Calcarea Carbonica: A Remedy for Anxiety, Jealousy, Fears, Autism, Learning, and Developmental Issues in Children and Adults

What is Calcarea Carbonica?

Calcarea Carbonica, also known as Carbonate of Lime (or Ostrearum in some texts), is a powerful homeopathic remedy derived from the mineral lime (calcium carbonate). This remedy is known for addressing a wide range of mental, emotional, physical, and developmental concerns. It is particularly useful in treating anxiety, fears, and various behavioural issues.

Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, based on his clinical experience and the teachings of George Vithoulkas’ Materia Medica Viva, highlights Calcarea Carbonica as an important remedy for both children and adults facing issues such as Autism, ADHD, GDD, ADD, and ASD.

The Calcarea Carbonica patient often exhibits a combination of fears, physical discomforts, and developmental delays. These symptoms are not only found in adults but also in children, where the remedy can play a pivotal role in the child’s overall development.

Key Characteristics of Calcarea Carbonica

Mental and Emotional Symptoms

Calcarea Carbonica is primarily characterised by an array of deep fears, including:

  • Fear of insanity: The individual is scared that they might lose their mind or become mentally unstable.
  • Fear of death: A persistent fear of dying or developing severe illnesses, particularly cancer.
  • Fear of high places: These individuals may feel dizzy or anxious when near heights.
  • Fear of dark: Anxiety increases in dark environments.
  • Fear of animals: Especially fear of dogs, rats, and other creatures.
  • Fear of ghosts: A common fear of supernatural beings like ghosts or spirits.
  • Fear of thunderstorms: The fear of loud sounds and the storm’s unpredictability.
  • Feelings of despair: There’s a pervasive feeling that recovery is impossible, and hopelessness sets in.

Many patients with these fears also struggle with a lack of concentration, and may develop obsessive thinking patterns about their health, which adds to their anxiety. These mental states often result in slow learning and emotional instability, particularly in children.

Physical Symptoms

Physically, Calcarea Carbonica patients tend to:

  • Be cold-sensitive, particularly feeling cold in their extremities (hands and feet).
  • Have cold, clammy feet that may require extra warmth, such as wearing socks or using a hot water bottle.
  • Experience profuse sweating, particularly during sleep, around the neck, scalp, and chest.
  • Show a tendency towards obesity, where the body becomes flabby and soft.
  • Have brittle and soft nails that break easily.
  • Be prone to headaches that worsen with physical exertion.
  • Experience breathing difficulties or shortness of breath while climbing stairs or exerting themselves physically.
  • Have slowed developmental milestones in children (such as delayed teething, crawling, and walking).


  • Desires: Sweets (especially chocolate or candies), soft-boiled eggs, milk, and other comforting foods.
  • Aversions: Milk and cold, wet weather.
  • Worsened by: Cold, drafts, exertion, and damp or wet conditions.
  • Improved by: Warmth, dry weather, and rest.

Calcarea Carbonica in Children: Addressing Developmental Issues

Calcarea Carbonica can be a transformative remedy for children dealing with developmental delays and emotional challenges. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Global Developmental Delay (GDD) often show characteristics such as:

  • Being overweight or underweight, with slow developmental milestones.
  • Intense fears such as fear of dark, dogs, or loud noises.
  • Having sleep disturbances, with nightmares or waking up screaming.
  • Behavioral issues, including stubbornness, resistance to change, and emotional outbursts.
  • Physical health concerns, like frequent colds, digestive issues (e.g., constipation), and frequent ear infections.

Example Symptoms in Children

  • Chilly and slow to develop: Children with Calcarea Carbonica may have a slow physical development—delayed walking, teething, or talking.
  • Behavioural and emotional instability: The child may show heightened sensitivity to noise, fear, or touch.
  • Desire for sweets and eggs: A marked craving for sweet foods and soft-boiled eggs is common.
  • Fearful of the dark or heights: They may become anxious at night or when exposed to high places.
  • Fear of death or illness: Similar to adults, children may express a fear of getting sick or dying.

How Homeopathy Helps Autism, ADHD, ADD, and GDD

The use of homeopathic remedies, particularly Calcarea Carbonica, can significantly improve the emotional and developmental outcomes in children with conditions like Autism, ADHD, GDD, and ADD. By addressing both the mental and physical symptoms, homeopathy offers a holistic approach to managing these conditions.

Dr. Hussain Kaisrani’s work on Autism and Homeopathy explains how Calcarea Carbonica can assist in improving social behaviours, emotional regulation, and overall physical health in children. By balancing the child’s emotional and developmental needs, homeopathy provides a natural and safe alternative to conventional treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the signs that my child might benefit from Calcarea Carbonica?

Children who are slow to develop (late to crawl, walk, or speak), have frequent illnesses (like colds or infections), experience intense fears (like fear of dogs, darkness, or thunderstorms), or show signs of autism or ADHD may benefit from Calcarea Carbonica.

2. Can Calcarea Carbonica help with anxiety and fears?

Yes, Calcarea Carbonica is particularly effective for people who have deep-seated fears of insanity, death, or health issues. It helps restore balance and calm the fearful thoughts.

3. How does Calcarea Carbonica work for Autism and ADHD?

Calcarea Carbonica helps children with Autism, ADHD, and related conditions by addressing emotional instability, fear-based behaviors, and developmental delays. It supports the body’s ability to absorb nutrition properly and helps balance the child’s nervous system, which is crucial in managing these conditions.

4. Are there any side effects of Calcarea Carbonica?

Calcarea Carbonica is a homeopathic remedy, which is natural and safe when used correctly. There are no significant side effects. However, it’s important to consult with a trained homeopath to determine the right dose for your child.

5. Can Calcarea Carbonica help in adult cases of depression or anxiety?

Yes, Calcarea Carbonica is also beneficial for adults experiencing mental exhaustion, depression, or anxiety related to health fears or insomnia. It can help uplift the mood and reduce feelings of despair.


Calcarea Carbonica is a powerful homeopathic remedy that offers relief for a range of emotional, mental, and developmental concerns. By addressing the deep-rooted fears and physical symptoms, it can improve quality of life for children and adults dealing with Autism, ADHD, GDD, and related conditions. Dr. Hussain Kaisrani’s approach, informed by George Vithoulkas’ Materia Medica Viva, shows the profound impact homeopathy can have in treating these complex conditions.

For more information, you can explore Hussain Kaisrani’s work on YouTube: Autism, ADHD and Homeopathy Series.


Calcarea Carbonica in Homeopathy: Treatment for Autism, ADHD, Fears, and Developmental Delays

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