I am 38 year female from Lahore, An author, PhD scholar and Government Officer. I am under treatment of Dr. Hussain Kaisrani since February 2019.

I went to him for my gallstones and fatty liver treatment. Multiple gallstones were present in gallbladder and the largest one was of 18 mm. Before starting my treatment he discussed all the issues on phone and said if you are satisfied only then you come to me for treatment. I found some real facts in his conversation and went to his establishment and started my treatment. During his first meeting, he asked me so many questions, I was too reluctant and surprised what kind of Dr. he is? It was my first experience of homeopathic treatment, so I was totally confused. Dr. sb told me that, “I will work on treatment of Yourself. Gallstones are there because YOU are not healthy. When you will get healthy then gallstones will be removed automatically”. Though It could not understand his philosophy yet I decided to go with the homeopathy treatment.

He started my treatment with full care and devotion. I was surprised that do really such doctors exist? Dr. Kaisrani asked me about every minor issue and sometimes I get puzzled that what is the link of this with my gallstones. After a month or so I tried to understand his treatment methodology that he is working on natural ways of cure. He was of the views that Allah has put so many powers within human beings. The best use of these powers like WILL POWER will make a man successful to achieve any goal. I have lots of issues like allergies, phobias, sensitivity, griefs and emotional attitude. He tackled all these issues with great interest.

Alhamdo Lillah! within a month I felt good feelings inside. During my treatment, I started listening Surah Rehman in Qari Abdul Absit’s voice. I use to drink water of Surah Bakara Ayat 74 (41 times) and Also recited Surah Yaseen and Durood Pak on daily and regular basis. Dr Sahib appreciated me to do all these things also. My moods, my expressions, my talks started changing. But I felt theses changes were temporarily.

In March (after only one month of treatment), I again went in deep grief when my ultrasound report was showing same size of gallstones. I was so depressed at that time. Dr. Sb consoled me and said have trust in Allah. I again started his treatment because I had relief in my pain. I had so many fights with Dr. Hussain and asked again and again when my gallstones will leave my body. He listened me with patience but surprisingly never left treatment in any way :).

In April, I took medicines in drops (Mother Tincture) which again increased my pain. In short; ups and downs were there between April and May, 2019. In June, again pain was increased.

On 18th June, I remembered the worst day in my life when pain was too much to bear, he asked me to go for treatment to any good specialist (allopathic Dr) of gallstone if it is not being managed.

I started allopathic treatment for a weak. I have severe phobia of operation / surgery so I came back to Dr. Hussain and he started the treatment again. My ultrasound report was surprisingly better and 2mm Gallstone was reduced; i.e. now 16mm and my fatty liver was no fatty anymore:).

I was quite satisfied. He asked me to use olive oil and lemon in night before sleep. Miraculously, the pain was vanished totally and I was so happy without pain. Dr. sb asked me to enjoy the life without having any fear and phobia of disease and Gallstones.

I didn’t use any medicine during July 2019 and enjoyed full month but only for small temporary issues I took guidance from Dr. sb. In August, he worked on my allergic reactions and mouth infections along with gallstones. He asked me to have lab tests in August but I couldn’t go for those due to ultrasound checkup phobias and syringe pain / injection fear and phobia.

In September I didn’t contact him for a week because I was making mind to go for operation but again failed and contacted him again for mouth infections. During all this time he use to give me different medicines.
On 17th September, I went for CBC, LFT, RFT AND BLOOD SUGAR tests, all reports were clear Alhamdo lillah. On 18th September I went for ultrasound and reports were beyond my expectation. The size of gallstones was reduced upto 50%. Doctor in hospital said its a miracle as allopathic doctors promptly suggests operation / surgery for gallstones removal.

I informed Dr. sb he was so happy and I thanks Allah to show me this blessing of HIM on me and to send me to go to Dr. Hussain Kaisrani for the treatment. Dr. Hussain guided me about other issues as well. Insha Allah! Soon I will be having the great report of 100% removal of gallstones and to cure my other issues. Need prayers your prayers for this.

I am still under treatment and I am highly thankful for Dr. Hussain Kaisrani for his constant kind behavior. The doctor like him is no less than the great blessings of Allah. I wish that may Allah bless him good health, long life and good luck. Aameen Summa Aameen.

If someone needs help of any kind of further information about my treatment; he / she may contact me on my email: [email protected]

Stay blessed all … Thanks & Regards.


Hussain Kaisrani – Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant – Lahore Pakistan. Phone 03002000210

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