My 4-year-old daughter is Ma Sha Allah very intelligent, but she faced several unique behavioural challenges that we couldn’t resolve despite trying various methods. No matter what we did, her issues persisted.

She had a severe aversion to wearing shoes, refusing them completely. Every day felt like a battle to get her to wear them, and despite possible sensory discomfort, she refused to cooperate.

She also developed a concerning habit of pulling her hair, often clumping it together. Every morning, I found hair on her bed, and if she wasn’t getting enough attention, she would revert to pulling at her hair again.



Another issue was her obsession with playing with dough, almost resembling OCD behavior. She would sneak flour from the fridge, rolling it into shapes for hours.

At school, she would sometimes bite her sister or other children so hard that it left marks. Her stubbornness meant she wouldn’t stop until she had made her point.

Food was another challenge. She developed an intense aversion to rice, crying uncontrollably at the sight of it and refusing to eat.

There were times when she seemed lost in her own thoughts, disconnected from her surroundings and unaware of what was happening around her.

After searching for solutions online, I came across Dr. Hussain Kaisrani’s work through his website and YouTube videos. He addressed children’s emotional and behavioural issues, including ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. After learning more, I decided to consult him about my daughter’s case. Dr. Kaisrani took the time to listen to every concern and provided the attention my daughter needed.

After nearly four months of online homeopathic treatment, Alhamdulillah, my daughter’s issues have completely normalised. Her behavior has improved significantly, and her overall health, as well as her growth in height and stature, has shown remarkable progress.



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