FLUORICUM ACIDUM (Fl-ac.) – فلورک ایسڈ – ایسڈ فلور Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


FLUORICUM ACIDUM (Fl-ac.) – فلورک ایسڈ – ایسڈ فلور





Egotism, focus on their pleasure, isolated from others, indifferent to loved ones.

Inability to realize responsibility.

Hurriedness, rapid speech, rapid eating. Mistakes in spelling, putting right for left and vice versa.

Anxiety. Strong anxiety about health. Fear of cancer, of apoplexy.

Fear of suffering, but endures it well.



VARICOSE VEINS, ulcers, ulcerations (of uterus) etc.

Indicated in deep, destructive processes such as bedsores.

EXCESS SEXUAL DESIRE, PROMISCUITY. Increased desire with violent erections at night, during sleep. Swollen scrotum. Gangrene of scrotum.

Sleepless, wakes after 3-4 hours with sexual thoughts.


Coryza, copious watery discharge, “runs like a faucet”.

Sudden watery discharge from eyes, nose and mouth.

Falling of hair in spots, alopecia areata.

Early, rapid decay of teeth. Discoloration of teeth. Teeth feel warm. Fistula on gums with bloody, salty discharge.

Sensation of heat, generally < from heat, extremely warm blooded. Worse from both heat and cold. Feet feel hot and must be uncovered at night.

Diarrhoea from warm drinks. Bilious diarrhoea.

Corrugated and weak nails. Feeling as if a splinter under nails.

Tongue cracked in all directions.

Sensation as if air is blowing through eyes.

Ulceration of uterus, copious and excoriating leucorrhea.

Emptiness of abdomen relieved by tight clothing.



AGG.: summer, sensation of heat, fish, dry weather, warm wraps.

AMEL.: wet weather, bathing (esp. cold), walking in open air.

DES.: pungent, refreshing things, highly seasoned food, sour.

AVERS.: warm drinks.

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