Change is fluid, it is a motion on all levels.

The Holy Quran accurately states,

Yet hardship will bring ease. Indeed, hardship must bring ease!” (Verse 5-6, Chapter 94).


The path from tribulation to ease, to tribulation and then back to ease again, is denoting motion, and that motion from one state to another is vital for us to understand the difference between the two states and without that profound movement one may not understand the value of one over the other. Oftentimes change is only perceived as something that is desirable to oneself, something that can only be good, yet just like all good is relative to the one experiencing it, so is the change, which can come in any form or shape. Making that act of change itself what is sought, not the how or why of it. And so it might be that what we consider disagreeable to us in one state might turn out to be a move towards the more beneficial direction in our lives.


The homeopathic way of cure and what do Alterations mean for a homeopathist during a treatment:


“Hey, you know what, I am ending my treatment with the homeopathic doctor!”

This statement made by my friend shocked me immensely for it had only been a month since she had started the treatment, and knowing homeopathic treatment well, I asked her inquisitively why she was giving up so soon. She told me how she had observed no changes in her 4yr old spinal issue in her month-long treatment, so not only was she going to give up on this treatment but all kinds of other treatments for that matter because she was tired of it. She stressed on the fact how she saw so many people living with that ailment, so why couldn’t she do so as well. In her current state, after having tried all kinds of therapies for her painful condition, she had suddenly realized that living with the pain was the only option she was left with. Now, to the homeopath, who at the beginning of the treatment makes it very clear to the patient to notice and report any changes, that’s the CHANGE he has been looking for in the person who has been trying ceaselessly to treat her incurable disease for years and now she all of a sudden finds herself changing the way she normally approached her malady!

This complete alteration of the way one has been dealing with their health is a crucial change of dynamics which has provided an important step towards healing and for the keen homeopathic physician, who waits patiently for such alterations to show up, this is success. For this is the stepping stone for all the other changes to build upon and this is the exact point where you need to keep on moving forward with this treatment instead of ending it abruptly.


But why are these alterations so important to the healer and what is it that the patient must understand at this point?


To understand that, the first and most basic thing one should realize about homeopathy is, that your homeopath wants you to be cured and treatment free as soon as possible in the most gentlest and rapid manner possible. His oath to his profession is fulfilled only when his clients recover in a manner where they do not need to come back to him for serious ailments anymore and during the treatment it’s these changes that guide him in that direction of permanent cure.


I will have a take on just that, touching the surface only for that’s a whole philosophy of cure that one cannot do justice to with any amount of speculation let alone this meagre attempt of an article at doing so, but quoting Hahnemann here is essential;


Now, as diseases are nothing more than alterations (changes) in the state of health of the health of the healthy individual which express themselves by morbid signs, and the cure is also only possible by a change to the healthy condition of the state of health of the diseased individual, it is very evident that medicines could never cure diseases if they did not possess the power of altering man’s state of health which depends on sensations and functions; indeed, that their curative power must be owing solely to this power they possess of altering(changing) man’s state of health. (Aphorism 19, Organon).


When the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, a top physician and chemist of his times, began treating his patients anew with the homeopathic philosophy of cure, he put great emphasis on alterations and changes in human health, during disease or cure and he perceived them as being important clues when treating the sick. The visible changes in the sick, perceivable only by the human senses, through the signs and symptoms that our bodies exhibit on mental, emotional or physical levels are the only way to identify, treat and cure the underlying unseen dis-ease.

He also emphasized upon the ways of using medicine to derive the most benefit from them by nullifying any harmful effects they may possess, when prescribed homeopathically, by matching their effects in crude form on the healthy individuals, to the changes seen in individuals when they became sick and by administering the remedies in potentized minimum doses.


And one of the major problems that a homeopath confronts with people coming from an allopathic treatment to homeopathy, is their expectation to see an instant relief from pain. In the homeopathic world of therapy that scope of health is very limited, pain is not one dimensional and it should not be treated as such. This limited scope of the allopathic model of therapy, instills a kind of stagnancy in the ailing patient, for pain management and symptom suppression is the goal of the medicines prescribed by conventional doctors without much consideration given to the side effects those drugs come along with.

Now to clarify this point, pain management is crucial, especially during emergencies, but does one ever stop to reflect why is the pain there in the first place and what is the healthcare provider’s true duty towards healing the patient while managing that pain? If this kind of management is an ideal for achieving cure, then wouldn’t that mean no more people returning for anymore treatments?

Why are there hordes of hospitals that are getting fuller and fuller each day with the chronically ill, unhappy patients of all ages because your condition can never be cured? Why is the medicine that’s being prescribed to you, coming with a long list of adverse events list attached to it? Shouldn’t the substances that one uses to heal be free of any harmful effects?


All these questions and so many more are answered when one understands the homeopathic way of treatment which when clearly understood is a wholistic method of therapy which is about treating YOU as all of YOU and all your symptoms are YOU! The way YOU think, the way YOU talk, the way YOU attend to your day-to-day affairs, all constitute as signs and symptoms pointing the homeopathist in the direction of curing the patient.

Once under treatment, the patient is administered a homeopathically selected remedy that matches the totality of your symptoms, this remedy will then slowly start to affect the patient on the energetic level which will create changes in the normal routine of the patient. Now these changes aren’t necessarily going to be the ones you expect, for example if you are a person whose routine is to wake up early in the morning, you might begin waking up late. You might notice something that you used to be averse to as being agreeable to you now, like foods, drinks, places, people etc. or vice versa. Chores you could not do before, now you are attempting to do those or things that scared you don’t scare you the same way anymore. One might even notice getting more irritable than before, or calmer for that matter. The direction of cure mostly begins from within to outwards, which means one shall see an effect on one’s mentality at first, in one’s day to day approach towards life followed by a physical reversal of symptoms. To emphasize this, the use of remedies in dynamic doses that effect the person at the energetic level, the patient frees himself first of dwelling on the little things that indispose or disturb him mentally, then slowly one shall see one’s immune system being freed up to deal with the physical ailments too. And the rate of healing really depends on one’s own susceptibility or reactivity to the healing agent and how long their bodies have been subjected to the detrimental effects of toxic substances. Emotional and environmental stresses also play a major role in weakened immunities along with inherited diseases, delaying the recovery process. So, the stronger your constitution is, the quicker the recovery time will be but if your vitality has been affected greatly by continued use of allopathic drugs or deep seated mental health issues, then this could take a few years to finally cure. Some cases might even be rendered as incurable if the health of the patient has been neglected for too long, in which case there can perhaps be palliation but no total reversal of the diseases.

Yet in any case the homeopath, consistently watches his patient who may be weak or strong constitutionally, paying close attention to even the slightest changes of any sort, which serve as a guide for him to keep moving forward in the direction of any amount of cure that’s possible with precision. And by far the gravest mistake that one does is to cut off their treatment midway to go back to conventional therapy which is palliation at best and chronic illness at its worst. Neither shall one find an allopathic doctor too concerned about such changes, for them this is all gibberish owing to their limited understanding of health and healing.

All the patient needs to realize during their homeopathic treatment is that this change which is triggered is usually a sign of alteration at a deeper level and that’s what shows the patient’s ability to heal. And what might seem like a negligible event to the ailing patient, is in fact the beginning of cure to the healer, a piece of a puzzle that fell into place to slowly reveal the whole picture of that underlying cause on any level of human health, which needs to be removed with continued therapy, for a complete and lasting cure.

And for this therapy to be successful, patience and perseverance is highly required on part of the patient and the physician alike, along with an objective observation of these important changes, signs and symptoms.


The true change is that which comes forth from within not the one that seems like a change but in reality, is just the opposite of change, which is stagnation. A state where there is an idea of moving but it is in circles that always bring about the same results but never moving forward. Every individual, being unique, has his own path to cure, hence making it unknown. The unknown may scare you and it may be intimidating yet that’s the only way forward too and that’s exactly how human beings have evolved, by trial and error. It’s the inertia which needs to be avoided at all costs for that’s against the nature of this ever-changing world and that’s what ceases the flow of new concepts, ideas and the revival of the human intellect.


As sentient beings, our inner self, the microcosm, must reflect the outer world, the macrocosm, and remaining in a state of regeneration is key despite the obstacles. That is how we maintain the balance and the equilibrium. This harmonious movement of one change triggering another is the crux of how humanity has flourished for eons and its the individual’s first and foremost duty to oneself, to understand what our role is as dynamic beings whose slightest change in motion, effects not only ourselves, but the whole cosmos for the better or for the worse.


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