Brace yourself, the storm is coming! 😜

During this period, I developed a mix of old and new phobias. One of the most prominent was agoraphobia (fear of public places). I’ve always been an outgoing person, but suddenly, I was terrified of getting trapped in buildings. The fear was so intense that I couldn’t even use fitting rooms or try on clothes, fearing I might be locked inside. On one occasion, I had a severe panic attack in a changing room.

Additionally, I developed a phobia that buildings might collapse on me, even though they were strong, modern, and beautiful. This irrational fear prevented me from entering large malls. And even if I did, I would leave very quickly due to overwhelming anxiety.

In the last month, I experienced severe palpitations and trembling every time I went to the market.

There were many other irrational fears, but these were the most impactful.

Another surprising development was my growing anxiety after hospital visits. As a doctor, I had spent years in hospitals without any issues, but suddenly, they became a source of great distress.


I began experiencing gut-wrenching, crippling anxiety attacks multiple times a day. Honestly, if anxiety had a human form, it would look exactly like me—okay, sorry for the bad joke 😜.

Most importantly, due to an upcoming exam and several other stressors, my anxiety became a constant battle. There were days when it needed to be managed hourly—and sometimes even half-hourly. Yes, it sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. So, feel free to wonder in complete peace about it 🙂

(A huge round of applause to my consultant, Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, for his unwavering support, especially on those days when I was at my lowest and hated myself for being a mess.)