LACHESIS (Lach.) – لیکسیس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


LACHESIS (Lach.) – لیکیسس


The Lachesis patient is passionate with strong emotions, jealous. We see hypertension, hypersexuality, loquacity. Any constriction or suppression is intolerable. Often the patient experiences chocking, suffocative feeling in the throat, intolerance to tight clothing. There’s the need to bring out, to release the emotions or the discharges (on the physical level) in order for the patient to be ameliorated.  





JEALOUSY, ailments from jealousy. Delirium from jealousy. Envy.

LOQUACITY. Changing from one subject to another.

FEAR OF SNAKES. Dreams of snakes.

Premenstrual syndrome. Sadness before menses. >beginning of menses, during menses.

Mental symptoms are worse on waking in the morning. (anxiety, confusion, dullness, forsaken feeling, sadness, loathing).

Religious affections, religious despair.



Left sided complaints usually, where the heart is involved. Sciatica is right sided.

Complaints may go from LEFT TO RIGHT.


Symptoms (dysmenorrhoea, back pain, head pain and mental symptoms etc.)


Affections of ovaries (induration, pains, tumors, swelling, abscess, inflammation, cysts etc.). Ovarian complaints are worse around menses (before, during, after).

Constriction on various parts of the body esp. throat.


Arrested respiration on going to sleep, or during sleep that makes her jump with terror of suffocation. Difficult respiration <touching the larynx, exertion of hands and arms.

Impossible to lie on left side. Palpitations worse lying on left side.

Heat flushes esp. in face during climaxis. Heat flushes with perspiration.

Slight pressure aggravates but hard pressure ameliorates.

Unrefreshing sleep.

Skin has bluish, red, purple discoloration (eruptions, boils, ulcers, swelling).



AGG.: touch, on waking, suppressed discharges, sleep (before, during, after, beginning of), lying on left side, warm wet weather, change of temperature from cold to warm, spring, autumn.

AMEL.: BEGINNING OF MENSES, DISCHARGES, loosening clothing, hard pressure.


LACHESIS (Lach.) – Acute (Hussain Kairani) – لیکیسس

Constrictive feeling in the throat with suffocative feeling.

KEYWORDS: constriction, suffocation, purple, left side, aggravation from touch.

LOCALITY: left sided remedy (can be right sided remedy as well). Complaints move from left to right.

APPEARANCE: dark red, purplish discoloration of the affected parts (ulcers, haemorrhoids, tonsils, skin eruptions etc.).

THROAT: marked sensitivity of throat. Cannot bear touching or covering the throat. Difficulty in swallowing liquids or saliva but ameliorated on swallowing liquids. Lump sensation in the throat with constant desire to swallow. Suffocative feeling, choking. Tonsils or sore throat aggravated on left side, from touch, from warm drinks, on swallowing, turning head. Ameliorated by cold drinks, on swallowing.

Irritation in throat as if a fluid has gone the wrong way. Tonsils and uvula are dark red. Swollen tonsils.

RESPIRATION: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma or cough with suffocative sensation which is ameliorated by bending forward and aggravated at night. Dyspnoea on touching the larynx, on going to sleep, on moving the arms. Intolerance to tight clothing. Bronchitis or pneumonia esp. left lung.

Hay fever with sneezing during sleep, rawness of nose, picking lips, headache extending to root of nose.

COUGH: all kinds of cough esp. suffocative cough.  Aggravated after sleep, as soon as falling into sound sleep, on touching the larynx, inspiration, lying on left side, cold air, motion.

HEAD: head pain extending to root of nose.

EAR: otitis left and then right, threatening mastoiditis, ear sensitive to wind, earache with sore throat, pain aggravated on touch, on swallowing, in open air, from warm applications.

SKIN: ulcers, eruptions, purpura, gangrene, erysipelas. Dark red, purplish even black discoloration. Ulcers aggravated by warmth.

CHEST: congestion of chest aggravated on waking. Constriction. Cyanosis.

Mastitis with bluish-red discoloration of mammae esp. left.

URINARY: cystitis from retention of urine. Sensation of ball in bladder.

TEETH: toothache aggravated when brushing the teeth, by warm or cold drinks, on touch. Toothache from getting wet.

ABDOMEN: suppurating bubo, suppuration of inguinal glands, peritonitis, enteritis, appendicitis, abscess of liver, gall stone colic with characteristic of intolerance to anything tight around the abdomen, to touch, to jar.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: right sided sciatica with pain extending from hip to knee aggravated after sleep, on touch. Pain in coccyx on rising from a seat.

VERTIGO: on closing the eyes, on reaching up. Vertigo after sleep. Sensation as if sinking through the bed.

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