Silicea Children and Adults – Constitution, Personality Trait – Autism ADHD Series

The study of disease should not be for the purpose of naming: if it is so, the name does harm

Kent’s Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy


In homeopathy there is no use found in naming a disease in order to treat the patient, because each human being experiences dis-ease in a manner very unique to that individual himself. And in order to understand the derangement an individual is suffering from; we observe in him the symptoms that present a likeness to the remedy which is needed to cure him.



While treating children suffering from the Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), there is no one or specific remedy that I use for every child, but it can be a range of different remedies depending on the constitution of the individual.

It’s the child and the symptoms he shows that help me decide the medicine for him!

The Silicea child is chilly physically, he tends to get cold easily, but there is also a coolness in their attitudes emotionally, we shall not find these children showing anger, happiness, love or any such strong emotions fluidly.

Professor Doctor George Vithoulkas says

Silicea children are too serious, too proper.

They also have a shyness in their nature, perhaps because of not being able to show their emotions freely, which then comes across as an emotional coldness.


Personality Trait of Silicea Child or Adult

Silicea children can be yielding due to their timidity but there can also be great obstinacy found in these children when disturbed. To illustrate this trait, if one imagines where Silicea is derived from, it is sand, and glass is also made from sand, making silica a constituent of glass. These children may hence be compared to glass, as they are unable to bend emotionally, there is no resilience in them, which makes them prone to feeling hurt easily too.



Best Homeopathic Medicine indicated for The obstinate Children / Adults

The obstinacy makes it hard to deal with them. Their inability to show emotions in a normal fashion is affected, the coolness in their nature makes them incapable of being warm and palpable, the mental stubbornness is just misdirected emotions.

They are obstinate about what they want and how they want it.

If a parent promises to do something for the Silicea Child, the child will not forget that promise, which if not fulfilled, he will put up a tantrum or this child will remember after a whole night’s sleep, or even days after, that promise made to him, so he will wake up the next day with that thought as the first thing on his mind and he will end up troubling the parents over such trivialities for days to come.

These children do not like being spoken to, or basically they don’t like unwanted attention, any interference in their affairs by those whom they do not wish to engage with will offend them, so if a child wants his mother to help him with something, but if someone else tries to help him while the mom is busy, the child will throw a fit and become cross as to why did the other person intervene. Even as adults these people will hate interference, they may be shy and timid otherwise, but these instances will make them irritated so they will be seen avoiding situations where they fear that kind of meddling.


Tendency to Suppurate / Puss Oozing

There is a tendency to suppurate, there will be pus oozing out of ears or eyes, their gums and glands will be swollen with pus, they tend to accumulate pus and then inflammation follows. The body seems to lack the stamina to expel foreign substances, so there will be prolonged suppuration and inflammation.

They have ingrown nails that get inflamed and extremely painful. The nail and the teeth might have white spots on them. The teeth will be late coming in, they may be late learning to walk and talk, catching up late on milestones, and perhaps these delays may also set in that state of timidity in them.


Fear and Phobias

Shy, yielding, owning refined characteristics, they are generally good students at school. But the thing that will occasionally disturb them is the time of examinations, for they have a dread of failure, a marked characteristic in these children, so they may show emotional upheavals around that time.

They shy away from taking up any new projects because of this fear of failure, although it is more imaginary as they may very well be capable to attempt and succeed at such tasks, yet they will avoid these challenges just because of that deep set fear.

The state of timidity makes them nervous, and they might have cold sweat on their hands and feet, their perspiration has a strong odor to it. They will sweat copiously at night although they are chilly patients, and their perspiration will leave yellow stains on clothing.

Generally, these children aren’t seen to be fearful of much, but they have a marked phobia of sharp objects like pins and needles. Strangely enough they might also be seen collecting such objects, yet they will have a fear of these. They will avoid getting injected at the doctor’s office in lieu of being afraid of needles. They can have troubling dreams where they see animals chasing them and those also may scare them.


This lack of concentration / Attention Deficit Disorder

The Silicea child has trouble concentrating, the parent or the teacher will spend hours trying to teach a concept and they will not grasp any of it because of their disability to do so. This lack of concentration may trigger a timidity towards taking on challenges which again sets in their fear to fail. They understand that they are unable to do hard work because that tires them out quickly, they just don’t seem to have the stamina for doing hard work, because they get exhausted quickly.

Reserved and shy, they may sit in their corner and not engage much with anyone, if asked whether there is something the matter, they will brush off the concern and say nothing is wrong partly due to the extremely obstinate side to their nature. Once stuck on one point or opinion, it will be hard to convince them otherwise, just the way the child who goes to sleep with a demand, will wake up the next morning with that same objective still riding on his mind as the first thing to whine about.


Skin issues

They have a tendency to develop warts, tumors, glands that indurate, become hard and inflamed, the body lacks the stamina to throw out infections, so there is lots of suppuration and festering of wounds. They may want to spit a lot because of a sensation of a hair on their tongue. Their bones seem to be affected; a necrosis of the softer bones may be found so there is defective bone growth. The children may have protruded bellies that are firm, yet they have emaciated body parts.



They are highly susceptible to catching colds affected by cold draughts, especially around their head, for this will bring on a cold instantly. They will wake up in the morning sneezing if their head laid exposed to cold air. So, children may like their head to be covered to avoid getting chilled. Little children may be seen getting affected every time the weather becomes cold, and they get affected by even the slightest exposure, especially the head.

These children have a deficiency in assimilating nutrients from the food they eat so they will be seen to not grow and develop normally no matter how healthy they eat. They may also have milk allergies, so much so that it may cause a state of anaphylaxis. Infants cannot hold down the mother’s milk and spit it up.

So, if one observes such traits in children, the treatment with Silicea may come with great benefits, helping correct all such developmental issues that may also affect the emotional and mental health causing the child problems in his later years.




Curing with Science and a Touch of Art.

Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant
Lahore Pakistan
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