Pagal honey ka Khauf, Fear of INSANITY, Jinn, Evil Spirits, GHOSTS, Being Taken by THE DEVIL | Urdu Hindi | Hussain Kaisrani

پاگل پن کا ڈر خوف فوبیا بد روحوں کا ڈر جن بھوت چڑیل کا ڈر شیطانی طاقتوں کے نقصان کی پریشانی آسیب سایہ اور غیبی طاقتوں کے مسائل ہومیوپیتھک دوا علاج ۔ حسین قیصرانی

Hussain Kaisrani

EAR OF DEVIL, OF INSANITY MENTAL FEARS EVIL SPIRITS, GHOSTS, BEING TAKEN BY THE DEVIL. This brings FEAR OF INSANITY. Delusions that she will become insane. Afraid to pronounce the word ‘devil’. Superstitious (Arg-n., Con., Rhus-t., Stram.). Obsessive thoughts. Fear of their own thoughts. Have to restrain them. Praying, hoping God will help them. Sexual thoughts, obsessions. Perverse fancies; can’t put them aside. PHYSICAL Allergies, postnasal catarrh. Constricting pain in throat speaking, swallowing, drinking. Dysphagia from constriction of oesophagus. Spasms when drinking. Clothing aggravates the throat symptoms. Constriction, oppression in the chest expectoration. Flushes of heat in stomach extending upwards. Cramping pain in abdomen after drinking water. Vesicular, desquamating eruptions in feet. Yellow vesicles in face. Shocks in cervical region on waking. Palpitations evening, turning in bed. Bloody taste after sleep. MODALITIES AGG.: heat, puberty, climaxis. AMEL.: motion. DES.: strange things, salt.




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