Chronic kidney disease – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease, is a progressive loss of renal function over a period of months or years through five stages. Each stage is a progression through an abnormally low and deteriorating glomerular filtration rate, which is usually determined indirectly by the creatinine level in blood serum.[1] Stage 1 CKD is mildly diminished renal function, with few overt symptoms. Stage 5 CKD is a severe illness and requires some form of renal replacement therapy (dialysis or renal transplant). Stage 5 CKD is also called end-stage renal disease (ESRD), chronic kidney failure (CKF) or chronic …
Nephrotic syndrome – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, to leak large amounts of protein (at least 3.5 grams per day per 1.73m2 body surface area) from the blood into the urine. Presentation It is characterised by proteinuria (>3.5g/day), hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia and edema. A few other characteristics are: The most common sign is excess fluid in the body. This may take several forms: Puffiness around the eyes, characteristically in the morning. Edema over the legs which is pitting (i.e. leaves a little pit when the fluid is pressed out, which resolves over a few seconds). Fluid in …
Palladium پلاڈیم – The Essential Homeopathic Features Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA by George Vithoulkas
Palladium پلاڈیم – The Essential Homeopathic Features Palladium patients are having tremendous emotional insecurity with strong emotions that cannot be expressed, and in this way creating a blockade, a deep inner conflict that needs constant support on the part of those around and especially those whom they are intimately connected, all this is coupled with a tremendous unexpressed egoism. They actually think all the time that they are worth more than the others think about them, and it does not matter how much praise they may others use for them it is never enough. An insatiable hunger for flattery, not …
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) – Homeopathic Medicines and Homeopathy Treatment
Pelvic Inflammatory disease – PID – is very common among young and sexually active women. It defines inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and clinically presents as Pain in lower part of abdomen, Tenderness (Pain on touch), Back pain, Foul smelling copious vaginal discharge, Bleeding per vagina – on and off, Painful coition, Pain after sex and Pain during urination. Pelvic Inflammatory disease is curable by homeopathic medicines. In acute cases it takes few weeks and in chronic cases of PID it needs few months of continuous medication to cure PID. More than 350 Homeopathic medicines are indicated for PID. …
Hering’s Law of Cure – Frequently Asked Question
Question: What is Hering’s Law? Answer: Hering’s Law states that: “All healing occurs from within out, from the head down, and in the reverse order in which the symptoms have appeared.” Question: Who came up with Hering’s Law of Cure? Answer: Many years ago, a now famous Doctor observed this healing phenomenon and thus, this healing event was named after him, Dr. Constantine Hering (1800 – 1880) – Father of American Homeopathy. Question: What does Hering’s Law mean? Answer: Hering’s Law describes an event or process that may occur after you begin to detox or do a cleanse on …
CONIUM MACULATUM کونیم The essential features: Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA by George Vithoulkas
CONIUM MACULATUM کونیم Poison Hemlock. N.O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of fresh plant in flower. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES The idea of paralysis in Conium is not so much the one we know from Socrates’ death by the ‘noggin of hemlock’; real paralysis comes only as an end result, and this may take a very long time, twenty years, thirty years, or more. Conium suffers with a gradually progressing weakness and paresis, and gradual is the key word here. The idea is much more that of sclerosis, of becoming hard, especially the glands, which become swollen and indurated. A gradually progressing weakness …
DIGITALIS – ڈیجیٹیلس The essential features: Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA by George Vithoulkas
DIGITALIS – ڈیجیٹیلس Digitalis purpurea. The foxglove. N.O. Scrophulariaceae. Tincture of the second year leaves. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES Digitalis is primarily a heart remedy. It should be considered when the pulse is abnormally slow and later in the pathology, fast or irregular, intermittent; where there is heart disease, with great weakness, and the patient can hardly talk, and is losing strength to the point that he feels faint. Cold skin and irregular respiration will often point to such cardiac pathology. All this can be accompanied by deathly nausea and emptiness in the stomach; weakness and dilation of the …
ہومیوپیتھک کیس ٹیکنگ میں مشاہدہ Body language
باڈی لینگویج کیس ٹیکنگ میں مشاہدہ کی بہت اہمیت ہے۔ اس بات پر غور کریں کہ مریض کیا کرتا ہے اور کیا کہتا ہے۔ مثلاً باڈی لینگوئج کو ہی لے لیں۔ برائی اونیا کا مریض بے حس و حرکت لیٹا ہو گا۔ سوالات کے جواب دینے سے گریز کرے گا۔ کالوسنتھ یا میگنیشیا فاس کا مریض ہو گا تو آگے کو دہرا ہوا ہو گا۔ جیلسی میم کا مریض ہو گا تو نقاہت اس کے انگ انگ سے پھوٹ رہی ہو گی۔ شکایت کوئی بھی ہو اگر علامات میں نقاہت بھاری ہو تو جیلسی میم کو کبھی نہ بھولیں۔ نکس …
HEALING CRISIS: The Road to Better Health (Walter Last)
I routinely recommended to my patients right on their first visit to adopt a high-quality, low-allergy diet. When they came back two or three weeks later, they often said that they feel much better now but a week ago they had a cold. When I asked about the symptoms they turn out to be mainly a profuse mucus discharge, sometimes also diarrhoea, but rarely are there signs of a real infection. In fact, these patients just experienced their first healing crisis on their long path to better health. This concept of a healing crisis clearly shows the opposite perceptions that …
Homeopathy – the medicine of the Future: Following Hahnemann’s Footsteps
The Definitive Years 1833-1843 The time period around the publication of the 5th Organon (1833) was one of radical change and experimentation for Samuel Hahnemann. He was not completely satisfied with the single dry dose of 30c, and the wait and watch philosophy he taught in the1st edition of the Chronic Diseases (1828) and the 4th Organon (1829). Now that the Founder was concentrating on chronic degenerative diseases, he wondered how he could treat the miasms with a limited materia medica of around 100 remedies in potencies no higher then 30c? The areas where he searched for answers were in …