Weeps at the slightest cause, weeps without a cause.

Feelings much affected, and she sighs a good deal; at 9.30 A.M. Inclination to weep. Inclination to weep; chest constricted, as from emotion, at 7.30 A.M.; the tearful mood continues, the least thing disturbs her and makes her sad; she starts when a door is opened suddenly; at 8.30 A.M. Unusual inclination to weep, even when singing, followed by a suffocative feeling, at 9.30 A.M.; she weeps. Great inclination to weep, at 10.30 P.M. Sadness; inclination to weep, at 7 P.M. Sadness, melancholy; she thinks despondingly of the future. Sad thoughts; vexation. Flow of sad thoughts; she fancies she is about to lose a dear friend. Depression; wants to do nothing; nothing pleases her. [Allen]

  • Angry, impatient, violent and destructive

Irritable and sulky , never pleased, wants the things he demanded within no time , becomes impatient . He sulks for a long time until his demands are fulfilled.

He throws away things in his hand when he becomes angry , bites his own hand or tries to injure his sibling .

Impatience; she wants to break everything. Impatience, anger; she bites her hands, and gets into a passion because her ideas come too slowly. [Allen]

  • Confusion of mind and dullness

His teacher may complain that he is lacking concentration, makes mistakes in reading and writing.

  • Exaggerated conscientiousness.

He reproaches himself for all his bad actions, even the merest trifles. [Allen]

  • Sensitivity to noise increased. Startling from noise when asleep.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger
  • Bites own hands, strikes.

Physical PQRS

  • Itching, pimples on all projecting portions of bone, malar bones, etc.
  • Sensation of splinter under thumb-nails.
  • Skin of forehead feels drawn tight.

Rule out

If no forsaken or abandoned feeling.

Fever totality

  • Feet and body generally constantly cold and damp.
  • Heat and transient perspiration. Flushes of heat in face.
  • Cold sweat on face and all over the body.



It is suited to elder children who feel neglected by their mother after the birth of a new baby. The mother was very nice and loving to him, but after the birth of his younger brother, he feels his mother is paying more attention to the younger brother than him. He feels jealous of the new born (like Ignatia) and becomes angry and destructive.


The Hyoscyamus state also develops in the infant of the working mother, when the mother has to resume duties (job) early. She leaves the newborn home, who is taken (ill) care by the maid. The infant is put on top feeds early in life (though mothers milk is sufficient, but because of her job), and a sense of forsaken feeling arises in the infant.


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical (Hypoactive during acute illness) + Aggressive

Chilly (sometimes Hot) + Thirsty + Left sided (Can be both sided)

Non diligent + Intelligent + Misbehavior (Antics play + Inciting + Naughty) Shameless Fast remedy


INCITING – playing PRANKS (Naughty)

Hyoscyamus children are always on the lookout to play pranks. The toys which help them to play pranks, surprise others and tease others always attract them.

Case:  Master PS, 8 years old child, would always try to put his leg in the way when his younger sister would walk, making her trip. After she would fall down and start crying, P would behave as if nothing had happened and make it look like it was an accident.


Adapted to children who are nervous, irritable, excitable and above all hysterical.

Suited to light haired children.


  • Control

Loss of control over his own impulses. Poor control over his impulses; talking, joking, throwing tantrums at the most inappropriate times.

The proving symptom by Dr. W.S. Mills explains this key clearly. “I had an insane desire to laugh and shout. It was only by the utmost use of my will-power that I could keep myself from doing something ridiculous. Even when I forced myself to think of my position of responsibility as a medical attendant on this very sick man, and the absolute necessity of keeping my wits about me, it was hard for me to restrain my hilarity. I can liken the condition only to one of mild hilarious intoxication, a ‘funny drunk.’ I knew I was silly, but I could not help it. To keep myself from losing my dignity before the nurses and the family, I locked myself in the bathroom for a few minutes and made faces at myself in the mirror.” [Clarke]

When a thought comes to their mind, it becomes very difficult to control it. Hence, if a secret is told to a Hyoscyamus child, he will require a great will power to control himself to prevent disclosing it to others. But after some time, the control is lost and he shares the secret with others. However, after telling the secret, he always regrets that he should not have done this. He usually says, “I know I should not have talked this, but I just couldn’t control it.”

  • Naive

Though mischievous, the onlooker does not get angry at the child. The child behaves naively and people usually laugh over their mischief.

  • Behavioral problems in children

Biting everyone who disturbs him. Desires to break things. Abusive and insulting.

Foolish behavior like monkey.

Shameless child; desire to uncover, remains naked in the bed, roving about naked, fondles genitals.

Destructive; Malicious.

Insulting, quarrelsome, disputing. Under its influence the mildest and gentlest beings become highly irascible, and subject to uncontrollable fits of anger. Rage; he quarrels with others, and tries to injure them. Patients who have taken it, and not in large quantities, have been known, upon the slightest provocation, to fly into most violent passions, and to become perfectly, but fortunately momentarily, mad with rage. He is violent, and beats people. Strikes and tries to kill the bystanders. [Allen]

  • Precocious sexual behavior. Sexuality is high. Jesting erotic.
  • Approaching

Talks vivacious. Annoying silly behavior and silly laughter. Shameless language. Cursing, mocking, slandering, and gossiping.

She sang constantly and talked hastily, but indistinctly; was very violent, and beat about her if she was spoken to strongly or taken hold of. Very merry mood, completely delirious; singing and imitating with her hands the occupation of spinning. She sings amorous and obscene songs.

He talks more than usual, and more animatedly and hurriedly. Chattering incessantly, and without any meaning in their words. Great mental vivacity, such as he had not exhibited for years, with perpetual talking during twenty-four hours, night and day. During the whole of the night he engaged the nurse’s attention and interest by recounting the adventures of a friend in the Peninsular campaign. Throughout the next day he was intent upon taking a journey, but if any incident in his past life were suggested, he entered minutely into every particular, talking incessantly, with unwanted rapidity and emphasis. He used the simplest and most descriptive language, and he was quite independent of conversation, for it was necessary, in order to avoid any increase of excitement, to treat her with silence. Once a subject was named, no matter whether the attendant circumstances occurred the previous day or fifty years ago, it immediately engaged his attention until some incidental remark or an allusion suggested other ideas. If a subject with which he was not wholly familiar happened to be mentioned, he spoke of it rapidly and coherently as far as his knowledge extended, but then became confused, incoherent, and a little irritable and impatient. The connecting links in a particular train of thought were weakened and occasionally broken by illusions and delusions. The sight of a white napkin suggested, through milk, his former breakfasts in India; the milking of the cow at the door of the house; the appearance of the frothed milk in the silver basin; the tea freshly imported from China. His white handkerchief lying crumpled on the dark sofa-cover recalled the ivory nut, and he entered into a minute and faithful description, not only of this plant, its habits and fruit, but the characters of several other tropical vegetables. Then he wandered into the country, and suddenly pulling up a leg, exclaimed, “Take care; give me your hand; that is a very deep step.” The next minute he introduced himself, with a loud voice, in a friend’s house at Torquay, and while engaged in imaginary conversation, suddenly raised the eyelids, and looking across the empty space in the direction of the bare wall said, with much emphasis, “That’s a fine dahlia!” A few minutes afterwards he was engaged in Bristol. Several times he directed the carriage to be sent for, and supposing that it was at the door, made attempts to rise from his couch. [Allen]

  • Restless and sleepless child.
  • Inciting others.
  • Antics plays .

He makes ridiculous gestures like a dancing clown. Laughable, solemn actions mingled in the raving, in an improper dress. Comical alienation of mind; they perform ludicrous actions like monkeys. [Allen]

Disposition to make a jest of everything. [Clarke]

  • Artistic aptitude.
  • Refuses to eat. Infant
  • Rocking ameliorates.
  • Waking with shrieking and weeping.
  • Cries and sobs without waking.
  • Restless and sleepless.
  • Affected by musical toys and enjoys it.
  • Toddler
  • Toddlers often make faces, pulls out tongue to tease others.
  • Restless sleep.

Lying on the back he suddenly sits up and then lies down again. That means that the patient wakes out of sleep, looks all around, wonders what terrible thing he has been dreaming about; his dreams seem real. He looks all about and sees nothing of the objects of his dream, he lies down and goes to sleep again. He keeps doing that all night. Starts up in a fright. Jerks in sleep and cries out. [Kent]

  • Sings and dances. Picks up nursery rhymes quickly and sometimes modifies it in his own language to excite laughter.
  • Talking animatedly with lots of gestures. Will show off a lot to attract attention, will imitate others.
  • Fear of dark, ghosts.
  • Awkwardness; strikes against things.

Schooling Child

  • Intelligent child. But the intelligence is used up in doing mischief. They will invent newer and newer tricks to tease
  • Great hilarity; inclined to laugh at everything. Disposition to jest at everything.
  • Foolish behavior like monkey and plays antics.
  • If you stop them from doing a particular activity, then they bite you.
  • Poor control over his impulses. They understand that it is wrong, but cannot control their impulses and end up breaking toys.

Master PS, was holding the toy gun at the assistant doctor. We all realized that PS will now shoot at the assistant doctor. We screamed at him and cautioned him “No! No! Don’t shoot.” He looked at us, realized that it is not right to shoot, looked here and there but in the end could not control himself and pulled the trigger. The toy bullet hit the assistant doctor. We all looked at him, and he realized his mistake and was apologetic. In this case the most important thing was that he could not control his impulses. This is trademark of Hyoscyamus.

  • Talk vivacious. Annoying silly behavior and silly laughter. Shameless language. Cursing, mocking, slandering, and gossiping.
  • Tremendous difficulty with other siblings. He should be watched carefully to avoid violence towards younger siblings which can be in a coldly malicious, detached and dangerous form.
  • Hyoscyamus schooling children are the entertainer in school picnics where they make others enjoy by singing obscene and amorous songs. Lascivious and erotic.
  • Suspicious of friends. Fear of being betrayed.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Teasing and Mocking .
  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Quarrelsome, biting and striking.

  • Allows doctor to examine him and doesn’t mind removing his trousers in front of the female assistants.

Physical PQRS

  • Intense sleeplessness.
  • Increased cerebral activity.
  • Sensation of walking through air.
  • Cannot swallow liquids. Elongation of uvula.
  • Convulsions of children from fright or from irritation from intestinal worms.

Entry points

Children who are termed as “Naughty”.

Toddlers who exhibit foolish behavior like monkey and plays antics.

Whenever you see a child who is smart in doing mischief or tricks that excite laughter in you. You don’t get angry on the trick but just laugh over it and dismiss it as mischievous behavior of the child.

Child who exposes himself in public to excite laughter.

Case: A 7 year old child, after taking bath will roam in the house wearing towel, (often inciting others to play a mischief with him and try to pull the towel) and  is very eager to allow others to pull the towel thus exposing him.

Rule out

If no shamelessness.

If the child is dull. (Hyoscyamus is very intelligent, though this intelligence is used more to play dirty tricks).

Fever Totality

  • Drowsiness during fever. Sensorium so clouded that if the patient be aroused to answer he falls back into a stupor again.
  • Tongue dry and unwieldy . Marked dryness of the mucus membranes especially mouth, throat and nose .
  • The sight is disordered; sees things too large or too near and grasps at them; picks the bed clothes and mutters.
  • Twitching, subsultus tendinum, and picking at the bed clothes.
  • Teeth covered with sordes.
  • Involuntary passage of urine and feces.


At night; After eating; When lying down.





See under Agaricus page no 17.



See under Stramonium page no 517.




Its name is attributed to the Jesuits, who called it St. Ignatius’s bean, in honor of its virtues. Though chemically and botanically similarly to Nux vomica, Ignatia differs materially from that remedy in symptomatology, and this, too, despite family resemblances.

Ignatia is preeminently a spinal remedy, as is also Nux vomica. Like the latter, it seems to intensify the impressionability of all the senses, perhaps even more than Nux vomica does. Under Nux vomica, however, this over-excitability is exhibited by anger, vehemence and irascibility; in Ignatia, by melancholy with tendency to weeping. Now, while there is this melancholic tearful mood, yet the patient smothers her grief. The Ignatia patient nurses her sorrows, keeping them from others, while the Nux vomica patient is vehement and angry; he strikes anyone who may oppose him; he is so overbearing that one can scarcely live with him. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty or Thirstless + One sided (Right side more than left side)

Diligent + Obedient

Quickness, Alertness

Fast Remedy



Ignatia is very sensitive to punishments, reprimands, criticism, reproaches. Easily hurt but will never express their feelings. Silently broods.


Especially adapted to women of nervous temperament, easily excitable and sensitive nature.

Lean and thin with dark hair and skin.

Good girls with long tapering face and sensitive eyes.

Mild disposition; quick to perceive and rapid to execute.


  • Diligent

Ignatia is usually a diligent and obedient child. When she enters clinic, she will avoid any confrontation and will sit nicely on the chair. She will be quiet (non-communicative), but very attentive, listening to everything that the mother is saying. She will not laugh much and appears serious. she will answer to the point and is very sober. She falls ill, when somebody in her class performs better than her. [Vijayakar]

  • Intelligent

Very clear in their thinking; not confused.

Quick to act.

Studious. Competence, quickness and refinement used to achieve goals in outer world.

  • Non-expressing

Disappointments excite inner sensitiveness but they try to keep it to themselves . Inclination to grief, without saying anything about it. [Clarke]. Nurses her sorrows, keeping them from others. If you shout at her, she will feel hurt easily, but will not express her sadness. You can see a small drop of tear in her eyes (Natrum mur and Staphysagria but Pulsatilla will weep loudly). She might show hysterical reaction like deep involuntary sighing.

  • Non Communicative

They don’t laugh or communicate much. Desire to be alone. Silent and sad.

Quiet, earnest melancholy; cannot be induced to talk or be cheerful. [Allen] Love of solitude. [Clarke]

  • Hysterical

Delights to bring on her fits and produce a scare or a scene. Weeps or laughs by turns. Laughs when she ought to be serious.

By reason of the great sensitiveness to external impressions which Ignatia produces, greater even than that of Nux vomica, we find it indicated in hysteria, especially when the patient alternately laughs and cries, or in other words, exhibits a changeable mood. The face flushes at every emotion. Sometimes the laughing becomes spasmodic and ends in screams and even spasms of the chest with blueness of the face. [Farrington]

Incredible changes of mood; at one time he jokes and makes merry, at another he is lachrymose, alternating every three or four hours. He jokes a few hours after he has been angry (after six hours). [Allen]

  • Touchy

Both mentally and physically. Even if anything is told to them in a lighter note, they become very sensitive. Even a small criticism affects them.

Tenderness of disposition and of conscience. Cries, and complete discouragement, at the least provocation. [Clarke]

  • Melancholy

Taciturn, with continuous sad thoughts; still, serious melancholy, with moaning. Sadness and concentrated sorrow, with sighing. Anger, followed by quiet grief and sorrow. Involuntary reflections on painful and disagreeable things. [Clarke]

  • Consolation aggravates.
  • Aversion to amusement.
  • Fear of birds.
  • Desire for and amelioration from travelling.


  • Senses are hyper-acute.
  • Startles easily.
  • On waking, the child cries and trembles (startles) .
  • Consolation aggravation. Caresses aggravation. Attention aggravation.
  • Indifference to music.
  • When weeping infant stiffens out and bend backwards.
  • Sweat on face while feeding.
  • One eye closed and the other half-open during sleep.
  • Palms moist , sweaty , warm . Toddler
  • Child when reprimanded, scolded or sent to bed, gets sick and has convulsions in sleep. (Chamomilla, Staphysagria). Easily hurt and offended.
  • Weeping from admonition.
  • Sensitive to moral impressions; reprimands, criticism, reproaches.
  • Anger from reproaches.
  • Awkward; drops things.
  • Desires indigestible things.
  • Involuntary sighing.

Schooling Child

  • She is very studious, hardworking, honest and good at studies. She will never cheat while playing games. After coming home from school, will first complete her homework and then watch television. She likes family oriented dramas and movies and is easily moved to tears, but the tears never come out.
  • Ignatia usually falls ill after results if she gets fewer marks than expected in the exams. She gets upset because though she studied well, she secured less marks than expected. But she will not show her emotions to

the parents who will realize that she is upset only when she develops fever or other acute complaints .

The child is becoming unduly excitable either up in the air, or down in the dumps, and is incredibly hyperaesthetic to noise. When the child is attempting to do her homework and there is any kind of noise then it nearly drives her crazy; she is liable to fly into a rage and then lapse into tears. After any stress of that kind, the child is quite incapable of working, brain will not function, cannot take anything in, cannot remember, and cannot think. [Borland]

Reaction to stimulus

  • Grief Non-expressing.

Uncontrollable crying, loss of appetite, and extreme sadness.

  • Anger Intrapunitive.

Angry with self accusation. [Phatak]

Blames herself for anything wrong happening. It is very often a child of poorer parents, who is doing quite well on scholarships, and now cannot do as well as she did. She starts to reproach herself, thinks that the failure is due to lack of effort on her own part, gets thoroughly depressed and almost melancholic. [Borland]

On Examination • Touch me not.

  • Sighing, sobbing, deep breathing, yawning , crying.
  • Ending in long-drawn sighs.
  • Takes deep breath.

Physical PQRS

  • Great contradictions. Erratic, contradictory symptoms.

Throat pain relieved by swallowing something solid. Swelling and induration of tonsils which pain, when not swallowing.

Thirst during chill and thirstless in other stages of fever; face red during chill.

Piles better by walking.

Cough aggravated with chill, cough aggravated standing still.

  • Convulsions of children during dentition, after punishment, after fear, return at the same hour daily.
  • Oversensitive to pain. (Coffea, Chamomilla, Hepar sulph)
  • Quickness; quick to act.
  • Pains with a definite mode of appearance and disappearance. Pains come gradually, go suddenly or vice-versa . Pains with definite directions.
  • Pain in small, circumscribed spots (Oxalic-acid).
  • Aversion to warm food. Desire for cold food.

Entry points

Frequent sighing .

Upset after hurt or disappointment .

Rule out

If no history of grief.

Fever Totality

  • Chill with red face. Shaking chill with thirst. Chill during pains.
  • Heat with aversion to uncover but no thirst.
  • Sweat worse on eating; often on a small spot on the face. Feeling as if sweat would break out but does not. Perspiration on face only .
  • Appetite increased after fever.
  • Diligent; Want to do their work during illness.


Tea, Coffee; Contact, touch; Motion; Mental emotion.


Warmth; Hard pressure; Swallowing; Walking.


Nux vomica

Ignatia                           Nux vomica

Withdrawing + Hypersensitive to stimulus + Chilly + Thirsty

  • Feeling is Grief. Feeling is Anger.
  • Reaction is Grief Reaction is Anger Extrapunitive.

Non-expressing. Weeps silently.   Strikes those who oppose them.


Ignatia                            Pulsatilla

Withdrawing + Weepy + Feeling sad.

  • • No Introspection.
  • Grief Non-expressing. (Will • Grief Expressing. (Will keep her grief inside     express her sadness with and not share).   everyone she meets).
  • Consolation aggravates. Consolation ameliorates.
• Chilly.


Natrum mur

• Hot.
Ignatia Natrum mur

Withdrawing + Grief non expressing

+ consolation aggravates

  • (Therefore more • Dwells on past disagreeable

acute)                                   events (Therefore more chronic)

  • • Hot.
  • Sadness with grief. Anger with grief.



Staphysagria will have the feeling of anger within; feels when she has not done anything wrong then why is she being blamed. She will clench her fists in anger. Ignatia will try to hide her feelings as far as possible. Hence in Staphysagria there is suppressed anger while in Ignatia there is suppressed grief.




The most prominent feature of the action of Iodium is its power of causing absorption. It is this power which has made the drug such a favorite among old-school practitioners as a paint in all kinds of swellings. Given internally its power is much greater: the absorbents are stimulated to fresh activity; muscles, fat, tissues and glands waste away and general emaciation is the result. [Clarke]


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided (Left to Right) + Emaciated (though eating well) Diligent + Misbehaving

Fast Remedy



They are perfectly playing happily with other children or siblings and then suddenly, apparently for no reason, break out into violence (like pick up something and hit them). It is that sudden, impulsive irritability that is the typical Iodium mental characteristic. Very often after such an attack of irritability, the child is extremely depressed, not weepy but just silent, depressed, rather losing interest in things. [Borland]


Majority of Iodium children are dark haired and rather dark-skinned, and intensely restless. Very thin children, never still, always on the move, wandering about, fidgeting, restless. [Borland]

A very useful remedy in the chronic morning diarrhoea of emaciated scrofulous children.

Suited to children of scrofulous diathesis.

Old looking infants.

Young persons who grow too rapidly (Phosphorus).


Restless anxiety

This remedy, in all of its complaints whether acute or chronic, has a peculiar kind of anxiety that is felt both in mind and body. It seems also that this state of anxiety is attended with a thrill that goes throughout his frame unless he removes it by motion or change of position.

The anxiety comes on when trying to keep still and the more he tries to keep still, the more the anxious state increases. While attempting to keep still, he is overwhelmed with impulses, impulses to tear things, to kill himself, to commit murder, to do violence. He cannot keep still and so he walks night and day. [Kent]

Restless moving about; she runs about incessantly and does not get to sit down, nor does she sleep at night, so that she has to be considered as crazy. Restlessness, which keeps the body in constant activity. Aversion to sitting still. [Hahnemann]

Case: A 1 ½ year old lean, thin and tall female child entered the clinic and shook hands with me but from a distance and grasped her mother. When I called her, she did not come to me, didn’t even look at me and was clinging to her mother. She was avoiding eye contact by hiding behind the chair but was very restless. She stopped feeding at eight months of age by herself because she could not lie down in one place. Even now she can’t sit at one place. One moment she wants to go to her mother, the next moment to her father, and the very next moment to her brother (Hyperactive and changeable). She is not at all cautions, not bothered even if she gets hurt. Twice or thrice her head banged the wall, but she didn’t cry. Very much aggressive; she can hit any child, her parents and her elder brother. Very obstinate; cannot hear ‘No’; sensitive to contradiction. On scolding her, she throws toys, breaks things. She is scared of ghosts, darkness. She cannot tolerate hunger, gets irritable when hungry. Eating completely ameliorates all her complaints. She used to shriek, whenever hungry or would roll on the floor. Eats well yet emaciates. She craves milk. All her discharges are offensive.


  • Hungry; wants frequent feeds. Feeds till satiety. Cannot remain hungry.

Never say ‘No’ to feed.

  • Wants to suck hastily.
  • Heat of palms and soles .
  • Withdrawing infant; doesn’t want to be touched. Doesn’t want to be disturbed. Aversion to being spoken to. Very irritable. Will not allow anyone to approach them.
  • Wants cold milk.


  • Fear of people, physician, shuns everyone. Aversion to presence of strangers. Aversion to being spoken to.
  • Anxiety when quiet. Restlessness with desire to move about. Occupation and activity ameliorates.
  • Can’t sit in one place. Must keep himself busy.
  • Quick and agile.
  • Very affectionate, sympathetic, anxious .
  • Wants to travel.
  • Gets hurt very easily.
  • Cries only when hungry.

Case: A 2 years old child was brought with pneumonia. None of the seemingly indicated remedies had shown effect and on the third day the condition of the child worsened and he was going into slumber. The physician saw a piece of apple in the hand of the sleeping child. On probing, the child’s mother said that he just wakes for a few minutes and asks for something to eat and again sleeps. On this symptom, wakes up only for eating Iodium 30, single dose was given and he improved remarkably.

  • Defective growth; curvature of bones; distortion of bones.

Schooling Child

  • Horrible things and sad stories affect him profoundly.
  • Constantly busy but not in an organized manner.
  • Actively takes part in all the sports activities in school.
  • Offended easily. Takes everything in bad part. Cannot take a joke.
  • Cross and restless; easily angered or insulted. Always intend to take revenge.
  • Tears things to pieces.
  • Sudden impulse to run, to do violence; wants to do something Impulse to kill (Arsenic album, Hepar sulph, Natrum sulph) . Sudden impulsive irritability.
  • Loquacious, lively.
  • They are perfectly happy playing with other children and suddenly for no apparent reason pick up fight and will hit other children.
  • Lack of confidence. Reaction to stimulus

Allows examination.

Physical PQRS

  • Glandular enlargements.

All the glands of the body are enlarged and hard. Hypertrophy of glands is at the expense of muscles, there is general emaciation. More the emaciation , more is iodum indicated.

  • Hunger .

Ravenous appetite. Only feels well while eating; in any diseased condition. Suffers when hungry. Must eat every two hours, cannot satisfy hunger. (Cina, Sulphur)

Excessive hunger. A mother said that her child just eats and runs away as if a car needs petrol to run; otherwise he is excellent in studies , a cheerful child.

Case: An 8 months old child was sleeping on his father’s lap with two fingers in his mouth. Otherwise he is very mischievous, a stubborn child; if he wants to crawl doesn’t remain in parents’ arms. Throws toys, crumples newspapers and puts in his mouth. Wants feed very quickly; if delayed throws tantrums. Just at the sight of a spoon, he yells, looks around for food; very impatient. He goes easily with strangers; very cheerful, smiling. Restless during sleep.

Case: A 1 ½ years old child was sucking two fingers. She doesn’t mix with strangers easily. Never plays with toys; breaks them. Shouts at high pitch (shrieking). Obstinate; does what she wants. Short tempered. No reaction to reprimands, but on contradiction she will hit back. Can’t tolerate hunger. Very impatient while eating. Her stools and urine smells offensive.

  • All discharges are Acrid and Corrosive.
  • Defective growth in children. Curvature and distortion of bones.
  • Sweats easily and becomes exhausted easily. Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration; cannot talk, becomes out of breath on going up-stairs.

Entry points

All Iodiums are Hot, Thirsty and Hyperactive (Arsenic iod, Aurum iod, Baryta iod, Calcarea iod, Kali iod)

Rule out

If the child sits in one place.

If the child can fast (remain hungry). Fever totality

  • Flushes of heat all over the body; heat waves to head.
  • Hyperpyrexia; or external coldness with anxiety or stupor.
  • Sweats


Warmth; Wet weather; Wrapping up the head (Opp – Hepar sulph, Psorinum); Motion and exertion of all kind.


Sitting up; Cold, air, bathing; Eating (Anacardium, Phosphorus); Walking about in open air.

Comparison Bromium

See under Bromium page no 128.




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Right sided + Fat

Non Diligent + Misbehaving Fast remedy



Discontented; hard to please. Child cries, screams, howls and is hard to please. Full of desires but knows not for what.

He has pleasure in nothing, nothing is agreeable to him. Everything is repugnant to him. His disposition is full of wishes and longing he knows not for what. [Hahnemann]

Whining mood; must be carried about. Takes no delight in anything; nothing pleases him. [Allen]


Fat children who are feeble and catch cold in warm moist weather.

Ipecac is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the bronchitis of infancy. The usual bad cold that ends in chest troubles like bronchitis in infants.

It is suited to fair children of lax fibre especially during dentition.

Fat pale children particularly during weaning.

Pale, drawn face and hollow eyes encircled with dark rings.


  • Howling

Cries without any cause. Child thrusts its fist into the mouth and screams.

  • Child is irritable and short-tempered. Holds everything in contempt.

He very often gets angry about the merest trifle, and can just as easily and quickly become calm. He is much inclined to become cross and angry. The child cries and howls violently and uninterruptedly and shoves its fists into its mouth; the face is pale and the body rather cool. [Hahnemann]

  • Ailments from mortification or vexation, with indignation.
  • Aversion to everything.


Oversensitive to least noise.

He becomes exasperated at the slightest noise. [Allen]

  • Withdrawing

He will not speak a word. Sullen unsociable moroseness, that makes him disdain everything.

All day long ill-humour; he had no inclination to talk and was disposed to weep. [Hahnemann]

  • Impatient

He is morose and vexed that his business is not performed quickly enough. Extreme impatience. [Hahnemann]


  • Crying and screaming in children.
  • Indicated when there is cholera-like diarrhoea that ends in a dysenteric state with continued tenesmus and the expulsion of a little bloody mucous. The child vomits everything it takes into the stomach; nausea , vomiting , prostration and great pallor. It is also useful in conditions when the stool is more or less copious, green and the child passes frequently copious quantities of green slime.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Coldness of hands and feet .
  • Sleeps with half-open eyes. Restless sleep.
  • Wants to be carried.


  • Desire for a number of things without knowing exactly what he wants.
  • Contempt for everything.
  • Craving for delicacies and things sweetened with sugar.
  • Awkward, strikes against things.
  • Gastric complaints after rich food; vomiting; stools like grass green.
  • Constant nausea without any relief (Nux vomica gets relief after vomiting).

Schooling Child

  • Discontented and irritable.

Physical PQRS

Constant nausea, and unavailing desire to vomit without relief; all complaints are associated with nausea and vomiting.

  • Profuse salivation; clean tongue, thirstless .
  • Periodic aggravation of all complaints. Complaints return every day or every other day at the same hour.
  • Cough

The child coughs, gags and suffocates. There is a coarse rattling which can be heard throughout the room and the trouble has come on pretty rapidly. [Kent]

Paroxysms of suffocative cough with retching; the child stiffens out, face becomes red or blue and finally is nauseated; gags and vomits; better by stepping into open air; aggravated warmth and repose. [Phatak]

  • Convulsions

Convulsions in whooping cough; frightful spasms affecting the whole left side followed by paralysis; clonic and tonic spasms of children and hysterical women. [Kent]

  • Haemorrhages

Active or passive haemorrhages of bright arterial blood; in gushes from all orifices. [Clarke]

  • Pains as if bones were all torn to pieces.
  • Green stool, green vomiting.

Entry points

Nausea accompanying all complaints; not ameliorated by vomiting; with a clean tongue.


Chilly Platina. [Vijayakar]

Rule out

If not haughty and irritable.

If nausea is absent.

If tongue is coated.

Fever totality

  • Suppressed or mixed intermittents; nausea in all stages. Catarrhal or gastric fevers. Infantile remittent fever.
  • Short chill with long heat. Chill alternating with heat. Chills aggravated in warm room, better by drinking .
  • Heat without thirst.
  • Hands and feet drips cold

The febrile conditions commence with pain in the back between the shoulders extending down the  back as if it would break with or without rigors, much fever, vomiting of bile and seldom any thirst. [Kent]

Cries and screams when doctor examines him.


Touch; Motion; Winter and dry weather; Warm moist wind; Periodically.


Rest; Open air.



Kali group



The reaction of Kali group are out of proportion to the stimulus.

Unexpected Stimulus (Noise, Touch)


Think of KALI Group






Catch cold.


  • Withdrawing but fear of being alone. (except Kali-iod )
  • Company desires yet treats them outrageously .
  • Clinging to mother, will always take their hands. Wants to be carried constantly. They are dependent on mother, but still will not behave properly with mother.
  • Anxiety about health.
  • Timid .
  • Quarrelsome .
  • Angry .

Reaction to Stimulus


Physical PQRS

  • Rocking ameliorates.
  • Consolation aggravates.


Refer also Natrum group page no. 389 for differentiation.




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Diagonal or Right sided + Fat

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy


Suited to fat, chubby babies having short neck (Long neck – Natrum mur) and pale yellowish complexion.

Disposed to croup and croupy affections.


  • Indolent children.
  • Ill-humored, low-spirited, indifferent.
  • Easily excited.
  • Busy tying shoes, fumbling in pockets, picking threads. Fruitlessly busy.
  • Anthropophobia; aversion to human society.
  • Aversion to reading.
  • Aversion to mental and physical work.


  • Fat, chubby children.
  • Epilepsy; ropy saliva from the mouth during convulsions.
  • Early morning diarrhoea .


  • Great desire to lie down.
  • Aversion to mental and physical exertion.

Schooling Child

  • Anthropophobia; taciturnity; misanthropy.
  • Vanishing of thoughts. Aversion to mental (and bodily) exertion. Weak memory.
  • Nasal speech.

Physical PQRS

  • Tough stringy discharges from mucous membranes which adhere to parts and can be drawn into threads .
  • The child is sensitive to cold; wants to be wrapped up and covered warmly. Many of the complaints are much better when the child is perfectly warm in bed (except rheumatic complaints that come in hot weather).
  • Pains

Appear and disappear suddenly.

Migrate from one place to another.

Felt in small spot which can be covered with fingers. Diagonal pains.

  • Alternating complaints.

Alternating and shifting conditions: pains wander from part to part; rheumatic pains alternate with gastric symptoms or with dysentery; headache alternates with blindness; fibrinous deposits extend downwards. [Clarke]

  • Punched out, perforating ulcers, occurring on skin, mucous membranes, and affecting bones (example vomer, palate).
  • Processes are slow and mild in character but deep in nature. Ulcers of cornea with no photophobia, no redness.

Edematous uvula, much swelling but little redness.

  • Unable to digest potatoes and starchy foods .
  • Desire for acid drinks.
  • Dry, red, smooth and cracked tongue.
  • Wakes with urgent desire for stools.

Entry points

Punched out lesions. Ropy discharges.

Rule out

If disease is fast.

If child is interested in studies.

Fever totality

Hot flushes; then sticky sweat and then chill. Chill with sweat.


Morning; Hot weather; Undressing.


From heat.



Potassium bromide affects the mind and nerves, producing failure of mental power, general numbness and anesthesia of mucous membranes especially of eyes, throat and skin. Its power over sexual sphere is very great; patient is sensual with lascivious fancies, satyriasis and nymphomania. [Phatak]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided + Obesity

Non-diligent + Obedient



Children inclined to obesity, having slow stammering speech.

Difficult dentition in children.


  • The mental state corresponds to the night terrors of children who start , awake and cannot be comforted. The hallucination of the child is that he is being hunted and chased by some horrible persons or things. This mental state plus the over-whelming effect of Bromium causes bronchial difficulties such as croup, making this remedy particularly useful for children.
  • Expressing oneself difficult.
  • Excitement when anticipating events.
  • Delusion he is selected for divine vengeance.
  • Persecuted feeling.

Case: A 2 year old clild, was playing comfortably. When the doctor started examining her, she screamed very loudly, got scared and did not allow the doctor to even touch her. The reaction to examination was out of proportion (which is hallmark of all Kalis).


  • Uncontrollable weeping.
  • Touch me not.
  • Night terrors in children. Child awakes screaming , unconscious, recognizes no one; followed by squinting .
  • Shrieking on waking.
  • Cannot be aroused easily.
  • Reflexes are diminished.
  • Can swallow solids better than liquids. Choke on swallowing liquids.


  • Fears to be alone. Suspicious; looks on all sides; fears people yet cannot remain alone in the dark.
  • Physical exertion ameliorates.
  • Touch me not. Child will make eye contact but will not go to strangers. If forcibly examined by the doctor, the child will shriek loudly and out of control.
  • Clinging when gets scared. Attached to mother.

Schooling Child

  • Memory weak, cannot remember the right word. Has to be told the word before he can speak. Omits words and letters while writing. Writing almost unintelligible from omission of words or parts of words.
  • Nervousness and fidgety.

Plays with fingers; constantly busy, tying his shoes, fumbling in his pockets, picking threads, etc. Moves arms wildly about, more with respiratory complaints.

  • Restlessness and sleeplessness from worry and grief.
  • Ailments from loss of reputation or from embarrassment.

The child suffers after an episode in the school where he was embarrassed and he felt that his reputation was lost.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Uncontrollable weeping and inconsolable (Reaction is out of proportion).
  • Fear panic attacks.

Physical PQRS

  • Symptoms recur paroxysmally.
  • Onset of diseased condition is slow; without any pain.
  • General numbness and anesthesia of mucous membranes especially of eyes, throat and skin.
  • Fidgety hands. (Fidgety feet – Zincum)

Entry points

Guilt conscious.

Fidgety; hands are constantly busy.

Rule out

Memory good.


Mental exertion; Emotions (anger, fright, grief, worry); Periodically; Summer; New moon; Night at 2 a.m.; Sexual excess; Puberty.


When busy mentally and physically.




Potassium carbonate, sometimes called “Vegetable alkali,” exists in all plants, and was originally obtained from the ashes left after burning wood and vegetable structures. Potassium salts play a no less important part in the animal economy. Kali carb may be regarded as the typical member of the Kali group of homoeopathic remedies, though Causticum has also claims on the title. The Potassium salts have more specific relation to the solid tissues than to the fluids of the body; to the blood corpuscles rather than to the blood plasma. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided + Bloated

Non-diligent+ Misbehaving

Touch me not Fast Remedy


Touchiness;  Over sensitiveness

  • Sensitive to every change in the atmosphere.

He is oversensitive to everything, sensitive to every atmospheric change; he can never get the room at just exactly the right temperature; he is sensitive to every draft of air and to the circulation of air in the room: He cannot have the windows open even in a distant part of the house. He will get up at night in bed and look around to see where that draft of air comes from. [Kent]

  • Soles of feet are incredibly sensitive. Cannot bear to be touched .

A Kali carb patient is so sensitive in the soles of the feet that the mere touch of the sheet brings a sensation of thrill throughout the body. Hard pressure is all right, it does not disturb but something that comes unawares excites. The Kali carb patient is oversensitive to all the surrounding things, oversensitive to touch; shivering from the simplest and lightest touch, even when hard pressure is agreeable. Violently ticklish in the soles of the feet. I have often examined the feet when a patient would shiver and draw up the feet and scream out, “Don’t tickle my feet.” I had probably touched it so lightly that I did not know that I had touched it at all.

In Lachesis also gentle touch is painful while hard pressure is agreeable but here it is not so much the ticklishness. In Lachesis, the abdomen is so sensitive that the touch of the sheet is painful. I have seen Lachesis patients using a hoop to keep a light sheet from touching the abdomen. You may know then that you are in the realm of Lachesis and that it is like those persons who are unable to bear the slightest touch upon the neck and suffer from uneasiness on wearing a collar. All that however is different from this state of ticklishness. [Kent]


Fights with own bread and butter.

Kalis will always fight with the person on whom they are dependent. A child will usually trouble the mother most. Though he is dependent on mother and cannot stay without her still he will trouble her the most.

The patient is whimsical, irascible, irritable to the very highest degree, quarrels with his family and with his bread and butter. [Kent]


Dark skinned and haired child but of lax fibre with inclination to obesity.

Exhausted look; face yellow or pale and sickly with sunken eyes.

Lifeless expression.

Face bloated; bag like swelling over upper eyelids.


  • Anxiety and Fear

A state of anxiety felt in the stomach as though it were a fear .

He never wants to be alone, is full of fear and imaginations when alone, fear of the future, fear of death, fear of ghosts. If compelled to remain alone in the house he is wakeful, sleepless or his sleep is full of horrible dreams. He is never at peace, is full of imaginations and fear. “What if the house should burn up!” “What if l should do this or that!” and “What if this and the other thing should happen!” [Kent]. Anxious about his own disease. [Phatak]

Anxious apprehension and inquietude, especially about the health, with fear of not being cured. [Clarke]

  • Desires Company

Though Kali carb is a withdrawing remedy, it has fear of being alone.

Company desires yet treats them outrageously.


  • Startles easily

Startles easily from noise (especially when unexpected), fright or when touched.

  • Aversion to being touched. Child cannot bear to be touched. Ticklishness .

Skin but particularly soles of feet are incredibly sensitive. Slightest touch on the soles has tickling effect to such an extent that the child will scream and even shiver.

  • Wants to be carried (Antimonium tart, Arsenic album, Chamomilla, Cina).
  • Always want mother near them (like Pulsatilla but Pulsatilla will love the mother while Kali carb will hit the mother).
  • ROCKING ameliorates.
  • Very irritable. Shrieking for aid, on waking.
  • Anxiety when hungry. Feeding fast and hastily. Perspiration while feeding.


  • Fear of being alone. Full of imaginary fears. Always clinging to mother.

Great aversion to being alone.

  • Horrible things and sad stories affect them profoundly.
  • Talks in sleep.
  • Hypersensitive to pains.

Schooling Child

  • Memory weak. Confused. Cannot concentrate and distracted easily.
  • Inaptitude for mathematics and calculations.
  • Misapplying words and syllables. [Clarke]
  • Weeping from admonition and when remonstrated.
  • Possessive of family members, yet are unpleasant to them and make life difficult for them. Wants mother always, but will make life hell for the mother by constantly demanding, being cranky and irritable.
  • Censorious and critical of parents.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Weeping and Shrieking

Child cries and shrieks; weeps more when consoled.

  • Child will not allow examination. Shrieks, startles and all reflexes are out of proportion when examined by the doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • Hypersensitive to pains. Pains change place and go into the cold part; if he covers up one part, the pain goes to the part uncovered. STITCHING pains.
  • Sensitive to every change in the atmosphere.
  • Bag like swelling between upper eyelids and eyebrows.
  • Desires sweets.
  • Great dryness of hair. Hair falls out rapidly with much dandruff.
  • Weak eyes after measles in children.
  • Nose-bleed when washing the face in the morning.
  • Pneumonia

Pneumonia in children; Stitching pains in the chest especially running through lower part of the right chest to the back. Wheezing and rattling breathing, great accumulation of mucus in the chest but difficult to expectorate. Intense oppression of breathing.

Entry points

Perspiration + Weakness + Backache (Triad of Kali carb).

Rule out

If the child is intelligent (presence of mind wanting in Kali carb). If disease is slow progressing. Fever totality

  • Chilly; with hot hands; and sleepiness; in open air.
  • Internal burning.
  • Scanty foul sweat on feet.
  • Sweat with slightest exertion, on painful part , on affected part.
  • Thirstless during fever. (Thirsty in chronic stage)


At rest; Morning 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.; Cold weather; Soup, Coffee; Lying on painful side and left side.


Warm weather; Rocking; During day; Moving about.




Potassium iodide was used as an anti-syphilitic remedy. [Phatak]


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciated

Diligent + Misbehaving

Touch me not (Though approaching) Constitution

Suited to scrofulous child of lymphatic temperament.

Syphilitic subjects.

Big head and emaciated limbs, big teeth and small jaws with inclination to frequent urination and defecation.


  • Sad, irritable.
  • Harsh and cruel. Abusive especially towards family. Unfeeling with his family.

There is a very strong degree of irritability, cruelty and harshness of temper. He is harsh with his family and with his children; abusive. It will take all the sense of refinement out of his mind and then he will become sad and tearful. [Kent].

  • Aversion to being touched.
  • Loss of memory, cannot find words at the moment wanted.
  • Approaching and lively children.

Very talkative, cheerful and witty. They are communicative in such a way that they really entertain people with their jokes. They are active, hard working and very helpful to others.


  • Startling from every little noise. Fright at every trifle.
  • Motion ameliorates, but rocking (jolts) aggravates.
  • Waking with weeping.
  • Weeps loudly in sleep.


  • Children cannot bear to be touched.
  • Jolting and vibrations of any kind are intolerable. Hence, they cry while traveling by train.
  • Easily frightened.

Schooling Child

  • Very talkative, cheerful and witty. They are communicative in a way that they really entertain people with their jokes. They are active, hard working and very helpful to others. But very harsh to family members.
  • Extremely nervous and must walk and be on the go.
  • Very peevish and excited; everything goes wrong, and she is ready to quarrel with everyone.

Reaction to stimulus

  • Touch me not (Though approaching).
  • Does not allow doctor to examine. Shrieking and weeping when examined. The reaction is sort of hysterical (out of proportion), and the sighing continues long after the doctor has stopped examining.

Physical PQRS

  • Emaciation

Marasmus resembling last stage of phthisis. Rickety children. Big head and emaciated limbs. [Clarke]

  • Mouth dry. Food seems too dry while eating.
  • Diffuse pains; diffused sensitiveness to touch and pressure. Pain or sensitiveness over a larger area than only the affected part.
  • Irresistible desire for open air; walking in open air does not fatigue. Feels better in open air. Complaints come on during rest or indoors.

If he remains in a warm room he becomes weak and tired, and feels as if he could not stir, does not want to move, and does not know what the matter with him is. He is worse in the warmth of the house but as soon as he goes into the open air he feels better and as soon as he begins to walk he feels still better and can walk long distances without fatigue; goes into the house again and becomes weak and tired and exhausted. [Kent]

Entry points

Approaching toddlers but doesn’t allow doctor to examine them.

Startling from slightest noise.

Rule out

If the child can tolerate warm room or warm bathing.

No startling. Obese child.

Fever totality

  • Chilly in bones; in painful parts. Uncovers then chilly.
  • Heat in evening. Alternate heat and chill. Heat with shudders.
  • Hot and dry then drenching sweat. Profuse night sweats which ameliorate.


Heat; Damp; Changing weather; Pressure; Touch; Jarring; Night; Sunset to sunrise; Mercury; Cold foods especially milk.


Motion; Cool air; Open air .



Kali Iod                               Lachesis

Approaching + Jesting + Hot + Thirsty + Left sided. Though approaching – touch me not.

  • • Non diligent.
  • Hysterical and out of proportion• Cautiously look at parents reaction when doctor examines  when doctor examines them.





It is to Schussler that we owe the Introduction of this salt in homoeopathy. His account of it is this: “It is contained in nearly all the cells and is chemically related to fibrin. It will dissolve white or grayish-white secretions of the mucous membrane and plastic exudations.” This gives the indication for it in catarrhs, in croupous and diphtheritic exudations, and in the second stage of inflammation of serous membranes when the exudation is plastic. [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided or Crosswise symptoms

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy



  • Sits in silence. Desires to remain silent, quiet, idle and in lonely places.
  • Aversion to noise, study, talk, company, friends. Doesn’t like to be disturbed.
  • Indifferent to all pleasures (Sepia).


  • Discontented, discouraged.
  • Irritable and angry at trifles. Rage and fury at slightest provocations.
  • Imagines he must starve.
  • Fears evil.


  • Refuses to feed.
  • Sleepy after feeding.
  • Perspiration on head.


  • Dread of bathing and worse from bathing.

Schooling Child

  • She has a delusion that she must not eat. Habitual loss of appetite or refuses food.
  • Fear that some evil will come to her .
  • Inclination to sit in complete silence.
  • Irritable and angry at trifles.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Startles when examined by the doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • Aphthae in the mouth of children and nursing mothers .
  • Obstinate eczema, crusta-lactea, scurfy eruptions on head and face of little children.
  • Milky white discharges.
  • Fatty food aggravates.
  • Ill-effects of vaccination.
  • Acts well in the second stage of inflammation of mucous membranes and serous membranes when the exudation is of a fibrinous character usually white in color.

Entry points

If a child likes sitting silently and doesn’t want to be disturbed.


Open air; Cold drinks; Drafts; Heat of bed; Dampness; Lying; Motion; Sprains; Night; Fat, rich food.


Cold drinks; Rubbing; Letting hair down.



Dr Schussler’s great remedy for conditions arising from want of nerve power.


Withdrawal + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciated Non-diligent + Misbehaving



  • Mentally

Easily frightened.

Oversensitive children; weeps easily from undue sensitiveness. Makes mountain out of mole hill. Thinks negatively.

  • Physically

Sensitive to touch, noise, light.


Especially suited to pale, emaciated sensitive and very irritable children.

Weak nervous system and brain.


  • Withdrawing

Aversion to company, meet people and talk to them. Desire solitude.

Aversion to answering questions. Disinclined to talk.

Shyness and excessive blushing.

  • Destructive

Angry. Flies into passion. Destructiveness. Tears things,          clothing. Violent.

Irritable; children cry and scream, can hardly articulate.

  • Brain Fag

Memory weakness. Forgetful. Cannot recall names. Aversion to mental work.

  • Fear of crowd, diseases, death, solitude, open spaces , etc.
  • Startled easily. Startled when touched.
  • Consolation aggravates.


  • Easily startled from noise and touch.
  • Shrieking on waking.
  • Night terrors; of children (Borax). Awakes from sound sleep, screaming with fright. Somnambulism.
  • Hungry; soon after eating. Nibbling appetite during daytime .


  • Very nervous, starts easily, irritable.
  • Night terrors.
  • Shyness; disinclined to converse.

Schooling Child

  • Weakness of memory.

Cannot recall names or words; mind sluggish but will act if aroused.

Exhausted after slightest mental exertion. Slightest labor seems to be a heavy task.

  • Fights with family members.
  • Fear of being alone.
  • Fear something will happen. Thinks something bad is going to happen.
  • Headache of students and those worn out by fatigue.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Grief Non-Expressing Brooding
  • Anger Extrapunitive

Shrieking, Tears things

  • Startles on being examined.

Physical PQRS

  • Putrid discharges and excretions.
  • Craves ice-water, vinegar, sweets, and cold drinks.
  • Headache of students and those worn out by fatigue.
  • Enuresis in older children. Good remedy for obstinate cases of enuresis in sensitive excitable children .
  • Infantile paralysis during dentition.

Entry points

Quarrelsome like all Kalis with complaints of weak memory and brain fag.

Rule out

If no mental exhaustion.

Fever totality

  • Chills run up spine in evening, continued after retiring, could scarcely get warm in bed.
  • Chilly; cold all day; heat during night, with strong inclination to eat.


Slight causes; Excitement, Worry; Mental or Physical fatigue; Touch; Pain; Cold; Dry air; Puberty.


Sleep; Gentle motion; Leaning against something .




Kali sulph is Schussler’s Pulsatilla. It has had no proper proving and the fine indications are not as clear as they might be. The leading indications are those given by Schussler – the yellow color of the discharges, the skin and mucous membrane appearances and the worse by warmth and better in open air. [Clarke]

Kali sulph is a mixture of Pulsatilla and Sulphur. [Borland]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided + Thin Non-diligent + Misbehaving



The typical Kali sulph child tends to be more sickly than the typical Pulsatilla child.

As far as liability to actual acute illness is concerned, Pulsatilla is more often needed for acute gastric catarrh, acute gastritis, acute colic and diarrhoea: but if the gastritis has gone on to jaundice in a Pulsatilla child the indications are more for Kali sulph than for Pulsatilla. With a Pulsatilla type of child who has caught cold and developed bronchitis which has gone on to a broncho-pneumonia with the ordinary Pulsatilla indications, that is to say, aggravated from stuffy room, relief from air, sense of suffocation, possibly a loss of voice, very dry mouth without much thirst, with a yellowish, watery sputum, and probably patches of consolidation at the left base – left base more commonly – the response is better from Kali sulph than from Pulsatilla.

With a Pulsatilla child who has whooping cough with a lot of rattling in the chest, and the ordinary Pulsatilla modalities, Kali sulph does more good than Pulsatilla.

That is perhaps what Kent means by saying Kali sulph is Pulsatilla intensified – in these acute conditions the symptoms are very similar and yet the more severe the condition the more definite are the indications for Kali sulph.


When Pulsatilla has acted well for a time and because of opposite modalities Silicea does good work for a while and then the patient swings back to the original state symptoms and modalities then it is that Kali sulph is of great usefulness. [Kent]


Fair, lean and thin.

Kali sulph child is much flabbier than the Pulsatilla child. Its muscles are flabby and easily exhausted by muscular effort. It is more liable to sit about, and has a much more sluggish reaction generally.


  • Withdrawing

Fear of strange surroundings.

Will not mix with other children and always will be behind mother like Pulsatilla. In the playground, the child neither mixes nor plays with other children. He takes his bicycle but will not ride it , just sit on it and watch other children playing .

  • Obstinate, lazy and indolent.
  • Consolation aggravation.
  • Soft and rather timid like Pulsatilla but with an unexpected harshness and irritability underneath.
  • Terrifying dreams of ghosts, death, robbers or murder with violent struggling in sleep.


  • Infant gets startled easily even with the slightest noise.
  • Never cheerful or happy; wake up screaming and crying .
  • Consolation aggravates.

Infant requires very little feeding and that too not frequently. Once fed will not demand feed for a long time. Fasting ameliorates many symptoms [Kent].

  • Wakes early and frequently.
  • Catches cold with rattling of mucus in the chest with slightest change in the weather
  • Red lips . Toddler
  • Oversensitive to noise.
  • Startles easily from fright on falling asleep or during sleep. Talks and walks in sleep.
  • Changeable disposition. Desires and rejects the things.

Wants water, and when water is offered rejects it.

Schooling Child

  • Screams for each and every thing. The friends know this so that they tease the Kali sulph child and then he screams on the top of his voice to show displeasure.
  • Concentration of mind difficult and want of self-confidence.
  • Dullness of mind; discouraged and discontented with everything.
  • Extremely excitable and mental exertion aggravates.
  • Frightened at trifles and forgets what he was going to do and say.
  • Impatient and impetuous. Always in a hurry as if excited.
  • Misplaces words while writing.
  • Wants to lie down but lying in bed aggravates; must walk about to ameliorate his sufferings. [Kent]

Reaction to stimulus

Touch me not. Shrieking.

Physical PQRS

  • Better from open and cold air.
  • After bronchitis in children , when every cold causes rattling in the chest and there is no expectoration. [Kent]
  • Rattling in chest with cough from every cold and change in weather.
  • Post Influenza cough especially in children.
  • Desire for sweets, cold food, cold drinks. Aversion to eggs.
  • Profuse, yellow mucus and serous discharges intermittent.
  • When constipated the stool is dry, hard, knotty, LARGE like sheep dung, small.
  • Perspiration of palms and feet.
  • Tongue yellow coated, particularly the root of the tongue although the coating may spread right over. [Borland]

Entry points

Angry and thirsty Pulsatilla.

Rule out

Desires hot drinks.

Fever Totality

  • Yellow coating of tongue.
  • Coldness of upper limbs and feet.
  • Skin cold.
  • Profuse perspiration.


Warmth of room, air; Noise; Consolation; Evening.


Cool air; Walking; Fasting.



                    Kali sulph                           Pulsatilla

Both are Withdrawing.

Kali sulph temperature reactions are identical with Pulsatilla, sensitive to heat and flags in the hot weather, cannot stand stuffy atmospheres, better in the open air, tends to

stagnate if keeping still, and is better moving about. Aggravation from rich food; and is liable to be upset by sudden changes of weather. Both are nervous, afraid of the dark, very easily frightened and startled at strange noises and strange surroundings. [Borland]


  • Obstinate and Aggressive. Mild or slightly irritable.
  • Lack of confidence. Shyness.
  • Lazy, indolent, dislike work Active, keenness and and no keenness and interest. interest in work.
  • Mentally not bright and tired            Mentally bright and sharp; easily by mental exertion.  do quite well at school.
  • Consolation aggravates. Consolation ameliorates;

more demanding and wants more attention.

  • Circumscribed redness of Variable redness cheeks when flushes. (changeability) when flushes.
  • Discharges are much more Discharges are thick, watery, more stringy       creamy and non-irritating. and yellowish.



There are three things that stand out most prominently in Kreosotum and when they appear together the symptoms in minor degree will be likely to be associated. These three characteristics are: 1. Excoriating discharges;

  1. Pulsations all over the body and
  2. Profuse bleeding from small wounds. [Kent]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Overgrown (Tall)

Non-diligent + Misbehaving


Suited particularly to the infant in the cradle.

Old looking children (Abrotanum, Argentum nitricum, Lycopodium, Opium and Secale cor). Sick suffering expression.

Dark complexioned.

Wrinkled, scrofulous with rapid emaciation and difficult dentition.

Overgrown poorly developed children.

Very tall for her age. (Phosphorus).


  • Every emotion is attended with tearfulness.

Lachrymose humour, sometimes with moroseness or melancholy. [Clarke]

  • Music causes weeping and palpitation.

Music that will in the slightest way excite the emotion, minor strains and music that strikes home to the heart, pathetic music will bring out tears that are acrid and palpitation and pulsation that are felt to the extremities. [Kent]

Music, or anything else that caused emotional excitement, she took very much to heart, and she could not refrain from weeping. [Allen]

When she undertakes to accomplish anything and has gone ten or twelve steps, she remains standing, and does not know what she had intended to do. [Allen]

Easy loss of ideas. Weakness of memory. Frequent absence of mind, and a sort of stupidity.



  • Kreosote is a great infant remedy for diarrhoea in the summer. The fissure between the buttocks is red and raw. If the child is old enough to make motions then he will put the hands upon the sore genitals and fissures and cry out in a most irritable way because of the smarting. Such is the Kreosote baby. It may be any illness, cholera infantum, bedwetting, vomiting , etc., but if this symptom is present then it is a Kreosote baby.
  • Dentition

Infants have troubles at the time of teething only because they are sick, and if the child was not in disorder he will not have trouble when teething. Child moans constantly or dozes with half open eyes or is cross and sleepless during dentition. Great restlessness , wants to be constantly in motion and screams all night during dentition. Hot gums with much thirst during dentition.


  • Child wants everything but nothing satisfies him when given. He throws it away and then again asks for something new. He wants a toy and when given, throws it on the face of somebody; it wants this and that and is never satisfied , always wanting something new – a new toy which it throws away the moment it gets it and then calls for something else.
  • Bedwetting

Child wets the bed during first sleep (Sepia). He wets the bed at night with dreams of urination. He wakes up by the act of urinating but is unable to arrest the flow.

Schooling Child

  • Screams at night.
  • Child is cross, willful and obstinate.
  • Wants to be caressed and fondled. Child will not sleep unless caressed and fondled.

Physical PQRS

  • The lips are red and bleeding , the corners of the mouth are raw , the eyelids red and the skin excoriated.
  • Teeth

Teeth decay almost as soon as they appear. Spongy bleeding gums and foul odour from the mouth.

  • All secretions (especially from mucous surfaces) corrosive, acrid, very offensive, debilitating. The lachrymation is excoriating. It excoriates the margins of the lids and cheeks and they become red, raw and smart. If there is a purulent discharge , it is acrid. The corners of the lips and mouth are red and raw and the saliva burns and smarts. The moisture about the mouth whatever it may be excoriates and the mouth is raw. The urine burns and smarts.
  • Haemorrhagic diathesis; flow passive, dark, oozing. Profuse bleeding from small wounds.

A prick of a pin will cause the oozing of bright red blood and mucous membranes bleed easily. Any pressure upon the mucous membranes will cause oozing. When the Kreosote sore throat is present the least pressure of the tongue depressor will establish oozing, little drops of blood will appear. [Kent]

  • Pulsations all over the body. Every emotion and exciting circumstance is attended with throbbing all over the body, pulsations to the ends of the fingers.

Entry points

Angry Phosphorus.

Rule out

If discharges are not offensive.


Open air; Cold weather; From washing, bathing in cold water; During urination.


From warmth.




The Lac caninum situation is that of a dark-skinned girl child in an Indian home. Her sisters are fairer than her. She tries hard to get fair-skinned, but knows she will never be fair-skinned. She is constantly being compared to her “better looking” sisters, and she soon begins to hate herself. People bring clothes only for her sisters. Nobody listens to her; she is just not clever enough – everything she says is stupid and foolish. She feels she is uncared for and neglected because her body looks bad. She starts feeling dirty, and washes herself frequently. [Sankaran]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Alternating sides

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy


Suited to very nervous, very restless and highly sensitive children.


  • Very forgetful. Absent minded. Makes mistakes while speaking or writing.
  • Memory weakness for what he has read; Memory weakness for words.
  • Full of fears. Fear of falling downstairs (Borax), of being alone (Kali carb). Fear of snakes.

Illusions or hallucinations about snakes; imagines they are all around her; that they are creeping into her bed; fears to close her eyes. Wakes at night with a sensation that she was lying on a large snake. After menses, imagines all sorts of things about snakes. [Clarke]

Fear: of disease; of consumption; of heart disease; of falling downstairs. [Clarke]

Cannot bear to be left alone for an instant (diphtheria). [Clarke]

  • Very imaginative. Imaginations are so intensified that the patient imagines symptoms. Every symptom seems a settled disease.

It makes women violently hysterical and causes all sorts of strange and apparently impossible symptoms. [Kent]

  • They are excitable, extroverted.
  • Much aggression. Malicious. Attacks of rage, cursing and swearing at the slightest provocation (Nitric acid).

Cross and irritable; while headache lasted. (Attacks of rage, cursing and swearing at the slightest provocation). [Clarke]

  • Writing mean and contemptible things to her friend.
  • Chronic sadness, everything seems very dark; irritable and intensely ugly.
  • Contemptuous of self. Fear she will be unable to perform her duties.


  • Very irritable child. Screams all the time especially at night (Jalapa, Nux vomica and Psorinum) .
  • Fear of being alone.
  • Sleeps on the back with one leg drawn upward so that the foot rests on the opposite knee, or sleeps curled tightly on the side with face almost touching the knees.
  • Fear of snake.

A 10 year old child of healthy parents, one and a half years before fell forward and hurt her chest whilst playing. Nothing was thought of it at the time, but when brought to Dr. Balch she was pale, emaciated, capricious, no desire for play. Sleep disturbed by frightful dreams, during the day piteously begs her mother to take her, she is so afraid. She feels as though snakes were on her back. In response to advice tendered one dose of Lac. can. 50M. was given, dry, and in twenty-four hours the child became more lively and cheerful and very soon all abnormal sensations disappeared. [Clarke]

Schooling Child

  • Forgetful, absent-minded; memory weak; drops letters and words in writing; cannot concentrate. Finds it very difficult to read with understanding anything requiring a mental effort to follow it. Cannot remember what she reads, but can remember other things. In writing, uses too many words or not the right ones; very nervous.
  • Imaginations are strong but weak in studies.
  • Diphtheria in children. Membranes leave one side and form on other repeatedly. Diphtheria deposits look as if varnished. Shining glazed appearance of throat. Desire for warm drinks .
  • Nocturnal enuresis in children. Bed wetting in children while dreaming of urination at night.

Reaction to Stimulus

Cursing and swearing.

Physical PQRS

  • Alternating sides; Symptoms alternate sides, often very rapidly. Sore throat, tonsillitis, diphtheria and other affections alternate sides.

Symptoms change from one side to another every few hours or days. (Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla, Tuberculinum)

  • Great hunger for large quantities and often. Feels as hungry after eating as before (Calcarea carb, Cascarilla, Cina, Lycopodium).
  • Child craves milk. (There may be intolerance to milk also.) Aversion to sweets.
  • Oversensitive children. Hyperesthesia of the skin. Cannot bear one part of body to touch another. Must keep even their fingers apart. Sensitive to light, noise.

An oversensitive state prevails, a general hyperaesthesia of the skin and all parts. For example a woman lay in bed for days with the fingers abducted and would go wild if they touched each other. The fingers were not aggravated from hard pressure but she would scream if they touched. This state is difficult to cure outside of Lac caninum and Lachesis. Lachesis has produced a similar condition. The sensitiveness of the abdomen so that the sheet cannot be permitted to touch the skin belongs to both. [Kent]

  • Constant desire to wash hands.
  • Corners of mouth and alae-nasi cracked. Lips dry and peeling off.
  • Flexion ameliorates while extension aggravates.

Rule out

If confident and thinks very high of himself.

Fever totality

  • Chilly feeling lasting all day. Internal chilliness with external warmth. Cold chills run down back, hands as cold as ice.
  • Intense fever on waking in morning, with perspiration. Dry, hot skin .
  • Exhausting sweats; after sleep. Wakes at night in cold perspiration, with fearful foreboding . Perspired considerably through night, sweat having a rank smell .
  • Fever and chills for a few days, and up and down every few hours.


Night; Cold wind, cold sharp air; Motion; Extension; After sleep; Morning of one day and evening of next.


Rest and lying down; Open air.


Lac defloratum

Lac caninum helps to dry up milk, while Lac defloratum helps to bring back or increase it.




Child suffers from faulty nutrition. There is a theme of losing the dear ones, especially the mother, and a theme of adopted child who have been separated from his mother earlier on, and feel forsaken.


Approaching + Hypoactive + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Obese

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy


Children who are flabby, inclined to be obese.

Infants and children who loathe milk and are cold and anaemic.


  • Fear of narrow places; doors of toilets cannot be closed.
  • Loss of memory.
  • Disinclination for bodily and mental exertion.
  • Has no fear of death but is sure is going to die.


  • Aversion to milk.

It is a most useful and frequently needed remedy for infants and children who cannot take milk , not always as their specific remedy but as one of the remedies that will help many infants to grow up; some grow morbidly fat and others become lean when fed on milk. Children become sick or suffer from coryza on taking milk.

Physical PQRS

  • Thirst for large quantities often.
  • Constipation with chronic headache, most purgatives were of no avail. Stool hard dry passed with great straining, lacerated anus, extorting cries. The child is most chilly when constipation is most persistent.
  • Coldness in the back, coldness all over the body.


Cold, least draft; Loss of sleep; Milk; Every eight days.


Rest; Pressure of bandages; Conversations.

Ophidia (Snake) group

In the approaching group of remedies, under the animal group falls the ophidian group. One may think of a snake remedy when there is competitive spirit (common in animal group) along with jealousy, vindictive and revengeful attitude.


From the point of view of our homoeopathic remedies, only two families of the ophidian group are important:


These have long, movable front fangs. When not in use, the fangs fold back into a sheath on the roof of the mouth. The fangs are erected when the snake strikes. This group includes:

  • Bothrops atrox
  • Bothrops lanciolatus
  • Cenchris contortrix Crotalus cascavella
  • Crotalus horridus
  • Lachesis muta
  • Vipera berus

Viperidae are divided further into two main groups:

  • Pit vipers those who have pit organs between their eyes and nostrils.
  • True vipers those who do not have pit organs.


These have short, non-movable front fangs. This group includes:

  • Cobras (Naja tripudians)
  • Coral snake (Elaps corallinus)

Common features of Ophidia (snake) group

  • Intolerance to tight clothing.
  • Selfish and self-centered.
  • Wears attractive clothes, ATTRACTION by looks.
  • Prophetic and clairvoyant.
  • Quick and sharp mind.
  • Sleeps into aggravation.


Common features of Viperidae group

(Lachesis, Crotalus, Vipera and Bothrops) • Haemorrhagic tendency .

  • Clothing intolerance .
  • Septicemia, blood poisoning .
  • Thermals – Hot



Common features of Elapidae group

  • Can tolerate clothing
  • Touch does not cause aggravation
  • Not loquacious • Not Suspicious
  • Not Jealous
  • Thermals – Chilly


Feature Elaps Naja
Timidity + +
Company Desire ++ +
Mirth and vivacious   +
Alcohol aggravates and desire   +

Anger                                          +


Comparison of Ophidia group

  • Crotalus horridus is preferable in fluid haemorrhages, yellow skin (hence in yellow fever with black vomit), epistaxis of diphtheria.
  • Naja has more nervous phenomena. Naja coagulates blood into long strings.
  • Lachesis has cold and clammy skin rather than cold and dry; haemorrhage with charred – straw sediment; and more markedly ailments of the left side.
  • Elaps is preferable in otorrhoea and in affections of the right lung.
  • Crotalus poison is acid while Viper poison is neutral.
  • The Rattle-snake [“Birri”] causes more sloughing than any other [Hering].



Lachesis muta is a venomous pit viper species found in South America. Lachesis child is often brought by the parents for behavioral and emotional problems, typically after the birth of a new baby in the family which leads to tremendous jealousy towards the sibling.


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty (Thirstless during fever) + Left sided + Emaciated (thin)

Non diligent + Misbehaving

Touch me not (though approaching)


CAUTIOUSNESS (Suspiciousness)

Snakes are defenders and not attackers. They will attack in defense.

The Lachesis child initially hesitates to come inside the clinic, fearing that the doctor might hurt him. He will be fully alert watching and observing every gesture of the doctor (suspicious). His eye movements are very typical, rolling from side to side and observing from the corner of the eyes as if he is on a lookout for any possible threat. He has a good eye contact with the doctor, but hesitates to answer the questions. Also when the doctor tries to examine him, he will not allow. But once he becomes comfortable and assured that this doctor is good and not going to give any injection or hurt him, he shows his true colors. He will move freely in the clinic, talking a lot and jumping here and there.

Parents get complaints from school that their child is very talkative in the class and disturbs the class. Also even in the waiting room in clinic, the child constantly talks and asks many questions to the mother.


Suited to thin and emaciated subjects.


  • Communicative
  • Command on language and loquacity.
  • Sharp tongue, witty, bright, censorious and jesting.

Social and communicative. Great inclination to be communicative, extraordinarily vivid imagination. The more cause for fretfulness, the greater inclination for humor, jest, satire, and humorous fancies. Lively without any cause. [Allen]

Frantic loquacity with elevated language, nicely chosen words, and rapid and continual change of subject matter. [Clarke]

The patient is impelled to talk continuously. There is no use attempting to describe it is so rapid changing from one subject to another. Most extraordinary loquacity making speeches in very select phrases but jumping off to most heterogeneous subjects. One word often leads into the midst of another story. [Kent]

  • Timid

In all new situations Lachesis will be initially very timid. But once assured that there is no harm then will show its true color.

  • Egoistic, haughty and arrogant .
  • Speak about themselves in company. Proud. He can’t bear to be under authority of another person, doesn’t tolerate restrictions.
  • Malicious and revengeful .

Whenever hurt, will always try and seek an opportunity to take revenge. The revenge will not be physical but a verbal one, where he taunts the opposite person at the right time.

The child is able to find the most vulnerable spot and verbally strike at you. [Morrison]

  • Deceitful and Manipulative

Even if Lachesis plays a mischief, he will never be caught. His intelligent mind with slyness will always protect him from being caught.

  • Intelligent

Overactive mind. Quick to act.

The child seems to have a precocious awareness of the people around him.

  • Suspicious and jealous.

Jealousy without any reason.

Unwarranted jealousy and suspicion. A woman imagines that her friends, husband and children are trying to damage her; that her friends are going to put her in an insane asylum. Imagines her relatives are trying to poison her and she refuses to eat. [Kent]

  • Believes himself intentionally injured by all his environments, and attaches the most hateful significance to the most innocent occurrences. [Allen]
  • Misbehaving

Abusive insulting parents.

Mocks crawls on the floor; spits often.

Unusually contentious and obstinate, so that he quarrels with everything about him. So quarrelsome that he disputes with a mother about the age of her daughter, and affirms the younger to be the elder. [Allen]

  • The child is very possessive of his friends and demands that they pay attention only to him and not to other friends . • Mischievous

Play dirty tricks on others and teachers.


  • Approaching and active infant.
  • Symptoms worse when waking in morning. They are sad in morning and very lively and jovial in evening. Very active at night and the parents complain that she will go to bed very late, very active and jovial at night.
  • Infant cannot be bundled. He is uncomfortable if you cover him.
  • Cannot lie on left side.
  • Talking is early compared to teething.
  • Takes feed fast. Cannot tolerate any delay in feed, starts crying immediately. Also cannot take warm feed. Milk has to be cooled before she will take it.
  • Restless sleep.
  • History of cyanosis. Body looks blue or purple.


  • Desires indigestible things.
  • Mocks. Crawls on the floor.
  • Overactive mind. Quick to act.
  • Likes to learn nursery rhymes. Interested in musical toys. Talks in rhymes.
  • Timid initially but once sure of the environment he will be aggressive.
  • Holding or being held ameliorates. Magnetism and mesmerism ameliorates.
  • Talks in sleep.
  • Love for animals, cats.
  • Desire for dark blue color.
  • Nasal speech.


  • Precocious child. Learns things faster than his age.
  • Ask a lot about meta-physical and religious things.
  • Develops sibling jealousy.
  • Malicious and hateful. Revengeful.
  • Religious affections.
  • Loves animals.
  • Restless sleep in children with groaning and moaning with dreams of his home and anxiety as if he has done something wrong.

Schooling Child

  • Intelligent and sharp. Good at mathematics.
  • When hurt takes verbal revenge rather than physical revenge.
  • Plays dirty tricks on others and teachers, but very sly, so never gets caught.
  • Very possessive about her friends.
  • Joking and jesting. Imitates others.
  • Children who usually study at night and cannot get up early in morning and study.
  • Time sense is deranged. Makes mistakes in the time (hours) of the day and confounds morning hour with evening hour, days of the week as well as in speaking and writing.
  • Suspicious and mistrustful.
  • Haughty and arrogant. Reaction to Stimulus
  • Takes revenge verbally. Criticizes and mocks who offended him.
  • Will not allow doctor to examine and shies away.

Physical PQRS

  • All symptoms are worse during and after sleep. Sleeps into aggravation. • Sad, worse in morning on waking
  • Epilepsy comes on during sleep.
  • Discharges ameliorate.
  • Blueness and purple look.
  • Trembling tongue. Trembling of whole body.
  • Sleeps on right side. Impossible to sleep on left side.
  • Intolerance of warm drinks. Aggravation from hot drinks
  • Sun aggravation.
  • Ascending complaints.
  • Great sensitiveness to touch.

Throat or neck sensitive to slightest touch or external pressure; everything about throat distresses, even the weight of bed covers.

Must loosen collar.

Slight pressure on throat causes violent cough.

Empty swallowing is agonizing; liquids are swallowed with less pain, solids with the least pain.

Tenderness in the left iliac region, with intolerance of the slightest pressure.

  • Acts on blood, heart, circulation.
  • Rapid onset of complaints.
  • Heat flushes.
  • Sense of constriction in throat, head, anus.

Entry Points

Approaching child with cautiousness.

Rule out

Tight clothing tolerates. Desires warm drinks. Fever totality

  • Activity increased – loquacity.
  • Hot + Thirsty or Thirstless
  • Thirstless during fever. (Thirsty in chronic stage)
  • Chill, worse drinking; with sweat.
  • Heat on vertex; heat in flushes, on waking; on falling to sleep.
  • Sweat about neck, during sleep, in axilla; bloody, staining, blackish, yellow; garlicky.
  • Feet icy cold.
  • Aversion to tight clothing.


After sleep; Heat, Extremes of temperature; Summer; Heat of sun. Pressure; Lying on left side.


Appearance of discharges .


LOQUACITY [Farrington]

Stramonium you will distinguish from Lachesis by the red face and the other evidences of great sensorial excitement.

Agaricus exhibits great loquacity associated with convulsive movements and cervical muscles, merry, incoherent talk.

Mephitis loquacity is as if one were drunk.

Actea racemosa has loquacity which is usually associated with menstrual suppression, with puerperal mania or as part of delirium tremens, for which Lachesis also is a useful remedy. Actea cures wild imaginings of rats, etc., sleeplessness, wild crazed feeling about the head, incessant talking with continual change of subject; the patient must move about. Lachesis has more marked trembling of the hands, diarrhoea and greater exhaustion with the loquacity and hallucinations.

Paris quadrifolia causes a garrulity which is much like that produced by tea, a sort of vivacity with love of prattling.


See under Agaricus page no 18.

Apis and Tarentula See under Apis page no 59.

Crocus Sativus

See under Crocus page no 225.

Crotalus Horridus

See under Crotalus Horridus page no 231.

Kali iod

See under Kali iod page no 311.



Lactic acid is found in buttermilk. The taste is sour.


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty

Non-diligent + Misbehaving Constitution

Suited to anaemic and pale children.


  • Indolent and lazy. Aversion to exercise.
  • Sarcastic and mocking.
  • Censorious and fault finding.
  • Almost impossible to write correctly; drops out words and misspells.
  • Intelligent but not interested in studies.

Physical PQRS

  • Voracious appetite.
  • Tongue coated thick white.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Profuse foot sweat.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Profuse perspiration on feet.

Entry points

Approaching and affectionate child but talks in taunting way when offended.

Taunting and mocking child.


Smoking; Fasting.






The Lycopodium stands between the mosses and the ferns and in past eras occupied a most important place in the world’s vegetation as fossils show. This drug is inert until the spores are crushed. [Murphy]

The spores from which the attenuations are made have been called “vegetable sulphur” (probably on account of their use for producing stage-lightning at theatres), and Lycopodium ranks with Sulphur and Calcarea in the central trio around which all the rest of the materia medica can be grouped. [Clarke]

Lycopodium is the child of parents who demand achievement. So, on one hand, the child has anticipatory anxiety, lack of confidence and ‘fear of being unable to reach his destination’ while on the other hand, he has domineering attitude, love for power, egotism and is ambitious.

Many children are angry, bossy and rude to parents who are too ‘permissive’. The parents are often perplexed to find that at school, the child gets good conduct scores because there this bullying attitude is not tolerated.


Withdrawing or Approaching + Hyperactive Mental and Hyperactive Physical + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirstless + Right sided (Right to Left) + Emaciated (Upper part emaciated; Lower semi-dropsical) Diligent + Obedient



  • ‘Superiors’ means doctor, teacher, strangers or sometimes father .
  • ‘Inferiors’ means mother, siblings or younger children.
  • Nice outside, tyrant at home. Lycopodium has two sides. They appear diligent, well-behaved and have a ‘good boy’ image when at school, with friends or outside home. But are non-diligent, rude and have a ‘bad boy’ image when at home or in front of parents. Hence, known for different behavior at different times.


Affectionate. Abusive, child insulting parents.
Answers softly and hastily. Answers dictatorial.
Anxiety,    anticipating          an engagement. Boaster; wishes to be considered as rich.

Approach of persons aggravates. Aversion to company and presence of others aggravates.

Desires to be carried.    
Affectation. Flatterer. Censorious, critical. Contemptuous.    
Timidity; want of self confidence. Cowardice. Dictatorial,         talks with command. air of
  Dictatorial, love of power.    

Servile, obsequious, submissive.

Serious, quiet disposition.



Impolite, Defiant.

Cursing, swearing.

Deceitful (sly).



Emaciated though eating well, with enlarged abdomen.

Adapted to children who become old early where the skin shows yellowish spots; children who look older than they are or to precocious children.

Suited to children who are irritable, nervous and unmanageable when sick; after sleep, cross and pushes everyone angrily. ‘Kicks off clothes’.

Child whose left foot is cold and the other warm with capricious appetite, eating much, with unusual hunger at times and great thirst, and yet losing steadily.

Intellectually keen but muscularly weak. Upper part emaciated; Lower part semi-dropsical.


  • Withdrawing

As an infant , Lycopodium is withdrawing. Gets scared when examined by the doctor, and will vent his anger on the mother. As the child grows (toddler and schooling), he forms an external appearance of strength, but is still weak inside. He seems to lack assurance but gives the impression that he has a fairly good opinion about himself. Compensatory HAUGHTINESS and DICTATORIAL, presumptuous behavior.

  • Timidity, Cowardice

Fear of facing new situations and meeting new people, will try to avoid the same. As a result of this timidity, and also because of the physical weakness, Lycopodium child has aversion to play.

  • Dictatorial

The child will never lose an opportunity to dominate and boss over others. But if he finds that the opposite person is strong, he will immediately change and will behave mild and meek. The Lycopodium child will usually take his toys and playthings for playing, because this is the way he can dominate over other children (who do not bring their toys) and if they don’t listen to him, he threatens them that he will take back his toys.

Estrangement and frenzy, which manifest themselves by envy, reproaches, arrogance, and overbearing conduct. Disposition to be very haughty when sick; mistrustful; does not understand anything one says to them; memory weak. [Clarke]

  • Waking aggravates

The child on waking is irritable and quarrelsome. He kicks and scolds. Even pushes parents or nurse. If a Lycopodium child is awakened early, he is very difficult to handle. He will kick, scream, cry and will not be pacified easily.


  • Emaciated with distended abdomen.
  • Withdrawing; cries on seeing strangers.
  • Timid and fearful.
  • Child wakes up in the morning with sadness. Irritable, peevish, cross, angry on waking; Ugly, kicks and screams. Shows anger towards mother.
  • Irritable and restless the whole day and sleeps well at night. (Opposite Jalapa and Psorinum) .
  • Sleepiness after feeding.
  • Wants warm milk and refuses if the milk is cold.


  • Withdrawing; gets scared in front of strangers. He dreads the presence of new persons or visitors . Whenever the child goes out, he will not leave the hand of the mother. But at home, appears to be dominating and shows as if he is very strong and bold.
  • Child wants to be alone yet has dread of solitude; wishes to have somebody in the adjacent room. He wants to be only with those who are constantly around him, over whom he can dominate. • Serious looking, never smiling child. [Vijayakar]
  • Laughs or weeps in sleep.
  • Fear of dark, ghosts.
  • Greedy while eating.
  • Talks in sleep. Babbling.

Schooling Child

  • The child has constant fear that he will not perform well on stage (anticipation), but once he starts, does well. Lack of confidence from anticipation.
  • Seeks disputes. Easily angered. Cannot endure contradiction or opposition.

He can hardly conceal an internal obstinacy and peevishness. She cannot endure the slightest opposition, and is speedily beside herself from peevishness. Mood very morose, excitable, easily roused to anger; becomes peevish about trifles, and is taciturn. Indolent, obstinate, rebellious, passionate, wrathful. Quarrelsome rage, partly at herself, partly at others. As if out of her mind, she seeks quarrels, makes unfounded reproaches, is most exceedingly violent, and strikes those whom she thus insults. The child becomes disobedient, though not illhumored. [Allen]

  • Shy and cautious. Avoids rough and physical games like riding bikes, playing on slides or swimming. He will turn his energy to intellectual pursuits such as reading, computers, etc.
  • Wants to dominate others. He will carry his toys for playing (so that he can dominate others), always instruct others on how to play and if someone doesn’t listen to him then he will threaten to take his toys back and go home.
  • He becomes aggressive and abusive to those on whom he can dominate on the least contradiction but if a strong person (like father) reprimands, then he gets frightened .
  • Confusion over daily affairs, but rational talking on abstract subjects. Confused speech, weak memory. Inability to express oneself correctly.

Forgets names of persons. Memory very weak; forgets words. When writing, omits and adds letters. Speaks wrong words and syllables. Mistakes in writing; spells words wrong. Selects wrong words. When writing, uses wrong words, adds too many letters, misspells, omits words and letters, but is conscious of these mistakes. He is able to talk rationally on exalted, even abstract subjects, but becomes confused about every-day things, as, for example, he speaks of plums when he means pears. He is unable to read, because he does not recognize and confounds letters; he sees and is able to copy them, but has no idea of their significance; he knows, for example, that ‘Z’ is the last letter of the alphabet, but has forgotten what it is called; he is able to write whatever he wishes, writes the proper letters, but cannot read what he has written. [Allen]

  • Very conscious about looks. Try more patchy and fluffy dresses, even likes high fluffy hair styles .
  • Singing involuntary.
  • Frowning .
  • Intellectually keen; precocious.

Reaction to stimulus


Extrapunitive with inferiors and Anger Inhibited with superiors.

  • He will not allow the doctor to examine him. Anger with timidity surfaces on his face as the doctor approaches to examine him. The child will express his dissatisfaction towards his mother by hitting her (Again reaction is showing hardness towards inferiors and softness towards superiors).

Physical PQRS

  • Right sided; right to left. The right side is affected first and then the left.
  • Desires sweets and hot food.
  • Red sand in the urine, child cries before urination.

Entry points

Hard on inferiors and soft on superiors.

Right to left progression of diseases. Desire for warm food and drinks.

Rule out

Left sided complaints.

Aversion to warm food and drinks. No desire for knowledge, reading. Fever totality

Well behaved boy becomes more rude, obstinate and cranky when sick. Pushes nurse away when sick. This is the period when all family members’ attention is diverted to the child and he behaves more rudely with them. Anxiety disappears during illness.


4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Right side; Heat; Warm air (except throat and stomach).


Warm food and drinks (except throat and stomach); Uncovering head; Loosening garments; Open air.


Arsenic iod and Sulphur iod

    Lycopodium            Arsenic iod       Sulphur iod
• Answer dictatorial.• extroverted. Answer aversion to.          •       Very
• Diligent due to fear. • Diligent.      •        Appears diligent

(pseudo) but are     non-diligent.

• Ambitious.           • Hard working • Hardworking but
    and avarice. philosophical type,

so incapacitated      in business.

• Corrupt.              • Selfish. • Religious and    principled.
• Right sided.        • Left sided. • Right sided.



See under Mercurius iodatus flavus page no 370.


  • Forsaken feeling .
  • Aversion to talk . (except Magnesium phos and Magnesium sulph)
  • Contented and non-complaining (except Magnesium phos)
  • Mental exertion aggravation. Gets exhausted easily from mental work.




The ordinary Magnesia carb child is a sensitive, nervous type and as a rule they come for treatment either as very young children or at about ten years of age. The most outstanding feature of the Magnesia carb children is their lack of stamina. Some of them are quite well nourished but they all have very poor muscular power. In an ordinary healthy child the muscles are quite firm, but the Magnesia carb child has soft, flabby muscles, and any physical exertion tires him out. [Borland]

Magnesium carb is to exhausted nerves what Cinchona is to exhaustion from loss of fluids.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciated

Non diligent + Misbehaving Look at me not




The Magnesium feeling is that the person doesn’t get the care, protection and nourishment that he needs. It is the state of an infant dependent on the mother for nourishment, care, security and support but who has been abandoned by his parents. It is the feeling of an orphan. [Sankaran]


Sour taste; sour belching; sour vomiting; sour stool; sour sweat; sour breath; sour smell of the whole body.


Children of tubercular family history with irritable disposition and nervous temperament.

Child has soft, flabby muscles and any physical exertion tires him out. Whole body smells sour and is disposed to boils.


  • Non-diligent (Average in studies)

Child is averege in studies. Lacks concentration and is aggravated by slightest mental exertion. Unable to read. Artistic inaptitude .

  • Forsaken feeling

Explained under Magnesium mur.


  • Emaciation more marked in the back of the head (as if in cerebellar atrophy).
  • Sensitive to the least touch. It causes startling.
  • Full of fears and anxieties. Children screaming at the sight of the doctor.
  • Restlessness in sleep.
  • Shrieking on waking.
  • Feeds little and then refuses.
  • Diarrhoea; stools are green like scum on frog’s pond. Milk passes undigested.


  • Slow learning to talk.
  • Feeling of insecurity leading to hyperactivity.
  • Irritability in children, bad tempered, sour and oversensitive. Unable to control emotions.
  • Sensitive to least start, noise, touch. Sensitive to sensual impressions .
  • Cannot bear hands covered yet chilled by uncovering.

Schooling Child

  • The adolescent Magnesium carb children are always dead-beat in the morning, even after a good night’s sleep. It is an effort to get them off to school. [Borland].
  • Unrefreshing sleep; more tired on rising than when retiring. Always tired and relaxed.
  • Nail biting. Fidgety.
  • Absent minded while writing. Children who lag at school due to problems with writing and reading.
  • Artistic inaptitude.
  • Desire for meat.
  • The whole body feels tired and painful especially the legs and feet.

Reaction to stimulus

  • Anger Intrapunitive.

Strikes his head against the wall.

  • Grief – Non-expressing. Sits silently and sulks.
  • Shrieks and startles when touched.
  • Fears to go to the doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • Desires meat, fruits.
  • Appetite less. Will like to eat only meat. Aversion to vegetables.
  • Milk

Aversion and aggravation from milk. Puny and sickly children who refuse milk and get pain in the stomach when they take it.

Milk passes undigested in nursing children. (Milk causes diarrhoea – Natrum carb, Sepia).

  • Dryness .

Dry skin, dryness of mucous membrane. Dry Catarrh. Eye balls are so dry that they stick together.

  • Marasmus

In children of tuberculous parents there is  tendency to go into marasmus. The child’s muscles are flabby; the child will not thrive in spite of feeding and medicines. I have observed, especially among illegitimate infants, those that have been conceived by clandestine coition, that they have a tendency to sinking in the back of the head. The occipital bone will sink in and parietal bones jut out over it, and there will be a depression. That is not an uncommon thing in children that go into marasmus. [Kent]

  • Sourness

The Mag carb baby smells sour like the Hepar baby. Wash it as you will and it smells sour; the perspiration is sour and the whole baby smells sour. The stool smells strong and pungent, putrid and very often the whole child has a pungent odour like an unclean baby though it be well washed. [Kent]

  • Constipation of Infants.

Stool is large, hard and crumbling. Stool is partly expelled and then crumbles and breaks up into many pieces.

  • Sweat sour, greasy, indelible.

Entry points

Talk indisposed to.

No desires. A child who does not demand anything.

Child is tired in the morning even after a good night’s sleep.

Rule out

Approaching and communicative child. Fever Totality

  • Thirstless during fever .
  • Wants to be covered during all stages of fever .


Cold wind, drafts; Change of weather; Uncovering; Night; Starchy food, Milk; Rest; Slight causes, touch, etc; Every second day; every three weeks.


Motion; Walking about; In open air; Warm air.


Magnesium muriaticum

See under Magnesium muriaticum page no 353.




A good remedy for children exposed to family conflicts (for example, when the parents are fighting or in the midst of a divorce) and the children become epileptic or asthmatic. They reject their mother and father and are in search of a true friend.


Withdrawing           +         Hyperactive         Mental         &         Hyperactive

Physical                               + Non-aggressive

Hot (Occasionally Chilly) + Thirsty + Emaciated (rickety)

Non-diligent + Obedient

Patience Slow Remedy



The situational state of Magnesium muriaticum is working parents who are unable to devote time to their child, hence put their child in the hostel. This child starts feeling lonely in the hostel and misses his parents a lot. He feels homesick, will not talk to anyone and prefers solitude. He is sad, tearful and inclined to weep. Hence, the child feels forsaken and friendless. Magnesium muriaticum child is poor in studies.


It is adapted to puny rickety children during dentition.

It is suited to nervous, restless and fidgety scrofulous children.

Hysterical children.


  • Restlessness and fidgety

He is extremely restless; only with great difficulty can he keep still and if forced to keep still he becomes anxious. Anxiety is the marked feature. Restlessness, fidgetiness throughout the body coupled with anxiety. This comes on at anytime but it is worse at night in bed and still worse on closing the eyes to go to sleep. When he closes the eyes he becomes so anxious, restless and fidgety that he must throw the covers off, take a long breath or do something. He is kept awake at night by the anxious feeling. It was described originally by the prover as an uneasiness, but in the Guiding Symptoms it is spoken of as a restlessness in bed. If you study the hysterical nature, the anxiety and restlessness, you will see it is throughout the whole economy and should be eased under mind and nerves. [Kent]

Was apprehensive, despondent, and lonesome; was homesick and wept. [Allen]

  • Talk indisposed to. Aversion to conversation; prefers solitude.

Joyless and suffering; everything at which she looks becomes repugnant; she does not wish any one to talk to her, lest she should have to answer, in the morning. Unfriendly mood. It was irksome to talk; he wished to be alone and busy with his own thoughts. [Allen]

  • Uneasiness nervous excitability with tendency to weep readily.
  • Strong sense of responsibility.
  • Patience; peace maker.


  • Puny, rickety children during dentition.
  • Great sensitiveness to noise; voices.
  • Dentition delayed or difficult. Slow dentition with large distended abdomen.
  • Constipation of infants during dentition.
  • Shrieking during sleep.
  • Waking with restlessness.
  • Perspiration of scalp.
  • Congenital scrotal hernia.


  • Fretful, peevish.
  • Aversion to conversation; prefers solitude.
  • Great sensitiveness to noise.
  • Extremely restless. If compelled to keep still, the child develops an anxious state.
  • Sacrifice

The child is willing to sacrifice the normal and natural activities of childhood in order to be good, loveable and acceptable.

  • Sensitive to rudeness. Aversion to quarrelling.
  • Great inclination to sleep during the day with yawning and indolence.

Sleep unrefreshing and tired in the morning.

Schooling Child

  • Very sensitive to rudeness.
  • Strong sense of responsibility.
  • Cannot support injustice.
  • Skips breakfast. [Vijayakar]
  • Kleptomania; steals dainties.
  • Feels as if somebody reading after her and she must read faster and faster.

That occurs in patients who are tired from being worked up to the highest pitch and it seems as if they would fly to pieces. Any thought that comes into the mind tends to repeat itself. [Kent]

  • Great sensitiveness to noise.
  • Indifference to pleasure.
  • Aggravation from reading. Fancies on reading. Reaction to stimulus

Grief – Non-expressing.

Sensitive inside but doesn’t react.

Disinclined to talk and prefers solitude.

Aversion to be examined by doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • Atony

Intestinal atony. Hard, difficult, slow, insufficient evacuations. Expulsive power for an evacuation is wanting. Constipation of infants as in Magnesium carb. Only passing small quantity; stool knotty, like sheep dung, crumbling at verge of anus.

Urine can only be passed by contracting or bearing down with the abdominal muscles.

Urine passes in drops, always some seeming to remain behind; weakness of bladder.

Congenital scrotal hernia.

Children cannot digest milk. Children during difficult dentition are unable to digest milk; it causes pain in the stomach and passes undigested. Diarrhoea after milk.

  • Liver disorders in children who are puny and rickety. Enlarged liver (especially left lobe) in children.
  • Children who suffer from skin affections like tinea ciliaris (an eruption which occurs at the root of the hair, particularly of the eyelids, the hair drop out.)
  • Tongue large, yellow, takes imprint of teeth.

Entry points

Forsaken feeling + silent.

Obedient but restlessness and fidgetiness.

Rule out

If the child is talkative or expresses his emotions.

Fever Totality

  • Chill even near a stove; better open air.


Cold; Lying on right side; Noise; Night; Eating, Milk, Salty foods.


Hard pressure; Gentle motion; Hanging down affected part; Cool open air.


Magnesium Carb

Magnesium carb                 Magnesium mur

  • Emaciation and marasmus ++         Rickety
  • Anger ++ Grief ++
  • Disobedient Obedient
  • Chilly Hot (Occasionally Chilly)
  • Touch me not Talk to me not
  • Anger – Intrapunitive Grief – Non-expressing
  • Tendency to diarrhoea Tendency to constipation



Dr Schussler’s remedy for cramps, convulsions, neuralgic pains and spasmodic effects, showing its influence on NERVES and muscles.


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided + Emaciated (Thin)

Non-diligent + Obedient

Fast Remedy



Extremely sensitive to pain and cannot tolerate it. Complains to everyone about his pains and suffering. Constantly talks of his suffering.

Laments all the time about the pains. [Hering]

Always talking of her pain. [Phatak]


Suited to tall, thin, slender, emaciated, dark complexioned children of highly nervous organization.

Adapted to tired, languid, exhausted subjects.


  • Dentition difficult.


  • Weeping sobbing; weeping aloud.
  • Shrieking in abdominal cramps.

Schooling Child

  • Outgoing like Phosphorus.
  • Laments all the time about the pains; always talking of her pains.

Complains about symptoms.

  • Non-diligent. Indisposition to study, mental work. Drowsiness on every attempt to study.
  • Dullness and inability to think clearly.
  • Talks to himself constantly or sits in moody silence or carrying things from one place to another and back again.

Cramps from prolonged exertion. Stiffness, numbness, awkwardness and deadness of a nerve from prolonged exertion. Thus it applies to long use of the hands and fingers in writing and gives a fair sample of writer’s cramp. It is especially useful in the cramps that come on in the fingers from writing, playing instruments and piano practice. [Kent]

Reaction to Stimulus

Grief Expressing.

Touch me not.

Spasmodic convulsive sobbing on being examined by the doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • Spasmodic affections

Writers’ cramps; Players’ cramps.

Spasms of glottis. Whooping cough.


Tetanus; chorea.

Spasmodic retention of urine.

Spasmodic dysmenorrheal.

Spasmodic convulsive sobbing.


  • Nervous, tense and subject to sudden violent paroxysms of neuralgic pains; suddenly changing place; pains lightning – like in appearing and disappearing.
  • Neuralgia

Better form heat.

  • Convulsions followed by extreme sensitiveness to touch, wind, noise, excitement and to everything.
  • Complaints of teething children. Spasms and convulsions of children during dentition without febrile symptoms .
  • Toothache better by heat and hot drinks.
  • Thirst for very cold drinks.
  • Periodicity; spasms every twenty-three days.
  • Diarrhoea ceases and spasms or other brain troubles set in.

Entry points

Approaching child but doesn’t want to be touched (because of pains). ( Argentum nitricum, Phosphorus, Thuja).

Desire for cold drinks (like Phosphorus) but right sided. Pains better by heat.

Rule out

If the child does not complain. (Magnesiums usually tolerate pains and don’t complain, but Magnesium phos will always complain of pain.)

Fever totality

Chill runs up and down the back with shivering followed by suffocation.


Cold air, drafts, Uncovering, Working in water; Lying on right side; Touch; Periodically; NIGHT; Milk; Exhaustion.


Warmth; Hot bathing; Pressure; Doubling up; Rubbing.



Colic ameliorated by doubling up like Colocynth and ameliorated by heat. The colic is not so markedly relieved by heat in Colocynth but is relieved by pressure. See also page no 220.




Commonly called Epsom salt. It is a combination of two elements:


Magnesium Sulphur
• Contented •     Gives importance to looks
• Patience •        Gets angry easily

•        Artistic

•        Vivacious; Mirth, hilarity

•        Palms hot


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided Non-diligent + Obedient


  • Magnesium sulph is the only magnesium salt which will wear attractive clothes. Hence when you see a child who has a lot of forsaken feeling, but who wears attractive clothes, or is interested in looks, think of Magnesium-sulph .
  • Contented with himself and others. Tranquility.
  • Approaching

Lively mood. She was very lively and joyous, in a greater degree than for a long time before, as if somewhat intoxicated. [Allen]

  • Anxiety

Melancholy and disposition to weep, with apprehension, and restless uneasiness. Prostration; almost beside herself with anxiety; she thought she would die; with earthy colour of face. Foreboding anxiety, as if some accident would happen. [Clarke]

  • Tendency to fly into a passion; everything is taken in bad part. [Clarke]

Physical PQRS

  • Skin complaints. Tendency to boils.
  • Palms and soles hot.
  • Greenish urine with red sediment.
  • Aversion to breakfast.

Entry points

Child skips breakfast everyday.

Child desires salads, fruits and vegetables.

Fever totality

  • Chill from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  • Shuddering in back; heat in one part and chill in another.


Morning , on awakening; Seashore air; Suppressed eruptions .


Rubbing; Walking .




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Nonaggressive

Hot + Thirstless + Diagonal symptoms Non-diligent + Obedient



Manganum is a shy child of dominating parents. As a result of this domination, the child has lack of confidence and becomes anxious, nervous, tense, jittery and frightened. He develops the feeling of bitterness towards his parents and is discontented with himself and with his situation. He becomes sad, reserved, taciturn, brooding.


Manganum is pre-eminently a drug that causes a species of chlorosis and it is suitable for chlorotic girls in broken down constitutions, waxy, anaemic, pallid, sickly threatening phthisis with necrosis and caries of bone and organic affections. [Kent]


  • Constant moaning and groaning.
  • Hatred for persons who offend him.

Embittered humor; irreconcilable and long-continued resentment against those who injure him. [Hahnemann]

  • All mental conditions are better by lying down.

The queerest part of all is just how he gets relief. He lies down and it all passes away. You cannot find that in every medicine; that is rare strange and peculiar. And yet see how general it is; it defines the whole nature of the sick man. His very life is excited, tired and anxious. Great sadness and distress. He lies down and says, “Why did I not think of that before?” Perfectly comfortable now. He gets up and the anxiety and restlessness come over him again and he is fairly driven to distraction. [Kent]

  • Laughing aggravates.
  • Joyful music aggravates; sad music ameliorates.

Ill-humoured, so that the most joyful music does not cheer him, but he feels as if refreshed by the most melancholic music. [Hahnemann]

  • Kind-hearted and likes to help.

Palladium wants appreciation for looks while Manganum wants appreciation for deeds so they are do gooders, social workers as Manganum fish for compliments. Aloes behave very nicely like politicians; are very friendly with everyone but with a motive. They would ask everyone who ever meets whether he knows him or not; (fraternized with the whole world – Aloe) [Vijayakar]

  • History of strict dominating parents.
  • Changeability

Changeability of symptoms, side, mood, modalities Writing may be smaller or change to bigger.

Desire for change.

Side affection – crosswise right upper and left lower.

Side change – symptoms go to opposite side and aggravate.

All modalities change for opposite like touch aggravate but massage ameliorate; warm ameliorate and aggravate; music aggravate and ameliorate, etc.

Schooling Child

  • Growing pains, especially of the tibia.
  • Weak ankles. Children are unable to walk on account of affections of ankles.
  • Makes mistakes in talking due to brain problems .
  • Prophetic and clairvoyant dreams .

Physical PQRS

  • Tendency to fall forwards. Walks stooping forward.
  • Malignant ulcers with blue border following slight injury.
  • Ascending motor paralysis.
  • Bones are very sensitive to touch .
  • Diagonal pains.
  • All body parts feel sore from being touched or from jarring.
  • Skin does not heal easily. Every injury tends to ulcerate. Suppuration of skin around the joints.
  • Paralysis with staggering and inclination to run forward if he tries to walk. • Salivation during illness, paralysis, pain . (Graph, Merc sol)
  • Twitching of single parts – eyelids, jaws, fingers, penis .
  • Stretching a lot; must stretch the whole body .
  • Recurrent hoarseness – larynx affected easily .

Entry points

Better by lying down.

Rule out

If hatred is absent.

If does not help others in need.

Fever totality

Sudden flushes of heat in face , in chest and over the back.


Change of weather; Touch; Cold; Damp; Night; Speaking; Feather bed; Laughing; Motion; Bending backwards.


Lying down; Open air; Sad music; Eating; Swallowing; Change of weather.



In Mandeleeff’s periodic table Iron and Manganese stand close to one another in the fourth period, there being no other element having an intervening atomic weight. Hence both the elements produce similar effects. They both destroy blood corpuscles and produce anaemia. Both have cough which is better by lying down. With Ferrum the face flushes from least pain, emotion or exertion; with Manganese there is flushing with excitement and whistling in ears and also climacteric flushing. Both have spitting of blood. [Bhanja]


See under Palladium page no 437.




The child often comes with behavioral problem or is found to have excessive aggression in addition to his other physical complaints. He is often pale and looks as though he is poorly nourished, often suffering from eczema, rhinitis or asthma. He may have violent temper-tantrums, kick or strike the parents and fights with other children.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Both sided + Dwarfed and stunted

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Touch me not



Medorrhinum is a very complex remedy. Similar to the desire of Medorrhinum, which is the complex taste (combination of sweet, sour, salty and spicy); their nature is also very complex. It is a combination of sensitivity and indifference. They are very sensitive to rudeness and reprimands. They will do their homework before going to school but at the same time are non-diligent, that is, will keep postponing homework. Hence, the child will never go to school without doing his homework, but will complete it only at the last moment, that is, just before leaving for school. (A diligent remedy like Ignatia will complete the homework as soon as it comes home from school.)



Anticipation for matters before they occur and it is generally correct.


Suited to children who are dwarf and stunted due to sycotic or syphilitic taint.

Mentally idiotic baby but physically weak.

Nose dirty and lips enlarged due to mouth breathing.


  • Sensitive to reprimands, criticism, reproaches and rudeness

If the teacher scolds them, they will start crying even before the punishment is given.

Scared to go to school without doing their homework.

A word or look of seeming harshness puts her in despondency for hours. [Hering]

  • Withdrawing

The child takes two to three hours to mix up with strangers. If any stranger comes to his home, he starts crying; doesn’t get down from parent’s lap. If parents are not around then goes crying to them. Cannot adjust in new places.

  • Weakness of memory. Cannot concentrate. Forgetful of names, later of words, cannot finish sentences.

Great weakness of memory. Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous line. Forgetfulness of names, later of words and initial letters. Cannot remember names; has to ask name of her most intimate friend; forgets her own. Cannot spell right; wonders how the word “how” is spelled. Reads a letter and thinks the words look queer and are spelled wrong. In conversation he would occasionally stop, and on resuming make remark that he could not think what word he wanted to use. Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses herself and has to be asked over again. Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts or mind on abstract subjects. [Hering]

Forgetful, cannot remember the least thing any length of time; writes everything down of any importance; cannot trust herself to remember it; great irritability and disgust with life. Medorrhinum is forgetful of names, words, etc., but instead of forgetting occurrences, during certain periods of time, like Syphilinum, it forgets what it is reading, even to the last line read; it cannot concentrate its attention; thinks words spelled wrong and have no meaning, etc. [Allen].

  • Time passes too slowly.
  • Hurry

Makes mistakes in homework because of hurry.

Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is in such a hurry that she gets fatigued. [Hering]

  • Postponing homework to the next day.
  • Aversion to responsibility .
  • Anxiety anticipating an engagement. Anxiety if time is set.
  • Striking at animals. Tears himself. Tears hair. Throws things at persons.
  • Extremely sensitive child, starts at little noise.
  • Cannot speak without weeping.
  • Irritated at little things.
  • Liar.
  • Child is cross during the day, exhilarated at night.
  • Infant
  • Cross throughout day and happy at night. Wants to play at night.
  • Music aggravation.
  • Starting at slightest sound.
  • Wants to be massaged.
  • Soles tender and sore.
  • Sour smell of the body.
  • Restlessness of legs. Moves them constantly. Stretches them constantly.
  • Cold and sweaty feet.
  • Hair all over the body.


  • Slow learning to talk.
  • Fear of dark. • Obstinate

If not given what he wants, rolls on the floor. Even tries to blackmail.

  • Water

Likes to play with water. Doesn’t like to come out of the swimming pool; cries when taken out.

Likes to take bath for a long time.

  • Likes to go out; gets his shoes and asks parents to take him out.
  • Impulsive, restless and always in a hurry. Fidgetiness of legs and feet.
  • Cannot sit in one place, roams about the whole day.
  • Puts everything in the mouth. Biting nails.
  • Doesn’t like to be dirty.
  • Can pass stool only by leaning far back when straining at stool. Inactivity of the rectum. Round balls and hard lumpy stool.
  • Cruelty towards animals. Striking at animals.
  • Refuses to go to bed. Wants to play all night.

Schooling Child

  • Memory weak. Forgets names, errands, cannot finish sentences; loses constantly the thread of talk. Confused while answering questions.

Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all right but does not know how to finish; weight on vertex, which seems to affect the mind. Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts on abstract subjects. Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head. [Clarke]

Dullness of memory and desire to procrastinate, because business seemed so long lasting, or as if it never could be accomplished. Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous line. Forgetfulness of names, later of words and initial letters. Cannot remember names; has to ask name of her most intimate friend; forgets her own. Cannot spell right; wonders how the word “how” is spelled. Reads a letter and thinks the words look queer and are spelled wrong. [Hering]

  • Many ideas; but uncertain of execution.
  • Thinks someone is behind her, hears whispering; sees faces that peer at her from behind the bed and furniture.
  • Always anticipating; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.
  • Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.
  • Fearful

Fear of dark, any shadow in the dark, being alone, insects, injections, infectious diseases, blood, loud and sudden noise.

Doesn’t share his towel and utensils in fear of contacting any infectious disease.

  • Walks stooped, becoming clumsy.
  • Restlessness and fidgetiness of legs and feet.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Striking, biting, cursing and swearing.

  • Anger Intrapunitive. Pulls her own hair.

Physical PQRS

  • Desires sweet and sour (Pani-puri , Chinese), refreshing things.
  • Sleeps in knee-chest position.
  • Hands and feet burn; wants them to be uncovered and fanned. They take off their shoes the moment allowed; love to walk bare foot on a cold floor.
  • Feels faint and want to be fanned.
  • Sea bathing ameliorates .
  • Offensive fishy odour of secretions, body smells sour.
  • Discharges profuse , acrid , causes itching.
  • Strong tendency to bite fingernails and toenails.
  • Sensitive to draft of air.
  • Profuse perspiration especially on face, scalp.
  • Corns very tender. Heels and ball of feet tender.

Entry points

Likes to eat different taste every time; craving sour, salty, sweets, spicy.

Sleeps in knee-chest position.

Cranky during day and cheerful during night.

Rule out

Diligent and takes responsibility. Fever totality

  • Wants to be fanned all the time.
  • Chills up and down back; coldness of legs, hands, and forearms.
  • Flashes of heat in face and neck.
  • Night-sweat and hectic.


Damp; Sunrise to sunset; After urinating; Thinking of complaints.


Lying on abdomen; Fresh air; Hard rubbing.

Mercury group symptoms

  • Withdrawing
  • Defiant and anarchist
  • Does not follow rules and always tries to break it.
  • Mouth salivation.
  • Night aggravation.




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciation Speed Fast


  • Anxiety and restlessness.
  • Difficult thinking.
  • Disturbed speech.

Physical PQRS

  • Haemorrhagic tendency.
  • Cracks on palms , soles and corners of mouth.
  • Tenesmus

Merc-cor leads all other remedies in tenesmus of the rectum, which is incessant and not relieved by passing stool. The tenesmus often involves the bladder as well. In dysentery there is more violence; copious bleeding; great anxiety , can scarcely leave the stool a second, great tenesmus of rectum and bladder; urging to urination and stool is constant; great burning in the rectum.

  • Cold face and hands with small feeble pulse.
  • Faintness, weakness and shuddering.
  • Mental anxiety preventing sleep.

Entry points

Fast Mercury. (While merc-sol is sluggish, merc cor is more active and violent) Rule out

If disease spreads slowly.


After urination and stool; Swallowing; Night; Cold; Autumn; Hot days, cool nights.




Mercurius solubilis

In sore throat if it is a Mercury case, the ulcers are spreading rapidly and burning and smarting like coals of fire you would say that Mercury is not as intense as this. You need Mercurius-cor for the violence, the intense burning and the rapid spread. Albuminuria is more marked in Mercurius-cor than in Mercurius-sol. [Kent]

Mercurius corrosivus           Mercurius solubilis

• More activity and excitement. Mercurius-cor is violent and active in its movements, it takes hold and runs its course with greater activity.      •       Slower and more sluggish.
• Great eating ulcers; it will     • Slow spreading ulcers.

spread over an area as large as your hand in a night.

  • More intense burning and • Comparatively less burning excoriation. and excoriation.




Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided

Diligent (due to Iodum element) Fast Remedy


  • Lively, merry, talkative.

He feels very lively, whistles, sings, and is disposed to be decidedly merry and good-natured. While in the open air, he always feels cheerful; in a warm room he is generally dull and depressed. [Allen]

  • Destructive

A general disposition to destructiveness; he can scarcely resist the temptation to throw his lamp through the window. [Allen]

  • Desire to travel.

Physical PQRS

  • Indurations

Chancre; induration remains long time. [Boericke]

  • Glandular swellings

Swollen inguinal glands, large and hard. [Boericke]

  • Right sided

When in sore throats the inflammation and pain predominantly affect the right side and there is a tendency to remain on the right side or if the Mercury state is present and the sore throat goes from right to left it is the proto-iodide you want. [Kent]

  • Rest aggravates. Occupation diversion ameliorates.
  • Open air ameliorates

This is especially true when the patient needs Merc-iod-flavus in neuritis of the right arm that comes on in writers. The arm then is very painful when writing, from passive motion, from rubbing, from pressure, from both heat and cold but better from walking in the open air. [Kent]

Entry points

Right sided mercury.

Rule out

If not energetic.

If no right sided complaints.


Odours; Raising up; Warm drinks; Lying on left side; Cold and damp weather; Touch.


Open air.



Lycopodium is strongly recalled by some symptoms of Merc-iod-flavus, and Lycopodium relieved some of the symptoms of the proving. The rightto-left direction was manifested in the throat and chest symptoms, but unlike those of Lycopodium, the throat symptoms were worse by warm drinks.




Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided

Diligent (due to Iodum element) Fast Remedy


  • Irritability on waking.
  • Cheerful in the evening.

Physical PQRS

  • Glandular tendency.
  • Left sided.

If in a Mercury patient with diphtheria, tonsillitis, etc. the inflammation and pain begin on the left side and incline to remain there or spread to the right the bin-iodide is indicated. These two iodides have more rapid and greater induration beneath ulcers and chancres than Mercsol. In old syphilitics the iodides are sometimes more useful. [Kent]

Diphtheria and ulcerated sore throats, especially on left side, with much glandular swelling. [Boericke]

  • Desires salted food.
  • Thirst for small quantities.

Entry points

Left sided mercury.

Rule out

If inflammation is not very violent. If the speed of disease is not fast.


Empty swallowing or swallowing food; After sleep; Change of Weather; Washing floor; Getting wet; Touch and pressure; After dinner.




Mercury is a liquid metal. When it is dropped on the floor, it easily slides down and it is very difficult to catch. Similarly, not in all cases you will see Mercury as defiant. In purely sycotic cases, the defiance is absent. Whenever there is an obstacle or problem, Mercury will try to avoid the confronting situation and will look for an escape route rather than directly fighting (being defiant).


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot (Acute) and Chilly (Chronic) + Thirsty + Right sided + Thin Non-diligent + Misbehaving



The child will not obey and do whatever he likes .

Case: A 2 ½ years old male child came with respiratory tract infections since six months of age. He does not do anything against what is in his mind. If forced by his parents, he gets angry and destroys things. He urinates anywhere in the house (bed, couch, etc.) and when asked to urinate in the toilet, he purposely urinates anywhere. Defiant.

Case: A 2 ½ years old male child came with respiratory tract infections since one year of age. He does everything according to his wish and if refused cries and shouts. He was told by assistant doctor three times not to take the colors but he still took them. Defiant.


Best suited to light haired child with lax skin and muscles.

Scrofulous children.


  • There are two images of Mercury:

One is of a nervous and shy person, who gets irritated when you disturb him but doesn’t react. Stammers when questioned, lacks confidence and easily gets embarrassed.

The other image reacts angrily and violently when contradicted. Strikes, teases, bites or even spits at the person who contradicts. Reaction will be impulsive.

  • Restlessness and Impulsive

Great restlessness. Internal hurriedness with slowness in action.

Slow in answering questions.

Hurried and rapid speech.

Hurried and impulsive without thinking, without considering. Impulse to kill or commit suicide. Sudden anger with impulse to do violence.

  • Sensitive to criticism, contradiction and injustice .
  • Very precocious and seems to have almost adult like emotions. He can seem flirtatious, intense and sensitive.
  • The child has strong emotions and can be very irritable.


  • Consolation aggravates.
  • Changes place constantly.
  • Excessive salivation from mouth.
  • Puts fingers in the mouth and you can see saliva dribbling.
  • Excessive perspiration while feeding. Perspiration on the head.
  • Cannot sleep on right side.
  • Hands and feet cold.


  • In acute conditions the restlessness is more marked. The child turns from side to side and moans.
  • Touch me not child.
  • Careless and negligent.
  • Hurried and impulsive. Hence, cannot complete drawing or any other work.

Hurried and rapid speech. [Clarke]

  • Malicious .
  • Precocious .
  • In delirium, puts stones in the mouth; spits and licks it; spits and rubs it over the floor.
  • Stage fright.
  • Flabby indented tongue.
  • Black teeth and early decay.

Schooling child

  • Sensitive to contradictions .

Case: A reserved, egoistic male who will not easily say sorry. He gets angry on any matter especially when he is contradicted. Even for deciding small things, if someone opposes him, his voice gets raised and he uses bad words. Values money a lot and thinks before spending it.

Timid; takes calculated risks.

  • Rudeness and impolite.

Morose and mistrustful all day; he treated his associates almost insultingly, and looked upon everybody as his worst enemy. [Allen]

  • Mischievous; irritates other children with his mischievousness. Inclination to catch passing strangers by nose.

He was foolish, played tricks, and made a fool of himself with senseless stuff. [Allen]

  • Withdrawing and introverted child .

The emotions are often strong internally, but are rarely given expression.

Likes seclusion. Avoids people.

Nervous, timid and shy. Embarrassed in social situations, blushing easily.

  • Aversion being touched or looked at.
  • Indifference to reprimands and laughs when reprimanded .
  • Dullness in children. Aversion to play.
  • Non-diligent but intelligent, precocious and good at mathematics .
  • Cannot support injustice.

Quarrels with everything; would above all have everything right; quarrelsome. [Allen] Case: An aggressive female who talks very roughly, shouts but does not uses bad words. She is very sympathetic, always happy to help others and can go out of her way to help anyone. She can’t tolerate injustice, sensitive to cheating; no matter who is there, she speaks out. She is very punctual about time.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger

Extrapunitive. Striking.

  • Does not allow to be examined by doctor. Considers everyone as his enemy. If forced then gets angry. Shrieks, then hits and strikes the doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • All complaints worse from sunset to sunrise.
  • Sensitive to every draught , yet aggravation by warmth .
  • The Nasal secretion is acrid and the nose red and excoriated. “DIRTY NOSED CHILDREN” [Guernsey] . Old catarrhal smell in the nose, inside nostrils burning and smarting.
  • Sweating

Profuse perspiration with most complaints without relief, or even aggravation during perspiration.

Nightly tearing pains with perspiration.

  • Offensiveness

All discharges are very offensive.

Acrid nasal secretion smelling like old cheese.

  • Salivation

Profuse or excessive salivation. Flows during sleep.

  • Bleeding, bloody.

Dysentery stool is slimy, bloody. ‘More the blood, the better it is indicated.’

  • Desires milk, bread and butter . Desires cold drinks
  • Aversion to meat and coffee.
  • Inability to lie on right side.
  • Trembling

It has been used with benefit in paralysis agitans. Tremor of the hands so that he cannot lift anything or eat or write. Mercury is a great remedy in children with epileptiform fits, twitching and disorderly motions. It will help children to grow out of these incoordinate angular movements of the hands and feet. Jerking twitching and trembling. The motions of the tongue are disorderly and the child cannot talk. [Kent]

Entry points

Profuse perspiration and excessive salivation.

Clarke mentions five important keynotes of Mercury.

1.Aggravation from both heat and cold.

2.Pains especially bone pains worse at night.

3.Profuse sweat accompanying all symptoms which does not relive and it may aggravate.

4.Offensive odour – breath, sweat, etc.

5.Tremors of hands, head, etc.

Rule out

If Thirstless

If Scanty perspiration. If Tongue is dry.

There is the characteristic flabby, coated, teeth-indented tongue, foul breath and intense thirst. Throat dry and forepart of tongue moist. [Clarke] If the child can lie on the right side.

Fever totality

  • Catarrhal gastric bilious fevers.
  • Fevers after suppression of measles.
  • Easily chilled or overheated.
  • Alternate chill and heat.
  • Creeping chills. Chilly within abscesses.
  • EASY PROFUSE SWEAT without relief; during sleep; with pains; oily; foul; sour or with strong sweetish penetrating odour; on head, chest; stains indelibly yellow.


At night; Damp weather; Lying on right side; Perspiring; Warm room; Warm bed. Amelioration

Rest; Weeping.



See under Causticum page no 183.


Mercurius Cor

See under Merc cor page no 368.


Nux vomica

See under Nux vomica page no 426.





Mezereum is the vegetable analogue of Mercurius. Mezereum and

Mercurius are antidotal to each other.

The principal use of this remedy is in eruptions and ulcerations. The most violent and important of its symptoms are those of the mucous membranes, skin and periosteum. The outer surfaces of the body are in a constant state of irritation; nervous feelings, biting, tingling, itching, changing place from scratching. Even when there is nothing to be seen, there is violent itching and the patient rubs and scratches until the part becomes raw and then burns; itching changes place; the part becomes cold after scratching, cold in spots. [Kent]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided

Non Diligent + MIsbehaving

Fast Remedy



Light-haired persons of phlegmatic temperament; often scrofulous or syphilitic.

Pale, cachectic and emaciated.


  • Weak memory, mind is easily confused.

While she talks with a person, her thoughts leave her. He cannot recall what he has heard just before; whenever anyone interrupts him, it disturbs and confuses his thoughts. He does not work with the proper freedom of mind, his thoughts leave him, and he has carefully to collect himself, so as not to think of something else. He cannot comprehend anything properly, nor think about things; not even recall things from memory; his thoughts leave him, as soon as he commences to reflect, and gloom and pressure occupy his sinciput. [Hahnemann]

  • Irresolute .

He finds it difficult to come to a determination. [Hahnemann]

  • Indifference about everything and everybody.

Very sad, every trifle affected him disagreeably; blunted as to all impressions from without, he does not take pleasure in anything, indisposed to work. Hypochondriac and melancholy, nothing pleases him, everything seemed to him as if dead, and nothing made a vivid impression on him. [Hahnemann]

Constantly peevish and cross. [Hahnemann]

  • Anger at trifles.

Disposed to reproach others. Inclined to quarrel. Violent boiling over with passion about trifles, for which he is soon sorry. [Hahnemann]

Is inclined to get angry with others about trifling and perfectly harmless things; everything vexes him, and he wants to say all kinds of annoying and vexatious things. [Allen]



  • Swelling of glands with large abdomen.
  • Snoring .
  • Dental caries. Toothache worse by touch even by tongue.
  • Eczema and itching eruptions after vaccinations.
  • The head is covered with THICK, LEATHER-LIKE CRUST, under which thick and white pus collects here and there; hair is glued and matted together. Elevated, white, chalk-like scabs which are ichorous, becomes offensive and breeds vermin.
  • Child scratches face continuously, which is covered with blood; eruptions moist; itching worse at night; inflammatory redness of face.

Schooling Child

  • Thoughts leave as soon as she tries to reflect.

Physical PQRS

  • Skin

The child tears at the eruption with its fingers when the crusts are present. Eruptions on the face , eyes , ears and scalp; in children or adults which have disappeared under the use of some ointment and inveterate catarrhal conditions have resulted or in which eye symptoms have developed; conjunctiva chronically swollen , ectropion , granular lids ,

conjunctival surfaces like raw beef; fissures in the corners of the eye; red cicatrices about the eyes where the eruptions have been; dry spots and enlarged veins about the eyes and nose; skin feels indurated.

  • One sided symptoms; whole or partial.
  • Ill effects of suppressed eruptions and vaccination .
  • Sudden pains of various kinds followed by chilliness , numbness and soreness; with sensitivity to cold air . Sensation as if a cool breeze blowing on the part.
  • Excessive sensitiveness to air , even of a fan.
  • Affected parts become cold or emaciate.
  • Acrid secretions , pus , leucorrhoea , etc.; green discharges.
  • Bone affections. Abscess of fibrous parts and tendons.
  • Convulsions better by tight grasping.

Entry points

Vegetable mercury.

Tooth decay at roots.

Complaints after vaccination and when Mercury aggravates the skin complaints think of Mezereum.

Rule out

If skin symptoms are absent.

Fever totality

  • Chill of single parts as if dashed with cold water.


NIGHT; Suppressions; Warmth of bed, of fire, etc; Cold, air, drafts; Damp; Motion; Touch; Mercury; Vaccination.


Wrapping up; Heat of stove (Prosopalgia); Radiating heat; Eating; Open air.





Musk is a well known perfume which produces fainting in some by the mere smelling of it; hence easy fainting in any diseased condition is its chief indication.

The well known power of Musk the perfume to produce fainting in some by the mere smelling of it, gives the chief keynote for its use in homeopathy: Faints easily; faints dead away from the least excitement; scolds and rages till she falls unconscious; globus hystericus ending in unconsciousness; faints while eating; during menses; faints from heart disease. All complaints which have easy fainting as a leading accompaniment may want Moschus. [Clarke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Hysterical Fast remedy


Erratic and unpredictable

  • Erratic behavior. The child behaves hysterically, laughs and cries alternately. Complains of horrible pains, but when asked where, begins to complain still more but cannot tell where the pains are.
  • Even the diseases behave erratic and do not follow their usual course.


Hysterical nervous children.


  • Uncontrollable laughter Immoderate laughing. Laughing at trifles.

Cries one moment, uncontrollable laughter the next. [Clarke]

When the peculiar Moschus symptom of the face is present viz. one cheek red and cold and the other pale and hot there is certainly some hysterical perversion in the mind of that patient. [Kent]

  • Scolding

Very peevish; he sprang up, wild with anger, and did not know what to do with himself from rage, until he struck a vessel that stood near him when he became better. Very violent anger; she would not be quieted by anything, but continued to rave until the mouth was quite dry, lips blue, eyes staring, and face deathly pale, when she fell to the ground. [Allen]

While sitting unemployed, and then again restless and running about, he scolded at every one he saw. [Allen]

  • Sexual

Amorous disposition.

  • Hyperactive

Bustling activity, with weakness, so that everything falls from hands. [Clarke]

  • Anger

Weeping with anger with violent quarrelling, even to extreme malice and rage .

Exceedingly quarrelsome humour and great irascibility, with passion, proceeding even to fury. [Clarke]


  • Restless infants.
  • Sleepy by day. Sleepless at night. Wakes frequently.
  • One cheek red and cold, the other pale and hot.


  • Obstinate headstrong children.
  • Weeping alternating with laughing.
  • Hurried, tremulous and awkward. Everything falls from hands.
  • Talks to himself and gesticulates.

Schooling Child

  • Girls who are selfish , obstinate , self-willed and much pampered; resort to all kinds of cunning to have their whims gratified.

Moschus cures many hysterical girls who have come to adult age without ever learning what obedience means. They are self-willed obstinate and selfish. When they have been encouraged to resort to crafty cunning, to have every whim gratified from infancy to eighteen years of age they become fit subjects for Moschus, Asafoetida, Ignatia and Valeriana. They not only have volumes of real and imaginary symptoms but they become adept at producing at will a kaleidoscopic complex of symptoms, increasing in quantity and intensity until all their own desires are attained and the onlooker, be he or she nurse, physician or bewildered mother is overwhelmed, dismayed and in retreat. However much they pretend to be honest and truthful their reported sensations are untrustworthy. They have traded upon their sensations and imagination so long that a direct effort to give a truthful statement is unsuccessful. [Kent]

  • Attention seeking, feigning sickness or lying about so as to get what she wants.
  • Easy Fainting.

Faints easily from least excitement.

Violently angry, talks excitedly and scolds till faints.

Abusive, insulting; scolds until the lips are blue and eyes stare and she falls down fainting.

  • Quarrelsome and angry.
  • Destructiveness; striking at imaginary objects.
  • Loquacious children. Hasty speech. Reaction to Stimulus

Anger Extrapunitive.

Abusive, scolding and throwing things.

Physical PQRS

  • Frequent easy fainting while eating, during menses, from heart disease , etc.
  • Nervous trembling.

Very anxious; she always started up in fright if anyone opened the door and her body trembled visibly. [Allen]

  • As if a cool wind was blowing on the part.

In nervous or spasmodic complaints where the patient feels very cold: in epileptic fits where there is rigor or chilliness, or shuddering as though the patient was very cold. The coldness may be general or it may affect single parts as one cheek or one foot. Sensation as if cool wind blowing on parts. [Clarke]

  • Globus hystericus.
  • Poor reaction; diseases do not follow the usual course.
  • Aversion to food . Faints while eating . Nausea on seeing or thought of food .
  • Desires stimulants like coffee.
  • Weakness, which is more evident during rest than motion.

Entry points

Unpredictable course of disease. They do not follow the usual course.

Rule out

If fainting is absent.

Fever totality

  • Sensitive to cold air; which makes him shudder. Skin cold.
  • Burning heat with restlessness.
  • Sweat smelling like musk.


Cold; Excitement; Suppressions of menses, etc; Side lain on; During or after a meal; Pressure; Motion.


Open air; Rubbing; Smell of musk.




Approaching + Hyperactive physical

Chilly or Hot + Thirsty + Right sided Non Diligent + MIsbehaving


  • Hatred and Revengeful.

Physical PQRS

  • Twitching of muscles of the face.
  • Words are jerked out when effort is made to talk.
  • Weakness, palpitation, nervousness, fear, like other spider preparations.
  • Chorea is the principal therapeutic field of this.
  • Unsteady gait. Constant motion of whole body. Twitching of limbs. Restless hands. Convulsive, uncontrollable movements of arms and legs. Limbs drag while walking.
  • Nausea with strong palpitation.

Entry points

Right sided spider.

Movements are jerky and out of control.


Eating; Sitting; Morning.


During sleep .




In general snake qualities but the disposition is exactly opposite to that of Lachesis.

  • Not as approaching as Lachesis. Lachesis is loquacious but Naja has aversion to talking.
  • Lachesis is sly and deceitful whereas Naja is more noble and conscientious.
  • Naja has strong sense of duty.
  • Naja like Natrums broods constantly over imaginary troubles.

This is the most useful of all the remedies we have in a cardiac state with very few symptoms. It is true that this region is particularly singled out by Naja to produce its symptoms. [Kent]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mentally + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided Non-diligent + Misbehaving



Naja people have a certain quality of nobility about them, of morality, of responsibility. Often this feeling is in conflict with the feeling of having suffered wrong and neglect, with intense feelings of malice and impulse to neglect or harm the offending person. [Sankaran]


  • Self depreciation

Makes himself wretched brooding over imaginary wrongs and misfortunes.

Feels he has done something wrong.

Delusion everything is wrong.

Delusion he is a failure.

Delusion he has neglected his duty. Delusion he is wasting away.

  • Ill effects of grief.
  • Anxiety in the chest, in the region of the heart, from grief
  • Fearful, nervous, excited and tremulous. Forebodings Fear of death with heart complaints. Fear of disease being incurable Fear of failure, misfortune.

Fear of being alone. Fear of rain.

  • Quiet disposition, indisposed to talk. Serious.
  • Suicidal tendency, loathing of life.


  • Disturbed by closeness of the collar worse after sleep. [Kent]
  • There is dyspnoea; if he goes to sleep he wakes up suffocating gasping, choking, or he starts from sleep as if from a dream. [Kent]


  • Easily excited.
  • Blurred speech. Stammering.
  • Dreads to be left alone.


Schooling Child

  • Children blame themselves even if they have not done anything wrong. Want of confidence, feels himself a failure. Delusion succeed he cannot, does everything wrong. Feel as if everything was wrong and could not be rectified.
  • Serious earnest children. Averse to being disturbed.
  • Aversion to talking.
  • Brooding over imaginary troubles with sadness.

Physical PQRS

  • Tendency of all complaints to settle about the heart.

It is used in valvular troubles of the heart in young persons who grow up with cardiac valvular diseases. The whole trouble settled about the heart. This suggests Naja and Naja has often cured. If the valvular trouble is congenital it cannot be cured; but if not, it shows that all the disturbing forces have settled about the heart. All the symptoms have settled about the heart; Naja has this. In school boys and girls who have no symptoms this is the generic remedy for this kind of complaint. Always prescribe Naja unless guided away from it by some specific symptom. [Kent]

  • Suffocative spells after sleeping. [Lachesis]
  • Sleep profound like a log.

Profound sleep is consistent with all the snakes. [Kent]

  • Worse from use of stimulants.
  • Sweating palms and soles.

There is copious sweating of the hands and feet causing the gloves and shoes to rot out; but the sweat is not offensive. [Kent]

  • Extremities are cold and blue, head hot.
  • Sensations

Constriction over chest, throat.

Parts seem drawn together. Burning as of hot iron.

Entry points

Chilly Lachesis.

Conscientious Lachesis. Lachesis + Nat-mur.

Rule out

If not responsible.

Fever totality

Sweat on lumbar, back and ankles.


Lying on left side; After menses; Cold air, drafts; Pressure of clothes; Alcohol; Touch


Walking or riding in open carriage; Sneezing; Smoking


Crotalus horridus (Comparison by Dr. Vijayakar)

Naja                         Crotalus horridus

  • Desire for fast activity Lacks activity, sluggish, slow torpor
  • Ailments from anticipation • Anticipation
  • Want of confidence; Feels • Confident himself a failure; Delusion failure he is; “I am nothing”
  • Sad easily, sullen Angered easily
  • Answer aversion to Answers snappish
  • Delusion neglected his duty         Delusion prosecuted, pursued by people. People are troubling me
  • When there is attack on one • When there is attack on one cell, Naja always depreciates    cell, Crotalus attacks others

itself. Self-depreciation; more prone  to autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.

  • Quiet disposition, secretive• Loquacity, talk worthless, talk bombast
  • More prone to diseases of the         More prone to haemorrhages.

nervous system.                    Dark, thick, stringy blood.

There is gradual destruction of the blood.

  • Fancies exaltation   No fancies        [Crot-Cas   goes out

of bound—goes to spirituality,


  • Left-sided Right-sided, therefore, less

sensitive than Lachesis and Naja

  • Censorious, critical; does not • Quarrelsome, Obstinate want to go wrong, so abides its conscience – I am wrong,

it is my fault

Natrum group symptoms

Similarities between Natrums and Kalis

  1. Withdrawing Company aversion.

Talk indisposed to.

  1. Starting From noise.

In sleep.

On seeing strangers.

  1. Sensitive to noise.
  2. Frightened easily.
  3. Problem with family members.
  4. Prostration of mind from mental exertion.
  5. Anxiety on waking.
  6. Non-diligent.


Difference between Natrums & Kalis

Natrums                               Kalis

  • Sadness more marked . Quarrelsomeness more marked .
  • Sadness from MUSIC; Sensitive to Noise. Sensitive to music .
  • Starting + STARTING +++ more marked

in Kalis than Natrums.

  • Consolation aggravation .
  • More Left sided . More Right sided .
  • Obedient and Responsible . Disobedience and Quarrelsome .
  • Indifference to Family        members; Quarrelsome        to      family members .

Feels estranged.


  • Violent Natrum is PROTEUS .
  • Chilly Natrum having sun aggravation is NATRUM CARB .
  • Natrum (hypersensitiveness) + Nux vomica (aggressiveness) is CHINA .
  • All Natrums are diligent except Natrum mur .



  • Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non aggresive • Chilly + Thirsty + Non Diligent

They develop an acute, anxious, nervous kind of restlessness, and very often complain of the feeling that something serious is about to happen to them. With this marked restlessness, they find it quite impossible to settle down to anything, to do any serious work or make any attempt to concentrate.



The predominant mental condition of Natrum carb is one of profound sadness, depression and melancholy; constantly occupied with sad thoughts; though there is also the opposite, great gaiety and talkativeness. The hypochondriacal mood is often an accompaniment of the condition of the digestive mucous membrane. The depression and irritability is aggravated after the meal and diminishes as the digestion advances, (“as the food passes through the duodenum”).


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive Chilly + Thirsty + Side Diagonal (Right Upper and Left Lower)

Diligent + Obedient Sun aggravation


It is suited to light haired children.

Pale face with blue rings around eyes.

Stoop shoulders.


  • Brain fag

Nervous exhaustion, physical exhaustion, weakness of mind and body. Bookkeepers lose the ability to add up figures. In reading a page the one previous to it soon goes out of the mind. The memory will not hold out from the beginning to the end of a sentence. Forgets what he reads. Confusion of mind follows and then he is unable to perform any mental labor. Men become so fatigued from the details of business that a confusion of the mind comes over them they get   brain-fag. [Kent]

  • Misanthropy

Such patients, says Farrington, are decidedly averse to society, even that of their own family.


Estrangement from family and friends. Aversion to mankind and to society; to relatives, to strangers; feels a great division between himself and them; sensitive to certain persons. [Kent] Anthropophobia and fearfulness. He shuns mankind. [Allen]

  • Thunderstorm Aggravation

Inquietude, with fits of anguish, especially during a storm. [Clarke]

  • Music Aggravation

Music causes a tendency to suicidal melancholy, weeping and trepidation; playing the piano is so exhausting that she must lie down; music causes great sadness which increases to religious insanity. This is true of all the Sodiums but especially so of Natrum carb; aggravation from the slam of a door, a pistol shot, which causes headache and complaints in general aggravated from music. [Kent]

  • Sensitive to noise.

A state of trepidation from the slightest noise, the slam of a door; nervous excitement and palpitation with great prostration; nervous weakness with trepidation. [Kent]

  • Anxiety

Anxious, solicitous about himself. Anxiety in the evening, after a footbath of three or four minutes, so that she could not fall asleep for an hour and a half. Anxiety, with tremulous beating of the whole body. Anxiety and restlessness; he thought he could do nothing properly. Anxiety and hasty restlessness all day; he could not keep the limbs still, especially the arms; obliged to stretch them; it seemed as though they would be torn asunder. Daily attacks of anxiety, with perspiration on the face, several times a day, and lasting a quarter of an hour, without pain. The weather causes less anxiety than usual (curative action). Feeling of apprehension in the head. His fancy is mostly busy with apprehensions of the future; he often makes plans for half an hour at a time, as if it would go wrong with him, wherewith he seeks to be alone, for several days together. Great apprehensiveness after dinner, lasting till evening. She does not know what to do, on account of apprehensiveness and ennui, and thinks that she is quite lonely and forsaken, all day. [Allen]


  • Wants touch.
  • Children when asleep jump , cry , grasp the mother; startled nervous children.

when asleep the child jumps, cries, springs up and grasps the mother; a nervous cold baby easily startled like the Borax baby. [Kent]

  • Sleepy after feeding.
  • Aversion to milk. Milk causes diarrhoea.
  • Ulcerations of the mouth; thrush in infants; little white aphthous patches especially in nervous withered infants who cannot stand any kind of milk who have diarrhoea from milk; they thrive better on cereals.
  • Sweats easily.


  • Emaciated anaemic children. Children who cannot tolerate milk but thrive better on cereals. Indigestion from vegetable and starchy foods.
  • Cross and irritable child.
  • Strong aversion to certain people (Misanthropy).
  • Timidity; avoids sight of people.
  • Anxiety and restlessness during a thunderstorm.
  • Foolish behavior .
  • Weak ankles in children. Dislocation and spraining of ankles. Falls or stumbles down owing to slight obstruction on pavement.
  • Eyes and ears are extremely sensitive; bright light or noise aggravates.

Schooling Child

  • Timid and bashful .
  • Aversion to society, even own family.
  • Sensitive to presence of certain persons.
  • Self contented; independent, yet very mild and kind. Unselfish.
  • Conscientious .
  • Religious .
  • Sad and depressed .
  • Sensitive to ambience and atmosphere. Delicacy.
  • Mental symptoms worse from music; oversensitive to music. Sadness, irritability from music.
  • Intellect poor

Mathematics inaptitude.

Inability to combine ideas while writing or reading; inability to think.

Forgetful, makes mistakes in writing.

Difficult to concentrate, slow comprehension.

Reaction to Stimulus

Anger Extrapunitive .

Physical PQRS

  • Discharges thick , green, and offensive.
  • Great debility caused by heat of summer and sun. Chronic effects of sunstroke.

Oversensitive to heat especially after sunstroke even some years after; has to be well shaded when walking in the sun, must seek a cool or dark place; the patient has not had the proper acute remedy during the attack; the remedy is aggravated by both cold and heat but this is a special aggravation from the heat of the sun; head troubles are not worse from cold in Natrum carb. [Kent]

  • Swelling and induration of glands.
  • Lacking in strength, stamina, energy .

Great weakness in limbs especially in the morning. Very weak digestion.

  • Aversion to milk.

Entry points

Diligent Sepia.

Chilly remedy with sun aggravation.

Rule out

If no sun aggravation.

If he can tolerate milk.

Fever totality

  • Dull + Chilly + Thirstless + Diligent.
  • Easy sweat.


Music; Sun, Excessive summer heat, gaslight; Mental exertion; Physical exertion; Thunderstorm; Alternate days, Full moon; 5 am.


By moving about.



  • Both Natrum carb and Sepia have an aversion to society and indifference to one’s own family. Also both have sour eructations and formation of fetid gas in the abdomen. Natrum carb has rather distension of the abdomen, with fullness and hardness, like all alkalis, while Sepia has more goneness and empty, sinking feeling, which food does not fill up, except, perhaps, at supper.
  • Natrum carb has one exception to the fullness of the abdomen, that is, at ten or eleven o’clock in the morning the patient feels anxious and weak, very much like iodine, but eating relieves this and produces distension.



Natrum muriaticum commonly known as Table salt (Chemical formula NaCl) is prepared by the process of evaporation of sea water. Evaporation means to remove moisture from (milk, vegetables, fruits, etc.) by heating or drying so as to get a concentrated product. This means table salt is prepared by drying all the moisture from it. Moreover the source is sea water and sea is very deep and it keeps on accumulating water from all the rivers flowing into it. This explains why Natrum mur personality is an introverted type accumulating all the emotions within and not expressing them.

The Natrum mur child is well behaved and often matured beyond his age “like a little adult”. Natrum mur is very similar to Ignatia, but the main feeling of Natrum mur is that they feel they are being ridiculed by others. In the clinic they will appear very obedient and well behaved, but do not like being talked about, and if the mother criticizes them, they feel very bad and hurt. They are very sensitive emotionally. If you shout at a Natrum mur child, he feels very bad, but will not express his sadness. (Natrum mur is less emotional than Ignatia. Ignatia is very sensitive emotionally and hysterical.) Deep inside he feels that he deserves to be shouted at. He is not worthy. And later when you try to console him, he will go into aggravation and feel sadder and will start weeping (not loudly like Pulsatilla). They are typically loners, will not mix easily with other children. They love indoor games and will usually love to play alone. They dislike excitement, social gatherings, and crowds.

Natrum mur will have one to one relationships. They will be attached to either parent.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Obedient

Look at me not, Speak to me not

Slow Remedy


Dwells on past disagreeable events

Always in his thoughts he seemed to seek for past unpleasant occurrences, in order to think them over, making himself morbid, full of grief; he tormented himself; he seemed to prefer disagreeable thoughts, which prostrated him very much. [Allen]

Haunted with thoughts that something unpleasant will happen. Tries to recollect past disagreeable occurrences for the purpose of thinking on them and indulging the grief which it causes. Gloomy thoughts, recalls insults long since suffered; likes to dwell upon past unpleasant occurrences. [Hering]


Psoric scrofulous emaciated babies having shiny, oily, and waxy look of face.

Emaciation well marked in the neck with a long neck. (Short neck– Kali bichromicum).

They are underweight and undersized.


  • Consolation aggravates

When a Natrum mur child is reprimanded, he feels bad and will go inside the room and weep silently. However if you try to console him, he will weep more loudly. It is best to leave him on his own and he will settle down after some time.

Natrum mur is indicated by tears. (“Flow of tears with cough” is Burnett’s keynote of Natrum mur) The characteristic of the tearful Natrum mur patient is that she (or he) wants to be alone; any attempt to console irritates beyond endurance. “Wants to be alone to cry.” “Very much inclined to weep and be excited.” There are even tears with laughter. [Clarke]

The Natrum mur child will stop crying if you deal with them firmly. But if you try to console them then they will cry more. A Natrum mur child will be nearly in convulsions with screaming when his mother tries to soothe him, but as soon as left alone he will settle down and sit in a corner and watch you. [Borland]

  • Sensitive

Sensitive to rudeness; easily offended and hurt even if           someone talks in a slightly loud tone. Takes everything in bad part. Cry for slightest cause.

Complaints from humiliation. Fear of being rejected.

Weeping from admonition.

  • Anger and grief

When hurt, Natrum mur feels both angry and sad but will not  express their emotions (both anger and grief). The child desires to be alone to cry.


Child is cross when spoken to; very irritable, angry about trifles and more irritable when consoled.

  • Tendency to make mistakes in speaking and writing.
  • Distracted, puzzled. Awkward; drops things from hands.
  • Desires solitude.
  • Answers fairly, shortly and abruptly.
  • Aversion to presence of strangers while passing urine.
  • Love for pets. Natrums love animals more as they don’t feel emotional threat from animals as they feel from humans.
  • Inclination to laugh. Laughs so immoderately at something not ludicrous that tears come into her eyes and looks as if she had been weeping. Laughs immoderately and cannot be quieted.


  • Looks emaciated.
  • The infant appears to be quite contented and does not demand food.

Parents say that he will never cry if hungry.

  • Can stay alone for hours without disturbing his mother.
  • Will cry when strangers try to pick him or talk to him, and does not stop crying by playing musical toys. In fact when you leave him alone he will settle down fast.
  • Easy startling.
  • Perspiration on the face while feeding.


  • Emaciated child. Eats well but emaciates.
  • Awkward and hasty. Lets things fall from hand. Child knocks over things because he is in a great hurry.
  • Delayed milestones.

Children are slow in learning to talk with heavy and difficult speech. He is a very slow learner. Children talk late; cross, irritable, cry from the slightest cause. Children do not learn to walk.

  • Aversion to consolation or excitement. Oversensitive to all sorts of influences.

Sensitive to noise. Slightest noise like the slamming of a door, the ringing of a bell, to firing of pistol , music (musical toy) causes irritation.

  • Biting nails.
  • Aversion to bread and fatty rich things.

Schooling Child

  • The Natrum mur schooling child appears to be very obedient. In the waiting room he will not be roaming but will be obediently sitting at one place. Inside the clinic, he will be standing very close to his mother, looking down. If asked any question, he will look at his mother and then reply. His answers are short and abrupt.
  • The Natrum mur schooling children complain of headache when they are under pressure, working too hard, attempting to concentrate too much. Headache aggravated in the sun.
  • When they are ill, they don’t want anyone to take trouble for them. They want to be left alone.
  • Feeling hurt very easily. Very sensitive to the slightest hurt or insult.
  • Dwells on past disagreeable events. They will remember it and it will be very difficult for them to forget the past hurt. An idea clings preventing sleep inspiring revenge.
  • Affected by music.
  • Will not share anything that happens in school with parents. The child will not divulge daily school activities on their own when they come home. Parents have to ask them about what happened in the school .
  • Children who look sad when all the family members are not with them. The Natrum mur child at the same time shows bitterness to particular family members whom they don’t like. When they draw drawings of family members, they draw bad expressions on persons whom they don’t like.
  • Not very social; not very comfortable in crowds and social gatherings; parents say they are more comfortable when at home .
  • They are anxious about their homework not from diligence but from fear of reproaches.
  • As they feel embarrassed , they are in trouble when they have to urinate or defecate in public toilets; they take time to start urinating. (Ambra grisea). They are more relaxed after passing stool .

Anaemic children who dislike eating bread and like to eat snacks and spicy food or otherwise children eating well still losing flesh. (Sanicula but  thirst is comparatively more marked in Sanicula. Restlessness and perspiration are deciding points in Sanicula children with weak eyesight and sick feeling on face; serious looking children.)

Reaction to stimulus

  • Anger Inhibited.

Hatred for those who offended them.

  • Grief Non-expressing.

Sulky; eyes appear wet with tears.

  • Resentment when doctor examines him. He will burst into tears.

Physical PQRS

  • Emaciation

Descending emaciation. Buttocks emaciated in infants. An infant looks like a little old man.

The child looses flesh while living well. General emaciation most marked about the neck which is very thin and shrunken. Emaciation proceeds from above downwards. The collar bones become prominent and the neck looks scrawny but the hips and lower limbs remain plump. [Kent].

  • Loss of hair in children.
  • Tongue mapped with red insular patches like ringworm on sides.
  • Craving salt, fish. Aversion to bread.
  • Sun aggravation.
  • Periodicity .
  • Marked tendency to develop hang-nails; splits up the sides of the nails which are extremely sensitive, very painful, and very difficult to heal.

Dryness of all mucous membranes from lips to anus. Dry skin.

Anus dry, cracked, fissured.  Dry hard crumbling stool, tearing anus of, causing soreness and burning.

Fever blisters appear like pearls about the lips. Lips dry sore cracked and ulcerated especially in the middle.

  • Headache of school girls who are anaemic. Headaches from sunrise to sunset. Headache beginning with partial blindness; aggravation eyestrain, coughing. Headaches as if thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain .

Eyelid with transverse line through the middle of the upper eyelid especially in children.


Entry points

Sensitivity to reprimands but does not express their feelings.

Don’t cry very loudly; sometimes don’t cry at all. When they are not happy you can see the grief on their face but they say nothing is wrong, rather are irritated when consoled.

Obedient and non-diligent.

Hang-nails which are extremely sensitive, very painful, and very difficult to heal.

Craving for salt.

Rule out

If the child stops crying on being consoled.

If no sun aggravation.

If talking is early.

They enjoy going out in social gatherings. They like musical toys.

Fever Totality

  • Fever paroxysm, with relief of pains from sweat.
  • Fever blisters appear like pearls about the lips. Lips dry, sore, cracked and ulcerated especially in middle.
  • Nausea and vomiting with fever.
  • Excessive thirst for cold water.
  • Silent, quiet.

Aversion to guests, people asking how are you? [Vijayakar]

  • Headache with fever.


Exact periodicity – 9- 11 am; Sun; Sympathy; Quinine; Bread, fat; Exertion.


Open air, cool bathing; Sweating; Fasting; Rest .


Lycopodium and Pulsatilla

Natrum mur, Pulsatilla and Lycopodium are taking part in a dance show.

And somehow they don’t perform well and fall down while performing. All 3 will react differently.

Pulsatilla will immediately start crying, and will cry so loudly that the first reaction of the parent will be to offer her consolation. Mother says “no problem child, don’t worry, it’s ok, you can perform better next time, don’t cry ……” and so on. After some time the Pulsatilla child feels better. Lycopodium will immediately stand up again and show off as if nothing has happened. He will say that it was not his fault. Actually the ground was slippery and he fell down. “It was not my mistake. I’m a good dancer but the auditorium is not good. So I fell down”. Natrum mur will get up and will not talk to anyone and go back stage and weep. He will blame himself and feel that if only he had worked harder this would not have happened. It is his mistake and carelessness that he fell down and has spoiled the name of the whole school.


Ambra Grisea

See under Ambra Grisea page no 34.

Ammonium carb

See under Ammonium carb page no 39.


See under Apis page no 58.


See under China page no 196.


See under Ignatia page no 289.


Baryta carb


Natrum mur                       Baryta carb

Both are shy and withdrawing, and if you try to talk to themtheir reaction is

  • Burst into tears (because of Shy and terrified.

resentment at being interfered).

Aversion to be handled and  interfered with.

Consolation from mother

  • Aggravates, will scream more. Indifferent. No reaction And if left alone will settle down (because it does not and watch you from the corner.      understand the seriousness of

reprimands). Will sit in a corner and play with anything within reach.

Both are awkward in their movements

  • Natrum mur child knocks Baryta-carb is awkward things over because it is in because of in-coordination, too big a hurry. it is clumsy.

Both are slow in learning to speak

  • Natrum mur child’s speech is Baryta-carb speech is difficult faulty, but it is much more a because the mind is not difficulty in articulation. developed.

Both have cervical glands enlarged

  • Children have small shotty glands Chain of quite large glands at the back of the neck and         running down the anterior the neck itself is rather skinny.   border of the sterno-mastoid.



Natrum sulph

Natrum mur                     Natrum sulph

Both are Withdrawing + Hot + Thirsty + Left sided

  • Withdrawing +++ Withdrawing +

Wants to wear sober clothes       Wants to wear good clothes

(because of mur element)      (because of sulph element)

  • Non-Diligent Diligent

When Scolded

  • Feels hurt and will go in a Feels angry and will go in a room and sulk room and weep

(Grief non expressing)           (Anger inhibited)

  • Non aggressive Aggressive





This remedy is useful for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid as a result of too much sugar.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Non aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty+ One sided + Marasmus

Diligent + Obedient


Infants who have been fed excess milk and sugar.


  • Prostration of mind

Mental dullness; forgot what I had just committed to memory. Study is burdensome; it is difficult to remember what is read. [Allen]

  • Indifference, apathy
  • Fearful

Fear at night; of impending disease; that something will happen; of-misfortune; on waking. Easily frightened and heedless. Restless and anxious evening and night. [Kent]

Felt anxious about home; had misgivings; feared bad news. Worries about his health, about the future. Apprehensive of some approaching evil. Awakens; fears his child, who has a trifling ailment, is dead; he goes to her room to relieve the otherwise ineffaceable impression (never nervous before in sickness). [Allen]

  • Impatience

She is hysterical and in a hurry. No one works fast enough to suit him. [Allen]

  • Startling

Startles easily, as from an electric shock, as from fright, from noise, on falling asleep, in sleep.


  • Marasmus of bottle fed babies.
  • Startles easily.
  • Waking as from fright.
  • Aversion to bathing.
  • Grinding of teeth during sleep in children.
  • Weakness of ankles in children .


  • Child picks nose.
  • Overfed children. Acidity in children overfed with milk and sugar.
  • Trembling and palpitation from thunderstorms.

Schooling Child

  • Anxiety about home.
  • Fear something will happen; fear of insects.
  • Impatience .
  • Indifference to his family members .
  • Sensitive to music, noise and his surroundings.
  • He grows serious and silent and sits by himself quite still for a long time.
  • Indifference to loved ones, to family members.

Reaction to Stimulus

Weeps easily.

Physical PQRS

  • Yellowness

Yellow discharge, coating.

Yellow, creamy coat on the base of the tongue. Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth. The same kind of moist creamy or golden yellow coating is also found on the tonsils and uvula.

  • Sourness

The infant smells sour.

Eructations, stools, leucorrhoea, expectoration, sweats, etc.

Vomiting on coughing, with headache, of bile, bitter, frothy with headache, of mucous, SOUR in infants fed on milk, sour cheesy masses in intermittent fever; vomiting, yellow, green.

  • Lying on left side aggravates many symptoms.
  • Desires eggs, fried fish.
  • Tightness of muscles and tendons.
  • Many symptoms come on from fasting and he is generally ameliorated after eating.

Entry points


Effects arising due to too much sugar and milk.

Rule out

If no startling from sudden noise. If thunderstorm doesn’t affect.

Fever totality

  • Intermittent fever with vomiting of sour masses.
  • Feet icy cold in day time burn at night.


Sugar, milk, bitter foods, fat food; Mental exertion; Thunderstorm; Walking upstairs.


Cold .





Na 2 SO 4 – Glauber’s salt.

Its main feeling is: “I am scorned, disgraced, insulted or not appreciated by the person with whom I have (or seek) a relationship and I must make a great effort to gain appreciation or to be valued by the other person.” [Sankaran]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental and Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive Hot + Thirsty + Left sided

Diligent + Obedient Speak to me not



Natrum sulph child has very compromising nature. They will demand toys from parents, and get angry when the parents don’t give them. But when explained to them they will compromise and will suppress their desires. (Natrum sulph gets angry and Natrum mur feels bad). Natrum sulph child understand the situation of the family and will not squander or spend money unnecessarily. Behave in a responsible manner.



Oversensitive both mentally and physically.

  • Mentally to Light.


  • Physically Touch. Pain.


Children with inherited sycotic constitution.

Hydrogenoid constitution, where complaints are due to living in damp houses; basements, cellars; patients cannot even eat plants growing near water nor fish. Feels every change from dry to wet; worse in damp rainy weather; always feels best in warm, dry air.


  • Sensitive

Attached to parents and feel bad when parents fight. She will help mother in her household work and take care of her mother when she is ill.

  • Sadness, melancholy. Music aggravates.

Sadness; inclined to weep. Melancholy and lachrymation, especially after hearing (lively) music. Melancholy, with periodical attacks of mania. [Clarke]

Music affects her very much; it makes her melancholic, and feel like crying, although it was merry, dancing music. [Allen]

The satiety of life, aversion to life; the great sadness the great despondency coupled with the irritability and dread of music—music makes her weep makes her sad makes her melancholic —this symptom runs through the Natrums which it receives from the Natrum side of its family; Natrum carb, Natrum mur, Natrum sulph all have it. Anything like melancholic strains aggravate her complaints; mild music, gentle light mellow light that pours through church windows, these little glimmers of light that come through the colored glass all these make her sad. [Kent]

  • Dislikes to speak, or to be spoken to.

Taciturn, speaks but little, and is generally irritable. Great irritability; she dislikes to speak or be spoken to; particularly in the morning. [Allen]

  • Despair of recovery.

Very much disheartened; tired of life; despairs of getting well. [Allen]

  • Aggressive

Gets angry and throws toys when someone teases him. • Suicidal

Suicidal impulse; must exercise all restraint to prevent taking his life .

Satiety of life, suicidal; has to use all self control to prevent shooting himself. [Clarke] It cured an ulceration in the rectum with copious bleeding in a lawyer who had long struggled with suicidal impulses. [Kent]

  • woman during gestation attempted several times to hang herself, after this remedy she wascheerful and there was no return of the suicidal disposition. [Kent]

Case: A 37 year old woman came with complaint of headache. Headache followed by vomiting of bile since several years. Face purple. Heat ameliorates the pain. Pain begins in right eye spreads over the forehead with a dragging feeling in back of head. Pain in sacrum extends to thighs aggravated on right side. Nervous easily startled apprehensive. Intensely fastidious. Had gall-stone colic three months ago. Cold feet. Headache at menstrual period for sixteen years. Menstrual flow thick, clotted, dark, lasts one day. Stool light color when sick, darker when in better health. Must restrain herself or she will commit suicide. Slow pulse at times. Tired all the time. Condemned to an operation by the surgeon for gall-stone. Fissured tongue. Natrum sulph cured; the gall-stones disappeared. [Kent]

  • Mental troubles arising from a fall or other injuries to the head.
    • young man in St. Louis was hurled from a truck in the fire department. He struck on hishead. Following this for five or six months he had fits. He was irritable; he wanted to die. His wife said she could hardly stand it with him; always wanted to die; did not want to live. His fits drove him to distraction. When he walked into my office he staggered; his eyes were nearly bloodshot; he could hardly see and he wore a shade over his eyes—so much was he distressed about the light—such a photophobia. He had constant pain in his head. He had injured himself by falling upon the back of his head and he had with this all the irritability that I have described. The first thing that came into my head was Arnica; that is what everybody would have thought. Arnica would have perhaps been the best. As soon as he had finished his description and I had given the case more thought I found that Natrum sulph was the best indicated remedy for injuries about the head and I have been in the habit of giving it. So I gave it in this case. The first dose of Natrum sulph cured this young man. He has never had any pain about the head since. He has never had any mental trouble since, never another fit. That one prescription cleared up the entire case. [Kent]

A young man became very sad and subject to attacks of vertigo and neglected his business after being hit on the side of the head by a base ball. He was entirely free from all symptoms after taking this remedy. [Kent]

  • Cheerfulness, happy mood, after loose stools.


  • Starting from fright or noise and in sleep.
  • Terrible sensitiveness to light.
  • Sleeps on back.
  • Irritable in the morning .
  • Cries in night around 2 a.m. to 3 a.m., ask for food, eats and then sleeps again.
  • Cheerful after stools.

Diarrhoea on first rising, rumbling, gurgling in bowels, then sudden gushing with much flatus, so that stool is noisy and spluttering. Stool painless.

  • Bad effects of vaccination .
  • Sycotic pneumonia in children. Lower lobe of left lung is especially affected.
  • Jaundice in new born children.


  • If someone takes her toys, she will hit back.
  • Likes to wear clothes of her choice.
  • When scolded will get angry, go in another room and sulk.
  • Likes puzzles, blocks, reading books. Doesn’t like musical toys.
  • Thumb sucking.

It is a most useful remedy in humid asthma in children of sycotic parents. In fact Natrum sulph is one of the best clear-cut indicated remedies for those constitutional conditions in children that result in chest catarrhs and asthmatic complaints. Asthma sycotic; in children as a constitutional remedy aggravated early morning. Cough with thick ropy greenish expectoration, chest feels all gone (Stannum) must support it with both hands when coughing (Bryonia). Attack of asthma occurs from every fresh cold. Asthma developing from general bronchial catarrh. Asthma with early morning diarrhoea.

Schooling Child

  • Awkward because he is in a hurry.
  • Responsibility strong.
  • Aggravation from music .
  • Mental trouble arising after head injury.
  • Aversion to company. Dislike to speak or to be spoken to.
  • Suspicious .
  • Mental exertion brings on headache.
  • Sleepiness while reading or writing.
  • Violent anger followed by jaundice. Reaction to Stimulus
  • Anger Intrapunitive .
  • Anger Inhibited.
  • Does not allow to be examined by doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • Periodicity .
  • Toothache aggravated by warm things and better by holding cold water in the mouth.
  • Great thirst for very cold drinks.
  • Aversion to bread and meat. Qualmishness after farinaceous foods; hiccough after bread in the evening.
  • Complaints from concussion of brain.

Epilepsy or petit mal. Headache.

  • Yellow, watery, secretions; thick, yellow green pus, sour.
  • Pains worse when thinking of them.
  • Jaundice after anger.
  • Terrible sensitiveness to light.
  • Itching while undressing.

Entry points

Ailments from head injuries.

Infant cheerful after passing stools.

Rule out

If no aggravation from damp conditions.


DAMP weather; Cellars; Night air; Lying on left side; Injuries to head; Lifting; Touch; Pressure; Wind; Light; Music; Subdued light; Late evening; Vegetables, fruits; Cold food and drinks; Lying along in one position; Rest.


Open air , warm dry air; Change of position; Breakfast; Lying on back .



Ordinarily Arnica for injuries and the results of injuries especially the neuralgic pains and the troubles from old scars; but in mental troubles coming on from a jar or a knock on the head or a fall or injury about the head do not forget Natrum sulph because if you do many patients may suffer where they might have been cured had you made use of this remedy. [Kent]


In Natrum sulph diarrhoea comes on regularly in the morning after rising and returns quite regularly each day. Much wind is passed with the stools and is worse in damp weather. It is distinguished from Sulphur by this. With Natrum sulph, the diarrhoea comes on more in the forenoon after getting up, whereas, with Sulphur it hurries the patient out of bed.


It is distinguished from Bryonia which has diarrhoea on first rising in the morning by the fact that the latter has less flatus, and is aggravated by hot weather. [Farrington]

Natrum mur

See under Natrum mur page no 403.




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental and Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + One sided + Lean

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Anxiety about health Fast remedy



  • Mind

Offended easily.

Vexed easily.

  • Physical

Headache from slightest jar.

Scalp sensitive to combing.

Tongue sensitive to soft food. Ulcers bleed on touch.


Suited to lean children of rigid fibres.

Dark complexion.

The brunette rather than the blonde. Black hair and black eyes.

Nervous temperament.

A broken down and greatly debilitated child who suffers from diarrhoea off and on all the time; sunken eyes and face with pale yellow complexion and deep lines of suffering character.


  • Irritable, vindictive

He is inclined to be passionate and contentious. He gets violently excited about trifles, all the day, and has then to laugh at himself. [Hahnemann]

  • Anger violent

Inclined to be violent and to quarrel.

  • Cursing, swearing; using vulgar language.

Passionateness, venting itself in abuse. Attacks of rage and despair, with oaths and curses. [Hahnemann]

Inclined to be angry and use insulting expressions. [Allen]

  • Hatred, unmoved by apologies. Hatred of persons who offended him.

Long-continued rancor; insensible to apology and excuses. [Hahnemann]

  • Excitement during debate .

Easily excited annoyance, which much affects the mind. When disputing, there is trembling in all the limbs. [Hahnemann]

  • Constantly thinks about past troubles.

He cannot get rid of his sad thoughts. She falls to thinking over an anxious occurrence long past, and cannot rid herself of it, almost like as if in a waking dream; from time to time she, as it were, awakes from it startled, but is always absorbed again by these ideas, without being able, in spite of strenuous efforts, of thinking of anything else. [Hahnemann]

  • No disposition to work.
  • Selfish, dissatisfied, discontented with himself.

Discontentment with himself, that induces violent weeping, which makes him feel better.

  • Anxiety about Health.

At once she is taken with a peculiar anguish, runs to her physician, but he is not at home, hires a carriage to drive to the house where she expects to find him; during her ride all the anguish is gone; arrived at home she feels as bad as ever, and feels herself thus forced to drive about the whole day, till all the effects of the Nitric acid have passed off. [Allen] Uneasiness respecting health, with fear of death. [Clarke]

  • Anxious

Anxieties all day. Anxieties, with palpitations that intercept the breath. Anxiety, as if he was engaged in a disquieting lawsuit or contest. He is beset with anxious thoughts, without cause.

In the evening, he feels apprehensive; he cannot sit still, but has to walk about. [Hahnemann] Anxiety after loss of sleep; vexation and sorrow. [Kent]

  • Withdrawing

Taciturn, disinclined to communicate anything. [Clarke]

  • Timid and apprehensive disposition.
  • Riding in carriage ameliorates mental symptoms.


  • The relaxed condition in weakly infant boys that disposes to inguinal hernia is often overcome by Nitric acid that cures the hernia (Lycopodium, Nux vomica).
  • Tendency to diarrhoea.

With diarrhoea there is soreness and rawness of anus, the stool is putrid in children, may contain lumps of casein. Slimy stools from excess of mucus passed with much straining or stools especially in scrofulous children may be pale , pasty , sour , offensive. A key note of Nitric acid stools whether loose or constipated is pain after stool. There is pain during stool as if anus and rectum were torn and pierced and violent pains after stool lasting for hours .

  • Micturition easy. Profuse frequent micturition at night , involuntary (in a child), in a thin stream as from stricture of urethra. Urine is very pungent, strong smelling like horse’s urine.
  • Takes cold easily from change of weather; coryza every winter.
  • Milk is difficult to digest.


  • Startles easily.

At the least admonition, the child begins to weep piteously. [Hahnemann]

Very easily startled and frightened. [Allen]

Starts from fright on falling asleep. [Kent]

  • Gait weak and tottering. The child limps and steps only upon toes.

Schooling Child

  • Anxiety about health. The child fears that he is suffering from major illness, gets up at night and wants to be attended immediately.
  • Irritability and obstinacy.
  • Timid and apprehensive disposition.
  • Memory weak.

Weakness of intellectual faculties with unfitness for mental labor. Thoughts vanishes on slightest exertion of mind.

  • Breathing panting especially when reading or stooping over a desk in school boys. Dyspnoea and vertigo in children.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Cursing, swearing, abusive. Hatred of person who offends him.

  • Weeps easily.

Physical PQRS

  • Tongue clean, red with centre furrow .
  • Craving for indigestible things, fat, salt .
  • Discharges are excoriating, thin, dirty or brown, offensive.
  • Affinity for muco-cutaneous junctions- ulcerations, fissures, warts, condylomata.
  • Tendency to easy ulceration. Ulcers and cracks near muco-cutaneous junction and great tendency to spread and bleed. Spreads more in circumference than depth.
  • Profuse sweat. Offensive sweat in armpit and feet.
  • Tendency to easy bleeding. Haemorrhages- bright red, scanty.
  • Pricking splinter like pains in affected parts.
  • Better by riding in carriage. Headache, epilepsy, mental symptoms, etc… all are better by riding in carriage. (Riding on smooth road and if there is jolt it causes aggravation)

Entry points

Splinter like pains after passing stools.

Rule out

If can forgive people who offend him.

If no desire for fatty foods.

If anxiety for health is absent. If the child is constipated.

Fever totality

  • Icy coldness; of soles. Chilly- continuous.
  • Sweats easily; then takes cold. Exhausting (urinous) profuse sweats in morning; in axillae , on feet and hands (in spinal injuries). Night sweats on part lain on.


Evening, at night; Change of temperature; Touch; During sweat; Physical and mental exertion.


Riding in a carriage.



See under Causticum page no 183.



Approaching + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Left sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Hysterical Fast remedy


Nervous, hysterical subjects with stiff, straight hair rather than crisp and curly.

Delicate constitutions.

Hydrogenoid constitution.

Children with cool, dry skin, who do not easily perspire.


  • Weakness of memory; dullness. Forgetful, does not remember well known streets. Absent-mindedness, loss of memory. Absorbed in thoughts. Entire loss of memory of his past life. Does her household duties automatically; does not recollect what she has done.

It became difficult to recall to the mind things learned shortly before; for many such things the mind seemed paralyzed for many days together. Great incoherency on attempting to express her ideas. When writing, he had scarcely written half of the thoughts in his mind when everything vanished; the other part could be recalled only with difficulty, or frequently not at all; was first obliged to rest; commenced to write anew, but could write only a single word, when he had to stop and collect his thoughts. Before he could answer a question he was obliged to wait awhile and collect his thoughts; frequently in spite of everything he was unable to give an answer immediately; a kind of slowness of ideas. The words he employed to express his sensation remarkable for their merit of being the opposite to what he should have used; on the third day his thoughts hardly submitted themselves to his control, unless by a consciously great effort. [Allen]

  • Rapid change of moods. Changeable mood. Laughing and crying.

At one time mood more earnest, at another more inclined to laugh. Many ridiculous or extravagant acts or expressions, like idiocy, while she seemed perfectly conscious, and at the next moment, would appear chagrined at her conduct, and said she could not control her actions. Changeable humor; one moment laughing, the next crying. [Allen]

  • Irresistible desire to sleep.

From eating three nutmegs, after a moderate dinner, he is taken with unconquerable desire to sleep; he passes the afternoon in delirious slumber, with pleasant, peaceful dreams. [Allen] After about an hour he was seized with drowsiness, that gradually increased to complete stupor and insensibility, and not long afterwards he was found fallen from his chair, lying on the floor of his chamber in the state mentioned; being laid in bed he fell asleep, woke a little from time to time, when he was quite delirious; he thus continued alternately delirious and sleeping for several hours. [Allen]

The least exertion or mental excitement causes somnolence. [Clarke]

The Nux moschata patient is always ready to go to sleep; it is with great difficulty that she can keep awake. She falls asleep on all occasions in season and out of season. The eyes look heavy; she cannot keep awake; falls into a profound slumber, sometimes into coma. [Kent]

  • Sense of double personality; thinks she has two heads; seems to be two persons.

Seemed to be two persons, his real conscious self seemed to be watching his other self playing (piano). Hallucination that she has two heads. [Clarke]

  • Visionary dreamy states. Clairvoyant.

She prophesies, predicts with a sort of clairvoyance. [Kent]

  • Mockery. Jesting.

He seemed to himself to be remarkably lively, with constant throngs of joyous fancies, and he managed to see something ludicrous in everything. Disposition to laugh or jest at everything. [Allen]


  • Spasms of children with consciousness. Convulsions in children, epilepsy with consciousness, with diarrhoea; catalepsy.

In brain disorders of infants, in the stupor with insensibility and unconquerable desire to sleep, whether in idiopathic disorders of brain or in those occurring during cholera infantum, Nux moschata is one of the most precious remedies in the materia medica. [P. P. Wells]

  • Diarrhoea in children, during summer, from cold drinks, from boiled milk during dentition. Stool like fried eggs , with complete absence of appetite and drowsiness.
  • Waking confused.
  • Easy satiety. Sleepiness after feeding. Feeds hastily.


  • Marasmus of little children.
  • Changeable nature. One moment laughing and the other moment crying.
  • Fainting from looking at blood.
  • Milestones delayed.

Schooling Child

  • Thoughts vanish while writing, talking, reading, etc.

While writing he omits letters, writes in different alphabets against his will, and jumps from one subject to another.

He cannot comprehend what he is reading, does not know what he is reading.

Physical PQRS

  • There is great dryness of skin and mucous membranes. Skin very dry. Mouth so dry that saliva seems like cotton and the tongue adheres to roof of the mouth, yet there is no thirst.
  • Oversensitive to light, touch, smell, hearing.
  • Drowsiness and sleepiness.
  • Dizziness and disposition to faint. General inclination to become unconscious during acute attacks; from sight of blood , while standing (when dressing). Inclination to faint from slightest pain(Hepar sulph).

Faintness and even fainting when standing long such as occurs in a nervous woman standing to have a dress fitted. [Kent]

  • Enormous distension of abdomen during or just after every meal; without much pain; everything seems to turn to gas.
  • Stool is soft yet is unable to expel it even with long straining.

Entry points

Chilly + Thirstless + Sleepiness + Dry mouth.

Rule out

If the child perspires easily.

Fever totality

  • Alternate chill and heat.
  • Chill with stupor.
  • Sweat; red or bloody or absent.


Cold bath; Damp; Wind; Drafts; Fog; Cold feet; Changes of season; EMOTIONS, excitement; Exertion; Jar; Bruises; Slight causes; Mental exertion of shock; Summer, hot weather; Motion; Lying on painful side; Overheating; Milk; Shaking head.


Moist heat; Warm room; Dry weather.




In the cases of poisoning with Nux vomica, the most marked feature is the spasms and convulsions which cause death by arresting respiratory movements. “Convulsions with consciousness.” “Spasms with tetanic rigidity of nearly all the muscles of the body, with interruption of a few minutes, during which the muscles were relaxed; the pulse became soft and the patient recovered consciousness and speech; the spasm was renewed by the slightest touch, though at times it would immediately cease when the patient was tightly grasped, or the elbow was straightened up.” “During the spasms evident relief was afforded by forcible extension of the body.” [Clarke]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Both sided+ Thin

Diligent + Misbehavior

Touch me not

AWOTA (Angry when obliged to answer)



  • Mentally to Contradiction.



  • Physically to

All external stimulus – noise, light, strong odours.




Draft of air.


Suited to thin spare subjects, with dark hair and dark complexion who lead a sedentary life.

Nervous, extremely susceptible to external impressions.

The typical Nux vomica patient is rather thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable. He does a good deal of mental work; has mental strains and leads a sedentary life, found in prolonged office work, over study, and close application to business, with its cares and anxieties. This indoor life and mental strain seeks stimulants, coffee, wine, possibly in excess; or, again, he hopes to quiet his excitement, by indulging in the sedative effects of tobacco, if not really a victim, to the seductive drugs, like opium, etc. These things are associated with other indulgences; at table, he takes preferably rich and stimulating food; wine and women play their part to make him forget the close application of the day. Late hours are a consequence; a thick head, dyspepsia, and irritable temper are the next day’s inheritance. Now he takes some cathartic, liver pills, or mineral water, and soon gets into the habit of taking these things, which still further complicate matters. Since these frailties are more yielded to by men than women, Nux vomica is pre-eminently a male remedy. These conditions produce an irritable, nervous system, hypersensitive and over-impressionable, which Nux vomica will do much to soothe and calm. [Boericke]


  • Anger, Irascibility

Angry peevishness, angry disposition. He puckers up his forehead in wrinkles and crosses his arms. He is peevishly solicitous, takes everything amiss, and readily breaks out into scolding and abuse. She is much disposed to scolding crossness. Very much given to reproach others severely for their faults. Scolding, reproaches, abuse, jealous invectives, mixed with indelicate expressions- then soon howling and loud weeping. Scolding humour developing into acts. [Hahnemann]

  • Intolerance of contradiction

She cannot bear the least contradiction, not suffer the most reasonable representations to induce her to alter her conduct; they put her beside herself. He obstinately opposes what others wish. [Hahnemann]

  • AWOTA (Angry When Obliged To Answer)

He is hasty, looks malignantly at any one who asks him anything, without answering, just as if he must control himself in order to avoid becoming coarse; it seems as if he would like to strike anyone in the face who speaks a word to him, so irritable and uncontrollable is his disposition. [Hahnemann]

  • Anxious about his health, and will have fear to die.

Extraordinary anxiety. She deems the pain she suffers intolerable and will rather take her own life. Anxiety with impulse to commit suicide. He fears death. She thinks herself near death. He is apprehensive, frightened, and readily starts, whilst his head is as if intoxicated and giddy. Anxious solicitude and inconsolableness, which breaks out in loud weeping complaints and reproaches, and sometimes passes into continual groaning, with very hot red cheeks, without thirst. Anxiety from suspicious and timorous solicitude, especially in the hours after midnight. She groans and sighs in a lamentable manner, without giving any reason for doing so. [Hahnemann]

Melancholy, with great uneasiness respecting the health, eagerness to speak of the disease, despair of a cure, and fear of approaching death. [Clarke]

Desire for solitude, repose, and tranquility, with repugnance to conversation. [Clarke]


  • Emaciated marasmic children with ravenous appetite.
  • Cannot tolerate noise, light or touch.
  • Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist.
  • Awakes early and then cannot go back to sleep again.
  • Sleepiness after feeding.
  • Child wakes at 2 a.m. to 3 a.m., plays for some time and then falls into a very deep sleep and wakes late in morning.
  • Hungry but gets easily satisfied.
  • Colic in nursing infants from stimulating food taken by the mother.
  • Constipation in children, in new born infants. Insufficient incomplete stool.
  • Umbilical hernia of infants from constipation or crying. Pressure and sense of weakness in the left inguinal ring- hence cures hernia in babies (Lycopodium- right side).
  • Aphthae of children. Small aphthous ulcers in the mouth and throat with putrid smell, bloody saliva runs out at night, gums scorbutic, and spits coagulated blood .
  • Worms in children.
  • Frequent urging to urinate. Infant screams before urination.
  • Snuffles in infants with catarrh and coryza which is dry at night and fluent by day.
  • Convulsions in children, in new born infants. Convulsions with consciousness.


  • Biting people who try to control him. Tears things.
  • Oversensitive to all external impressions .
  • Jealousy between children.
  • Restless children, roving, wandering.
  • Intolerant of contradiction.
  • Great nervous debility, trembling. A child falls asleep easily when walking.

Schooling Child

  • Intolerant to noise.
  • The Nux vomica child is extremely competitive about his grades and sports. He is a terrible loser. The parents may say that the child can under

no circumstances admit that he is at fault or that he has made a mistake. Jealousy towards his siblings.

  • Takes risk. Zealous. Enthusiastic. Wants to be the first and the best.

Competitive and hard worker.

  • Strong inner urge to achieve. Ambitious.
  • Fastidious; wants everything perfect and in order and gets angry when the work or things are not in proper order.
  • Easily offended.
  • Frustrated by little things. Big issues don’t trouble him, but the small things irritate him. Easily becomes angry at very silly matters, trifling ailments are unbearable, every harmless word offends. Tendency to break things from anger and frustration .
  • Very irritable, fastidious, quarrelsome, spiteful. Quarrelsome, even to violence.
  • Impatience in work. Impulsive.

Impulses are strongly marked at times. The woman has impulses to destroy her husband or to throw her child into the fire; the impulse is intermingled with violent temper; cannot be contradicted or opposed, if a chair is in the way he kicks it over, if while undressing a part of his clothing should catch on a button he would pull it off because he is so mad at it. (Like Nitric acid). An uncontrollable state of irritability. [Kent]

  • Ill humored, finds fault with everybody and scolds them. Censorious and critical. The parents sat that the child under no circumstances admit that he is at fault or that he has made a mistake.
  • He is apt to make mistakes in speaking and writing; leaves out syllables and whole words .
  • Sleepy in the afternoon after heavy lunch.
  • Jealousy towards his siblings.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Weeping .

Extremely solicitous and inconsolable; breaks out into loud weeping, with complaints and reproaches that at times change to constant groaning, with very red, hot cheeks, without thirst. [Allen]

  • Anger Extrapunitive Abusive.

He was in such an irritable and unrestrained mood that it seemed as though he would like to strike anyone in the face who spoke a word to him. [Allen]

  • Reproaches others. Censorious and critical .

He quarrels, reproaches, scolds, insults from jealousy, mingled with unchaste expressions.


  • On examination the child will cry loudly and also hit the doctor.

Physical PQRS

  • Oversensitive

He feels everything too strongly. Over-sensitiveness to impressions of the senses; he cannot bear strong odours and bright light. He cannot bear any noise or speaking; music and singing affect him strongly. Over tender, soft disposition; music affects him to tears. The slightest step and the smallest shaking of the floor is felt by her painfully, intolerably. [Hahnemann] Oversensitive to noise to light to the least current of air, to his surrounding; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kind of food disturb, strong food disturb; oversensitive to medicines.

  • Sudden onset .
  • Great aversion to fluids, which were swallowed with great difficulty and often not at all .
  • Asthmatic children – aggravation in warm room; amelioration by cold air and damp wet weather.
  • Tough thick hair .
  • Tongue – first half of tongue clean, posterior covered with deep fur, white yellow cracked edges.
  • Uneasy, ineffectual urging for stools, ameliorated by passing stools.
  • Sleepy in the evening or sleepless from rush of ideas. Awakes too early, cannot go to sleep again .
  • Desires fat, spices, stimulants.
  • Convulsions with consciousness.

Entry points

Perspiration upper lip.

Rule out

If disease is slowly progressing.

If the child can sleep in noisy environment.

Fever Totality

  • Wants to be covered in every stage of fever; cannot move or uncover without being chilly.
  • Chill with thirst and heat without thirst. Excessive rigor with blue finger nails.
  • Excessive thirst for cold water.
  • Body burning hot especially face but unable to move or uncover without feeling chilly.
  • Sweat; sour; one sided .
  • Face red and hot during fever.
  • Sensitive to all external stimulus – light, noise, etc.


Early morning; Cold, open air; Mental exertion; Vexation; Anger; Noise, Odour, Touch.


Wrapping head; Lying on sides; Free discharges; Moist air.



Both Mercury and Nux vomica are very aggressive. But Nux vomica is more zealous and mercury is more manipulative. So if there is an obstacle in their work, Nux vomica will not stop, and will aggressively try to overcome the obstacle. It is like a road roller which will crush things in their path, whereas Mercury will first try to aggressively overcome the obstacle, and if it finds that it is not easy, will then manipulatively change the course and reach the target.


Angustura Vera

Angustura is very similar to Nux vomica, where Angustura has a strong feeling of bitterness, offended easily from slightest offence, cannot take a joke, oversensitiveness like Nux vomica but it lacks tenacity, obstinacy and the overbearing self-confidence of Nux vomica. Angustura lacks courage and will not confront authority as Nux vomica does.


Upas Tieute

Upas is similar to Nux vomica in oversensitiveness of all senses, irritable and quarrelsome, but Upas is more of left sided, whereas Nux vomica is more of Right sided.


See under Chamomilla page no 192.


See under Coffea page no 215.


See under Ignatia page no 288.



Opium is a drug remedy. Popularly known as “prince of pain killing palliatives”. In small doses Opium produces a transient exhilarating effect; mind feels as if floating in the air, unencumbered by the laws of space and gravity. The imagination has full play. While in large doses it produces a sleepy state varying from a pleasant feeling of easy drowsiness to the most profound stupor. Hence we see a lot of contrast in the drug picture of Opium. It can be both approaching or withdrawing, hyperactive or hypoactive.

Extroverted Opiums are very sharp, good orators, good planners and have acute hearing [Vijayakar].


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Left sided + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Senses Acute Fast remedy



A contented infant is one who does not show any reaction when you touch or approach him. He will not demand feeds and mother would say that he will not cry even if not fed for the whole day. She have to check the time and feed him. It is not that the infant is not hungry. When the mother feeds the infant he will take proper and complete feed. It is just that he doesn’t demand anything. Wants nothing, says nothing ails him. Unable to understand or appreciate his sufferings. Indifference to pain and pleasure.

Constant quiet contentment of mind, as if in heaven. Without pain, he passed the whole night in the most extreme contentment of mind. Great strength and courage. [Allen]

Wants to be let alone. She tells you she is not sick; and yet she has a temperature of 105°-106°, is covered with a scorching hot sweat, has a rapid pulse; is delirious. You ask her how she is and she says she is perfectly well and happy; no pains or aches; wants nothing and has no symptoms. But the nurse tells you that the patient has passed no stool or urine. [Kent]


Children with wrinkled face or skin, look like a little dried up old man. Children with light hair, lax muscles and want of bodily irritability.

Opium is to be thought of in those children whose moral sense has never developed, who lie and steal.


  • Ailments from fright

Opium is a very important medicine for complaints originating from fright when fear or idea of fear remains (Fear after which fright remains) . The complaints usually start whenever there is an episode of fright in the child. For example, the toddler sees ghosts on the television, or someone scares him with a ghost mask, and the very next day he is down with fever.

If a dog jumps at him suddenly he will be thrown into convulsions, have diarrhoea, fits of some sort and it will be days and weeks before that fear is gone. Complaints from fear when the fear remains or the idea of the fear remains or the cause of it comes before the eyes. A pregnant woman is frightened and an abortion is impending and the object of the fright continually looms up before her eyes. Epilepsy dating back to a fright and that object comes up before the eyes before the attack comes on and the fear of the fright remains. [Kent] Case: Baby S, a 4 month old, at night was sleeping on the bed beside her mother. Suddenly at night he fell down from the bed (as he was sleeping on the edge). But the baby did not cry. The parents were scared that he must have hurt himself. But the baby didn’t cry though he has a big swelling on the occipital region. Next day he developed fever. He was cured of opium on 2 symptoms, ailment from fright, and reaction – no complaining.

  • Approaching

All (narcotic) drug remedies like Opium, Morphinum, Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Coffea, etc are approaching remedies. Though narcotics, they act differently on the body so their way of expressing approachness is also different. Opium is very talkative, cheerful, loquacious, sharp and quick to act.

Cheerfulness, courage, contentment, increased vigor. She felt very lively and cheerful, and was capable of doing any quantity of work. She had severe family afflictions, but was not at all distressed by them while under the influence of Opium, though she felt them severely at other times. If I was in high spirits and very active, if I walked or took such exercise as made me warm and perspire, the effects made their appearance considerably sooner, were less in degree, and much less in duration. It makes the opium-eaters (who are usually sad and stupid) cheerful; they carouse, sing amorous songs, laugh much, and make all sorts of gestures; this pleasant excitement of mind and emotion lasts an hour. Elevation of spirits and watchfulness remained sometimes a few hours, at other times the whole remaining part of the day. The effects upon her spirits were most exhilarating; she felt lively and cheerful, and could accomplish almost any amount of household work. [Allen]

Great flow of ideas, with gaiety and a disposition to indulge in sublime and profound reflections. Very easy comprehension. [Clarke]

  • Courageous

Rash, bold and courageous.

Fearless, courageous, rash, inconsiderate children.

Audacious ferocity. Great strength, courage, contentment with himself. Sensation of courage with activity, as if he could forcibly accomplish whatever was required without dread or fear, with a peculiar sensation of lustiness, followed by dullness of the head, etc.. Courage, fearlessness, great-heartedness. Undaunted in danger. Opium causes in those fearing surgical operations courage and endurance. [Allen]

  • Lack of moral sense

Spoiled children, do not have any moral sense. They lie and steal.

Opium-eaters are inconstant; they often promise what they soon refuse to abide by (every one avoids them and wishes to have nothing to do with them). [Allen]

  • Contented

Complains of nothing. Wants nothing; says he is not sick.

  • Screaming before or during spasm.
  • Delirium with great stupor; picking of bed clothes during sleep.
  • Great sensitivity to sound, light and faintest odours .


  • Red face, half closed eyes.
  • Hot sweat over covered parts of the body.
  • Oversensitive to noise.
  • Sleepy but cannot sleep; Sleeps light. Sensitive to slightest noise during sleep. Unrefreshing sleep, wakes tired. Mouth open during sleep.
  • Hungry, but no desire for feed. Will not demand.
  • Obstinate constipation; stools hard, like black balls, offensive; stools protrude and recede. Constipation in newborn; in children especially bottle fed.
  • Spasms of children from approach of strangers; throws limbs or stretches arm at right angle to the body. Stupor between spasms.
  • Sudden retrocession of eruptions resulting in paralysis.
  • Intestinal spasms , child cries day and night.


  • Careless and heedless.
  • Acuteness of hearing.
  • Sleepy, but cannot sleep (Belladonna, Chamomilla), sleeplessness with acuteness of hearing, clock striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep her awake.
  • Retention of urine in children.

Schooling Child

  • Lack of morals.
  • Senses hyperacute.
  • Indifference to pain and pleasure. Does not complain.
  • Loquacious.
  • Good orator and speaker.
  • Gigantic planner.
  • Singing hilarious.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • No reaction or expression.

Physical PQRS

  • All complaints with great stupor and sweat.
  • Painlessness of complaints usually painful. Complains of nothing, asks for nothing.
  • Profuse perspiration.

All secretions are suppressed except perspiration which is profuse. Hot sweat over covered parts of the body. Child wants cool open air and wants to be uncovered.

  • Child usually constipated. Stool hard, black, and dry, like sheep dung (Chelidonium, Plumbum, Thuja). Feces protrude and recede (Silicea, Thuja, Sambucus.) Involuntary stool after fright (Gelsemium).
  • Retention of urine; in children from nursing after anger in nurse; from spasms of neck of bladder; from fright. Distension of the bladder but no power to expel the urine and catheter has to be used.
  • Cholera infantum with stupor. Trembling, twitching of the muscles of face, old look after cholera infantum , hanging down of lower jaw. Involuntary black, offensive stools. Great weakness, dark red face, collapse and sleepiness. Opium is useful in cholera infantum when the discharges have been suppressed and the child has become unconscious with insensible pupils and flushed face.
  • Epilepsy; in sleep; from approach of strangers (children); from fright; aggravation glare of light; from anger; insult. Trembling twitching of the muscles of face, old look; after cholera infantum; of a suckling three or four weeks old. Spasms and convulsions after sudden retrocession of acute exanthemata, from nursing , after fright of mother, (Hyoscyamus; after anger of mother– Chamomilla, Nux vomica) from crying, from approach of strangers; worse glare of light. During spasm eyes half–open and upturned (eyes turned downward – Aethusa). Screams before and during spasms (Apis, Helleborus). Convulsions in a warm room. Sleep follows the convulsions. [Phatak]
  • There is want of susceptibility to well selected remedies due to lack of vital reaction.

Entry points

Approaching child with good orator skills and sharp brain.

Child who is contented, non-demanding.

Ailments from fright. Complaints develop after fright.

Rule out

Child complains of pain.

Child is conscientious and diligent.

Fever Totality

  • Profuse perspiration.
  • Skin is hot and damp.
  • Intense thirst with great sleepiness.

(Without anguish, fear and restlessness of Aconite)


During and after sleep; While perspiring; Warmth; Stimulants; Sleep.


From cold; Constant walking.



In Stramonium there is suppression of urine from fright; while in Opium the secretion is not diminished, the bladder is full but fullness is unrecognized.


See under Aconite page no 8.




Palladium, one of the rare metals, was first separated from native Platinum by Wollaston in 1803, and was named after the planet Pallas, which had been discovered just before that time by Olbers. [Clarke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Right sided Obedient + Non-diligent



  • Wants Praise , Attention and Appreciation .

The chief characteristic of Palladium in the mental sphere is “Love of approbation,” which lays its victim an easy prey to slights real or imaginary, and easily gives place to a state of “wounded pride and fancied neglect”; irritability which often finds vent in violent expressions. Such a patient is ameliorated in society, and aggravated after the party or entertainment. [Clarke]

  • Will talk very nicely.
  • Will do things to attract attention and gain praise – “Wants to be Centre of attraction” .
  • Will make efforts to show her importance or worth in doing a particular task .


  • Love of approbation

Seeks the good opinion of others and attaches great importance to the opinions of others .

The main feeling in Palladium is that if she does not earn the good opinion of others, she will be neglected and forsaken. These persons lay a great emphasis on what other persons think of them, and so they always try to get good opinion of others. [Sankaran]

On seeing a Palladium patient one is inclined to think: “What a nice person she is, how good she looks, how nicely she talks, how well she manages, how well she works”. [Sankaran]

  • Adventurous

Interested in adventurous things, like fast driving or trekking.

Anything that sets your pulse running.

Likes to take risks or to lead.

Situations where no risk is involved are not appealing to them. They love accepting and taking risks; best when in a challenging difficult situation.

Adventurous, so that he is noticed. e.g.: learning, swimming,  driving at young age.

  • Precocity

Will be interested in learning new things – many interests.

  • Vanity

Pays much attention to outward appearance. Great problems with getting older. May be narcissistic.

Child will dress like a princess.


  • Irritable child.
  • Wants company; better in social gatherings.
  • Will sleep if massaged. Better by rubbing but consolation aggravates.


  • Wants to be flattered. The child will do all the work if he is praised. And if you ask him to do any work without praising him, or if you order him to do something, he will immediately start crying and refuse to do it.
  • Easily feels neglected. The child will feel jealous if the parents praise the sibling or another child.
  • Sensitive to rudeness.
  • Offended easily, takes everything in bad part. Scolds, swears, curses.
  • Wants to be dressed nicely and wants new clothes. Will not wear clothes if they are dirty, torn or old.
  • Tries to appear as amiable as possible but is obstinate.
  • Drawing will be neat and clean and the colors will not go outside the lines. But he will use dark colors (Carcinosin will use bright colors because he is very sensitive, but Palladium will use dark colors because he is haughty and obstinate).
  • Time passes too slowly.

Schooling Child

  • Will be very good in studies. Fast in studying.
  • Good boy image; Competitive. Will be the teacher’s favorite.
  • Feels useless if not given importance.
  • Will try to be the best friend to everyone, will do things to gain appreciation.
  • Cannot tolerate criticism or if anyone else is appreciated or is on a higher place or is given a better impression than his.
  • Very ambitious in life.
  • Egoistic and haughty.
  • Will keep telling everyone about what great things they have done to get appreciation from others.
  • Will take part in drama competition, stage performances , etc. because they want appreciation. (Argentum metallicum will have stage fear).
  • Miser.
  • Aversion to exercise.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • When others are praised in front of them or they are criticized in front of others, they get wild and become abusive and use foul language.

Physical PQRS

  • The chief characteristic of Palladium is affections of the right ovary attended with pains which are ameliorated by pressure.

Skinner cured with Palladium a young lady who had excessive pain in the right ovary during the menses. The only relief she could get was by inducing her sister to sit on that region. This better by pressure distinguishes the pain of Palladium from the similar ovarian pain of Platina. [Clarke]

Entry points

Good boy or girl image. Flattery, praise desires.

Rule out

If avoids parties and not interested to wear good clothes. If not sensitive to others opinion.

Fever Totality

Cold hands and feet with pain in back.


Emotions (lively, chagrin); Social functions; Standing; Exertion .


Touch; Pressure; Diversion; Rubbing; After sleep; After stools .



Though both Carcinosin and Palladium are well-behaved, precocious and aggravated by consolation but Carcinosin is mild while Palladium is haughty and egoistic. Carcinosin has good boy image because of his fastidious nature and sensitivity to criticism and reprimands but Palladium because he wants praise, appreciation and attention.


Saccharum and Chocolate

Palladium         Saccharum alb        Chocolate

Approaching + Sensitive to criticism.

  • Metal. •Plant.                   •Plant + drug.
  • Egoistic. •Sweet and Affectionate. •        Political.
  • Impatient. •Hyperactive.         •Patience.
  • Party lover. •Happy within         himself       •        Wants         to      make                                                         others happy.
  • Seeks attention by • Seeks attention •        Seeks attention by

dressing up and show.       by sweet talk.      doing good deeds.

  • Wants appreciation. •Wants love. • Wants love and


  • Obedient. •Misbehaving.        •Obedient.





Palladium                         Manganum

  • Wants appreciation for looks         Wants appreciation for work and deeds (Vijayakar)



Phosphorus                         Palladium

Approaching + Chilly + Party animal + wants appreciation

+ feels neglected

  • Likes Consolation   Aggravation Consolation.

Likes praises but not pity      or consolation

• Timid • Strong
• Thirsty • Thirstless
• Left sided • Right sided



Platina is QUEEN and Palladium is PRINCESS.

Palladium suffers from mental excitement, particularly in company. She always has an aggravation of her symptoms the day following an evening’s entertainment. She is easily put out of humor, and is then inclined to use pretty strong language. She imagines herself very much neglected, and as she attaches great importance to the good opinion of others, this annoys her very much. The Platina woman is very different. She is egotistical in another form. Under Palladium, pride is easily wounded.

In Platina the patient is haughty and egotistical; she looks down on others as not being good enough for her. [Farrington]

Palladium pains are better by pressure. This differentiates it from Platina [Murphy]



Lilium-tigrinum resembles both Palladium and Platinum and you will have to keep these three remedies together in your minds. They all have irritability, easily angered, and things don’t go right but only Palladium has this over-sensitiveness to offence, and only Platinum the hauteur.




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + One sided (left sided paralysis)

Non diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy


Suited to the dark types who suffer from catarrhal conditions of the mucus membranes, gastric acidity and cutaneous eruptions.

Lean emaciated subjects.


  • Mannish habits of girl.
  • Angry carbon.
  • Offended easily.
  • Sense of duality.


  • Emaciation though eating well.
  • Indolence in morning.
  • Touch me not child.
  • Always hungry; wants feed always. Wakes up at night for feed.
  • Diarrhoea in daytime only, none at night. Diarrhoea after suppressed skin eruptions.
  • Good remedy for diaper rash and occipital eczema in infants.
  • Dryness of skin in winters. Every little injury suppurates.

Schooling Child

  • Vertical frown on forehead.
  • Irresolution and confused.
  • Excitable and quick temper. When angry will express his emotions; will speak straight forward even to teachers.
  • Non-diligent. Indifference to the dictates of conscience.
  • Mannish habits of girls (TOM BOY). Hates girl talks, girl clothes, girl occupation like cooking. Likes boyish games like cricket, football. Loves going for shopping. Likes action and adventurous movies.
  • Does not have good relations with the mother. Insolent talks with the mother. Doesn’t share anything her.
  • Lack of confidence; has anticipation before exams.
  • Can’t understand directions well. Loses his way in well known streets.
  • Physical indolence. Will lie down on sofa and watch television. When parents instruct some work, hates to move and do it.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive.

Very outspoken and expresses her displeasure without any fear.

Physical PQRS

  • Nausea from car riding.
  • Burning palms and soles.
  • Appetite increased.
  • Aversion to open air.
  • Foul smelling sweat.
  • Skin

Ragged, chapped hands and fingers; bleeding; SKIN; fragile; cracks deeply, Aggravation in angles, nipples, finger-tips or palms. Psoriasis palmaris. DIRTY, HARD, ROUGH, THICKENED SKIN; like parchment; it gets raw, festers or won’t heal, Aggravation in folds .

Entry points


Angry carbon.


Motion (cars, boat), Riding in carriage; Before and during thunderstorm; WINTER; Dampness; Eating; Change of weather.


Summer; Warm air; Dry weather; With head high.


Carbo veg

Petroleum                            Carbo veg

Both are carbons

  • Emotional Dull and unemotional
  • Reaction – Frightened easily,         Reaction – Irritability and anger easily, quarrelsome   SARCASM



See under Chamomilla page no 192.




A school boy staying in hostel has studied well, but scores bad marks in examination. On seeing the result, the boy starts weeping, does not want to talk to anybody, not even to his friends and gets angry when friends question him. He feels homesick, wants to go home. This is the typical Phosphoric acid state.


It is useful in all phases of life where change, growth or expansion is involved. For example, change in relationship (mother going back to work), moving house, or even going on holidays (homesickness), changing school, or increased academic demands in school (mathematics is most typical subject).


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Right sided

Diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy



Phosphoric acid children do not want to be disturbed. They keep on watching television and when their parents tell them something they are inattentive and absorbed in the television. Parents then shout at them to stop watching the television, which makes them feel bad and they go to their room and brood. They refuse to eat.


Suited for overtaxed (mentally or physically) young people who grow rapidly and are tall, slender and slim.

Persons of originally strong constitution weakened by loss of fluids; excesses; violent acute diseases; chagrin or a long succession of moral emotions.


  • Unexpressed grief.

Sensitive to reprimands, but doesn’t express his grief in front of anyone.

Never answers back if shouted at. Keeps things to herself.

  • Affectionate and caring.

Loves kissing everyone at home, called as the kissing bird.

If mother is not well, takes care of her, will not disturb her.

If someone is ill at home, gets very anxious and takes care.

Takes care of the younger brother, fights with the person who troubles him.

  • Timid, mild and yielding. Listens to teachers.

Never touches other’s things.

Hesitates to ask anything.

Avoids fights, even if troubled.

Fear of being alone, of dark. Mother has to stand out when she goes to the toilet.

  • Weakness, Slowness, and Indifference.

Keeps doing work all the time, never able to complete it. Can’t work fast, takes a lot of time.

No interest in surroundings, busy in her own world.

Indifference to everything. Wants to lie and watch television.

Mental debility first; later physical.

Discouraged, resignation.

Apathetic from unequal struggling with adverse circumstances.

  • Withdrawing

Quiet, unwilling to speak. Aversion to talking, and answers reluctantly.

Always cross, disinclination to speak. Silent crossness. He speaks unwillingly, talking is very disagreeable to him. He speaks little and answers unwillingly questions put to him. Dislikes to speak. He does not like to talk, it is an effort for him. Indisposed to talk. [Hahnemann]

  • Refuses to eat.
  • Difficult concentration in children.
  • Likes company .
  • Anticipation .
  • Child is diligent (meaning he has interest in studies, do their homework), but intellect is poor so they learn poorly. Memory is weak and the child is slow in doing mathematics.


  • Awakened by canine hunger .
  • Better by cat nap sleep .
  • Persistent, painless, watery diarrhoea, often containing undigested particles of food, and which does not debilitate .

Child with copious watery stool in summer; so copious that the napkin seems of no use; the stool runs all over the mother’s dress and on the floor forming great puddles; the stool is almost odourless thin and watery and the little one smiles as if nothing were the matter. The mother wonders where it all comes from and yet the child seems well. [Kent]

  • Frequent urination at night. Passes a great quantity of urine.
  • Music aggravation and aversion. Every note causes stitches in ear. The infant will scratch the ears.


  • Growing pains.
  • Bone affections.

Action of Phosphoric acid on the bones. You may give it in scrofulous affections of children; for example, in hip diseases and in curvature of the spine from caries of the vertebra. When this symptom is present: if the child is old enough he will complain of a feeling as if the bones were being scraped with a knife. This is from inflammation of the periosteum. This symptom is worse at night. [Farrington]

  • Puts fingers in the nose.
  • Desires cold milk, fruit juices.

Schooling Child

  • Mild and yielding disposition.
  • Difficult comprehension . Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word. Memory is weak. Thoughts cannot be connected and thinking makes him dizzy. Paucity of ideas and unfitness for intellectual labour.

“When reading a thousand other thoughts came into his head, and he could not rightly comprehend anything; what he read became as if dark in his head, and he immediately forgot all; what he had long known he could only recall with difficulty.” Such states of mind and the senses are frequently observed in those under the influence of grief and other depressing emotions; from over study; and in the subjects of venereal excesses and seminal loss. But whilst those losses produce extreme weakness of mind and body, and an abashed, sad state of mind with despair of cure, there is one drain which does not debilitate- diarrhoea. [Clarke]

  • Hair thins out and grays early in life.
  • Disposition to weep as from nostalgia.
  • Love Sick

Parents are separated, he stays with mother. Misses father.

Father expired at a very young age.

Child seeing fights between parents, sits quietly or cries alone.

  • Great indifference. A complete indifference to everything. Child does not want anything, does not want to speak, and shows no interest in the outside world.
  • Dull, stupid look on the face.

The mind seems tired. When questioned he answers slowly or does not speak but only looks at the questioner. He is too tired to talk or even think. He says: Don’t talk to me; let me alone. This state is found in both acute and chronic diseases. He is so tired in the mind, perfectly exhausted. He merely looks. Finally he rouses up and says: Don’t talk to me, I am so tired. He cannot think what he wishes to say, cannot frame his answers to questions. [Kent]

  • Desires refreshing things (such as coke, lemonade) and cold milk.
  • Headache of school girls.

In headache, Phosphoric acid occasionally comes into play, especially when the trouble occurs in school-girls; the headache comes on when they study and continues as long as the mental effort is maintained. [Farrington]

Reaction to stimulus

  • Speak to me not.
  • Angry when obliged to answer.
  • Grief Non-expressing.
  • Indifference .
  • Resignation .

Physical PQRS

  • Perspiration profuse .
  • Marked weakness with free secretions.
  • Desire for refreshing juicy things and cold milk.
  • Tendency to abscesses after fever.
  • Craving fruits, she lives on fruits.
  • Poor eaters .

Entry points

“Pichku face”.

Mother says that her child is very thin and weak; always remains tired.

Averse to be disturbed, likes to play but exhausted soon.

In the history we mostly get never been well since an old illness and since that time their performance in studies started going down.

Though very weak feels recouped by a very short sleep. Painless non debilitating diarrhoea.

Rule out

If physical weakness comes first, then mental weakness.

In Phosphoric acid the muscles seem strong after the mind has given out. The patient seems vigorous physically. He says he is all right—physically, can work, can exercise even violently; but the mind is tired, there is mental apathy, he cannot add up a column of figures, cannot read the newspaper and carry the trend of thought, and cannot connect circumstances. He forgets the names of those in his family; a business man forgets the names of his clerks; he is in confusion. Yet he can exercise, can go out and walk; the weakness in the muscles will come later. [Kent]

If the disease spreads fast. If good at mathematics.

Fever Totality

  • Dull + Chilly + Thirstless + Diligent
  • Sluggish painless fever.
  • One side of face or abdomen cold.
  • Marked weakness with desire for refreshing things.
  • Profuse sweat.


Loss of fluids; Fatigue; Convalescence from fevers; Emotion; Grief; Chagrin; Mental shock; Home sickness; Unhappy Love; Fright (chronic); Drafts; Cold; Music; Talking; Sitting; Standing; Over lifting; Operations.


Warmth; Short sleep.


Muriatic acid

Phosphoric acid                  Muriatic Acid

  • Mental weakness first then • Physical weakness first

physical weakness .                then mental weakness.



Phosphoric acid                         Sepia

Both are Dull, Chilly and Thirstless

  • Indifference to everything but         Indifference to everything anxious about his health.    even to his health.




Hahnemann’ s proving brought out the fine indications, without which the generals are of little service, and to Hahnemann’s symptoms have been added those of later proving and of numerous cases of poisoning, and the effects on workers in match factories, especially necrosis of the lower jaw. The vapour given off by unignited Phosphorus in Phosphorus oxide. The jaw affection, called “Phossy jaw” by the workpeople themselves, is accompanied by profound adynamia, and not infrequently ends in death. [Clarke]


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided + Tall and stooping

Non-diligent + Obedient + Timid Affectionate + Wants magnetism



Need is love. Gives love because he needs love. They are extroverted and sympathetic because they are seeking love.


Tall slender children of sanguine temperament with narrow chest.

Children who grow too rapidly and are inclined to stoop.

Delicate, waxy, anaemic and emaciated.

Skin transparent, delicate long silky eyelashes, long silky hair and easy, graceful manners.

The Phosphorus child is sensitive, precocious and open and makes friends with all age groups. The mental development is excellent, yet they have not the physique to support this keenness of mind.


  • Open, Extrovert, Lively

Phosphorus will be a very approaching child making good eye to eye contact, but there is always the element of fear involved. If you shout at them loudly, they will immediately start crying. They will have fear of the soft toys (of big animals) kept in the clinic (like Tuberculinum).

Loquacious delirium. Exhilaration of the spirits. Great excitement; she sang, laughed. Excited and passionate, almost without cause. Freedom of mind, good humor, with agreeable warmth of the whole body, especially of the hands, that are quite red from the blood; everything seems brighter to her. Lively, good-humored; she sings and hums to herself. [Allen]

  • Timidity

Fear of being alone, dark and ghosts. Child wakes at night and comes to parents’ bed. (Pulsatilla , Stramonium).

Wherever he turned his eyes he saw faces; they swarmed by him in long panoramic succession; they leered at him over the footboard of the bed; they squinted at him through the windows, or came trooping in when the doors were left ajar; he would watch these apparitions for hours, complaining that they would not let him sleep. [Allen]

As the darkness of the night began to enclose the earth, my peace was disturbed by the most frightful visions and thoughts; constant fear of death, with an almost uncontrollable desire to commit suicide. [Allen]

Horrible fearfulness, late in the evening, as if a horrible face were looking out from every corner. An indescribable feeling of fright. Very easily frightened. Frightened feeling, as if I was about to be run over by a locomotive. The world was frightful to him, only weeping could relieve him; soon afterwards complete dullness and indifference. Did not like to be alone. Felt nervous, as if I were going to die. [Allen]

  • Magnetized desire to be, and ameliorates

They are very affectionate, will talk sweetly and if anyone in the family is ill, will take good care of them. They are good mannered children, will behave very nicely in the clinic. They are affectionate because they want affection back. They like to be praised and if you praise them they feel very happy. (Natrum mur, Ignatia and Staphysagria are also good mannered in the clinic, but Phosphorus is approaching, and will like to share their feelings with you, will express their symptoms but Natrum mur, Ignatia, and Staphysagria will not like to express their symptoms). Sympathetic, desire sympathy. Holding, being held desire to. Clinging, child will always take hand of mother.

  • Restless, fidgety .

Moves constantly; cannot sit or stand still for a moment. Tuberculinum will also be very similar to Phosphorus, but the speed of the Tuberculinum patient will be very fast. Tuberculinums like fast things like fast cars and they have a lot of fascination about cars.

  • Watchful children, on look for every gesture. Keenly observes what you are doing.
  • Sensitive to all external impressions – noise, odour, light , etc.
  • Child gets easily angered and becomes vehement.

Morose, very much affected by every object, especially by people or noises. Ill-humor during the last days of the proving; she became exceedingly sensitive to the crying of a child, which affected her very unpleasantly, which had never before been the case. Very bad humor, even under the best circumstances. Very irritable mood; every word excited her and she becomes despondent on account of it. Mental irritability, uncommon vehemence in argument. Very peevish, and unable to forget the cause of vexation. Felt exceedingly petulant all day; nothing went right; felt as dissatisfied with myself as with others; seemed as if everybody said or did something to provoke me. Very much affected, even by slight vexation. Vexation causes violent anger and rage. [Allen]

  • Mentally keen.

Intellectual. Increased activity. My mind became very clear; I could remember with the utmost distinctness my past life; orations delivered during college days I could rehearse word for word, and tell the day and circumstances attending their delivery; lectures I had heard years before came before my mind. Rush of ideas that were difficult for her to put in order. [Allen]


  • Excited and nervous .
  • All senses are hyperacute, and get easily affected by any atmospheric changes. Moon phases aggravation.
  • Cannot remain hungry. Gets irritable and cranky when hungry.
  • Night baby; will be playful in the evening and go to sleep very late.
  • Startles easily; will not allow the doctor to examine him.
  • Feels better when massaged.
  • Cannot sleep or lie down alone in the room. Wants someone to be there whom he can see.
  • Prefers salty food. Likes milk to be cold before he takes it . Will not take warm feed.
  • Diarrhoea or stools are sago like or slender, long and dry.


  • Normally the child is very open and talkative. But sometimes if the fear creeps in (because of past experience of vaccination, when the doctor had given him injection) then the toddler will also be scared of examination.
  • The toddlers are otherwise quite observant, and watch carefully what the doctor is doing. Next time he will also try to imitate the same things, like taking the stethoscope and trying to examine others.
  • Mentally sharp.
  • Fear of thunderstorm.
  • Will come close to you and wants touch; desires to be magnetized.
  • Fear of ghosts, dark.
  • Have a history of epistaxis.

Schooling Child

  • Very friendly having lots of friends. After coming home from school, they will call up friends and talk to them.
  • Gets easily attached to anybody.
  • Startles easily if anyone calls them from behind.
  • Loves coloring more than drawing. Loves bright colors and avoids dull colors.
  • Craving cold things and ice-creams .

Reaction to stimulus

  • Weeps loudly to get sympathy.
  • Will observe very keenly what the doctor is doing and will then try to imitate the same actions (of examination with the stethoscope) on mother.
  • You will also see a phosphorus child who is approaching, but gets scared when you make them lie on the examination table for examination. They will scream.

Physical PQRS

  • Aversion to warm foods and sweets. Craves salt, cold food and drinks.
  • Hunger: must eat often especially during the night.

Burning between the shoulder-blades.

Burning in spots along the spine.

Intense heat running up the spine.

Burning of palms of hands.

  • Bleeding

Bright red. Blood streaked discharges.

Slight wounds bleed much. Easy bruising.

Scanty bleeding alternating with a profuse one.

Dry, tight, fatiguing cough with spitting of blood.

  • Suddenness

Sudden attacks of blindness.

Sudden prostration.

Sudden fainting.

Sudden sweating.

Shooting pains.

  • Emptiness

Empty, hollow feeling in the stomach (entire abdomen feels weak and empty) especially at 11 am.

  • Senses acute

Involuntary starting on some one’s opening the door; noise very troublesome to me. [Allen]

  • Tightness, Stiffness

Tightness across chest: There may be blood-spitting.

  • Sweaty

Profuse, clammy night sweats, worse during sleep.

  • Pneumonia- Left, lower lung; sputum rusty, red colored, purulent.

Entry points

Approaching child showing too much concern and sympathy, asking about well being of everyone.

Child coming close to physician and asking to examine and touch body.

Rule out

If complaints are right sided.

If child or infant sleeps comfortably in the dark.

If child avoids hugging, kissing and mesmerism. If child desires warm drinks. Fever totality

  • Chilly in warm room down back. Craves ices during the chill.
  • Ravenous hunger during fever, before any attack of sickness.
  • Burning heat; local up back.
  • Sweat; early morning; sticky; without relief. • Excessive thirst for cold water during fever .


Lying on left side, painful side; Thunderstorm; Change of weather; Extremes of temperature; Evening and before midnight; Twilight to midnight; Cold (except head and stomach symptoms).


Lying on right side; From being rubbed or magnetized; Cold air, cold food.


Calcarea carb

See under Calcarea carb page no 146.


See under Causticum page no 183.



See under Palladium page no 437.



Arsenic                          Phosphorus

Both are chilly, thirsty and have Burning sensations




Pulsatilla also comes close to Phosphorus, they both likes consolation, but Pulsatilla is selfish. The disposition of Pulsatilla is weeping and they will avoid eye contact and are bashful. Both like kissing and hugging, but Phosphorus will like it from everyone, whereas Pulsatilla will kiss and hug only mother. Pulsatilla is hot and Phosphorus is chilly. (See also under Pulsatilla page no 476)


Chocolate – Political, sweetly get their work done.




The crystals of the acid are bright yellow needles. Hence in Picric acid the eyes, skin and urine are bright yellow.

Picric acid at first causes congestions. These are soon followed by weariness and mental inactivity, showing how intensely the remedy attacks the vital forces. This weariness progresses from a slight feeling of fatigue on motion to complete paralysis. It is accompanied by indifference, want of will-power, and desire to lie down and rest. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Diagonal – Right upper and left lower

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy



Debility both mental and physical. The child is “played out” .


  • Suited to dark complexioned persons with dirty appearance about knuckles (from bile pigments).
  • Anaemic and cachectic persons.
  • Worn-out person, overtaxed mentally and bodily.


  • Brain fag, after slightest mental exertion, after writing.

Can’t collect thoughts at all or study. During the day could not keep may thoughts to study; I could read for a little time, then my mind would seem to be played out. Prostration of mind after writing for a time. [Allen]

The least study causes burning along spine and other symptoms. [Clarke]

  • Fear before examination. Dread of failure in examination.
  • Desire to be alone. Desire to sit still.

A great desire to be alone. Disinclination for mental or physical work; desire to sit still; aversion to talking or movement, with the headache (second day); dullness and indifference; disinclination to talk and study; takes no interest in surrounding things. [Allen]

  • Indifference and lack of will power to undertake anything.

Great indifference and lassitude; lack of will-power to undertake anything. [Allen]

Schooling Child

  • In young school children we have a common use for this very valuable but neglected remedy. When the child begins to learn the alphabet, headaches come and return with every repeated effort often with dilated pupils. Headache of children when beginning to study or after examination at school.
  • Writer’s cramp.
  • Examination funk.

Physical PQRS

  • Diarrhoea from mental exertion.
  • Acute ascending paralysis.
  • Keeps legs wide apart while standing.
  • Aggravation from physical exertion.

Rule out

If no mental exhaustion.

If not sleepy on thinking.


Least exertion especially mental; After sleep; Wet weather; Heat of Summer.


From cold air, cold water; Tight pressure.



Platinum is one of the rarest elements in the Earth’s crust and is a precious metal. Platinum is generally non-reactive. It exhibits a remarkable resistance to corrosion, even at high temperatures, and as such is considered a noble metal.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental or Hypoactive + Aggressive

Hot + Thirstless + One sided

Non diligent + Disobedient (Bad boys)

Touch me not



Case: Miss X, 16 years old, is a short tempered girl. She prefers staying alone and doesn’t interfere in other’s matters. She doesn’t trust anyone, so doesn’t mingle with everyone. She says, “I am busy in myself. Live and let live.” She keeps things within herself; loves herself the most. She is very possessive about her things, can’t share her clothes and room with anyone. She says, “Things which I like, I can’t share.” Her friends are HI-BYE types. She never gets into any kind of arguments. In school also, she would participate in events like sports, dance but not in debates, as doesn’t like to argue. If her mother says anything to her, she tells her, “I’m hurt because of you, why did you talk in this way to me?” Her mother says, “Nothing can be forced upon her; does what she likes.” She is very sensitive if anything is done against her wish, or if contradicted or scolded in front of others- gets very angry, walks away from that place, screams loudly. Never compromises, likes to wear all branded clothes.


EGOTISM – Others are inferior.

The main feeling of Platina is EGO. They think very highly of themselves and feel that they are very superior. Hence they will not talk to others. This attitude makes them appear withdrawing. But on closely interrogating we realize that it is not that they don’t want to talk but their ego makes them remain aloof and talk only to those who are of their standard. So while talking to others they talk very rudely.

Case: Miss X, a 3 year old withdrawing child is a touch me not girl. If touched, she gets angry or cries loudly. She talks from a distance and rubs off her skin if she is kissed by anyone. She prefers playing alone. Even at home, only if she is in the mood, she will allow her siblings to play with her. She is very possessive about her things, will not share her things with anyone, even if she gives something to her cousin, it has to be given back to her. Many times she doesn’t even open her lunch box in fear that people will eat what she has brought. Her teachers say that she is self centered, doesn’t participate in group activities. She is very sensitive to scolding; she gives it back with double the intensity. Tries to dominate her friends, instructs them what they should do. Never says sorry. In the clinic, when she was asked to say sorry, she didn’t say it, she was almost in a state of crying, asked her mother to take her back home.


Platina is preeminently a female remedy.

Thin, spare person having dark hair and rigid fibre.

Sanguine, hysterical.


  • Egoistic, Haughty

I won’t bend down or go for a patch up after a fight.

If insulted, will never talk to that person. I don’t like to be dominated by anyone.

Doesn’t take anyone’s favor. If someone comes and says, I had helped you with rupees two, I will throw rupees five hundred at that person.

Doesn’t tell anything to others because can’t tolerate anything against me.

Sensitive to insults or when someone ignores me then I won’t talk to that person till he apologizes.

Has to be pampered a lot when angry, else throws things.

Clinging aversion, rubs off her cheeks if kissed.

Looks down upon people like maid servants, security guards. If she is taken to her class by her maid servant, pulls her hand away. Contemptuous.

If I fight, my IMAGE will get spoiled.

Delusion she is growing; things appear small.

Arrogant, proud and haughty.

Thinks she is born in a high family.

Pride and over-estimation of one’s self.

Excessive love of self. Contemptuous towards others. Thinks himself to be great.

Insolent, rude, impolite.



Platina is very sensitive and feels offended very easily. Even things which are very trifling irritate her. When parents shout at the child on her mistake (and more so in front of others or guests), the Platina child feels insulted. They immediately start weeping, shrieking and talking back rudely to the parents. After some time she will go and shut herself in her room, sulk and will not talk to anyone. Later on even if the parents say sorry, her ego prevents her from apologizing and she will carry on her grudge for some time. She feels that her parents don’t love her.

  • Withdrawing

Very choosy about making friends. If she doesn’t like someone, flatly refuses to talk to or approach that person, making her feelings very obvious. She doesn’t approach anyone on her own, waits for the opposite person to come and talk to her.

In malls, goes and says hello to younger kids and babies who are good looking and well dressed.

Comfortable with only her set of friends.

Can’t become friendly with everybody; takes time to mix up. Prefers being alone.

  • Caresses aggravation and aversion .
  • Possessive

Doesn’t share her toys with anyone, not even with her younger sibling.

Doesn’t like mother picking up any other child, gets angry, throws things or hits mother.

  • Fastidious

I like cleanliness. I don’t eat or drink from out. I take my lunch-box and water bottle from home.

Can’t tolerate dirtiness. Doesn’t go to toilets outside home, doesn’t like anyone coming home with dirty clothes.

  • Fear of death.
  • Alternation

Changing moods; gay and sad alternately.

Sadness, especially in evening, with strong inclination to weep often alternating with excessive gaiety and buffoonery. [Clarke]

Involuntary weeping. [Clarke]

  • Laughs at wrong times. Anxious and serious at silly matters.

Kissing and Caresses aversion

Case: A 5 year old girl was cured with Platina. The main entry point in this case was that the child did not allow anyone to kiss her. She never allowed even her mother to kiss or hug her, and the mother said that her child has never kissed her. The second thing in this case was that the child never liked the mother telling her symptoms to the doctor. This is because they feel that they are being criticized or commented upon by the mother and their ego gets hurt.


  • Aversion to being caressed.
  • The infant will refuse the feed if the feed is delayed. Wants mother to attend to him immediately.
  • Takes feed fast and hurriedly.
  • Cannot remain hungry.
  • Sleeps on the back with hands above the head.
  • Stools adhere to rectum and anus like soft clay.


  • Will not play with other children. Remain aloof. Will play with only whom he feels are good.
  • Wants to wear the best clothes.
  • Doesn’t want to be spoken to.
  • Throws tantrums when contradicted. Behave like maniacs.
  • They often feel forsaken when the parents shout at them. Delusion deserted, forsaken.
  • Fear of dogs, ghosts; fear something will happen.
  • Sleep with knees spread apart.

Schooling Child

  • Very sensitive. Even if you scold them mildly, they feel bad.
  • Haughty and arrogant behavior. Superiority complex.
  • Looks down upon others.
  • Pride and self-conceit, with contempt for everything else, even the most beloved and sacred things.
  • Children insulting parents. Behave well outside but at home behave rudely with their parents.
  • Always quarrelsome. Fault finding, censorious and critical.

Ambitious; employs every possible means to achieve it.

  • Desire to play the piano.
  • Whistles, sings, dances.
  • Sensitive to her looks and physical appearance. Well dressed, likes to do makeup, wear good clothes, go for shopping , etc. Enjoys looking in the mirror.
  • Talks with attitude, tapping fingers on the table.
  • Talks about self-appreciation.
  • Irritated with questioning, very indifferent to every question .

Reaction to stimulus

  • Reaction – Anger. Extrapunitive (at home)

Inhibited (outside) • Reaction – Grief Expressing (at home)

Non-expressing (Outside) (like Ignatia and Staphysagria)

  • Rude and contemptuous to others.
  • Beating and striking friends who do not agree with him. Biting.
  • If parents or teachers reprimand them, they start weeping because they are sensitive and get offended easily.
  • Weeping and shrieking.

Physical PQRS

  • Inertia of bowels.

Stools adhere to the rectum and anus like soft clay. [Allen]

Constipation while travelling. [Allen]

  • Sexual erethism

Excessive sexual desire, especially in virgins.

Premature and excessive development of sex consciousness, sexual instinct, and sexual organs.

([Excessive sexual development, especially in virgins, Kali phos)

  • Sensitiveness

Genitals are excessively sensitive.

She cannot bear the touch of a napkin on her parts; will almost go into a spasm from an examination.

  • Mental symptoms alternate with physicals.


While the mind is cheerful the body suffers, and vice versa when the mind is affected, the body feels well. [Hahnemann]

  • Pains increase gradually and decrease gradually with numbness.

Pains go from right to left. The right side is somewhat more pronouncedly affected than the left. Severe stitches in right ovary. [Clarke]

  • Face changing color frequently. [Clarke]

Entry Points

Egotism (Others are inferior).

Casting off people against her will.

Rule out

If the child says sorry.

Fever Totality

  • Constant shivering and shuddering over whole body, especially in open air. Shaking chill when going from the room into the open, even warm air.
  • Gradually increasing, and in the same manner gradually decreasing heat.
  • Perspiration only during sleep, ceasing as soon as one wakens.


By touch and pressure; Fasting; Pressure in genitals; Evening and night; In warm room.


By motion; In open air; Obliged to stretch, which ameliorates.


Palladium (See also Palladium page no 437).

Both Platina and Palladium have pride. Platina is egotistical, despises others; Palladium is easily wounded, attaches importance to opinion of others.

Palladium is soft Platinum, that is, sweet natured dictatorial person. When her friend goes ahead then Platina will cast her away while Palladium will feel bad and jealous but will not cast her away. When a new child is born then the older child, if Palladium will slowly come and sit in mother’s lap and push away her sibling but if Platina then will cast away her mother. [Vijayakar]




Suited to diseases of spinal origin. Diseases which are slow and insidious in character but are progressive (continuous).

The symptoms of Plumbum, or lead, may be studied from its main property, that is, its tendency to cause contraction of muscular fibre, both voluntary and involuntary. It will cause this contraction of muscles, and it will also cause contraction of the blood vessels, because it affects the involuntary or non-striated muscular fibres. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Hypoactive + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided + Thin (Marasmus)

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy


  • Persons of a dry, bilious constitution, with somewhat jaundiced skin.
  • Face greasy, shiny. Cheeks retracted.
  • Complexion is pale, yellow or ash colored, looking like a dead body.


  • Comprehension difficult, weakness or loss of memory. Cannot recall words to express himself. Unable to find the proper word while talking.

The mind is impaired slow. Perception is slow. He memorizes with difficulty. Comprehension is difficult. He cannot recall words to express himself. The operations of the mind are slow. When in conversation with such a patient you will wonder what he is thinking about while making up his mind to answer. [Kent]

  • Hysteria

Hysterical diathesis; hysterical contractures; cramping of the fingers; hysterical motions; convulsions of parts, hands, feet, whole body; an apparent delirium; cardiac pains; numbness in parts—all hysterical phenomena. [Kent]

  • Feign sickness, exaggerates illness.

Plumbum-met produces an inclination to deceive, to cheat. Plumbum-met establishes a hysterical state in the economy; an inclination to deceive, to feign sickness; to exaggerate one’s ills; and it goes to the root of the evil providing the symptoms agree. [Kent]

  • Slow perception (pin prick is not felt immediately).

There is sluggishness also in the skin. You may prick him and a second later he says Oh, showing the slowness in feeling. You would expect him to feel the prick instantly. When you begin to conclude that he does not feel at all his limb will jerk. [Kent]

  • Timid; timidity about appearing in public.
  • Disposed to religious monomania.
  • Hypochondriac .
  • Increasing apathy.
  • Dread of assassination, poisoning; thinks every one about him a murderer.


  • Marked marasmus with large and hard abdomen and extreme constipation.
  • Stubborn constipation or colic of infants. Constipation from anal spasm in children. Colic better by pressure.
  • Infantile paralysis, hemiplegia.
  • Sleeps on abdomen. Toddler
  • Shrieking before urination.

Schooling Child

  • Children who have been labeled problem children; cannot tolerate constraints of school and change school often for lack of discipline.

Physical PQRS

  • Excessive and rapid emaciation of parts. Emaciation of limbs with plump body, of paralyzed parts, of single parts, after neuralgia.
  • Spasms especially of the sphincters; cramps; convulsions; tremors; going on to general or partial paralysis with hyperesthesia especially if preceded by characteristic pains or mental derangement. Retraction; of abdomen; anus; testes; navel , etc.
  • Lead paralysis is chiefly of extensors, forearm or upper limb, from center to periphery with partial anesthesia or excessive hyperesthesia preceded by pain.
  • Distinct blue line along gum margins; fetid breath, yellow tongue, sweetish taste.
  • Excruciating colic, sensation as if abdomen retracted to the spine, “as if drawn in by a string” pain radiates to all parts of the body.

Deep melancholy with timidity and restlessness. In the mental state while he is slow to think yet in this slow thinking he does a great amount of thinking; he makes an effort to think. Some years ago a physician came to me in regard to his wife. She had been unconscious for two days and had passed no urine for days and the catheter showed there was none in the bladder. She had quite an array of symptoms but they were common symptoms. She had the slowness for days before and complained of a sensation of a continual pulling at the navel as if a string were drawing it back to the spinal column and then the coma came on. In the middle of the night this doctor came to me in great distress. He said she was pale as death and breathing slow. A single powder of Plumbum-met high was given and she passed urine in a few hours roused up and never had such an attack again. [Kent]

  • Constipation; stools painful, hard, lumpy, dark, “like sheep’s dung”; with spasms of sphincter ani.
  • Marked dryness of the skin; entire lack of perspiration.
  • Impulse to stretch with abdominal distress.
  • Ill-effects of repelled eruptions.

Entry points

Child emaciated and constipated with large abdomen.

Rule out

If not constipated.

If disease spreads fast.

Fever totality

  • Coldness from exertion. Feet cold when walking only.
  • General cold sweat during stools.


Clear weather; Open air; Exertion; Motion; Company, in a room full of; Grasping smooth objects; Touch.


Hard pressure; Rubbing; Stretching limbs.




Psorinum has been sufficiently proved to enable us to use it successfully in the treatment of disease. We find it especially indicated in patients who are subject to glandular and cutaneous affections, and who do not react to the apparently well-chosen remedy.

Suppose, for example, that the remedy suited to the case is Pulsatilla. The symptoms seem to call for it. The prescription is in accord with every rule of Institutes, and yet relief is but transient. In such a case, there is some dyscrasia underlying the disease, and this must be removed or modified before it will be possible to cope successfully with the disease. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy


Pale, sickly, delicate children.

Peevish,          scrofulous, unhealthy-looking         children      who   emit   a disagreeable odour.


  • Forsaken feeling.
  • Feels restless for days before a thunderstorm.
  • Want of self confidence.

Fear of failure. Feels himself poor; his business is going to be a failure; though it is prosperous.

He thinks his business is going to be a failure; that he is going to the poor house; that he has sinned away his day of grace. His business is prosperous yet he feels as if he were going to the poor house. No joy or realization of benefit. [Kent]

Does not want to be washed. [Kent]

  • Angry, quarrelsome.

Very irritable; quarrels about trifles. Very irritable, and wants to talk all the time. She is very irritable, easily angered; thinks always of dying. Irritable, could weep about everything.


Extremely irritable wants to be alone. [Kent]

  • Weakness of memory.

Thinking that he understood what he read, he tries to explain it to another, and thus finds out that he does not understand it himself. She loses her memory, so that she does not recognize the room after looking out of the window. Memory so weak that he forgets what he had just said. Very weak memory; she cannot recollect anything. [Allen]

  • Despair of recovery; great despondency; hopeless.

Sadness, hopelessness; he sees no light breaking through the clouds above his head; all is dark about him. Despair of recovery if sick. [Kent]


  • Sick babies will not sleep day and night but worry, fret and cry; or are good and play all day while troublesome screaming all night. Children very fretful day and night. Shrieking in the night.
  • Diarrhoea

Cholera infantum; often in the early days the stool is horribly offensive, slimy, undigested; there is vomiting and prolonged weakness and the whole child has an offensive odour; child dirty; nose sunken in (Antimonium-tart) , sunken countenance . Psorinum causes reaction and cures or brings the child into such a condition that a simple remedy completes the cure.

  • Infant wakes at night for feeding.


  • Nervous, restless children who are easily startled.
  • Skin

Eczema of the scalp and face; the crusts cover the scalp; the hair falls out; the oozing lifts up the crusts and exposes new vesicles; it looks like raw beef and it tingles so that the child cannot keep its fingers off it; worse from the warmth of the bed , warm applications , covering, anything that would keep the air away from it and at night; ameliorated by cool air.

  • Distention of abdomen in children.
  • Sweats easily.

Schooling Child

  • Inaptitude for mathematics and calculations .
  • Obstinate headstrong children who annoy those around them.
  • Asthma in children after suppressed eruptions better by lying down with arms wide apart.

Physical PQRS

  • Offensive discharges

Offensiveness runs through Psorinum in such a characteristic way that it is worthwhile mentioning; fetid odours; fetid breath; discharges and oozings from the skin smelling like carrion; stool so offensive that the odour permeates the whole house in diarrhoea, summer complaints and cholera infantum; perspiration fetid; leucorrhea horribly offensive; eructations taste as if he had eaten hard boiled eggs and they had spoiled; and they smell so to others, stool, flatus and eructations smell like spoiled eggs; offensive to sight and smell is the subject who needs this medicine.

Dirty people in whom the body has a filthy smell which no amount of washing can remove.

  • Lack of reaction after severe diseases.
  • Feels unusually well the day before an attack. Very hungry a day before an attack.

Entry points

Child takes blanket even in summer.

Rule out

If the child is neat and clean.

If the child takes bath easily.

If hairs are smooth and can be combed easily. Fever totality

  • Heat with steaming sweat; easy , profuse , worse at night; cold on palms.


COLD; Open air; Washing; Weather changing, stormy; Heat of bed, woolens; Exertion; SUPPRESSIONS; Contact of his own limbs;

Periodically, Yearly, Full moon.


Lying with head low or quietly; Eating; Washing; Nose bleed; Hard pressure; Profuse sweating.



Pulsatilla was well named the Wind Flower, for its symptoms are “as fickle as the wind”. They change in an erratic fashion that may baffle the beginner in homeopathic prescribing. The patient may be mild and pleasant one minute, peevish and tearful in the next; for a while cheerful and apparently quite well, only to begin weeping copiously because she feels so miserable. No two stools are alike; one evacuation may be greenish-yellow and slimy, the next of pure white mucus, soft, mixed with mucus, or looking like stirred eggs. Chills run up the back, are confined to one side of the body, or constantly change location; heat and chills are mixed or occur simultaneously; pains constantly change location. Inflammation, pain and swelling suddenly cease in one joint, only to appear in another. When this symptom is observed in a case of arthritis, there are few other remedies to select from. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirstless + One sided + Fat

Obedient + Non diligent

Mildness + Bashfulness + Clinging + Weeping Touch me not


WEEPING & CHIPKU (Clingy) & Mother

A typical Pulsatilla child is shy and clings to the mother. She makes good contact with the doctor but from the safety of the mother’s lap. Often the mother discloses that whenever the child sees an opportunity, she will come and sit on her lap and often ask her, “Mummy do you love me?” The mother is the sole point of reference for the Pulsatilla child. The umbilical cord has never been truly detached and if her mother is not there then the child finds a substitute (like a teddy bear or a favorite blanket or sucks thumb). She craves attention and affection. She is better by consolation. She is vulnerable to other children, easily bullied.


  • No two stools are alike.
  • Temperament and symptoms change very quickly.
  • Wandering pains.
  • During fever the temperature in right and left arm has to have difference of more than 0.8 0


There are two main types.

One is the very small, fine type having fine skin and hair, unstable circulation, liable to flush up from any emotion, very often going pale afterwards; definitely shy, sensitive; always affectionate, very easy to handle and always very responsive.

The other Pulsatilla type is much fatter with definitely more color, usually rather darker hair, a little more sluggish in reaction, a little more tendency to weep rather than to be bright and gay as the smaller finer type, craving for attention without much response to it, always asking for a little more.


  • Weeping easily

Pulsatilla children are very sweet looking (especially females) and gain a lot of affection. You feel like touching them but the moment you approach, they will start weeping loudly. In the waiting room the child will be constantly playing, talking loudly to self or mother but moving ONLY around the mother. She will not leave the mother even for a second, and if forced will start weeping loudly. She can hardly narrate her complaints without weeping.

Pulsatilla is very manipulative in order to get attention. She will weep very easily when shouted at or reprimanded. However the weeping of Pulsatilla is very superficial. If you console her, she will immediately stop crying. She will please others (by being fastidious etc.) to gain attention and affection.

  • Obedient but Non-diligent

They always want to please others hence appear to be obedient and fastidious. But it is more for getting attention. If there is another child in the clinic, and if he tries to snatch a toy from the Pulsatilla child, the child will refuse and cry loudly. The mother then has to talk sweetly to the child, and convince or flatter her and then only the Pulsatilla child will part with her toys. She gives everything when flattered. Otherwise is very selfish and wants all toys in the clinic for herself, not allowing others to take them. Avarice, wants all for herself. In short, Pulsatilla obedience is more out of mildness OR ATTENTION SEEKING behaviour than true diligence.



If you try to make an eye contact with Pulsatilla they will usually avoid eye contact and appear bashful. They will typically move and twist their body with both hands clenched tightly together. If you try to examine, they will not allow you to examine and will start crying immediately. They will sit in the mother’s lap with their face facing towards the mother’s chest avoiding any eye contact with you. At the same time they are very sweet and affectionate, but this affection is out of selfishness and they expect affection in return.

  • Timidity

A Pulsatilla child is most of the times afraid of being left alone, dark and ghosts in the evening. They get scared listening to ghost stories or watching ghost movies. They always want to sleep next to the mother. • Mildness

Yielding disposition. Servile, obsequious, submissive.

  • Affectionate

The Pulsatilla child showers most of his love on the mother. He will hug and kiss his mother without any reason. Wants mother around especially when sick. Wants to be carried and cuddled. Absorbs affection. Children like fuss (excitement) and caresses. • Consolation

Consolation ameliorates. Craves sympathy.

  • Effeminate


  • Withdrawing and weeping baby. When taken to a party will cry loudly and cannot be consoled by mother. Parents have to take the baby away from the crowd to calm him.
  • Always want to be carried, but wants to be carried slowly (Ferrum) because wants the touch of the mother more than the movement. Don’t want to be rocked. (Relieved by fast motion, wants to move fast Bromium, Arsenic album) . The moment the mother puts the child down he starts crying, and the mother has to pick him up again. He seems close to Chamomilla, but the Chamomilla’s demanding cry irritates the mother whereas the Pulsatilla cry evokes sympathy. (Kent says Pulsatilla has pitiful cry and Chamomilla has snarling cry, you will want to caress the one and spank the other)

Feels better when they are taken to the garden or in open air.

  • Like caressing and fondling, and will always be happy by kisses and cuddling.
  • Diarrhoea only or usually at night- no two stools alike .


  • The Pulsatilla toddler will always cling to the mother. He is the mother’s baby, following the mother everywhere. In the clinic, the child will sit on the mother’s lap. They want safety and security of the mother otherwise will resort to thumb sucking to overcome their insecurity.
  • They fear separation from parents , so they will not let the mother go away from their sight. Will constantly keep on saying, “You are not going to leave me and go.”
  • Fear of being left alone and being in the dark.
  • Craves attention. If anything happens , even if slightly injured (that may be just a scratch), he will weep loudly and show the injury to everyone in the house in order to get sympathy .
  • Pulsatilla toddlers are very often tired, edgy and sleepy during the day but become livelier as the day goes on, they are liable to nervousness about sunset – the ordinary sunset aggravation of Pulsatilla. They become very lively towards bedtime, are slow in going to sleep, and once asleep tend to get nightmares, night terrors, usually some kind of strife dreams-not necessarily being chased by the black dog but always something worrying, terrifying. [Borland]

Schooling Child

  • The schooling child appears to be bashful and will not answer any of your questions. Instead he will communicate all the things to the parents who will then communicate to you. They will speak in a soft tone (whispering) which is often difficult for you to hear. They make good eye contact with the doctor but from the mother’s lap.
  • Wants attention and affection of all the family members. Can be manipulative to get affection and attention. Though they grow old, they want to sleep with the mother.
  • The Pulsatilla child is very easily bullied by her friends and will often come home weeping and complaining that she has been hit by them.

(Often complain that they have been hit by younger children also) .

Superstitious – has lots of whims and notions; full of imaginations. She will imagine certain things and will follow them rigidly.

She imagines the company of the opposite sex a dangerous thing to cultivate and that it is dangerous to do certain things well established in society as good for the human race. These imaginations belong to eating as well as thinking. They imagine that milk is not good to drink so they will not take it. They imagine that certain articles of diet are not good for the human race. Aversion to marriage is a strong symptom. [Kent]

Reaction to stimulus

  • Grief Expressing

Weeping better by consolation.

  • Easily offended.
  • Doesn’t want to be examined by the doctor; weeps loudly but will be quiet when consoled by mother.

Physical PQRS

  • Thirstlessness; mouth dry yet thirstless .
  • Thick, bland, yellowish-green discharges .
  • One-sided complaints .
  • Aversion to warm drinks. Cold drinks relieve even though patient is not thirsty.
  • Feels uncomfortable with one pillow. Wants the head high. [Boericke]
  • Changeable symptoms. Thermals, thirst, complaints keep on changing constantly.

Entry points

Child lies with hands above head. Sweats on one side of body.

Rule out

If they avoid (don’t like) hugs and kisses.

If the child is aggressive towards the mother.

If Aggressive Irritable but not pugnacious [Kent]. This means though irritable but not aggressive or hostile.

If desires warm food.

Fever Totality

  • Changeability



The Pulsatilla children get acute colds in the head, acute coryza, and with this they are shivery, and very chilly. [Borland]

  • Thirstlessness

Mouth dry, yet thirstless.

Sweat with great thirst.

  • Complaints appearing only on one side of the body is another strong characteristic of this remedy. For instance, one cheek red (often the right), the other pale; chill on one side of the body (especially the right); sweat on one side while the other remains dry. [Farrington]

During fever the temperature in right and left arm has to have difference of more than 0.8 degree Fahrenheit.

  • Thick, bland, yellowish-green discharges.
  • Aversion to warm drinks.
  • Wants mother around during fever.


Warm air, warm room, warmth of bed; Lying on left side, painless side; Rich, fatty food; Allowing feet to hang down.


Cold air, open air, cold foods and drink, cold applications; Erect position; Motion; Lying on painful side; After a good cry.


Calcarea Mur

See under Calcarea mur page no 155.


See under Chamomilla page no 190.


See under Cyclamen page no 239.


See under Ignatia page no 289. Calcarea carb

Pulsatilla                        Calcarea carb

Soft, mild, nurturing and devoted

  • Wants love and attention Surrounds himself with a lot of of mother. people in order to get security

and protection.

  • For Pulsatilla, security means         For Calcarea, security means that she is loved.  familiarity.
  • She is more of an emotional She is more of a practical person who completely loses        person who has her own

herself in an attempt to please   hobbies and interests though others. loyal, devoted and dependable.

  • Hot and thirstless Chilly and thirsty


Kali sulph (See also under Kali sulph page no 320.)

Both are soft and timid but Kali sulph has unexpected harshness and irritability underneath. Pulsatilla loves consolations while Kali sulph is worse from consolation.



Pulsatilla                             Platina

Withdrawing +  Hot + Thirstless + Selfish + Non diligent + Touch me not.

  • Likes caresses and to be • Doesn’t wants to be kissed kissed by parents. and caressed by anyone.
  • • Misbehaving.
  • Touch me not due to timidity         Touch me not due to and anxiety.    haughtiness.
  • Reaction weeping. Reaction contempt for others.
  • Feels forsaken and lonely.• Forsakes those who contradict.


Pulsatilla                         Phosphorus

Emotional + Worse from warm drinks and like cold drinks + Worse at twilight + Wakes at dawn and loves morning (morning person)

  • Suggestible.

Moulds herself to what    Sees how others see her and others want.  buys that. She is focused on who she is because of her suggestibility.

  • Pulsatilla is a river-shaped Phosphorus is a cloud; also by its surrounding.  changing but diffusing.
  • Sympathetic but not empathetic. Sympathetic and empathetic. May worry about family Worry about family members members but does not take and take on their feelings. on the others’ feelings.
  • Though emotional, she is Though emotional, she is more personal in her interests and      detached and impersonal. She

responses. She will share          will share her things freely things only with her special ones.  with all.

  • Not so marked. Active, curious and adventurous
  • Loves hugs and kisses Loves hugs and kisses from mother only         from everyone.
  • Seeks attention in order to reap Seeks attention so that she can  the emotional rewards of hugs,     be the star and shine

kisses, love and affection which                   out the way.

if won effectively allay an underlying fear of abandonment.

  • Bashful, will avoid eye contact Not Bashful; will make eye with strangers.        contact with strangers.
  • Hot and Thirstless Chilly and Thirsty
  • Pulsatilla has sweltering heat.         Phosphorus has burning heat.



Once Pulsatilla knows you, she is generally extroverted and very playful but Graphite remains a relatively quiet person even in familiar company.


Pulsatilla                               Sepia

State of weeping + Anxiety.

  • • Chilly.
  • Mild yielding disposition. Angry and irritable.
  • Wants consolation. Aggravation from consolation.




Rheum state develops in the child of a working mother when the mother has to go to work leaving the child alone at home with the maid servant. As a result the trust between the mother and the child does not build up, rather the child develops a state of sourness and indifference towards everything.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving


Talk to me not, Touch me not Fast remedy



  • Mental level

Acrid temper.

Child cries and tosses about all night.

Screaming and shrieking.

  • Physical level

Child smells sour even after washing or bathing. Stool is sour smelling.


It is a great remedy for children during dentition and nursing.


  • Peevish disposition with tears.
  • Child peevish, impatient, desires many things and cries and although it screams for things; it dislikes even its favorite playthings. Ugly and impossible to satisfy.

Case: A 2 year old child, doesn’t like if someone touches her, carries her or hugs her. She gets irritated and cranky. Wants to move freely. A ‘Touch me not’ child. When she is restricted or scolded, she gets angry, throws things, throws herself on back, pulls her hair, bangs feet and head. E.g.: If she wants a mobile and you take it away, she starts crying and when you return it, she will throw away that mobile. She can’t sit for a second, keeps moving, but no one should touch her. Tosses all night. She requires less sleep & less food. She sweats a lot and all her discharges (stool, perspiration, vomit) are offensive.

  • Child cries and tosses about all night. (Psorinum) • Restless and irritable during dentition .
  • Indifference to everything.
  • Rudeness of naughty children.


  • Infant screaming and crying always. Colicky baby.
  • Infant refuses mother’s milk.
  • Difficult teething; restless and irritable during dentition.
  • Sweating on scalp, upper lip and around mouth.


  • Desires for various kinds of food, but soon tires of all.
  • Irritable and impulsive.
  • Impetuous desire for a particular Restless and weeping.
  • Asks for nothing. Not inclined to talk much, indolent, taciturn and morose.
  • Aversion to play.
  • Tendency to frown.

Schooling Child

  • Screaming of children with urging and sour stools.
  • Shrieking in children.
  • Keeps legs on the doctor’s table.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Touch me not.
  • Talk to me not.
  • Screaming and weeping.

Physical PQRS

  • Requires very little sleep and food .
  • Colicky children who are always screaming and crying. The colic of Rheum baby is worse at once by uncovering an arm or leg, when standing and not better by stool.
  • Profuse and constant sweat on scalp; whether asleep or awake, quiet or in motion, the hair is always wet; may or may not be sour (Calcarea carb, Sanicula) .
  • Cold sweat on face, especially around the mouth and nose.
  • Desires various kinds of food but cannot eat them, becomes repugnant. Sweet things taste bitter.
  • Children with sour diarrhoea during dentition; screaming of children with urging and sour stools.
  • Disturbed sleep at night with tossing, crying, moaning and snoring or with convulsive quivering of eyelids, muscles of face and of fingers.
  • Jaundice from eating unripe fruits with white diarrhoea .

Entry points

Rheum baby is a combination of Magnesium carb and Chamomilla.

The Rheum state in the Materia Medica falls between Magnesium carbonicum and Chamomilla, and alternates   between the feeling of Magnesium carbonicum, which is that of being an orphan who demands nothing and can do with very little food or sleep, and that of Chamomilla, extremely demanding, irritable and violent, seeking immediate attention. I have seen Rheum to be useful for children whose parents leave the child and go to work. While they are away, the child is like an orphan. He is non-demanding and has symptoms like Indifference to everything; Aversion to playing in children; Weeping in children. But when the parents are back, he must immediately get what he asks for. Here the symptoms are like Shrieking in children; Asks for things vehemently, shrieks and shrieks till he gets it; Rudeness of naughty children, etc. [Sankaran]

Rule out

If no sour smell from body or discharges.


Before, during and after stool.


Warmth; Wrapping up; Lying bent; Odd position.


Chamomilla                  Cina                     Rheum

Anger +++            Anger ++                 Anger +

Not so obstinate     Obstinate +++   Obstinate + Defiant

Talk to me not        Touch me not           Talk to me not.

Touch me not         (physical)                 Touch me not .

Look at me not

Better by being      Not better by being           —–

carried                   carried

Desires numerous Desires numerous     Desires particular

things                    things                      thing

Wants to be carried       Doesn’t want to be want to be and rocked.       carried but wants rocked. to be rocked.

——–                  Appetite good          Appetite less

Unstable (irregular                                Obstinacy


distribution).          Circumscribed red             ——–

One cheek red and the other pale patch on the cheeks
Diarrhoea with       Diarrhoea with Diarrhoea with
green stools           white stools sour stools
Hot                        Chilly Chilly




Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided

Diligent + Misbehaving

Industrious but non-conscientious

Fast remedy


Suited to children of deeply psoric constitution or having a hereditary tubercular taint.

Persons of rheumatic diathesis.

Easy sprains when over-lifting.


  • Very useful in behavioral disorders of children with restlessness.
  • Great irritability and maliciousness.
  • Joking, cheerful patients. Good-humored child who likes to make jokes .
  • Desires to be carried fast.
  • Not bothered about appearance (Sulphur) . [Vijayakar]
  • Busy and active.
  • Tremendous apprehension at night forces him out of bed .
  • Superstitious .
  • Mild and timid . Infant
  • Wants to be carried. Wants to be rocked.
  • Child cranky at night.
  • Changes position in sleep frequently.
  • Feeding hurriedly and hastily.
  • In infantile paralysis Rhus tox is a very common remedy. Infantile paralysis; from exposure to cold damp. The nurse takes the infants to the park , take them out of their carriage and put them down upon the cold damp ground and in a few days the child comes down with infantile paralysis. [Kent]
  • It is a very useful remedy in the treatment of eczema of the scalp in infants; herpetic eruptions upon the scalp.


  • Fear of dark, ghosts.
  • Aversion to bathing.

Schooling Child

  • Answers slowly.
  • Makes mistakes in writing.

Physical PQRS

  • Ailments from spraining or straining a single part, muscle or tendon (Calcarea carb, Nux vomica); overlifting, particularly from stretching high up to reach things; lying on damp ground; too much summer bathing in lake or river.
  • Great restlessness, anxiety, apprehension (Aconite, Arsenic alb); cannot remain in bed, must change position often to obtain relief from pain (Restlessness from mental anxiety Arsenic alb).
  • Relief from continued motion .
  • Triangular red tipped tongue .
  • Desire Cold milk and drinks, sweets, oyster.
  • Great thirst with dry tongue.
  • Symptoms appear on the left side or go from left to right.

Entry points

Mild gentle and yielding child who shows too much respect to elders.

Rule out

If the child lies still, that is, there is no restlessness or anxiety (Bryonia wants to rest and doesn’t want to be disturbed).


Cold wet, rainy weather, draft; At night; Getting wet while perspiring; Rest, Initial motions are painful.


Warmth, warm or hot things; Dry weather; Change of position, continued motion; Wrapping up.



See under Apis page no 59.




Like Veratrum album, Sabadilla is a useful remedy on account of its mental symptoms. It may be used with success in cases of imaginary diseases. For example, the patient imagines that she is pregnant when she is merely swollen from flatus; or that she has some horrible throat disease which will surely end fatally. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Changeable sides

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy


Suited to sensitive persons of light hair, fair complexion with weakened and relaxed muscular system.

Suited to children who are disposed to worms.


  • Fixed strange ideas.

He imagines all sorts of strange things about his own body, for instance, that it had shrunk like that of dead persons, that his stomach was corroded, that the scrotum was swollen, etc.; he knows that all this is fanciful; he continues to imagine it. [Allen]

Many of the annoyances of this individual seem to be imaginary. His mind is filled with strange things. Imaginations concerning persons or himself are strange. Imagines the body is withering, that the limbs are crooked, that the chin is elongated and larger on one side than the other. She feels that this is so and believes it even in spite of her vision. It is a sensation which she believes, a delusion, an insanity. “Erroneous impressions as to the state of his body.” “Imagines himself sick; imagines parts shrunken; that she is pregnant when she is merely swollen from flatus; that she has some horrible throat disease that will end fatally.” The imaginations are groundless; nothing is visible and the suffering is greater than if there was something to be seen. [Kent]

  • Nervous, timid and easily startled.
  • Anxiety

She sprang up with anxious restlessness and ran about the room, constantly pulling at the pit of her stomach and at her neck; face sunken, deathly pale, with features expressive of extreme anxiety. [Allen]

Uneasiness and anguish, with great agitation. [Clarke]

  • Ill-effects of fright; Hysteria after fright. Frightened easily.

Hysterical patients; a patient with a strangely unbalanced mind, accompanied by various nervous manifestations. [Kent]

  • Ill-effects of mental exertion; thinking.


  • Starting from noise.
  • Diarrhoea with constant cutting pains.
  • Itching on the vertex compelling her to scratch till it bleeds; itching and tickling in nose, rubs or picks it.


  • Jumps out of bed and runs recklessly.
  • Aggravation from sympathy.
  • Appetite increased.
  • Desires hot milk. Can swallow warm food more easily.
  • Worm affections. Convulsions from worms.

Schooling Child

  • Feeble children, who have to be brought back from school because of headache, come home with strange imaginations concerning school and themselves.
  • Causeless fear and anxiety.
  • Feigning sick.
  • Thinking causes headache. Thinking of complaints aggravates.

Reaction to Stimulus

Anger Extrapunitive

Physical PQRS

  • Sensitive to smell; cannot tolerate smell of garlic; discharge is worse from odour of flowers.
  • Coryza persistent, violent or abortive. Sneezing, itching, tickling in nose; rubs or picks it.

Even thinking of the odour of flowers makes him sneeze and increases the flow from the nose. [Kent]

  • Chilly

The Sabadilla patient is a shivering patient, sensitive to the cold air, a cold room, cold food.

He wants to be well wrapped up; wants hot drinks to warm up his stomach. [Kent]

  • Symptoms are periodical and paroxysmal.
  • Appetite increased.

The appetite is singular; it is commonly seen in pregnant women. She says she is never hungry; never wants anything to eat and often there is an aversion to food; but when from a matter of reason she concludes to eat and she takes a mouthful, it tastes good, it recalls the appetite and she makes a good meal. [Kent]

Entry points

When a child returns from school saying he is not feeling well and feels some strange feeling inside.

Periodicity and paroxysmal symptoms.

Rule out

If no fixed ideas.

Fever totality

  • Shivering as a concomitant.
  • Lachrymation with chill.
  • Thirst after chill only otherwise thirstless.
  • Chill from below upwards.


COLD air, drinks; Periodically; every week, two weeks; four weeks; same hour; forenoon; new and full moon; Odours; Undeveloped exanthemata; Mental exertion.


Open air; Heat; Eating; Swallowing; Quick motion of the affected part.



The soreness pain and inflammatory conditions of the throat commence on the left side and spread to the right in both Sabadilla and Lachesis. But warm things aggravate the pain in Lachesis; they cause a spasmodic condition with a sensation of choking and therefore he wants cold things which relieve; they are swallowed more easily and ameliorate the pain in the throat. Sabadilla on the other hand is relieved by heat either outside or inside. [Kent]


Thuja has erroneous impressions as to the state of the body; thinks she is made of glass; the idea is not that of transparency but rather of brittleness; fears that she would break in pieces. The Pulsatilla mental state in a man is that a woman would be a detriment to his soul; it is a delusion a fixed idea.

Iodine is full of fixed ideas. Anacardium has a fixed idea that a devil is sitting on one shoulder talking into his ear while an angel sits on the other shoulder talking into the other ear and he halts between the two and says nothing. [Kent]




The medicine Sanicula is prepared from the mineral water of Sanicula spring of Ottawa, III, U. S. A. The water of Sanicula spring is without odour or color and has an agreeable and slightly alkaline taste. This mineral water contains Natrum mur, Calcarea mur, Calcarea carb, Calcarea sulph, Alumina, Magnesia mur and a few other mineral ingredients. Its symptoms are many and it bears great semblance to Natrum mur, Silicea, Calcarea carb, Graphites and Borax, as will be evident from a further study.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Changeable sides + Emaciation

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Look to me not + Touch me not Fast remedy



Sanicula has great desire for drinking water. The child cannot resist drinking water on seeing it. The moment he sees someone drinking water, will rush for water.


Constantly changing is the feature that runs through Sanicula both on mental and physical level.

Cross and irritable, then quickly laughs.

Constantly changing occupation.

The diarrhoea is changeable in character and odour; like scrambled eggs; or frothy and green – like scum on a frog pond (Magnesium carb).


Child looks old, dirty, greasy and brownish. Skin about neck wrinkled, hangs in folds, scaly dandruff on scalp and eyebrows.

Child is emaciated, potbellied, has scrofulous diathesis.


  • Obstinate

Headstrong obstinate touchy children.

The Sanicula child never sticks long at anything; he is more obstinate and more difficult to control. [Borland]

  • Restlessness, desire to go from place to place.
  • Aversion to touch; cannot bear anyone to lie close to him.
  • Changeability; crossness quickly alternating with playfulness in children.
  • Child gets angry and throws itself backwards.
  • Slow learning to talk.
  • Dread of downward motion. Infant
  • Emaciates though eating well. Emaciation spreads downwards.
  • On awakening, child rubs eyes and nose with its fist. Waking with anger.
  • Doesn’t want to be carried or raised. Anxiety of downward motion.
  • Desire to be rocked.
  • Desire to nurse all the time.
  • Kicks bed clothes even in coldest weather.
  • Constantly protrudes tongue in and out.
  • Profuse perspiration over scalp, neck and feet. Wets the pillow during sleep.


  • Desire to travel.
  • Wander desire to from place to place.
  • Sensitive to darkness. Desires light.
  • Sensitive to all external impressions.
  • Disposed to frown.
  • Biting nails.
  • Cannot bear to have one part touch another; or cannot lie near another person.

Case: A female child doesn’t like to be touched or looked at and started crying on entering the clinic. Her mother said that she starts crying on seeing strangers or going to new place and clings to her. She has to be always carried while going out. At home, she is very restless and hyperactive; doesn’t sit at one place, even while sleeping she moves in circles. She wakes up at the slightest noise. She does not allow anyone to touch her. Likes to drink water.

Schooling Child

  • Irritability alternating with playfulness. Dislikes even favorite playthings.
  • Wandering thoughts. Constantly changing his occupation. Jump from one task to another but accomplishes nothing.
  • Aversion to interruption.
  • Car sickness.

Case: A dominating and obstinate female child has sharp memory, remembers everything perfectly. She doesn’t like anyone to interrupt her and weeps loudly if not given what she wants. She makes all her family members sit in front of her and gives speech but doesn’t allow anyone to point out any mistake. Very restless and capricious; can’t sit at one place for more than five minutes or play with a single toy for long. Loves going out and gets ready quickly although she is very lazy. She wants her mother to be with her always and starts crying loudly even if she goes to the bathroom. She took more than a month to make friends in the school. She has fear of loud noise. Perspiration is profuse, offensive and all over the body. Hot and thirsty.

Reaction to stimulus

  • KICKING; kicks and throws himself backwards.

Physical PQRS

  • Head and neck of the child sweats profusely and while sleeping wets the pillow far around. (Calcarea carb, Silicea). Offensive foot sweat, between the toes making them sore.
  • Child keeps off clothing even in the coldest weather (Medorrhinum, Sulphur)
  • Child kicks off covers at night; wants to lie on something hard even though thin.
  • Child cannot stand or walk on own even at sixteen months of age.
  • Child drinks little and often; which is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach. (Arsenic-album, Phosphorus)
  • Cannot bear to have one part touch another or lie near another person. Sweat where parts touch.
  • Offensive discharges especially with a fishy odour or like a rotten cheese.
  • Emaciation

Child wants to nurse all the time yet loses flesh. Neck is weak and emaciated; child cannot hold its head, stiff.

  • Assimilation defective. Progressive emaciation.
  • Backache aggravates on least running, raising arms or putting hands behind him; must turn the whole body to look around; sits with head forward to ease the pain.
  • Constipation

No desire until a large accumulation. Stools partially expelled recedes back (Opium, Silicea, Thuja). Crumbling at the verge of anus (Magnesium mur). Large evacuations of small, dry, gray balls, must be removed mechanically (Calcarea carb,  Silicea ). The odour of stool follows despite bathing (Sulphur).

  • Child cries before urinating; strains to urinate while at stools. Urinates in scanty quantities at long intervals.
  • On awakening child rubs eyes and nose with its fist.

Entry points

Sanicula is the combination of Chamomilla + Borax + Tuberculinum.

Touch me not child with excessive desire for water. The child cannot resist drinking water as soon as it sees it.

Rule out

If discharges are not offensive.

Fever Totality

Sweat sticky.


Strain; Motion; Raising arm; Putting hands behind; Descending; Cold wind on occiput or neck; Jarring.


Open air; Warmth; Vomiting.



Sanicula Tuberculinum  
• Fearful. • Courageous.  
• Anger +. • Anger ++.
• When angry throws • Anger is Extrapunitive
himself backwards. and Intrapunitive.
• Emaciated. • Tall and good looking.




The chief action of ergot centers about its power to produce tonic contractions of involuntary muscle fibre; the arterioles are violently and persistently contracted, causing dry coldness of surface and even gangrene of the lower extremities. [Allen]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physically + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided + Tall

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast remedy


Tall, thin, scrawny, irritable plethoric subjects, feeble women of lax muscular fibre, everything seems loose and open, no action, vessels flabby.

Pale appearance with sunken countenance, eyes deep in sockets and blue margins around eyes, lips bluish or deathly pale.


  • Restlessness, great anxiety and fear of death.

Muttering delirium, very restless, agitated, and fearful of death. Constant despondency and fearfulness. Frightful anxiety. Hypochondria; patient says she must have something to relieve her or she must die. [Allen]

Discouragement and timidity. [Clarke]

  • Madness with inclination to bite.
  • Weak mentally.

Thought and speech difficult. Memory lost, forgot what he had just said. All the senses benumbed. [Allen]

  • Loss of consciousness. Consciousness seems to continue to the last breath and just before death, it seems as though the patient would improve.
  • Obstinate children.
  • Shameless, wants to be naked. Infant
  • Difficult dentition.
  • Cholera infantum

Watery diarrhoea, sudden with unquenchable thirst, drinking and vomiting, suppression of urine, shriveled skin, icy coldness yet aversion to heat, would not be covered. He is very hungry with exhausting diarrhoea.

  • Cramps of extensor type in fingers and toes especially in children during cholera infantum (Cuprum met has cramps of flexor muscles).
  • Cold extremities.


  • Epilepsy in children, then gradual idiocy.
  • Opisthotonos with tonic contractions of muscles, anxiety and loud cries. Spasms with fingers spread apart.
  • Delirium in children with red face and thrust with violence, then heavy sleep and snoring, she could be aroused to low muttering wanderings, he understands nothing and makes no answer.

Schooling Child

  • Evacuation of worms.

Physical PQRS

  • Skin cold to touch yet cannot tolerate covering. Aversion to heat or being covered.
  • Burning as if sparks of fire were falling.
  • Haemorrhagic diathesis. Passive haemorrhages; blood copious, dark, thin, watery, offensive; flow aggravated by motion. Small wounds bleed much.
  • Tendency to putrescence of all discharges.
  • Produces contraction of the unstriped muscular fibers; hence a constringent feeling throughout the whole body.
  • Rapid emaciation; of paralyzed part; or with much appetite and excessive thirst.
  • Unnatural ravenous appetite.
  • Unquenchable thirst. Entry points

Angry misbehaving child.

Fever totality

  • Internal burning; with icy coldness externally, yet averse to being abdomen.
  • Heat as of sparks.
  • Cold or foul sweat, destroys shoes.


WARMTH; Just before or during menses; Loss of fluids; COVERS; Touch; Eating.


Cold bathing; Uncovering, fanning; Rocking; Forcible stretching; Lying doubled up in bed; After vomiting.



In inflammatory conditions it competes with Arsenic album. The symptoms are so nearly alike in both that it is difficult to differentiate; both have violently distended abdomen; tympanites; burning like coals of fire; violent thirst; extreme sensitiveness and tenderness to touch so that motion or jar is unbearable; horrible offensive bloody discharge from the bowels; but they are different in the generals. Arsenic album wants to be covered up, to be kept warm, to have hot applications either wet or dry while Secale cor wants to be uncovered, wants the cold air. [Kent]



It is stated on the authority of Dr. Hering that an intimate friend and patient of Hahnemann, an artist, was in the habit of wetting his brush, containing India ink, with his saliva. Failing to cure him of his chronic ailments, Hahnemann suggested the ink as the probable cause of his persistent symptoms. The artist doubted this, but nevertheless modified his custom by covering the lips with a thin layer of sponge moistened with water, the mouth being protected by an impervious though pliable shield, and his obscure illness shortly passed away. Hahnemann then instituted proving with the Sepia succus. [Farrington]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly +Thirstless + Symptoms going upwards + Emaciation

Non-diligent + Obedient

Fast remedy


Children of mild or easy disposition with dark hair and rigid fibre.

Puffed, flabby child with dirty brown or blotched skin.

Tall, slim (not conspicuously thin) women with narrow pelvis, dark hair, yellow complexion and characteristic ‘saddle’.


  • Indifference

Indifference to loved ones.

Lack of emotions. Cannot demonstrate affection.

Great indifference to everything, no real vital feeling. Very indifferent to everything, insensible and apathetic. [Hahnemann]

  • Irritable child. Intolerant of contradiction. Angry, sensitive, easily offended and miserable. Never seems happy.

Inclined to anger. Angry, peevish. Very morose and violent. A trifle may produce a violent ebullition of anger, with trembling (especially of the hands). Very sensitive at the slightest cause; a fit of desperately furious gestures with sobbing; she throws herself on the bed and remains lying there all day, without eating (just before the menses).

The remembrance of past trouble puts him into extreme ill humor. Vexatious occurrences from past times keep recurring of themselves, which makes him so irritable that he gets quite beside himself, and cannot contain himself, with anguish, palpitation, and perspiration all over the body.

Peevish and disposed to quarrel. [Hahnemann]

  • Fault finding

She finds fault with everything, does not wish what others desire; with weeping and heat of the face. She finds fault with everything, approves of nothing. [Hahnemann]

  • Withdrawing

Presence of strangers aggravates. Aversion to company, yet dreads to be alone.

  • Consolation aggravates.
  • Likes dancing.
  • Will strong and positive.
  • Intellectual

Unusual clearness of intellect; ability to give close consecutive thought and greater quickness of memory. A clearing of the mental powers; head clearer. [Allen]

  • Anxiety about health.

Sad about her health. Troubled thoughts about his disease and about the future. Troubled about her health, anxious, irritated and very weak. She has none but troubled thoughts about her health, thinks she is getting the consumption and will die soon. [Hahnemann]

  • Sensitive to sensual impressions.
  • Antagonism with self.

He thinks, what he does not wish to think, uses expressions which he himself knows are incorrect; he resolves to do what is against his intention, and is thus in conflict with himself and, therefore, in a disagreeable, restless mood. [Hahnemann]


  • Atrophy of children; face like old man, big belly and dry flabby skin.
  • Hungry but satisfied after little food.
  • Diarrhoea; greenish infantile; from boiled milk with rapid exhaustion.


  • Emaciates rapidly.
  • Child will weep silently in a corner. Great sadness with tears.
  • Holding or being held ameliorates.
  • Dirtiness; child urinates and defecates everywhere.
  • Involuntary urination in children, with difficulty to wake the child.
  • Constipation
  • Ankles weak and turns easily on walking.

Schooling Child

  • Loves dancing.
  • Jealousy between children.
  • Aversion to play. Going out aversion to, but happy when goes out. Aversion to go to parties, but once they get there and start dancing they wake up at once and are perfectly happy. The heaviest and dull child when dancing at a party will become an entirely different being, will suddenly come alive.
  • Serious earnest children.
  • Makes mistakes in writing and speaking. Language comes very slowly, has to drag out the words to express ideas; forget the chief points.
  • Greedy and miser.
  • Indolent; not inclined to do anything, neither work nor play. Child is unfit for intellectual labor.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Touch me not.
  • Cranky and weeping.

Physical PQRS

  • Hypersensitiveness to external stimuli especially noise and music; often cause irritability.
  • Desires sweets, bread, butter, soup, wine, spices, and vinegar.
  • Aversion meat and tobacco.
  • Aggravation from boiled milk.
  • Great nausea at the sight or smell of food and thought of coition .
  • Weak empty hollow feeling or sensation of fullness in epigastrium, chest muscles, lumbar back, hips, knees, etc.
  • Chilly; feels cold even in a warm room.
  • Upward tendency of its symptoms. All pains are from below upwards.
  • Exercise ameliorates.
  • Sweats easily. Single parts sweats profusely.
  • Lips cracks or bleeds.

Entry points

Indifference to loved ones.

Rule out

If interested in pleasurable activities. Enthusiastic.

Fever totality

  • Chilly with air hunger. Easily chilled. Cold in spots, on vertex, between scapulae and feet. Cold in bed.
  • Heat ascending or as if hot water were poured over him. Anxious hot flushes preceded by sudden weakness.
  • Sweat easy, offensive with orgasms; on genitals, in axillae or back; between menses.
  • Coldness of extremities during fever.


Cold air; Before thunderstorm; Morning and evening; Lying on left side.


Exercise; Vigorous activity; Pressure; Warmth of bed; Hot application; After sleep; Limbs drawn up.


Phosphoric acid

See under Phosphoric acid page no 446.




The strength or stamina of straw depends upon its smooth coating which contains silica. Perhaps that is why persons lacking grit requires silica. [Bhanja]


Withdrawing           +         Hyperactive         Mental         &         Hyperactive

Physical                                + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Right sided + Emaciation

Diligent + Obedient

Touch me not Slow remedy



Silicea state develops in a person when he has to prove himself in a specific field or chore in order to be accepted and loved. For example, a child is told that he will be accepted and loved if he achieves a particular goal like doing exceedingly well in cricket and becoming a good cricketer or excelling in academics and becoming an engineer, etc. Hence, it becomes the need of the child that people should think about him as a good cricketer or topper in the class, even much better than what he is. This all leads to increasing the stress level of that child resulting in timidity and lowering self-confidence in the presence of others.


Suited to growing children who suffer from malnutrition due to imperfect assimilation.

Body emaciated, abdomen distended, large-headed with open fontanelles and sutures, weak ankles (slow learning to walk).

Delicate features like a porcelain doll; light complexion, fine and dry skin.

Adapted to children who are weak, nervous, irritable and                 faint-hearted.

Refined temperament; Serious, well-mannered and studious child.

Profuse sour smelling sweat over scalp while the body is dry.


  • Withdrawing

Shy and nervous. Refuses to answer any question directly to doctor instead whispers the answer to the mother, who then relays the information to doctor.

Timid, bashful. Timidity about appearing in public.

Weeping children who cry piteously if taken hold of or carried.

Cross and cries when spoken to.

Child crawls nervously or drags on mother’s arms; on running becomes pale.

  • Child is yielding, mild anxious and faint-hearted.
  • Fear of pins, pointed and sharp things.
  • Obstinate, stubborn and head-strong children. Holding on to one’s views and principles.
  • Oversensitive both mentally and physically, especially to noise and becomes anxious. Restless, fidgety and starts at least noise.
  • Lacks grit or mental stamina.
  • Conscientious about trifles.

Most excessive scruples of conscience about trifles frequently, as though he had done a great wrong. [Allen]


  • Bad effects of vaccination.
  • Wants to be magnetized (by mother and family members) which ameliorates. Silicea feels very chilly; hence are better when held warmly by mother but will start crying if a stranger tries to touch them.
  • Aversion to mother’s milk.
  • Feet and legs cold with cold sweat on them.
  • Ailments caused by suppression of foot sweat such as convulsion, dullness of sight, paralysis, etc.
  • Waking with shrieking, weeping.


  • Large head with open fontanelles and sutures; distended abdomen.
  • Slow in learning to walk because of weak ankles.
  • Wakes up at night for drinking water.
  • Offensive sweat on feet, hands and axilla.
  • Desires cold drink, cold food, ice-cream.
  • Rectum inactive; stools recede after being partly expelled with difficulty.
  • Easy tendency to suppuration.

Schooling Child

  • Lack of confidence; dreads failure.
  • Complaints from anticipation.
  • Yielding, faint-hearted.
  • Obstinate and headstrong.
  • Fixed ideas.
  • Dirty, untidy and filthy.
  • Fairly bright mentally, very easily tired out physically; liable to sweat, particularly about the extremities or about the head and neck. [Borland]
  • Diligent and studious. When asked to draw, will complete the drawing but the drawing does not convey any sense. Everything is neatly marked but without conveying anything new, no imagination.
  • Mental labor seems to be very difficult. Reading and writing are fatiguing.
  • Gets up while asleep; walks about and lies down again.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Cries when kindly spoken. The slightest words bring tears.

This child is becoming much more touchy, more difficult, he resents interference and is more inclined to retire into his shell. [Borland].

Physical PQRS

  • Lacks physical stamina. Wants to lie down.
  • Often develops a dislike of, or intolerance to milk, and the cervical glands may be enlarged.
  • Sweat

Children perspire all about the head; the head is wet from sweat, especially at night.

Offensive foot sweat with rawness between the toes.

  • Suppuration; Sinus; Fistula; Induration
  • Upward direction; Disease travel in upward direction.
  • Alternating symptoms

Fistula in ano alternates with chest symptoms.

  • Oversensitive to all external impressions.

Very easily startled. Sensitive to noise and anxiety there from. Loud talking annoys him. Great irritability and painful sensitiveness from touch. [Allen]

  • Stools are dry, hard, knotty, partly expelled recedes back, has to be removed mechanically.
  • Ill-effects of vaccination.
  • Nails brittle and crippled.

Entry points

Weepy and cranky child who cries at every little thing (like Pulsatilla but chilly).

Perspiration of palms and soles.

Rule out

If the child has good confidence. If there is desire for warm food.


New moon, full moon; Draft of cold air; Washing; Uncovering.


Warmth, warm wraps; Covering; Profuse urination.


Calcarea carb

See under Calcarea carb page no 146.



Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty

Non-diligent + Misbehaving


Children with fair complexion, light hair, lax fibre and swollen glands.

Especially adapted to young people of tubercular parents who remain weak and who do not thrive.


  • Defiant. Disobedience.

Insolent, obstinate, rude humour. [Hahnemann]

Combative and boastful humour. Immoderate and mischievous gaiety. [Clarke]

  • Irresistible desire to sing, with excessive joyfulness.
  • High spirited. Jesting. Witty. Mischievous.

An irresistible inclination to sing, with excessive gaiety, for half an hour; thereafter distraught and indisposed for all work, for an hour. Pert witty humour. [Hahnemann] Unusually cheerful. [Allen]

  • Timid and sensitive.

She is very timorous and particularly pursued and incessantly plagued by a frightful picture out of a melancholy past. Anxious as if misfortune threatened him, and he had a foreboding of it. She is very much given to be frightened and starts at every trifle, which goes every time into her feet and leaves therein a weight. [Hahnemann]

Fretful and anxious about her condition, fears she will die of suffocation. [Clarke]

  • Easily frightened.
  • Awakens in a fright and feels as if suffocating; as if he had to breathe through a sponge.
  • Reserved; does not talk much.

Monosyllabic and discontented humour. Ill-humoured; he spoke and answered very unwillingly. He is ill-humoured and idle; he prefers to rest, and is but little disposed to speak. [Hahnemann]

  • Averse to change.


  • Waking confused.

Physical PQRS

  • Sleeps into aggravation. Suffocating or smothering feeling rouses the patient from sleep.
  • Swelling and induration of glands. Goitre.
  • Hollow, barking, crowing, sawing, croupy cough wakes him.
  • Expectoration profuse mucus, difficult to raise, swallows it again. Tastes like milk.
  • Great dryness of mucous membranes in respiratory tract; cough with no mucous; rales, dry, sibilant, ‘like a saw through pine-board’. Dryness of tongue, larynx. trachea and throat.
  • Numbness lower half of the body.
  • Clothes feel uncomfortable and oppressive.

Rule out

If comfortable in tight clothing.

If child is well even after eating candies.

Fever totality

Heat; in flushes; with anxiety; cardiac pain would rather die; with cold moist thighs. Heat and sudden weakness after walking in open air he must lie down.


DRY COLD, wind; Roused from sleep; After sleep; Exertion; Raising the arms; Before 12 p.m.; Full moon; Sweets.


Lying with head low; Eating or drinking a little; Warm things; Descending.




Stannum metallicum is very sensitive to what others say about her (Phatak’s Materia Medica) and on the other hand we have taciturnity and dislike to society. In Stannum we have on the one hand the rubrics: “Activity, fruitless, desire for”, “Busy fruitlessly” which shows that he needs to keep moving, he needs to be busy and he needs to be occupied, while on the other we have: “Business, aversion to” and “Extreme weakness” so that the patient is unable even to talk. Stannum also has the symptom “Worse from using the voice” just like Argentum metallicum. So, we can understand that Stannum is the performer especially in business, in talking, in moving, in activity and he also has to be very conscious of his reputation with other people. [Sankaran]


Withdrawing + Hypoactive + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided

Diligent + Misbehaving Slow remedy


Emaciation; Lean, thin and weakly.

Pale face, sunken eyes with dark rings around the eyes and dullness of intellect.


  • Sad, despondent. Feels like crying all the time, but crying makes her worse (Natrum mur, Pulsatilla, Sepia).
  • Very sensitive as to what others say about her.
  • Cannot get rid of an idea once fixed in her mind.
  • Dislike for society and conversation.
  • Doesn’t want to talk due to weakness.


  • Wants to be carried across shoulders.


  • Swollen ankles in delicate girls.
  • Worm colic. The child wishes to press the abdomen against something hard for relief.

Schooling Child

  • Timidity + Cowardice + Anxiety about health.
  • Forgetful and absent minded.
  • Always tired; it is an effort to work.
  • They are not as strong as Ferrums, not as valuable (esteem) as Aurum and Platina. They are insecure, “What people will say about them”.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Mocking and sarcasm.

Physical PQRS

  • Pains come and go slowly.
  • Weakness is felt more in chest. Weakness felt much more on going down stairs than going up.

The chest is so weak as to make talking impossible. The patient is so weak, she drops into a chair instead of sitting down. While dressing in the morning has to sit down several times to rest. There is weakness and aching of the deltoid and arm, and this has the curious modality that it is felt when singing or otherwise using the voice. Stan. is an important remedy for singers and public speakers. The weakness of Stan. makes it an appropriate remedy for many states of neurasthenia, nervous exhaustion. A peculiarity of the weakness is that it is felt much more on going down stairs than on going up. The relaxation of tissue is probably responsible for the weak, empty, sinking sensation felt at the epigastrium; and also for the uterine prolapse. [Clarke]

  • Yellowness

Tongue is yellow.

All discharges are yellow.

  • The convulsions are opisthotonic; the thumbs are drawn in. They are such as are met with in teething children; or in children who masturbate; or who have worms.
  • Very debilitating sweat at night.
  • Increased hunger but it cannot be satisfied.
  • Copious, thick, yellow-green, bloody expectoration which tastes sweetish (Phosphorus).

Entry points

Weakness. Extreme exhaustion of mind and body from slightest use.

Using voice is markedly fatiguing.

Aggravation from slow movement.

Rule out

Disease or pains spreads fast.


Using voice; Cold; 10 a.m.; Lying on right side; After gentle motion; Warm drinks; During stool; Going down stairs; Ascending; Touch.


Hard pressure over on edge; Coughing expectoration; Rapid motion; Lying across something hard; Bending double.




Staphysagria is usually quiet, serious and composed child. He has sensitivity, an inhibition and vulnerability which are very apparent. There may be infrequent periods of emotional outbursts. In most of the cases, there is history of abusive parents or an elder sibling who suppresses or humiliates a Staphysagria child.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirstless + Left sided

Diligent + Obedient (Misbehaves when his patience breaks) Anger suppressed



The main theme of Staphysagria is to maintain dignity. Staphysagria has a good child image and are very well behaved in the clinic.

Case: A 9 year old schooling child behaved in a very obedient manner in the clinic. His father said that he behaves like the British, meaning he neither mixes easily with others nor indulges in rubbish talks. He speaks to the point and says what is relevant to the topic. Tolerance level is too high. He has control over his emotions, does not show his emotions (love and anger) easily and holds them back. Anger is pent-up but if the barrier of his anger breaks, his reaction will be very lethal.


Indicated in individuals who appear pale, are worn out and exhausted, especially as regards to their nervous system.

Face is rather sunken, nose peaked and pointed, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue rings.


  • Sensitive children

Very sensitive and touchy to least mental impression, takes offence at every little meant or unmeant insult. Very sensitive to what others say about him.

The patient is easily excited to anger, sensitive to the least impression, and takes offence at every little meant or unmeant insult. [Farrington]

  • Anger suppressed

The child is not assertive, feels it is useless to show his anger. If Staphysagria child is shouted at, he will not express his displeasure rather suppress it, though he is angry. He may close his fist tightly, but will not react.

Excitable easily aroused to anger, but seldom irascible, that is easily disturbed and excited, but seldom manifests it. Suitable in cases where complaints come from pent up wrath, suppressed anger, suppressed feelings. The person becomes speechless from suppressed indignation; anger with indignation. Complaints brought on by these causes; irritable bladder with frequent urging to urinate, lasting many days after suppressed wrath, after insults. “Great indignation about things done by others or by himself; grieves about consequences.” A gentleman comes in contact with one beneath his station and an altercation takes place, an argument which ends in insult and the gentleman turns his back on the other. He goes home and suffers; he does not speak it out but controls it and then suffers from it. He has sleepless nights and many days of fatigue, brain-fag; for days and weeks he cannot add nor subtract, makes mistakes in writing and speaking, has irritability of the bladder, colic, etc. [Kent]

All day peevish and cross; he did not know what to do for ill-humour, and was extremely pensive. Silent peevishness; he gets cross about everything, even what does not concern him.

Very cross (in the morning); he is inclined to throw away everything he took in his hand. [Hahnemann]

  • Withdrawing

Serious, silent, occupied with himself, he speaks but little. [Hahnemann]

Dislike to conversation, meditation, and all intellectual and serious labour. [Clarke]

  • Melancholy

Sad, without being able to assign any cause for being so. Peevish and sad. Peevish and lachrymose. She will not hear about anybody or anything; she covers up her face and weeps aloud, without cause. Every word annoys her; she weeps if any one speaks to her. Sulky; she weeps often about nothing at all. Very lachrymose. She was all day long full of grief; she was afflicted to weeping about her circumstances, and she cared for nothing in the world. All day long peevish and restless; he found rest nowhere. [Hahnemann]

Justifiable ill humour over what has happened or has been done by oneself; weeping and dejected over the supposed ill consequences of it. [Clarke]

  • Indifference

Phlegmatic, prostrated mind and sad disposition, unsympathetic, indifferent to all externals, yet not cross or exhausted. He is very much prostrated in mind, has no desire to talk, is not disposed to think, and indifferent to outward things. [Hahnemann]


  • Dentition delayed.
  • Child sleeps all day, lies awake all night.
  • Waking confused and dull.
  • Sleep restless and unsound with half waking every hour and he could lie on either side; before midnight he is full of various thoughts and he calls his mother constantly.
  • Child wakes pushes everything away and wants everybody to go away; restless at night as from frightful dreams; calls for mother often.
  • Appetite for liquid food only (soup). Hunger even when stomach is full.
  • Pot-bellied children with much flatulence, colic and worms.


  • Sensitive to touch, reprimands, rudeness, moral impressions.
  • Weeping from admonition.
  • Ill humored child.

Child cries for many things and refuses them when offered.

On waking pushes everything away and wants everyone to go out; calls for mother often.

  • Bashful: Child is shy of opposite sex.
  • Crumbling teeth in children. Premature decay of teeth.

Schooling Child

  • Subdued anger; Was insulted, being too dignified to fight, subdued or swallowed his wrath, and went home trembling and exhausted.
  • Great indignation about things done by others or himself; grieves about consequences.
  • Great aversion to any authority.
  • Rudeness of naughty children.
  • Throws things around in anger.
  • Fault finding, impulsive, malicious and revengeful.
  • Wakes up at night because of the vexatious thoughts, of some incident which was not agreeable to him.
  • Chronic diarrhoea or dysentery of weakly sickly children after anger; after being punished; after emotions (Chamomilla, Colocynth).

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Inhibited.
  • Anger Intrapunitive.
  • Throws things when suppressed anger reaches a peak.

Physical PQRS

The senses are in this same irritable state so that the tips of the fingers are sensitive, the ears are sensitive to noise, the tongue is sensitive to tastes and the nose to odours; so sensitive that everything is painfully sensated. Every little inflamed spot will have in its center sensitive points, little nerve spots; ulcers when touched cause the patient to go all to pieces and a convulsion threatens. Haemorrhoidal tumors are so sensitive that they cannot be touched. Little nerve tumors form in the skin, little polypoid growths the size of a wheat grain and denuded of epithelium, covered with moisture, red, inflamed, blue, and a mere touch will throw the patient into convulsions and suffering for days and nights. A hyper-sensitive nerve growth will come out on the hand or on the back. Sometimes it turns black. Again a little wart will come out, especially about the genitals and anus, little caruncular growths about the urethra and vagina, so sensitive that if nipped between the fingers the patient will go into spasms, especially if a woman. [Kent]

  • Canine hunger even when stomach is full.
  • Craving sweets, milk.
  • Dental caries.

The milk-teeth are scarcely full grown before they become black increases or spots and crumble away. In this respect Staphysagria rivals Kreosote, which is one of the best remedies for premature decay of the milk-teeth, when they first become yellow, then dark and finally decay. In Thuja, as you will remember, the teeth decay at the edge of the gums. [Farrington]

  • Recurrent styes.

Staphysagria is useful in children suffering from inflammation of the eyes, particularly of the lids with hardened styes. For those little cystic tumors which form in the eyelids midway between the inner and outer surfaces, Graphites is the best remedy. Baryta-carb also cures tarsal tumors. [Farrington]

Entry points

Anger suppressed.

Hunger increased during fever.

Rule out

If no history of vexation or indignation or suppressed anger.

Fever totality

  • Hunger increased during fever.
  • Sweat; profuse cold smelling like rotten eggs with a desire to uncover.


Touch; Cold drinks; After urinating, when not urinating; New moon; Before Full moon





Both Ignatia and Staphysagria are chilly, obedient and non-expressive. The main difference is that when hurted, Ignatia feels sad but suppresses her grief while Staphysagria feel angry but suppresses her anger.



We find Staphysagria indicated in what I have already termed a mental colic; that is crampy pains in the abdomen following a fit of anger, just as we found present under Chamomilla and Colocynth.

Chamomilla is called for in these cases when hot face, red cheeks and hot perspiration are associated with the colic; and Colocynth, when the severe pains cause the patient to double up for relief. Staphysagria is here complementary to Colocynth, stepping in to complete the cure when Colocynth is insufficient. [Farrington]



The Stramonium patient feels helpless, like a child left alone, and there is an impression of danger. He feels abandoned, forsaken, left in a terrifying place – alone in the wilderness. Facing the sudden realization of this terrifying situation, his brain refuses to work: he cannot recognize who is around him, he just clings to whoever or whatever is there (“Child awakens terrified, knows no one, screams, clings to those near”; “Clinging to persons, furniture”). [Sankaran]


Approaching  + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive Chilly + Thirsty or Thirstless Non-diligent + Misbehaving



Child awakes terrified knows no one, screams with fright, clings to those near him. Awakes with a shrinking look, as if afraid of the first object seen.


  • Lasciviousness is very pronounced. Hands constantly pulling at genitals in little boys.
  • Pupils dilate when the child is reprimanded.
  • Religious child.
  • Excessive loquacity during delirium; talks all the time, sings, makes verses, raves. Talks of nothing but one subject.
  • Acts silly. Imitates others, animals and makes sounds of animals. Crack jokes.
  • Cannot bear solitude and darkness. Wants light and company.
  • Fear of death, dark, being alone and animals.


  • Awakes with a shrinking look, as if afraid of the first object seen. Awakes terrified knows no one, screams with fright clings to those near him.
  • Fear of dark.
  • Approaching but doesn’t want to be touched. Gets scared.
  • Wants to be held.
  • Sleepy, but cannot sleep (Belladonna, Chamomilla, Opium).
  • Eyes wide open, pupils dilated.


  • Ailments from fright.
  • Delirium during fever. Calls for parents although they may be present trying to console him.
  • Loquacity

Disposed to talk continually (Cicuta virosa, Lachesis).

Incessant and incoherent talking and laughing.

Talks in rhymes.

Praying singing devoutly; beseeching, entreating.

Dances, gesticulates, shouts with laughter, and sings.

  • Desires light and company; cannot bear to be alone (Bismuth); Worse in the dark and solitude; cannot walk in a dark room.
  • Pupils dilate when child is reprimanded.
  • Biting and striking when angry.
  • Fearful hallucination sees ghosts, wild animals which scares the child.
  • Fear of dogs.
  • Handles genitals.

Schooling Child

  • Stammering, has to exert himself a lot before he can utter a word. Makes great effort to speak; distorts the face (Bovista, Ignatia, Spigelia).
  • Does all sorts of crazy things.
  • Religious mania. Prays, and sings religious songs.
  • Exposes himself.
  • Wants company. Cannot remain alone.
  • Fear of dark and closed places. Anxiety when going through a tunnel.

Cannot walk in the dark (hence it is indicated in locomotor ataxy); and going through railway tunnels without a light in the carriage may cause fainting. [Clarke]

  • Dancing and singing

Dancing in rhythmic fashion like Lachesis (Tarentula dances abruptly).

Sings religious songs or obscene songs.

Sings in rhythm.

  • Anxiety of conscience. He feels that he has done some unpardonable things and hence constantly prays for pardon.
  • Rage. Threatening.
  • Haughty and proud. Reaction to Stimulus
  • Anger Extrapunitive

Biting and striking.

Abusive, cursing and swearing.

  • Exaggerated reactions. Panic from small stimulus and clinging.
  • Approaching but doesn’t want to be touched. Gets scared.

Physical PQRS

  • Ailments from Suppression of discharges and secretions
  • Convulsion

Convulsions in children with profuse perspiration followed by sleep.

Convulsive jerking of limbs with weeping.

Convulsive movements and jerks especially on touching or fixing the eyes on brilliant objects (such as candle, mirror or water) or else appearing periodically.

Graceful, rhythmic motions.

Convulsions with consciousness (Nux vomica. Convulsion without consciousness Belladonna, Cicuta, Hyoscyamus, Opium).

Convulsions renewed by sight of bright light, mirror or water (Belladonna, Lyssin).

Convulsion of upper extremities and isolated group of muscles.

  • Face hot and red with cold hands and feet; circumscribed redness of cheeks, blood rushes to face; risus sardonicus.
  • No pain with most complaints (except sever pain in hip joint).

Dry mouth.

Lips dry and glued together.

Entry points

Painless complaints.

Approaching child but touch me not.

Approaching child but doesn’t want to be examined.

Drug Remedy (Hallucinogen) but with fear of dark and fear of stranger.

Rule out

Child can stay in dark.

Fever Totality

  • Thirstless during fever.
  • Coldness of extremities during fever.
  • Profuse perspiration.
  • Touch me not. Aggravation

Glistening objects; (mirror surface of water); Fright; After sleep; Dark;

Cloudy days; Swallowing; Suppressions; Intemperance; Touch


LIGHT; Company; Warmth


Stramonium Belladonna               Hyoscyamus
•Loquacious •Insensibly stupid
•Throws himself •Starts or jumps, •Twitches, picks and
about, jerks head. falling or awaking    reaches, otherwise from sleep.         lies pretty still.
•When violent •When violent       •When violent
  • After being frightened, Loquacity, redness Dusky redness, plays the timid person of face and strikes antics, shamelessness switches to aggression with fist. and breaks things.

(fight or flight response). Holds or clings tightly.




Sulphur is a product of volcanic eruptions found free in nature and was used from remote times to remove skin affections; therefore it is the great anti-psoric remedy. [Phatak]


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Non-aggressive Hot + Thirsty (can be thirstless also) + Left sided + Emaciated and big bellies

Diligent + Misbehaving



Everything in Sulphur is “Pseudo”, meaning false.

  • When Sulphur individual says he is fastidious, it is pseudo because he will be wearing a neat, clean and starched shirt, but when closely observed, one sees that he is wearing torn shoes.
  • When Sulphur person talks of knowledge, it will be all pseudo knowledge, meaning it will be all theoretical and its practical applications or implications will be missing.
  • When Sulphur child is asked to draw, for example a dog, he will draw a dog with head, face, body, four legs and one tail which is technically right but the parts are disproportionate giving the drawing an absurd look.


Suited to stoop shouldered children who have emaciated  limbs but big head, big belly, and dry flabby skin.

Child looks like a dried old man. Standing is the most uncomfortable position.

Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections.

Much the commonest is a fairly well-nourished, well-grown child, always with a definitely big head. They are usually fairly heavy in build and rather awkward and clumsy in their movements. They are apt to have very coarse, strong hair, and always a fairly high colour. Their skin tends to be roughish, it will roughen in a cold wind and they sweat easily. They tend to have rather red extremities, red hands (palms) and very often red feet (soles). They always have very red lips, very often red ears, and they easily run to redness of the margins of the lids. [Borland]

The thin Sulphur type

They are much more inclined to be miserable, low spirited. They have much less vitality, much less bite about them. There is the same sort of resentment of outside interference, though it shows itself differently. These thin Sulphur children are liable to weep, and any attempt to comfort them is apt to annoy them, and they will turn on you. These thin Sulphur children have even less stamina than the fat ones, they are more easily exhausted and, like all Sulphur patients, they cannot stand for any length of time. They stand badly in the ordinary instance, and if they are kept standing they go to pieces. [Borland]


  • Extroverted and open
  • Mechanical, Inquisitive, Creative

Sulphur children are very mechanical and astute at figuring out how things work. They enjoy contact with adults and resent on not being treated as adults, finding it unfair when they are sent to bed early while the adults continue the conversation.

  • Religious affections in children. Dwells on religious speculations.
  • Artistic aptitude.
  • Philosophical

Ragged Philosopher – Rags seem beautiful.

“Ragged philosophers” dirty looking persons who are always speculating on religious or philosophical subjects. Foolish happiness and pride ; fantastic illusions of the intellect, especially if one turns everything into beauty, as an old rag or stick looks to be a beautiful piece of workmanship ; everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to. [Clarke] Hering called the Sulphur patient “the ragged philosopher.” The Sulphur scholar the inventor works day and night in threadbare clothes and battered hat; he has long uncut hair and a dirty face; his study is uncleanly it is untidy; books and leaves of books are piled up indiscriminately; there is no order. It seems that Sulphur produces this state of disorder a state of untidiness a state of uncleanliness a state of don’t care how things go and a state of selfishness. He becomes a false philosopher, and the more he goes on in this state the more he is disappointed because the world does not consider him the greatest man on earth. Old inventors work and work, and fail. [Kent]

  • Messy

The children are quite messy and are not bothered if their clothes are dirty. (Arsenic-alb child wants dirty clothes to be changed immediately). • Lazy and Indolent

Great indolence and repugnance to all exertion, both mental and bodily. Indifference and disinclined to work.

  • Dullness in children.
  • Quarrelsome

Ill humor, moroseness, quarrelsome disposition, disposition to criticize and dislike to conversation.

Irritability, disposition to anger and passion.

  • Spoiled children, very selfish, have no regard for others.
  • Boasts about his belongings, his toys.
  • Foolish behavior, happiness and pride. Too much coquettish.
  • Tendency to weep in children. Sadness in children.
  • Timidity and great tendency to be frightened. Child jumps starts and screams fearfully.
  • Anxiety for health.
  • Aversion to play in children. Aversion to amusement.
  • Restlessness and sleeplessness in children.


  • Eats well but emaciates.
  • Wants frequent feeding.
  • Aggravation from milk especially top-feed milk. Diarrhoea immediately from drinking milk.
  • Unequal distribution of heat in the body. They have hot heads and cold hands, or hot hands and cold feet, or hot feet and cold heads.
  • Dull and lazy. Sleepy during the day and sleepless at night. Wants cat-nap sleep. They are quite lively in the evening, and will not go to the bed early.
  • On waking cheerful and laughing.
  • Sensitive to slightest noise; wakes from the slightest noise with a start.
  • Aversion to being washed.
  • Face red and lips red. Dry lips and mouth.


  • Sulphur children nearly always look dirty.
  • Some Sulphur patients can be very lethargic, dull, uninteresting people but if they are stimulated in the proper kind of society they wake up; they are clever; and you would not recognize them as the same beings. It is the same with Sulphur children; badly handled they are dull, heavy, cross, irritable; and when properly handled they can be bright, interesting, quite friendly, and very often clever.
  • Pseudo fastidious.

Cleanliness is not a great idea with the Sulphur patient; he thinks it is not necessary. He is dirty; he does not see the necessity of putting on a clean collar and cuffs and a clean shirt; it does not worry him. Sulphur is seldom indicated in cleanly people but it is commonly indicated in those who are not disturbed by uncleanliness. And it is astonishing how the Sulphur patients especially the little ones, can get their clothing dirty so fast. Children have the most astonishing tendency to be filthy. Mothers tell you of the filthy things that little ones will do if they be Sulphur patients. The child is subject to catarrhal discharges from the nose, the eyes and from other parts, and he often eats the discharge from the nose. [Kent]

  • Touches all the things kept in the clinic to know what that thing is.
  • Constantly busy and hyperactive. But without any fruitful act.

Schooling Child

  • Good appetite. Cannot remain hungry. Sulphur patients have a desire for something with a definite taste; like highly seasoned, spiced foods and have a very marked desire for sweets. Also they have almost a perverted desire for out-of-the-ordinary food, the unusual dish that the average child dislikes, Sulphur children will eat with relish.
  • Sulphur patients (adult or children) are always very sluggish after meals; they get heavy and sleepy, want to lie about and are irritable when disturbed.
  • Happy dreams wake him up at night.
  • Some of the Sulphur children have a most astonishing command on languages.
  • Sulphur children are extremely pleased with their possessions. Their toys are the best that could be, and their family is the best ever. They also have an astonishing money sense; quite a small child has a very definite sense of values.
  • Anxiety about health yet does not want to be investigated.
  • Critical and Opinionated

The heavier Sulphur type have much more bite about them, they tend to be quarrelsome, impatient, rather critical, fault-finding, discontented, very often generally dissatisfied; are apt to feel they are not getting a fair deal, and often feel they are being underestimated. They are lazy, but it is often very difficult to say whether it is real laziness or lack of stamina, because they do get tired out on exertion. They have a great dislike of interference, they think they know how to do a thing, they know what they want to do, and strongly resent their parents butting in, they think they would make a better show of it if they were left alone.

  • Philosophical and Inquisitive

Inquisitiveness and constantly asks many questions. Why this? Why that? Who made this?

  • Monomania

Monomania over the study of strange and abstract things, occult things; things that are beyond knowledge; studying different things without any basis to figure upon; dwelling upon strange and peculiar things. It has cured a patient who did nothing but meditate as to what caused this and that and the other thing finally tracing things back to Divine Providence and then asking “Who made God?” She would sit in a corner counting pins and wonder pondering over the insolvable question of “Who made God?” One woman could never see any handiwork of man without asking who made it. She could never be contented until she found out the man who made it, and then she wanted to know who his father was; she would sit down and wonder who he was whether he was an Irishman, and so on. That is a feature of Sulphur. It is that kind of reasoning without any hope of discovery, without any possible answer. It is not that kind of philosophy which has a basis and which can be followed up, reasoning in a series, reasoning on things that are true but a fanatical kind of philosophy that has no basis wearing oneself out. Sulphur has an aversion to follow up things in an orderly fashion, an aversion to real work, an aversion to systematic work. The Sulphur patient is a sort of inventive genius. When he gets an idea in his mind he unable to get rid of it. [Kent]

Case: A 3 years old child likes to be in her own world and calls herself “BARBIE-DOLL”. She mixes with people very fast but does not share her toys instead will take other child’s toys and will not give them. She likes to choose her dress and matching things to it. She likes wearing skirts, frocks and slippers with bow or some shining thing (putting pins) over it. Cannot bear the smell of her stool and urine, so ties a handkerchief around her nose to avoid that smell otherwise she vomits. Play with cubes – tall buildings. Dominating, does things according to her way, if somebody contradicts then she sits in a corner and cries for half an hour.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Angry and quarrelsome.
  • Anger alternating with quick repentance.
  • Angry with himself.
  • Allows examination but asks a lot of questions with slight anxiety on face.

Physical PQRS

  • Dread of being washed (in children). They cry lustily if they have to be washed.
  • The child sleeps without covers. Burning feet. Must put out of covers or restlessly searches for a cool spot.
  • Nutrition is affected on account of defective assimilation; in spite of voracious appetite the patient emaciates (especially children).
  • Muscles of neck weak; child cannot hold head.
  • Children have the most astonishing tendency to be filthy. Dirty sallow impoverished child.
  • Irregular distribution of circulation; Heat; Burning; Flushes. Constant heat on top of head.

Heat on top of head, while the feet are cold.

Burning of palms.

Burning in soles; especially when warm in bed; puts them out of bedclothes to cool them off.

Frequent flushes of heat in fever or without fever.

Flushes of heat in face.

  • Redness

Orifices of the body very red; very red ears; red nostrils; red eyelids; red anus; red mouth of urethra ; red vulva; lips bright red as if blood would burst through.

The orifices are not only red but they are sore and hypersensitive. The passage of all discharge and excretions in painful.

  • Aggravated by heat and at night. Hot and kicks off the clothes at night.

Entry points

Burning vertex. Heat of palms and soles.

Infant wakes up happily.

Child who does a lot of theorizing.

The child draws something which is technically correct, but not making any sense, disproportionate drawing, but all vital things included.

Rule out

If the child enjoys taking a bath. (Sometimes the Sulphur child may enjoy at the water park or swimming pool, but it is because of play) If child likes cleanliness (Fastidious). If child is mentally dull.

Fever totality

  • Chill spreading up back.
  • Flushes of Feels too hot. Heat with general throbbing; between scapulae.
  • Sweat on single parts; in axillae; hands and feet. Profuse sweat at night with Sulphur odour. Sweat without relief.
  • Redness of orifices with fever.
  • Thirstless during fever. (Thirsty in chronic stage)


Suppression of skin diseases; Sun’s heat; Over exertion; Warmth of bed;

Washing, bathing; Suppressed eruptions or discharge; Change of weather


Dry warm weather; Lying on Right side.



See under Aethusa page no 12.



See under Aloe page no 22.



Approaching + Hyperactive Physically + Non-aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Right sided Diligent


  • Walks fast and in a hurry. Likes to sit but too restless.
  • Cannot wait, must keep on go.
  • Despair cannot see anything bright in life. Loss of confidence in own abilities.
  • Over-conscientious about small matters.
  • Neglects his household duties.
  • Stamps feet during sleep. Restlessness observed in feet.

Physical PQRS

  • Eats well but emaciates. Excessive appetite.
  • Slight exertion brings on all the symptoms. Though restless motion increases symptoms.
  • Aversion to warm foods.
  • Desires for lemonade and refreshing things. Desires pickles.
  • Induration of glands. Hard knotty lymphatic glands in neck like ropes.
  • Sleepy by day and sleepless at night.

Entry points

Right sided Sulphur. Fast Sulphur.


Exertion; even slight; Heat; Lying on right side; Before storms; Night; Stooping.


Cool air; Standing; Expectoration; Winter



See under Lycopodium page no 345.



Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physically + Non-aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Sides changeable

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Fast Remedy



Feels in a great hurry; everything must be done quickly (Argentum nitricum). Hurry while eating, writing, walking. Impatient; angry because things move so slowly.

The most important thing that can be seen about Sulphuricum acidum is its tremendous hurry. It is one of the most hasty remedies in our Materia Medica. Sulphuricum acidum is hurried while eating, in movements, he cannot do things fast enough, he is hurried in walking, in writing and in occupation. But when we look behind this hurry, we find that there is a constant anxiety to finish one’s work as fast as possible. The hurry is much more in occupation than in other things. [Sankaran]


Light haired females.

Sour smelling babies.


  • Unwilling to answer questions not from obstinacy, but ineptness.


  • Feeds hurriedly and gets satisfied quickly.
  • Perspiration while feeding.
  • Waking with anger.
  • Music ameliorates.
  • Infant has sour odour despite careful washing (Hepar-s, Mag-carb, Rheum).

Schooling Child

  • Seriousness alternating with buffoonery. Jesting, funny, witty.
  • Doesn’t want to answer anything. Says yes or no with difficulty.
  • Angry and impatient because things moves slowly. Wants to complete things in time.

No one does anything to please him; in such a hurry if doing anything or going anywhere. All things must be done at once. [Kent]

  • Undertakes many things but perseveres in nothing.
  • Takes everything in bad part.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Inhibited. Sulking.

Physical PQRS

  • Pains gradual and of slow increasing intensity which ceases suddenly when at its height, often repeated (Pulsatilla).
  • Weakness and exhaustion. Weakness is out of proportion of the disease.
  • Aversion to cold water.
  • Desires fruits, alcohol. Desire sour, fruit juices.
  • Easy bruising. Blue marks after slightest injury. Bad effects from mechanical injury.

The haemorrhagic disposition with many complaints. Black fluid blood from all the orifices of the body. Small red spots enlarging rapidly to resemble purpura haemorrhagica. Blue-black spots on the skin from slight injury. Blood-red spots on the skin like those on a brook trout sometimes after injuries. [Kent]

  • Hair turns grey and falls off.
  • Changeable symptoms.

Entry points

Hasty and chilly Sulphur.

Rule out

If hurriedness is absent.

Fever totality

  • Drenching sweats.
  • Disproportionate weakness during fevers like typhoid.


Open air; Cold; Injuries; Surgical operations; Concussion of brain; Odour of coffee; Towards evening; Excessive heat or cold; Touch; Pressure; Sprains; Lifting arms; Drinking cold water.


Hot drinks; Hands near head; Moderate temperature; Warmth.




The nosode of syphilis is mainly used on the general symptomatology with the family and personal history of the patient. Its nightly aggravation of complaints with extreme mental and physical restlessness together with its intense irritability, are striking indications for its use. [Murphy]


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Changing sides + Emaciation

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Slow remedy Constitution

Dwarfed children

Shriveled up, old looking babies

Children with bald head, pouting lips and big belly.


  • Absent minded.
  • Loss of memory; remembers everything previous to his illness. Weakness or loss of memory, especially for names.
  • Terrible dread of night when symptoms get aggravated.
  • Cross and nervous, irritable and peevish.
  • Shrieking sudden, with full force and not out of rage like Stramonium.
  • Hopeless; despairs of recovery.


  • Crying infants; who begin crying continuously after birth.
  • Consolation aggravates.
  • Fontanelles open.
  • Obstinate constipation.

Schooling Child

  • Some children have a sadistic streak in that they enjoy watching animals die, and will find themselves stepping on insects, or putting them in water and watching them drown.
  • Indifferent to his friends and feels no delight in anything.

He always says he is not himself and he cannot feel like himself. A middle-aged man who had suffered many years from latent syphilis abandoned his business and remained at home lamenting and sad. [Kent]

  • Inaptitude for mathematics. Cannot remember arithmetical calculations.
  • Memory weak. Cannot remember names of books, persons, places, etc.
  • Fear of infection. Washes hands many times. Compulsive behavior. Reaction to Stimulus

Anger Extrapunitive.

Physical PQRS

  • The teeth are deformed, distorted, spotted and decay early; cup shaped in children. Excessive flow of saliva, it runs out of mouth when sleeping.
  • This remedy has cured many cases of offensive green or yellow discharge from nose in children with specific history.
  • Foul odour of the body. Fetid discharges.
  • Violent or linear pains. Pains increase and decrease gradually; shift locality; worse at night.
  • Succession of abscesses.
  • Crack in centre of the tongue.
  • Great restlessness at night, it being impossible to keep leg in one position.
  • Hot applications ameliorate.
  • Sunset to sunrise aggravation.

Entry points

Sadistic destructive behavior. Diverse symptoms.

Rule out

If no night aggravation. If wants consolation.

Fever totality

  • Sweats at night with exhaustion.


NIGHT; Sunset to sunrise; Damp; Extreme heat or cold; Every alternate full moon; During thunderstorm; In any position; Motion; Raising arms laterally; Squatting; Winter; Summer; Sea-shore; Protruding tongue.


Continued or slow motion; Changing position; High altitude; Applied heat; During day.



Spiders are not insects, they have eight, instead of six arms. They have neither legs nor a neck, but impressing eyes, arms and a big trunk. Their vision is not good, but they orientate themselves on the position of the stars or the electromagnetic field. Spiders are active animals that work hard and can refrain from food for a long time. When they eat they usually suck their nutriment. They are sensitive to noise, e.g. they run away from the sound of a tuningfork. They are solitary animals with little mutual contact. Some female spiders eat the male after mating. [Dr. Mangiolavori]



  • Sensitive to noise.
  • Boys like to play with ropes, girls with knitting. [Dr. Mangiolavori]

Physical PQRS

  • Can remain hungry for long.
  • Physical restlessness.
  • Lack of coordination.





“The Mygale Cubensis, which may be called the Cuban Tarentula, also found in South Carolina and Texas, is a larger spider, of a dark brown colour, less poisonous, and covered with more hairs than the Tarentula Hispanica” [Hering].


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly or Hot + Thirsty or Thirstless + Emaciated

Non-diligent + Misbehaving

Speed fast (Incubation slow but further progress rapid)


  • Restlessness

We notice constant movement of arms and legs and twitching of various muscles of the body. This is due to great sensitiveness and irritability of the nervous structure of the system. Constant movement and friction are necessities with these patients; they relieve the hyper irritation of the terminal points of the nerves. They rub their hands and legs and even their heads against something. They must roll something between their fingers and put their fingers in their mouth. This extra-irritability of the entire body is the red strand symptom of the remedy and whenever present should remind us of this remedy. [Chaudhary]

  • Hard to concentrate mind.
  • No ambition to do anything.

Physical PQRS

  • Purplish discoloration.

Burning stinging pains. [Boericke]

Pungent heat of surface. [Boger]

Early and persistent prostration. [Boericke]

Alarming prostration. [Boger]

  • Restless feet.

Board like hardness of parts. [Boger]

  • Atrocious pains.

I have seen felons which have kept patients awake night after night walking the floor in agony from the terrible pains so relieved in a very short time that they could sleep in perfect comfort until the swellings spontaneously discharged and progressed to a rapid cure. [Nash]

  • Sleepy but cannot sleep.
  • Loss of appetite except for breakfast.

Entry points

Tarentula indications but with diseases like:

Severe septic conditions.

Severe inflammation and pain.

Malignant suppurations.

It is the remedy for pain of death; soothes the last struggles. It relieves pain.


Night; Cold drinks; Exertion.






Tarentula hispanica is commonly called Spanish Spider.

Like the spider, the Tarentula children are also very restless, their movements are very irregular, abrupt and not rhythmic (Lachesis have rhythmic movements). They have tremendous energy within them and it is very difficult to restrain them. Hence, they are so restless and constantly busy doing something. They have tremendous mania to dance.


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly or Hot + Thirsty or Thirstless + Emaciation

Non-diligent + Misbehaving Speed fast



The typical picture of Tarentula is the “Popeye baby”. Popeye is a cartoon character who has tremendous strength despite being lean and thin. When you try to hold (control) a Tarentula child, he will resist this control by his tremendous strength. Even a 5 year old Tarentula toddler has so much energy that it is very difficult to control him.


Emaciated, nervous, hysterical children.


  • Abrupt (Irregular movements)

Cross, tendency to get angry and to speak abruptly; is obliged to move limbs. [Hering]

  • Tremendously hurried, intense, excited and restless. Everybody must hurry.

Tormented with frightful restlessness: especially of arms and legs. [Tyler]

The restlessness is particularly noticed in the lower extremities, with desire to cry; must keep

moving about, though walking aggravates all the symptoms. [Clarke]

Restlessness of the limbs in the evening, in bed before going to sleep like Arsenic-alb and Lycopodium. [Kent]

Rolls from side to side. [Boger]

  • Hysteria

Hysteria, with bitter belching and repeated yawning, ameliorated by lying down and by music; restlessness of hands and legs; constant motion, cannot remain in one place; heat in epigastrium. [Hering]

Nervous excitement; hysteria and mania; restlessness and dreaming. [Hering]

Tarentula suggests violence and torment. Without specific power to damage parts or organs after the manner of many of our remedies, it can violently torment both body and mind in a manner utterly subversive to decency and behaviour as regards the unhappy victim, and perplexing and alarming to friends and attendants. Tarentula, therefore, becomes a powerful remedy in spasms, and in hysteria with its “protean manifestations “, as Clarke puts it. [Tyler]

  • Feign sickness.

Malingering; when there are no observers there is no hysteria; when attentions is directed to her, she begins to twitch, feigns fainting, insensibility, but looks sideways to observe the effect on those around her. [Phatak]

  • Lack of control. Cunning , manipulative and dishonest. Selfish.

Disobedience , refuses to eat. Quarrelsome. Mischievous.

Desire to take things which do not belong to her. [Clarke]

Loss of all shame. [Kent]

Constantly complaining and threatening; threatens her nurse and her attendants.[Kent]

  • Destructiveness of clothes, whatever she can lay hand on. Breaks, tears and throws things.

Great taciturnity and irritability; desire to strike himself and others. [Hering]

Sudden fox like destructive efforts, requiring utmost vigilance to prevent damage; followed by laughter and apologies. Paroxysms of insanity; restlessness of legs; threatening words of destruction and death.

Suddenly sprang away from her attendants and swept ornaments from mantelpiece; said she was sorry, but could not help it; very mischievous and destructive, amusing and cheerful; at times pain in left ovary.

Attacks of hystero-mania appearing daily about same hour, beginning with great nervous irritability, despondency and quarrelsome mood, sudden transition from this state to one of great exaltation, hits and abuses every one, destroys whatever she can lay hold of, tears her clothing, sings and laughs; mocks aged people with their old age, if restrained becomes violent; attacks end in a comatose sleep, during which she answers questions correctly; after waking remembers but little of what has occurred; during first part of attack pulse is slow, artery greatly contracted; during second stage pulse frequent and full; thirstlessness and loss of appetite; pressure and confusion of head. [Hering]

While in a highly nervous state from too close application to musical studies, was operated upon to remove lens of eye by absorption; this was followed by great nervous depression and prostration, with occasional symptoms of mental aberration; was then treated several months for a retroverted and inflamed uterus, without mental improvement; severe pain through right eye extending to occiput and nose; restlessness; cold feet; mahogany-colored and large papular eruption upon face, particularly large in region of malar bone; sleepless and nervous and very troublesome; retroversion, with swollen uterus; finally violent, soils bed with feces and urine; furious; sings loudly and continuously, with laughter; no sleep for five days; thirst; suddenly springs from bed destroying whatever she could get hold of, this was done so quickly that she could not be prevented. Insanity. [Hering]

She strikes her head with her hands; she strikes her body; strikes her attendants and her best friends. [Kent]

Violence is a strong feature of the remedy. Violence with anger. Tears his clothing. [Kent] Case: 10 months old child is very restless; he gets injured many times due to that. He gets easily bored playing with one toy, breaks his toys, and removes the wires, lights of his toys. On scolding he smiles. If not given what he wants, cries very badly.

  • Sensitive to music and better by music

Great excitement caused by music; one hour after it, general and copious perspiration. Sings till hoarse and exhausted. [Tyler]

Sometimes music ameliorates all the symptoms and at other times it aggravates them. He becomes violently excited from music. [Kent]

Desire to run about to dance and jump up and down. Great fantastic dancing. [Kent]

  • Laughs, mocks, runs, dances, gesticulates, jokes, cries, sings till exhausted.

A strong aversion to colors such as green red and black. [Kent]

Fits of nervous laughter. Desire to joke, to play and to laugh; extreme gayety. [Tyler] Excessive gayety. Laughing at the slightest cause. Laughter, followed by crying, with trembling of the limbs. Laughter that nothing can stop, followed by screams. Stupid laughing, followed by hiccough and spasms. [Allen]

The anxiety is felt sometimes in the mind, sometimes in the whole body, sometimes in the limbs and in the stomach. Cardiac anxiety is a strong feature. Anxiety, restlessness, constant motion of the arms, legs, trunk and head. [Kent]


  • Moves his body on hearing music.
  • Constant motion of limbs.
  • Passes stool immediately the moment the head is washed.


  • Cannot resist dancing on hearing music.

Case: 2 ¾ years child came in the clinic. He easily mixes with others and on asking shook hands with us. He yells, shouts, throws toys and rolls on the floor if anything happens against his will. He is the centre of attraction in school. He is so affectionate that he goes and wipes the tears of other small children who have newly entered. Likes music a lot. When father said some part of a song, he immediately started singing the same. Rather than speaking rhymes, does action dance.

Observation: He started dancing when a wedding band was passing outside.

Schooling Child

  • Mischievous .
  • Feigns sickness in order to take a leave from school; the child will complain of pain in the head or stomach in the morning at the time of going to school.
  • Loves dancing but movements are very bizarre and abrupt.
  • The child bites, strikes and even threatens when angry.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • Anger Extrapunitive Biting and striking.
  • Touch me not.

Physical PQRS

  • Sudden and violent onset.
  • Can run better than walk.

Periodicity is so well marked that it has been a marked curative remedy in intermittent fevers with restlessness of limbs, with aching of the bones, with stitching pains, with the anxiety, especially when these come in the evening and the fever lasts all night. [Kent]

  • Craves raw food. Eats indigestible things.

Burning is a strong symptom in many parts but especially in the rectum; in the palms and soles and in the uterus. [Kent]

Entry points

Dancing on hearing music.

Rule out

If child dances rhythmically. If there is no abruptness.


  • Chill in the evening followed by fever without sweat is a marked feature. [Kent]
  • Thirstless during fever. (Thirsty in chronic stage)


Periodically yearly, at the same hour; TOUCH; Cold; Noise; Damp; Evening; After menses; Coition; Washing head; Seeing others in trouble; Hands in cold water; Music.


Relaxation; Rubbing; Sweating; Smoking; Music; Open air; Riding in a carriage; In the sun.



Tarentula has the sudden changes of mood of Crocus, but its gaiety and laughter turn to sudden spitefulness: to a paroxysm of insanity, in which she will strike herself and others, tear and rend and destroy. Sudden violence or sly destructive movements are absolutely characteristic and unique to this drug, so far as our knowledge goes. And then the patient may be sorry and apologize: “Couldn’t help it!”. [Tyler]

The extreme restlessness of the limbs is like Arsenic-alb and it is a deep acting medicine like Arsenic-alb and it sometimes has cured where Arsenic-alb has failed although it seemed well selected. [Kent]


Apis and Lachesis

See under Apis page no 59.


Crocus sativus

See under Crocus page no 225.





The use of Tea has spread from the older civilisations of the East to the newer ones of the West. Tea contains an alkaloid, Thein, which is by some considered identical with Coffein, and both tea and coffee are used to stimulate jaded faculties and enable persons to endure fatigue, and get more enjoyment out of themselves than they could obtain by mere food. But coffee and tea are different in their effects though they may be alike in their chemistry. [Boericke]


Approaching + Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided Non-diligent + Misbehaving



Body is very flexible. He can get across a monkey bar vey easily.


  • Likes physical exercises such as cycling, swimming, and skating.
  • Disposition to quarrel at the most harmless speech.
  • Loves rhyming.
  • Confidence increased.


  • Not much attached with parents. Can stay without them for three to four days. Can sleep with anyone.
  • Hypersensitive to noise. Gets startled.


  • Nervous; thumb-sucking.
  • Desires to travel. Likes to go out on bike.
  • Loves singing. Will hum while playing. Makes own lyrics and sings.
  • Makes imaginary stories with animals and plays with them.
  • Milestones – talking early.
  • Likes hugging and kissing.

Schooling Child

  • Dominating and aggressive. Gets angry and hits if the other person is not reciprocating him. Cannot control anger.
  • Revengeful; will hit back if someone hits him.
  • Intelligent; learns quickly even while listening to a particular topic, quick to grasp it.
  • Inquisitive; asks lots of questions.
  • During illness doesn’t trouble parents. Keeps playing even in illness.
  • Impatient; attention span is less.

Reaction to Stimulus

  • If scolded in front of others they get angry and may even hit back.
  • If mother scolds him alone then goes to the other room and will not talk.
  • Allows doctor to examine him.

Physical PQRS

  • Desires eggs.
  • Cough in single paroxysm.
  • Palms and soles warm.
  • Dryness of skin.

Entry points

Physical activity is more marked than mental activity.

Learns nursery rhymes quickly; will hum songs and can make own lyrics.


Open air; Eating; Motion; Night.


Warm bathing; Warmth.



Coffea is indicated more when the mind is more active, i.e. they can think better whereas Thea is more indicated when the child is physically more active i.e. loves physical activities more like swimming, gymnastics. For more details see under Coffea page no 216.




Phosphorus Thea
Both are Approaching + Chilly + Thirsty + Non Diligent + Left side + Affectionate + Likes hugging and Kissing.
Obedient. Misbehaving.
Non- aggressive. Aggressive.
Wants mother (Chipku). Can stay without parents – No attachment.
Hyperactive Mental Hyperactive Physical
Open air amelioration. Open air aggravates.





The venom of a small, very poisonous spider: found upon orange trees in the West Indies. In addition to its habitat, it has orange coloured spots on the posterior part of the body, and a large square yellow spot on the belly. The alcoholic tincture is prepared from the live spider, crushed. This remedy was introduced and proved by Hering in 1832. It is interesting because of some very peculiar symptoms. It has been found useful in vertigo: affections of the head, cough, spinal irritation, hysteria and scrofulous conditions. The spider poisons are especially virulent, and are found curative in the difficult states known as hysteria, with extraordinary and perverted sensitiveness to external impressions. [Tyler]


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental & Hyperactive Physical + Aggressive

Chilly + Thirsty + Left sided Non-diligent + Misbehaving


Hyper- reaction

Hyper-reaction to stimulus like noise, motion, jar.


  • Time passes too quickly.

Time appears to him to pass more rapidly, although he does very little. [Allen]

  • Loquacity with hilarity.

Very joyous; he sings, although the head is internally hot; oppressed and heavy. Much inclined to talk and to occupy his mind; remains awake late in the evening. After spirituous beverages unusually talkative. [Allen]

  • Restlessness impels her to get herself occupied all the time, although she does very little work worth the same. Fruitless activity.

He constantly tries to occupy himself, but finds pleasure in nothing. Great aversion to work. Aversion to professional labor. Every occupation tires him at once; is sick of everything, and what he ought to do is most disagreeable to him. [Allen]

  • Great sluggishness; he is disinclined to rise in the morning, and after rising is indolent.
  • Hands restless.
  • Singing, whistling.

Physical PQRS

  • Every noise aggravates

Every sound seems to penetrate the whole body causing nausea and vertigo. Every shrill sound penetrates the teeth. Vertigo from least noise.

Great inclination to be startled, with many provers. [Allen]

  • Closing eyes aggravates

Vertigo on closing eyes. Nausea from least motion, especially from closing the eyes, from fast riding in a carriage. In sea-sickness or trainsickness (as on zig zag mountain railways) when on closing the eyes in order to ward off the effect of motion, one gets deathly nausea.

  • Great sensitiveness between the vertebrae, sits sideways in a chair to avoid pressure against the spine.
  • Constant desire to eat but does not know what.
  • Desires bananas, oranges.
  • Sits with legs crossed. Cannot uncross them.

Entry points

Sensitive to noise.

Rule out

If there is no oversensitivity to noise.


Noise; Touch; Closing Eyes; Least motion; Exertion; Jar; Riding; Cold; Washing clothes; Coitus; Sunstroke.


Rest in horizontal position; Warmth.




COVER-UP is the theme of the sycotic miasm. Hence in Thuja you will see two different images. The child appears very polite and well mannered, but this is because he feels UGLY and vulnerable from inside.


Withdrawing + Hyperactive Physical + Non-aggressive

Hot (sometimes Chilly) + Thirsty + Left sided + Dwarfish and Obese

Diligent + Obedient

Fastidious + Cautious

Touch me not + Look at me not + Speak to me not



Thuja is cautious because:

  • Feels he is fragile and delicate. Very cautious in walking.
  • Fear of being struck; fear of others approaching, cannot bear to have anyone near.
  • Feels he is made up of glass, so rocking aggravation.

Case: An 18 months old child refused to eat chocolates since the day her father said that chocolates will cause caries and her teeth would fall. This was very strange as children normally don’t refuse chocolates. The child was feeling vulnerable that she will harm her body.


Hydrogenoid constitution; extreme sensitiveness to dampness, getting wet, bathing, food that increases water in the system, residence near river, lake, etc.

Dark complexion with lax muscles (fleshy).

Unhealthy skin.


  • Withdrawing

Thuja has problems speaking in public and is often seen hunting for words. The child has strange hesitation in speaking. He has difficulty in finding the right words or difficulty in saying (expressing) them. Very often the difficulty in speaking gives the impression that the child is slow mentally, but he is not actually slow rather searching for words.

  • Sensitive

Polite and well-mannered children. Sensitive to sensual impressions.

The Thuja child is very sensitive. It is responsive to any kindness, it is conscientious in what it does, and it is easily upset emotionally [Borland].

Sensitive to music and are affected by it; they may even weep from it. Emotional sensitiveness; music causes weeping and trembling. Cannot endure soft, tender music without tensive spasm of the heart.

  • Hurry

Hurried and impatient. Talks hurriedly, movements hasty.

Mentally the child appears to be slow. Does not understand questions; but is physically hyperactive. Hence it can be a good remedy for autistic children. (Walks in a circle). If they are made to sit about they become dull, heavy, and depressed, but any activity brightens them up mentally [Borland].

The action of Thuja on the nervous system – The patient exhibits a manner which is hurried and impatient. He talks hurriedly. His movements are unnaturally active and hurried. [Farrington]

  • Fixed ideas

Body made up of glass and will break easily.


  • Ailments from vaccination .
  • Rocking aggravation .
  • Presence of strangers aggravates.
  • CRANKY babies. Irritability on waking or when roused from sleep by sudden noise.
  • Sleepiness after feeding. Quickly gets satisfied by feeding.
  • Constipation – receding stools. Stools recede after being partially expelled.
  • Hair on unusual parts. Excessive hair.
  • Sweats only in covered parts or all over except head. Sweats when he sleeps and stops when he is awake.

Case: Twins aged 6 months were brought to the clinic. Both of them were completely opposite in nature. One of them plays calmly sitting at one place and doesn’t break or throw toys. If her twin sister throws toys then she picks them up and starts playing with that toy. If her twin sister snatches the toy from her hand, she gives it back. She is very careful while playing. She is very obedient, if her mother says not to do something, she will not do it. When happy, bangs hands on the desk. Very quick, picks up instructions easily.


  • Nervous; begins to twitch on approach of strangers.
  • The child is excessively obstinate.

The child is excessively obstinate; on the slightest contradiction it throws itself to the ground in rage and loses its breath. [Allen]

  • Walks in a circle in the room.
  • Obedient

Case: A 2 years old obstinate child came with the complaint of goiter. She is not alert (hypoactive) but when told to show her neck, she showed but kept in the same position till told to lower it down. Similarly, when asked to show her abdomen, she kept the frock held up for a long time. This showed that she was very obedient. She doesn’t go to strangers. She is sensitive to noise and light. Observation: She was calmly sitting in the clinic and cautious while climbing.

Schooling Child

  • Secretive; always hiding information and portrait themselves as very wellmannered children in front of others. Quarrelsome with mother but behaves well in front of strangers and doctors.
  • Religious affections and fanaticism. Sensitive to sacred music. Child is seen sometimes following certain religious rituals in a strict and rigid manner.

Thuja patients do tend to be perfectionist in the context of their milieu. In most social settings, they tend to be well-mannered, skilled in the social graces, charming, and “nice.” They are often “people pleasers” and very conscious of the ego needs of others. They go to great lengths to fit in, to be accepted, not to stand out so much that others might notice them. They tend not to be bombastic or flamboyant in most settings, nor do they usually appear painfully shy; either extreme would call attention and invite judgment. [Bill Gray]

  • Inquisitive; touches different things.
  • Hurried with ill humor; talks hastily; swallows words.
  • Remarkably earnest mood in a young girl. Very earnest frame of mind in spite of the cheerfulness of those around her in the evening .

Reaction to stimulus

  • Anger Intrapunitive.

The child is excessively obstinate; on the slightest contradiction it throws itself to the ground in rage and loses  its breath. [Allen]

  • The Thuja child feels vulnerable from inside. Hence does not want anyone to touch him. So, a Thuja child does not allow the doctor to examine him and starts crying, throws himself on the floor, and holds his breath.


Physical PQRS

  • Sensations

As if the body, especially limbs were made of glass and would break easily.

As if a nail were pressing into the vertex.

As if a cold stream of air were blowing through the eyes.

As if a living animal were in the abdomen.

As if moisture is running in the urethra.

As if a single drop of urine were trickling down the urethra.

As if legs were made of wood when walking.

Sensation of lightness in the body when walking. Frequently dreams as if falling from a height.

  • Breakfast diarrhoea. Unable to eat breakfast.
  • Teeth decay at root, crown remain sound.
  • Desires salt, cold food and drinks.
  • Tendency to formation of

The perspiration is peculiar; it is sweetish in odour and smells like honey; sometimes like garlic, strong and pungent. A pungent odour emanates from the genitals, sweetish honey-like odour to the sweat from the genitalia, he smells his genitals. The odour is also like burnt horn, burnt feathers or burnt sponge. These peculiar strong odours are particularly present when there are fig-warts upon the genitals such as Thuja cures. [Kent]

  • Profuse sweat on male genitals especially scrotum. May stain the linen yellow.

Entry Points

The child is very careful and never gets hurt.

Rule out

If the child likes to play on slides.

If the infant is comfortable on rocking chair.

Right-sided complaints.

Fever totality

  • Shaking chill; with yawning; worse urinating and not better by heat.
  • Heat rises into chest; with icy cold hands; nose-bleed or cough .
  • Sweat only on uncovered parts; with dry heat on covered one; with cold hands better washing. Sweat profuse on genitals; gushing, worse company. Sweat foul , oily , pungent , sweetish , sometimes garlicky , staining yellow.
  • Gets scared when examined by doctor during fever.


3 a.m., 3 p.m.; Cold damp air; After breakfast; Touch; Bright light; Blowing the nose.


Open air; Warmth; Motion; Pressure; Free secretions; Rubbing and scratching.



This nosode is prepared either from a tubercular abscess or from a glycerine extract of pure cultivation of human tubercular bacillius.


Approaching or Withdrawing + Hyperactive Mentally + Aggressive

Hot + Thirsty + Emaciated (though eating well) and Tall

Non Diligent + Misbehaving

Fast Remedy



  • Symptoms change; begin suddenly and decline suddenly.
  • Child desires change; plays with one toy for some time and then wants another .
  • Wants to go out. Desire to wander .

Always want a change, wants to travel; does not want to remain in one place long, wants to do something different or even to find a new doctor. [Phatak]

A person gradually running down, never finding the right remedy, or relief only momentarily; has a constant desire to change and travel and go somewhere and do something different or to find a new doctor. The desire to travel, that cosmopolitan condition of the mind belongs so strongly to the one who needs Tuberculinum. [Kent]

Case: A girl aged 9 years is very adamant and disobedient. She doesn’t stick to one thing – changes friends, handwriting, etc. Howls and irritates others to extreme if not given proper attention. One moment she is good and the very next moment bad (sudden changeability). She is hyperactive both mentally and physically. She draws plants with finer details and underlines answers with colors.


Suited to children of tall stature having slim figure, and narrow chest and light complexion with blue eyes.

Mentally active and precocious children who are averse to all kind of labor, especially mental.


  • Disobedience

Disobedience is the hallmark of Tuberculinum children. They are the parents’ most hated children. The Tuberculinum child will take utmost effort to trouble their parents. When the parents punish the child, they do not bother. It doesn’t make any difference to them instead they become more obstinate and will repeat the same thing that the parents have told them not to do. [Mercury is defiant in general, in nature; against any authority whereas Tuberculinum is defiant more towards parents]. Hence are indifferent to punishment and reprimands.

Case: A 2 year old approaching, hyperactive and obstinate child came with the complaint of recurrent cough and cold. She is very intelligent and sensitive to loud noise. Her mother says that she is always moving around and never listens to her and does whatever she wants to do. Anger is Extrapunitive. She is capricious and has fear of staying alone and darkness. Her appetite is good, takes milk easily. She sleeps on sides or on abdomen. She is hot and thirsty.

  • Anger

They are obstinate and angry and their anger is directed more towards their parents. If they can’t have their way with their parents they will throw tantrums by head banging and pulling their own hair. Sometimes they also react by striking others and shrieking.

Peculiar rubrics explaining the child-parent relationship are:

Desire to break parent’s most prized possessions.

Contrary with parents.

Self control loss of with parents.

Case: A 3 year old approaching child came to the clinic. He talked to everyone and played with almost all the toys. His mother said that he is very fond of going out. As soon as his father comes home, he wants to go out and if not taken then will throw things like mobiles, toys, etc. or even hit parents or himself. Due to such an aggressive nature, they are forced to take him out. Very mischievous, has no fear but threatens others, says that ghost will come and take you. His mother also said that he is very sweet when good but very aggressive when bad.

  • Withdrawing

Tuberculinum because of their defiant and carefree nature appear as approaching children but their basic trait is withdrawing. They have anticipatory fears like Argentum nitricum and are fond of solitude and do not want to be disturbed.

  • Aggressive

Tuberculinum children are often seen as rash and reckless players. They like football and often hurt themselves but don’t care about getting hurt. They appear courageous, bold and fearless. (But refuses to be examined by the doctor). Fits of violent temper; wants to fight. Throw anything at anyone even without a cause.

  • Hyperactive Mentally

Mind of Tuberculinum is fast but the body is slow (Opium, Cannabis indica, Kali bichromicum). Mind is active, impressionable and wants to talk and wander. He loves driving fast, observing things which are fast, watching fast movies, people flying kites. [Vijayakar]

  • Desires Speed and air

The restlessness of the Tuberculinum is more of a Desire to wander .

It is not hyperactive meaning moving from one place to another but wants speed and air. They love to sit in the front while riding a bike with their father. They want fast cars, anything that has speed.

Desire for change.

They cannot stay with one toy for long. They will get easily contented with one toy then desire another. Restlessness , move from one toy to another.

  • Fear of animals

Tuberculinums are bold and daring while dealing with parents and humans but are extremely fearful of animals especially dogs and cats. They behave maliciously with dogs. Aversion to furry animals.


  • Slow learning to talk but early dentition.
  • Children scream with restlessness on waking . Frightened or angry on waking.
  • Rolling head to get to sleep. Strikes head against bed.
  • Hunger at night wakes for feed.
  • Usually constipated. Stool large and hard.
  • Perspiration on neck.
  • Bright redness of lips (Sulphur dark redness of lips) .
  • Dark hair along spine .
  • Plica polonica.


  • Enlarged glands and enlarged tonsils.
  • Sensitive and worse from music. (Kent wrongly mentions as amelioration)
  • Profuse sweat after little exertion or walking few steps.

Schooling Child

  • Fearless, bold and courageous. They prefer games which involve risk like bungee jumping, go-karting. Wants thrill always. They will always love to go to amusement parks and try all the rides which other children may be scared of.
  • Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.
  • Child is bored easily and always in search of new things.

Tuberculinum is independent and very often gives the impression that he needs nobody, at least not emotionally or practically. What he does need is stimulation and hence he likes to surround himself with interesting people. Like a cat, Tuberculinum is sensual but detached. Tuberculinum people tend to be friendly and yet aloof at the same time. It is seldom that one sees a Tuberculinum person looking ruffled. In the main Tuberculinum does what he wants, and if things don’t work out he moves on to something else without fretting too much. [Bailey]

  • Mentally deficient children. Not interested in studies (memory weak).
  • Headache of school girls, worse from study or even slight mental exertion.
  • Complaining nature. Complains for small small things. Little pain they will complain.

Reaction to stimulus

  • Anger

If you shout at Tuberculinum, they will come back at you. Striking when reprimanded, shrieking, throws things on the floor.

  • Anger Intrapunitive.

Sometimes to blackmail parents, they torture themselves. Pull or tear their own hair or strike their head against the wall.

  • Does not want to be examined by doctor and will strike the doctor if forcibly examined.

Physical PQRS

  • Diarrhoea of children running for weeks; with wasting; exhaustion and bluish pallor.
  • Weakness and emaciation with increased appetite .
  • Complaints start suddenly and decrease suddenly (Belladonna).
  • Desires milk and cold drinks .
  • Sweats from least exertion.
  • Aversion to washing .
  • Desire for meat especially smoked meat.
  • Symptoms change all the time.
  • Cannot tolerate closed room. There is air hunger. Longing for open air. Wants doors and windows open. Feels very comfortable so long as he rides bike or scooter in strong wind.

Entry points


Rule out

If the child is sitting at one place.

If the child is not changing toys.

If the child is hypoactive.

If the child is comfortable when examined by doctor.

If the child is not sweating.

If parents don’t need any effort to handle kids.

Fever totality

During fever becomes more loquacious .


Close room; Motion; Exertion; Weather changing, Damp, cold, Draft; Awakening; Noise; Thinking of it; Mental excitement; Music; Pressure of waist band; Standing; Periodically.


Open air; Motion.



Tuberculinum                        Calcarea

  • Takes risks                         •   Doesn’t take risk


Changeable indications (Pulsatilla changes are slow e.g. changed color of stool every day, Camphor changes are quick but in few things- means change in thermals, thirst, mood etc, Tuberculinum changes are numerous from one to another to any other new symptoms)


Belladonna and Fluoric acid

Tuberculinum     Belladonna           Fluoric acid

All are Hyperactive, Aggressive.

  • Changeability. •Angel when well •No attachments.

Symptoms      change.       and    devil when sick.  Buoyancy. So keeps

     on changing things.  
•Avoids stranger. • anyone. Can Can go to stranger     • Can go to
Fears touch.          when well. stay without patents.  
•Likes cars. Things breaks • Wants new toy •Likes toys        but
which has speed.


them when angry. every



See under Sanicula page no 492.




The pathology begins with excessive mental development and precocity. The child is curious and almost adult level in conceptual ability. But this over-stimulation of mind is eventually reflected in tremendous restlessness that is typically expressed by:

  • Senseless, repetitive behaviors such as stacking things or cutting papers into smaller bits.
  • Cannot sit down to eat.
  • Must move constantly.

There is an inner frustration which leads to disobedience and behavioral problems. The child may be extremely disconnected or hard and tough, showing no emotion even when reprimanded.


Approaching + Hyperactive Mental + Aggressive

Chilly or Hot + Thirsty + Left sided

Non-diligent + Misbehaving Fast remedy


BOASTER (Show off)

Entry point for Veratrum album is boasting. Child behaves haughtily and speaks of big-big things. Whatever the child does, he gives an impression of greatness, show-off.


Suited to the extremes of life (children and old people), who are habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction.

Lean, anaemic, choleric or melancholic persons.

Young people and women of a sanguine or nervous-sanguine temperament.

Persons of gay disposition or fitful mood.


Insolent and rude. Censorious and always finds fault with parents and others. Abuse parents and say that because of them, he is facing such problems.

Strong disposition to silence, with abusive language on the slightest provocation; if he talks he scolds, and the voice is weak and scarcely audible. She is continually accusing and scolding her husband when dying of phthisis. [Clarke]

  • Haughty and arrogant.

He imagines that he is a prince and behaves in a very haughty manner. [Allen]

Erroneous and haughty notions. Thinks himself distinguished ; squanders his money, proud of his position. [Clarke]

  • Boasting, wishes to be considered as rich (like Sulphur but the quality of boasting is better than Sulphur).
  • Liar, cheats, misleads to reach his goals.

If parents tell the child to do homework, he will always pretend to have some illness and feign being sick. Feigns illness to get sympathy.

Never speaks the truth; does not know herself what she is saying. [Clarke]

  • Affectionate, embraces everyone.

She kisses everybody that comes in her way, before the menses. [Allen]

  • Restless (hyperactive) like Tarentula and Tuberculinum but