MURIATICUM ACIDUM (Mur-ac.) – میوریٹیکم ایسڈ – ایسڈ میور Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


MURIATICUM ACIDUM (Mur-ac.) – میوریٹیکم ایسڈ – ایسڈ میور  


This remedy is exhausted on the physical level. The exhaustion is such that they cannot support the body. They slide down in bed, the lower jaw is hanging down. The organs are collapsing, the rectum is prolapsed with haemorrhoids. The mind is also so  tired and weak, that they are sad and indifferent to everything. 





WEAKNESS, WEARINESS- feels too weak to live on his own.

Indifference and sadness due to exhaustion. Taciturn. Introvert.

Persistent loud moaning. Muttering.




Affinity to blood and muscles esp. heart and mucous membranes.

GREAT DEBILITY AND WEAKNESS dropping down of lower jaw, slides down in bed.

Muscular prostration from blood poisoning going onto paralysis. Toxic paralysis.

HÆMORRHOIDS, bluish, sensitive, painful < touch.

OFFENSIVE secretions, breath, and body odor.

Vertigo comes on moving eyes and lying on right side.

Tongue stiff and paralyzed.

Urine passes slowly, feeble stream. Involuntary stool while urinating. 

Burning, tearing pains.



AGG.: bathing in sea, seashore, standing.

AMEL.: touch, pressure, rubbing, motion.

DES.: alcohol.

AVERS.: meat (also agg.).


MURIATIC ACID (Mur-ac.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Extreme weakness. Prolapsus.

Inflammatory conditions of any type.

Great debility and weakness. The weakness is so strong that the lower jaw drops downwards. The patient slides down in bed.

Cannot support the head, bends the head backwards.

Muscular prostration from blood poisoning going onto paralysis. Toxic paralysis.

FEVER: fever with weakness. Acrid diarrhoea during fever. Aching of bones.

RECTUM: hæmorrhoids appear as a result of the general weakness and prolapsus of organs. Prolapsus of rectum during diarrhoea. Involuntary watery stool while urinating. Haemorrhoids are bluish, sensitive, painful on touch and ameliorated by warm bathing. Haemorrhoids in newborns and children.

URINARY: retarded urination, the patient has to press so hard that the anus protrudes

MOUTH: tongue dry, stiff and paralyzed.

MENTAL PICTURE: sadness due to exhaustion, indifference, desire to rest. Anxiety during fever. Unconsciousness during fever.

GENERALITIES: offensive secretions, breath, flatus, stool and body odor. Burning, tearing pains.

Aversion to meat (also aggravation).



Aggravation: standing, motion, sea.

Amelioration: touch, warmth, pressure, rubbing, motion.

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