
Fear phobia Anxiety about Exam, Travelling, Socialising, Flight, Height – Feedback from a Medical Doctor

All the medication, counselling, constant attempts of getting rid of phobias and physical symptoms was focused on achieving a mutually decided and agreed upon short term goal of TAKING MY EXAM IN LONDON
I was so well counselled about my traveling and staying there in previous two months that i almost had NO ANXIETY OR ANTICIPATION regarding my travelling (keep in mind i am human version of anxiety :p), yeah but absolutely no anticipation of travelling.
I took my flight and successfully managed myself and everything all the way to London Alhamdulillah (completely uneventful comfortable journey, no phobia). I reached there and stayed a few days before the exam at my relative’s place without any difficulty. I managed to get along with everyone successfully (let me remind you that I happened to be VERY Antisocial for last month). Stayed there like a nice decent human (lol).
During this time various physical and mind symptoms came and they were READILY AND SUCCESSFULLY addressed with great concern. I had only regular genuine anxiety about exams (definitely not bothersome).
On the day of the exam my brain returned from vacation Alhumdulillah :pp (I am trying to say that my brain didn’t feel numb on the day of action). I got done with my exam without doing anything reckless. After my exam I visited some famous places in London (during this time I had some minor physical symptoms for which again medicine was prescribed).
Most importantly I went from one building to another like a disinhibited, unstoppable retard and absolutely forgot that I had ANY PHOBIA (agoraphobia, social phobia, phobia of buildings, Acrophobioa, Megalophobia ). I didn’t face ANY PHOBIA OR FEAR when i stayed outdoors.
I met my friends without any difficulty. I stayed there for a few days. On my way back to Pakistan I met OVERLY Frank strangers during the flight who didn’t bother me at all (although some of them were pretty annoying) and somehow I managed myself on my way back without being upset at all.
(Plz clap for my consultant 🙂 )

Curing with Science and a Touch of Art.

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Hussain Kaisrani

Hussain Kaisrani (aka Ahmad Hussain) is a distinguished Psychotherapist & Chief Consultant at Homeopathic Consultancy, Lahore, Learn More

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