SABADILLA (Sabad.) – سباڈلا – سباڈیلا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA

SABADILLA (Sabad.) – سباڈلا  – سباڈیلا





Erroneous ideas as to the state of his body.

Delusions that parts of the body are DEFORMED, e.g. feel that the body is shrunken, that parts are shrunken. Delusions she’s pregnant.

Feels like there is a worm in the mouth, pharynx.

Imagines herself sick. Hypochondriac. Delusions that he has incurable disease.

Fear of death, evil, water.



Hay fever, hay asthma.

Affects the upper respiratory track with characteristic PAROXYSMAL SNEEZING with epistaxis and excessive lachrymation. Coryza > warm room.

Chilly. Warm room, warm bed, warm drinks, stove ameliorate.

Headache from mental exertion or putting too eager attention into anything. Pain in vertex on coughing.

Sensation of a lump, foreign body in the throat, or sensation something hanging there like a bundle of hair with a desire to swallow or hawk it.

Dry throat and cough. Sore throat in left side extending to right ear.

Worms in children. Convulsions from worms. Vomiting worms.

Formication in the anus. Itching in the ear alternating with itching in anus.

Restlessness of legs during heat.

Sore, bruised pains in spots

Heat in head and face with chilliness in hands and feet.



AGG.: cold, cold drinks, beginning of motion, wine, lying.

AMEL.: walking, open air, warm drinks, warm bed, motion, wet weather.

DES.: raw onion, lemons, warm food and drinks, buttermilk.

AVERS.: wine, onion, garlic, sour fruit and acids, meat.




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