COFFEA CRUDA (Coff.) – کافیا کروڈا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


COFFEA CRUDA (Coff.) – کافیا کروڈا


Oversensitive people, too sensitive to external impressions who get excessively excited and who suffer from insomnia. The Coffea patient has extreme alertness with all the senses under high tension especially the sense of hearing. 






Oversensitive to pain, to noise, to odors, to all external impressions. Fear of death from pain.

Ailments from excessive joy. Ecstasy.

Abundant ideas esp. evening and night. Rapid thoughts.

Active memory and concentration.

Quick to act. 



Overexcitement of nervous system.

SLEEPLESSNESS from physical and mental excitement, from excessive joy, from thoughts, from same idea repeating.

Ailments from joy (diarrhoea, palpitation, catalepsy, metritis, headache, trembling).

ACUTE SENSES. Acute hearing, smell, taste, vision.

SENSITIVENESS TO PAIN, pains are felt INTENSELY, ESP. WITH NOISE. Painful sensitiveness of the skin.

Headache from noise, music, excessive joy. Nervous headache.

One-sided as from a nail. Congestion of head after a surprise or excitement. 

Neuralgic toothache <warm food and drinks, external warmth > cold drinks.



AGG.: noise, heat, touch, cold wind, wine.

AMEL.: sitting, open air, lying, sleep, warm.

AVERS.: coffee.

1 Comment

  • Very nice information, I always remained in sad mood taking medicine of depression but even then not feeling better in these days. Cannot I take cofia crude 200 or ignition 200 for over thinking and over sensitivity. Please advice

    Muhammad Jamil Ur Rehman Advocate
    Posted at

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