Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) – Homeopathic Medicines and Homeopathy Treatment

Pelvic Inflammatory disease – PID – is very common among young and sexually active women. It defines inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and clinically presents as Pain in lower part of abdomen, Tenderness (Pain on touch), Back pain, Foul smelling copious vaginal discharge, Bleeding per vagina – on and off, Painful coition, Pain after sex and Pain during urination.

Pelvic Inflammatory disease is curable by homeopathic medicines. In acute cases it takes few weeks and in chronic cases of PID it needs few months of continuous medication to cure PID. More than 350 Homeopathic medicines are indicated for PID. Most common and frequently used medicines are described below.

1. Aconite: Violent fever with inflammation of ovaries or uterus, caused by checked perspiration or from sudden checking of menstrual flow, from fright, during confinement or during menstruation, from riding in cold winds or from getting wet when overheated . Accompanied by bitter vomiting and cold sweat, painful urging to urinate; hard rapid pulse; hot dry skin; intense thirst; sharp shooting pain in abdomen with tenderness, great restlessness; fear of death and predicting even the hour of death.

2. Apis: Increased sexual desire with stinging pain in ovaries after sexual intercourse; burning, stinging as after a sting of a bee; sharp, stinging, periodic pains in ovaries. Right ovarian manifestations are more specific to this medicine. Pain from right ovary extending down to thigh. Bearing down in uterine region, thirstlessness and intolerance of heat. Apis holds the same relation to the right ovary that LACHESIS does to left ovary. Apis is indicated in ovaritis with extreme soreness in right ovarian region, together with burning or stinging sensations. Aggravation (<) on right side, < while stretching, < raising arms, < from touch and Heat but Amelioration (>) by lying on it, > lying on right side.

3. Arsenicum Album: Inflammation of ovaries and uterus when there is burning, lancinating pains as if hot coals were burning the part, accompanied by throbbing. Amelioration(>) by hot applications and aggravation(<) by cold.Restlessness is important indication for arsenic with these complaints.

4. Belladona: Abdomen swollen, very sensitive to touch, pain in ovaries on appearance of menses, throbbing pains, pains come suddenly and disappear suddenly, < least movement, < pressure; Great bearing down as if everything would come out of vagina.

5. Lachesis: Inflammation of ovaries and uterus, can not bear any pressure, not even of the clothes, Lachesis specially favour left ovary, sensation as if pains were ascending towards the chest; < after sleep, Pains >(ameliorate) by a flow of blood from the vagina. Menses scanty, feeble, blood lumpy, black and very offensive; pains in the hips, bearing down in the region of the left ovary – all better when the flow is established.

6. Palladium: Induration and swelling of right ovary, soreness and shooting pains from navel to pelvis. < from exertion and standing. > lying on left side, < mental agitation, < from being in society, < music, after stool. Palladium develops an egotism which manifests itself in the patient’s concern for the good opinion of others, consequently her pride is often injured.

7. Platina: Platina patient is rather haughty and proud; egotistical. She seems to look down upon everybody and everything as beneath her. Pain in ovaries are cramping and cause numbness and tingling there. Pains increase gradually and decrease just as gradually as they came, unlike Belladona. Menses are too early, too profuse and consist of dark, stringy, clotted blood. Sexual passion altogether too strong; paroxysmal burning pains in ovary.

8. Conium: Burning, sore, aching sensation in uterine region with induration and enlargement of uterus or ovaries, pains extending through whole lower part of abdomen, hip and back. Burning, sore, aching pains; ovarian affections with amenorrhea and ill effects of suppressed sexual instinct; sterility.

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