AURUM MURIATICUM (Aur-m.) – آرم میور – آرم میوریٹیکم – آورم میوریٹیکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


AURUM MURIATICUM (Aur-m.) – آرم میور – آرم میوریٹیکم – آورم میوریٹیکم





Sentimental, passionate and romantic. Delicate constitution, sensitive people who are deeply affected by grief, by insults, by mortification.

Suicidal disposition from disappointed love. DEPRESSION IS BETTER IN THE OPEN AIR but what really makes them feel good is strong wind blowing in their face.

Tormenting dreams of sadness.

An extremely anxious person prone to palpitations. Anxiety about health.

Feels really angry because he is sick. Angry when thinking of his complaints.

Preoccupation with death, and fear of death.

They suffer from intolerable and extreme mental or physical restlessness, which must be relieved.



Combination of heart affections, insomnia, sciatica, neuralgias and depression.

HEART AFFECTIONS. Oppression or pressing pain in heart when ascending stairs. Fullness of heart. Endocarditis. Hypertrophy of heart. Palpitations < walking rapidly, night in bed, thinking of it, ascending, excitement, exertion. Restlessness with palpitation.

Diabetes where polyuria is mostly at night. Albuminous urine from dropsical states of heart disease, liver affections, during pregnancy, after scarlet fever.

Haemorrhages from the uterus at climacteric period and after. Congestion of chest after uterine haemorrhage.

Ulcers in mouth, penis, nose, lips, mouth, throat, gums, skin.

Catarrhal and glandular affections are marked. Inflammation and swelling of submaxillary and parotid glands.

Caries of the joints, of jaw, of nose, with nightly boring and gnawing pains. It has many bone symptoms and pains worse at night.

Fullness of the veins all over the body (Vipera).

Exertion and walking increase many symptoms. The palpitation, suffocation and great weakness come from walking and exertion. Fast walking is impossible.



AGG.: warm (wraps, room, air, becoming, bed), walking rapidly, while sitting.

AMEL.: open air, walking slowly, slow motion, cold bathing.

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