Homeopathic Materia Medica Keynotes – Aconitum Napellus


 All ailments acute or chronic are attended by fear of impending death and the feeling that death is imminent or near. Ailments that arise from fright that threatened the life of the person.






 FEARS: DEATH (during labor, pregnancy, menses, heart symptoms), predicts the time of death, presentiment of death. OPEN SPACES, NARROW PLACES, TUNNELS, EARTHQUAKE, CROWD, AIRPLANE, heart disease, darkness.

PANIC STATES accompanied by: palpitations, red face, one sided numbness, faintness, restlessness, perspiration, trembling, vertigo, dyspnoea, fear of death.

Calm between panic states.


Acute symptoms arise from EXPOSURE TO DRY COLD AIR or WIND (cough, eye inflammation, coryza, prosopalgia). From becoming cold during perspiration.

During fever the skin is dry and hot, there is intense nervous restlessness and tossing about, chills, with intense thirst for cold water, one cheeck is red and hot and the other pale and cold.

Face bloated and red. Redness alternating with paleness.

Internal coldness felt in vessels.

Gastritis after eating or drinking cold things.

Affections of heart, congestion, endocarditis, pericarditis. Heart affections with numbness of left upper limb. Hypertrophy with tingling of fingers. Sensation as if the heart would cease.


AGG.: COLD, DRY WEATHER, cold wind.

DES.: cold water, beer, wine.

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