Arsenicum Iodatum – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas

Arsenicum Iodatum

Iodite of Arsenic Trituration; AsI3


The essential features

Arsenicum Iodatum is a remedy that you will need in severe chronic conditions where the organs involved are in a precarious state. You will need it in cases of severe asthma with heart involvement. An important remedy in heart trouble, particularly with valvular problems, it should be thought of in cases with pleural exudations. Of the highest use in cancerous affections. Kent states that: “it has restrained the progress of cancer of the uterus in a notable manner; the burning and odor are removed and the ulceration is lessened. Life has been prolonged for four years in several cases…. it has stopped the growth of ovarian tumors.” Useful in fibroids of the uterus, in lupus and epithelioma. Useful in cirrhosis of the liver where there is great weakness, especially in the legs, and where the condition is worse going upstairs, indeed worse after any exertion, with dread of impending evil and depression. Dropsy. Liver and spleen enlargement.

Arsenicum iodatum is preeminently a tubercular remedy and should be understood as such. It comprises a mixture of Arsenicum traits with Tuberculinum characteristics. Thin, emaciated, consumptive individuals with corrosive discharges getting colds frequently.

Arsenicum iodatum is one of the most restless remedies in our materia medica. It produces a physical and mental restlessness that can be described as physical unrest. The body cannot find rest, cannot remain calm or in one position for long (much like Iodum.) The person wants to do things all the time. It is really a combination of the restlessness of Arsenicum and Iodine: there cannot be a worse restlessness.

A typical Arsenicum iodatum child never stops moving about, climbing all over the furniture, and over the book case so that you wonder how he does not fall down. He is constantly on the move from table to chair to sofa to book-case to stove and back again! You wonder where he finds all this energy. But this is the nature of this remedy; it burns out the physical body, wasting all its energy. At school the child cannot concentrate; he cannot force his mind to pause in order to concentrate on any one thing.

There is an inner restlessness that eventually seems to burn out the body. The impression we get is of the body having been woken up and being unable to rest anymore.

The Arsenicum iodatum case seems to be consumed by an internal fire that eventually will burn out the body, leaving it exhausted and totally prostrated, much like

Arsenicum. A tubercular diathesis underlies the condition, and the child, if not treated correctly, is in danger of becoming consumptive. It lowers the appetite and increases the metabolism. The person is quickly wasted away, and emaciated.

The restlessness accompanied by anger and irritability that characterize the first stage of a serious Arsenicum iodatum case are eventually replaced by utter prostration and indifference. You may find that, where in the initial stage the patient showed great excitement, impatience and haste, with an inclination towards talkativeness and mirth, a change may overcome him eventually causing him to become silent, with an aversion to answering questions and to being spoken to. At this stage the patient is so weak that he will not talk, feeling totally disinclined for any kind of conversation. Should one press him to answer he will do so in monosyllables. He is indifferent to everything because of this exhaustion, indifferent to his pet that he loved, to happiness and to his surroundings.

Then sadness and discontent set in, accompanied by aversion to work and inability to study.

A degree of mental prostration prevails continuously, accompanied by an inability to decide between two opinions. A child may look and act as if extremely stupid, answering by moving the head as though saying only “I do not know”.

Changeable moods and alternating conditions of mind characterize Arsenicum iodatum, but the fine shades of the mind are not yet apparent or determined.

Further symptoms include fear of impending evil, fear of insanity, of misfortune, of people. Extreme anxiety, restlessness and fear, worse in a warm bed. There are persistent tormenting thoughts, wandering thoughts, stupefaction and prostration of body and mind. The patient may suffer from a sudden impulse to kill somebody. Confusion may set in morning, night and evening, with delirium during the night. Delusions about dead people, and over-sensitiveness, especially to noise. In the woman there is much weeping.

Mental exertion increases many of his symptoms, there is marked mental weakness. The patient seems to be progressing towards insanity, he feels he will become stupid.



The importance of Ars-iod in active tuberculosis cannot be overstressed, and although today in the Western world it is difficult to treat such a case, the remedy must be mentioned in this respect. Tuberculosis with hoarse racking cough and profuse expectoration of a purulent nature, attended with cardiac weakness, emaciation and general debility.

It is almost certain that by the time the disease has progressed to such pathology, the original extra energy that was spent by the organism is shortcircuited and is now replaced by great prostration.

Severe pleuritic exudation of a tubercular type. Predisposition to phthisis, and complaints of the tubercular diathesis. Common colds or influenza end up in bronchitis or pneumonia.

Actually Ars-iod. and Tub. are similar, and each can be indicated to complement the other’s action.

Extreme lassitude; lack of reaction. This remedy should be considered in cases that drag along and do not recover after pneumonia. Children who catch colds very frequently will require eitherTub. or this remedy.

It has cured choreic action of muscles in girls. Convulsive movements of limbs.

Induration is a strong feature, in glands, in ulcers, in skin affections.

Inflammation of glands, bones and serous membranes. Hodgkin’s disease. Sarcoidosis. Mucus secretions increased, copious catarrhal discharges, thick and yellow resembling yellow honey, or yellow-green.

Hale’s keynote for the remedy was: “The peculiar and persistently irritating, corrosive character of all discharges, in hay fever, otorrhea, and leucorrhea, with fetid, corrosive discharge, and in diarrhea where the evacuations “scald”.

L.B. Wells cured a case of left axillary tumor in a lady aged 49. A gland the size of a hen’s egg, exuding a fluid which formed a hard, brown crust. The tumor was painful and very sensitive. Left breast enlarged, indurated and very sore. There was also yellow, bloody and irritating leucorrhea with swelling of labia.

Clarke states that he has found it useful in many cases of weakened heart (senile heart, myocardial degeneration, arteriosclerosis) more especially when associated with chronic lung conditions.

Desire for open air. Affecting all glands, liver, spleen and thyroid gland. Sensation of a band, constriction internally. Weakness from perspiration.

Worse from motion but desire to move. Worse going upstairs, gets out of breath (Calc). Bathing and cold in general aggravate. Complaints from bathing, takes cold from bathing. Avoids the wind. Worse from the warm south wind.

Worse in winter. Better after eating. Aggravation from even slight physical exertion.



The characteristic action of this remedy upon the head is to cause headaches that have the feeling of dullness and heaviness.

Dull, heavy headaches pressing from within outwards, worse on motion, noise, stooping or studying. Worse when hungry, in a warm room. Better in the open air, after eating. Unpleasant feeling in the head as if he had a cold. Actually this remedy develops its headaches during a common cold where the sinuses are involved. Headache over the root of the nose and above the eyes with frontal sinusitis. Head seems enormously large and heavy. Headache prevents sleep. Headache with             sleepiness. Headaches with heart troubles. Vertigo of the aged with tremulous feeling. Itching of the scalp with or without eruptions, worse in cold air. Eruption crusty; scurfy; eczematous. It is almost a specific for psoriasis which is centred mostly on scalp, with thick scales, that if raised uncover areas that are very inflamed, red, look raw and sometimes bleeding. Perspiration of the forehead.



In severe chronic granular conjuctivitis with redness of the margins of the lids Ars-iod. is the first remedy to be tried.

Chronic catarrhal states of the eyes. (Tub., Chrysarob.) Lacrymation worse in open air. Soreness of the eyeballs. Protrusion of eyes. Wild look in the eyes. During a common cold smarting lacrymation and discharge from meibomian glands. The lids are red, swollen and edematous.




The ears discharge an excoriating fetid pus. Catarrh of Eustachian tubes and middle ear. Stopped sensation, hearing impaired. Sharp pain in forehead and both ears from exposure to cold wind.



Most stubborn nasal catarrh with copious excoriating, greenish, or yellow-greenish, purulent discharge. Honey-like discharge. Hay fever. Pains at the root of the nose with sinusitis. Ulceration and swelling inside the nose. Nose quite dry, with epistaxis.



The face looks sickly, old, tired with bluish lips and bluish circles around eyes.

Face cold, brown, earthy colour. Yellow spots on face. Jaundiced face. Swelling of submaxillary glands. Twitching of the face.



Aphthae, cracked tongue, gums swollen and bleeding easily, scorbutic gums.

Salivation. Offensive mouth. Tongue feels enlarged, teeth feel elongated. Sour taste.



Membranes in the throat. Ulceration. Swelling. Diphtheria where the membranes extend even to the outer edge of the lips; foul breath; short difficult respiration, marked weakness and glandular enlargement. Swallowing difficult. Much choking. Dryness. Inflammation of larynx and trachea, with much mucus. Laryngismus, burning rawness in larynx and trachea.



Appetite increased. Appetite lost with aversion to food. Desires stimulants. Aversion to fish, desire for milk. Excessive thirst. Empty feeling in stomach.

Eructations empty, sour; waterbrash. Gastritis with all kinds of pains and loathing of food. Frequent attacks of heartburn. Indigestion. Stomach feels loaded. Constriction, sensation of tightness. Trembling in stomach. Continuous vomiting; vomiting with diarrhea; vomiting after drinking water; milk; after eating. Violent vomiting; vomiting of bile; yellow, watery substance.



The abdomen is hard and distended with flatus. Flatus is obstructed and there is rumbling. The liver, the spleen, the mesenteric glands, the glands of the groins are enlarged. Sharp pains all over abdomen which are relieved by emiting flatus or having a stool. Pulsating in abdomen. Restless feeling.



Obstinate constipation. Stool hard and knotty. Constipation alternating with diarrhea. Diarrhea starts in the morning when commencing to move and after eating. Not at night. Stool excoriating. Stool blackish in colour. Continual aching in the anus with a seeming inability to keep the anus closed. External haemorrhoids. Burning in anus after stool.


Urinary organs

Acts deeply upon bladder and kidneys. It has been useful in Addison’s disease.

Retention of urine. Constant urging to urinate. Urination dribbling and also involuntary. Albumen in urine. Suppression of urine.


Genitalia – male

Hydrocele and induration of testes, swelling of testes. Ulcers on the penis. Chancroids. Increased sexual desire and activity, later on erections wanting.


Genitalia – female

Pressure on the rectum from the uterus when lying on back is a keynote of this remedy. It has been very useful with female complaints. Of benefit in cancer of the uterus where there are intense burning pains and fetid odour. Enlargement and induration of the ovaries. Ovarian tumors. Pain and swelling in ovaries, especially right. Leucorrhea acrid, bloody, burning, copious, yellow. Menses absent or suppressed. Late. Irregular in time and quantity. Prolapse of uterus.

Enlarged and painful mammae. Lump in mamma with retracted nipples. Scirrhus of mammae, exuding a fluid which forms a hard, brown crust, breast hard, heavy and sensitive to touch.



Voice hoarse and weak. Asthmatic respiration, difficult on exertion and motion, on ascending, with palpitation (much like Calcarea). Respiration suffocative and wheezing. Asthma from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. Asthmatic cough, croupy, deep and exhausting. Worse in a warm room. Expectoration greenish-yellow, difficult.

Constriction of the chest, of the heart. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes, of the endocardium, pericardium, lungs and pleura. Oppression of the heart and chest in a warm room. Weakness of chest and heart. Anxiety in the heart region. Very useful in ulcerative conditions during phthisis. Swollen axillary glands, tumors in axilla.




Cramps of upper and lower limbs, thighs, legs, feet. Eczema. Numbness of hands and feet. Extremities cold, perspiration cold. Edematous, dropsical swellings of the extremities. Twitching of upper limbs and legs. Rheumatic pains in all the limbs. Hip joint disease. Itching of all the limbs.



Regular and distinct periodicity. Fever increases in afternoon. Drenching night sweats. Perspiration stains the clothes yellow. Pulse rapid, irregular.



It dries up the skin making it harsh and unhealthy looking. Many skin eruptions, particularly dry, scaly, burning and itching, as psoriasis, tinea impetigo, pityriasis. This remedy will have its best results when the psoriasis seems to be centered primarily in the scalp and where after removing the flakes the skin underneath looks very inflamed and raw to the extent that it may easily bleed.

Another characteristic of the remedy is when we have a discharge from a tumor that is thick and sticky like honey which if left alone soon dries up to form a hard crust.



Sleeplessness after midnight. A wakeful state supervenes after going to bed. Starts during sleep.



Acne rosacea. Aneurism. Angina pectoris. Tumour of breast. Bronchitis. Cancer. Catarrh. Consumption. Debility. Dropsy. Epithelioma. Gastritis. Hay-fever. Affections of heart. Hydrothorax. Laryngitis. Leucocythaemia. Lichen. Affections of liver. Affections of lungs. Measles. Otorrhoea. Pneumonia. Rheumatism. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Syphilis.



Compare: Tuberculinum; Antimon. iod. In hay-fever, compare: Aralia; Naphthalin; Rosa; Sang. nit.



From 3x to the highest.




A blonde school girl, aged seventeen years.

Psoriasis on the scalp and wrists for two months.

Crust thick, dry, underneath much inflammation.

Itching from exposure to cold air.

General good health.

Ars-iod. CM Skinner, in water, four doses, one morning and night.

May 17 An improvement began within a week and continued until quite recently. The spots are again increasing in size. Arsenicum iod. CM Fincke, one powder, dry on the tongue.

July 2 Her skin is entirely free from eruption.

Erastus E. Case, Clinical Experiences p. 123



Miss.F. T. aged 18, general good health, but from her infancy she has been troubled with an eruption of the scalp. At times it would show itself on the face, hands, arms, chest and other parts of the person, but the scalp has never been free from it since its first appearance. Various remedies had been used, but with no relief, and the patient and her friends had settled down in the belief that the disgusting condition would attend her through life.

In Sept. 1866, when my attention was called to the case, I found the scalp completely covered with a thick white, scaly crust which on being rubbed up with the comb would crumble off in a white powder, leaving a raw, red surface, inclined to bleed.

Ars-iod 2x, a powder three times a day, and in four weeks not a trace of the disease was left, and a year after there was no indication of a return. FA. Benham American Journal of Homeopathic Materia Medica Vol. 1 No5 page 50

Exzema Squamosum

A man, aged 38, came to the Homeopathic Hospital, in Leipzig, on March 11, seeking relief from an attack of Exzema Squam., with which he was afflicted since about six weeks. It commenced as a small knot beneath the corner of the right eye and spread from there in a short time over the body, covering everything except the feet and the underside of the upper and lower thighs, the seat, the back, the upper arms and the hairy part of the head. The parts were covered with a dry, scaly eruption, accompanied by a violent itching; it was interspersed with a few reddish and moist spots. Patient often feels chilly, sleep restless, is constipated.

Received Ars-iod., 4x, 2 grains three times a day dry on the tongue. Within two days a marked change for the better was observed, the skin was less dispanded, the sleep was quieter, the stool became regular, an evacuation occuring once or twice a day, and on March 24th the patient was dismissed cured. Dr. Stippt. Physician to the Hom Hospital at Leipzig. The hom Recorder, Vol. 6 No1. page 44.


Granular conjuctivitis

By Dr. Cruwell, of Brunswick. Ottilie S., aged 20, blonde, unmarried, servant-maid, came on March 1st, 1879, in to the service of Dr. Cruwell’s landlady. Besides her unsual thinness and pale color, he was struck by the redness of the edges of her eyelids; after sixteen days she came to Dr. Cruwell for advice. Upon examining the lower eyelids he found at the transition fold between the conjuctiva palpebraris and conjuctiva bubli some prominent pale granulations more pronounced on the left than on the right side. As I had seen good results follow the use of Ars-iod in cases where Ars and Iod seemed equally suitable, I prescribed it here in the 6th, several drops three times a day. Not only the red edges, but also the granulations were completetly removed in the course of eight days, and they did not return. EdH.R. The Homeopathic Recorder Vol 1 No. 6 page 140.



This was the case of a young man who had contracted acute pulmonary tuberculosis by sleeping with his mother who had died from consumption.

He presented the usual picture of such cases. There was extensive consolidation of both lungs, great emaciation, loss of appetite, weakness and marked dyspnea which prevented the least exertion, such as walking or ascending even a slight eminence. The skin was dry and harsh and altogether he presented a most discouraging aspect; there was as yet not much evidence of the breaking down of the lung tissue and the temperature was 103 with a pulse of 120. I gave a bad prognosis and advised a removal to the south-west; this the father promised to do, upon which the boy received Ars-iod 6x four times a day after meals.

In five weeks he stepped in to my office and such a tranformation is seldom to be seen even in a long practice. He stated that his father had found it impracticable to move away and that he had followed my directions implicitly and wanted more medicine. A complete review of the case showed the lungs practically clear, the temperature half a degree below normal, pulse normal and the skin soft, moist and pliant. He assured me that his appetite was fine and all of the functions natural as far as he could tell. The season of the year now having changed I ordered him to sleep in the open air and gave one dose of Sepia cm. because I noticed the characteristic chloasmic bridge across the nose and especially for the reason that it has done some of the very best work for me in tubercular cases, even checked haemorrhage and cleared up the disease.

C.M. Boger Proceedings Inter. Hahnem. Assoc. 25th A. Session June 27 1904 p. 185

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