Adrenalinum – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas


Adrenalin is also called Epinephrine. It is a sarcode and it is obtained as an extract from the adrenal or suprarenal glands. In Homeopathy we use the tincture or trituration. Practitioners should take special care when using this extract, to find out the exact composition origin of the remedy used by the pharmacy.


Physiological action

Adrenalin or epinephrine is a 3, 4 – dihydroxy-a (methylaminomethyl) benzyl alcohol. It is a catecholamine and the chief neurohormone or neurotransmitter of the adrenal medulla. It has a sympathomimetic action on adrenergic a and b receptors resulting in increased heart rate and contraction, vasoconstriction or vasodilation, relaxation of bronchiolar and intestinal smooth muscle while corresponding sphincters are stimulated, lipolysis, etc. Epinephrine and generally catecholamines increase metabolic rate, and stimulate the breakdown of stored fuel with the production of substrate for local consumption; for example, glycogenolysis in the heart. It also contributes to the regulation of the volume and composition of extracellular fluid, promoting cellular uptake of potassium in the renal tubule. Epinephrine along with the other catecholamines – norepinephrine and dopamine, also influence the secretion of renin, insulin, glucagon, calcitonin, parathormone and possibly testosterone.

In the viscera, especially the stomach and intestines and less so in the uterus and skin, Adrenalin causes constriction of the peripheral arterioles resulting in a rise in blood pressure. It also increases glandular activity, promotes glycosuria, depresses the respiratory center, and promotes contraction of muscular tissue of the eye, uterus and vagina while relaxing the muscular tissue of the stomach, intestines and bladder.

In classical medicine, it is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma [status asthmaticus], acute allergic disorders, open-angle glaucoma and heart block and as a local vasoconstrictor.


The essential features

This remedy – when properly proved and understood – will, I believe, become one of our major assets in combating contemporary diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, paroxysmal tachycardia with anxiety, arteriosclerosis and in general diseases that have come about because of the stresses of contemporary life. It is a remedy from which we could learn a lot, should we be able to test it in high potencies on animals or humans under stress, in order to ascertain how far it could counteract such stress.

In the few cases where I have made use of Adrenalin, it was always in connection with underlying stress and high blood pressure. They were cases that looked very much like belladonna patients, with throbbing paroxysmal headaches, with hot body and cold extremities, with flushed face, tachycardia and generally a strong and full pulse, and on whom belladonna had an insignificant effect.

Since almost everybody today is under “a stress syndrome” I believe this remedy will be very frequently indicated, either to complete a cure or to open a case. I believe that Adrenalin will be a specific when the stress is of an emotional, psychological nature and is connected with continuous subconscious stress which has as a first indication the elevation of the blood pressure. Selye has also demonstrated through his theory of the “general adaptation syndrome” the direct relation between stress and production of adrenalin and noradrenalin.

It is more than clear that the production of these two medulla hormones is directly connected with the defence system of the body. Their characteristic is that they are excreted in great quantities under stress and are retracted equally easily. Their amount in the bloodstream therefore varies widely under different circumstances.

Most of my cases in which Adrenalin has shown some effect were in men with high blood pressure whose extra-marital affairs were of a complicated nature that caused them a lot of distress and inner unexpressed anxiety.

The extreme explosion of the “idiopathic blood pressure syndrome” in our modern times seems to be related to a great extent to an abnormal production of Adrenalin caused by such stresses. From this logical sequence it will appear that the role of Adrenalin in treating this type of diseases with high potencies will be great in the near future.

Adrenalin should be effective for instance in cases of paroxysmal tachycardia with high blood pressure. It will also be needed in cases of diabetis melitus where it is preceded by a history of hypertension and a life of constant and unresolved stress. Due to long term pressure on blood vessels and the increase of lipids in the blood the manifestation of arteriosclerosis, with cardiac distress, or even cardiac asthma, will also come under the action of the remedy. Other pathological conditions which we may think of for Adrenalin are: Pheochromocytoma, renal insufficiency, eclampsia, malignant hypertension with arteriosclerosis. It is indicated in cases of cardiac infarction or angina with severe constriction across the chest, anguish, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, hyperthyroidism. It is useful in congestion of the lungs, especially because of heart failure,

and in cases where we may have sudden hemorrhages from all parts of the body, ie. nose, throat, larynx, stomach, rectum, uterus, bladder etc. Clarke says “it has cured a case of haematuria accompanied by pain in the adrenal region”.

There is progressive loss of strength and loss of weight and eventually emaciation. The pulse is very rapid and strong.

In violent paroxysmal tachycardia with fear of dying and high blood pressure it is almost a specific. It causes constricting pains in the intestines with anxiety and tachycardia; metrorrhagia during and after labor in hypertensive women.

Paroxysmal pulsating headaches with perspiration. Feeling of strong pulsation in the abdomen or in the whole body. Headaches during hypertensive crisis.

The similarity of pheocromocytoma headaches and belladonna is striking. I quote from Harrison’s Principles of Internal medicines: “Tumors that produce epinephrine predominantly are associated with prominent sweating, palpitations, nervousness, tremor, weight loss, pallor followed by flushing, heat intolerance, and rarely with  hypotension ….. Particular attention should be given to the three most common symptoms, headache, excessive sweating and palpitations, since at least one of these symptoms is almost always present. Headache is the most common. The headaches are abrupt in onset, severe, throbbing, generalised, and relatively short in duration…” We could not have a better description of belladonna headaches.



Hypertension. Arteriosclerosis. Angina pectoris. Hemorrhages. Hyperemia.

Hemophilia. Acute congestion of lungs. Asthma. Hay fever



Antidotes: Coffee

Dosage: From 6x up to 200.

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