Successful treatment of Stomach Disorders, IBS, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, Fear and Phobias, Hypochondriasis – Hussain Kaisrani

Respected Sir, I am surprised at the way you are taking my case with such interest and detail, when normal medical doctors hardly ask a few questions about your ailment, before they hurriedly send you packing on your way home with a bunch of medicines.
If one happens to be new to homeopathy, what you read above is a very common expression you would hear, being said by a patient consulting their Homeopathic Healer for the very first time.
Conscientious case taking is the first and the most crucial step in truly helping the patient reach their goal of healthy living.The great homeopathic doctor Prof. George Vithoulkas states,
… It is of utmost importance that the interviewer (healer) be interested and concerned with the welfare of the patient …. In listening actively to the patient, the homeopath’s imagination and sensitivity must be highly involved. The homeopath must develop the capacity to live the experience of the patient …
Now keeping that principle in mind the reader will have a better understanding of how the homeopath, like a surgeon dissects into the depths of his patient’s psyche with precision, to help them reach a balanced state of cure.
The following case exemplifies that process in-depth:
This particular case was of a young 25 year old man, whose life was upended due to multiple disorders of the mind and body, which were unsuccessfully treated by conventional allopathic methods or improper homeopathic treatments, leaving him debilitated to quite an extent and in dire need of help.
When this gentleman contacted me back in July 2018, he was laden with various health concerns.
After being disappointed by all his attempts at trying to better his ailing condition he happened upon my website. Before deciding, he carefully educated himself about me and my unique approach to homeopathy by studying all the successful cases and positive testimonials of my clients on my Facebook and webpage.
Satisfied with what he had found, he made arrangements for a consultation.
At our first in person meeting, I could clearly see a young man, burdened by such affliction of mind that he appeared to be double his age on the mental level.
This man who should never have been concerned about his health at this young of a age, arrived with a long list of prescriptions, tests, diagnoses and ailments. You could clearly see his despondency due to the inability to find a lasting cure which was highly affecting his life at a professional and personal level. After a couple of hours of detailed case taking, the case became quite clear to me opening it up satisfactorily.
Here is a summary of his case discussion and symptomatic picture …
This gentleman was working in Lahore as an industrial engineer for a private company, but as he hailed from Multan, that left him quite some distance away from his home and family.
Albeit the Company had conveniently provided him with very comfortable accommodations at the facility and he was living with his colleagues, so all was satisfactory in that sphere.
But back in November of 2017, things changed drastically for him as he started experiencing symptoms he had never come across before in his life.
When late one night he awoke suddenly from a deep sleep in a state of extreme panic, he felt as if he was going to have a heart attack. His blood pressure had shot up, heart was racing, with body tremors, profuse perspiration, cold hands and feet. This condition was getting worse by the minute so he quickly woke up his roommate to help him rush to the emergency room for treatment.
After a few hours of investigation at the hospital, the doctors were unable to find anything wrong on the ECG, so he calmed down and relaxed without the need of medicines.
But this started to become a norm where he would have these panic attacks day or night and he would have to be rushed to the emergency but no clear cause would be found for his condition, with nothing to be shown on tests.Some doctors would call it a stomach disorder, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acidity or GERD or it would be cited as a anxiety issue so they would prescribe medicines to him accordingly. But just the fact that the tests would always come clear would add to his anxieties making him fearful of the cause which he would imagine might have something to do with supernatural entities causing it.
The following symptoms were a standing feature:
– Burning in left arm and hand.
– Heart beat would raise upon making a fist and he would experience pain in the chest region.
– Irregular heartbeat
– Lethargic condition of whole body
– Inhaling would cause pain in chest, shoulders and arms.
– Irregular heart beat would add stress.
– Irregular blood pressure.
– Sleeping on left side was impossible because it would cause pain.
– Fear and Phobias specially when alone.
The patient developed a fear of the unseen and could not be left alone at night. Being away from family was not helping either so if there was a chance that he’d have to be alone at night in his apartment when his colleagues would leave for holidays, he would have to arrange in advance to stay somewhere else. It was near impossible for him to be alone by himself because of fear of ghosts and jinn.
– Trembling in whole body, leaving the body in cold sweats.
– GERD: feeling as if something was raising up from the stomach into the chest and up to the throat, causing burning in the chest.
– Flu like symptoms, cough, sinus and mucous were more persistent.
He was constantly being treated with antibiotics and allergy medicines on a regular basis. Now he would feel as if his throat would close up restricting his breath.
– Hot or cold drinks would cause acidity.
– Stomach felt upset all the time.
– Canker sores in the mouth all the time.
– Constipated most of the time. — Hypochondriasis
Extreme Health Anxiety, He would take medicines as soon as he’d feel a cold was coming on.
– Extreme Anxiety over what he should eat or not, so he would refrain from eating specially rice, which he thought would make him feel worse.
– Burning sensation in eyes was under treatment all the time.
– Extreme hunger was unbearable and if it was not satiated, it would cause anxiety with body tremors.
In summary the patient had become extremely cautious and paranoid in all spheres of life because of this condition.
Case Observation and Analysis:
After an in-depth analysis of the patient’s history,his mental picture was clear. The patient basically possessed a sensitive nature and in lieu of that he was extremely cautious and anxious about his health. He was constantly using medicines to cure every little ailment he’d come across leaving his body under influence of drugs all the time. His over cautious nature was running down his immunity, his mind was engulfed by thoughts of imminent danger whether it was there or not. With confidence levels so low he had built mental walls to secure himself from being hurt in any way. But his irresolute planning and weakness on the mental level left him in a frenzy when the sudden death of a close acquaintance dealt a blow that brought all his fears and phobias onto the surface deeply affecting him on the physical level now.
Treatments by top doctors near and far, were all to no avail and were constantly adding to his worries affecting his ability to function normally.
The anxieties that arose were causing the stomach issues, insomnia, fear of your surroundings, and then in order to treat these ailments, the incessant usage of drugs with their side effects were all coming together to debilitate this individual’s ability to heal.
In short, the inability of an individual to live life in a creative manner where he is not only beneficial to himself but also to the society is the definition of a dis-eased state, and this is what our dear friend here was going through.
He was in dire need of help to come back to life and set things in order to be able to move forward in a positive and healthful direction.
Here is a look at how the patient felt within a few months of homeopathic treatment:
After being disappointed by several treatments for my mind boggling condition, coming across Dr. Kaisrani was a blessing for me. Highly satisfied by his online presence showing testimonials and successful stories of patients, I contacted him for a consultation. His prompt response was highly appreciated along with his interest in listening to my case with utmost earnestness. He not only understood me but also agreed as to how what all I felt was real and not a figment of my imagination plus it was all curable.
Within a month of treatment I could see a clear and positive change. The psychotherapeutic sessions with Dr. Kaisrani were amazingly effective too. Three months later a bulk of my symptoms vanished in thin air and I was healthful on all levels, by the Grace of Allah.
To test whether my recovery was a lasting one I tested myself on the occasion of Eid, by eating lots of different kinds of foods without any hesitation and surprisingly enough there was no stomach issues at all. Not only do I feel better on a personal level , everyone who meets me notices the difference in me. I look better , have put on a healthy amount of weight , no more dark circles around my eyes.
The “JINNS BHOOT” are finally gone and I can sleep alone by myself now without any fear or paranoia. Just as Dr. Kaisrani had mentioned once that the “JINN” did not reside in the room but they were in my mind, and now I was finally rid of them.
Dr. Kaisrani’s kind attitude had added so positively to this whole experience that even when I was offered a new job , I consulted with him about it helping me arrive at a decision right away.
Many times he wouldn’t even say or advise me about anything but just by talking to him things would become clear for me.
The essential picture of the patient’s personality was, his over cautious approach towards life and health, restlessness and a despondency towards attaining good health, extreme worry, fears and phobias, allergies, sinus issues. When he consulted the first time he mentioned he’d be at the office at 8 am sharp, and that’s exactly when he arrived not a minute late. While discussing the case he kept on rubbing his neck, although he was dressed perfectly normally like a person of his age would.
While the patient picture was still forming in my mind, the following remedies had become clear to me and were to be chosen from:
George Vithoulkas in his book The Essence of Materia Medica discusses about NUX VOMICA as follows:
A patient will show up with complaints of the digestive tract, intestines and the stomach. In conventional allopathic treatment this patient will be prescribed with digestive aids, antacids and finally be referred to a psychiatrist who diagnoses the patient with psychological issues and prescribes anti depressants to suppress issues.
That only ameliorates for a while, when the problem is being pushed deeper into the system causing further damage to the nervous system.
This patient was using lots of allopathic medicines, so a prescription of NUX VOMICA was given for 10 days to clear the effects of the medicines.
The regained confidence of the patient at the next consultation was phenomenal and his return to normal life was exceptional.
For the next three months, NUX VOMICA remained our main remedy and was prescribed as needed.
He was given ACONITUM, CARBO VEG AND KALI CARB (with explanations of how to use them), to have on hand for emergencies and despite such emergencies having arisen thrice, he patiently refrained from using any other remedies.
By the supreme Grace of Allah, and this patient’s own dedication to patience and perseverance in all honesty, did he make it out of his diseased condition.
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