Berberis Vulgaris – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas


Berberis Vulgaris

Barberry. (Britain)

N.O. Berberidaceae.

Tincture of the bark of the root.


The essential features

Berberis vulgaris is indicated for persons who are pallid and sickly looking. The Berberis patient is pale-faced and appears tired. He has a dirty grayish look, with sunken cheeks, deeply seated eyes surrounded by bluish or blackish-gray circles and a sickly expression. The mouth is dry and sticky, with painful white blisters on the tip of the tongue. He tends to be chilly, with a rheumatic and gouty disposition.

Three grand characteristics may be identified in this remedy: firstly the pains which radiate from a point, involving the joints, kidneys, liver and heart; secondly a bubbling sensation; and lastly the wandering nature of the pains. These characteristics are described in detail below. A prominent feature of this remedy are chills and fever. A common complaint will be coldness of body with hot face, commencing at 11 a.m.; burning heat in afternoon and becoming worse during the night. The venous system, where Berberis vulgaris acts forcibly, is often involved. You will find swollen varicose veins, itching in varicose veins, network of varicose veins in skin, producing pelvic engorgement and hemorrhoids. This remedy acts upon the urinary organs, when there is a tendency to the formation of calculi and lithaemia.

It is also of use in cases of ague with enlargement of the spleen, and spleen pains.

Dr Edward Cranch gives an interesting summary of the therapeutic uses of Berberis vulgaris. He describes the class of case calling for its use as the following: chronic gouty cases, with histories of gravel, old eczema, joint affections, pruritis, stomatitis, and ophthalmia, the special keynote being pain over the right kidney, radiating forward over the crest of the ilium. Pains rapidly change their locality and character.

The three major characteristics of Berberis vulgaris mentioned earlier will now be described in further detail. The prescription of this remedy does not, of course, rely on the presence of all three characteristics in one case.

The first characteristic, a great keynote for Berberis vulgaris, is “radiating pains from a particular point.” The radiating pains are accompanied by soreness and lameness in the joints. The patient suffers from pain in a given joint, from which the pain radiates in every direction. For example if the knee joint is affected the pain moves up and down and in every direction; similarly with the finger joint. If the seat of the pain is in the kidneys or renal region, the pain will move to the ureters, into the urethra and bladder, up to the back or to the chest. Pains in the liver will travel downwards in every direction into the abdomen or up to the chest, while pains in the lumbar region will tend to shoot around the abdomen. Stitching and tearing rheumatic pain in the sides extend to arms and occiput. In dysmenorrhea, pains from the abdomen radiate in all directions and, characteristically, down to the thighs.

The second characteristic of note in Berberis vulgaris is a “bubbling” sensation that can be experienced in any part of the body. This bubbling sensation is mixed with pain; it can be experienced as if water were coming up through the skin, or as bubbling pains in joints or in the kidney region. The patient can suffer from bubbling toothache, bubbling in inguinal region, bubbling in urethra while sitting. There may be a bubbling sensation in dorsal region, in scapula, in shoulder, in upper right arm, in thigh or knees, etc. When stooping, there may be a feeling as if the brain would fall forward, with a sensation of bubbling, as if all would prolapse from forehead. The third important characteristic in this remedy is the wandering nature of pains in the nerves and the nerve sheaths. Little twinges are felt one moment in one place and the next moment in another. Kent gives his own experience of this symptom: “As you sit by the side and talk to a gouty patient – “Ow,” he will say. What does he mean by it? He has had one of those twitching pains. The next thing he knows it is in his knee; then it is in his toes; then it is in his head, all over him. In Berberis these twinging, tearing, stitching, burning pains are everywhere, they never remain in one place, but are always moving, and they are not often affected by motion. Whether he moves, or keeps still, they keep coming. In a few instances we have pains aggravated by motion, but a very few in proportion to the many pains in Berberis.”

Further characteristics to be found in this remedy include the sensation of a skullcap. The patient has the feeling that his whole scalp is tight, or that he is wearing a hat. This is a rheumatic condition that can be felt in a number of ways; it may be experienced as numbness, enlargement of the skull, or a painful constriction of the whole of the skull. The patient may alternatively have “a feeling in the head as if it were becoming larger,” or a peculiar puffy sensation in the head. Another symptom to be considered for Berberis vulgaris is the extension of any pain from the abdominal area to the thighs. Finally, mention should be made of the aggravation of mental symptoms in twilight, with apparitions and visions of imaginary forms.


The mental-emotional picture

In the majority of cases needing Berberis vulgaris you will find few mental-emotional symptoms. This is particularly so in those cases where the problem is centered around lumbago, sciatica, arthritic or rheumatic conditions. The mental picture in this remedy is one of a tired individual, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. When you encounter such a patient your impression will be of a prematurely old and worn out individual whom you want to support and help. However, the patient will not beg you for your help and support; on the contrary, with an optimistic cheerfulness and courage, smiling even when in pain, you will probably find him consoling you instead of you consoling him. The Berberis vulgaris individual is usually serious and reflective and prefers his own company to that of others.

I have never seen a Berberis patient suffer from anxiety about his health, or fear of death. A feeling of anxiety may arise in different positions, in bed, before stool, from motion, from rising from a seat, in the evening before sleep, while standing. This can be characteristic as long as the emphasis is on feeling the anxiety when in different body positions.

Some patients do suffer mental aberrations due to a weak mind. This weakness progresses during the day and is especially apparent at twilight. The patient sees terrifying apparitions at twilight, including ghosts or imaginary forms surrounding him. Objects at that time appear twice as large as normal.

Any mental labor that requires real attention becomes an arduous task for Berberis patients. The least interruption breaks their chain of thought, and they cannot remember what they were saying or thinking. Memory grows weak and they become forgetful, having great difficulty in recalling what was said earlier. Dullness of mind, especially after a deep sound sleep, is characteristic, the head feeling heavy and dizzy.

Furthermore, Berberis has an aversion to and an aggravation from darkness. You will find melancholy, apathy, prostration of mind, and sadness with inclination to weep. Much dizziness and faintness is very usual. The faintness and dizziness may be brought on by lying, standing, rising from bed, walking in the open air when his face becomes very pale; the faintness may be caused by asthma or heat. Women have symptoms at the time of menses which include irritability, or a feeling that they are weary of life and desire death.


Therapeutic indications

Urinary and Kidney symptoms: Berberis vulgaris causes inflammation of the kidneys with hematuria. Pains may be felt all over the body, emanating from the small of the back.

Lancinating, or tearing, bubbling pains in region of kidneys; worse stooping and rising again, sitting or lying; from jar; from fatigue; very sensitive to touch in renal region.

Many cases of (especially right-sided) renal colic have been cured by this remedy.

All the urinary organs are markedly affected.

The emission of urine is frequently accompanied by pains in thighs and loins.

Violent sticking pains in bladder, extending from kidneys into urethra, with urging to urinate.

Urine dark yellow, red, becoming turbid, copious; mucous sediment, or transparent, jelly-like or reddish, bran-like yellowish sediment. Urine slimy when passed, depositing copious foamy yellowish sediment. Greenish urine depositing mucus. During urination burning in urethra, or bladder, pressure in bladder, cutting, burning, or stitches in urethra.

Gall-stones: Sticking pain in region of liver and gall-bladder shooting up to left shoulder, worse by pressure. Gall-stone shooting up to left scapula. Pains shoot down from tenth rib to navel.

Very valuable for hepatic diseases; with indigestion, eructations, salivation, heartburn, vomiting of food after eating. Soreness in the region of the liver. Bilious colic, colic from gall-stones, with jaundice.

It cures gall-stone colic when these little twinges go in every direction from that locality.

Rectal Symptoms: Berberis produces both constipation (sheep-dung stools) and diarrhea, and a number of symptoms about the anus. Hemorrhoids, with itching or   burning, particularly after stool, which frequently is hard and covered with blood. Fistula in ano with painful pressure in perineum, extending deep into pelvis. For post-operative pains and also in cases where, after an operation on fistula, there appear symptoms such as short coughing in the chest.

Genitalia: Dragging or lancinating pains in spermatic cord, extending into testes. Cold feeling in prepuce, glans, testes, and scrotum.

In the female a marked symptom is absence of pleasurable sensation during coition. Uterine symptoms and leucorrhea associated with painful urinary symptoms.

Dysmenorrhea, pains radiating in all directions down thighs, etc. Vagina intensely painful; reddened. Violent pain in back, with menses which are too scanty.

Neuralgia of spermatic cords and testicles (Clem., Cimicif., Puls.) Uterine symptoms, with leucorrhea, associated with painful symptoms in urinary organs.

Dysmenorrhoea, with pains, radiating in every direction, down thighs, into abdomen, etc. (Cimicif.). Vaginismus, with inflamed kidneys, etc.

Lumbago: Berberis is a leading remedy in lumbago and slipped disc. Pains extend from back, round body, down to the thighs and leg; red sediment in urine is a concomitant.

Numbness, stiffness, and lameness felt in kidney region. Pains are worse from any exertion and fatigue, and therefore you will find aggravation after the morning activities at 1 or 2 p.m. Worse from lying down on the back, especially first thing at night, which prevents them from sleeping. Much worse from bending forward.

Warm coverings are pleasant but do not ameliorate the pains dramatically. This will help to differentiate Berberis from Calc. or Rhus tox. Aching in small of back aggravated when sitting; when lying; in the morning on awakening.

In lumbago most cases are better from motion. But note that while the pains in the lumbago are better from motion, the pains that appear in the joints are worse from motion.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Berberis could be useful in C.F. S as there is great weakness, like fainting, after a walk, with perspiration and heat on the upper part of the body; cold, pale, sunken face and oppression of breathing. Great relaxation, with disinclination to do anything. After a short distance the patient is compelled to stop from a feeling of intense weariness, heaviness, lameness, and stiffness of the legs, which feel sore as if bruised.

Polypus of the Vocal Cord: On the indication “tumors and sessile growths,” Ozanam cured a case of polypus of vocal cords, red, with a sessile base. Thuja had failed. bear. 200 was given at first with good effect, the attenuation being gradually reduced with increasingly good effect until the growth disappeared entirely under the 1x.

Arthritis: Stuart Close records the cure with Berb. 200 of a woman who had the following symptoms: cutting, burning pains in the balls of the feet on stepping. On standing with most of the weight on the heels she had no pain. On rising in morning sensation in soles as if stepping on needles. Gouty concretions in the auricle, becoming very painful, with tearing stinging pains.

Acne: The drug has been successfully used in common acne.



The kidneys, liver and heart are more or less affected.

The urinary secretion is always increased when the action of the drug is favourable.

Light urine, and heavy urine, excessive deposits of uric acid and urates.

Copious discharges, alternating with scanty discharges.

The burning, stinging, tearing, stitching, wandering pains are the main feature, the grand feature of Berberis.

There is swelling of the joints but this is not so common as the pains without swelling. Soreness, lameness in the joints, with these radiating pains. “A pain in the heel as if it were ulcerating,” and then the pain shoots off in every direction.

He moves many times, because he cannot keep still, especially at night in bed. Worse in various attitudes, especially standing, and lying on back.

Mucous membranes become dry – mouth, vagina etc. Increased albuminoid and gelatinous mucous secretion. Discharges or skin are dirty gray.

Cold feeling in the bones, blood vessels, eyes, ears etc. Chest affected after operations on piles, fistula, etc.

The metatarsus and metacarpus are often the seat of pain, as if sprained. Induration of glands, knotty like ropes. Watery blood in hemorrhage.

Odor of perspiration like urine.

Perspiration on single parts of the upper part of body before sleep.

Aggravation from: change of position; spoiled fish. Cold bathing ameliorates.

Bending over: compelled by cutting contraction in chest to abdomen; pain in hepatic region better.

Sitting: anxiety; anus very sensitive; pain in renal region is made worse; pain in left spermatic cord; vulvar itching and burning increase; backache aggravated; skin of arms painful to touch, aggravated; stitches in thighs; stitches in tendo-achillis and heels. Rising from a seat: sensation in knees as if palsied.

Standing: anxiety; pain in groins is made worse; pain in renal region is aggravated; pain left spermatic cord; painful swelling of tendo-achillis and heels; stitches between metatarsal bones.

Lying: pain in renal region is worse; vulvar burning and itching ameliorated; backache aggravated; crawls. Arm hanging down: numbess worse.

Raising arm: obstruction in breathing.

Raising foot: pain preventing flexion.

Exertion: heat in head; pain in wrist; uterine symptoms at first aggravated, then improved; inclination to sweat.

Walking: pain between anterior superior spine of ileum and umbilicus is made worse; pains in groins worse; vulvar itching and burning is aggravated; pain in vagina worse; stitches in thighs; stinging in knee joint; painful swelling of tendo-achillis and heels; great weakness. Ascending: shortness of breath.

Motion: anxiety; headache; makes the pain in epigastrium and other abdominal and stomach pains worse, also the pain in bladder, genitals and eye symptoms, but the lumbago is usually much better from motion.

Lamed all over with warm feeling in lower part of back and sacrum.

Fainty feeling, with weakness and giddiness.

Exhaustion to such an extent as to cause trembling and knocking together of knees.

Rapid change of symptoms – pains change in regard to place and character; thirst alternates with thirstlessness, hunger, and loss of appetite. Sees things at twilight.




The sensation of a skullcap may be described in a variety of ways by the patient. Puffy feeling in head; a sensation as if head were becoming larger.

Scalp tense; numbness of the scalp. Tension of scalp and skin, as if swollen. In skin of head and face a tension as if it was bloated, or covered with a hat, in the morning on waking.

Heat of the head after chill, after dinner, after exertion – mental or physical.

Heat in temples with cold cheeks.

A peculiar cold sensation in the right temple.

Shaking sensation of head on stooping.

Heaviness in head, when stooping, as if brain would fall forward, with a sensation of bubbling, as if all would prolapse from forehead.

Headache aggravated by movement or stooping, better in open air.

Headache: accompanied by hepatic or rheumatic arthritic complaints; or with affections of urinary organs; or with menstrual derangements. Pain in temples, extending vertex and eyes across forehead.

Darting and shooting pains in head, often changing their locality.

Drawing pain in head during menses.

Shooting pain in head after menses.

Shooting pain, extending from temple to temple.

Sudden stitches from eyes to forehead.

Stitching pain during and after menses.

Pains behind the eyes worse exertion and loss of sleep.

Itching, with burning and stitches on scalp and face.

Baldness in old people.



Shuns the light.

Illusions; in twilight objects appear twice as large as natural.

Dim sight, all objects looking dark, as if through a veil.

Loss of vision when exerting eyes in sewing.

Sensation of sand between lids.

Cold feeling in eye, like from a cool wind, with lachrymation when closing eyes.

Quivering of eyelids when reading in poor light. Quivering of left upper lid at night.

Itching in canthi, eyebrows and eyelids.

Violent shooting pains through eyes into brain, or from temples to eyes; sometimes into arms, or from knee to eye.

Conjunctivitis, with inflamed lachrymal caruncle.

Eye symptoms aggravated out-doors, and on moving eyes.



Coldness in ears during pregnancy.

Heat alternating with cold on external ear.

Buzzing noises in left ear.

Throbbing and roaring in ears.

Stopped up feeling in ear, with pressure.

Tearing pain in antitragus.

Tearing, alternately in ear and other parts of body.

Tearing and stitches in ears, through membrana tympani, as if a nail was thrust through, or like from sting of an insect. Shooting and stitching pain behind right ear in attacks, worse every evening.

Stitching pain in the afternoon at 5 p.m.

Pain while sitting.

Nodosities, size of hemp seed, on auricle, painful to touch.

Small cystic tumor behind ear, size of a hazel-nut.

Pulsation in left ear.



The mucous membranes of the nose are usually dry, with little discharge.

Dryness of nose, succeeded by chronic catarrh with discharge.

Offensive, fetid, burnt, pungent discharge.

Chronic obstinate coryza in left side, pains extending to Highmorian cavity and frontal cavities, with moderate secretion of a yellowish or greenish mucus, more copious in morning, and having a pungent, empyreumatic smell or taste, succeeded by violent ophthalmic complaints. Pain in nose, extending to ears.

Pricking in point of nose. Gnawing pain in tip of nose. Epistaxis in the morning after rising.



Face pale, a dirty grayish look, sunken cheeks, surrounded by bluish or blackish-gray circles. Greenish face, with blue rings and pink eyes. Sensation as if cold drops were spurted in face when going into open air.

Sensation of chilliness, succeeded by deep red spots on cheek, attended with heat extending over face in afternoon. Coldness in face extending to back.

Heat and redness and burning of face by mental exertion.

Stitching pain in lower jaws in the evening.

Red spots in forehead.

Pulsation of lips, quivering in lips.

Formication in upper lip, around mouth and chin.

Dryness of lips, with scaling and formation of thin brown scurf on edges.

Bright red, inflamed pimples on cheeks and lips, ulcerated in centres.

Pea-shaped vesicles on lower lip.

Cold sweats on face.



A sticky, frothy saliva like cotton; soapy saliva.

Sour taste after drinking.

Taste: of blood; bitter; sour.

Inflammation and swelling of palate arch.

Gums bleed easily.

Sore gums during dentition.

Dirty redness of gums.

Tongue smarts when touched.

Painful white blisters on tip of tongue.

Ugly bluish-red spots in mouth.

Under lip bluish-red on internal surface.

Pimples and pustules on inner cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, red and painful, size of a pea. Aphthae. Nodosities of gums.

Offensive metallic odor from mouth.

Teeth as if too long, sensitive to touch and to air.

Drawing and bubbling toothache.

Piercing pain in hollow teeth of lower jaw.

Pain as if gums were torn, or tooth pulled out. Jerking pain as if tooth would be torn out.



Splinter as from awns of barley in the pharynx.

Sensation of a plug in side of throat, with dryness, roughness and scraping; severe pain from empty deglutition. Polypi in larynx.

Stitching and tearing rheumatic pain in the sides, extending to arms and occiput.

Inflammation of tonsils and pharynx, with swelling and fiery redness.

Tonsils pain when speaking or swallowing; stitching like from an awn in throat.

Pain in left tonsil, as if a husk was sticking there, particulary when speaking and swallowing; interior of throat red, exterior very sensitive to touch and motion. Expectoration of a quantity of thick, yellow, jellylike mucus; white, sticky tongue; viscid saliva resembling soapsuds. Empty swallowing hurts in throat.

Coldness in external throat.

Indurated goitre.



Duodenal ulcers. Indigestion.

Very slow digestion.

Pit of stomach puffed up.

Pressure in stomach as if it would burst.

Chilliness in region of stomach, ceasing after vomiting.

Chilliness before dinner.

Frequent bitter eructations, alternating with yawning.

Increased hunger, alternating with loss of appetite.

Great thirst, alternating with aversion to all kinds of drinks.

Desires eggs, raw meat. Thirsty for cold drinks.

Nausea before breakfast, gone after it.

After eating solids, belching for hours, and soreness continuing whole night. Worse after spirituous drinks.



Pain in hypochondria, breathing aggravates.

Stitching pain in hypochondria, pressure aggravates.

Stitching in hypochondria extending to back.

Drawing-tearing in left hypochondrium, with sensation during inspiration as if something was torn loose. Violent burning, like heartburn, in left hypochondrium, extending upward into esophagus. Cramplike contraction in splenic region.

Stitching, cutting pain in liver. Pain in liver when breathing.

Paroxysmal pain in liver, extending to epigastrium.

Sticking-pressive pain in the region of the liver, increased by pressure.

Sharp, pinching pains in region of liver, which come suddenly and with great severity; at times caused him to hold his breath, to bend over and to get red in face; pink sediment in urine; feces black, or very dark, very adhesive to commode.

Colic from gall-stones.

Bilious colic, followed by jaundice.

Coldness in inguinal region becoming burning.

Pain in inguinal region on motion.

Burning pain in right inguinal region.

Stitching and pressing pain in inguinal region, paroxysmal, pulsating, extending downward.

Veins distended in inguinal region.

In the right inguinal region, near the abdominal ring, some varicose veins.

Pressure and tension in groins, as if a hernia would develop, especially when walking and standing.

Itching, or pressure in region of inguinal glands, with pain from touch as if they would swell.

In inguinal region a pressing, squeezing tension, stinging and cutting, extending towards thighs. Bubbling sensation in inguinal region.

Pain in crest of ilium, extending to thigh, when urinating.

Stitching, tearing pain in crest of ilium, extending to gluteal muscles and upwards. Coliclike pains, especially about navel.

Burning pain in or under skin of abdomen.

Stitching tearing or burning in skin of abdomen, mostly about navel.



Venous stasis occurs in pelvic region, causing hemorrhoids.

Tension in rectum after stool.

Burning pain in rectum during menses.

Soreness in rectum during menses.

Burning stitching pain during, before, and after stool.

A long-continued sensation after the stool, as if one had just been to stool, or as if one had just recovered from a pain in the anus.

Constipation with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, with itching or burning, particularly after stool, which frequently is hard and covered with blood. Large hemorrhoidal tumors with itching and burning.

Frequent ineffectual urging to stool.

Painful diarrhea with rumbling.

Clay-colored stools.

Changing stool, irregular, costive or loose.

Small, indurated, intermitting stool.

Hard stool, like sheep’s dung, passed only after much straining.

Stitching pain in perineum extending to uterus.

Violent burning pain in the anus, as if the parts around it were sore.

Tearings extending around the anus.

Smarting pain in the anus.

Hemorrhage from anus after exertion.

The skin for some distance around the anus feels completely raw, with severe burning. Excoriation between nates.

Crust, eczema and herpetic eruption about anus.

Fistula in rectum when attended with bilious symptoms.

Itching around anus.

Formication in anus after stool.


Urinary organs

Kidneys – Bubbling sensation in region of kidneys.

Renal colic, from right ureter to the bladder, with stinging, tearing, digging pain. In Berberis, the pain radiates from the kidney; pain may be either side, may be below the kidney, but it is sure to be a radiating pain.

Pain from kidneys extending to abdomen and hip, extending to calves and downward. Pain radiating from renal region to ureters into bladder and urethra.

Tearing pain in the region of both kidneys soon after rising in the morning, which extends sideways and forward, both upward and downward, so that the whole region of the back between the thorax and the pelvis is affected. This tearing was noticed even when sitting, more severe than when standing; was relieved in the afternoon.

Heat in region of kidneys.

Numbness and weariness in region of kidneys.

Pain in kidneys before and during urination.

Pressive or tensive pains in region of loins and kidneys, with a feeling of stiffness and lameness, or swelling, in back and lower limbs.

A sticking-digging, or digging-tearing pain in one or the other kidney regions, as if it were suppurating, aggravated by deep pressure. Sore, bruised pain, extending to thighs.

Stitching pain, extending to knee and urethra, while sitting.

Motion aggravates pain.

Standing ameliorates pain.

Drawing pain in ureters, especially left side.

Tearing in ureters, after rising in the morning.

BladderBurning pain in the bladder. After urinating, a sensation in the bladder as if one must go again soon, or as if some urine remained behind.

Drawing-sticking pain in one or the other side of the bladder, extending down into the female urethra, often arising in the lumbar region, and extending along the course of the ureters.

Violent sticking pain in the bladder extending from the kidneys.

Painful cuttings in the left side of the region of the bladder extend into the urethra, coming from the left kidney along the course of the ureter. Pulsation in bladder.

Frequent urging to urinate, the slightest motion aggravates. Violent urging to urinate after urination.

Calculi in bladder.

Urethra – Bubbling sensation in the urethra while sitting.

Convulsive constriction.

Pain in anterior part when not urinating.

Burning pain in urethra after ejaculation at night, urination ameliorates.

Burning pain in the female urethra during and after urinating.

Cutting pain when not urinating and after urination.

Stitching pain backward to bladder.

Tearing and twinging pain in female meatus.

Most violent burning in meatus.

Prostate Gland – Sensation of enlargement.

Fullness of prostate gland.

Urine – In Berberis we see all kinds of sediment in the urine: clay-colored, gelatinous, whitish-gray, mealy, mucous, bright red, thick, white, bran-like, granular, pink, dirty-red, renal calculi, sand gravel, yellowish-red crystals, translucent.

Color of urine like coffee, blood-red, light/dark yellow.

Milky during menses.

We have a characteristic odor which is like coffee.


Genitalia – male

Suppressed sexual desire.

Depressed sexual function, excitement feeble and too short, ejaculates too soon.

Straining during and after ejaculation of semen.

Great prostration in sexual parts after coition.

Sensation of weakness and unexcitability in parts, especially after urinating.

Coldness and numb feeling from glans, scrotum and prepuce of penis.

Scrotum shrunken, shrivelled, cold.

Soreness, especially on left side of scrotum.

Penis hard and contracted all along upper part, bending it upward.

Atrophy of penis.

Penis small and cold. Retraction of penis.

Soft pulpy swelling of the left spermatic cord, with at times drawing, burning, or smarting, dragging, lancinating, or tearing pains, with pain extending down into the testicles, especially the epididymis, also extending up into the abdominal ring, walking aggravates.

Neuralgia and inflammation of spermatic cord, testicles and epididymis. Drawing from right or left testicle to spermatic cord. Testicles drawn up.


Genitalia – female

Bursting pain in ovaries and vulva.

Dryness of vagina after menses. Intensely painful vagina; burning, sore, as if excoriated.

Insensibility of vagina during coition.

Tearing pain in vagina, extending about the meatus. Pain in vagina when touching and before menses.

Sensation of burning and soreness in the vagina, frequently very sensitive, especially in the anterior portion, even extending to the labiae. Grey leucorrhea.

Vulva itching and burning; aggravated while walking or sitting, better when lying.

Sunken uterus.

Menstruation – Berberis has a lot of problems with menstruation extending all over the body. At beginning of menstruation: violent pain in kidneys.

During menses: pain in back; pressure and tension in upper arm and shoulders, extending to neck; vehement tearing through whole body, particularly left side; pain in kidneys; stitches in breast; pressing headache; painful distended abdomen; exhaustion, faintness, shivering, and weariness of life.

After menses: great lassitude with tearing and stitching in head; pain in small of back and loins; pressure in mammae, especially at nipple, with sensation as if mamma was swollen; stitches in left mamma. Menses very scanty.

Menses only in the evening while lying.

Offensive clotted menses.

Menses too frequent.

Suppressed menstruation.



Obstructed respiration, pains take away the breath. Lancinations from lower dorsal vertebrae through chest, arresting breathing. Pain in chest when raising arms, stretching the arm ameliorates.

Respiration difficult on raising arms.

Oppression, with fluent coryza, mostly at night.

Oppression before sleep.

Shortness of breath when going up-stairs.

Pulsating, stitching pain in region of right clavicle. Stitches in sides, extending to hypochondrium.

Stitches in anterior and middle of breast, particularly when inspiring deeply, attended with a dry, hacking cough. Cutting pain in the middle of chest extending to abdomen.

Shooting pain deep in front of middle chest.

Violent, sudden, incisive, contractive pain, in front part of chest, extending down to abdomen, obliging him to bend double.

Pressing pain in mammae, behind left nipple after menses.

Stitching pain in mammae during menses.

Stitching pain in left nipple.

Painful dragging-sticking in region of heart, outward and downward.

Very painful contracting urging-shooting in region of heart, working from in out and up down; next day palpitation. Squeezing and stinging about heart.

Stitches about heart.

Frequent palpitation.

Pulse slow and weak, or full, hard and rapid.

Pimples on chest and scapulae.



Sciatica aggravated from changes of weather.

Bubbling sensation in dorsal region or the scapula, aggravated when lying and rising from a seat. Sore pain before menses, worse at night.

Pain extending to arms.

Aching pain in back in the morning on waking.

Pains in the back are generally worse when lying.

Aching pain after menses.

Pressure in back, as if bones would be pressed asunder, with heaviness, numbness, vibration and warmth, disappearing after expulsion of wind. Pain in back with efforts to stool.

Stitching pain in scapulae between inspirations.

Lancinating pain in lower dorsal vertebrae through chest.

Sudden stitch darting from side of neck into upper arm.

Stiffness in neck half-sided, with a sensation of inward swelling.

Pain as if bruised or swollen, from right scapula to shoulder joint.

Lumbar region – Sticking or pressing pain, at times slight, at times very sensitive, in one or the other lumbar region, now in a small spot when it is a simple sticking, now in a larger place, when it is chiefly pressing, either exactly in the region of the kidneys, or at times extending above or below, but especially outward, so that it extends around the side of the abdomen in front, or to the region of the hips, sometimes also in the spine and extending down to the small of the back, and the region of the bladder and groins; sometimes fine, sometimes dull; the sticking sometimes extends from the region of the kidneys straight forward into the abdomen, at times with a numb, paralyzed, bruised sensation; frequently returning and lasting a long time. Numbness.

Postoperative pains.

Pain on appearance of the menses.

Fluttering pain.

Burning pain when rising from sitting or stooping.

Tearing pain while lying, while standing.

Sore pain on awakening from sleep.

Weakness when riding.

Sacral region – Pain while sitting and while lying.

Amelioration after stool.

Pain as if the back would break.

A feeling of warmth in the lower part of the back and in the small of the back, as if the lumbar region were asleep, extending down into the sacrum, the hips, and the posterior portion of the thighs.

Pressive-tensive or pressing sensation in the sacrum, deep, internal, when severe, with a feeling as if the bone would be forced asunder, worse when sitting and lying. Great soreness and pain through entire back from sacrum to shoulders, greatly increased whenever patient performed any labour. Boils in groups.

Pimples in dorsal region.



Limbs – Pain in lower limbs, in changing weather.

Pain in lower limbs while walking, aggravated after walking.

Upper limbs and shoulder, when scratching, ulcerative, vibrating.

Stiffness in lower limbs when walking in open air.

Sensation as if sprained in muscles and bones of lower limbs.

Tension in upper limbs, extending to neck.

Arms and Shouders – Ulcerative pain in shoulder, in upper arm when lifting, during menses, extending to neck.

Gurgling feeling in shoulder, with sensation as of something alive in joint, especially about midnight. Gurgling (bubbling) feeling in muscles of right upper arm.

Cold arms.

Sensation of heaviness in axilla.

Bubbling sensation of shoulder, upper right arm, thighs, knee.

Tension in shoulder during menses.

Tension in elbow, bending aggravates.

Hands and Fingers – Pain in wrist after exertion.

Sensation as if drops of cold water were sprinkled on back of hand on going into open air.

Pulsating pain in palm of hand.

Vibrating, ulcerative pain in joints of middle finger, fingernail and tip of first finger.

Heaviness in fingers, lower limbs as if beaten, with heaviness in knee after rising from a seat and after walking. Pulsation of fourth finger.

Sensation of swelling of thumb.

Neuralgia under fingernails with swelling of finger-joints.

Knees – Stinging in joint of knee, particularly on inner side, when walking.

Tension in bend of knee, as if tendons were too short.

Swollen veins in bend of knee.

Rheumatic pain in left knee, in hollow of right knee, while sitting.

Pain in patella while walking.

Sensation in knees as if palsied, weary and beaten, after walking, and when arising from seat.

Tension in knee, stretching aggravates.

Thighs, Tibia and Calves – Pain in thigh on motion; during menses.

Pain in thigh, change of weather aggravates.

Pain in thigh by urination, before a heavy wind, extending downward during menses.

Pain in thighs, aggravated by changes of weather, mostly before heavy wind.

Pain in tibia on motion.

Pain in calf during menses.

Calf is sensitive.

A peculiar, spongy sensation, as if feeling was lost in left thigh, from hip to knee; cupping brought no blood; has to limp in walking on account of pain in left thigh. Sensation of icy coldness on small spots on thigh.

Feet – Burning ankle in anterior part.

Pain in foot while lifting.

Pain of foot sole in the evening, while standing.

Pain in heel while standing.

Pain in tip of first toe.

Ulcerative pain in third toe.

Pain in fourth toe as if it were sprained.

Sensation of coldness on ankle joint.

Tension in heel when standing.

Itching pain – Biting, crawling, sticking, burning in upper limbs and upper arm.

Biting in hand and wrist.

Crawling in hand, rubbing ameliorates.

Crawling in the metacarpal joint of the first finger.

Biting, sticking and burning in thigh, ankle, foot, back of foot, sole of foot, toes.

Numbness of upper limbs and forearm when hanging down.

Tearing pains – Wandering in the same hand; wrist; fingers.

Tearing under thumb nail, extending upward.

Pinching pain – in posterior part of forearm.

in calf when sitting and lying.

Burning pain in spots.

Drawing pain in forearm on exertion and after exertion.

The pains of Berberis are mainly stitching pains or twinges and have the characteristics already mentioned:

Stitches at intervals in sitting or while walking, either through, across thighs, or from hip down to foot. – in shoulder, burning in achromic, on inspiration, on expiration.

acute and burning in forearm, while writing.

in ulnar side of wrist and hand.

in back of hand.

in fingers, extending to tips, in joints.

in skin of first finger.

in thigh, extending outward, inner side when stepping.

pulsating on posterior part of thigh.

in tendons of knee while standing and walking.

in ankle while standing and running.

in anterior part of ankle.

in foot sole while standing.

tingling stitches in heel after walking.

Crawling, pulse-like, twitching and twinging stitches in first and fourth toe, especially when stepping.

Lymphatic swelling of upper and lower limbs and leg.

Lymphatic swelling in flexors of arm, with petechia-like spots, and burning.

Eruptions – Warts on second finger.

Small warts on balls of hand and on middle finger.

Small, flat, semitransparent pimples, or rudimentary warts on fingers.

Blotches like nettlerash on upper arm, scaling off.

Dingy red marbled spots on arms, with bruised pain.

Pimple on point of each elbow, much inflamed after rubbing.

Petechiae, small and red, with white spots on forearm and backs of hands.

Redness of points and backs of fingers, with itching; after chilblains. Pain under nails, with tenderness to touch.



Anxious feeling in bed.

Anxious dreams.

Sleepiness early in evening.

Faint when going to bed.

When lying down, crawls.

Sleep disturbed by shuddering.

Takes strange position in sleep.

Waking after midnight, between 2-4 a.m.

Yawning while walking, open air ameliorates.

Restless, dreamful sleep, with frequent waking and congestion of blood to head.

During night awakened by violent thirst, profuse sweat, or itching-burning stitches.

Difficult awaking in morning, succeeded by pains in head and back, exhaustion and want of recollection. Sleep unrefreshing.

Mind and body relaxed after sleep.



Chill, beginning in face and extending from face to the back and rest of the body. Internal chill, as if coldness in the bones.

Chill before menses.

Chill before dinner, with icy cold feet.

Suffering parts chilly, in region of kidneys; accompanied by gooseflesh.

Chilliness in region of stomach, ceasing after thirst.

Chill as if in bones, with warmth of skin.

Chills in back and backs of arms, as from cold water, evening before going to bed, afterwards warm.

Chills in back, extending to hips, as if produced by an icy cold wet handkerchief, in twenty minutes succeeded by warmth; after a second attack swelling of tendo-achillis.

Chill followed by heat with or without thirst.

Short crawl and shudder from up down through back and chest, followed by heat.

Chill in forenoon with cold feet, heat in afternoon and sweating evening or night.

Cold feeling in eye, like from a cool wind, with lachrymation when closing eyes. Fever in the evening after chill.

Fever at 6 p.m.

Burning heat in the afternoon.

Febrile heat only during the day.

Sensation of coldness on isolated spots, as if from cold metal, cold substances, or as if cold drops were sprinkled.

Running cold, and crawls in skin.

Heat in face, extending over whole body, which is cool, without thirst.

Transient sensation of warmth at different places.

With heat, anxiety, oppression of chest, shooting in head, thirst.

Inclination to sweat with least exercise.

Typhoid and putrid fevers.

Ague with enlargement of spleen or pains in region of spleen.

Perspiration during occupation.

Odor like urine.

Perspiration of single upper parts of the body before sleep.



Crusty, brown eruptions.

Painful pustules.

Stinging pustules.

Discoloration, white spots.

Itching spots.

Old yellow spots around navel peeling off.

In skin much itching, biting, pricking and burning, with minute stitches, sometimes with increased sensation of warmth and with eruption.

Rasping and pricking in skin, increased by friction, and frequently succeeded by a red spot.

Red spot on left eyelid, feels like a mosquito-bite, but swelling nearly closes eye; next day other spots on face, behind ear, on neck; third day on chin and nose, with itching and burning: in evening covered with small vesicles, oozing watery fluid.

Specks resembling nettlerash and patches on shoulders, arms and hands.

Pimples, usually isolated, sometimes in groups.

Single, red pimples burning, itching, leaving brown liver spots. Inflamed pimples, sensitive to touch.



Rheumatic conditions, gout, lumbago, sciatica. Joint affections. Knee affections. Biliary colic. Gall-stones. Bladder affections. Kidney affections. Calculus. Gravel. Oxaluria. Renal colic. Dysmenorrhea. Leucorrhea. Vaginismus. Fevers. Fistula. Herpes. Tumors. Acne. Liver disorder. Affections of spleen. Ophthalmia. Polypus. Neuralgia of spermatic cords.



Compare: Alo., Ant-t., Arsen., Calc., Calc-ph. (fistula in ano; chest symptoms, especially after surgical operation); Canth., Carb-v., Cham., Chi., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux v., Pul., Rheum. In burning and pricking pains in anus: Lyc., Thuj. In duodenal catarrh: Chi., Lyc., Hydrast., Pod., Ric-com., Merc. In aversion to darkness: Stram., Am-m., Calc., Carb-an., Stro., Val. In pains in feet on stepping: Cycl. Botanical relations: Podo., Caulo., bear-aq.

Antidoted by: Camph., Bell.

Antidote to: Acon. An occasional dose of Lyc. helped action of Berb. Follows well: Bry., Kali bi., Rhus, Sul.



From 3x to the highest.


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