آٹزم اور ہومیوپیتھی سیریز — کلکیریا کارب بچے — بچوں کے جسمانی، جذباتی، نفسیاتی مسائل – حسین قیصرانی
Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Behavioral and Mental DIS-eases of Children
Attention deficit disorder (ADD),
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
بہت موٹے یا بہت پتلے۔ سر گردن پسینہ سے شرابور۔
انڈہ ، کولڈ ڈرنکس، بسکٹ اور میٹھا کھانے کے شوقین۔
نزلہ زکام کھانسی، الرجی، ٹانسلز اورشدید قبض کی ہسٹری
پڑھائی لکھائی میں محنتی مگر رزلٹ خراب۔ مذہبی ذہن اور سوچیں
چلنے میں کمزوری، سستی اور کھیل کود، دوڑ بھاگ ناپسند – شدید ضدی
مٹی، چاک، ریت، ٹشو اور کاغذ، پنسل وغیرہ کھانے والے
بہت زیادہ ڈر خوف فوبیاز ۔ نیند میں ڈر کر چیخیں مارنے والے
FAT, FAIR & FLABBY, Late developer
Slow Learner, Slow to teeth, Slow to crawl and walk
History of Coughs & Colds, Swollen Glands, Tonsillitis & Ear Infections
Moaning and Groaning, Perspiration of the scalp
Inquire about God, angels, and the afterlife۔
(حسین قیصرانی – سائیکوتھراپسٹ & ہومیوپیتھک کنسلٹنٹ – لاہور فون 03002000210)
Calcarea Carbonica is such a huge remedy with vast symptomatology. The practitioner should not get lost in the vast array of symptoms but should look for these main keynotes of the remedy. The Calcarea patient has numerous fears with a prevailing fear of insanity. There is a general aggravation from cold and wet weather. The patient has cold feet that may have a slight clammy sweat. A tendency to be overweight, perspiration during sleep around the neck, desire for sweets and soft-boiled eggs and vertigo in high places. A Calcarea Carbonica case should have at least some of these keynotes.
MANY FEARS: HIGH PLACES, INSANITY, dogs, rats, death, disease, dark, ghosts, thunderstorms, accidents.
Sensitive when hearing cruelties.
Religious affections in children. The child inquires about God, about the beyond etc.
CHILLY, sensitive to cold (lack of vital heat).
Cold extremities, esp. FEET (usually sleeps with socks or hot water bottle).
Profuse PERSPIRATION DURING SLEEP esp. on the CERVICAL REGION, chest and scalp.
Worse from exertion in general esp. the headache. Out of breath (difficult, panting respiration) from ascending.
OBESITY that produces flabbiness.
Pains and swelling of the mammae before menses.
Slow, difficult dentition in children. Convulsions during dentition. Distended, enlarged abdomen in children.
DES.: SWEETS, EGGS (ESP. SOFT BOILED), milk, strange things (i.e. coal, indigestible), farinaceous food.
AVERS.: milk.
AGG.: exertion, cold, cold wet weather, draft of air.
AMEL.: warm dry weather, rising.