Homeopathy Treatment and Medicines for Bed Wetting / Enuresis / بچوں کا بستر پر پیشاب کر دینا
Enuresis or Bed-wetting / Bed wetting بچوں کا بستر پر پیشاب کر دینا refers to the involuntary passage of urine during sleep. Nocturnal enuresis of children may be simply a delay in the establishment of voluntary control over the act of micturition. Although bed wetting is quite normal in infants and children in the first one year, about 5% of 10 year olds and 13% of 6 year olds wet the bed. Most girls can stay dry by age of 6 and most boys stay dry by age 7 years. Any child having reached the age of eight years and not having gained full nocturnal control must be subjected to …
Allium Sativum – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Allium Sativum Garlic. N.O. Liliaceae. Tincture of fresh bulb The essential features Allium sativum is another remedy to be classed among the neglected remedies in our Materia Medica. I consider it to be an important and valuable remedy in certain cases for which Bryonia, Kali bichromicum, Sulphur, Lachesis, belladonna etc. are given today. It corresponds to fleshy people with voracious appetites, with chronic spastic colitis where there is a lot of gas that cannot come out and that causes pain. There is a pressing pain – from within outwards – in the upper abdomen and along the transverse colon …