PICRICUM ACIDUM (Pic-ac.) پکرک ایسڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


PICRICUM ACIDUM (Pic-ac.) پکرک ایسڈ





PROSTRATION OF MIND. Begins on the mental level and works through emotions to physical plane. Exhaustion comes suddenly.

BRAIN FATIGUE. Dullness, CANNOT CONCENTRATE, cannot think long – mind is stopped. Paralytic state of mind. Imbecility.

Indifference. Lacks will power to undertake anything.



WEARINESS- progressing from weariness to paralysis. Sleep does not refresh. Heaviness of limbs <while walking, after exertion. Numbness.

Burning pain along the spine with great weakness < mental and physical exertion.

Pain in posterior part of lower limbs.

Excessive sexual desire, easy erections, easy excitement. Lasciviousness.

Occipital headache. Bursting headaches.

Oily looking yellowish skin. Jaundice with itching.



AGG: physical and mental exertion, emissions, warm, wet weather.

AMEL: lying, rest, bathing, bandaging.

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