CAPSICUM (Caps.) – کیپسیکم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


CAPSICUM (Caps.) – کیپسیکم





DEPRESSION AND NOSTALGIA (HOMESICKNESS) which can even reach suicidal states. Ailments from homesickness. Homesickness with sleeplessness, ennui, with red cheeks.

Prostration of mind.

Children obstinate, chilly and clumsy.

Desire to be alone, aversion to company.

Aversion to physical exertion.



Affects mucous membranes, and bones esp. MASTOID.


Pain in distant parts on coughing, bladder, knees, legs, ears.

Flabbiness of skin, flabby feeling.

Pains are burning and smarting (as from cayenne pepper), worse with cold water. Burning, stinging and bleeding hæmorrhoids.

Offensive breath, pungent eructations during cough.

Pain in throat, head, ear, back, bladder etc. during cough.

Thirsty after stool, with shivering. Much thirst but drinking causes shivering.

Perforation of tympanum, cavity is filled with thick yellow pus.

Children dread open air, always chilly, clumsy, fat, dirty with aversion to work or think. General uncleanliness of the body, filthy skin.


Acute hearing during perspiration, during chill, during heat. Sensitive to noise during chill.



DES.: pepper, alcohol, coffee.

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