CROTALUS HORRIDUS (Crot-h.) – کروٹیلس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


CROTALUS HORRIDUS (Crot-h.) – کروٹیلس






Delirium loquacious, muttering, maniacal <during fever, during convulsions.

Incoherent speech. Delirium during sepsis or from cerebral accidents.

Delusions is surrounded by enemy, is falling out of bed, of animals, of phantoms.

Dreams of the dead. Aversion to members of family. Suspicious.

Attempts to escape, springs out of bed. Anxiety with cold perspiration.

Melancholic, depressed and sluggish, seems half alive.

Dullness of mind and weak memory. Forgets proper names, dates, words. But has active memory when suppressing the sexual desire.

Disconnected answers with coldness of the skin and rapid pulse.



HAEMORRHAGES esp. BLACK. Haemorrhages from orifices of the body (nose, urethra, ear, bladder, anus etc.). Even perspiration is bloody. Septic fever, septicaemia.

Stomach is so irritable that it is unable to retain anything. Vomits blood. Vomiting everything. Vomiting of bile < least motion, lying on right side or back.

Varicose veins as a network in skin esp. in nose. Mottled spots on chest.

Difficult respiration from constriction of larynx.

Tenesmus of bladder with vomiting, purging and micturition.

Yellow discoloration of skin, face and eyes.

Tongue swollen, fills the whole mouth.

Paralysis, hemiplegia of right side.

Headache from occiput extending into spine and arms.

Sudden attacks of cold perspiration.



AGG.: beginning of sleep, exertion, bad meat.

DES.: pork, alcohol.

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