SILICEA (Sil.) – سیلیشیا – سیلیکا – سلیشیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


SILICEA (Sil.) – سیلیشیا – سیلیکا – سلیشیا





SENSITIVE, REFINED, TIMID, yielding, reserved but obstinate.

Prostration of mind. Lack of mental stamina. Difficult concentration.

Weakness of memory for mental labor. Fear of literary work. Dread of work.

Timidity appearing in public. Fear that their mind won’t be able to withstand the stress of appearing in public.

Undertakes nothing due to fear he will fail.

Fear of pointed objects, esp. INJECTIONS, PINS.



Develops tumors, fibromas, breast cysts, swollen glands, warts which are usually hard. Caries of bones and spine. Scoliosis. Curvatures. Hip joint disease.

SENSITIVE TO COLD. General aggravation when becoming cold, esp. the head or feet. > wrapping up or covering.

Tendency to take cold.

PERSPIRATION – offensive acrid esp. feet.

CONSTIPATION, stool is hard, rectal muscles inactive. Stool RECEDES.

Nails are brittle, white spots on nails. Ingrowing toenails.

Stricture, inflammation of lachrymal duct.

Sensation of hair on the tongue.

Unhealthy tendency to suppuration. Discharges cheesy, offensive, purulent, thick.

Headache with violent and stitching pains.

Headache when head or feet get cold, from cold air, from becoming cold> wrapping up or binding up the head. Pain in the forehead associated with chronic coryza from sinuses. Inflammation of sinuses.

Children with large heads, open fontanelles, distended hot and hard abdomen, slow in walking and wasted in the body esp. legs.

Removes foreign bodies.

Stopped sensation in ear. Otitis media with impaired hearing.

Ulcers inside the nose.

Indicated in injuries of the coccyx. Coccygodynia after a fall <pressure, touch, rising.

Sensation of a stone pressing in breast.



AGG.: COLD (becoming cold, touching cold things, part of the body becoming cold), air draft, suppression of perspiration esp. of the feet, mental exertion, pressure, full moon.

AMEL.: warmth (warm stove, bed, applications) esp. to head, copious urination, warm wet weather.

DES.: cold food and drinks, fried eggs, fat, ice-cream, indigestible things like lime, earth, chalk, sand, etc.

AVERS.: mother’s milk, meat, cheese, salt, warm food, fat.


SILICA (Sil.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Chilly, perspires, needs to cover the head.

Tendency to catch cold. Develops tumors, fibromas, breast cysts, swollen glands, warts which are usually hard. Caries of bones and spine. Scoliosis. Curvatures. Hip joint disease.


GENERALITIES: sensitive to cold. General aggravation when getting/becoming cold, esp. head or feet.

Ameliorated when wrapping up or covering. Wants to cover the head.

PERSPIRATION: offensive, sour smelling, acrid esp. feet.

EYE: stricture, inflammation of lachrymal duct. Blocked lachrymal duct in babies.

SKIN: abscesses. Tendency to suppuration. Discharges cheesy, offensive, purulent, thick. Slow healing of wounds. Bartholin’s cysts.

NOSE: sinusitis with thick, purulent, offensive discharge, with post nasal discharge. Dryness of nose, loss of smell, pain of nasal bones with sinusitis. Ameliorated in warmth and aggravated from exposure to cold, from pressure. Ulcers inside the nose.

EARS: otitis media with purulent, thick and offensive discharge that leads to blocked sensation in ear and impaired hearing. Otitis with threatening mastoiditis. Itching of ears.

THROAT: tonsilitis with swelling of tonsils. Hard swelling and pain of cervical glands.

RESPIRATION: catching respiration during fever. Asthmatic respiration aggravated in cold.

MOUTH: sensation of hair on the tongue.

TEETH: abscesses of roots. Pain ameliorated from warm wrapping of head. Toothache after suppressed foot sweat. Painful gums.

MAMMAE: mastitis. Sore, bruised pain in mammae and nipples (also while nursing). Swelling and induration of mammae. Sensation of a stone pressing in breast. Abscesses, cracks, inflammation of nipples. Suppressed milk flow in nursing women. Cutting pain while nursing.

BACK: injuries of the coccyx. Coccygodynia aggravated on rising, from pressure, on touch. Backache while nursing. Sensation that the bed is hard.

STOOL: constipation. Stool is hard, rectal muscles inactive. Stool recedes.


Aggravation: cold (becoming cold, touching cold things, part of the body becoming cold), air draft, suppression of perspiration esp. of the feet, mental exertion, pressure, full moon.

Amelioration:  warmth (warm stove, bed, applications) esp. to head, copious urination, warm wet weather.

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