HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM (Hep.) – ہیپر سلف Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA







OVERSENSITIVITY TO PAIN. Fears bees, wasps that sting. They panic and flee. Fears suffering.

Irritable. The slightest cause irritates him. Impulses to kill for slight offenses, or wants to set things on fire. Very abusive, angry, impolite. Violent from pain.



Extremely SENSITIVE TO COLD AIR OR THE SLIGHTEST DRAFT. Must be wrapped up even to the face.

Uncovering, exposure to cold, becoming cold or even touching cold things aggravates all complaints. Croupy, choking cough when any part of the body is uncovered.

Warmth, wrapping up, warm drinks ameliorate all complaints. Throat pain, stitching, as from splinter when swallowing > warm drinks, covering the throat.


Suppurations. The slightest inflammation or injury causes suppuration.

Glands swell and suppurate.

Discharges are offensive, fetid, smelling like old cheese.

Boils, acne, abscesses where the skin is very sensitive to touch and to cold air. There’s even intolerance of clothing.



AGG.: cold, air draft, uncovering, change of temperature, cold drinks.

AMEL.: warmth, wrapping up, warm drinks, damp weather.

DES.: vinegar, sour food, pungent things, highly seasoned food, alcohol.

AVERS.: strong cheese, pungent things.


HEPAR SULPHUR (Hep.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Inflammatory conditions of any type with great sensitivity to cold and marked amelioration from warmth.


KEYWORDS: chilly, stitching pains, suppuration, purulent, abscess,  ameliorated by warmth.

All conditions are aggravated from being exposed to cold, even from uncovering hands or feet and ameliorated by warmth and warm applications.

GENERALITIES: very chilly. Needs to be covered. Uncovering of even the hands aggravates the symptoms. The patient is very sensitive to pain.

SKIN: abscesses with offensive discharges. Suppuration of wounds.

EARS: suppurative otitis. Severe pains improved by warm applications and aggravated in the open air, from cold. Children cry from intense ear pains. Purulent discharge from ear.

RESPIRATORY: cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia often after being exposed to cold. Cough with perspiration.  Aggravated in cold air, from uncovering, at night.

TEETH: abscesses of teeth. Pain on touch, from cold. Ameliorated with warm applications or drinks.

NOSE: painful sinusitis with offensive, thick, purulent discharge. Pain in face, eyes, bones of nose aggravated from cold air.

THROAT: painful tonsillitis with swollen, ulcerated tonsils. Stitching pain on swallowing ameliorated by warm drinks and aggravated from cold drinks, touch, turning of the head. The patient is compelled to cover the throat with a scarf to keep it warm. Painful swelling of glands.

PAINS:  the pains are stitching, splinter-like and improved by warm applications.

MENTAL PICTURE:  can be irritable and aggressive


Aggravation: cold, even the slightest draft, uncovering.

Amelioration: warmth (applications, drinks, bed, room), being covered or covering the affected part.

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