All it started with sneezing at night but till morning it turned to extreme flu. As the day crept in to the evening my ribs started hurting with pain in left lung and swelling. It was quite manageable till then but later on it became harder for me to breathe. Within less than twenty-four hours I was down with extreme flow of flu and pain in my whole body with feeling of burning. At this hour an alarm beeped inside my mind showing me the possible dangers I may have in future. I realized that I must contact to my doctor without any further delay and it was a wise decision by my side to contact my Homeopathic physician, Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, whom I believe the most in case of any medical emergency.
As per my expectations, I was suspected being infected by CORONA. Dr. Kaisrani after knowing about severity of my condition immediately asked me to isolate and started homeopathy treatment for the very next moment but before I could take precautions my husband had already been hit by the virus. The delay I had already made while contacting my doctor may could end in a regret if he had not provided us treatment on urgent basis. He even, due to severity of our condition, provided us with his services on weekend and continuously remained in contact with us to know about the latest updates and make sure the availability of the homoeopathic medicine we may need at any moment.
Due to timely treatment, it took me just few days to settle the problems like pains, breathing issue and all other symptoms but my husband being already victim of CORONA showed weak resistance against virus. His condition continued to dip down for almost a week; for the whole week his temperature continued to rise, his flu and cough remained at extreme and it was really hard for him to breathe normally. Thanks to my ALLAH Almighty that because of His grace and due care of Doctor. Hussain Kaisrani he started getting better gradually. The proper medication and timely prescription helped both of us to recover soon. We passed through many ups and downs during this time period but every time we found our doctor at hand no matter what day it is and what hour of the day it is.
I am thankful to Dr. Kaisrani for being available whenever we needed him. Along with the grace of ALLAH, special attention and best prescription of Dr. Hussain helped me and my husband to recover from the biggest health hazard of the time; without any further damage to our health. A big thank to my Lord for bestowing us with health, a big thank to Dr. Sahab for helping us in this tough time and a heartiest goodbye to CORONA.

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