How Can Healthier Children Be Born by George Vithoulkas and Seema Mahesh

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The hypothesis presented here is the result of discussions with parents of various nationalities over many years. It addresses two main issues:

  • What are the conditions that help to produce healthier children?
  • What should parents know about their responsibility in giving birth to healthier children?


In 50 years of practice, I have considered couples with more than one child and compared the health of one child against the other, trying to find the reasons why one had better health than the other.

I inferred that the crucial factor was the “erotic state” of the parents at the moment of conception. Children born when the parents were completely lost in each other in an erotic climax were the healthiest and had the best qualities of both parents.

The hypothesis is that to regenerate the human race to its zenith, conditions that promote loving relationships and the birth of children from such relationships must be encouraged in our society.

Regeneration of the human race has been discussed extensively with proposals of different methods to create a “modified super-human-being” with the best possible qualities of our species (e.g., eugenics and germinal choice) [1,2]. However, such attempts will create monsters rather than super-humans.
There is another more natural, effective way to regenerate the human race, which requires a deep understanding of human nature and psychology. The method will be presented in this paper.

Preliminary Considerations
Certain ethnic groups of the so-called Third World generally enjoy a better psychological state (much more happiness) than the Western world, Europe, and the USA, although the latter enjoy better medical coverage and a more comfortable way of living [3–5].
The major difference is that Third World parents keep the offspring of their love, while such embryos arising from a “premature first love affair” in “civilized” countries have often been terminated by abortion [6–9].
Three main factors play a role in the health of the newborn, apart from hygiene:
1. The hereditary predisposition
2. The medical history of the parents (e.g., illnesses, vaccinations
and drugs received in the past)
3. The psychological state of the parents at the moment of conception [10–14].

As the first two factors were already accounted for, I exclusively investigated the third parameter as a variable in the system.
As I have treated many families over many years, I could observe that, on several occasions, one child was in good health while another was constantly sick. I could also see one child was social, intelligent, and easily expressed emotions while the other one was reserved, oversensitive, easily offended, avoided
contacts, and could not express emotions [15,16].

What could be the reasons for such differences in the same
I discovered the variable that accounted for these differences was the nature of the parents’ marriage, whether it was a love, arranged, or compromise marriage, especially on the part of the woman. When the marriage was arranged (or was a compromise out of vested interests and not love), the first child
had the most problems – primarily on an emotional level. If the marriage was a love marriage, the problematic child was perhaps the second, third, or fourth one, which was generally when the passion of the initial love had considerably diminished.

This observation gave me the idea that when the parents were in love at the moment of conception, they created a “loveable” child who bore their best qualities. When the marriage was “arranged”
in the broader sense, the first child had most of the problems. The reason was that the parents did not know each other well at the time of first intercourse, so the child bore the “reservations and sensitivities” of the parents. If they eventually felt closer to each other, the next children were more serene, healthy, and emotionally stable.

To validate this first inference, I started asking the parents to describe their psychological state – especially in relation to their “erotic feeling” – at the time of conception [17–20]. Many could not remember, but others could and the latter group described how they felt. When they said, “We were madly in love with each other,” the child was invariably good looking or at least better looking than both parents, in outward appearance; also, the child appeared to have inherited the best qualities from both parents in terms of mental and emotional conditions.

I called them the “children of love” and I watched them grow over the years.

Development of the Idea
Before arriving at definite conclusions, I considered two factors regarding human development:
Teratogenesis in the physical body occurs from exposure to chemical substances and drugs (e.g., from thalidomide or depleted uranium) [21–25]. These victims, missing some of their body parts, usually develop alternative ways of functioning to make up for the disability [26,27].

There are other examples that demonstrate the tendency of the body to develop an alternative route to achieve balance. When blood circulation is obstructed in an organ or a part of the body, the body circumvents the problem by developing collateral circulation. This appears to be a natural law [28–0].
According to this law, a person who has lost his or her vision develops an increased sense of touch and hearing [31–33].

Furthermore, people who have lost their upper limbs develop an ability to use their feet for the same purpose instead [26,27]. This made me wonder what happens when an individual has lost some higher functions at the mental or emotional levels?

In other words, was it possible for extreme stress to cause damage or have a detrimental influence on the faculties of the 39
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Children of love
© Med Sci Hypotheses, 2017; 4: 38-46
brain, such as the epiphysis, corpus callosum, or frontal lobe, resulting in malfunctioning of these higher centers [34–41]? Is
it possible to have teratogenesis on a psychological level while
the physical body remained intact? Is it possible to give birth
to psychological monsters with vices, terror, or criminal activity,
even from a young age, because they are missing some
important functions in their brain [42–44]? If yes, what causes
this and is it possible to prevent this outcome?
Psychological Teratogenesis
In the modern – especially Western – societies, we see examples
of disfigured thoughts and emotions. One example is a
ten-year-old child who killed his classmates with a gun [45].
This type of criminal activity, which we all are familiar with,
cannot be justified by hunger or passion.
From the psychiatric analysis of such individuals, it appears
that they lack a certain emotional function [35,39,46–48]. On
psychological inquiry, a monstrous rapist who slaughters and
buries his victims confesses that he was trying to stimulate
his emotions to gain satisfaction [49–51].
Was Hitler, full of hatred and intolerance, a whole individual
or was he a monster, a monster with an excess of intelligence
and a total lack of emotions [52,53]?
Although criminal impulses and pathological thoughts appear
only in very extreme psychological disorders, on a smaller scale
and to a lesser degree, they torment millions of people of the
Western world [54,55]. There are abundant examples of sadists,
masochists, sexually perverted pederasts, and individuals who
harbor hatred and negative emotions for the rest of humanity.
Next, if we consider children with a high IQ, we usually see that
they are emotionally wanting [56,57]. For example, we see boys
15 or 16 years of age who are top students in their class, extremely
intelligent and able to skip grades, who show immaturity
when examined in the areas of emotions, relationships, and
erotic behavior. It is as if the emotional organs, situated in the
limbic system, which are necessary for the emotional transactions
with their family, friends, or society, are defective; consequently,
they are unable to participate in a loving relationship.
Another example is that of the scientist who is dedicated to
his work, ignoring his personal life, including emotional, social,
and sexual relations with others. A woman once confided, “I
divorced my husband because he was a very good scientist!
The only things that concerned him were viruses, the microscope,
and their behavior. He came home only to eat, and immediately
after dinner, he would open his books. I waited patiently
for 10 years, but after that, I couldn’t take it anymore”.
This very good scientist obviously suffered from a lack of deeper
emotional functions. He had overdeveloped a part of his
intellect, which replaced certain emotional weaknesses, and
he balanced such disabilities by succeeding in science, which
made him feel important. We observe this in ambitious individuals
with a very high IQ, who are interested only in their work.
Occasionally, they may have sexual contacts, but they participate
in these activities almost mechanically and without emotions.
There are women today who never felt the need to fall in love.
An example is a young woman who believes she is ugly; for
balance, she develops her intellect and becomes studious and
very good at school. Her classmates start admiring her, supporting
her sense of balance. She finishes school with straight
‘A’s and eventually enters university, studies biology, spends
all her time studying, finishes psychology with straight ‘A’s and
dedicates herself to this science. She never marries, but she becomes
a university professor at the age of 29. She reaches the
ages of 30, 32, and 36 years without ever knowing what “falling
in love” means. It would seem that the organ that generates
feelings of erotic love has been burned out since birth. The part
of the organism that is responsible for such emotions seems to
have fallen into disuse or has been totally suppressed or permanently
damaged. The list of distortions and combinations of
such malfunctioning on an emotional or mental level is endless.
How much do the state, society, and family contribute to the
creation of such violent monsters and how much is due to an
inborn predisposition [35,41,58]?
We healers must understand why such “human monsters” are
born. The body can compensate for the missing parts even on
the mental level by compensating for deficiencies with some
other abilities to achieve a balance. Another example is an individual
who does not have feelings of affection or sympathy
and who may have other achievements, such as high intellect
or skill, providing him with the necessary social acceptance
and adoration, but he himself does not have any feelings of
love to reciprocate. Such individuals possess all their physical
parts while lacking (or have a malfunction of) certain emotional
functions, which can have dangerous outcomes for themselves
and society. The way in which our societies are constructed
produces smaller or bigger monsters [59,60].
The Hypothesis
The germ cells
The conclusion from the above observations is that we have
cases of “teratogenesis” on the emotional and intellectual levels
because we have ignored the laws of nature.
Vithoulkas G. et al.:
Children of love
© Med Sci Hypotheses, 2017; 4: 38-46
I will begin with the idea that the sperm or the ovum are not
separate from the total state of an individual in their inner
makeup; instead, they contain the entire structure of the DNA
code of the individual for all of the following levels: physical,
emotional, and mental [61]. From the observation of these cases,
it was evident to me that gene expression could be modified
(through epigenomics) during a sexual climax under the
influence of the erotic state so the germ cells carry the imprint
of the physical, mental, and emotional qualities of two
people joined together to produce a new individual human
being [62–67].
Variations in sexual experience
The union of two individuals may be studied in three broad
categories. Of course, all this is relative and is influenced by
two other factors: hereditary predisposition and the medical
history of the parents. There are as many variations as there
are individuals on earth.
The perfect union of two individuals who “complement” each
other and are happy with their partners (Figure 1).
Symbolically, we may express the moment of sexual climax
for individuals who are in love as a perfect circle, symbolizing
the state of the lovers – satisfaction, completion, and equilibrium
on an emotional and mental level. In a perfect union,
one circle will be lost into the other, creating a new circle and
a new human being.
The outcome of this union is a beautiful human being – a child
who possesses the best possible qualities of both parents.
Such children will primarily be driven in their lives by love in
a balanced way [68].
Union of individuals on the physical level with no harmony
in any other way (Figure 2).
It is possible for two people to have a strong sexual attraction
and yet differ emotionally and mentally. Such people may seek
sexual pleasure at all costs, paying no attention to mental or
emotional compatibility.
This diagram symbolically depicts the two “differing” partners
and how their differences will remain as a schism within the
soul of the new person. For such individuals, it will be difficult,
if not impossible, to feel complete. In this variation, we
address a new cell – from which a child will develop – that has
lost its balance and will carry the experiences of emotionally
unfulfilled parents. This cell will find itself in a state of emotional
diminution or suppression. The greater the parents’ mental
and emotional differences, the more their union will be disrupted,
and when sufficiently great, it is possible to bring to
life a child with a split personality who possesses two equally
powerful points of view, as in schizophrenia.
These are children who have emotional shortcomings who will
always feel as if something is missing and who will never feel
complete, which contrasts with the children of love.
The union of two people in stimulation or excitation (Figure 3).
Figure 1. The perfect union of two individuals who
“complement” each other and are happy with their
Figure 2. Union of individuals on the physical level with no
harmony in any other way.
Vithoulkas G. et al.:
Children of love
© Med Sci Hypotheses, 2017; 4: 38-46
Children can be conceived in a state of extreme excitation.
The act of sexual union is fraught with aggression and violence,
which will translate into their germ cells. Symbolically,
both egos are exaggerated and remain so during the sexual
embrace. The resulting children will attempt to impose their
presence by using violence and extreme actions because they
cannot easily feel love and compassion. Their need to receive
love will lead them to acts that are the opposite of those that
engender love.
There are numerous variations of this phenomenon. For instance,
if the man is aggressive and the woman is passive and
loving, the result will be different; the child may be an anarchist
out of sympathy for others.
The quality of a relationship
The important question is: where do the parents find themselves
as a couple before sexual intercourse and to what extent
does this determine the health of the child?
Let us begin with an analysis of the first variation to compare
it with the other two.
Here, both individuals must reach a state that will diminish
their egocentric consciousness to the lowest possible level and
allow themselves to be “lost” in a sublime state of the union
during sexual climax.
Nature has provided the means to readily attain this condition
by giving us the ability to “fall in love”, which is best expressed
by the Greek word “Eros”. It is the extreme desire of a
person to conquer and unite with the object of his adoration.
When the Eros is for another human being, the need is to become
one with the other person and be lost in this union. This
need is only satisfied when a person has the feeling that there
is absolute unity, which is “materialized” through the erotic
physical union [69, 70]. Total happiness and satisfaction are
felt when this target is achieved and the resulting offspring
lead to a natural regeneration of the human race.
The conditions under which “Eros” may be manifested in
the life of a person
For “Eros” to manifest during the life of an individual, physical
contact should be made difficult in the beginning of courting,
and restraint must be self-imposed. Furthermore, imagination
and fantasizing must be cultivated and encouraged during this
time. Then, through this call of nature and the culmination of
their desires, the two individuals will reach a state of absolute
satisfaction [71–74]. This deep satisfaction and happiness
come from the acceptance of one-another because one is allowed
to enter into the other psychically without resistance
and without interference from the mind. In this state, the ego
consciousness will be diminished for a few moments to almost
nonexistence [75]. Therefore, absolute tranquillity, unity, and
balance are achieved during climax. It is the moment that nature
intended for two people to “offer” the best of themselves
so that their creation – the child – will bear these qualities
and become as complete as possible. A couple in pure love,
in Eros, enjoys intense positive emotions and is in an optimal
emotional state to bestow balance upon their child.
The gift of ‘Eros’ does not last long. It is strong during young
adulthood, especially between the ages of 20 and 30 years,
which is when the parents are still young, vigorous, and innocent.
This is the right time to conceive and bring healthy children
into the world [76–78].
However, such an “ideal” situation is very difficult to attain
and is seldom realized in our modern societies where individuals
seek easy and quick orgasms. Even the situations that do
result in the conception of such children are thwarted in the
name of convenience. Consider this example: If a young unmarried
woman in love becomes pregnant, her parents will probably
say that this child must not be born. “You are not married
yet”, “You have not made a life for yourself, “The father has
no job yet”, etc. These are examples of people thinking they
know better than nature and concluding that the child is not
needed [6–9]. The bill will be paid later, albeit much later, when
the grandparents are not alive anymore [79–82].
Figure 3. The union of two people in stimulation or excitation.
Vithoulkas G. et al.:
Children of love
© Med Sci Hypotheses, 2017; 4: 38-46
Here, one must make a distinction between the children of
love and the children of incidental sexual intercourse. The difference
is significant. This is about finding the real match, the
real mate, which means harmony at all levels. In our societies,
such a possibility seems a fantasy.
Examples of the different conditions under which children
are born
Unfortunately, the lifestyle in the majority of Western societies
prevents situations in which we could have a real evolution
of the human race. In ‘civilized societies’, instead of love in its
highest form, selfishness and profit have prevailed and it is almost
impossible for a primordial erotic union to occur. It is interesting
here to note that the only people who have a chance
for evolution in the coming eons are the primitive people.
Humanity reached its climax with the ancient Greeks, Egyptians,
and Indians. After these, an involution took place where people
of the contemporary “civilized” societies were returned to
their animal instincts and degeneration. The most notable sign
that this degeneration is occurring is the way that contemporary
races are making love.
Today we observe young girls of fifteen and sixteen years old
having sexual relations. What can these children understand
and feel of the ecstasy of real love? Usually, their experience
ranges from a mild pleasure to indifference to a dreadful experience.
Repeated abortions usually follow [6–9]. After such
sexual experiences, the woman may get married. However,
even when the couple is in complete harmony, there is no conception
because the endometrium was destroyed due to repeated
abortions. They are anxious that they cannot have a
child. In these cases, the man is anxious because of his own
financial or professional problems and the woman is anxious
about whether she will get pregnant. As a result, they cannot
become lost in each other during the erotic act. Under such
states of anxiety and apprehension, conception is almost impossible.
The pH of the endometrium becomes hostile even
if there is no other reason for sterility [10,11,18,76,83–85].
This may seem theoretical, but we know that when a couple
comes for therapy, and the right medication is prescribed, the
patient usually says, “Now I have calmed down”, “Now I stand
on my own two feet”, “I have found myself”, “I feel healthy
now”, etc. This calm, healthier state will then allow for conception,
which is the reason homeopathy has such a great success
in cases of infertility.
In the Second Variation, we may take the common case of a
young woman who fell in love and becomes pregnant. However,
because of being too young and for other reasons, she aborts
the child and ends the relationship with her first lover. After
some time, she becomes involved in another affair that is not
as good as the first one, and will never be as good as the first
one, and eventually has more affairs. Finally, at the age of 30,
she finds a man who she decides would be the right husband
and marries him. This young woman has suppressed some of
her emotions and – in most such cases – has no chance to let
herself be free to reach the situation of absolute satisfaction
required for the First Variation. Such practices deeply impact
her psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and she eventually becomes
ill, losing the ability to return to that phase.
Due to social situations in modern societies, our deepest and
most basic emotions are exterminated or suppressed and
they are finally sacrificed at the altar of unnatural and assumed
Let us take another example of a young woman who was very
happy and quite healthy (good heredity); however, after some
bad emotional experiences, she lost her youthfulness and
freshness and gradually, after continuous disappointments,
became emotionally static. In our culture of corruption, fraud,
and sexual liberation, young people often reach this point of
emotional saturation where nothing impresses them anymore
and they cannot be stimulated emotionally. We know of many
beautiful girls who have “sacrificed” themselves to find the
“right” husband using only their logical mind and not their
emotions; they are caught in a trap and live in a golden cage,
which eventually results in bad health.
When natural instincts have been ignored, and selfishness and
profit have prevailed, the children born will be deprived of the
basic feelings of love, affection, and creativity. They will be deprived
of the happiness that one feels when serving and helping
others. These thoughts seem simple, but they are basic to
a healthy social existence and have been negated by today’s
educational system.
Considering an example of the Third Variation, in some extreme
cases, we have conception under the exaggerated stimulation
of the man and suppression of the woman. In these
cases, we address situations in which the couple arrives at
sexual intercourse under wild inner conditions. The husband
returns home half drunk in a bad psychological state due to
problems at work and sees his wife talking to the neighbor.
As a result, he becomes jealous to a point of madness and
starts battering his wife. She cries and screams, and they end
up having sexual intercourse. Under such circumstances, if a
child is brought into the world, this child will bear inside of him
or her the state of his parents’ cells at the time of conception.
Vithoulkas G. et al.:
Children of love
© Med Sci Hypotheses, 2017; 4: 38-46
What type of children will be born from the different
Children of love – from the First Variation – will inherit their
parents’ best physical, mental, and emotional qualities. On the
other hand, children from emotionally and mentally compromised
parents – the Second and Third Variations – will carry
their relevant state of overall health.
The children of love will be the most balanced, most easily
satisfied, and happiest people. Their contact with others will
be especially easy and free, their perversions will be minimal,
and happiness will come easily to them. Most will easily fall
in love and at the correct time [5,16,68]. If this type of person
was a leader in politics, military, science, etc., he or she would
make better and healthier decisions than the ones taken today
that are otherwise considered inhuman if not criminal.
However, such a “child of love” has no leadership role in our
current competitive societies. If such a child is appointed head
of the army, leader of state, or chief of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, today’s politico-social conditions would exterminate
him or her at once. The ones who are chosen for these positions,
in our insecure societies of commercial globalization
and war, are individuals who are between Variations 2 and 3,
whose parents were ambitious but not happy.
The children of the Second Variation may become excellent scientists,
while children of the Third Variation, in extreme cases,
may become criminals. These impaired individuals will be seeking
(during their entire lives) true love, the one thing that their
parents missed during conception. However, they will be looking
for it in different ways. To balance out the deficiency, they
strive to excel and be admired. In individuals from the Third
Variation, where we encounter violence as the basic element,
they try to come into prominence through violent behavior.
Therefore, if we are to regenerate the human race to its highest
potential and to have a healthier society, we must let the
children of the “first love affair” be born and should not let
them be aborted!
Suggestions for Future Research
This hypothesis would greatly benefit from experimental studies.
It would be a fruitful experiment to examine the ovum and
sperm of people in love during the time of such a complete
embrace and see if the gene expression differs from all other
times before or after these emotions have passed.
This hypothesis requires a population-based study on the psychological
states of the parents during the moment of conception
and the health of the resulting child. There are sparse
data available in research regarding this and further effort may
help educate society and reintroduce health and happiness.
1. For mankind to be regenerated, we must pay great attention
to the mental and emotional states of parents at the
time of conception.
2. Youngsters who engage in sexual intercourse at a young age
not only destroy the possibility of the most beautiful thing
that may happen to them later in life – of being in love and
experiencing Eros – they may also lose the chance to meet
their soulmates.
3. Lectures should be given in schools to enable children to understand
that falling in love is not just a good orgasm and
is instead Nature’s favor. (I fear that the present so-called
sexual education in our schools will further corrupt the already
disturbed morality of children.)
4. The optimal ages at which a person may fall in love is between
20 and 30 years. Until then, one should restrain oneself
and not be led by sexual desire if one wants to find a
real companion for life who complements and completes
the self.
5. The real counterpart (dipole) will never be found if one seeks
sexual adventures from an early age, which can only lead
to disappointment. Even if the real companion is met later
in life, that companion will not be recognized.
6. Our societies will continue to degenerate if we do not follow
our hearts in our love lives.
7. Parents should support young people who carry children of
love because these are the children who will save future societies
from disintegrating.
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