OPIUM (Op.) اوپیم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA

OPIUM (Op.) اوپیم


The keyword for Opium is the sleepiness. The opiates in the brain of these patients are so much increased that promote sleep very easily leading even to narcolepsy. The opiates not only make the patient sleepy but make them blissful. They are so blissful that they don’t feel the pain of their complaints, they don’t realize the seriousness of their condition.  Sleepiness and other symptoms can come after a frightening experience.





AILMENTS FROM FRIGHT – convulsions, chorea, neurological disturbances etc.
Sleepy expression of the face. Somnambulism.

Indifference to suffering. CHEERFUL AND HAPPY during sickness, during fever. Does not complain, wants nothing, and seems to be in bliss though very sick. Says he’s well when sick.

Abundant ideas, vivid imagination. Ailments from excessive joy.



OVERPOWERING SLEEPINESS, NARCOLEPSY. Falls asleep while talking, sitting, etc. Falls into a heavy stupid sleep.

PAINLESSNESS of usually painful complaints.

Snoring, respiration is arrested, difficult, slow <during sleep.

SEVERE CONSTIPATION. Constipation of newborns. Inactivity of rectum. Stool recedes. Stool like black balls.

Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Involuntary stool after fright. Diarrhoea from emotions, excitement, fright, joy.




AGG.: during and after sleep, wine, warmth.

DES.: brandy, alcohol.


OPIUM (Op.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Sleepiness and blissfulness with complaints. Ailments from fright.

Overpowering sleepiness, narcolepsy. Falls asleep while talking, sitting, etc. Falls into a heavy stupid sleep.

Painlessness of normally painful complaints – does not feel the pain.

APPEARANCE: dark red face.

RESPIRATION: Stertorous respiration. Snoring, respiration is arrested, difficult, slow aggravated during sleep. The patient wakes to prevent suffocation. Gasping inspiration while expiration is long and slow.


RECTUM / STOOL: Severe constipation. Constipation of newborns. Inactivity of rectum. Stool recedes. Stool like black balls.

Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Involuntary stool after fright.

Diarrhoea from emotions (excitement, fright, joy).


MENTAL PICTURE: ailments from fright – convulsions, chorea, neurological disturbances etc. Sleepy expression of the face. Somnambulism. Ailments from excessive joy, excitement.

Indifference to suffering. Cheerful, happy, blissful during sickness, during fever. Does not complain, wants nothing and seems to be in bliss though very sick. Says he’s well when sick. Abundant ideas, vivid imagination.


Aggravation: during and after sleep, wine, warmth.

Amelioration: wine, cold air.

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