CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES – Talks on Classical Homeopathy Part 3 – Discussion with Geroge Vithoulkas


George: Yes. You are asking how long we take with a homoeopathic treatment to wipe out a predisposition? There is no such thing. If the predisposition can be wiped out, perhaps immediately. But always there is a possibility that it will come back. This question involves a lot of thinking to see when a predisposition can be wiped out. WHEN WE HAVE A CASE WHERE THE PERSON IS SAY Nat-c. CONSTITUTIONALLY, SO HE COMES ONE YEAR AGO AND TAKES Nat-c. AND GOES AWAY. THEN THERE IS A RELAPSE AFTER TWO YEARS. AGAIN Nat-c. IS GIVEN. THEN AFTER FIVE YEARS AGAIN Nat-c. IS HELPING HIM. THAT IS HIS MAIN REMEDY AND Nat-c. IS SUPPOSED TO WIPE OUT THE PREDISPOSITION TO WHATEVER HE HAS IMMEDIATELY. THERE ARE OTHER PERSONS WHO NEED TWO OR THREE REMEDIES BEFORE THEY COME INTO A BALANCE. THEN WE SAY AFTER THE THREE REMEDIES THAT THE PREDISPOSITION HAS BEEN WIPED OUT.



Question: But if you give the Nat-c. again after two years later and five years later, then you haven’t wiped out…

George: lust a moment, I am going into that. So this is the Nat-c. patient and this is his layer. And after you have given it, you have created order. And here is another one of Med. first, and then Sulph., and then Acon. And then this person takes antibiotics after a year or two, or three, or undergoes very intense stress – it does not always have to be antibiotics, but narcotics, LSD and things like that will definitely bring a relapse.

Question: Will coffee?

George: Yes, coffee. How much the quantity is needed in order to bring a relapse is also of interest. Here in these cases where we have one clear-cut remedy, you will need a lot of quantity to bring about a relapse. So in these people here you find that they have taken a series of antibiotics for ten or twenty days and the organism goes down for a while, then you may see that it is recovering. But give that same individual 30 days of antibiotics and you will have this predisposition of Nat-c. come back. It is a matter of how much it will relapse into its previous state, but it is going to relapse. They will return to the state of the last remedy. SO IN THIS CASE WHERE WE NEEDED THREE REMEDIES TO WIPE OUT A PREDISPOSITION, IF HE HAD NARCOTICS OR ANTIBIOTICS HE WOULD MOST PROBABLY COME TO THE STATE OF THE LAST REMEDY. But it is possible that this person again takes another series of antibiotics or he has another stress. He may withdraw even further amigo back to Sulphur or Med.

Question: SO HIS CONSTITUTIONAL RESONANCES OR WEAKNESSES ARE BUILT INTO THE ORGANISM? WE DONT EVER CURE A PERSON OF THAT? If they tend to have right sided liver complaints and let us say a sort of Lycopodium. picture, then this is what the person is for the rest of his life and wider certain stresses they will come back to that? The organs and the organism and the constitution does not ever come to a place where it has wiped out completely the weaknesses?

George: When you say, “wiped out completely’, you may mean that the person cannot be sick anymore. IF WE ADMIT THAT WE WIPE OUT COMPLETELY THE PREDISPOSITION THEN WE SAY THAT WE MAKE UP THE PERSON IMMUNE COMPLETELY TO DISEASES, WHICH IS A FALLACY DEFINITELY. WHAT WE DO IS TO KEEP THE PERSON IN HIS BEST POSSIBLE CONDITION. The best possible condition for that person is particular. That is all we do and this is plenty. But we say that this person cannot undergo any more stresses which are unnatural. That means that if I go and poison myself, it is not natural. If I take Ars. and then poison myself, I am not expected not to be sick. It is the same way with the chemicals which we use today in large quantities. And narcotics are within this same class. So you cannot be treating a person and letting him have narcotics at the same time. He will demand that he must stay healthy. He cannot stay healthy. I treat him and get him into a healthy state and he wants to take narcotics, perhaps not the first day or the second, but on the fifth he will get it. Some will get it immediately because the organism is weak.

Question: I had a sense that when you think of Hahnemann proving 99 remedies, and he took on all these different diseases. Each time he didn’t ting his particular constitutional remedy, each time he proved a remedy, he took on the remedy diseases, whatever they were. Yes? I would assume that “cure” means “coming to a place of health” and then you respond not with your individual weakness but with the response to the peculiar stress that is imposed on you by what is equivalent to a remedy disease. And you are proving something.

But now you are saying something different. You are saying that you retain your individualized resonances through life, so to speak, but you become more flexible.

George: No, let us say that this individual needs Calc. and we cannot see it. We took Nat-c. one, two or three times. Then the fourth time he does not need Nat-c any more, but there are indications for Calc. If we give it, then we have to go further in establishing a better state of health. If we don’t give it and we leave him in this resonancy, so whatever this person will do to spoil his health, he will come back to that state. But this Nat-c. state on this particular person, if it is stimulated by streptococcus and particular stresses, will develop an acute exacerbation. He will develop a bronchitis which can be of a Bry. type. That means that the stress in Nat-c. can receive and may give out another remedy which will now fit. This is the chronic state.

Now streptococcus is affecting that person and that chronic state changes and becomes Bry. You give Bry. and the acted state subsides and back he goes to the Nat-c. You give the Nat-c. and the state subsides to where everything is natural but for this point here. That indicates most probably Calc. because you have a few symptoms that you cannot see yet. If you can see it and you give it, the person will go into a better state of health. If them is a new stress now in that person which brings back its predisposition, it will be the predisposition of Calc. and not Nat-c. So, when you say that this is a Lyc., it is a Lyc. primarily, but he may change at a certain level if we give the following remedy at the right time and then he will not be a Lyc. He will cease to be right-sided completely. Now he gets ear infections and nasal catarrah. And the right side has subsided completely, because after Lyc. he had taken Merc. and now the discharges from the mucous membranes and the cars are prominent and when he gets a cold he gets that symptomatology now.

Question: So when you have someone who is quite healthy but they tend to be Nat-c. and then they suffer a grief and develop a whole symptomatology and you give them Nat- m. and they are quite healthy for several years. Then they have another bad grief, would you expect the whole symptomatology to come back again?

George: Yes. The difference is that even though you have already given Nat-m., the grief that they can take now is of a greater – much greater say is, Now if this had happened before with that stress I would be totally broken into pieces. Now l can cope.” But if there is a bigger stress with exhaustion, lack of sleep, he will definitely eventually … So a Nat-c. with a stress of A-intensity will react differently after taking the remedy. A-stress again in Nat-c. after the remedy will not affect him. You need 3 As now.

Question: Now what about someone like yourself. When you were very young, you were sick, right? Is there any possibility that you could be so stressed that you could revert to that condition the way you were 30 years ago?

George: This is a good question. It is interesting because’ have been treating myself for 21 years and I cannot … I never had, in spite of having a lot of stresses, I never had something which I had 21 years ago. The pain and the suffering which I had 21 years ago I have never had again, though sometimes, if I am in a very wet climate I may have lumbago. But at that time it was a continuous state. There was no day that I was not feeling pain in my back since I was 16 years old. Now I have to stretch myself. This climate is not conducive for me – it is quite wet. Still I dont get it. And if I get it, it will go away much more easily than it used to. I used to have tremendous irritability like Nux-v. I remember myself because I was a civil engineer and I was responsible for a whole plantation.

Everybody was trembling at the mere sight of me. I was just trying to remember what I have been. Of course I have taken a lot of remedies all this time and I didn’t take the right ones. Sometimes I have taken the right ones and sometimes the wrong ones. What I did, I was so enthusiastic in the beginning that before I read all of the books carefully, I started proving the remedies to see whether they would do what they were supposed to do. This was very intriguing. I would hear, “This remedy can have an effect on the human body.” So I started taking one remedy after the other to see what its effect was. I remembered that I liked eating fat. Then I took Nat-m. and I went to eat my eggs with olive oil and I could not. I thought, “What happened”, and then I remember, I took Lyc. and I went to the theatre in Johannesburg. I was in the theatre and the rumbling was so much that I had to walk out. It was very interesting. Of course I got information, but I should have waited and taken one remedy, wait six months to take another, and take it easy. Not trying to prove 25 remedies in six months. So I learned the hard way. Kent also did then same thing. He messed up his health completely and he went for the next world at the age of 62. Hahnemann was okay. He knew what he was doing. He said it was nice here and he was going to stay 90 years.

Question: Graphically could you show what happens when you take the drug and there is still a little bit of it left. It has not all been antidoted.

George: There is this category where you need a series of remedies to really wipe out a layer. A correct series of remedies. I do not mean just any remedies. You may have taken Med. and then you thought it was lgn. and so you took Ign. Then nothing happened and so you took Elaps., and nothing happened. Then Sulph. and nothing. Not the remedies which you took but the ones which have acted. You might have taken lots of remedies in between.

Question: And that would take care of one layer or two layers?

George: One layer. One layer may be taken away by three remedies. When you feel a lift in your health, then you change the layer. You have been living for years in a state of health and then you take a remedy that lifts you up. Before that happens in certain people, they need three remedies. You say, “Now I really feel much better.”

Question: It could occur in that sequence of wrong remedies before the Sulph., that a relapse back to the Med. would happen ?

George: Yes, sometimes. You may need another remedy which is complementary. A remedy can do certain work and then maybe you need another one. It is very peculiar to antidote a remedy or to have a relapse after the indicated remedy. It is very peculiar. There is something wrong with what you are doing. You are taking a drug like the T-square cases.

Question: How about eating onions?

George: No.

Question: Another wrong remedy generally won’t do that?

George: No.

Question: What about a disrupted case?

George: You can have it sometimes, a full relapse out of one remedy might happen sometimes but is not usual at all.

Question: What am the symptoms then after a disrupted case ?

George: Relapse. You have been doing well and then…

Question: One of the most difficult questions that I seem to get is that if homoeopathy really works as well as you say it does and all this happens, then why would something like coffee, .which everybody all around the world drinks every day, why would this disrupt this great work that is done by the homoeopathic medicine?

George: Coffee is our greatest enemy because it is drunk every day, sometimes 2-3 times a day. Coffee disrupts a case if it gives the person a sense of well being. If you drink coffee and you say, “Oh, I am sleepy, so let’s have some coffee.” And you take coffee and you wake up. That is the time when you will definitely antidote the remedy. But certain people are not affected at all by coffee, and these people can drink coffee without antidoting their remedy. I don’t know how many have such good health – very few. ALL OF US HERE HAVE WEAK HEALTH. IF WE WERE TO MAKE A PROVING IN A CLASS LIKE THIS, WE WOULD HAVE A VERY DIFFICULT JOB. WE WOULD WRITE SO MANY SYMPTOMS BEFORE THE PROVING WOULD START. THIS CONDITION IS THE PRODUCT OF OUR CIVILIZATION. BUT IF YOU GO TO A VILLAGE IN GREECE WHERE THIS KIND OF CIVILIZATION AND THINKING AND ANXIETY AND DRUGS HAVE NOT INFILTRATED, AND THERE YOU WILL GET BEAUTIFUL CASES. THE MOST SUCCESSES WE HAVE, ARE WITH PEOPLE WHO COME FROM THE VILLAGES. They have kept their health up. We have much more disease suffering and we have become more refined. I don’t know whether we are better or worse,but we have made our health very sensitive. Therefore coffee for all of us will be bad.

Question: Tea has the same effect on many people. They feel much better after drinking black tea.

George: Black tea also, if that black tea has an effect. They will have to stop it. It is the stimulation of the body every time That brings about the relapse. The same thing will happen to Valium and all the pain killers. Cigarettes also. Alcohol also in big quantities.

I have not seen alcohol or cigarettes antidote. I have seen coffee and this I can be absolutely sure of. I have not seen tea.

When I say that “I have seen” I mean that a person took coca cola, relapsed, and I gave the remedy again. I said for him to stop the coca cola and he did not relapse. This I have seen. We conjecture a lot but the facts are this, that coffee antidotes. Cigarettes, alcohol, tea do not, but maybe somebody someday will be sensitive to Ginseng or spearmint tea or …

Question: What if the person has done well for ten years and decides that he would like to start drinking coffee?

George : Yes, they can do that.

Question: They can drink coffee, or they will relapse ?

George: After many years, yes.

Question: Is there a cut off point?

George: It is very important for a person to stay well for ten years. He has a very strong vitality. A very good constitutional ground. So therefore coffee will not antidote.

Question: Oh, so it has more to do with their vitality than it is the length of time involved ?

George: That is what I said in the beginning. If you get a strong person and give him one cup of coffee every day, he will not relapse. But we have weak constitutions and we would all relapse. ALL OF YOU. I do not see anybody, who would not relapse with coffee.

Question: Some of us are not in a position to relapse because we don’t have the right remedy.

Question: To go back to this Acon. case, what is… would you describe the fear of Op.? I wonder sometimes about it. I always use Acon., but I don’t have any feeling for the fear of Op.

George : I don’t know. What fear? I don’t remember. Op. has particular fears? Peculiar fears? Where did you find that?

Question: I have read that in various materia medicas.

George: I don’t remember.

Question: I would like to add one more question about the antidoting thing. Did I misunderstand you or did l understand you correctly to say that if a case antidotes that it always goes back to the previous remedy?

George: Not always but USUALLY.

Question: So we must be careful to take the case again if the remedy has been antidoted.

George: What will happen is this, that after you give the first remedy and you are seeing a little bit of that remedy, if you wait long enough, this remedy will develop – that means that more symptoms will develop. Now you can bring about that situation – the second situation remedy – by stimulating this phase. That means that the stimulation is not so big, and it will bring about the next stage that you suspected. You suspect a Calcarea case. Why? Because he starts to have more feelings for the cold, the nails are a bit brittle and there is a desire for sweets. They like the eggs a little bit more. With all this information, this should have given you the remedy, but you didn’t give it and you wait. And there is a stimulation here and the arthritic condition starts. You see lumbago. You see arthritis. This will start after the stimulation on that phase. So you bring about that state.

Question: So that is not really a relapse. It is an exacerbation from the stress.

George: Yes. Because this organism will go to a new place when it is stressed. If it is not stressed, it will remain for years in that little bit of disorder.

Question: When we talk about that, is it something that we will remember? I am wondering as you move back through images if possibly because somebody is born with a predisposition to disease, perhaps there is something underlying that he may not remember having experienced. There maybe a new set of symptoms that he can not in his memory recollect having had. I wonder if that can develop a new image with totally different symptoms, in a process of correct treatment. You get the impression, by reading Hering’s laws and so forth, that. 

George: I can’t follow.

Response: If you go back to a layer that you can’t remember in your early life, with no past history, with a hereditary predisposition.

George: You can go backwards? After the right treatment, if you may go backwards to earlier symptoms?

Response: Yes, can you get your father’s disease? Can you essentially go past that to a remedy image and symptoms that you have never had in your chronological life? Like in the Calcarea image, if the person said that he was never arthritic, but now he is; can that happen and be a sign of correct treatment?

George: Oh yes. Because age comes here as well – deterioration from the aging process will come with certain symptomatology.

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