Dear Dr Hussain Kaisrani, AOA!

As explained on phone, nowadays the only issue is my health issue. Feeling of left side chest pain, I have had multiple visits to emergencies in Pakistan and UK due to this chest pain because sometimes I feel sharp and heavy pain like attack.

I had almost all major tests, nothing comes up in the test, I am having bad dreams, phobias of death and heart attack and before sleep, and I am having tough time to sleep due to phobias – having bad dreams and off and on. I am up and shouting one or two times at night, almost every night.

Doctors are saying I do not have stomach issue, but still whenever I try spices or too sweet things, then extreme layer of pain of coming up to left side chest, I am feeling shortage of breath and feeling as if I am having my last moments.

Other point wise details are below. Please feel free to text me on WhatsApp if I am missing anything.


Skin Issues:

Bit dry skin but I am not worrying about dry skin or anything related to skin issues.

Hair fall:

I am using Clear Shampoo and my hair and dandruff is reasonable fine nowadays.

Eye Sight:

Got my eyes checked, one eye is getting weak, now its weak .75, last year both of my eyes were 6/6.


Yes, whenever I use spices or anything too sweet then I feel too much burning and pain in left side of chest, occasionally middle of chest as well, however doctor said reports saying I do not have any cardiac issue or major stomach issue.


He was asked further case taking questions about his overall health.

Now coming to your questions:

Do you have / had some issue, which was stuck all the time?

YES – Now days, I have extreme health anxiety.


Recent health Issues:


  1. Feeling of left side chest pain, I have had multiple visits to emergencies in Pakistan and UK due to this chest pain because sometimes I feel sharp and heavy pain like attack.
  2. disturbed stomach
  3. Continuous Weight loss
  4. Feeling weak
  5. Dizziness


Worries about future:

As I am a married man now, so I feel bit worried about my wife as I am not feeling well.

Weakness – what I feel

  1. Overall I am feeling that my body is getting weak
  2. I don’t have much energy in my body.

Mind and Emotional Issues:

I am disturbed due to health and always thinking that when I will be fine and will enjoy my normal life.

Phobias – if any

Death phobias.

Heart attack phobia / Panic Attacks

What you like to eat and dislike:

I love to eat whatever is better for my health (veg or non-veg), mostly like Pakistan dishes. I like to eat with my friends and family, halal food only; I do not like fast foods, the food which is not Halal in the UK.


I have bad dreams like the one I am having cardiac issue or I am going to die.


Time of Increase and decrease in problem (present / past problems):

I believe I was living outstanding, healthy, marvelous life before December 2011, after that I was always trying to sort out something,

  1. My mother was ill in December 2011 and from December 2011 to March 2014, we all family members were disturbed and was engaged with her.
  2. Then in June 2014, I got my Nikkah, had bad experience, was trying to resolve that one.
  3. Similarly, in the start of 2014 my father got heart problem, I am elder son and I remained worried for him.
  4. March 2015 to March 2016, I had a tough time in job, my director was so strict so I had a very tough time in job. Recently I have switched my job due to my director.
  5. Now days I am not worried for anything else but only thinking all the times about my health.

Physical problems:

Sometimes I feel dizzy while walking.

Do you cry very often?

I cried whenever I feel I am very sick and I have a feelings of left chest pain (due to phobia of heart attack/or death).

You prefer to eat sweet items or saltish one?

Nowadays I do prefer to eat boiled food, without spice, and I don’t prefer sweets as I have feelings that I have a stomach ulcer issue, but If I could I love to have sweets.

Do you like to drink cold water or normal one?

I never feel any preference on both of them, whatever is available as far as it is clean, I drink it.

Does your skin problem increase in winter or cold weather or hot weather mostly (hot weather also mean inside the room)

I didn’t specifically noted that, because I changed a lot of shampoos in different weather, few shampoos worked really well for few days and then stopped working for dandruff and fungal, then I changed another shampoo. However, my dandruff and fungal is uncontrollable in last 1 year at least. Having problem continuously in hot and cold weather.

Irritation, anger or any restlessness issue:

I am so much humble now days, no anger or irritation, don’t have restlessness issue too, but I feel scared before sleeping.

Which weather is disturbing me the most?

I believe, my disturbance mostly based on my circumstances, weather might matter but I didn’t notice the weather.

Home Sickness:

Some time I badly have homesickness, but as no one is working in back home, I have to bare all of financial things, so I can’t come to Pakistan for longer time.


22 January 2017

Salaam dear ———

After working on your case deeply, I am very hopeful that we can manage your problems. In the start, we will treat the issues as an emergency. You are supposed to feel the difference within two weeks, In Sha Allah.

Once things are stable, we would enter into treatment phase.
Let me make you clear that stomach medicines are not improving your problems so better to leave all those allopathic medicines once you start homeopathic one.

I need to know further detail of your feeling and emotions about following issues. Explain as much as you can so that I can get clear picture of your inner feelings.

  1. Death Phobias
  2. Fear of Heart attack / Panic Attacks Phobia
  3. What are the feelings and thoughts before sleep?

We would discuss further on phone tonight so send me this detail on it. I need to research more on it. Please spare some time today for it. Thanks.

Hussain Kaisrani



January 22, 2017

Thank you very much Hussain bhai  !

How death phobia / Fear of Death comes in my mind:

01) My father’s sudden death, then after 2 days one young man in my neighbors died, he was living in Dubai, I came to London and went to Facebook, when I checked my first 2,3 posts there were another 2 death information in it . . .  this comes in my mind initially.

02) I was in office having cup of tea, when I finished it, I felt a deep sharp pain in my left side chest, with sweating and shortage of breath. At that time I was like I am going to die in a minute or two, Ambulance came they did my ECG and shifted me to hospital, then hospital reassured all other tests as well and nothing comes up. However, this incident fixed back of my mind that I am going to die. And it’s still in my mind and not going away. I am still working in the same office, and almost daily when I go to office and enter in my place I feel so scared because of that incident.

03) Another main reason of this phobia is, it is almost 3 months my symptoms are same, my health symptoms are not improving, whenever I feel bit Ok I go for jogging and running as well, I tried to be active but still I do not feel much improvement in my body.

04) Left side chest pain is mild, sometime moderate and sometime extreme severe that I had to go for emergency, and these regular emergency trips increasing my phobia and scary feelings.


How Heart Attack Phobia comes in my mind: 

01) Because of continuous left side chest pain in last 3 months, I try to spend some time daily on internet to check possible reasons of left side chest pain with shortage of breath, and most of articles are saying about heart attack, so one reason is google, due to this I got something bad stuck in my mind.

02) Due to sudden death of my father and it was due to heart attack as well.

03) Almost every 2, 3 hours I am checking my pulse, putting my hands on left side where the heart is and try to feel the heartbeat.


Feelings and thoughts before sleep: 

Before sleep and almost full day, I am thinking negative about my health; all the times I am thinking something going to happens with me today.

Day Time: 

Feeling confuse all the times.

Feeling dizzy when walk or stand

Feeling stressed and upset that so many people told me about it in first look to my face.

Feeling inactive and no decision power

Slight memory problem as well.

Night Time: 

Don’t want to sleep due to scary feelings.

Don’t want to sleep because I have a feeling that I will die.

Weakness / No energy in body: 

Feeling weak, no energy in body

Nothing more comes in my mind, which I should inform you at this stage. Rest we will discuss on voice chat!!


The case repertorisation on Radar Opus and Vithoulkas Compass suggested Phosphorus as No.1, Arsenicum Album as No.2, Aconitum Napellus as No.3 and Argentum Nitricum as No.4 remedy. For me it was a clear Aconite case so I went for it.

The remedy was ordered from a Homeopathic Pharmacy in London which was delivered on January 24. He took a tablet on same day along with allopathic medicine which he was already taking. He did not notice any change till January 25 at 3PM UK time. As tablet was taken with water and that too with allopathic drugs so it may have not worked. He was suggested to leave all other medicine and take one more tablet of Aconite and keep it on tongue instead of swallowing.

Feedback on January 25, 2017

Repertorisation of Case

Chest – PAIN, chest
Food – SWEETS, general – agg.
Food – SWEETS, general – desires – candies
Generals – PAINS, general, agg. during the pain – appear suddenly – suddenly and disappear gradually
Generals – PAINS, general, agg. during the pain – faintness, from
Generals – WEAKNESS, sensation of being
Mind – ANXIETY, general – attacks, of anxiety
Mind – ANXIETY, general – congestion to, chest
Mind – ANXIETY, general – diseases, about – concerning recovery
Mind – ANXIETY, general – health, about
Mind – ANXIETY, general – himself, about
Mind – ANXIETY, general – pains, from the – stomach, in
Mind – ANXIETY, general – pressure, chest, on – chest, in
Mind – CONFUSION, mental
Mind – DEATH, general – presentiment, of death – believes that she will die soon, and that she cannot be helped
Mind – DEATH, general – presentiment, of death – predicts the time
Mind – DEATH, general – presentiment, of death – sudden death, of a
Mind – DEATH, general – thoughts, of
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – day and night
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – alone, when
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – alone, when – evening in bed
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – die, fear he will, if he go to sleep, after nightmare
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – dream, from
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – heart symptoms, during
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – impending death., of
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – pain, from
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – predicts the time
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – sleep, during
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – death, of – soon, that she will die
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – heart, arising from – heart will cease beating, lying down, on
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – heart, arising from – pain about heart, from
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – heart, disease of
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – lying, down, of, lest one die – in bed, while
Mind – FEAR, general, phobias – recover, he will not
Stomach – PAIN, stomach – anxiety, with
Stomach – PAIN, stomach – extending to – chest, into
Stomach – PAIN, stomach – extending to – hypochondria, to
Abdomen – ALIVE, sensation of something – left side


The Single dose of Aconite taken on January 25, 2017 provided a real relief though ups and downs were witnessed. Have a look on feedback and updates.

Mr AH was asked not take any medicine (whatsoever) but he was not sure that a single dose of Aconite will also address his stomach issue. Occasionally, he used to take some tablet for his stomach problem. When tried to make him clear that it is not only stomach problem, he provided all the detail why he is sure about it.


February 14, 2017

As discussed, here are my observations, why I am strongly feeling that I have a stomach issue.

Why I am feeling I have a stomach issue:

01) Barat time

My sister in laws given me very thick milk with lot of sugar and other sweeters, I got a problem of burning in chest, shortage of breath and no energy in body. This day the symptoms was like heart attack

02) David Home – Pepsi 

David is my friend, I have visited him in UK before my wedding, his wife has given me Pepsi, right after an hour, i feel severe burning pain in the chest.

03) Wedding dinner at friend’s place

Had dinner, they put small amount of spices, right after dinner I started feeling burning and pain in the left side of chest, and I was in this pain for whole night.

04) Lunch at friend’s place in UK:

Had a lunch at friend’s place in UK before wedding, again felt shortage of breath and extreme burning and discomfort pain in left side of chest.

05) Home – Beans 

On my visit Pakistan, my family made beans and I had that, in nighttime I again had a same problem of left side pain, this day the symptoms were like heart attack

06) After Naseem’s home – dairy products

Before my flight to UK, I had a visit to my friend, he offered me some dairy products and right after an hour I got shortage of breath and no energy in body and pain in left side chest.

07) When it starts (having tea in office) 

This burning and extreme pain started when I was having tea in office, as soon as I finished the tea, the pain in left side of chest started up and after that I am unable to get rid of that problem (almost 3.5 months), this day the symptoms were like heart attack

08) I had a sweet cake with milk and soft sugar sweeter in it. 

I had a sweet cake with soft sugar sweeter in it; again, I had extreme pain with shortage of breath, this day the symptoms were also like heart attack.


Why I am feeling I am suffering from panic attacks/ stress:

01) Bad dreams

I am having bad dreams and off and on, I am up and shouting 1, 2 times at night.

02) Dr. Akram Clinic

This is the only place, where i had an extreme pain but at that day i did not eat anything which i should not eat.

03) Murree

I went to Murree, was enjoying, suddenly i feel nervous and conscious. Then i came back to Abbottabad and had a visit in CMH, they did ECG and everything was normal.


Low blood pressure issues: 

01) Multan

On visit to Multan, I had dizzy feelings, I went to hospital and my Blood Pressure was 90/60

02) Walima

Right after my walima function, I had dizzy feelings, I went to hospital and my BP was 90/60


14 February 2017

Dear ———

Salaam – thanks for providing all the detail, which gives a clear picture of your stomachache / problems.
It is not a big issue to manage. You need to make a decision when to say final good-bye to medicine you are taking. When you leave it, just take one tablet of Argentum Nitricum 30. It will address your issue nicely.
As your system is habitual with allopathic medicine so there would be a bit issue in the start but I assure you, it will not prolong much.

Best regards,

Hussain Kaisrani


Feedback after leaving allopathic medicine which Mr AH was taking for his stomach issue.

— Dr Salih (GI Shifa International Islamabad)

  • Diagnose: Stress, might be stomach issue
  • Suggest: stomach med

— Dr Ayesha (GI maroof International Islamabad)

  • Diagnose: Stress, might be stomach issue
  • Suggest: an depressant and stomach med

— Dr Mufti – Shifa International (Senior Medical Specialist)

  • Diagnose: Stress
  • Suggest: an depressant and stomach med

— Dr Farooq – Medical Specialist

  • Diagnose: Stress
  • Suggest: an depressant

— Brig Tahir (CMH Abbottabad – Head of Medicines)

  • Diagnose: Chest Pain
  • Suggest: Pain killers

— Dr Akram (Senior Consultant medicines)

  • Diagnose: Stress
  • Suggest: an depressant

— Dr Zahid (Medical Consultant – Laiq Rafeeq, Multan)

  • Diagnose: Stress, might be stomach issue
  • Suggest: an depressant and stomach med

— Dr Shair Bahadur (Medical specialist – DHQ)

  • Diagnose: Stress, might be stomach issue
  • Suggest: stomach med

— Two different Cardiologist:

  • Diagnose: Nothing related to cardiac
  • Suggest: no medicines

— Homeopathy (Hussain Kaisrani – Classical Homeopathy Consultant & Psychotherapist)

  • {Hussain Kaisrani – He treated constitutionally and in totality. There were weekly telephonic sessions. Selected best possible single remedy indicated. This medicine covers almost the symptoms in all three spheres – physical, emotional and mental.
    Emotional imbalance was Main and Prominent factor in the case. He prescribed Aconite to start with and informed that it is a continuing process.


April 21, 2017

Here is new feedback

About Emotional Symptoms:

  1. Feeling 70 to 80 percent better.
  2. Happy with my relation (Wife)
  3. Happy with the job
  4. I was tense due to family issues, Now I am not thinking about problems related to my family (siblings), so feeling much better.
  5. I was tense due to loan issues here in UK, now those things are under process and I hope within next 3 to 4 months all would be fine. So, this issue is almost resolved as well.
  6. I was very sad after death of my parents, still I am missing them but the difference is now I have accepted the reality so intensity of sadness is very less now.
  7. I was tense due to my physical symptoms; 50 percent physical symptoms are improved as well.
  8. Overall not feeling tense and normally enjoying my day.
  9. No nightmares anymore
  10. I can sleep in less effort at night, previously due to stress I was unable to sleep most of the times

Current Physical Symptoms:

  1. Abdomen Burning
  2. Feeling that something is moving in abdomen
  3. Little discomfort in abdomen area all the times.


Other Information:

  • Going washroom regularly.
  • No Chest Pain, just slight burning in chest area (once or twice a week)
  • No Headache
  • No nausea or vomiting
  • No sneezing
  • Weight loss stopped at 77 kg, no further weight loss. Now my weight is 77 from 85.
  • I can drive, exercise, walk and run
  • Want to eat sweets now days
  • I don’t want to drink cold water (may here its already cold that’s why).
  • Normally eating fruits, vegetables and fish.

That’s all Hussain bhai for now.

If you required more information, please let me know.

Have a lovely day.

April 24, 2017


March 26, 2018 – Update and feedback after about a Year

Life is going fine and smooth. Have a look on following messages.

Hussain Kaisrani – Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant, Lahore Pakistan. Phone: 03002000210

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