HYDROPHOBINUM / LYSSIN (Lyss.) – ہائڈروفوبینم لائیسن ہائیڈروفوبینم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


HYDROPHOBINUM / LYSSIN (Lyss.) –  ہائڈروفوبینم  لائیسن  ہائیڈروفوبینم





VIOLENT, IMPATIENT TEMPER, impelled to do reckless things, desire to throw child out of the window.

RUDE, ABUSIVE, BITES AND STRIKES. (Reminds Stram. but Lyss. has more verbal violence). Rapid, hasty speech. Spitting.

FEARS: water, narrow places, crowd, bright objects, mirrors, animals, being alone, something bad will happen

Anticipatory anxiety.

Feelings of being tormented, esp. by someone on whom he depends.

Sympathetic. They can paralyze when they see suffering.



Affects the nervous system, throat, and sexual organs.

Acute senses– noise, light, odors.

Bitter taste in mouth at night, spitting constantly.

Convulsions and spasms brought on by DAZZLING light or sight of RUNNING WATER. Convulsions from strong odors, noises, light.

Cannot bear heat of the sun.

Difficult swallowing. Gagging on swallowing water, pills

Chocking feeling in the throat during agoraphobia.

Bluish discoloration of the wounds.

Eructations amel. gastric problems.



AGG.: hearing or seeing running water, exposure to sun, dust, drafts.

AMEL.: bending backwards; gentle rubbing, hot water bathing.

DES.: strange things during pregnancy, salt, chocolate.

AVERS.: drinks, water, apples.

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