DIGITALIS PURPUREA (Dig.) – ڈیجیٹیلس – ڈیجی ٹیلس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


DIGITALIS PURPUREA (Dig.) – ڈیجیٹیلس – ڈیجی ٹیلس





FEAR OF DEATH FROM CARDIAC SYMPTOMS. FEAR HEART WILL STOP FROM MOTION. Fear of death while walking. Fear he will die if he goes to sleep.

Every shock strikes in the epigastrium.

Fearful apprehensiveness with sadness, extremely aggravated by music.

Remorse guilty feelings. Suspicious and mistrustful. Unsympathetic.

Dull and lethargic. Indisposed to talk.

Anguish with nausea. Anxiety from motion. Anxiety with great dread of future < about 6 p.m. with sadness and weeping which brings relief. Anxiety felt in stomach.

Attempts to escape.



PULSE IS WEAK, IRREGULAR, INTERMITTENT, ABNORMALLY SLOW 40-45 beats/min. Pulse slower than the beat of the heart.

Weakness and dilatation of the myocardium. Respiration is irregular, difficult, with deep sighing and constant desire to breathe deeply.

The least motion causes violent palpitation and sensation as if the heart would cease on exertion (opposite to Gels.).

Sinking of strength, faintness with cold perspiration, coldness of skin and irregular respiration.

Jaundice with heart involvement. This remedy will be indicated in severe cases of jaundice where you have the nausea, the slow pulse and the fear that the heart will stop.

Weak feeling in stomach. Fullness after eating little. Discomfort, nausea even on sight or smell of food, better if stomach is empty. Tenderness of epigastrium.

Stitching pain at the neck of bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back and forth.

Blue tongue and lips. Blueness of eyelids.

Objects appear green and yellow. Yellow colors before the eyes.

After cold water or ice cream sharp pain in forehead and extend down the nose.

Vertigo with anxious sensation as though would faint. Faintness and vomiting from motion.



DIGITALIS (Dig.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani) – ڈیجیٹیلس – ڈیجی ٹیلس


Pulse is weak, irregular, intermittent, abnormally slow 40-45 beats/min. Pulse slower than the beat of the heart.

HEART: Rheumatic heart disease. Angina. Heart & kidney affections. Carditis, pericarditis. Hypertrophy. Affections of the valves.

Sinking of strength, faintness with cold perspiration, coldness of skin and irregular respiration.

Weakness and dilatation of the myocardium. Respiration is irregular, difficult, with deep sighing and constant desire to breathe deeply.

The least motion causes violent palpitation and sensation as if the heart would cease on exertion (opposite to Gels.).

Palpitations aggravated by exertion, anxiety, coition, grief. 

Jaundice with heart involvement. This remedy will be indicated in severe cases of jaundice where you have the nausea, the slow pulse and the fear that the heart will stop.

STOMACH: fear arising from stomach. Emptiness, sinking of stomach esp. after hearing bad news. Discomfort, nausea even on sight or smell of food which is ameliorated if stomach is empty.

APPEARANCE: blue tongue and lips. Blueness of eyelids.

URINARY: albuminous urine with heart disease. Anxious, constant urging to urinate. Retention of urine from enlarged prostate. Nephritis. Suppression of urine from kidney affections.

PROSTATE: swelling, enlargement of prostate in old people.

EYES: objects appear green and yellow. Sees yellow colors.

MENTAL PICTURE: fear of death from cardiac symptoms which gets aggravated when walking. Fear heart will stop on moving. Fear he will die if he goes to sleep.


Aggravation: exertion, motion (also of arms), rising.

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