KEYNOTES derived from Homeopathic Material Medica VIVA George Vithoulkas – Hussain Kaisrani HOMEOPATHIC Consultancy Lahore



All ailments acute or chronic are attended by fear of impending death and the feeling that death is imminent or near. Ailments that arise from fright that threatened the life of the person.











FEARS: DEATH (during labor, pregnancy, menses, heart symptoms), predicts the time of death, presentiment of death. OPEN SPACES, NARROW PLACES, TUNNELS, EARTHQUAKE, CROWD, AIRPLANE, heart disease, darkness.


PANIC STATES accompanied by: palpitations, red face, one sided numbness, faintness, restlessness, perspiration, trembling, vertigo, dyspnoea, fear of death.


Calm between panic states.



Acute symptoms arise from EXPOSURE TO DRY COLD AIR or WIND (cough, eye inflammation, coryza, prosopalgia). From becoming cold during perspiration.


During fever the skin is dry and hot, there is intense nervous restlessness and tossing about, chills, with intense thirst for cold water, one cheeck is red and hot and the other pale and cold.

Face bloated and red. Redness alternating with paleness.

Internal coldness felt in vessels.

Gastritis after eating or drinking cold things.

Affections of heart, congestion, endocarditis, pericarditis. Heart affections with numbness of left upper limb. Hypertrophy with tingling of fingers. Sensation as if the heart would cease.


AGG.: COLD, DRY WEATHER, cold wind.

DES.: cold water, beer, wine.









Inflammatory conditions (bronchitis, influenza etc.) resulting from exposure to dry cold wind.

KEYWORDS: chill, thirst, sudden, congestion.

ONSET: sudden onset of the complaints.

APPEARANCE: Redness and congestion of face. The ears may be red and hot. Contracted pupils. One cheek red and the other pale.

FEVER: sudden high fever often preceded by chills. Extremities are warm during fever. Restlessness during fever.

INFLUENZA: Dryness of mouth with thirst, headache with coryza, burning eyes, red face.

EYES: conjunctivitis from cold, from injuries. Burning, aching pain, photophobia, dryness, redness of eyelids, swelling all aggravated by cold.

EARS: painful otitis after being exposed to cold. Redness of ear (external ear, meatus).

RESPIRATORY: barking, dry cough, pneumonia, laryngitis from exposure to cold. Irritation of air passages. Cough with fever. Pneumonia esp. left side, with congestion and tightness of chest, with haemoptysis

Aggravation in cold air, wind, going from warm to cold (or vice versa), at night

THROAT: hoarseness, painful larynx on coughing. Rawness of larynx aggravated when inspiring, in cold air.

THIRST: thirst for cold drinks.

URINARY: suppression of urine. Dysuria. Painful urging to urinate. Painful retention of urine from catching a cold. Retention of urine in newborns.

TEETH: toothache from catching a cold, getting wet, from dental work. Aggravation from drawing in air, in wind, on going to bed, from right to left.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea after getting wet. Stool chopped like spinach. Gall stone colic with jaundice, with bitter taste.

MENTAL PICTURE: anxiety about health with restlessness. There may be a fear of dying or even a feeling that death is near, or will come at a certain hour. Ailments from fright.


Aggravation: cold air, draft, perspiration, touch, motion.

Amelioration: lying on back, sitting, walking, perspiration.





Keynotes Materia Medica VIVA: Hussain Kaisrani, Bahria HOMEOPATHIC Ph: 03002000210












Concentration difficult – unable to fix his attention. Wakes up in a dazed state, in total confusion, where he does not know where he is.


Irritable, loses temper easily. Fretful.


Sadness, despondency, gloomy during heat.

Attempts to escape from the window.

Desire for rest.





Everything is SLOWED DOWN (digestion, heart). STASIS OF THE VENOUS SYSTEM, congestion of blood. Varicose veins, veins in pharynx distended (pharynx varicosis).


HAEMORRHOIDS: blind, painful, burning, purplish.

Pain in sacrum or sciatica combined with haemorrhoids.

Stitching pains extend upward, to back and sacroiliac region.

Pain in rectum as if filled with needles, dry feeling.



Pain in sacrum when stooping and walking.

Sensation of internal fullness and external heaviness.


Sensation of heat, dryness, in throat, nose, rectum etc.


Wandering pains all over the body especially abdomen and head.

Headache as if head would burst.

Metallic taste.





AGG.: motion of the affected part, walking, stooping, tea.

















Reserved. Does not communicate his emotions and becomes a loner.



Extraordinary communication with animals. Becomes animal protector.


Fear of death on falling asleep, fears to close the eyes. Fear he will die if he goes to sleep.

Delusions that mice are under a chair, rats are running across the room.

Sees rats, cats, dogs.


Fear of suffocation at night and especially in dark.

Fear of operations.





INTOLERANCE TO MILK. Indigestion, vomiting diarrhoea after milk.

(Mag-m., Nat-c., Lac-d., Sil.)


Eruption on tip of nose.



Vomiting curdled milk 1 h after the meal. Cholera infantum.

Weakness especially in children.


Hippocratic face, also in newborns.





AGG.: 3:00 — 4:00 am.

DES.: wine.

AVERS.: milk, summer, bathing.
























The psychological pathology of Agaricus typically manifests in dependent, weak-willed individuals. These persons have from an early age established a pattern of seeking the guidance and domination of a stronger person. They have a sweet, non-aggressive manner and instead of showing their anger the muscles of their face twitch. Agaricus patients are frequently troubled by an extreme anxiety about their health. The anxiety about health is centered on a tremendous fear of cancer.








Hypochondriacal ANXIETY ABOUT HEALTH; specifically FEAR OF CANCER.

Patient is weak willed and dependent mostly on their doctor. Their anxiety about health and fear of cancer is such that they torment everyone with their complaints.


Thoughts of death- i.e. delusions he’s in his grave.






Pathological conditions such as meningitis, multiple sclerosis, Bell’s palsy, delirium tremens.

Chorea is better during sleep and worse from coition and may arise after punishment.


< COITION (faintness, chorea, trembling, itching, convulsions, unconsciousness etc.).

Pains are exhibited diagonally, i.e. right shoulder and left hip.


COLDNESS IN SPOTS (face, extremities, head etc.).


Motions are exaggerated. Ataxia. Awkwardness. Stumbling when walking. Easily drops things.





AGG.: coition, eating, lying, motion.





























Premature old age from abuse of sexual power, after sexual excesses.



Sexual melancholy. Discouraged with himself. Apathetic.


Presentiment of death, fears she will die soon. PREDICTS THE TIME of death. Sensation of death.


Weak memory. Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (especially after sexual excesses).

Difficult concentration. Absent-minded, forgetful, goes off and leaves purchases.





Low sexual vitality with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy.


IMPOTENCY. SEXUAL ORGANS COLD, FLACCID AND RELAXED (even when excited). Sexual desire is diminished.

Testicles cold, swollen, hard and painful.


Absence or disappearance of milk in nursing women, often with sadness and fear that she will die soon.


Gnawing itching of skin.  Itching of eyes. Pupils dilated.

Nausea with sensation as if intestines were pressing downwards.

Leucorrhoea, transparent, or yellow, staining linen.





AGG.: motion, walking, warm.

AMEL.: pressure, open air.


























Dissatisfied and angry with themselves esp. when the process of digestion begins.

Discontent >evening.


Imbecility. Aversion to mental work. Suited to indolent, weary people.

Active memory alternating with lassitude.


Cannot look at blood or a knife.


HYPOCHONDRIACAL PATIENTS. Consider life a burden in the morning and in the evening they are cheerful.


Cheerful, happy, mirth in the evening. Changeable mood.





INVOLUNTARY STOOL ON PASSING FLATUS, resulting in shame and irritability.


DIARRHOEA: 5 or 6 a.m. driving them out of bed. Jelly-like mucus in stool.

Gurgling before stool.


Haemorrhoids: external, strangulated, congested, large, like bunch of grapes, ameliorated by cold bathing.


In chronic spastic colitis pains extend from abdomen to different parts – to rectum, to thighs, from side of abdomen to the umbilicus, from the inguinal region to the knees, from hypochondria to chest.


Pain and mucus in rectum after stool.


Headache in forehead (esp. pressing), above eyes > cold applications.

Cutting pain around umbilicus <after stool.


Back pain alternating with headache or haemorrhoids.

Sensation of fullness. Plug sensation internally. Sensation in rectum as if a weight or plug were wedged between the pubis and coccyx.





AGG.: eating.





















Great dullness of mind < in afternoon.

Indifference, absent-minded. No perception of the surroundings, does not recognize his relatives, can urinate in front of everybody.





Acts on the upper respiratory system. The coryza can go fast downwards developing pharyngitis, violent laryngitis.


Hay fever with copious, watery, excoriating discharge from nose causing redness around nose, in wings.




Burning pain in eye, must rub.


Coryza from north east wind, from the odor of peaches, flowers.

Coryza from left nostril extending to right.


Cough hacking, tickling, from irritation in larynx. Tearing pain, as if something were torn. Grasps, supports the larynx on coughing.

Coryza with cough.

Hoarseness esp. in spring.


Headache with coryza > open air, closing eyes < warm room.


Threadlike pains following injuries to nerves. Pain after amputation.


Ailments move from left to right.





AGG.: evening, warm, warm room, cucumbers.

AMEL.: open air.
















ALLIUM CEPA (All-c.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


Respiratory affections with excoriating coryza.


RESPIRATORY: acts on the upper respiratory system.

Hay fever: excoriating coryza with bland lachrymation.

Copious, watery, excoriating discharge from nose causing redness around nose, in wings. Headache with coryza. Increased urine, burning of eyes, photophobia, redness and swelling of eyes. Ameliorated in open air, on closing the eyes and aggravated in warm room.

THROAT: laryngitis. Tickling in larynx. Tearing pain on coughing, grasps, supports the larynx. Hoarseness (esp. in spring).

Cough hoarse, hacking, from irritation in larynx aggravated in warm room and ameliorated in open air.

NOSE:  bland burning, excoriating discharge. Frequent sneezing. Coryza with cough.

Coryza from north east wind, from the odor of peaches, flowers. Aggravated in warm room and ameliorated in open air.

EYE: burning pain in eye, aggravated when rubbing. Lachrymation with bland tears. Aggravated in warm room. Redness and swelling.

GENERALITIES: Threadlike pains following injuries to nerves. Pain after amputation.

MENTAL PICTURE: sleepiness & dullness aggravated in the afternoon.

Indifference, absent-minded. No perception of the surroundings, does not recognize his relatives, can urinate in front of everybody.


Aggravation: evening, warmth, warm room, cucumbers.

Amelioration: open air.


TIP: if the coryza is suppressed by wrongly prescribing All-c., the catarrh goes rapidly to the chest causing bronchitis or asthma.















The patient cannot express his/her feelings. The mind is slow, dry, paralyzed. They have to make an effort to answer. There is also dryness and paralysis on the physical level manifesting in severe constipation, dry skin, paralytic states of muscles.








SLOWNESS, CONFUSION, DULLNESS OF MIND. Cannot express oneself, vague state of mind. Lack of discrimination. Answers slowly.


Confusion of identity, ‘who am I?’ Everything seems unreal.

Time passes very slowly for them.


Fear of knives, pins, injections. Cannot look at blood or knife. Suicidal when seeing a knife or blood.





Dryness of skin and mucus membranes.


SEVERE CONSTIPATION. INACTIVITY OF RECTUM, even soft stool requires great straining. No urging for many days, has to help mechanically.


Numbness of soles of feet, heaviness of legs, uncoordinated walking, ataxia.

Dryness of skin. Itching without eruption. Scratch until it bleeds.


Vertigo > rubbing or wiping the eyes. Vertigo with tendency to fall forward.


Aversion and aggravation from potatoes, craving for dry food.

Suitable for severe states of constipation, paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease.





AGG.: potatoes, exertion, talking after.

AMEL.: open air, warm drinks, bathing.

DES.: dry food, tea, rice, starch, coal.

AVERS.: potatoes, beer, meat.











Obstinate. Irritable, unfriendly, malicious and abusive.

TIMID PEOPLE who remain in the background. Reserved people, SULKY.

Sad, morose and dissatisfied especially in cloudy and wet weather.


Difficult retaining thoughts, concentration difficult. Absent minded. Makes mistakes in calculating, speaking, writing, uses wrong words.


Wakes up startled or in a fright.

Talk in their sleep, revealing their thoughts, secrets they would not express while awake.







Sensation of weakness in heart. Tumultuous, audible PALPITATIONS < motion. Patient feels prostrated; every movement produces violent almost audible palpitations.


Asthma < in warm room, with slight exertion. Becomes pale and must remain quiet.

< slight exertion, needs to make a tremendous effort to climb just a few steps.

Dyspnoea or arrested respiration when falling asleep or during sleep, must awaken to get breath.

Mucus in larynx and trachea. Rattling cough.


Face is BLOATED, pale, and puffy, much like the cortisone face.

Flabby, obese appearance.

Aversion to bathing or to anything wet on skin (sulph).

Acrid discharges (eye, nose, expectoration, menses, stool, leucorrhoea).





AGG.: bathing, eating, menses, wet cold.





























TIMIDITY, BASHFULNESS. Low self-confidence. Fears the opinion of others. Tries to please everyone, cannot say ‘no’.


AVERSION TO PRESENCE OF STRANGERS DURING STOOL, unable to pass the stool in presence of others.


Difficult to follow a conversation. Having a conversation aggravates, causes irritability, anxiety, restlessness, trembling. Ailments after embarrassment.


Confusion, difficult concentration. Asks questions without waiting for an answer.

Jumping from one subject to another.


Difficult to be in touch with others. State as if in a dream.

That is why there’s anxiety in company or crowd, aversion to company, to presence of strangers, to smiling faces. Disgust at laughing of others.


Weakness of memory, dullness, imbecility.


Dwelling over past occurrences.







Symptoms are aggravated in the presence of strangers, music, excitement.


Complaints from music: heat of head, cough, internal trembling, palpitation, back pain, ear pain, red face.


Prematurely old.


Metrorrhagia after stool, from passing hard stool.

One sided symptoms, perspiration, coldness, headache.


Eructations after coughing.

Numbness of extremities.

Symptoms come in the morning 5-9a.m.





AGG.: lying, evening, warm milk.

AMEL.: cold drinks, continued motion.












Heartless individuals with characteristic cruelty towards people and animals. The patient experiences great conflict by having two opposing wills or dilemmas and not being able to take a decision. Severe feeling of inferiority and low self-esteem usually seen on the other type of Anacardium which is nice and sweet.








Two types: cruel/unfeeling/malicious/sadistic and helpless, hopeless, pleading, needy and insecure.


Contradiction of will, sense of DUALITY. Thinks as if he had TWO WILLS, opposing each other.


GREAT LACK OF SELF – CONFIDENCE with inferiority complex.


DESIRE TO CURSE. Malicious, mischievous, wicked. Absence of all moral feeling.


Sudden loss of memory, as if mind is blocked.





SENSATION OF PLUG in various parts i.e. head, chest, ear, eye, abdomen.


Constriction, SENSATION OF A BAND AROUND A SINGLE PART like head, knee, back etc.


Eruptions with intolerable VOLUPTUOUS ITCHING < warmth of bed.


The more he scratches the more he wants to scratch and the worse the itching becomes until he is driven to despair.





AGG.: rubbing, lying on side, motion.

AMEL.: eating (while or after).



























Silent suffering (grief), as if everything inside himself is kept in a “big black boil” (metaphorically speaking). Cannot express oneself. Unable to feel or express emotions.

Confusion of mind.

Weak memory for what has happened. Cannot remember incidences in spite of the emotional trauma caused in life and health.


Face is old looking.

Fear to go outdoors. Fear of death.






Black pustules on the lips. Carbuncles. Gangrenous ulcer on leg. Black blisters on thigh.


Burning pains.

Haemorrhages – thick, black, tar-like from any orifice.

Coldness in abdomen extending to knees. Coldness in legs and back when dressing.


Premature old age.

Aversion to coition. Sexual desire is diminished.

All discharges relieve constitutional symptoms.





AVERS.: eggs esp. soft boiled.



































Emotionally immature.


Aversion to be looked at and to be touched esp. children. Capricious.

Children are irritable, moaning, dissatisfied. Cannot bear anyone coming near them.


Ailments from grief, from disappointed love. Sulky, sadness, loathing of life.



Emotionally unbalanced, solar plexus, stomach or entire digestive tract is affected by every emotion. Emotions are felt esp. in the stomach.





Affections of stomach and digestion.



Nausea and vomiting <sour wine, bread, mother’s milk.




Gastric headache. Nausea during headache. Headache alternating with stomach pain.


Milky, heavily coated white tongue.


Dry, hacking spasmodic cough, shaking his whole body.




Symptoms change with the weather changes.





AGG.: sour wine and food, vinegar, sun, bathing, warmth (warm stove, room, bed, becoming warm), moonlight.

AMEL.: open air.















ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (Ant-c.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


Affections of stomach and digestion.


STOMACH: emotions are felt in stomach. Indigestion after taking a cold, after sour food. Vomiting of curdled milk. Children vomit mother’s milk. Nausea and vomiting after being overheated, after sour wine.

Desire for cucumbers.

EYES: conjunctivitis with redness and soreness of eyes esp. the outer canthi. Itching, mucus or pus in canthi aggravated by heat (esp. of fire)

HEAD: gastric headache. Nausea during headache. Headache alternating with stomach pain.

APPEARANCE: milky, heavily coated white tongue.

RESPIRATION: dry, hacking spasmodic cough, shaking the whole body. Aggravation on entering a warm room, on becoming warm. Burning pain in chest during cough.

ABDOMEN: diarrhoea in aged people. Diarrhoea after cold bathing, after indiscretion in eating.

MENTAL PICTURE: children are irritable, moaning, dissatisfied. Capricious. Cannot bear to be approached, looked at, touched.



Aggravation: heat, warmth (warm stove, room, bed, becoming warm), weather changes,sour wine and food, vinegar, sun, bathing.

Amelioration: open air.






























Irritable and peevish, especially during acute phase of illness.

Child is fretful, peevish, whining, moaning, shrieking < being touched or looked at. Angry child that coughs when angry. Shrieking, shouting and screaming at night. Child clings to the mother (Bar-c).


Looks anxious and desperate.

Confusion of mind on waking.

Mental restlessness. Apathetic-easily annoyed, aversion to company.

Ailments after anger or vexation.





Affects mucous membranes especially: trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Serious inflammations of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleura-pneumonia). Indicated in children or infants and old age (when the patient doesn’t have the force to expel the mucus).





Vomiting on coughing. Respiration is accelerated. Any disturbance increases the breathing and annoys the patient feeling that he is dying, filling up of chest that is suffocating him.


WEAKNESS, GREAT SLEEPINESS during /after coughing.


Weakness, profuse perspiration, lack of reaction.

Unconsciousness between attacks of cough.

Intense nausea, vomiting and weakness.


Face cold, cyanotic, pale, shrunken covered with cold perspiration and a suffering expression. Bluish lips.


Toes and fingers are drawn inwards.




DES.: sour fruit.

AVERS.: milk, vomits it curdled.










ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (Ant-t.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


Catarrh of the lungs.


RESPIRATION: bronchitis, pneumonia, pleura-pneumonia with great accumulation of mucus but no expectoration. Rattling respiration. Weakness in chest is so intense that the patient has no power to expel the mucus. Weakness, profuse perspiration, lack of reaction.

Indicated in infants, children and old age (when the patient does not have the force to expel the mucus). Expectoration ameliorates the dyspnoea.

Great sleepiness during /after coughing.

Vomiting on coughing. Intense nausea, vomiting and weakness.

Respiration is accelerated. Any disturbance increases the breathing. Fan-like motion of nose wings. Atelectasis. Unconsciousness between attacks of cough. 

STOMACH: vomiting on coughing. Vomits curdled milk.

APPEARANCE: Face cyanotic, pale. Twitching of face when coughing. Bluish lips.

Cold perspiration of face.

EXTREMITIES: toes and fingers are drawn inwards.


Aversion to being touched. Irritable and peevish. Child is fretful, peevish, whining, moaning, shrieking aggravated on being touched or looked at. Child coughs when angry. Shrieking, shouting and screaming at night.

Looks anxious and desperate. Confusion of mind on waking. Mental restlessness. Apathetic-easily annoyed, aversion to company.



Aggravation: lying, milk.

Amelioration: sitting upright, expectoration.















People suffering from heat and who have sharp, stinging pains. People with strong emotions, passionate, jealous, sexually active and easily excited but also very awkward.








Ailments from JEALOUSY, rage, vexation. Sharp, stinging tongue.


Restlessness, busy insanity.


Causeless weeping.

Irritable, dissatisfied. Discouraged.

Fear birds, pins, death.

Presentiment of death.







Swelling, inflammation of joints, especially ankles.

Puffy swelling of LIPS, hands and feet esp. around and under THE EYES.


Pains are BURNING, STINGING (like a bee sting).

AWKWARDNESS, clumsiness, drops things easily.

Erysipelatous inflammation.


URTICARIA (face, extremities, back) >cold applications <warmth, perspiration, night, exercise.


Thirstless despite the heat and the burning.

Intermittent fever, without chill, 3 p.m. with thirst.

Relaxed anus. Sensation of open anus.

Cystitis with burning pain. Quincke’s angioneurotic oedema. Allergic reactions.






















APIS MELLIFICA (Apis) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Allergic reactions, oedematous conditions, inflammation of membranes with congestion and hot swelling.

KEYWORDS: allergy, stings, oedema, congestion, swelling, stinging pain, burning, eruptions, aggravated from heat.

APPEARANCE: puffy swelling of lips, around and under the eyes, hands, feet.

GENERALITIES: burning, stinging pains (like a bee sting).

EYES: inflammation and any kind of eye affection with swelling of the lids. Redness of eye with burning tears. Stitching, burning pain aggravated by heat, in warm weather and ameliorated from cold water.

HAY FEVER: burning pain in eyes with redness, swelling of lids and itching of throat. Ameliorated by cold applications.

EXTREMITIES: oedematous, dropsical swelling of the extremities due to dysfunction of kidneys. Swelling, inflammation of joints, especially ankles.

RESPIRATORY: asthmatic, difficult respiration resulting from suppressed eruptions. Dyspnea from heat or from being overheated. Difficult respiration due to constriction and oedema of larynx. Aggravated when lying.

Stertorous respiration. Stertorous respiration with stupefaction and crying as from pain.

THROAT/MOUTH: inflammation of throat, uvula, tonsils with swelling, burning, stinging pain aggravated on swallowing. Swelling of the tongue. Redness of pharynx. Burning pain ameliorated cold drinks.

SKIN: stings of insects, or bites of poisonous animals cause oedema or even extended urticaria. (In very sensitive individuals the stings can also cause nausea, anxiety and fear).

Urticaria (face, extremities, back), erysipelatous inflammation. Wounds from splinters ameliorated from cold applications and aggravated by warmth, perspiration, night, exercise, touch, pressure.

URINARY: cystitis, nephritis, urethritis. Extremely painful urination. Burning pain in bladder or in urethra before, during or after urination. Retention of urine (also in newborns). Frequent, painful urging to urinate, often ineffectual. The urine can be hot, cloudy, albuminous, offensive. Fullness sensation, pressure in bladder.

FEVER:  dry burning heat. Fever with chills esp. in the morning and/or afternoon. There can also be fever without chills. Chills on motion. Thirstless despite the heat and the burning. Fever with urticaria.

HEAD: meningitis, cerebrospinal meningitis, congestion of brain, with opisthotonos. Brain cry.


Aggravation: heat.

Amelioration: cold applications.












Nervous sensitive person.

Prostration of mind from mental exhaustion, confused. Sudden loss of memory. Indisposed to talk, too tired to talk (Stann., Mur-ac., Sep., Ph-ac). Answers monosyllable.


Delusion that head would fall out of bed, that he’s drunk, he would have apoplexy.

Startled, as if electric shocks though the body.


Anxiety that clothes are too tight when walking out of doors.

Loquacity alternating with sadness. Sadness during menopause.






Tearing pains in bones and joints.



Loss of voice/hoarseness from overuse (e.g. speakers, singers).


Pain and rawness in trachea < talking, coughing, singing. Expectoration is easy but thick, like starch, stringy and globular.


Weakness. Face looks tired, older, worn out. Broken down nervous constitutions. No stamina to face stressful situations.

Palpitations > sighing.


Blepharitis. Thickening of the eyelids with purulent discharge and photophobia.

Pustules on margins of lids.


Jerking of extremities, of muscles, esp. in sleep or on going to sleep. To the extent that they jump.


Affects the testes/ovaries esp. left ovary and right testes. Pain in testes crushed, bruised, cramping esp. right. < when clothing touches the testes, walking, in bed.


Weakness in chest, left sided < talking.

Back pain < on sitting.

Swelling on left side of face with heat and burning.

Cramping pain transversely across stomach.





AGG.: touch, motion, lying.












Impulsive people, they speak out in an impulsive way, they have the impulse to do things that they shouldn’t, that are dangerous (what will happen if I put my finger in the plug? how will it be falling from this bridge?). They have anxiety about their health, they have many fears, they are open and communicative. In that respect Arg-n. reminds the Phosphorus patient but the Arg-n. patient is more impulsive and warm blooded.








Extrovert, superstitious, impulsive with extreme anxiety about health and fears (resembles Phos.).


IMPULSIVENESS. Impulse to jump from a height, to do dangerous things ex. putting the finger in the plug. Speak out in an impulsive way.


FEARS high places, crossing bridges, that high buildings will fall upon him, crowds, narrow/closed places, etc.


ANTICIPATORY ANXIETY leading to diarrhoea, frequent urination.





WARM BLOODED PATIENTS. Warm, sensation of heat, becoming heated aggravates.


DIARRHOEA related to anticipation, emotions, excitement, exalted imagination, mental exertion.

< EATING SUGAR, drinking water. Retching of stomach, vomiting during diarrhoea.


Loud and violent eructation which ameliorate the diarrhoea and the stomach distension. Loud flatus <eating sugar.


Abdomen distention accompanies most gastric ailments.

Acute granular conjunctivitis in one spot, red, like raw beef with photophobia.

Sensation of a splinter in throat when swallowing.

Chilly when uncovered, yet aggravated if wrapped up.





AGG.: heat, SWEETS, excitement.

AMEL.: open air, cold applications.
















Ailments after injuries is the central idea for Arnica esp. where we have haematomas. Arnica will absorb the haematoma even after many years. We must bear in mind that Arnica should not be given in open wounds which bleed.

The patient does not want to be approached or touched because of the fear of being hurt. We meet this in women who cannot have sexual intercourse due to their fear of penetration.









Fear of sudden death.

Says he’s well when very sick, sends the doctor home.


Answers a question then returns quickly to stupor or falls asleep when answering.


Fear of penetration brings on fear of coition in women.

Fear that high walls and buildings will fall upon him.





AILMENTS from INJURY (even after years). Shock from injury.

After injuries with BLUNT INSTRUMENTS (not after laceration of skin or open wounds). Head injury with haematoma. After sprains, strains, concussion, tooth filling.




SORE, bruised feeling.

The pain of the head is such that the pillow feels too hard.

Symmetrical eruptions.

Eructation and flatus have the smell of spoiled eggs.

Apoplexy, heart infarction.




AGG.: jar, motion of affected part, exertion, touch.

AMEL.: cold bathing, lying, rubbing.

AVERS.: brandy, soup, sight of food.

















The Arsenicum patient feels insecure. He feels he doesn’t have support, he’s alone. This deep feeling of insecurity brings on many fears and anxieties such as the characteristic anxiety about health, the fear of death, the fear of poverty and of being alone. He is very fastidious; order makes him feel in control whereas untidiness and disorder make him anxious.

The anxiety and fears are accompanied by restlessness and are aggravated at night.








ANXIETY about HEALTH with FEAR OF DEATH <after midnight, being alone.

RESTLESS during anxiety, fears or acute disease.


FASTIDIOUS, wants everything in order and very clean.

Selfish. Critical. Reproaches about others and about himself.





BURNING PAINS; the affected parts burn > warm drinks, warm applications.


CHILLY, lack of vital heat. Wants to be covered with many blankets.

Heat of head with coldness of body. Wants it exposed to open air.


Great thirst for small quantities often.

Diarrhoea after food poisoning. Great weakness from diarrhoea, after stool.

Diarrhoea before or during vomiting.


Difficult respiration (asthma) is worse when lying; it’s impossible to lie. Patient is unable to lie down for fear of suffocation.


Itching, must scratch until it bleeds.

Nausea, deathly <smell of food.







AMEL.: warmth, warm applications, hot drinks, sun.

AGG.: after midnight, esp. 1-2 a.m., lying with head low, becoming cold, entering a cold place.

AVERS.: food, smell of food, oil.











ARSENICUM ALBUM (Ars.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Coldness, weakness, anxiety, restlessnesss.

PAINS:  The pains are typically burning and are ameliorated by warmth.

FEVER/INFLUENZA: the patient is chilly with hot head, thirsty for sips, weak. Chills aggravated after midnight. Dry burning heat with anxiety and restlessness. Excoriating coryza. Headache and stitching pains in muscles.

EYES: burning tears, inflammation of lids, photophobia, dryness, redness, swelling under the lids, burning, smarting pain aggravated by cold and ameliorated by warm applications.

RESPIRATORY: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma. Cough with perspiration, cough with sensation of dust in throat. All respiratory conditions are aggravated by cold (drinks, air, becoming), on eating, at evening, at night, on lying and ameliorated from warm drinks, on bending forward, on sitting up. Pneumonia where the right upper lobe is affected mostly.

CHEST: burning pain in chest on coughing ameliorated by warm applications. Constriction of chest, salty, bloody expectoration.

NOSE: sinusitis with burning discharge and facial pain esp. below eyes, left side.

Hay fever: with asthma, sneezing, burning of eyes and nose, excoriating lachrymation and coryza that causes rawness of nose, redness of eyes, photophobia, swelling under lids. Aggravated in cold air and ameliorated in warm room.

EAR: otitis with offensive discharge. Often painless otitis. Stitching or burning pain aggravated from cold and ameliorated from warm applications.

URINARY: sensation of fullness in bladder without urging, ineffectual urging, pain at the beginning of urination, burning pain in urethra, retention of urine, tenesmus, urine bloody, hot.

TEETH: toothache aggravated when lying on painful side, from cold drinks and ameliorated from warm drinks or applications.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhea often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. (Verat.) Food poisoning, septic conditions. Diarrhoea after cold drinks. Copious diarrhoea which is excoriating, burning, bloody, lienteric, offensive.

Nausea from smell or thought of food. Nausea after fever. Bad, bitter taste. Indented tongue. Red tip of tongue. Vomiting with perspiration.

Aggravated from cold drinks or food, after eating, drinking and ameliorated from warmth.

MENTAL PICTURE:  Arsenicum patients are anxious about their condition of health. There is a fear that the condition may be serious and may result in death. This anxiety and fear of death get aggravated at night especially after midnight. They are restless and compelled to move around.

THIRST/CRAVINGS:  there is thirst for sips. Patients prefer warm drinks.


Aggravation: cold (air, applications, becoming).

Amelioration: warmth, warm applications, warm drinks.










MENTAL OVEREXERTION. They cannot take the least pressure.

Cannot tolerate any stress that excites them e.g. strong light, strong noises, strong wind, any kind of violence.


SENSITIVITY TO NOISE, esp. scratching on blackboard, silk, linen or paper.

FEEL THAT THEIR MIND WILL DISINTEGRATE FROM NOISE. The sensitivity is such that they imagine they’re hearing noises.


Nervous euphoria- nerves on edge. Hysterical laughing or crying. Nervous laughter. The idea of opposing states runs throughout Asarum.

Absent-minded, confused, delusions that she’ll become insane.


Child develops a constant sense of hurriedness due to its mental inefficiency.

Fidgety, wringing hands. Hysterically oversensitive children who have been pushed too hard to achieve.


Feeling of lightness as if floating (Lac-c).








Painfully sensitive ears- sensation as if ears were plugged up with foreign substances.

Noise causes chills.


Deafness, eventually this over-reactive nerve breaks down.


Chill from any emotion, after excitement. Aversion to being touched, to coition, to any contact that irritates the nervous system.

Feels cold (lack of vital heat) but warm covering does not ameliorate.


Sensitive to all chemicals.

Pressure, tension and contractive sensation, feels whole body or single parts were being pressed together.


Eyes feel as if they are stuck in their sockets.


Strong desire for alcohol.

Nausea and vomiting during first months of pregnancy, stomach rejecting everything.





AMEL.: bathing (face, the affected part), wet weather, vinegar, cold drinks.

AGG.: dry, cold weather, motion, wind, jar.









The patient is deeply depressed so much that he’s thinking of committing suicide. The thought of death is an outlet to his despair and make him feel better. He is perfectionist, industrious, wants to be the first, to be in a high position, to be recognized. Once they lose these standards, once they face failure they feel they’ve lost everything, life has no meaning anymore and then they think of suicide esp. by jumping. Only praying to God can relieve them.








Ailments from grief, deception, business failure. They need to be on the top, on a high position. Industrious, ambitious.


Severe depression with SUICIDAL DISPOSITION, RELIEVED BY THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE. Desires death. Loathing of life, despair. Impulse to JUMP from a height, throwing himself from window. Even physical pains make him suicidal.


They feel that one thing that can keep them is God, so they start PRAYING for hours to feel relief.

Moaning in sleep.

Anxiety of conscience, feels as if guilty. Anxiety about his salvation, religious despair.

Delusions he is worthless, reproaches himself.




Insomnia, wakes up after a few hours of sleep in deep depression.







Caries of bones. Pain in bones.



Undescended testicles in young boys.





AMEL.: motion (esp. slow), walking (esp. slowly), evening, music.

AGG.: cold (air, becoming), lying.

DES.: bread (esp. dry), alcoholic drinks, delicacies.

AVERS.: meat.




















Sentimental, passionate and romantic. Delicate constitution, sensitive people who are deeply affected by grief, by insults, by mortification.


Suicidal disposition from disappointed love. DEPRESSION IS BETTER IN THE OPEN AIR but what really makes them feel good is strong wind blowing in their face.

Tormenting dreams of sadness.


An extremely anxious person prone to palpitations. Anxiety about health.


Feels really angry because he is sick. Angry when thinking of his complaints.

Preoccupation with death, and fear of death.

They suffer from intolerable and extreme mental or physical restlessness, which must be relieved.





Combination of heart affections, insomnia, sciatica, neuralgias and depression.


HEART AFFECTIONS. Oppression or pressing pain in heart when ascending stairs. Fullness of heart. Endocarditis. Hypertrophy of heart. Palpitations < walking rapidly, night in bed, thinking of it, ascending, excitement, exertion. Restlessness with palpitation.


Diabetes where polyuria is mostly at night. Albuminous urine from dropsical states of heart disease, liver affections, during pregnancy, after scarlet fever.


Haemorrhages from the uterus at climacteric period and after. Congestion of chest after uterine haemorrhage.


Ulcers in mouth, penis, nose, lips, mouth, throat, gums, skin.


Catarrhal and glandular affections are marked. Inflammation and swelling of submaxillary and parotid glands.


Caries of the joints, of jaw, of nose, with nightly boring and gnawing pains. It has many bone symptoms and pains worse at night.


Fullness of the veins all over the body (Vipera).


Exertion and walking increase many symptoms. The palpitation, suffocation and great weakness come from walking and exertion. Fast walking is impossible.





AGG.: warm (wraps, room, air, becoming, bed), walking rapidly, while sitting.

AMEL.: open air, walking slowly, slow motion, cold bathing.















Ailments from disappointed love. Depression.

Sensitive, refined people who are subject to many fears (Phos.).

Fear that something bad will happen at any moment.

Insecure people with strong sexual desires. Reserved, timid and rather closed people.






Increased sexual passions in women and if not satisfied increases the fibroids in uterus. Uterus becomes HARDENED, full of FIBROIDS and tumors, while at the same time the sexual desire diminishes and becomes deficient due to suppression most of the times.

Enormous INDURATION OF AN OVARY. OSSIFIED uterus. Induration of one part, softening of another part of the uterus. Scirrhus or carcinoma of breast or uterus.


Congestion and/or irritation of the uterus and ovaries, ulceration of the uterus, metritis, inflammation of the ovaries, profuse and premature menses, habitual abortion etc.


Pain in tibia >motion.

Ulcers inside the nose.

Periosteal induration, caries of bone on lower jaw.


Constipation (like Hydrastis), being accompanied with catarrh.

Nervous dyspepsia with a tendency to diarrhoea after eating.





AGG.: rest, bending head to right, lying down, slight motion, walking, cold, wet weather, from October to spring (headache).

AMEL.: dry, warm weather.


























Despondent, dissatisfied. Fear of cats and dogs.




Tubercular ulceration of intestines. Tabes mesenterica. Spinal tuberculosis, osteitis or caries of vertebræ, as a complication from lung tuberculosis. (Calc.)

Ailments after influenza. Recurrent lingering common colds.

Grinding of teeth.

Chest affections with copious muco-purulent bronchial secretion threatening to block lungs. (Ant-t)

Active exudative tuberculosis with excessive purulent expectoration, rapid emaciation, no appetite and copious night perspiration.

Chronic catarrhal conditions and enfeebled pulmonary circulation of old people.

Dyspnoea at night. Flat, narrow or hollow chest.

Allergic conditions, hay fever.

Chronic fatigue syndrome. Weakness that turns to exhaustion with the slightest cold or cough. Weakness with glandular swellings.

Restless legs at night in bed.

Rheumatoid arthritis. Iritis, gouty iritis

Eczematous condition of the margins of the eyelids, redness with small follicles of margins of lids, < night, early morning, cold air. (Tub)

Slow teething in children.

Ringworm. Pityriasis versicolor.


DES.: vinegar, salt mustard.

AVERS.: chicken.




In Baptisia we see the disintegration of the body and mind.

The high fever and the offensiveness show the decomposition processes that take place internally. On the mental level the patient experiences this disintegration as a delusion that the body is scattered, its parts are separated.

It’s indicated in later stages of serious inflammatory processes.










Delusions-one part of body is talking, conversing to another (toe with thumb, legs).


Falls asleep in mid-sentence in semi-comatose states. Answers and returns to stupor quickly.


Dullness of mind. Great confusion. As if drunk, intoxicated.


Stupid, besotted expression of the face.

Aversion to mental work. Difficult concentration.







OFFENSIVE DISCHARGES, foul odor of body, offensive perspiration, urine, mouth etc.

STOOL VERY OFFENSIVE. Diarrhoea. Stool thin, dark, bloody.


PROSTRATION IS RAPID. Sudden weakness.


Dark red discoloration of gums.

Brown strip in center of tongue, feels burnt.


Feeling of soreness, heaviness and aching. Influenza with bruised pains, uncomfortable in any position, the bed feels too hard- yet feels too weak to move, feels sore and bruised.


Ulcers are rapid and painless as if numb without sensation.

Head feels enlarged, heavy, numb.


Tongue is thick, swollen and speech incoherent, difficult.

Painless tonsillitis, sore throat, tonsils dark red, swollen. Putrid, offensive odor of mouth.


Can only swallow liquids. Difficult to swallow solids, food gags.

Sinking feeling in stomach. Thirsty, constant desire for water.





AGG.: lying on painful side, beer.

AMEL.: lying on painless side.







The word for Baryta carbonica is immaturity. The patient is immature, timid, lacks self-confidence, depends on other people, needs protection. The mind is immature, cannot absorb easily, has a weak memory.

On the physical level we see a kind of dwarfishness too. We may see that one part of the body is underdeveloped as if it belongs to someone younger.








IMMATURITY, LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE. Suspicious, delusions that she’s laughed at, criticized, that people are talking about her.


IRRESOLUTION cannot decide what to do on any serious project. Fear to take responsibility. Need to feel security.


Children are timid/shy, they fear people, hide behind the mother.

Usually keep their mouths open.


Memory weakness; FORGETFUL, absent-minded.


Concentration difficult. Difficulty in comprehending esp. in children.

Used in children who are physically and mentally retarded and also in senility of old age.






Atrophy, underdevelopment of single parts, e.g. uterus, glands, genitalia etc.


Swelling and indurations, or incipient suppuration of glands, especially cervical, parotid, inguinal and axillary.


Recurrent tonsillitis. Chronic hypertrophy, enlargement of tonsils is so much that causes dyspnoea. Suppuration of tonsils.


Baldness esp. in young people.


Biting nails.


Diseases of old people; senile enlargement of prostate, induration of testes; mental and physical weakness.





AGG.: cold, becoming cold.

AVERS.: FRUIT, plums.







In Belladonna we see intensity in the acute states as well as in the constitutional characteristics. The acute symptoms come suddenly and with great intensity. In chronic cases, we see people with intense emotions. This intensity is expressed in violence and aggressiveness and is so strong that even during sleep they are talking loudly and grind their teeth.








People with intense emotions.

Rage, violent, biting people or objects, pulls hair, spits, kicks, impulse to set things on fire. Delirium with congestion.


Many delusions. Oversensitive to light and shining objects.

Fears dogs, animals, imaginary things.

Talking in sleep.





Great intensity of symptoms, with sudden manifestation.


HEAT OF HEAD or FACE WITH COLD EXTREMITIES esp. feet, in acute conditions.


High fevers with dry burning skin, redness of face, glassy eyes and cold extremities.

Ailments from sudden exposure to cold.


HEAT, CONGESTION and REDNESS of mucus membranes, of skin eruptions.


Flushing and congestion causes radiating heat of the head and cold extremities.


HEADACHES with pulsating, throbbing pain < JAR, light, touch. Must lie down.


Irritation of meninges resulting to grinding of teeth, convulsions.


Right sided.





AGG.: jar, touch, motion, heat, sun, drafts, sun, stooping.

AMEL.: cold applications, dark room, lying down.


AVERS.: light, noise, sun.














Fear of solitude.

Feels anxiety in different body positions.


Mentally and physically tired. Weakness of mind that is especially apparent in twilight.

Weakness of memory. Dullness of mind esp. on waking.


The patient sees terrifying apparitions at twilight, including ghosts or imaginary forms surrounding him.


Melancholy, sadness, apathy and inclination to weep. Darkness aggravates.





Acts on KIDNEYS, BLADDER & LIVER. Arthritic affections with urinary disturbances.


RADIATING PAINS from kidneys, renal region. Kidney stones, colic. Kidney pain extending into thigh, calves, bladder, ureter, testes, hip, downward.

Kidney pains <jar, pressure, motion.

Numbness in region of kidneys.


BACK PAIN EXTENDING TO or AROUND ABDOMEN, thighs esp. posterior portion.




Burning pain in urethra >urination.


Stiffness, sore pains, heaviness of lower limbs, of extremities – as if beaten.





AGG: standing, motion (also sudden motion), walking, spoiled fish.










BORAX (Borx.)










Startled easily esp. at sneezing, hawking, from noise, from fright.


Oversensitive to noise. Fear or even diarrhoea from sudden noise.


Makes involuntary motions of the hands.


Fear of falling, of infections.





Affects MUCOUS MEMBRANES, causing catarrhal conditions.


Children or infants cry and scream before the urine passes. Frequent urging to urinate, shrieking before urinating or before stool. Painful urging, the child cries.


DESCENDING AGGRAVATES SYMPTOMS. It causes fullness of head, impeded respiration, vertigo.


APHTHAE of tongue, of mouth, genitalia, nipples. Bleeding aphthae.


Sleeplessness with heat in head, 03:00-05:00 from heat.


Milk of chest is cheesy, thick and tastes bad.


Sensation of cobweb on hands and face.

Wrinkled palate.


Leucorrhoea between menses, like boiled starch, white as thick paste, burning. Leucorrhoea with sensation of warm water flowing down.


External trembling on sneezing, after sneezing.





AGG: DOWNWARD MOTION, DESCENDING, lying, warm, cold wet weather, fruit.

AMEL.: seashore, bathing, rising, pressure.















ANXIETY and inner HURRIEDNESS. Chaotic.


Everything is EXAGGERATED: awkward in speech and action- stammers, drops things, laughs and cries alternately. Alternating mood. Sub-manic states. ENLARGED SENSATION.


Absent minded – staring thoughtless, looking fixedly at one point.

Closed – cannot connect.


Sensitive, easily offended.


Anxiety about anything, not easy to define it.





Influences circulation, causing relaxation of capillary system.



General puffiness- swelling. Skin gets indented easily from pressure.


Perspiration smells like onions.

Diarrhoea before or during menses. Menses flow only at night. Traces of menses between periods.


Herpes, esp. of the lower extremities.


Cannot bear tight clothing around abdomen, stomach, throat, chest.


Skin eruptions with excessive itching. Tip of coccyx itches intolerably.

Leucorrhoea before and after menses. Thick leucorrhoea when walking.

Numbness on the root of tongue.

Paralysis in right optic nerve.

Eructations before breakfast.





DES.: bread.
















Hard, not flexible individuals. The mind loses its flexibility and becomes as immovable as a stone and quite unable to function.


Cannot eliminate, keeps emotions inside. Eventually becomes emotionless.

Sad, indifferent, discontented.


Sits alone in room without doing anything, staring in one direction without saying anything, without emotions, without thoughts.


She is deeply despondent, sits alone in her room without doing anything, without saying anything and constantly looks in one direction.


Delusion that strange persons are looking over their shoulder or that they would see someone on turning.





Affects respiratory tract especially Larynx and trachea.

Worse overheated. Complaints come in the summer.


ASTHMA < ON LEAVING THE SEA (as soon as they go ashore).


Hoarseness or tickling cough from being over-heated.

Dyspnoea, cannot inspire deep enough, as if breathing through a sponge <dust. Much rattling of mucus during cough (Ant-t.).

Left sided tonsillitis or pharyngitis.


Swelling and INDURATION OF GLANDS with stony hardness, esp. on parotid and submaxillary glands.


Hardening or even tumors of the left testicle or ovaries.

Primarily a left sided remedy. Symptoms go from left to right.


Patient is weak and easily overheated, then sweats and becomes sensitive to drafts.


Sensation of cobweb on the face.

Migraine after milk.

Heaviness in occiput of head from heat of sun.

Suffocative cough on swallowing.

Chill on inspiring





AGG.: dust, becoming heated.







In Bryonia the characteristic is aggravation from motion. On the mental level, any ‘motion’ is intolerable too; they want to be by themselves. We see great irritability with the desire to be left alone. They are aggravated by any interference which will make them put the slightest physical or mental effort.








Irritable, wants to be quiet.

Anxiety about the future. Strong fear of poverty, anxiety about money matters, talks about business.


Delusions he’s away from home.





All ailments are WORSE FROM MOTION; even the slightest, such as inspiration, coughing, stepping. Pain takes away the breath.



Cough is painful, he has to hold the chest.


THIRSTY FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. Dryness of mouth with thirstlessness.


Dryness of mucus membranes (mouth, nose, throat, rectum, eye, lips).

Constipation, with very hard and dry stool; as if burned.


Headache on left side; over the left eye extending to occiput. <moving the eyes.


Sleeps on left side; but is aggravated on lying on left side in gall bladder or liver problems.


One of the main remedies for appendicitis.


Faintness from sitting up/rising from bed.





AGG.: MOTION, coughing, breathing (inspiration), change of temperature.

AMEL.: rest, lying/ pressure on the painful side, lying, perspiration

DES.: warm milk.







BRYONIA (Bry.) – ACUTE (Hussain Kaisrani)

Dryness, thirst, aggravation from motion.


ONSET:  slow manifestation of complaints.

APPEARANCE: dryness of membranes. Dry mouth, dryness of intestine leading to constipation. Dark red face. White tongue.

PAINS:   all pains are greatly aggravated by motion and ameliorated by pressure.

FEVER/ INFLUENZA: dry burning heat, fever without chills, one sided heat (especially on the right side), dry mouth with thirst for large quantities or thirstlessness, wants to be alone, weakness. Congestion of face. Pain in extremities, in bones during fever. Occipital headache, nausea and vomiting during fever.  All symptoms are aggravated from motion.

RESPIRATION: cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, pleura-pneumonia esp. right side. Painful chest on coughing, must hold chest with hands. Congestion of chest. Asthmatic, arrested, accelerated respiration.

Cough: with coryza, with vomiting. Cough from irritation in larynx, trachea, epigastrium. Involuntary urination on coughing. Ameliorated with warm fluids, open air.

Aggravated when bending head backward, lying with head low, by warmth.

CHEST: pain on coughing, on breathing deep so that the patient has to support the chest with the hands ameliorated when lying on painful side, pressure. Congested chest. Oppression.

THROAT: hoarseness with cough, painful larynx on coughing, rawness of throat on coughing.

NOSE: dryness of nose. Painful sinusitis aggravated by motion, stooping, talking, touch ameliorated by pressure, cold applications.


TEETH: swelling of cheek with teeth problems. Toothache aggravated when brushing teeth, eating, lying, on motion, touch, warm food and drinks. Ameliorated lying on painful side, pressure, cold fluids.

HEAD: headache is aggravated by motion, jar, cough, motion of eyes  and ameliorated when being alone and quiet, from dark, pressure.

VERTIGO: vertigo with faintness. Everything turns in a circle. Sensation as if sinking in bed ameliorated when lying still and aggravated by moving the head, the eyes, by sudden motion, rising.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea from excitement, from cold drinks (esp. in summer), ameliorated when lying on the back and aggravated after rising and moving.

Nausea ameliorated by drinking and aggravated on motion, when sitting up in bed.

Vomiting after drinking the smallest quantity, after eating.

All abdominal pains are aggravated from the slight motion, breathing, jar, touch, tight clothes and ameliorated when lying on painful side, when bending double.

INJURIES: injuries from blunt instruments, from straining, sprains. Bruising pain.

MENTAL PICTURE: Wants to be quiet and left alone. The concept of aggravation from motion goes to the mental level too. Talking or any interaction disturbs the internal stillness.

THIRST/CRAVINGS:  The thirst is pronounced. The patient is thirsty for large quantities of water. We may also see thirstlessness despite of the dry mouth.


Aggravation: motion (coughing, sneezing, breathing deeply), jar, touch, warmth.            

Amelioration: lying still, pressure, lying on the painful side, warm bed, warm drinks, open air, cold applications.

TIP: Bryonia and Rhus-t. are complementary remedies. We often observe that after giving Bryonia, the picture changes to Rhus-t. especially in musculoskeletal problems.































Shrieking from pain.

Delusion that she is caught in wires, that the body is wrapped.


Anxiety about health, reaches hypochondriasis. Despair of recovery. Desires to take large doses of medicine. Delusion he’s about to die with rheumatism or heart disease.

Fear of death or that something will happen.


Delirium during sleep.

Mania during fever and heat.


Suspicious, mistrustful.






Numbness or pains extend to the left arm, hand or even fingers.

Grasping sensation of heart, constriction of chest as if from an armor.


Severe, violent CONSTRICTING PAINS in which the patient cries out from pain. Pain as if from a steel hand, as if a wire that gets twisted tighter and tighter. Whole body feels caged. Constriction of vagina on touch and coition. Constriction and choking sensation in oesophagus. Facial pain < fasting.


Violent palpitation < lying on left side, menses.


Hæmorrhages with constriction sensation.


Headache with severe congestion, followed by epistaxis with redness of face. Hæmorrhage from anus with heart symptoms.


Severe dysmenorrhoea or metrorrhagia with clots. Pains as each clot is expelled with constricting pains.





AGG.: at forenoon 11:00 and night 23:00, beginning of menses, lying on the left side.

AMEL.: slow, continued motion.

















Amorous, lascivious with impotency. Symptoms from sexual excesses (ex. memory weakness).


DEPRESSION due to unsatisfied sexual desire. Sadness from masturbation. Lack of enthusiasm. Indifferent to everything. Eventually becomes indifferent to sex.


Weakness of memory. Very forgetful, absent-minded. Mental confusion, inability to perform intellectual work.


Anxiety about health, hypochondriacal anxiety. Very careful about health- refuses to take medicine, fear of infection, of catching contagious disease.


Fear of cutting himself while shaving.


Nervous excitement.





Special action on the genitalia of both sexes.

IMPOTENCE WITH SEXUAL DESIRE. Increased sexual desire without erection.

Flaccid penis with sexual desire and excitement (Lyc., Sel.). Penis is excited but relaxed.

Failing to ejaculate during coition.

They cannot perform the sexual act in a natural way and they seek other ways of satisfying the excessive desire.


Pruritus Vulvæ (voluptuous itching) in females, inducing masturbation and sleeplessness.


Coldness of single parts of the body (lower limbs, single parts).


Organism is sensitive to smoking and is aggravated by it.

A burning sensation, stays in the lungs for years after heavy smoking.


Sensitivity of the skin, crawling itching. Sensation of cobweb or formication in face. Tension of skin, as if white of egg were dried in the face. Violent itching on certain parts of the skin.


Insomnia. Sensitive to slightest noise, startles from sleep (Asar., Nux-v., Tarent.). Afraid to go to sleep. Sleep is disturbed. Sleeps for 3-4h and then wakes up and cannot sleep for 2-3 hours.





AGG.: warmth, yet desires warm drinks.

AMEL.: perspiration.










Calcarea carbonica is such a huge remedy with vast symptomatology. The practitioner should not get lost in the vast array of symptoms but should look for these main keynotes of the remedy. The calcarea patient has numerous fears with a prevailing fear of insanity. There is a general aggravation from cold and wet weather. The patient has cold feet that may have a slight clammy sweat. A tendency to be overweight, perspiration during sleep around the neck, desire for sweets and soft-boiled eggs and vertigo in high places. A Calcarea carbonica case should have at least some of these keynotes.  








MANY FEARS: HIGH PLACES, INSANITY, dogs, rats, death, disease, dark, ghosts, thunderstorms, accidents.





Sensitive when hearing cruelties.

Religious affections in children. The child inquires about God, about the beyond etc.





CHILLY, sensitive to cold (lack of vital heat).

Cold extremities, esp. FEET (usually sleeps with socks or hot water bottle).


Profuse PERSPIRATION DURING SLEEP esp. on the CERVICAL REGION, chest and scalp.


Worse from exertion in general esp. the headache. Out of breath (difficult, panting respiration) from ascending.


OBESITY that produces flabbiness.



Pains and swelling of the mammae before menses.

Slow, difficult dentition in children. Convulsions during dentition. Distended, enlarged abdomen in children.





DES.: SWEETS, EGGS (ESP. SOFT BOILED), milk, strange things (i.e. coal, indigestible), farinaceous food.

AVERS.: milk.

AGG.: exertion, cold, cold wet weather, draft of air.

AMEL.: warm dry weather, rising.





CALCAREA CARBONICA (Calc.) Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


All kinds of conditions where the patient is chilly with cold feet and perspires in the occiput.  

KEYWORDS: cold feet, occipital perspiration, weakness, aggravation from cold and wet, ameliorated by warmth.

RESPIRATION: all kinds of respiratory conditions accompanied by perspiration in cervical region and chest (esp. during sleep) and coldness (esp. of feet). Cough dry in the evening and loose in the morning. Aggravated from drafts, cold (air, becoming), damp, left side, right upper lobe of lung.

EAR: otitis accompanied by perspiration of the cervical region. Thick, purulent discharges. Impaired hearing due to otitis. Itching in Eustachian tube. Threatening caries. Ear pain aggravated from cold, blowing the nose, swallowing and ameliorated by warm applications.

CHEST: mastitis with painful, swollen and hot mammae aggravated by touch, while nursing. Ulceration of nipples. Bad quality of milk. Toothache or headache after nursing.

Oppression, constriction and weakness in chest during respiratory conditions. Pain in chest aggravated on motion. Weakness is such that prevents speech. Congestion of chest.

TEETH: toothpain from exposure to damp or to air drafts. Aggravation when drawing air in, cold drinks or applications ameliorated by warm drinks or applications. Ailments from eruption of wisdom teeth.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea related to exposure to cold. (from cold weather, from taking a cold, after bathing). Diarrhoea during dentition accompanied by perspiration in occiput (esp. during sleep).

THROAT: tonsillitis and sore throat after exposure to cold. Suppurative tonsillitis with swelling of tonsils & glands and perspiration in occiput (esp. during sleep). Tongue swollen, indented and white. Dark red uvula. Stitching pain extending to ears. Aggravated from cold (air, drinks, becoming), swallowing and ameliorated from warm drinks.

INFLUENZA/FEVER: typically, the patient is cold with cold feet and perspires in the occiput and chest (esp. during sleep). There may be congestion of face and heat of head along with the cold feet. There is weakness and heaviness of head, eyelids and limbs (upper and lower). Chills on theafternoon. Occipital headache extending to forehead. Purulent coryza and obstruction of nose. Aggravated by: cold air, drafts, ameliorated by warmth.

MUSCULOSKELETAL:  sprains and strains from lifting. Ameliorated by warm applications and aggravated by cold and damp.

VERTIGO: vertigo with headache, with tendency to fall sideways. Sensation as if turning in a circle or as if the room whirls. Aggravation by sudden motion, turning head quickly, ascending stairs, standing, after walking, rest, rising, looking upwards, after sleep.


Aggravation: cold, cold wet weather.

Amelioration: warmth, warm applications.





The most prominent characteristic of Calc-p. is the discontent that is seen from children to adults. They don’t feel well but cannot define what is wrong. The children moan all the time even in their sleep and drive the parents crazy. These patients need change, their only outlet is to travel.










They don’t know what is wrong. ENNUI, DESIRES TO TRAVEL, TO CHANGE PLACES. (Traveling ameliorates psychological complaints not physical like in Ign.).


Thinking of complaints aggravates.

Sighing, cannot take a satisfying breath (Ign.).


Mental dullness in adults and children. Mental exertion aggravates.

Duty bound. They press themselves to do their duty and they get headaches.


Ailments from bad news.





< COLD AND WET WEATHER, melting of the snow, drafts, exposure to cold air after perspiration.


Pain in cervical region < DRAFT of air.


Headaches after mental exertion esp. in school children.


SCOLIOSIS, curvature of spine.


Children: slow learning to walk and talk. Arrested development. Emaciation.

Fontanelles remain open for long time.


Colic pains in abdomen, at every attempt to eat.





AGG.: draft of air, exposure to damp, cold, melting snow; changeable weather; mental exertion.

AMEL.: summer; warm, dry weather.

DES.: SMOKED MEAT, bacon, strange, indigestible things.











In Calc-s. we see suppuration in physical and psychological levels. We see abscesses and discharges of pus and blood on the physical level and jealousy, nastiness and maliciousness on the mental/emotional levels.








Great jealousy. Nasty and malicious.

Irritable, quarrelsome from jealousy.


Fear of birds.







Purulent discharges. Discharge or pus is yellow and bloody. (nose, eye, ear, urethra, skin).


Crusty eruptions on face. ACNE vulgaris with the whole face covered with crusts.

Painful abscesses around rectum. Fistulae that discharge constantly yellowish purulent matter.

Otitis with yellow, purulent, bloody discharge. Suppuration of middle ear. Abscess in meatus.





DES.: green, acid fruits.

AVERS.: meat.





















Fear that something bad is going to happen and this fear makes him/her restless.

Anxiety felt in abdomen before or during stool. Aggravation in general during chill becomes peevish, complaining a lot, becomes sleepy.

Bulimia. Great irritability during a chill.





Open, cut, LACERATED wounds, RAGGED, SUPPURATED where the pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury.


OPEN WOUNDS that will not heal, ulcers etc. Suppurations, abscesses, sepsis and gangrene.


Lacerations in hand, nose. After injuries to genitalia, head, eye.

Injuries of muscles, tendons < moving the part and > by lying. Sensitive to touch.


After labor esp. caesarean. After operations. Calculi after bladder operation. Profuse gum bleeding after tooth extraction.


General weakness after the injury that may be much more debilitating than expected given the severity of wound. Nausea and other consequences after physical trauma (fever, chill, headache).


The injured part is worse on moving the part and relieved by lying perfectly still (Bry.).


Individual with low defenses, gets cold easily, gets tired easily, weak and frightened.

Great disposition to take cold especially in damp weather.

Chill is a marked feature with acute ailments.


Loss of hearing, deafness from cicatricle tissue on the tympanum. Hearing is affected in damp weather.





AGG.: wet weather, motion.

AMEL.: rest.
















Thinking of complaints ameliorates.

Anxiety during chill, anxiety in bed. Fears to be alone at night, desires company.


Shrieking, screaming, <before convulsions. Shrieking for help.


Puerperal insanity. Delirium. Tears things.


Desire to bite <during rage.





SKIN IS ICY COLD, YET wants to be UNCOVERED. Throws off all coverings (Carb-v., Sec., Med.). Coldness of extremities, yet warm bed is unendurable.


Wants to be uncovered with cold skin, but desires to be covered with heat and sweat.


Internal heat with external chill during fever.

Sudden collapse- weakness with chill and anxiety. Profound weakness. Sleep becomes comatose; can alternate with sleeplessness.


Sudden attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea with anxiety and restlessness.


Sensitive to cold air.


Cramps, convulsions with coldness and mental anguish. Face is anxious, distorted, bluish and cold.


Rashes from exposure to sunlight.


Pain > while thinking of it.


Ailments from suppressed sexual desire (Con., Puls., Apis).





AGG.: suppressed perspiration, urine, cold air, exposure to sun, warm bed, warm wraps.

AMEL.: thinking of pain, open air, drinking cold water.

DES.: cold food without thirst.







  • Keynotes Materia Medica VIVA: Hussain Kaisrani, Bahria HOMEOPATHIC Ph: 03002000210




Usually these patients have a history of cannabis abuse or they can be so sensitive to cannabis that they can get ailments even after slight use.  It activates (quick mind, many ideas, loquacity, theorizing) but also confuses the mind (gullible, no critical thinking, no discrimination) reaching to even delusional states. The clarity of mental faculties is affected for many years after stopping the use of cannabis. However, we should remember that the abuse of cannabis can produce the picture of any remedy if the symptoms match.








DELUSIONS: time passes too slowly, a few seconds seem ages.

Objects or distances are enlarged, he’s out of the body etc. Sensation that single limbs are floating.


FEAR OF INSANITY, OF LOSING SELF-CONTROL. Panic attacks, with fear of death.


LOQUACITY. Theorizing.


CONFUSION. Fast mind with abundant ideas. Inability to recall any thought or event on account of other thoughts intrude and crowd around each other in his brain.


Very forgetful: forgets words while speaking; begins a sentence, forgets what he’s about to say, for what has just thought; thoughts are vanishing while speaking, writing, reading.


Laughs immoderately and involuntary at trifles, at every word that is said.


Always asking questions.





Internal jerking, internal pulsation.

Sexual desire increased, violent.

Back pain on laughing.

Headache, as if head is opening and shutting.

Burning thirst and ravenous appetite.





DES.: sweets.










This is an intense remedy. The idea is of fire esp. in genitourinary system.

The inflammation is so intense that is life-threatening.

The pains are intense, the sexuality is intense, the skin burns are severe.








Adulterous, erotic delirium, lascivious, nymphomania.


Rage esp. on sight of water. Disposition to contradiction, insolent esp. in the afternoon. Delirium with desire to bite. Maniacal delirium.

Fear of mirrors and brilliant objects. Hydrophobia.











Burning, cutting pain in neck of bladder extending through urethra.

Urination is so painful so that he dances around the room in agony.


Frequent, constant urging to urinate, passing a few drops at a time (dribbling), sometimes mixed with blood.


Cystitis with violent burning pain during urination, the burning can be there before and/or after urination. Pain in bladder after few drops pass.


Nephritis. Kidney pain, tearing, cutting and burning. Contracting pain from kidneys down ureters to penis.


BURNS which have caused vesication. Gangrene from burns. Inflammation of the eye from burns.


Strong, excessive erections. Painful erections < at night.


Perspiration has the odor of urine.


Chill 15:00, lasting 12 hours.





AGG.: coffee, bathing, pressure, touch, olive oil, bright objects, after urination.

AMEL.: lying, alcoholic drinks, perspiration.




CANTHARIS (Canth.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Severe burning of membranes. Intensity in all levels.


KEYWORDS: burning, intensity, hot, burns, tenesmus.

ONSET:  the manifestation of the complaints is sudden and intense.

PAINS:   the pains are intensely burning like fire.

URINARY: cystitis with intense, severe burning before, during or even after urination. Urine is hot, burning, passed drop by drop. Bloody urine. The patient screams due to the cutting pains.  Tenesmus, frequent urging to urinate. Dysuria.

Increased sexual desire during cystitis.

SKIN:  erysipelas, burns, eruptions hot and intensely burning. Severe burns with vesication. Inflammation from burns (in eye, gangrene).  Ameliorated by cold applications.

MOUTH: burning in mouth, pharynx and throat. Difficulty in swallowing.

STOMACH: intense burning in stomach. Thirst with aversion to drinks or food.

INTESTINE: dysentery, colitis with burning and severe tenesmus. Burning of the rectum.

THIRST: intense, unquenchable thirst.

MENTAL PICTURE:  the concept of intensity is present in the mental sphere too. The patient may be in rage, delirious.


Aggravation: motion, pressure, touch.

Amelioration: pressure, cold applications.



















DEPRESSION AND NOSTALGIA (HOMESICKNESS) which can even reach suicidal states. Ailments from homesickness. Homesickness with sleeplessness, ennui, with red cheeks.


Prostration of mind.


Children obstinate, chilly and clumsy.


Desire to be alone, aversion to company.

Aversion to physical exertion.





Affects mucous membranes, and bones esp. MASTOID.


Pain in distant parts on coughing, bladder, knees, legs, ears.


Flabbiness of skin, flabby feeling.


Pains are burning and smarting (as from cayenne pepper), worse with cold water. Burning, stinging and bleeding hæmorrhoids.


Offensive breath, pungent eructations during cough.

Pain in throat, head, ear, back, bladder etc. during cough.


Thirsty after stool, with shivering. Much thirst but drinking causes shivering.


Perforation of tympanum, cavity is filled with thick yellow pus.


Children dread open air, always chilly, clumsy, fat, dirty with aversion to work or think. General uncleanliness of the body, filthy skin.




Acute hearing during perspiration, during chill, during heat. Sensitive to noise during chill.





DES.: pepper, alcohol, coffee.















WEAK WILL DUE TO THE EXHAUSTION. Lack of reaction. Too weak to set limits, react to pressure or say no.




Buried in thought-meditative.

Keeps feelings inside. Reserved. Avoids conversation, indisposed to talk. Aversion to company.

Illusions of hearing– as if tone came from another direction, or another world.


Fear of heights. Fear of fainting. Fear of dark, aggravates on closing eyes.





Slow, hard, painful processes.


GREAT WEAKNESS < during menses.


Suitable to old persons of feeble constitution or low vitality. Lack of reaction. (Depleted vital energy all Carbo’s).




Susceptible to malignancies, cancerous affections esp., stomach, uterus, glands, ovaries, testes, mammae, nose, tongue, eye, with burning pains.


Chill when lying on bed.


Headache, feels as if head would fly to pieces- must press it with hands. Head pain on vertex after wet weather.


Impaired hearing. Confusion of sounds. Cannot tell from what direction sound comes from.


Bluish discoloration of skin. Bluish face, bluish circles around eyes.

Coppery skin eruptions.


Indigestion. Flatulence. Eructations are acrid and foul.

Vertigo after shaving.

Pain in teeth, salty food amel.

Coldness in foot between 9-15h.





AGG.: eating while, lying on side, evening.







The idea of Carbo vegetabilis is the emptiness that we see in all levels. The person feels that life is leaving him, he feels like an empty sac. The circulation is poor and produces weakness and faintness in both acute and chronic states.








The emptiness on the emotional level is manifested by indifference, apathy, discouragement and on the mental level by slow thinking, dullness, weak memory, confusion, indecision.


Before these states you may see irritability and anger. The patient is abrupt and critical.


Anxiety on closing the eyes, at evening in bed. Delirium in the dark.





Acts upon the venous circulation, esp. capillaries. Poor circulation and imperfect oxygenation. Disintegration. Bad effects from exhausting illness (ex. measles, scarlet fever, intoxication) and loss of vital fluids. Used after anaesthesia to bring back the patient quickly. Last stages of disease.


FAINTNESS on rising, on waking, on exertion. Faintness with cold perspiration esp. on forehead, cold breath, cold tongue, cold face and general coldness of body.




Tympanitic distention of abdomen <eating, drinking, stool after > eructations, flatus. Indigestion <ice-cream.


Chilly. Waking from coldness of limbs. Always suffering from coryza.


Hæmorrhage from mucous membranes or orifices.


Gums are spongy, detached from teeth and bleed easily on sucking them or cleaning them.


Headache or constriction of head <pressure of hat. Head sensitive from walking in cold air.


Sensitive to tight clothing (esp. around stomach and abdomen) > loosening clothing.





AGG.: warm wet weather, olive oil, pork, rich foods, butter and fat, eating while.

AMEL.: open air, loosening clothing, lying.

DES.: salt, sweets, coffee.

AVERS.: fat meat, salt, milk, meat.





CARBO VEGETABILIS (Carb-v.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Bad effects from exhausting illness (ex. measles, scarlet fever, intoxication) and/or loss of vital fluids.


KEYWORDS: faintness, coldness, pale, distention, hemorrhage, perspiration, desires to be fanned.


Poor circulation and imperfect oxygenation. Disintegration. Last stages of disease. Used after anaesthesia to bring back the patient quickly.

All complaints accompanied by faintness and cold perspiration esp. on forehead, cold breath, cold tongue, cold face and general coldness of body.

Chilly butdesires to be fanned. Waking from coldness of limbs.

APPEARANCE: the face is pale or greenish with cold sweat. Hippocratic face.

RESPIRATION: pneumonia with wheezing, accelerated respiration ameliorated on lying, on closing the eyes. Dyspnoea. Weakness, tightness and oppression of chest. Burning pain in chest aggravated on cough. Bloody, salty, greenish expectoration.

ABDOMEN: tympanitic distention of abdomen aggravated when eating, drinking, after stool and ameliorated by eructations, flatus.

GENERALS: hæmorrhages from mucous membranes or orifices.

NOSE: epistaxis. 


Aggravation: warm wet weather, rich foods, fats, eating while.

Amelioration: open air, loosening clothing, lying.













The Causticum people are sensitive and easily affected by the environment. They develop very strong feelings about the suffering of others (especially the social suffering rather than the physical like Phosphorus). They get so angry with injustice that they can become activists, anarchists or even violent. The neurological system is mostly affected on this remedy.








SYMPATHETIC. CANNOT SUPPORT INJUSTICE. Strong sense of justice. Idealists. They rebel against authority, they are exhilarated with politics. Can become anarchists or fanatics.


Sympathetic towards animals. They cannot see an animal suffering.

Oversensitive when hearing of cruelties.


Ailments from long lasting grief and sorrow.

Stammering < excitement, vexation.


Weeping at trifles, spasmodic.





The nervous system is weak, in excitable state and predisposed to diseases.


GRADUAL PARALYSIS, paralysis of SINGLE PARTS, esp. of right side.

Paralysis with numbness of left side.

Facial paralysis esp. one-sided, after getting wet, after riding in the wind.


INVOLUNTARY URINATION when coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose due to the weakness of the sphincter of the urethra.


Sudden LOSS OF VOICE (HOARSENESS) due to the paralysis of the vocal cords, from overuse, from singing.


Sensation in throat as if there is mucus which he must swallow. Constant disposition to swallow and to hawk. Ineffectual hawking.


Pain as if the place is RAW.


Constipation: stool passes better when person is standing; hæmorrhoids prevent stool.

Ailments from suppressed eruptions, from anger or vexation.





AGG.: dry, cold dry weather.

AMEL.: WET, warm wet weather, cold drinks.








Chamomilla patients are oversensitive people to an extreme degree. Oversensitivity and irritability run through the whole symptom picture. Chamomilla is very much indicated in children during the period of dentition.








GREAT IRRITABILITY <touched, spoken to, during pain, during dentition. Cannot bear to be looked at. Sends nurse out of the room.


CAPRICIOUSNESS. Rejecting the things he has been longing when offered.





Common in children esp. during dentition.





AILMENTS FROM ANGER: pains in uterus, metrorrhagia, vomiting, convulsions, dyspnoea, metritis, asthma etc.


GREAT SENSITIVENESS TO PAIN. Pain is unbearable, drives to despair. Labor pains spasmodic and distressing, make her desperate.




DENTITION with irritability.

Toothache < warm drinks or food, bed, warm room.


Stools hot, like chopped eggs & spinach, smelling like rotten eggs (esp. during dentition).


Hot sweat on head.





AGG.: 09:00, touch or touching anything, lying on painless side, coffee, cold becoming.

AMEL.: coffee, after perspiration, cold.

DES.: cold drinks, bread.

AVERS.: warm drinks, beer, coffee, aversion to food after eating a little.








Irritability accompanies all symptoms. Ailments from anger. Commonly during dentition.


KEYWORDS: irritability, capriciousness, shrieking, redness, dentition.


APPEARANCE:  one cheek red and the other pale esp. during fever.

FEVER/INFLUENZA: one sided redness of face. One cheek red and hot and the other pale and cold. Influenza with coryza. Hot feet, wants to uncover them.

Aggravated in warm bed, at forenoon, by drafts.

EARS: otitis with intense pains. The child shrieks and is ameliorated by being carried.

Aggravation from touch, wind, stooping and amelioration warm applications. One cheek is redder than the other. Redness of external ear and of the meatus.

RESPIRATORY: cough from irritation of air passages, tickling, scratching in larynx and throat. Cough during dentition. Cough aggravated by sleep, by becoming warm in bed.

THROAT: laryngitis with hoarseness, with suffocative cough.

TEETH: toothache aggravated by warmth (food, drinks, applications), cold air, open air, pressure, eating, talking, on left side, when lying on painless side. Offensive breath with teeth problems. The pain extends to different parts (ear, eyes, face, head, nose).

CHEST: mammae sore, bruised, indurated.

PAINS:  great sensitivity to pain.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhea is hot and looks like chopped egg and spinach. Offensive odor of stool, like rotten eggs. Abdominal colic with cramping pains ameliorated by bending double, warmth. Abdominal pain with vomiting. Diarrhoea during dentition, after anger, after taking cold.

MENTAL PICTURE:  Great irritability. Children can be capricious and aggressive. They don’t know what they want. They don’t want to be touched, examined or even looked at. They scream, shout and hit when someone approaches them or when the doctor tries to examine them. They are ameliorated when carried and rocked.


Aggravation: touch, warmth (bed, fluids, applications), motion, pressure, open air, draft, lying.

Amelioration: being carried, warmth.














Powerful, domineering, dictatorial. Wants others to listen to her advice and likes to run others’ lives.






Gall-stones, cholocystitis.




Right sided complaints. Eye or ear pain extending to teeth. Toothache extending to eyes. Headache <right side, with lachrymation.


Jaundice (also in newborns).


Constipation alternating with diarrhoea, like sheep’s dung. Constriction of rectum preventing the stool, alternating with itching.


Stomach pain or umbilicus pain extending transversely across stomach or abdomen.





AGG.: eating after.

AMEL.: eating after esp. noon, warm milk, warm drinks.

DES.: cheese, warm drinks, strange things.

AVERS.: cheese.















This is a touchy person. The nervous system is in a state of irritation. Touch aggravates them in the physical and emotional levels. They react badly with the least offence and they are aggravated by touch.











Great imagination. Abundant ideas at evening or night. They fantasize about all sorts of things and play the hero in these fantasies. Mirth, liveliness at night esp. after midnight.


Oversensitive to noise.

Dullness of mind or delirium after loss of fluids.







AILMENTS FROM LOSS OF BLOOD, OF FLUIDS (emaciation, faintness, chorea, stomach pain, inflammation of lungs, diarrhoea).


DISTENTION OF ABDOMEN, tympanitic, with a lot of flatus, but passing flatus does not ameliorate. Worse after drinking, eating.


PERIODICITY. Periodic fever, headache, eye pain, face pain, diarrhoea etc.


Headache ameliorated with hard pressure.

Cold perspiration around nose, around mouth.





AGG.: SLIGHT TOUCH, slight pressure, fruit, milk.


DES.: sweets, spices, delicacies, highly seasoned food.

AVERS.: hot food, butter, fruit, beer.

















Convulsions with bizarre distortions.


Shrieking, screaming, shouting, fear before convulsions.


Childishness with strabismus. Foolish jesting.


Retardation esp. after head injury. Weakness of memory.


Aversion to company. Answers abruptly when spoken to.


Moaning and groaning during sleep.


Affected profoundly after hearing horrible things, by sad stories.


Delirium with singing and dancing. Dementia.





Affections of the nervous system. Indicated in epilepsy, mental retardation, trismus, tetanus and convulsions. Clenching of thumbs in epilepsy.





Head drawn backward, drawn sideways.


Convulsions after injuries esp. head.



Vomiting during or alternating with convulsion.


Sudden jerks and spasms through head, stomach, extremities, forearms, fingers. Chorea.

Spinal chorea.


Eruptions on head, pustules which burn and run together, forming thick yellow, honey like scabs on the face or scalp.





AGG.: tobacco smoke (Ign.), touch.

DES.: indigestible things – dirt, charcoal or chalk (Alum, Psor), cabbage.













Incessant talking, loquacity changing from one subject to another. Loquacious delirium.

Restlessness and uneasiness, difficult concentration, cannot fix attention. Jerky.

Dullness with headache.


Delusion that heavy black clouds envelope her, that she’s encaged in wires, that sees sheeps, rats.


Fear of insanity esp. in menopause. Very suspicious, fear of being poisoned or murdered, of impending danger. Fear of death and rats.


2nd stage: Depressed, gloomy, miserable, with frequent sighing.





Women’s remedy. Complaints during the climacteric period. Cramp in uterus, bearing down pains, ovarian neuralgia.


Menses irregular, profuse or scanty. More pain the more the flow.

Congestion of head, restlessness, sadness from suppressed menses.

Menses from suppressed emotions or suppressed cold. Unable to open the lids during menses.

Tendency to abortion. After-effects of abortion.

Nausea in pregnancy.


Headache as if the vertex is pressing outward. Fullness in vertex with vertigo.

Sore pain, sensitive to pressure. Redness of eyes during headache. Pain from occiput extending to vertex, headache <opening and shutting or turning eyes, warm room, after sleep. >open air, pressure, tea.


Rheumatic complaints. Rheumatic back pain, headache, toothache, chest pain, joint pain, facial pain, chorea. Stiffness of cervical region.


Gagging when drinking. Faint, sinking, empty feeling in stomach.


Pain extending from heart to left arm.


Mouth: gluey, viscid saliva. Trembling of tongue (Lach.).





AGG.: cold (air, becoming), during menses, evening, motion, sudden change of weather.

AMEL.: open air.





CINA (Cina)



The irritation of the nervous system in Cina is such that they cannot have peace. We see the irritation in all levels. In the mental level there’s irritability and capriciousness and on the physical level we see itching, grinding of teeth, convulsions. Imagine the irritation of an organism full of worms.








EXTREME CAPRICIOUSNESS esp. in CHILDREN. Aversion to being TOUCHED, caressed, approached.

REJECTING EVERYTHING OFFERED. Striking, throws things away.


Shrieking on waking, during sleep, before convulsions.

Weeping when carried.





Nervous erethism.




CONVULSIONS FROM WORMS, from anger. Convulsions of extensor muscles.



ITCHING of nose. RUBS the nose constantly.


Grinding of teeth during sleep.


Ravenous appetite soon after eating. Capricious, changeable appetite. Appetite in unusual time.


Sleeps in knee-chest position.





AGG.: pressure, pepper.

AMEL.: lying on abdomen, motion.

DES.: many things, cold drinks, bread

AVERS.: milk, mother’s milk.











In Cocculus the vision is not adjusted as the person is moving. The accommodation of the eye is slow resulting to dizziness, headaches, vomiting and vertigo. They are very sensitive to loss of sleep.











Slowness of perception. Dullness, answers slowly.


Profound sadness. Sits as if wrapped in deep, sad thoughts. Sentimental.

Intolerant of contradiction, easily offended.


Anxiety about health and health of relatives. Anxiety others for.





Disturbances of the sensorium and cerebrospinal axis. Slowness, slow reflexes, slow accommodation of eye. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. AILMENTS FROM NIGHT-WATCHING.


VERTIGO FROM NIGHT-WATCHING < MOTION OF EYES, moving objects. Vertigo with tendency to fall sideways.


NAUSEA / VOMITING on motion, from riding in a carriage, car or train, from thought or smell of food. SEA-SICKNESS.


The slowness of the nervous system can reach to the state of painless paralysis. Paralytic weakness, stiffness of extremities. Paralysis of muscles.

Weakness esp. of lower limbs < during menses, riding in a car.

Unable to hold the head up from the weakness. Weakness of neck muscles with heaviness.


Sensation of hollowness or emptiness in head, chest and abdomen.


Cutting pain in uterus <motion, breath.





AGG.: riding, rising, motion, walking in open air.

AMEL.: lying on side, lying in bed.

DES.: refreshing things, beer, mustard.

AVERS.: food, smell of food, sour, beer.








Oversensitive people, too sensitive to external impressions who get excessively excited and who suffer from insomnia. The Coffea patient has extreme alertness with all the senses under high tension especially the sense of hearing.









Oversensitive to pain, to noise, to odors, to all external impressions. Fear of death from pain.


Ailments from excessive joy. Ecstasy.

Abundant ideas esp. evening and night. Rapid thoughts.


Active memory and concentration.

Quick to act.





Overexcitement of nervous system.


SLEEPLESSNESS from physical and mental excitement, from excessive joy, from thoughts, from same idea repeating.


Ailments from joy (diarrhoea, palpitation, catalepsy, metritis, headache, trembling).


ACUTE SENSES. Acute hearing, smell, taste, vision.


SENSITIVENESS TO PAIN, pains are felt INTENSELY, ESP. WITH NOISE. Painful sensitiveness of the skin.


Headache from noise, music, excessive joy. Nervous headache.

One-sided as from a nail. Congestion of head after a surprise or excitement.


Neuralgic toothache <warm food and drinks, external warmth > cold drinks.





AGG.: noise, heat, touch, cold wind, wine.

AMEL.: sitting, open air, lying, sleep, warm.

AVERS.: coffee.















SENSITIVE TO ALL EXTERNAL IMPRESSIONS, LIGHT, ODORS, NOISE, RUDENESS. Ailments from rudeness. Wildness in bright light, odors etc.


Prostration of mind. Dissatisfied with everything.


Memory weakness. Forgetful esp. of words while speaking.


Absent minded. Says nothing when questioned.


Picks at bed clothes. Restlessness during pregnancy.


Unconsciousness during fever.








Craving for various things, but averse to them when smelling them.


Sensitive to odors esp. of cooking food, fish, eggs, broth. Nausea from smell of fish, eggs, soup. Fainting from odors of eggs and fish. Nausea during pregnancy.


Tympanitic abdominal distention < after eating. Obstructed flatulence.


GOUT. Gouty pain of joints, gouty inflammation of eyes, gouty heart.

Pain in joints <slight motion. Gouty pains in joints extend from left to right.

Paralytic pain in extremities.

Arthritic nodosities.


Urine like black ink, bloody, albuminous.


Electric like shocks esp. of extremities.


Icy coldness in stomach esp. with pain. Great prostration with internal coldness and tendency to collapse.


White stool with shreddy particles.


Complaints from suppressed perspiration (lameness or paralysis of extremities).





AGG: smell or sight of food, odor of eggs, motion, cold wet weather, touch.

AMEL.: sitting, waking, lying.

AVERS.: smell of food, eggs, pork, fish, fat.











EXTREMELY IRRITABLE, becomes ANGRY when QUESTIONED. Throws things away.

Ailments after anger with indignation. Ailments after mortification.


Aversion to company even of intimate friends. Indisposed to talk, aversion to answer.





Used in acute affections of the DIGESTIVE TRACT & INTESTINES, with long lasting action on NERVES. Pains appear in the larger nerves.


AILMENTS AFTER VEXATION OR ANGER (stomach pain, diarrhoea, cough, suppressed menses).


PAIN IN ABDOMEN or STOMACH: cramping, cutting, tearing, like electric shock darting through the anus. > BY BENDING DOUBLE, lying on abdomen, pressure and warmth.

Cramping pain in umbilicus > bending forward.

Great remedy for babies with colics /cramps.


Back pain and headache get worse when lying on back.

Shooting pains extending down to sciatic nerve < left.





AGG.: lying on painless side, cold (becoming, air, drinks, food), fruit, after eating, motion, potatoes, lying on back.

AMEL.: DRAWING UP THE LOWER LIMBS, pressure, warm applications or bed, lying on painful side.

DES.: cold food and drinks without thirst, bread, beer.












COLOCYNTHIS (Coloc.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Ailments from anger. Complaints are ameliorated by bending double.


GASTROINTESTINAL: abdominal pains due to colic, dysmenorrhea, kidney stones etc. Pain in stomach, in abdomen, diarrhoea after emotions (anger, mortification, indignation). Vomiting after anger.

Amelioration when bending double, warmth. Aggravation after drinking

STOOL: green, bloody. Excoriating, undigested stool.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: right sided sciatica. Ameliorated when lifting/drawing the legs up.

PAINS: the pains are cramping and ameliorated by bending double, pressure, warmth.

MENTAL PICTURE:  ailments from anger, vexation, mortification, indignation.


Aggravation: drinking.

Amelioration: bending double, warmth.

TIP: Coloc. is complementary to Staphisagria. Staphisagria patients suppress their emotions esp. anger so they often develop an acute picture of Colocynthis.



















In Conium all processes take place gradually. Gradual development of tumors, gradual weakness with indurations, gradual loss of intellectual powers.








Anxiety from suppressed sexual excesses. Sadness after suppressed sexual desire. Hysteria after suppressed sexual excitement.


‘sclerosis’ of brain: develops fixed ideas, becomes superstitious.


Sadness from masturbation, from suppressed menses, from continence, during perspiration, periodical.


Materialistic, practical, business type.


Aversion to mental work. No inclination for business or study, indifference, takes no interest in anything.

Dreads being alone, yet aversion to company. Weeping alone.




Affects nerves and muscles.

Bad affects from SUPPRESSED SEXUAL DESIRE or from sexual excesses.


AFFECTION OF GLANDS: INDURATION, HARD SWELLING, ulcers, atrophy, itching, pain. esp. after injury.

Affections of mammae, prostate, testes, ovaries, cervical, mesenteric, submaxillary.


Prostatic / uterine affections. Prostatitis, hardness, enlargement, swelling of prostate.

Emission of prostatic fluid during lascivious thoughts, with every emotion. Interrupted urination. Urine flows better when standing.


Uterus: induration, enlargement, cancer.


VERTIGO as if bed turned about < turning in bed, moving the head quickly, motion of eyes, rising.


Paralysis of various parts (extremities, optic nerve, lids, tongue, bladder). Painless paralysis of lower limbs. Trembling of limbs.


Cough hacking from dryness or tickling in larynx < lying, must sit up.


Perspiration during sleep, on beginning to sleep, even when closing the eyes. Waking from perspiration.





AGG.: suppression of sexual desire, snow-air, rubbing, beginning of motion, lying on side, milk, cold food, walking fast, coition after, menses after.

AMEL.: continued motion, wine, touch, lying on back, open air.

DES.: coffee, salt, sour.

AVERS.: bread.











Delirium loquacious, muttering, maniacal <during fever, during convulsions.

Incoherent speech. Delirium during sepsis or from cerebral accidents.


Delusions is surrounded by enemy, is falling out of bed, of animals, of phantoms.

Dreams of the dead. Aversion to members of family. Suspicious.


Attempts to escape, springs out of bed. Anxiety with cold perspiration.


Melancholic, depressed and sluggish, seems half alive.

Dullness of mind and weak memory. Forgets proper names, dates, words. But has active memory when suppressing the sexual desire.


Disconnected answers with coldness of the skin and rapid pulse.





HAEMORRHAGES esp. BLACK. Haemorrhages from orifices of the body (nose, urethra, ear, bladder, anus etc.). Even perspiration is bloody. Septic fever, septicaemia.


Stomach is so irritable that it is unable to retain anything. Vomits blood. Vomiting everything. Vomiting of bile < least motion, lying on right side or back.


Varicose veins as a network in skin esp. in nose. Mottled spots on chest.


Difficult respiration from constriction of larynx.


Tenesmus of bladder with vomiting, purging and micturition.


Yellow discoloration of skin, face and eyes.


Tongue swollen, fills the whole mouth.


Paralysis, hemiplegia of right side.


Headache from occiput extending into spine and arms.


Sudden attacks of cold perspiration.





AGG.: beginning of sleep, exertion, bad meat.

DES.: pork, alcohol.














Dullness, confusion of mind from beer, from bread.


Morose, dissatisfied, with aversion to work.


Fear with diarrhoea as if something will happen.





DIARRHOEA with stool which is gushing


Rumbling and gurgling before and after stool. Copious stool at night.

Abdominal pain ameliorated by passing flatus.


Drawing pain in the nipples, as with a string when the child nurses.



Pain in eye drawing the eyeball backward.


Eruptions start with redness and then itchy vesicles develop. There’s a tendency the eruptions to be constantly renewed.

Eruptions about the eyes with vesicles. Itching of scrotum. Intense itching, but scratching is painful.


Eruptions alternate with complaints like cough, rheumatic pains, diarrhoea, respiratory symptoms.


Sensation of a plug externally. Sensation in the rectum as if a plug were pressing out.


Pain in heart extending to back.


Pain in umbilicus extending downward, to anus.

Pustular eruption, especially on face and genitals with fearful itching, followed by painful burning.





AGG.: bread, water, fruit.










In Cuprum, cramps are the main characteristic in all levels. The emotions are cramped, not released although they are passionate and sexual people. They hold back and then we see total frigidity. They don’t allow themselves to feel so the intense feelings that they have are suppressed and end up to convulsions or cramps. On the physical level we see that again suppression of  skin eruptions or discharges lead to cramps or even convulsions.








CRAMPED EMOTIONS. Passionate people who don’t express themselves.

Intense feelings that end up to convulsions or cramps. The least emotions can induce a cramp.


Makes grimaces (like a facial cramp- as if they want to hide things).

Shrieking before convulsions.

Weeping during perspiration.





SEVERE CRAMPS, mainly in LOWER LIMBS, calves and soles, making the person shriek from pain.


CONVULSIONS with CLENCHED THUMBS, cyanotic face and bluish lips.

Convulsive constriction of chest.

Convulsions when eruptions fail to break out, from suppressed eruptions.

Convulsions from vexation.

Convulsions begin in fingers and toes, and spreading over entire body.


Involuntary urination during convulsions.


Ailments from suppressed eruptions; suppression of foot sweat resulting in brain affections, spasms, convulsions, vomiting.


Spasms of face.

Copper taste in the mouth.

Grayish discoloration of face. There’s something unhealthy on their skin.

Paralysis of tongue; difficult, stammering speech.





AGG.: mental exertion, vomiting.

AMEL.: perspiration.















FEAR OF DEATH FROM CARDIAC SYMPTOMS. FEAR HEART WILL STOP FROM MOTION. Fear of death while walking. Fear he will die if he goes to sleep.


Every shock strikes in the epigastrium.


Fearful apprehensiveness with sadness, extremely aggravated by music.


Remorse guilty feelings. Suspicious and mistrustful. Unsympathetic.

Dull and lethargic. Indisposed to talk.


Anguish with nausea. Anxiety from motion. Anxiety with great dread of future < about 6 p.m. with sadness and weeping which brings relief. Anxiety felt in stomach.


Attempts to escape.





PULSE IS WEAK, IRREGULAR, INTERMITTENT, ABNORMALLY SLOW 40-45 beats/min. Pulse slower than the beat of the heart.


Weakness and dilatation of the myocardium. Respiration is irregular, difficult, with deep sighing and constant desire to breathe deeply.


The least motion causes violent palpitation and sensation as if the heart would cease on exertion (opposite to Gels.).


Sinking of strength, faintness with cold perspiration, coldness of skin and irregular respiration.


Jaundice with heart involvement. This remedy will be indicated in severe cases of jaundice where you have the nausea, the slow pulse and the fear that the heart will stop.


Weak feeling in stomach. Fullness after eating little. Discomfort, nausea even on sight or smell of food, better if stomach is empty. Tenderness of epigastrium.


Stitching pain at the neck of bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back and forth.


Blue tongue and lips. Blueness of eyelids.

Objects appear green and yellow. Yellow colors before the eyes.


After cold water or ice cream sharp pain in forehead and extend down the nose.

Vertigo with anxious sensation as though would faint. Faintness and vomiting from motion.





DIGITALIS (Dig.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)



Pulse is weak, irregular, intermittent, abnormally slow 40-45 beats/min. Pulse slower than the beat of the heart.

HEART: Rheumatic heart disease. Angina. Heart & kidney affections. Carditis, pericarditis. Hypertrophy. Affections of the valves.

Sinking of strength, faintness with cold perspiration, coldness of skin and irregular respiration.

Weakness and dilatation of the myocardium. Respiration is irregular, difficult, with deep sighing and constant desire to breathe deeply.

The least motion causes violent palpitation and sensation as if the heart would cease on exertion (opposite to Gels.).

Palpitations aggravated by exertion, anxiety, coition, grief. 

Jaundice with heart involvement. This remedy will be indicated in severe cases of jaundice where you have the nausea, the slow pulse and the fear that the heart will stop.

STOMACH: fear arising from stomach. Emptiness, sinking of stomach esp. after hearing bad news. Discomfort, nausea even on sight or smell of food which is ameliorated if stomach is empty.

APPEARANCE: blue tongue and lips. Blueness of eyelids.

URINARY: albuminous urine with heart disease. Anxious, constant urging to urinate. Retention of urine from enlarged prostate. Nephritis. Suppression of urine from kidney affections.

PROSTATE: swelling, enlargement of prostate in old people.

EYES: objects appear green and yellow. Sees yellow colors.

MENTAL PICTURE: fear of death from cardiac symptoms which gets aggravated when walking. Fear heart will stop on moving. Fear he will die if he goes to sleep.


Aggravation: exertion, motion (also of arms), rising.
















CONFUSED AFTER STOOL, after coition.


Tired individuals who want to be quiet. Aversion to company and conversation. Has lost ambition.

Mind becomes more and more tired and eventually forgets words, makes mistakes in using words, in writing. Calls things by using the wrong words, ex. confusing left for right, etc.


Fear of people. Feels restless <night, yet walking ameliorates.


Anxiety after a stool. Anxiety on waking.





Severe cramping, gripping, cutting ABDOMINAL PAIN, as if the intestines are twisting >STRETCHING, BENDING BACKWARD.


Severe cases of colic not relieved by stool.


Pains shift to distant parts, fingers or toes. As these pains get stronger, the abdominal pains lessen.

Pains in liver extending to chest, arm, nipple. Pains in rectum extending to liver.

Pains in ureters extending to penis and testes.


Albuminous stool.

Haemorrhoids <morning.

Coldness of genitals esp. in evening.

Cramps in fingers during parturition.

Stomach pulsation while lying on back.

Gas and eructation after tea.





AGG.: coition, night, stool, tea.

AMEL.: motion, walking, stretching.
















DELUSION HE IS PERSECUTED, he’s pursued by enemies. Suspicious and mistrustful.


Fear of hearing bad news. Anxiety about the future. The anxiety comes mostly in the evening or at night on waking and is increased when alone. Can become suicidal anxiety. Suicidal thoughts by drowning.


Alternating mood.

Confusion of mind esp. during chill. Difficult concentration, restless esp. while reading.





Predominantly a cough remedy. Phthisis of larynx and trachea with rapid emaciation.


MARKED AFFECTS ON THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Well known for its relationship with pertussis.




COUGH tickling, dry, suffocative, hoarse, paroxysmal.


<LYING, AS SOON AS THE HEAD TOUCHES THE PILLOW, eating, drinking, after midnight, singing and laughing, warm room.

>holding the pit of stomach, open air.


Painful chest during cough, holds the chest with hands.

Vomiting from coughing. Epistaxis during cough.

Constricting pain in throat < talking > walking.


Salivation during heat.


Stitching pain in calf (<right), comes when sitting and > walking.


Burning pain at the corner of the mouth.


Frequent urging to urinate with very scanty urine, often passing only by a few drops.


Coldness of left side of face, with prickling, tingling, burning pain in the skin of the cheek, below the left eyelid.





AGG.: undressing, warm (room, bed, becoming), lying, midnight after.

AMEL.: open air, cold, motion, pressure.

AVERS.: to acids.






Respiratory affections aggravated on lying on back.



All kinds of respiratory affections.

Phthisis of larynx and trachea with rapid emaciation.



THROAT: dryness, irritation and scratching sensation of throat or larynx, provoking cough. Sensation as if dust were in throat. Laryngitis. Hoarseness. Constricting sensation or pain in throat/larynx on talking or coughing, ameliorated when walking.


COUGH: tickling, dry, suffocative, violent, hoarse, paroxysmal, spasmodic, whooping.

Aggravation on lying, as soon as the head touches the pillow, on talking, eating, drinking, after midnight, singing and laughing, in warm room.

Ameliorated when walking, in open air, holding the pit of stomach.

Vomiting with cough.  Bluish face from coughing. Sensation as from dust in throat.

Epistaxis during cough.


CHEST: Painful chest, oppression of chest during cough, holds the chest with hands. Ameliorated by pressure.




Aggravation: lying, midnight after, undressing, warm (room, bed, becoming).

Amelioration: open air, cold, walking, motion, pressure, holding the stomach.













Domineering, dictatorial. Quarrelsome and abusive without anger.


They take care of others, they are loving, but in a domineering way. Anxiety for others.


Restless, cannot keep still.


Memory weakness for words. Uses the wrong words.

Confusion, dullness esp. from damp air.







Complaints brought on or aggravated by DAMP, WET or COLD, DAMP, WET WEATHER or GETTING WET (pain in back, extremities, abdomen, head, teeth, inflammation of eye, asthma, suppressed menses etc.). Urticaria from becoming wet.

Diarrhoea after standing on damp ground. Catarrhal inflammation eyes from cold.


PARALYSIS OF SINGLE PARTS from exposure to wet or from lying on damp ground. Paralysis of upper limbs with icy coldness during rest. Parts feel icy cold.


Brown crusts on head and face, with reddish borders (circumscribed), bleeding after scratched.


Chill from 07:00 to 09:00 morning, perceived by great thirst and pains.





AGG.: COLD WET WEATHER, CHANGE OF WEATHER, cold (air, becoming, drinks, entering a cold place).

AMEL.: dry weather (esp. warm dry), hot bath, motion, walking, discharges, warm.

DES.: ice cream and cold drinks during chill, cold drinks.

AVERS.: coffee, food.



















Inclination to sit. Sad, general depression, weeping when lying down at night.

Buried and lost in thoughts.





Hay fever affecting mainly the eyes.




ACRID lachrymation and bland coryza < evening, on lying > OPEN AIR.


Lachrymation in wind, in cold air, in open air.

Photophobia, with constant inclination to wink.

Burning and swelling of lids. Little blisters, vesicles on cornea.


Catarrhal headache with profuse discharge from eyes and nose. Catarrhal inflammation of eye from cold.

Heaviness of the head, dizziness worse when lying down  better in the open air, better with cold applications.


Cough only in daytime > lying, in bed at night. Cough with great lachrymation.

Tickling in air passages > lying amel.


Eye pain alternating with pain in abdomen.


Menses painful, late, scanty, flow lasts only an hour.





AGG.: evening, sleep, sun, night.

AMEL.: bathing the affected part.









EUPHRASIA (Euphr.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


Affections of eyes with acrid lachrymation.



KEYWORDS: hay fever, lachrymation, acrid, burning, redness, catarrh.


Hay fever. Granular, pustular conjunctivitis. Influenza. Catarrhal inflammation of eye from cold.

EYES: acrid lachrymation.  Redness, burning, smarting pain. Sensation of sand in the eyes. Cutting pain, as if a foreign body is in the eye.

Photophobia. Constant winking. Itching of eyes ameliorated by rubbing.

Eye pain alternating with pain in abdomen.

Aggravated in wind, rubbing, dark.

APPEARANCE: swelling of lids, of conjunctiva. Thick, purulent discharge from eyes. Blisters, vesicles, ulceration of cornea. Agglutination of eyes. Redness of lids. Conjunctiva injected, full of dark vessels. Chemosis.

HAY FEVER: acrid, burning lachrymation with bland, watery coryza. Coryza with cough. Asthma with sneezing.

HEAD: catarrhal headache with profuse discharge from eyes and nose.

Heaviness of the head, dizziness aggravated lying down, ameliorated in open air, from cold applications.

COUGH: cough only in daytime. Tickling in air passages. Cough with great lachrymation. Ameliorated by lying, in bed at night.



Aggravation: wind, evening, air, sleep, sun, night.

Amelioration: winking, rubbing eyes, dark, bathing the affected part.














SENSITIVE and excitable < on least contradiction.

IRRITABILITY to slight noises like crackling paper drive him to despair.





ANAEMIA extreme paleness Red parts become white, lips, face and tongue.


FALSE PLETHORA, looks healthy but are very weak. Pale face that flushes easily. Face becomes red and flushed on least pain, emotion or exertion.


SLOW MOTION, WALKING SLOWLY AMELIORATES complaints of pain, palpitations, dyspnoea.


Restless when keeping still, must keep the limbs moving. It seems that motion stimulates circulation.


Vertigo coming from disturbed circulation. Vertigo when looking at running water.

Disturbance of the circulation with irregularities in the heart function such as palpitations.


Vomiting immediately after eating, esp. eggs without nausea, < after midnight.


Rheumatic pains of upper limbs, esp. shoulders appear during rest.

Irresistible desire to bend arm. Fear of being touched on affected joints.


Periodic headaches lasting 3-4 days during which there’s nausea and vomiting on eating.

Menses too early, copious, protracted, pale, thin (thin with clots), with weakness.


Diarrhœa while eating or from drinking.

Epistaxis alternating with spitting of blood.





AGG.: night, exertion, EGGS, eating, loss of vital fluids, cold, change of temperature to warm.

AMEL.: slow, continued motion, walking.

DES.: sweets, tomatoes, bread and butter, soup.

AVERS.: eggs.











Egotism, focus on their pleasure, isolated from others, indifferent to loved ones.

Inability to realize responsibility.


Hurriedness, rapid speech, rapid eating. Mistakes in spelling, putting right for left and vice versa.


Anxiety. Strong anxiety about health. Fear of cancer, of apoplexy.

Fear of suffering, but endures it well.





VARICOSE VEINS, ulcers, ulcerations (of uterus) etc.

Indicated in deep, destructive processes such as bedsores.


EXCESS SEXUAL DESIRE, PROMISCUITY. Increased desire with violent erections at night, during sleep. Swollen scrotum. Gangrene of scrotum.


Sleepless, wakes after 3-4 hours with sexual thoughts.



Coryza, copious watery discharge, “runs like a faucet”.

Sudden watery discharge from eyes, nose and mouth.


Falling of hair in spots, alopecia areata.


Early, rapid decay of teeth. Discoloration of teeth. Teeth feel warm. Fistula on gums with bloody, salty discharge.


Sensation of heat, generally < from heat, extremely warm blooded. Worse from both heat and cold. Feet feel hot and must be uncovered at night.


Diarrhoea from warm drinks. Bilious diarrhoea.


Corrugated and weak nails. Feeling as if a splinter under nails.


Tongue cracked in all directions.


Sensation as if air is blowing through eyes.


Ulceration of uterus, copious and excoriating leucorrhea.

Emptiness of abdomen relieved by tight clothing.





AGG.: summer, sensation of heat, fish, dry weather, warm wraps.

AMEL.: wet weather, bathing (esp. cold), walking in open air.

DES.: pungent, refreshing things, highly seasoned food, sour.

AVERS.: warm drinks.







In Gelsemium the weakness and trembling are the main characteristics. Those individuals are totally afraid; they are trembling psychologically and physically especially from anticipation or when they have to perform.

The mind is weak and confused. The muscles feel also weak to a state of paralysis.









TIMIDITY APPEARING IN PUBLIC, even in a small group.


Dullness of mind, difficulty of thinking > flow of urine.





Lack of muscular coordination- TREMBLING OF LOWER LIMBS.




HEAVINESS OF LIDS, falling of lids esp. during headache, but can accompany any disease.






Chilliness up and down the back.


Occipital vertigo with disturbances of vision (dim vision, obscuration or loss of vision). Diplopia.





AGG.: fright, anger, physical exertion, wet weather.

AMEL.: copious urination, alcoholic drinks, stimulants, perspiration.











GELSEMIUM (Gels.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Weakness, heaviness of head, eyes and limbs.


KEYWORDS: weakness, dullness, heaviness, heavy lids, aching, paralysis, chills.

FEVER/INFLUENZA: fever with heaviness of head, eyelids, limbs, knees.  Paralytic weakness. The legs are so weak that there is trembling and staggering. Sleepiness. Chills running up and down the back.

Aching of joints. Occipital headache extending to forehead. Headache ameliorated by urination.

Excoriating, watery catarrh. Heat of head with coldness of feet. Dullness.

Improved by perspiration

NOSE: tickling inside the nose causing paroxysmal sneezing. Acrid catarrh. Fullness in the root of nose. Burning pain of nose esp. in posterior nares like scalding water. Hay fever aggravated in changeable weather.

APPEARANCE: the eyes are half closed. Too weak to keep the eyes open. Shiny/brilliant eyes. Congestion of face, dark face. Besotted expression.

HEAD: pain in the forehead, behind the eyes.  Occipital headache extending to forehead; Amelioration after urination. Aggravated from jar.

VERTIGO: occipital vertigo. Vertigo with headache, with a sensation of falling from a height, with a sense of lightness in occiput. Vertigo after injuries.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea after emotions (fright, excitement, bad news, anticipation, indignation).

THROAT: tonsillitis with swollen tonsils. Pain extending to ear on swallowing.

MENTAL PICTURE:  dullness, ailments from bad news, from fright.

THIRST/CRAVINGS: The patient is usually thirstless.


Aggravation: motion, walking, jar, draft.

Amelioration: urination, perspiration, closing the eyes, open air.















Confusion as if being intoxicated, forgets or does not recognize well-known streets, which side is his house. Makes mistakes in localities, does not recognize his relatives.


Mental symptoms from injuries to head.

Concentration difficult. Memory weakness. Time passes too slowly.

Depression. Desires death. Aversion to answering, desire to be silent. Aversion to husband, dislikes her children.


Delusions chin is too long, enlarged.


Fear of being poisoned. Attempts to escape, springs suddenly from bed.

Shrieking screaming, shouting in children. Striking after convulsions.








Heat in chest extending to head. Heat of face with headache, during palpitation.

PULSATIONS. Pulsating headache esp. forehead and temples.



Cannot bear heat or sun on head, even artificial light. Bursting, pulsating headaches.

Heaviness of head as if it would burst.

Heat and burning of vertex. Heat on cervical region extending up.


Eyes staring during headache.

Headache instead of menses.


Enlarged feeling i.e. head, tongue. Brain feels large.





AGG.: SUN, warm (stove, air, becoming, room, bed, wraps), wine, lying, motion.

AMEL.: cold, lying, pressure, sitting.

DES.: tobacco, cold drinks.

AVERS.: food.















Simple, practical, down to earth people.

Dullness, SLOWNESS, irresolution.



Restless while sitting, or working.

Fear ameliorated by weeping.

Anxiety about trifles, trifles seem important.





Obese, sensitive individual with a lot of eruptions.



DISCHARGES yellow, sticky, thick, honey-like, offensive (eruptions, ear, nose, urethra).


Crusty, scabby eruptions, cracks of skin, fissures. Fissures in anus, corners of mouth etc.

Moist, offensive, excoriating, painful eruptions. Eczema esp. behind ears, around mouth.


NAILS DESTORTED, BRITTLE, CRIPPLED, THICK AND HARD. Psoriasis of nails. Ingrowing toe nails.


Hearing is impaired. Chronic gluey, offensive discharge from ears. Abscess of ear which discharges often (every two weeks).

Impaired hearing > noise.



Numbness on various parts of the body. Numbness or empty feeling in head.


Callosities of palms and soles.

High sexual desire or lack of interest. Ailments from sexual excesses.


Chilly persons with lack of vital heat.





AGG.: becoming cold, sweets, cold food or drinks.

AMEL.: warm drinks, perspiration, lying.


AVERS.: SALT, SWEETS, FISH, meat, warm food.















ANGER, IRRITABILITY. Aversion to company, to being spoken to.

Gloomy, depressed.


Aversion to work. Absorbed, buried in thoughts. Thinking constantly of his ailments.


Abundant of ideas in the morning after a night of restless sleep.


Forgetful esp. of words while speaking.





The main pathology of this remedy centers on the circulation with extraordinary weakness of the veins.


Venous congestion and hæmorrhages.

VARICOSE VEINS in any part of the body. Painful, sore, bleeding, stinging, inflamed.

Passive hæmmorrhages from any part. Hæmmorrhage from suppressed menses. Vomiting black blood instead of menses or from suppressed menses.

Epistaxis combined with varicosities or hæmorrhoids.


Bruised soreness of affected parts. Sore pain in eyes. Eyes feel as if forced out.


Menses dark, copious with soreness in abdomen.Metrorrhagia occurring between menstrual periods.


Stitching pain in testes extending to stomach.





AGG.: touch, 15:00, exertion, milk.




















Answers slowly, reflects long before answering. Weakness of memory. Forgets what he has just read, said, heard or done. Irresolution.


He is in DESPAIR and EXTREME ANXIETY and seeks help.

Breathing ameliorates the anxiety.





Ailments after meningitis, encephalitis, concussion, apoplexy, fright, grief, suppressed eruptions.


Meningitis, encephalitis with stupefaction.


ROLLING OF HEAD FROM SIDE TO SIDE, chewing motion of jaw, constant motion of lips without speaking, bores head in pillow, VACANT expression, brain cry (“cri encephalique’’).


Urine is dark red, almost black, scanty, coffee ground sediment.

Stool with colorless, transparent, tenacious mucus.


Chill beginning in arms. Internal chill esp. on lying down.


Wrinkled eyebrows.





AGG.: 16:00 – 20:00 p.m., cold air, evening, vegetables.

AVERS.: apples.



















OVERSENSITIVITY TO PAIN. Fears bees, wasps that sting. They panic and flee. Fears suffering.


Irritable. The slightest cause irritates him. Impulses to kill for slight offenses, or wants to set things on fire. Very abusive, angry, impolite. Violent from pain.





Extremely SENSITIVE TO COLD AIR OR THE SLIGHTEST DRAFT. Must be wrapped up even to the face.


Uncovering, exposure to cold, becoming cold or even touching cold things aggravates all complaints. Croupy, choking cough when any part of the body is uncovered.


Warmth, wrapping up, warm drinks ameliorate all complaints. Throat pain, stitching, as from splinter when swallowing > warm drinks, covering the throat.




Suppurations. The slightest inflammation or injury causes suppuration.

Glands swell and suppurate.


Discharges are offensive, fetid, smelling like old cheese.


Boils, acne, abscesses where the skin is very sensitive to touch and to cold air. There’s even intolerance of clothing.





AGG.: cold, air draft, uncovering, change of temperature, cold drinks.

AMEL.: warmth, wrapping up, warm drinks, damp weather.

DES.: vinegar, sour food, pungent things, highly seasoned food, alcohol.

AVERS.: strong cheese, pungent things.









HEPAR SULPHUR (Hep.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Inflammatory conditions of any type with great sensitivity to cold and marked amelioration from warmth.


KEYWORDS: chilly, stitching pains, suppuration, purulent, abscess,  ameliorated by warmth.

All conditions are aggravated from being exposed to cold, even from uncovering hands or feet and ameliorated by warmth and warm applications.


GENERALITIES: very chilly. Needs to be covered. Uncovering of even the hands aggravates the symptoms. The patient is very sensitive to pain.

SKIN: abscesses with offensive discharges. Suppuration of wounds.

EARS: suppurative otitis. Severe pains improved by warm applications and aggravated in the open air, from cold. Children cry from intense ear pains. Purulent discharge from ear.

RESPIRATORY: cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia often after being exposed to cold. Cough with perspiration.  Aggravated in cold air, from uncovering, at night.

TEETH: abscesses of teeth. Pain on touch, from cold. Ameliorated with warm applications or drinks.

NOSE: painful sinusitis with offensive, thick, purulent discharge. Pain in face, eyes, bones of nose aggravated from cold air.

THROAT: painful tonsillitis with swollen, ulcerated tonsils. Stitching pain on swallowing ameliorated by warm drinks and aggravated from cold drinks, touch, turning of the head. The patient is compelled to cover the throat with a scarf to keep it warm. Painful swelling of glands.

PAINS:  the pains are stitching, splinter-like and improved by warm applications.

MENTAL PICTURE:  can be irritable and aggressive.


Aggravation: cold, even the slightest draft, uncovering.

Amelioration: warmth (applications, drinks, bed, room), being covered or covering the affected part.
















Suited to people that are old, weak, easily tired persons with emaciation, depressed, sure of death and desires it.


Irritability. Curses his mother, throws food or medicine across room.


Weakness of memory for what is about to do, say, what has happened.


Sadness, loathing of life, aversion going out, desires death.





Acts on the mucus membranes producing increased VISCID, THICK YELLOW, ROPY SECRETIONS/ DISCHARGES (Kali-bi).

Discharges, catarrh from ear, larynx, throat, eye, nose, bladder, chest, urethra.


Catarrhal conditions esp. of the upper respiratory tract. SINUSITIS.

Post-nasal catarrh. Yellow and thick post-nasal discharge. Constant inclination to blow the nose.

Bronchitis in old, exhausted persons. Cough > lying, < inhaling cold air.


Leucorrhœa ropy, thick, purulent.


Action on the liver is marked: cirrhosis, atrophy, congestion, enlargement of liver.


Constipation with ineffectual urging <pregnancy, after abuse of drugs.

Headache connected with constipation.


Tongue indented, flabby, yellow white. Sensation as if the mouth is enlarged. Inflammation of mouth in nursing women.


Cancerous ulcers of the skin. Ulcers are burning, sensitive, deep, bleeding when touched. Cracks between toes.


Periodical faintness every day with cold perspiration.





AGG.: after emissions.

AMEL.: milk.

AVERS.: food, vegetables.














VIOLENT, IMPATIENT TEMPER, impelled to do reckless things, desire to throw child out of the window.

RUDE, ABUSIVE, BITES AND STRIKES. (Reminds Stram. but Lyss. has more verbal violence). Rapid, hasty speech. Spitting.


FEARS: water, narrow places, crowd, bright objects, mirrors, animals, being alone, something bad will happen


Anticipatory anxiety.


Feelings of being tormented, esp. by someone on whom he depends.


Sympathetic. They can paralyze when they see suffering.





Affects the nervous system, throat, and sexual organs.

Acute senses– noise, light, odors.

Bitter taste in mouth at night, spitting constantly.


Convulsions and spasms brought on by DAZZLING light or sight of RUNNING WATER. Convulsions from strong odors, noises, light.


Cannot bear heat of the sun.

Difficult swallowing. Gagging on swallowing water, pills


Chocking feeling in the throat during agoraphobia.


Bluish discoloration of the wounds.


Eructations amel. gastric problems.





AGG.: hearing or seeing running water, exposure to sun, dust, drafts.

AMEL.: bending backwards; gentle rubbing, hot water bathing.

DES.: strange things during pregnancy, salt, chocolate.

AVERS.: drinks, water, apples.










Hyoscyamus has jealousy, envy. This jealousy is not simple. The patient has a desire to attack and kill in a cold and calculating way. They can become paranoid that other people are plotting to harm them.

The sexuality is perverted, they touch their genitals all the time (esp. children) and  they masturbate quite a lot. Another perversion is that they like to talk about feces or even play with them. The shameless is characteristic. We see a tendency to expose their nudity. They are going around the house naked, they leave the toilet door open, or they can become exhibitionists.  








JEALOUS. Ailments from jealousy. Desire to kill, sudden impulse. Desire to attack.

SUSPICIOUS that he will be poisoned, that there is some plot against him.

SHAMELESS, exposing the person. Obscene behavior. EXHIBITS HIS GENITALS. Takes off the clothes very easily, wants to be naked.


Lascivious. Nymphomania. Perversions.


PLAYING WITH FECES, URINE, AND THINGS THAT NAUSEATE. Talks about feces urine, genitalia, with no shame but rather with pleasure. Passes his feces on the floor.


OBSESSIVE behavior, persistent thoughts. Counting all the time one, two, three, one two three etc. Repeating words etc.


Loquacity. Delirium where he’s loquacious, maniacal, raging, violent, mutters.


Hasty, incoherent speech. Grimaces of face.


Fear of water.





HANDLES HIS GENITALIA. Lies in bed with hands between thighs.




Twitching, jerking, spasms, convulsions.


Ringing noises in ear before epileptic fit. Grinding during epilepsy.


Cough, constant, spasmodic, dry <lying down.





AVERS.: water, drinks, tomatoes.












MENTAL SYMPTOMS FROM HEAD INJURIES: depression, prostration, dullness.


Oversensitive to pain.


Delusions that hears the voice of dead people.


Mistakes in writing, omits letters.







Constitutional effects from wounds.


Injuries of parts rich in nerves, esp. fingertips, toes and coccyx, spine, nails, eye, head. Concussion of the spine, brain. Injuries to dental nerves.


Lacerated, crushed finger tips. Lacerated tongue. Laceration of hands.

Bad effects from falls or blows upon head or coccyx. Bruised coccyx after labor, after a fall or injury.

Asthmatic respiration after injury to spine.


Pain shooting upwards, along nerve.

Pain appears suddenly and disappears gradually. Phantom pains (pain after amputation).


Prevents lockjaw, tetanic convulsions, tetanic rigidity.


Headache extending to zygoma, to cheek. Head, sensation as if being lifted up high into the air.

Bunions and corns with excruciating pain.


Pain in gums after extraction of teeth.





AGG.: cold (air, becoming), foggy weather.

DES.: warm drinks.











The word for Iodum is overactivity. The body is burning literally and metaphorically. It burns its energy quickly. These patients are very restless, must move all the time. They eat but are lean or even emaciated, the body burns the calories so quickly that they feel hungry all the time. They cannot go on if they don’t eat, they feel ameliorated by eating.

They are one of the warmest remedies, they burn. On the mental level, we see this overactivity too. The mind is so active as to become obsessive and compulsive.








OVERACTIVITY ON ALL LEVELS. RESTLESSNESS, cannot sit down. Must move constantly, impulse to run. Hurried. Anxiety during work.


Feel they have forgotten something. Goes off and leaves purchases.

COMPULSIVE NEUROSIS. Checking twice. Ritualistic behaviour.


Physical exertion ameliorates.

Anxiety when hungry.





HYPERTHYROIDISM. Protrusion of eyes (exophthalmus). Goitre painful, exophthalmic.


EMACIATION. Eats a lot but still loses weight. Ravenous appetite with emaciation or marasmus. Ravenous appetite soon after eating.


Hard swelling, induration of glands. Atrophy of testes/ovaries/mammæ.


Weakness from heat, perspiration, hunger, ascending.


Violent palpitation <exertion.





AGG.: WARMTH, becoming warm.

AMEL.: WHILE EATING OR AFTER EATING, motion, cold, open air, exertion.
















Capricious, contemptuous, critical.


Restless in bed.

Ailments after anger, from suppressed anger.






Nausea with profuse saliva. Nausea during fever, gastric disturbances, abdominal pain.


Suffocative, choking cough <19:00. Vomiting while coughing. Bluish discoloration of face during cough. Sneezing before cough.

Child becomes stiff and blue in face. Stiffness of facial muscles during cough.




Sensation that the stomach is relaxed, is hanging down.


Pain in umbilicus extending to uterus.





AGG.: veal, vomiting, fruit, pork, rich foods, cold dry weather, becoming cold.

AMEL.: wet weather, open air.

DES.: delicacies, sweets.

AVERS.: smell of food.












IPECACUANHA (Ip.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Nausea and vomiting accompany all complaints.


Gastrointestinal problems, headaches, cough, haemorrhages, asthma.

GASTROINTESTINAL: special affinity to gastrointestinal system.  Severe nausea and vomiting. Deathly nausea which is not ameliorated by vomiting.

Vomiting on coughing, during headaches, during colics, after stooping.

Nausea during fever, during labor, during haemorrhage aggravated by motion Clean tongue despite the nausea. Convulsions from indigestion.

CHEST: pressing pain in diaphragm. Congestion, cyanosis of chest. Anxiety in heart improved by expectoration.

RESPIRATORY: pneumonia, bronchitis with rattling respiration (esp. infants). Oppression of chest in pneumonia. Asthmatic, accelerated respiration. Asthmatic cough. Wheezing and rattling. Difficult expectoration. Haemoptysis.  Paroxysmal, suffocative, choking cough.

FACE: one side red and hot, the other pale and cold. Cyanotic, blue face with asthma or cough. Stiffness of face during cough.

ABDOMEN: pain in umbilicus extending to uterus. Pain in umbilical region during labor.

APPEARANCE: pale face. The tongue is very clean considering the constant nausea.

HAEMORRHAGES: haemorrhage with nausea. Haemorrhage where the blood comes in gushes. Metrorrhagia with bright red gushing haemorrhage and nausea.


Aggravation: warm room, evening esp.19:00, motion, smell of food.

Amelioration: cold drinks, expectoration, open air.



















Tremendous ANXIETY about health (Ars.) esp. HEART DISEASE. Hysterical “heart attacks”. Fear of death when alone. Restless esp. at night.


Sudden fear and panic attacks of the worst type, the patient feels he is going to die. Fear that something will happen, like a catastrophe concerning life and death. Desires company.


Rigid, closed, critical, matter of fact, quarrelsome, discontented, jealous.

Indifferent to everything and depressed at later stages.

Aversion to answering questions, or refuses to.

Delusion head is enlarged.





Tendency toward malignancy. Tumors, skin cancer.



ASTHMA <02:00-03:00



SENSATION TONGUE IS ENLARGED. Burning and numbness of tongue.


Swelling of lower lids. Protrusion of eyes.


Chilly, worse from cold. Cold extremities.


Itching < in cold air, undressing, becoming warm.





AGG.: night, cold (entering a cold place, becoming cold, uncovering, cold air), cold drinks when heated.













In this remedy stickiness is the main idea. The mind, the emotions and the discharges are stuck. Sticky thoughts, sticky pus, sticky discharges, sticky vomiting. The pains do not move, they are stuck in a spot.









NARROW-MINDED. Emotionally closed and anti-social. Misanthropy, avoids human society. General loathing, loathing life.


Aversion to mental work.





Affects mucous membranes of air passages. Sluggish reaction in many conditions, ulcers and inflammations.




Catarrh extending to frontal sinuses. Postnasal catarrh. Catarrhal inflammation of eyes, catarrhal headache. SINUSITIS with pain in the root of nose. Sinusitis with profuse discharge.


Crusts, scabs inside the nose.


Rattling respiration, chest full of mucus. Rattling cough.

Expectoration difficult, stringy, ropy, adhering to throat, teeth and lips.


Pains in SMALL SPOTS, wandering from one point to another, appear and disappear suddenly. Diagonal pains.


Sensation of hair on tongue, palate, throat.


Profuse perspiration esp. while sitting quietly.

Gastric symptoms alternating with rheumatic symptoms or pulmonary troubles. Eruptions alternating with rheumatic pains.

Cracking in joints. Rheumatic pains in fingers.

Tongue is red and glistening.





AGG.: beer, summer, after 02:00, motion.

AMEL.: warmth, warmth of bed, pressure.

DES.: beer, sweets.

AVERS.: water, meat.




KALI BICHROMICUM (Kali-bi.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Stringy, thick discharges accompany all conditions.


Sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, cough, arthritis.

All discharges (catarrh, vomiting, pus, expectoration etc.) are thick, gluey, stringy.

NOSE:  thick, tough, gluey, yellow, offensive discharge. Postnasal catarrh.

Sinusitis with pain in nasal bones, in root of nose, in face, cheeks, above the eyes. Aggravated from stooping, cough.  Fullness of sinuses. Dryness inside the nose. Obstruction of nose, loss of smell. Sinusitis without discharge. The patient is compelled to blow his nose. Facial pain alternating with pain in limbs.


Hay fever with watery, excoriating catarrh, burning and rawness in posterior nares.

Aggravated in open air. Swelling inside the nose.


HEAD: occipital headache extending to forehead. Heaviness of head. Headache with coryza.  Ameliorated by pressure. Headache when the nasal discharge ceases.


RESPIRATION: respiratory affections with productive cough and thick expectoration.

Aggravated at 1-2 a.m. Rattling respiration due to the excess mucous.


CHEST: pain, oppression of chest aggravated on coughing, on breathing deeply. Expectoration is so stringy and viscid that adheres to throat and teeth. Difficult expectoration. Pain in sternum or under right mamma extending to back.


COUGH: on waking in the morning. Cough with mucus in chest and larynx. Cough hoarse, metallic, barking cough aggravated from eating, cold air, uncovering, after sleep, on inspiration.

THROAT: hoarseness. Pain on coughing. Swollen, red tonsils. Suppurative tonsillitis.


EYES: hay fever with itching, redness, swelling, burning of eyes. Thick, stringy mucus. Injected eye. Pulsating pain above eyes in sinusitis.


EAR: suppurative otitis with eustachian catarrh. Pain extending from ear to mastoid process, to parotid gland, to roof of mouth. Redness and itching. Pains are aggravated at night.


ABDOMEN: pain in right hypochondria extending to right shoulder. Colic. Pain with vomiting.

STOMACH:  vomiting of stringy mucous.

GENERALITIES:   the pain is felt in one particular small spot.

BACK: pain in coccyx while sitting, on rising from a seat, morning,. Pain between scapulae. Sciatica aggravated with pressure and ameliorated by walking.


Aggravation: uncovering, becoming cold, warm wet weather, night, eating.

Amelioration: warmth, pressure, walking.




























Profound melancholic delusions.

Paranoia. Fear to walk past certain corners. Fear of being poisoned, spoken to. Terror at night. Tremendous anxiety states. Restlessness.

Frightful dreams (Stram.). Shrieking in sleep.


Religious affections. Despair of salvation. Religious depression.


DELUSIONS he’s the object of God’s vengeance, that he is singled out for divine vengeance, that he’s persecuted, that he’s pursued by the police or by enemies. Sees phantoms at night, sees dead persons, hears voices.


Loss of memory together with loss of sexual power.

Amnesic aphasia. Answers slowly, also in monosyllables.





Useful in DISTURBANCES OF NERVOUS SYSTEM like epilepsy, numbness and anaesthesia, convulsions etc.


Restless hands, wringing of the hands, busy twitching of fingers.

Trembling – externally and internally – when something is to be done.


Sciatica comes and goes suddenly.


Walks up and down the room without being able to do anything.


Acne of face. Indolent, painful pustules. Psoriasis.

Persistent hiccough.


Ailments from sexual excess or unsatisfied desire (sterility, restless sleep).

Ovarian pain during sexual desire. Cystic tumors of ovaries. Uterine fibroids. Subinvolution.

Sexual desire increased < menses. Impotency after sexual excesses in males.





AGG.: lying, warm, beer, after 02:00, sexual excesses.

AMEL.: eating after.

















Aversion to being touched. Startled, frightened easily <when touched.


Fear of impending disease. Of being alone.

Irritable, shrieking at trifles.





COMPLAINTS <02:00-04:00 a.m.



< 2 – 4 a.m., LYING, lying with the head low.

> LEANING FORWARD, sitting with head bent forward on knees.




SLEEPLESSNESS after midnight. Wakes up 2 or 3 a.m. and remains awake.

Sleep is light and unrefreshing, thinks he has not slept at all.


Worse from coition. Weak eyes after coition.


Back pain and sciatica worse turning in bed, almost impossible. Back pain extending to glutei muscles and thighs or hips. < night at 03:00, before, during and after menses, during labor, or walking. Back pain at 03:00a.m., driving him out of bed, must get up and walk. Has to sit bent, must walk bent.


General weakness <after coition, after emissions, mental exertion.





DES.: sugar, sweets, sour.

AVERS.: bread, meat.

AGG.: 02:00 – 04:00 a.m., COLD (air, becoming), drafts of air, cold dry weather, emissions, touch, drinking cold drinks in hot weather or when heated.

AMEL.: warm (bed, stove, bathing, applications).








KALI CARBONICUM (Kali-c.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

All complaints are aggravated at 2-4 a.m. and from cold.

RESPIRATORY: dyspnea, asthma, pneumonia, cough which aggravated after midnight esp. 2-4 a.m., lying flat, becoming cold, exertion. Ameliorated on leaning forward with the elbows on the knees, lying propped up, sitting upright. Wheezing, rattling respiration. Vomiting on coughing. Profuse perspiration at night with respiratory complaints. Abscess in lungs.

THROAT: cough from a crawling sensation in larynx. Sensation of a foreign body in trachea. Dryness in larynx. Scratching in trachea.

CHEST: stitching, lancinating pain in chest aggravated when breathing deeply, cold air, touch and ameliorated when lying on painful side. Chest oppression and weakness. Congested, throbbing chest. Chest pain extending to shoulders.

EARS: tearing, stitching pain that extends outwards. Itching.  Purulent yellow discharges.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea 02:00-04-00. Burning pain in abdomen with nausea and bad taste. Pain in right hypochondria extending to back. Pains are ameliorated on bending double.

APPEARANCE:  swelling of eyelids esp. the inner upper lid.

MUSCULOSKELETAL:   backache or sciatica. Cannot turn in bed, must get up first.  Aggravated at night (drives him out of bed), 03:00, when walking and ameliorated by motion, pressure, bending, lying.  Lumbago extending to thighs, hips, glutei muscles.


Aggravation: night 02:00-04:00, cold, drafts, warmth.

Amelioration: leaning forward, bending double, pressure, motion, walking, warmth.






















Timid, lack of self confidence.






Warm blooded, worse from heat. Better from cold and cold air (Puls).

RATTLING in chest, esp. in children.

Asthma worse evening, night, < warm room, > open air.

Bronchitis with loose rattling cough, with thick yellow expectoration.


Otitis with yellowish discharge.

Epithilioma, esp of the NOSE.





DES.: sweets, cold food.

















KALI SULPHURICUM (Kali-s.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Respiratory complaints aggravated at night, by heat.

KEYWORDS: rattling, discharge, purulent, aggravated by warmth.


RESPIRATION: asthmatic respiration. Rattling in chest esp. in children.

Loose, rattling cough (without hoarseness). Thick yellow expectoration. Aggravated in warm room, evening, night (within 02:00 to 06:00), and ameliorated in open air.

Oppression and stitching pain in chest during respiratory affections.


EAR: otitis. Catarrh of the Eustachian tube. Purulent, offensive discharges thin, yellowish or green. Itching in ear. Noises when chewing. Impaired hearing.


NOSE: Purulent, yellow, thick discharge. Sinusitis with pain in sinuses improved in cold air. Pain in head and above the eyes. Itching in nose.


EYE: conjunctivitis with redness in the eye. Redness of veins of eyelids. Burning pain aggravated in warmth, improved in cold air/applications.


HEAD: rheumatic, catarrhal, gastric headaches aggravated by warmth and improved in cold air.



Aggravation: warmth, becoming heated, night (02:00-04:00) evening, touch, on waking.

Amelioration: cold air, motion.

















Excitement in the morning.

Thoughts rapid and quick. Anxiety about future.

Fear of evil.

Memory weakness.

Averse to being spoken to.





Rheumatic remedy.



Gouty heart. Fatty degeneration of heart. Rheumatic endocarditis. Affection of the heart after rheumatism. Pain in heart alternating with rheumatism.

Stitching pain in heart extending to left hand, to left scapula. Paroxysmal anxiety in heart region. Hypertrophy of heart.


Palpitation < bending forward. Arrested respiration during pains.


Rheumatic inflammation of iris, inflammation of retina, of cornea, sclera.

Eye pain on motion, on turning sideways. Stiffness of eyeballs and muscles about the eyes. Eye pain increases till noon and ceases in the evening, sunrise until sunset.


Pain in the pit of stomach < bending forward, > sitting erect.


Facial pain often with numbness esp. right sided <after suppressed eruption, exposure to cold. Come and go with sun.


Wandering pains.

Pains in extremities and head extend downward with numbness (Acon., Cham., Plat.).

Sudden, severe, acute arthritis < night, motion.


Pain in tongue when talking < left side.





AGG.: exposure to sun, ascending, motion, cold, exertion.

AMEL.: lying on back.















Irritable and peevish. Irritable infants and children. Capriciousness in children.

Irritability during headache.


Restless at evening and night, from 18:00 till 06:00. Must move constantly <before menses.


Anxiety and fear at thought of coition in women. Aversion to coition.


Oversensitive to music. Music causes excitement, weeping, sadness.


Absent-minded. Confusion of mind. Anxiety with fear.







LEUCORRHEA yellow, putrid, burning, and acrid. Stains linen, causes itching.

< pregnancy, between menses, before menses.


Headache extending to teeth or teeth pain extending to head.

Headache < before or during menses, lying on side.


Voluptuous itching of vagina. Soreness. Cancer of vagina. Itching, biting between labia. Pains from coccyx, back and abdomen extend to rectum and vagina.


Metrorrhagia after coition, with dark blood, black. Metrorrhagia during third month of pregnancy.


Menses intermittent, excoriating and offensive. Suppressed menses on walking.


Hæmorrhages and abnormal, profuse bleeding from wounds, gums, ulcers, chest, rectum, mucus membranes.


Teeth decay, premature caries in children. Difficult dentition.

Gums inflamed, spongy, soft, bleed or ulcerate easily.

Mouth offensive, esp. from inflamed gums or decayed teeth.

Reopening of old ulcers esp. when partly healed.


Urine copious, offensive, brown, acrid  with white sediment, brown, acrid.


External pulsation < music, excitement >motion.





AGG:. cold food, cold (bathing, becoming, air), after menses, 18:00- 06:00.

AMEL.: motion.

DES.: smoked food, meat, alcoholic drinks.











FEAR OF SNAKES. Has hallucinations or dreams about them.


Fear of fainting, death, falling, impending diseases.


Very forgetful, absent-minded. Goes off and leaves purchases.


Delusions is swimming in the air.


Low confidence.







Vertigo with feeling as if he’s not touching the bed, as if floating, as if gliding and feet did not touch the ground.


Shining, glazed appearance of throat.

White, pearly membrane in throat esp. when alternating sides.

Migratory diphtheria. Post diphtheritic paralysis.


Sore throats and cough are apt to begin and end with menstruation.


Food does not taste salty enough, it only tastes natural.


Desires PEPPER.





AGG.: warm (wraps, bed), beginning of sleep.

AMEL.: bathing, cold.

DES.: pepper, salt, spices, highly seasoned food, warm drinks, whisky.












The Lachesis patient is passionate with strong emotions, jealous. We see hypertension, hypersexuality, loquacity. Any constriction or suppression is intolerable. Often the patient experiences chocking, suffocative feeling in the throat, intolerance to tight clothing. There’s the need to bring out, to release the emotions or the discharges (on the physical level) in order for the patient to be ameliorated.








JEALOUSY, ailments from jealousy. Delirium from jealousy. Envy.

LOQUACITY. Changing from one subject to another.

FEAR OF SNAKES. Dreams of snakes.


Premenstrual syndrome. Sadness before menses. >beginning of menses, during menses.


Mental symptoms are worse on waking in the morning. (anxiety, confusion, dullness, forsaken feeling, sadness, loathing).


Religious affections, religious despair.





Left sided complaints usually, where the heart is involved. Sciatica is right sided.


Complaints may go from LEFT TO RIGHT.



Symptoms (dysmenorrhoea, back pain, head pain and mental symptoms etc.)



Affections of ovaries (induration, pains, tumors, swelling, abscess, inflammation, cysts etc.). Ovarian complaints are worse around menses (before, during, after).


Constriction on various parts of the body esp. throat.




Arrested respiration on going to sleep, or during sleep that makes her jump with terror of suffocation. Difficult respiration <touching the larynx, exertion of hands and arms.


Impossible to lie on left side. Palpitations worse lying on left side.


Heat flushes esp. in face during climaxis. Heat flushes with perspiration.


Slight pressure aggravates but hard pressure ameliorates.


Unrefreshing sleep.


Skin has bluish, red, purple discoloration (eruptions, boils, ulcers, swelling).









AGG.: touch, on waking, suppressed discharges, sleep (before, during, after, beginning of), lying on left side, warm wet weather, change of temperature from cold to warm, spring, autumn.

AMEL.: BEGINNING OF MENSES, DISCHARGES, loosening clothing, hard pressure.




























LACHESIS (Lach.) – Acute (Hussain Kairani)

Constrictive feeling in the throat with suffocative feeling.

KEYWORDS: constriction, suffocation, purple, left side, aggravation from touch.

LOCALITY: left sided remedy (can be right sided remedy as well). Complaints move from left to right.

APPEARANCE: dark red, purplish discoloration of the affected parts (ulcers, haemorrhoids, tonsils, skin eruptions etc.).

THROAT: marked sensitivity of throat. Cannot bear touching or covering the throat. Difficulty in swallowing liquids or saliva but ameliorated on swallowing liquids. Lump sensation in the throat with constant desire to swallow. Suffocative feeling, choking. Tonsils or sore throat aggravated on left side, from touch, from warm drinks, on swallowing, turning head. Ameliorated by cold drinks, on swallowing.

Irritation in throat as if a fluid has gone the wrong way. Tonsils and uvula are dark red. Swollen tonsils.

RESPIRATION: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma or cough with suffocative sensation which is ameliorated by bending forward and aggravated at night. Dyspnoea on touching the larynx, on going to sleep, on moving the arms. Intolerance to tight clothing. Bronchitis or pneumonia esp. left lung.

Hay fever with sneezing during sleep, rawness of nose, picking lips, headache extending to root of nose.

COUGH: all kinds of cough esp. suffocative cough.  Aggravated after sleep, as soon as falling into sound sleep, on touching the larynx, inspiration, lying on left side, cold air, motion.

HEAD: head pain extending to root of nose.

EAR: otitis left and then right, threatening mastoiditis, ear sensitive to wind, earache with sore throat, pain aggravated on touch, on swallowing, in open air, from warm applications.

SKIN: ulcers, eruptions, purpura, gangrene, erysipelas. Dark red, purplish even black discoloration. Ulcers aggravated by warmth.

CHEST: congestion of chest aggravated on waking. Constriction. Cyanosis.

Mastitis with bluish-red discoloration of mammae esp. left.

URINARY: cystitis from retention of urine. Sensation of ball in bladder.

TEETH: toothache aggravated when brushing the teeth, by warm or cold drinks, on touch. Toothache from getting wet.

ABDOMEN: suppurating bubo, suppuration of inguinal glands, peritonitis, enteritis, appendicitis, abscess of liver, gall stone colic with characteristic of intolerance to anything tight around the abdomen, to touch, to jar.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: right sided sciatica with pain extending from hip to knee aggravated after sleep, on touch. Pain in coccyx on rising from a seat.

VERTIGO: on closing the eyes, on reaching up. Vertigo after sleep. Sensation as if sinking through the bed.


MENTAL PICTURE: ailments from jealousy. Delirium.


Aggravation: lying on the left side, tight clothing, touch, during and after sleep heat.  

Amelioration: hard pressure, cold.



























LAUROCERASUS – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)



Spasmodic tickling cough, especially in cardiac patients, is often magically influenced by this drug. LACK OF REACTION, especially in chest and heart affections. DRINK ROLLS AUDIBLY THROUGH THE ESOPHAGUS AND INTESTINES. General coldness, not ameliorated by warmth. Violent pain in the stomach with loss of speech. Spasm of facial muscles and esophagus. Asphyxia neonatorum.

Coldness; chills and heat alternate. Thirst, with a dry mouth in the afternoon.

Cyanosis and dyspnea; worse, sitting up. Patient puts hands on the heart. Cough, with valvular disease. Exercise causes pain around the heart. Tickling, DRY COUGH. Dyspnea. Constriction of the chest. Cough, with copious, jelly like or bloody expectoration. Small and feeble pulse. Threatening paralysis of the lungs. GASPING FOR BREATH; clutches at the heart.

Mitral regurgitation. Clutching the heart and palpitations. Cyanosis neonatorum.

Spells of deep sleep, with snoring and stertorous breathing.

Toe and finger nails become knotty. Skin blue. Sprained pains in hips, thighs and heels. Cold, clammy feet and legs. Clubbing of fingers. Veins of hands distended.

Compare: Hydr-ac., Camph., Sec., Am-c., Ambr.

Tincture, to third potency. Cherry laurel water, two to five drop doses.





















Restless, must move constantly.

Aversion to company. Dread of men. Misanthropy, hatred.

Morose, malicious.







GOUT. The toe is red, swollen, painful.


Rheumatic pain in extremities ascending upward.

Rheumatic pain in right hip and left shoulder.

Inflammation of periosteum.


PAINS > COLD APPLICATIONS although there is coldness of affected part.

< warm, warmth of bed, night.


For penetrating wounds, stings and bites with swelling.


Tetanus where the injured parts become cold and spasms begin in the wound.


Skin eruptions > cold applications <warmth.





AGG.: warm wraps or bed, motion, walking.













LEDUM (Led.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Arthritis, rheumatism, bites, injuries all ameliorated by ice cold applications.


Bites, stings, injuries, purpura, ulcers, sprains, rheumatism, gout, cellulitis.


SKIN: stings and bites cause hard swelling. Ulcers, eruptions ameliorated by cold (applications, air). Bruising. Icy coldness of affected parts.


PAINS:   pain ameliorated by icy cold applications despite the coldness of affected part. Aggravated by the warmth of bed. Rheumatic pain in extremities ascending upwards. Rheumatic pain in right hip and left shoulder. Inflammation of periosteum.


EXTREMITIES: gout with red, swollen and painful first toe. Felon from injuries.


INJURIES: penetrating wounds. Injuries from blunt instruments (also in eyes).


Tetanus where the injured parts become cold.  Spasms begin in the wound.



Aggravation: warm wraps, warmth of bed, motion, night, walking

Amelioration: cold applications, cold bathing.





















Religious despair alternating with sexual excitement.


SUPPRESSION OF SEXUAL DESIRE (e.g. by keeping busy).


Irritable, nasty, snappish. Depression of spirits.


Hurried. Nervous.


Conscientious, duty-bound, domineering people.


Anxious about disease. Anxiety about salvation. Fear of evil.

Constant inclination to weep.





Main action upon the venous circulation of the heart and female organs.


Increased sexual desire. Nymphomania.

Prolapsus of uterus.


< standing, >crossing limbs, pressing vulva.


Flow of menses only during motion.

Frequent urging to urinate. Feeling of congestion in chest if urination is postponed.

Alternating symptoms (pain in uterus with pain in heart or chest, mental symptoms alternate with physical, alternating sides in headache).


Tottering. Can’t walk straight or on uneven ground.


Pressure in the rectum during stool.





AGG.:, sexual excitement, suppression of sexual desire, heat, pressure, evening standing, warm room, after menses, after coition.

AMEL.: pressure, open air, motion.

DES.: meat.









The central idea of Lycopodium is inflation, bloating in all levels. The patient is timid, with low self-confidence, showing cowardice when confronted with someone superior but at the same time, they are hard and dictatorial with the ones they consider inferior to them. On the physical level they often suffer from gastrointestinal complaints which are accompanied by distention of the abdomen.









Ailments from egotism. Intolerant to contradiction, gets angry.


BOASTER, haughty. LIKES TO SHOW OFF, but inside he feels insecure, weak.

LOW SELF-CONFIDENCE. COWARDICE. Fear of responsibility, of undertaking anything. The idea of marriage seems unendurable.


Timidity appearing in public. They don’t believe in themselves, they fear the opinion of others, that is why they weep when thanked.


FEARS people, dark, ghosts, being alone in the house, tunnels. Fears his position in society.


Weak memory (for names, words, for what has read).


Makes mistakes in writing (transposes letter, omitting words or letters, confounding letters), in speaking, in calculating, in spelling.





Liver affections.

Right sided remedy. Ailments go from right side to left.






<16:00-20:00, after eating, after stool.


Eating increases the appetite, increases the hunger. Ravenous appetite soon after eating.

Increased appetite with stomach pain, in gastralgia, with diarrhoea, with marasmus, with headache.

Easy satiety. Fullness after eating little.




Impotency, penis is relaxed when excited. Incomplete erection during coition.

Ejaculation too quick or failing during coition.


One foot hot, the other cold.

Heels are cracked.

Fan-like motion of nostrils especially during an acute disease.

Sleeps on right side, impossible on left (Lach., Phos.).






AGG.: 16:00-20:00, onions, eating after, cold, cold food, change of temperature from cold to warm, oysters, cabbage.

AMEL.: after midnight, sweets, loosening clothing, warm bed, motion, cold.

DES.: SWEETS, WARM DRINKS, olives, oysters.

AVERS.: cold drinks, beans, peas, bread.



































FORSAKEN FEELING, feels he’s not loved by parents or friends.


Irritability in children.







SOURNESS: perspiration, taste, eructation, stool, menses, expectoration, vomiting.


Menses are more copious at night or when lying or only during sleep and cease while walking. Flow comes only after the pain. Coryza before and during menses.


< MILK (indigestion, eructations, stomach pain, diarrhoea, abdomen pain).


Unrefreshing sleep.


Neuralgic pains. Trigeminal neuralgia <left side, lying, night, rest, sitting >walking, motion, pressure, jar, open air.


Abdomen distention <night, soup, eating after > passing flatus.


Stool is frothy, watery with green scum. Lienteric stool in children.





AGG.: during menses, pregnancy, evening, cabbage, night, lying after.

AMEL.: open air, walking, motion.

DES.: meat (esp. in children), bread and butter.

AVERS.: vegetables, artichokes, fruit.




















Restlessness, anxiety at evening in bed, on closing the eyes at night.


Unconsciousness after eating, while lying.





LIVER AFFECTIONS (inflammation, jaundice, enlarged liver).


UNREFRESHING SLEEP esp. in the morning.


< MILK. Diarrhœa, stomach/abdomen pain, indigestion.

Undigested stool after milk.


Periodic headache every six weeks, with vomiting and thirst. Eructations during headache. Thirsty during headache.


Constipation during dentition.


They feel old. They have an old looking expression in the face.


Adapted to diseases of women; spasmodic and hysterical complaints.





AGG.: MILK, bathing in the sea, seashore.

AMEL.: pressure, open air, motion.

DES.: indistinct – does not know what desires, vegetables, sweets.



















Tearful, convulsive weeping.

Dullness, irritability with headache.


Complaining. Lamenting about her pains.

Aversion to mental work.





Acts on nerves and muscles.





Pains are drawing, cutting, shooting, stitching. Sudden like “Lightening in coming and going”. Wandering pains. Radiating pains from abdomen.

Cramps of fingers in musicians (playing piano or violin).


Neuralgic toothache > warm drinks, external warmth.


Flatulent cramping pain (colic), forcing the patient to bend double > by WARM APPLICATIONS and rubbing.


Right sided remedy.





AGG.: Cold (air, drinks, bathing, becoming), uncovering, lying on right side, touch.





















This brings FEAR OF INSANITY. Delusions that she will become insane.

Afraid to pronounce the word ‘devil’.


Superstitious (Arg-n., Con., Rhus-t., Stram.).

Obsessive thoughts. Fear of their own thoughts. Have to restrain them.

Praying, hoping God will help them.


Sexual thoughts, obsessions. Perverse fancies; can’t put them aside.





Allergies, postnasal catarrh.


Constricting pain in throat < speaking, swallowing, drinking.

Dysphagia from constriction of oesophagus. Spasms when drinking. Clothing aggravates the throat symptoms. Constriction, oppression in the chest > expectoration.


Flushes of heat in stomach extending upwards.

Cramping pain in abdomen after drinking water.

Vesicular, desquamating eruptions in feet. Yellow vesicles in face.


Shocks in cervical region < on waking.

Palpitations < evening, turning in bed.

Bloody taste after sleep.





AGG.: heat, puberty, climaxis.

AMEL.: motion.

DES.: strange things, salt.













The Medorrhinum persons are passionate with everything they do. They are passionate with their relationships, their beliefs, their interests. They are very sexual. They enjoy sex as long as the passion lasts.

They enjoy the sea and are markedly ameliorated in the sea.

There’s usually a history of venereal disease or early heart disease in the patient’s or his parents’ history.








Passionate, hypersexual. EXHILARATION AT NIGHT.


Powerful, extrovert, passionate people, egotistical. They put passion in whatever they do, they enjoy relationships, but you can also get the opposite type who is very introverted, not able to express themselves.


Fear that somebody is behind him.


Rapid thoughts. Hurried.







Gonorrhoeal discharge. Urethritis. Condylomata. Herpetic eruptions in genitals.




General amelioration in the evening.


Warm blooded. HOT FEET, uncovers them at night.

Painful soles, cannot walk on beach pebbles easily.


Sleeps on abdomen or in knee-chest position.

Asthmatic respiration > in knee-chest position.


Constant disposition to hawk due to mucus stuck in throat.


Increased sexual desire.





AMEL.: SEA (bathing, seashore), EVENING, lying on abdomen.

AGG.: cold wet weather, becoming cold.

DES.: SOUR, oranges. ACID, GREEN OR UNRIPE FRUITS. Salt, fat, ice, sweets, alcoholic drinks (esp. sweet).

AVERS.: aubergine.






(The Gonorrhœal Virus)

A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhea. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic RHEUMATISM. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pain intolerable, tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from the nostrils; lips thickened due to breathing from the mouth. State of collapse and TREMBLING ALL OVER. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrheal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Edema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.

Weak memory. Loses the thread of conversation. Cannot speak without weeping. TIME PASSES TOO SLOWLY (Cann-i., Arg-n.). Is in a great hurry. Hopeless of recovery. Difficult concentration. Fears of going insane (Manc.). Sensibility exalted. Nervous, restless. Fear in the dark, sensation as if some one behind her. Melancholy with suicidal thoughts.

Burning pain in the brain; worse, occiput. Head heavy and drawn backward. Headache from jarring of cars, exhaustion, or hard work. Weight and pressure in the vertex. Hair dry, crisp. Itching of scalp; dandruff.

Feels AS IF SHE STARED at everything. Eyeballs ache. Feels as if sticks in the eyes. Lids irritated.

Partial deafness, pulsation in the ears. Quick, darting pains in the right ear.

Intense itching. Coldness of the tip. Posterior nares obstructed. Chronic nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs.

Pallor, acne, blotches of a reddish color. SMALL BOILS break out during menses.

Tongue coated brown and thick, blistered; canker sores. Blisters on the inner surface of lips and cheeks.

Coppery taste and eructations of sulphuretted hydrogen. Ravenous hunger soon after eating. VERY THIRSTY. Cravings for liquor, salt, sweets, etc., warm drinks. Pernicious vomiting of pregnancy.

Violent pain in the liver and spleen. Rests more when comfortably lying on the abdomen.

Can pass stool only by leaning very far back. Painful sensation of a lump on the posterior surface of the sphincter. Oozing of fetid moisture. INTENSE ITCHING IN THE ANUS.


Painful tenesmus when urinating. NOCTURNAL ENURESIS. Renal colic (Berb., Oci., Pareir.). Urine flows very slowly.

Intense pruritus. Menses OFFENSIVE, profuse, dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out, urinates frequently at that time. SENSITIVE SPOT NEAR OS UTERI. Leucorrhea thin, acrid, excoriating, fishy odor. Sycotic warts on the genitals. Ovarian pain, worse left side, or from ovary to ovary. STERILITY. Metrorrhagia. Intense menstrual colic. Breasts COLD, sore, and sensitive.

Nocturnal emissions, followed by great weakness. IMPOTENCE. Gleet; whole urethra feels sore. Urethritis. Enlarged and painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination.

Much oppression of breathing. Hoarse while reading. Pain and soreness through the chest and mammæ. Incessant, dry, night cough. Asthma. Incipient consumption. Larynx feels sore. Dyspnea; cannot exhale (Samb.). Cough; better lying on the stomach.

Pain in the back, with burning heat. Legs heavy; ache all night; CANNOT KEEP THEM STILL (Zinc.). Ankles easily turn when walking. Burning of hands and feet. Finger joints enlarged, puffy. Gouty concretions. HEELS AND BALLS OF FEET TENDER (Thuj.). SORENESS OF SOLES. Restless; better, clutching hands.

Yellow. Intense and incessant ITCHING; worse at night and when thinking of it. Fiery red rash around the anus in babies. Copper colored spots. Favus. Tumors and abnormal growths.

Wants to be fanned all the time. Chills up and down the back; coldness of the legs, hands, and forearms. Flashes of heat in the face and neck. Night sweat and hectic sweat.

Dreams she is drinking (Ars., Phos.). Sleeps in the knee-chest position.

AGG.: when thinking of the ailment, FROM DAYLIGHT TO SUNSET, heat, inland.

AMEL.: at the seashore, lying on the stomach, damp weather (Caust.).

Compare: (Lactation: GALEGA OFFICINALIS; LACTUCA VIROSA). Sulph., Syph., Zinc.

The very highest potencies only of service. Must not be repeated often.















One of the many uses of this remedy is in the inherited complaints of children. The physician of long and active experience meets many obstinate cases in children. The infant soon emaciates and becomes marasmic, or a child becomes asthmatic, or suffers with vicious catarrh of nose or eyelids, or has ringworm on the scalp or face, or is dwarfed; and after some waste of time it comes to mind that the father was treated for gonorrhoea that was obstinate and perhaps had condylomata on the genitalia. This remedy will cure, or begin the recovery. The woman married several years desires to become a mother. She was healthy when she married, but now she has ovarian pains, menstrual troubles, she has lost all sexual response, is growing pale and waxy, and becoming violently sensitive and nervous. The husband’s history gives the cause, and this remedy will cure. The pale waxy young men, who crave stimulants and tobacco, who are sensitive to drafts, become stiff after exertion and walking, who perspire easily and are extremely sensitive to cold, who have never been well since having a gonorrhoea cured by injections. Rheumatic symptoms in every part of the body. Some symptoms are worse in the daytime. The usual comparison with SYPHILINUM, which reads, “Med. in daytime and SYPH. at night,” does not hold good as a sweeping statement. It is true that many SYPH. pains are worse nights. It is true that some sycotic and Medorrhinum symptoms are worse daytimes. It is also true that many sycotic symptoms are violent day and night. It is also true that the mental symptoms of Med. are most violent at night. It will not do to be too sweeping with circumstances of this nosode. The rheumatic inflammations are worse from motion, but where swelling is not present these patients act like RHUS patients; they are sensitive to cold, suffer from aching and torturesome pains, and find relief only in motion-like RHUS. Most sycotic patients suffer from cold, some are sensitive to heat. Sore, bruised and lame, as if he had taken a deep cold and was coming down with a fever. The pains come on with a feeling of general tension. Obstinate cases of rheumatism. Losing flesh. Walks stooped, becoming clumsy. Stumbles. Looks as if he were going into quick consumption. Intense nervous sensibility, respecting touch of garment or a lock of hair by any one not EN RAPPORT.

Trembling and quivering; growing steadily weaker. INTENSE FORMICATION all over the body. Starts from the slightest noise. Feels faint and wants to be fanned. Wants open air. Cold and pulseless, with cold sweat. OEDEMA OF THE LIMBS with great soreness and dropsy of serous sacs. Externally sensitive to cold damp weather. SUBJECT TO NEURALGIAS. Stitching, tearing pains. The pains are ameliorated by heat. Drawing pains in back and limbs. The patient is extremely sensitive to pain. The remedy should never be used low.


Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read. Makes mistakes in writing, of spelling, and words. TIME MOVES TOO SLOWLY; everybody moves too slowly. He is in a constant hurry, in such a hurry that he gets out of breath. She is in such a hurry that she feels faint. Confusion of mind dazed; fear of sensation; loses the idea when speaking. Great difficulty in stating her symptoms loses herself and must be asked over again. Thinks some one is behind her; hears whispering. Sees faces that peer at her from behind the furniture (PHOS.). Everything seems unreal (ALUM.). Wild desperate feeling as if incipient insanity. Weeps when talking. Exhilaration in evening. Changeable state of mind; one moment sad, the next mirthful. Presentiment of death. Frightened sensation on waking as if something dreadful had happened. FEAR OF THE DARK. Anxiety about her salvation.


Vertigo when stooping; ameliorated lying; aggravated on motion. Fear of falling.


Wandering neuralgia of head, worse in cold damp weather. Sharp pains come and go suddenly. No part of head is free from pain. Pain aggravated from light, and on coughing. Burning pains deep in, as if in brain. Extreme tension of scalp. Band across forehead. Pain in occiput and nape, aggravated on motion. Intense itching of scalp. Herpetic eruptions on scalp; ringworm. Copious dandruff. Hair dry and crispy.


Flickering before the eyes. Blurred vision, and black or brown spots in the field of vision. Objects look double, or small. Sees imaginary objects. Eyes feel drawn. Tension in the muscles. Pain in eyes on turning them. Sensation of sand in eyes. Sensation of sticks. Inflammation of conjunctiva with ulceration of the cornea. Blepharitis with much swelling. Lids stuck together in the morning. Margins red and excoriated. Ptosis. Smarting of lids. Eyelashes fall out. Swelling under eyes, as in Bright’s disease.


Impaired hearing and total deafness. Imagines he hears voices or people in conversation. At first the hearing is very acute. Pain along Eustachian tubes into ears. Crawling in ears. Itching in ears. Stitching pains in ears.


This remedy cures obstinate nasal catarrh, also post nasal obstruction with loss of smell. Mucus, white or yellow. A middle aged man was cured of an obstinate nasal discharge by Med. very high and a discharge from the urethra which had been suppressed many years before came back and acted like a chronic gleet, and finally subsided without other treatment. Bleeding from the nose, and bloody nasal discharge. Nose sensitive to inhaled air. Itching and crawling in nose.


The greenish yellow, waxy, sickly face of the sycotic patient looks like that of the ARSENIC patient, but strange to say, ARSENIC does not otherwise correspond to the symptoms, but may be mistaken for it. The skin shines, and is often covered by blotches and there are fever blisters about the mouth. Herpes on the face. Epithelioma of wing of nose, or on lip. Rheumatic pains and stiffness of face. Swelling of the submaxillary glands.


The teeth are always sensitive when chewing. The taste is perverted, and the tongue is foul and white at base. The mouth is full of canker sores. Ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue. The breath is foul. Stringy mucus in mouth and throat. Mouth dry and feels burnt. Catarrh of throat and thick white mucus is constantly drawn from posterior nares.


Ravenous hunger, even after eating. Unquenchable thirst. Craves stimulants, tobacco, sweets, green fruit, ice, sour things, oranges, ale, and salt. Nausea after eating, and after drinking water. Vomiting of mucus and bile. Sour and bitter vomiting. Violent retching. Vomiting without nausea.

Gnawing in stomach, not relieved by eating or drinking. Trembling in stomach. Clawing in stomach, aggravated by drawing up the knees. Sinking in stomach. Agonizing pains in stomach.


Terrible pains in liver. Grasping pains in liver and spleen. It has cured ascites. Pulsation felt in abdomen. Pain and swelling of the inguinal glands. A young man who had been in good flesh and health took gonorrhoea. He was treated by injection. Soon he began to lose flesh. He suffered from pain in the groin, which compelled him to walk bent. He became pale and waxy; stiff and lame all over, and was very sensitive to cold. Took cold frequently, which seemed never to get quite well. After Med. very high the discharge returned, and he seemed quite well. Pain in spermatic cords.


This remedy has cured many cases of marasmus in infants that had inherited sycosis from a parent. Children of a sycotic father are especially subject to attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea, and emaciation. They resist well selected chronic remedies, or are only palliated by well selected remedies. After Med. high they thrive, and remedies act better. Constipation. Can pass stool only by leaning far back when straining at stool. Inactivity of the rectum. Round balls and hard lumpy stool. Oozing of moisture at the anus, smelling like fish-brine.


Scanty, high-colored, strong-smelling urine in a patient suffering from rheumatic lameness and stiffness. Sensitive to cold, with tenderness of the soles. In albuminous urine with hyaline casts when the patient is waxy and there is oedema of feet and ankles, and the soles so tender he can scarcely walk on them, the skin of soles is bluish and hot; also when the swollen legs are so sore he cannot have them touched, or endure the pressure to ascertain whether the swelling will or will not pit on pressure. In the above conditions Med. will act promptly if there has been gonorrhoeal history. Inflammation of bladder, prostate gland or kidneys. Copious mucus in urine. Renal colic. Parenchymatic inflammation of the kidneys. Copious pale urine. Frequent urination at night. Loses urine in bed. Inactivity of the bladder and feeble stream of urine. It has cured many cases of polyuria.


Nocturnal emissions and impotency in young men who have had gonorrhoea several times, especially if treated by injections. Prolonged gleety discharge with rheumatic symptoms and declining health. For gonorrhoeal rheumatism it is a most important remedy. It controls the rheumatic symptoms and restores the discharge. It has cured induration of testes, and pain in the spermatic cords. Pain in left spermatic cord, left sciatic nerve and lumbago from every exposure to a draft in one who suffered from gonorrhoea several years ago and was cured by Med. 10 M. at long intervals.


Chronic pain in ovarian region. Sterility. Painful menstruation. Obstinate leucorrhoea. Enlarged ovaries. Violent itching of vulva and vagina. Profuse menses. Drawing in sacrum as if menses would come on. Cutting like knives in whole pelvic region. Burning in scrotum and hips during menses.


Respiration is difficult. Suffocation and short breath on slight exertion. Asthma in children of sycotic parents (NAT-S.). Spasms of the glottis with clucking in the larynx; air expelled with difficulty, but inhaled with ease. Several cases of asthma have been cured by this remedy. Dryness of the larynx causes spasms and cough on falling asleep. Most obstinate catarrh, of air passages with copious viscid expectoration has been cured by this remedy. Cannot cough deep enough to reach the phlegm (CAUST.). The cough is ameliorated by lying on the abdomen, is aggravated at night. The expectoration is yellow, white or green, viscid, difficult to raise. Cough worse in a warm room.


Many of the patients that need this remedy look sick, pale, and walk stooped as if about to go into phthisis. Dry cough, with rattling in chest. Great heat, even burning in chest. Many pains in chest. Rheumatic, sharp pains through chest on exposure to damp cold air. When patients who have suffered from gonorrhoea seem to be taking on a phthisical complex of symptoms and the paucity of individualizing symptoms makes the remedy doubtful, this remedy will bring better reaction, and sometimes be the remedy for many months. Intense pain in chest on coughing. Sensation of coldness in chest and mammae. Stitching pain in chest. The chest is sore to touch, and aggravated by the motion of breathing.

The heart manifests all the symptoms usual to rheumatic constitutions. Dyspnoea; fluttering heart; palpitation. The pains are acute, cutting, stitching; aggravated by motion. Burning in heart, extending to left arm.


“Lame back” is the common complaint of these patients. It is generally lumbago, or it is a lumbo-sacral pain, and often extends into the lower limbs. Crural or sciatic pains. Drawing in nape and back. Pain across the back, from left to right shoulders. Great heat in the upper part of spine. Stiffness in the back on rising, or beginning to move. Pains all aggravated in cold damp weather. Tender spine. Soreness in region of kidneys.


Chronic rheumatic pains in limbs in cold damp weather. The limbs are lame and stiff. Stitching pains all over the body, and in limbs. Sharp pains. The patient is extremely sensitive to pain, and feels pain as sharp and stitching. Some of the pains come on during motion, and some are better from continued motion. Cold extremities. Burning palms and soles. Trembling of the limbs. Rheumatic pains in shoulders, aggravated from motion. Numbness of arms and hands, worse left. Trembling hands and arms. Burning palms, wants them fanned. Right hand cold then left. Cold hands. Heat and numbness of back of hands.

Trembling weakness and numbness of lower limbs. Awkwardness of legs, they do not go where they are willed to go. Numbness of thighs. Must stretch the lower limbs constantly. Drawing pains and tension in legs. Rheumatic pains. Stiffness and soreness in flesh and periosteum. Shooting up the legs during a thunderstorm. Restlessness in legs must move them constantly. Aching, drawing in legs and thighs, in sciatic and crural nerves, ameliorated by continued motion. Legs numb and heavy, like wood. Legs cold up to the knees. Contraction of muscles of posterior part of thigh down to knee. Cramps in soles and calves. Weak ankles. Burning feet, wants them uncovered and fanned. Legs swollen to knees, and pit upon pressure. Sore bruised legs, ankles and soles. Soles sore and bruised, look blue. He cannot walk on the soles. Swelling and itching of the soles. It cures the tenderness in the soles so common in chronic gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Tenderness of soles so that he had to walk on his knees. Cold sweaty feet.


Can sleep only on the back with hands over head. Sleeps on her knees with face forced into the pillow. Terrible dreams of ghosts and dead people; she dreads the nights. Sleepy but cannot sleep. Sleeplessness fore part of night. Copious night sweats.


























For the constitutional effects of maltreated and suppressed gonorrhoea, when the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve.
For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord and its membranes – even organic lesions ending in paralysis which can be traced to a sycotic origin.
For scirrhus, carcinoma or cancer; either acute or chronic in development, when the symptoms correspond and a history of sycosis can be traced
Bears the same relation to deep-seated sycotic chronic affections of spinal and sympathetic nervous system, that Psorinum does to deep-seated affections of skin and mucous membranes.
Children, pale, rachitic; dwarfed and stunted in growth (Bar-c.); mentally, dull and weak.


Weakness of memory; cannot remember names, words or initial letters; has to ask name of most intimate friend; even forgets his own name.
Cannot spell correctly; wonders how a well-known name is spelled.
Constantly loses the thread of conversation.
Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, question has to be repeated as she loses herself.
Anticipates death; always anticipating, feels matters most sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.
Irritated at trifles; cross during the day, exhilarated at night.
Very impatient; peevish.
Anxious, nervous, extremely sensitive; starts at the least sound.
Time passes too slowly (Alum., Arg-n., Cann- i.).
Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is in such a hurry she gets fatigued.
Many symptoms are < when thinking of them (pains return as soon as he thinks about them, Ox-ac.).


Great heat and soreness, with enlargement of lymphatic glands all over body.
Consumptive languor; fatigue; great general depression of vitality.
Pains: Arthritic, rheumatic, a sequel of suppressed gonorrhoea (Daph., Clem.); constricting, seem to tighten the whole body (Cact.); sore all over, as if bruised (Arn., Eup-per.).
TREMBLING ALL OVER (subjective), intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.
STATE OF COLLAPSE, wants to be fanned all the time^ (Carb-v.); craves fresh air skin cold, yet throws off the covers (Camph., Sec.) ; cold and bathed with cold perspiration (Verat.).
Ravenous hunger immediately after eating (Chin., Lyc., Psor.).
Constant thirst, even dreams she is drinking.
INSATIATE CRAVING: for liquor, which before she hated (Asar.); for salt (Calc., Nat-m.); for sweets (Sulph.); for ale, ice, acids, oranges, green fruit.
Painful stiffness of every joint in body.

Intense burning pain in brain, < in cerebellum; extends down spine.
Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards.
Sensation of tightness and contraction; extends down whole length of spine.
Headache and diarrhoea from jarring of cars.

Sensation as if she had taken a severe cold, with distressing aching in bones; throat sore and swollen, deglutition of either liquids or solids impossible (Merc.).
Throat constantly filled with thick, gray or bloody mucus from posterior nates (Hydr.).

Gastro-intestinal System
Stools: Tenacious, clay-like, sluggish, cannot strain from a sensation of prolapse of rectum (Alum.).
Constriction and inertia of bowels with ball-like stools (Lach.).
Can only pass stool by leaning very far back; very painful, as if there was a lump on posterior surface of sphincter; so painful as to cause tears.
Sharp, needle-like pains in rectum.
Oozing of moisture from anus, fetid odor of fish brine (Caust., Hep.).

Urinary System
Severe pain (backache) in renal region, > by profuse urination (Lyc.).
Renal colic; intense pain in ureters, with sensation of passing of calculus (Berb., Lyc., Oci.); craving for ice.
Nocturnal enuresis: Passes enormous, quantity of ammoniacal, high-colored urine in bed every night; < by over-work or over-play, extremes of heat or cold, when the best selected remedy fails; with a history of sycosis.
Painful tenesmus of bladder and bowels when urinating.

For women, with chronic ovaritis, salpingitis, pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts, and other morbid growths of the uterus and ovaries, especially if symptoms point to malignancy, with or without sycotic origin.
Menses: Profuse, very dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out (Mag-c.).
Metrorrhagia: At climacteric; profuse for weeks, flow dark, clotted, offensive; in gushes, on moving; with malignant disease of uterus.
Intense menstrual colic, with drawing up of knees and terrible bearing down labor-like pains; must press feet against support, as in labor.
Intense pruritus of labia and vagina < by thinking of it.
Breasts and nipples sore and sensitive to touch.
Breasts cold as ice to touch, especially the nipples, rest of body warm (during menses).

Respiratory System
Asthma: Choking caused by a weakness or spasm of epiglottis; larynx stopped so that no air could enter, only > by lying on face and protruding tongue.
Soreness of larynx as if ulcerated.
Dyspnea and sense of constriction; can inhale with ease, but no power to exhale (Samb.).
Cough: Dry, incessant, severe; painful, as if mucous membrane was torn from larynx; deep, hollow, like coughing in a barrel; < at night, from sweets, on lying down; > by lying on stomach.
Sputa: Albuminous, frothy; small, green, bitter balls; viscid, difficult to raise.
Incipient consumption; severe pains in middle lobes.

Neck and Back
Pain in back between scapulae; whole length of spine sore to touch (Chinin-s.).
Intense burning heat, beginning in nape of neck and extending down spine, with a contractive stiffness, < by stretching.
Lumbar vertebrae painful and sensitive to touch.
Pain in sacrum, coccyx, and back of hips running around and down limbs.

Rheumatism at top of shoulder and arm; pains extend to fingers, > by motion (right, Sang.; left, Ferr.).
Pains in legs, from hips to knees; only when walking.
Heaviness of legs, feel like lead; walking very difficult, legs are so heavy; legs give way.
Lower limbs ache all night, preventing sleep.
Terrible burning in legs and arms during an electrical storm.
Aching in legs, with inability to keep them still in bed, < when giving up control of himself, when relaxing, in trying to sleep.
Coldness of legs and feet; of hands and forearms.
Drawing, contracting sensation in hamstrings and ankles; cramps in calves and soles (Cupr.).
Ankles turn easily when walking (Carbo-an., Led.).
Burning of hands and feet, wants them uncovered and fanned (Lach., Sulph.).
Almost entire loss of nervous force in legs and arms; exhausted by slightest effort.
Deformity of finger joints; LARGE, PUFFY KNUCKLES; swelling and painful stiffness of ankles; great tenderness of heels and balls of feet; swellings of all joints, were puffy, like windgalls.


AGG: WHEN THINKING OF IT (Helon., Ox-ac.) ; heat, covering; stretching ; thunder storm; least movement; sweets; from daylight to sunset (reverse of Syph.).
AMEL: AT THE SEASHORE (reverse of Nat-m.); lying on stomach; damp weather (Caust., Nux-m.).


Compare: Ip., dry cough; Camph., Sec, Tab., Verat., in collapse; Pic-ac., Gels., inability to walk; Aloe, Sulph., morning diarrhoea.
The burning feet of Sulphur and restless fidgety legs and feet of Zinc, are both found at the same time in Medorrhinum.





























Confusion > open air.

Discontent. Restlessness.

Forsaken feeling.

Fear of being alone with headaches.

Dwells on disagreeable occurrences (Nat-m.).

Anxiety about heart.





Headaches: as if weight on vertex pressing down, better pressing hard with hand in the same direction, better stooping (lgn., Cina), worse ascending (Calc.).

Cold hands and feet (Calc., Sep.), cold tip of nose, tension in root of nose.

Coldness of abdomen.

Icy cold toes and fingers extending to knees and elbows.

Fever: Cold stage predominates. Coldness of the tip of the nose.


Twitchings. Diabetes.





AGG.: rest and lying down, evening.

AMEL.: hard pressure with hands (China), motion.






















Impulsive, violent and active in movements.


Startled from sleep, or on falling asleep.


Dullness, memory weakness, stupefaction.


Anxious and restless.





BURNING: discharges, urine, urethral discharge, aphthae, pains.

All discharges are acrid, excoriating, causing burning.


Feeling of constriction and internal burning in rectum, neck of bladder.


TENESMUS of bladder and rectum. Continuous urging for stool and urination.

Only few drops of urine are coming out. Urine hot, burning, passed drop by drop, albuminous and bloody.

Little stool is coming out with burning and blood. Remedy par excellence for ulcerative colitis.


Conjunctivitis painful and severe. With acrid lachrymation. Specific for syphilitic iritis.


Gingivitis, with swelling, bleeding and burning pains.




Sweats from every motion.


Throat intensely inflamed, burning <on pressure. Spasmodic constriction of throat compelling him to retch and swallow constantly.


Swelling of throat, cervical and submaxillary glands.

Cracks and swelling of nipples.





AGG.: NIGHT pressure, lying on the side, exertion, after urination.

AMEL.: rest, lying on back, motion.

DES.: cold drinks, sour food.

AVERS.: hot or warm food.















Aggressive- impulse to kill, to do violent things.

STAMMERING, mild, not violent.


Impolite, contrary, reproaches others, aversion to his family, discontented.





EXCESSIVE SALIVATION, wets the pillow during sleep.



WHITE TONGUE. Tongue swollen, flabby, indented.


Complaints of mucous membranes, excoriation (burn like fire).

Aphthae. Gums are bleeding.


PROFUSE PERSPIRATION with every complaint <night.

Perspiration gives no relief. All symptoms are aggravated during or after perspiration.



Worse both extremes of temperature, heat and cold.


Great weakness and trembling from slight exertion.





AGG.: night, perspiration, touch, heat and cold, lying on right side, warm air.

AMEL.: sleep, falling asleep, cold, sour food.

DES.: bread and butter, cold drinks, liquids, lemons.

AVERS.: brandy, strong cheese.










MERCURY SOLUBILIS (Merc.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

All complaints accompanied by offensive mouth, salivation, white indented tongue, metallic taste.


KEYWORDS: offensive, white tongue, salivation, aggravation by heat and at night.

MOUTH: white tongue, imprinted with the teeth. Aphthae.

TEETH: inflammation of gums abscesses. Bleeding gums. All pathologies are accompanied by metallic taste, offensive breath, salivation. Pain extending to ear and/or to face  and is aggravated by  cold, cold air, drawing air, in bed, eating, evening, warm applications and ameliorated when rubbing cheek.


THROAT: tonsillitis with offensive odor of mouth, salivation during sleep and white indented tongue. Suppurative tonsillitis. Aggravated right side. Hard swelling of glands.

Cough aggravated lying on the right side.

EARS: painful otitis with purulent, offensive discharge, salivation during sleep. Stopped, full sensation in the ears. Otitis with enlarged tonsils. Rupture of ear drum. Pain extends to face. Pain is aggravated at night, on stooping, in warmth.

EYES: conjunctivitis with inflammation of eyelids, purulent discharges, redness of eyes, lachrymation, photophobia, all aggravated from heat. Granular conjunctivitis. Herpes on margin of eyelids.

RESPIRATORY:  cough, pneumonia, bronchitis with offensive breath, salivation and profuse perspiration at night.   Aggravated when lying on right side.

NOSE: painful sinusitis with offensive, purulent, green discharge. Pain in head and face  on blowing nose, stooping, pressure, cold air, warm room, wet weather.

CYSTITIS: pain on beginning of urination, acrid, offensive, burning hot urine, forked stream, sudden urging.

DISCHARGES: offensive purulent discharges.

PERSPIRATION: profuse perspiration especially at night. Perspiration does not ameliorate.

THIRST/CRAVINGS: bread and butter, cold drinks.


Aggravation: night, after perspiration, heat and cold, lying on right side.















Empty feeling, as if something was going to happen.

Anxiety when alone.


Confusion of mind from interruption, knows not where he is, cannot distinguish objects around him. Vanishing thoughts while speaking.


Causeless anger.

Apathy, indifference, everything seems dead to him.







Ailments from suppressed eruptions (Graph., Sulph., Zinc.)


Eczema on back of hand with itchy vesicles.


Chilly, aggravated by cold – ‘cold to the bone’. Affected parts become cold.


Internal burning with external violent, burning itching in spots. Skin burning from perspiration.

Produces violent, burning, stitching pains in the muscles.


Sudden pains followed by chilliness, numbness and soreness.

Burning in urethra at close of urination with mucous. Discharge from urethra.





DES.: FAT, HAM, bacon.

AVERS.: milk.

AGG.: evening, touch, cold, bathing.

AMEL.: eating while, open air.











This remedy is exhausted on the physical level. The exhaustion is such that they cannot support the body. They slide down in bed, the lower jaw is hanging down. The organs are collapsing, the rectum is prolapsed with haemorrhoids. The mind is also so  tired and weak, that they are sad and indifferent to everything.








WEAKNESS, WEARINESS- feels too weak to live on his own.


Indifference and sadness due to exhaustion. Taciturn. Introvert.


Persistent loud moaning. Muttering.







Affinity to blood and muscles esp. heart and mucous membranes.


GREAT DEBILITY AND WEAKNESS dropping down of lower jaw, slides down in bed.


Muscular prostration from blood poisoning going onto paralysis. Toxic paralysis.


HÆMORRHOIDS, bluish, sensitive, painful < touch.


OFFENSIVE secretions, breath, and body odor.


Vertigo comes on moving eyes and lying on right side.


Tongue stiff and paralyzed.


Urine passes slowly, feeble stream. Involuntary stool while urinating.


Burning, tearing pains.





AGG.: bathing in sea, seashore, standing.

AMEL.: touch, pressure, rubbing, motion.

DES.: alcohol.

AVERS.: meat (also agg.).






MURIATIC ACID (Mur-ac.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Extreme weakness. Prolapsus.


Inflammatory conditions of any type.


Great debility and weakness. The weakness is so strong that the lower jaw drops downwards. The patient slides down in bed.

Cannot support the head, bends the head backwards.


Muscular prostration from blood poisoning going onto paralysis. Toxic paralysis.


FEVER: fever with weakness. Acrid diarrhoea during fever. Aching of bones.

RECTUM: hæmorrhoids appear as a result of the general weakness and prolapsus of organs. Prolapsus of rectum during diarrhoea. Involuntary watery stool while urinating. Haemorrhoids are bluish, sensitive, painful on touch and ameliorated by warm bathing. Haemorrhoids in newborns and children.


URINARY: retarded urination, the patient has to press so hard that the anus protrudes.


MOUTH: tongue dry, stiff and paralyzed.


MENTAL PICTURE: sadness due to exhaustion, indifference, desire to rest. Anxiety during fever. Unconsciousness during fever.

GENERALITIES: offensive secretions, breath, flatus, stool and body odor. Burning, tearing pains.


Aversion to meat (also aggravation).



Aggravation: standing, motion, sea.

Amelioration: touch, warmth, pressure, rubbing, motion.






In this remedy the sensitivity is prominent in all levels. They are sensitive like all Natrums but they have a characteristic sensitivity to the presence of other people. They can perceive the ‘aura’ of people and sometimes they find it intolerable to stay around certain persons. They cannot explain it logically, it’s rather an intuitive reaction. They are very refined people who are moved by music, they are very giving people who like to take care of others, putting themselves second.

Physically we see strong sensitivity to certain foods (milk) and to sun.










Depression from errors of diet.





THE STOMACH IS MAINLY AFFECTED (indigestion, pain, nausea etc.).

Stomach pain <touch. Nausea in warm room. INDIGESTION.


Indigestion from farinaceous food.


AVERSION TO AND AGGRAVATION FROM MILK (disordered stomach, flatulence, diarrhoea, stomach pain, vomiting).


WORSE FROM EXPOSURE TO SUN (weakness, headache, confusion, vertigo, fever, head heaviness). SUNSTROKE.


Great weakness caused by summer heat.


Mental exertion causes or aggravates vertigo, headache, weakness, coldness of feet, asthmatic respiration etc.





AGG.: SUN, heat, milk, mental exertion, cold drinks in hot weather or when heated, summer.

AMEL.: pressure, rubbing, eating after.

DES.: beer, sweets, cold drinks, potatoes.








NATRUM CARBONICUM (Nat-c.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

HEAD: sunstroke.

GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea from milk. Gushing diarrhea with flatus. Sourness of stomach. Indigestion, pain, nausea.

UROGENITAL: cystitis with burning pain during and after urination especially when ending/at close of urination. Urine albuminus, offensive, scanty with mucus.

HAY FEVER: obstruction of nose, swelling of eyes, postnasal catarrh. Aggravated by draft.


Aggravation: sun, warmth, draft.

























The characteristic of Nat-m. is the fear of rejection, of being ridiculed. They are very sensitive and vulnerable, so if they get hurt they close up, keeping their sorrow inside and eventually become hard, with no emotions to the extent that they cannot cry.

The fear of being ridiculed prevents them from doing things. If they cry they’ll be alone to avoid the ridicule to others. They are proper and perfectionists.

The grief leaves scars on them, they change and become closed and mistrustful. They think of the grief for a long time after, cannot overcome it. It is interesting that salt is used as preservation medium.








Emotional vulnerability makes her reserved and oversensitive.



Silent grief. Dwells on past, disagreeable circumstances. Cannot weep though sad.


Aversion to company. CONSOLATION AGGRAVATES. Prefers to be alone.


Presence of people is intolerable during urination. Cannot urinate.


Avoids being hurt at all cost. Fear of rejection. Fear of being ridiculed.


Fear of robbers.


Hysterical weeping. Weeping alternating with laughing. Laughing immoderately, at unsuitable times.


Uncontrollable emotions, falls in love with unsuitable persons.





SALT desire. FAT aversion. SUN aversion.


Headache from sun. Photosensitivity.


HEADACHE esp. hammering < 10:00-15:00.




Sleeplessness from grief or thoughts of past disagreeable occurrences. Sleeplessness after waking.


Back pain >pressure, esp. lying on the back with firm pressure.


Sleeps on left side.











AGG.: warm (air, bed, stove, room, becoming), farinaceous food, seashore.

AMEL.: perspiration, cold, lying, pressure.

DES.: SALT, fish, salty fish, bitter food and drinks, black pepper.

AVERS.: FAT, slimy food, chicken.
































(Chloride of Sodium)

Rrolonged intake of excessive salt causes profound nutritive changes to take place in the system and there arise not only the symptoms of salt retention as evidenced by dropsies and edemas, but also an alteration in the blood causing a condition of anemia and leucocytosis. There also seems also to be a retention of effete materials in the tissues giving rise to symptoms loosely described as gouty or rheumatic gout. The provings are full of such symptoms (Dr. Stonham.). A great remedy for certain forms of intermittent fever, anemia, chlorosis, many disturbances of the alimentary tract and skin. Great debility; most weakness felt in the morning in bed. COLDNESS. Emaciation most notable in the neck. Great liability to take cold. DRY MUCOUS MEMBRANES. Constrictive sensation throughout the body. GREAT WEAKNESS AND WEARINESS. Oversensitive to all sorts of influences. Hyperthyroidism. Goitre. Addison’s disease. Diabetes.

Psychic causes of disease; ill effects of grief, fright, anger, etc. Depressed, particularly in chronic diseases. CONSOLATION AGGRAVATES. Irritable; gets into a passion about trifles. Awkward, hasty. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laugnter,

Throbs. BLINDING headache. Aches as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain in the morning on awakening, AFTER MENSTRUATION, from SUNRISE to SUNSET. Feels too large; cold. Anemic headache in school girls; nervous, discouraged, broken down. Chronic headache, semi-lateral, congestive, from sunrise to sunset, with a pale face, nausea, vomiting; periodical; from eye strain; menstrual. Before attack, numbness and tingling in the lips, tongue and nose, relieved by sleep. Frontal sinus inflammation.

Feel bruised, WITH HEADACHE IN SCHOOL CHILDREN. Eyelids heavy. MUSCLES WEAK AND STIFF. Letters run together. Sees sparks. Fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects. Burning in eyes. Give out on reading or writing. Stricture of lachrymal duct with suppuration. Escape of muco-pus when pressing on the sac. Lachrymation, burning and acrid. Lids swollen. Eyes appear wet with tears. TEARS STREAM DOWN THE FACE ON COUGHING (Euphr.). ASTHENOPIA due to insufficiency of INTERNAL RECTI MUSCLES (Gels. and Cupr-act., when due to EXTERNAL muscles). PAIN IN THE EYES WHEN LOOKING DOWN. Cataract INCIPIENT (Sec.).

Noises; roaring and ringing.

VIOLENT, FLUENT CORYZA, lasting for one to three days, followed by obstruction of the nose, making breathing difficult. Discharge thin and watery, LIKE RAW WHITE OF EGG. Viloent sneezing coryza. INFALLIBLE FOR STOPPING A COLD COMMENCING WITH SNEEZING. Use thirtieth potency. LOSS OF SMELL AND TASTE. Internal soreness of the nose. Dryness.


Oily, shiny, as if greased. Earthy complexion. FEVER BLISTERS.

Frothy coating on the tongue, with bubbles on the side. Sense of dryness. Scorbutic gums. NUMBNESS, TINGLING IN THE TONGUE, lips, and nose. Vesicles and burning in the tongue, as if there was a hair on it. Eruptions around the mouth and VESICLES LIKE PEARLS ON LIPS. Lips and corners of mouth dry, ulcerated, and cracked. Deep crack in the middle of lower lip. TONGUE MAPPED (Ars., Rhus-t., Tarax.). Loss of taste. Large vesicle on lower lip, which is swollen and burns. Immoderate thirst.

Hungry, yet loose flesh (Iod.). Heartburn, with palpitations. Unquenchable thirst. SWEATS WHILE EATING. Craving for salt. Aversion to bread, to anything slimy, like oysters, fats. Throbbing in the pit. Sticking sensation in the cardiac orifice.

Cutting pain in the abdomen. Distended. Pain in the abdominal ring on coughing.

Burning pains and stitching after stool. Anus contracted, TORN, BLEEDING. Constipation; stool dry, crumbling (Am-m., Mag-m.). Painless and copious diarrhea, preceded by pinching pain in the abdomen.


Pain just AFTER urinating (Sars.). Increased, involuntary when walking, coughing, etc. Has to wait for a long time for it to pass IF OTHERS ARE PRESENT (Hep., Mur-ac.).

Emission, even after coitus. Impotence with retarded emission.

Menses irregular; usually profuse. Vagina dry. Leucorrhea acrid, watery. Bearing down pains; worse in the morning (Sep.). Prolapsus uteri, with cutting in the urethra. Ineffectual labor pains. Suppressed menses (follow with Kali-c.). Hot during menses.

Cough from a tickling in the pit of the stomach, accompanied by stitches in the liver and spurting of urine (Caust., Squil.). Stitches all over the chest. Cough, with bursting pain in the head. Shortness of breath, especially on going upstairs (Calc.). Whooping-cough with LACHRYMATION.

Tachycardia. Sensation of coldness in the heart. Heart and chest feel constricted. Fluttering, palpitating; intermittent pulse. Heart’s pulsations shake the body. INTERMITS ON LYING DOWN.

Pain in the back, WITH A DESIRE FOR SOME FIRM SUPPORT (Rhus-t., Sep.). Every movement accelerates the circulation. PALMS HOT AND PERSPIRING. Arms and legs, especially knees, feel weak. HANGNAILS. Dryness and cracking around the finger nails. NUMBNESS AND TINGLING in the fingers and lower extremities. Ankles weak and turn easily. Painful contraction of hamstrings (Caust.). Cracking in joints on motion. COLDNESS OF LEGS with congestion of the head, chest, and stomach.

Sleepy in the forenoon. Nervous jerking during sleep. Dreams of robbers. Sleepless from grief.

Greasy, oily, especially on hairy parts. Dry eruptions, especially on the margin of the hairy scalp and bends of joints. Fever blisters. Urticaria; itch and burn. Crusty eruptions in the BENDS OF LIMBS, MARGIN OF SCALP, behind ears (Caust.). Warts on palms of hands. Eczema; raw, red, and inflamed; worse, eating salt, at seashore. Affects hair follicles. Alopecia. Hives, itching after exertion. GREASY skin.

Chill between 9 and 11 a. m. Heat; violent thirst, increases with fever. Fever blisters. COLDNESS OF THE BODY and CONTINUOUS CHILLINESS very marked. Hydremia in chronic malarial states with weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, etc. Sweats on every exertion.

AGG.: noise, music, warm room, lying down; around 10 a. m., at the seashore, mental exertion, consolation, HEAT, talking.

AMEL.: open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on the right side; pressure against the back, tight clothing.

Complementary to Apis, Sep., Ign.

Compare: AQUA MARINA-Isotonic plasma (marine plasma is sea water taken some miles from the shore and at some depth below surface, filtered and diluted with twice as much pure fresh water. It acts primarily on the blood, as in intoxications, scrofulous conditions, enteritis. It disintoxicates in cancer, administered subcutaneously in the treatment of skin, kidneys and intestines, GASTROENTERITIS, AND TUBERCULOSIS. SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF CHILDREN. Lymphadenitis. Lupus, eczema, varicose ulcers. A great “blood purifier and vitalizer.” Potentized sea water is indicated in weakness, lack of reaction; symptoms worse seaside. Goitre). SAL MARINUM sea salt, (indicated in chronic enlargements of glands, especially cervical. Suppurating glands. It appears likely to become a most useful remedy as an auxiliary, if not as a principal, in the treatment of diseases in patients of a strumous diathesis. Also useful in constipation). NATRUM SELENICUM (laryngeal phthisis with expectoration of small lumps of bloody mucus and slight hoarseness). NATRUM SILICUM (hemophilia; scrofulous bone affections; given intravenously every 3 days for SENILE PRURITUS (Dol., Fago.). Ign., Sep., Thuj., Graph., Alum.

Antidotes: Ars., Phos., Spir-n-d.

Twelfth to thirtieth and higher. The very highest potencies often yield most brilliant results. In infrequent dosage.



Salt is so common an article of diet that it has been assumed that it could be of no use in medicine. This is only the opinion of men who operate entirely on the tissues. There are no constitutional effects from crude salt.

One may find an individual growing thin with all the symptoms of salt; he is taking salt in great quantities, but digesting none of it. Salt will be found in the stool, for it does not enter into the life. There is a Nat-m. inanition, a starving for salt. The same is true of lime. Children can get plenty of lime from their food and that is better when the salt or the lime is given in such shape that it cannot be resisted by the internal man-aimed not at the house he lives in, but at the individual himself-then the bone, salt inanition, the Nat- m. inanition, will soon pass away. We do not with our small dose supply the salt that the system needs, but we cure the internal disease, we turn into order the internal physical man, and then the tissues get salt enough from the food. Drugs must all be administered in suitable form. We may need to go higher and higher until the secret spring is touched.

Nat-m. is a deep acting, long acting remedy. It takes a wonderful hold of the economy, making changes that are lasting when given in potentized doses.

A great deal is presented that can be seen by looking at the patient, so that we say: this looks like a Nat-m. patient. Experienced physicians learn to classify patients by appearance. The skin is shiny, pale, waxy, looks as if greased. There is a wonderful prostration of a peculiar kind. Emaciation, weakness, nervous prostration, nervous irritability.


There is a long chain of mental symptoms; hysterical condition of the mind and body; weeping alternating with laughing; irresistible laughing at unsuitable times; prolonged, spasmodic laughter. This will be followed by tearfulness, great sadness, joylessness. No matter how cheering the circumstances are she cannot bring herself into the state of being joyful. She is benumbed to impressions, easily takes on grief, grieves over nothing. Unpleasant occurrences are recalled that she may grieve over them. Consolation aggravated the state of the mind-the melancholy, the tearfulness, sometimes brings on anger. She appears to bid for sympathy and is mad when it is given. Headache comes on with this melancholy. She walks the floor in rage. She is extremely forgetful; cannot cast up accounts; is unable to meditate; forgets what she was going to say; loses the thread of what she is hearing or reading. There is a great prostration of the mind.

Unrequited affection brings on complaints. She is unable to control her affections and falls in love with a married man. She knows that it is foolish, but lies awake with love for him. She falls in love with a coachman. She knows that she is unwise, but cannot help it. In cases of this kind Nat-m. will turn her mind into order, and she will look back and wonder why she was so silly. This remedy belongs to hysterical girls.

In a mental state where IGN. temporarily benefits the symptoms, but does not cure, its chronic, Nat-m. should be given. It is as well to give Nat-m. at once if there is an underlying constitutional state too deep for IGN.

Aversion to bread, to fats and rich things.

The Nat-m. patient is greatly disturbed by excitement, is extremely emotional. The whole nervous economy is in a state of fret and irritation, < from noise, the slamming of a door, the ringing of a bell, the firing of a pistol, < music.

The pains are stitching, electric-like shocks, convulsive jerkings of the limbs on falling asleep, twitchings, shooting pains. She is oversensitive to all sorts of influences, is excitable, emotional, intense.

Complaints come on in the warm ROOM, worse in the house, she wants the open air. The mental complaints are > in the open air. She takes cold easily from sweating, but is generally > in the open air, though worse on getting heated, < by sufficient exertion to heat up, but > by moderate exertion in the cold air.

Both NAT-C. and Nat-m. have the general nervous tension of NATRUM, but one is a chilly patient, the other warm blooded.


The face is sickly looking, the skin greasy, shiny, sallow, yellow, often chlorotic, covered with vesicular eruptions around the edges of the hair, the ears and back of the neck. There are scaly and squamous eruptions, with great itching, oozing a watery fluid, or sometimes dry. An exfoliation takes place, a shining surface is left. In the meatus, scales form and peel off, leaving an oozing surface. Watery vesicles form about the lips and wings of the nose, about the genitals and anus. Vesicular eruptions, white, oozing a watery fluid, come and go. Great itching of the skin is present.

The skin looks waxy, dropsical. There is great emaciation, the skin looking dry, withered, shrunken. An infant looks like a little old man. There is a down on the face that passes away when improvement sets in. Emaciation takes place from above downward. The collar-bones become prominent and the neck looks scrawny, but the hips and lower limbs remain plump and round. LYC. also has emaciation from above downward. The directions of remedies will often enable us to distinguish one from another.


The characteristic discharge from the mucous membranes is watery or thick whitish, like the white of an EGG. There is a marked coryza with a watery discharge, but the constitutional state has thick, white discharges. He hawks out a thick, white discharge in the morning.


There are gluey oozings from the eyes. From the ears flows a thick, white, gluey discharge.


The leucorrhoea is white and thick. With the gonorrhoea the discharge has existed a long time and become gleety. There is smarting in the urethra only after urination.


The headaches are awful; dreadful pains; bursting, compressing, as if in a vise; the head feels as if the skull would be crushed in. The pains are attended with hammering and throbbing. Pain like little hammers in the head on beginning to move. Hammering pains in the head on waking in the morning. The pain comes on in the latter part of sleep. There is great nervousness during the first part of the night; she falls asleep late and awakes with hammering in the head. There are also headaches beginning at 10 to11 a.m., lasting until 3 p.m. or evening. The headaches are periodical, every day, or third day, or fourth day. Headaches of those living in malarial districts, > from sleep; the patient must go to bed and be perfectly quiet, > from sweating headaches associated with intermittent fever. During the chill it seemed as though the head would burst; he is delirious and drinks large quantities of cold water. There is no relief to the head until after the sweat. Sometimes all the symptoms are relieved by the sweat except the headache.

In another form of headache; the greater the pain the more the sweat; sweating does not relieve; the forehead is cold, covered with a cold sweat. When the head is covered warmly he is > moving about in the open air.

Headache due to disturbance of vision where there is inability to focus rapidly enough. Headache < from noise.

Headache involving the whole back of the head and even going down the spine in troubles following the brain diseases, hydrocephalus.


In spinal troubles, when there is great sensitiveness to pressure-an irritable spine. The vertebra are sensitive and there is a great, deal of aching along the spine. Coughing aggravates the pain in the spine, also walking makes it worse, but it is > from lying on something hard, or pressing the back up against something hard; they may sit with a pillow or the hand pressed against the back. In menstrual troubles you find the woman lying with some hard object under the spine.

A general nervous trembling pervades the body. There is jerking of the muscles, trembling of the limbs, inability to keep the limbs still, as in ZINCUM.


The stomach and liver are closely related. The stomach is distended with flatus. After eating there is a lump in the stomach. It seems to take a long time for food to digest. < from eating. Whitish, slimy mucus is vomited attended with relief. There is great thirst for cold water, sometimes there is relief from drinking, sometimes the thirst is unquenchable.


We find fullness in the region of. the liver with stitching, tearing pains. The bowels are distended with gas. There is slowing down of the action of the bowels, the stool being very difficult, in hard, agglomerated lumps.


There is slowing down of the action of the bladder. Must wait before the urine will start, and then it comes slowly-dribbles; there is not much force in the flow. After urination there is a sensation as if more urine remained in the bladder. IF ANYONE IS PRESENT HE CANNOT PASS URINE, cannot pass it in a public place. There is also continued urging, he must pass the urine often.

This remedy and NAT-S. were used by the homeopaths to clear up chronic diarrhoea, the old army diarrhoea.

Observe the rapidity with which remedies affect the human system; there are some that are long acting, deep acting. Nat-m. is one of these. It operates very slowly, bringing about its results after a long time, as it corresponds to complaints that are slow, that are long in action. This does not mean that will not act rapidly; all remedies act rapidly, but not all act slowly; the longest acting may act in acute diseases, but the short acting cannot act long in chronic diseases. Get the pace, the periodicity of remedies. Some remedies have a continued fever, some a remittent, others an intermittent fever. In ACON., BELL. and BRY. we have three different paces, three different motions, three different forms of velocity; so in SULPH., GRAPH., Nat-m., CARB-V. a different form, a different development. Some would not hesitate in a continued fever to give BELL., but its complaints come on in great haste, with great violence and have nothing in their nature like a continued fever. This is not like typhoid. BELL. and ACON. have no manifestations of typhoid, even if the symptoms are present. He sure that the remedy has not only the group of symptoms, but also the nature of the case. The typhoid case has a likeness in BRY. or RHUS, but not in BELL. We owe no obedience to man, not even to our parents, after we are old enough to think for ourselves. We owe obedience to truth.

Nat-m. is a long acting remedy; its symptoms continue for years; it conforms to slow-coming, long-lasting, deep-seated symptoms. It requires a long time for a man to be brought under the influence of it, even when moderately sensitive.


The chill comes in the morning at 10:30; every day, every other day, every third or fourth day. The chill begins in the extremities which become blue; there is throbbing pain in the head, the face is flushed; delirium, talking of everything, constant, maniacal actions. They grow worse until a congestive attack comes. During the entire attack there is thirst for cold water. During the coldness he is not > by heat, not > by piling on the clothing, but wants cold drinks. We would naturally suppose that a person freezing to death would want warm things, but the Nat-m. patient cannot bear them. The teeth chatter, he tosses from side to side, the bones ache as if they would break, and there is vomiting as in congestive conditions.


In the fever he is so hot that the fingers are almost scorched with the intense heat, and he goes into a congestive sleep or stupor. The sweat relieves him; the aching all over is > by the sweat, and in time the headache passes away. There is intense chill, fever and sweat. Sometimes the attacks are in robust, strong people, but usually in the anaemic, in emaciated people full of malaria; lingering, chronic cases. Complaints do not always have this long prodrome. Its most striking use is in cases that have been living a long time in malarial swamps; saturated with the malarial atmosphere; they are anaemic, often dropsical; in old cases that have been mixed with arsenic and quinine, the crude drugs used by the Old School to break the fever as long as the patient is under their sway, but the patient is sick internally even more than before, and when the condition comes back it is generally in its original form; the crude drug is usually unable to change the type of an intermittent fever. Remedies only partly related to the case will change the character of the sickness so that no one can cure the case. The homeopathic remedy will cure intermittent fever every time if you get the right remedy. If there is a failure the case is mixed up so that no one may be able to cure it. First of all a master must realize the case and turn it into order so that it can then be cured. There are few men who never spoil a case of ague, because many cases come from partly developed, masked cases, the symptoms not being all out, especially in cases that have taken homeopathic remedies. The homeopathic failures are the worst failures on earth.

Nat-m. is irregular enough in its nature to develop the chills into regularity. When it has come into better order, wait: either the whole case will subside, or another remedy will be clear. There are other remedies that can turn cases into order. Often cases spoiled by homeopaths can be turned into order by SEPIA.Marked cases with congestion of the head, aching in the back and nausea are turned into order by IP. The cure is permanent after homeopathic prescribing; the chills do not return.

Nat-m. not only removes the tendency to intermittents, but restores the patient to health, and takes away the tendency to colds-the susceptibility to colds, and to periodicity. It is the susceptibility that is removed. We know that every attack predisposes to another attack. Each attack of ague is more destructive than the previous one. The drugs used increase the susceptibility; the homeopathic remedy removes the susceptibility. Homeopathic treatment tends to simplify the human economy and to make diseases more easily managed. Unless this susceptibility be eradicated, man goes down lower and lower into emaciation-emaciation from above downwards.

Children born in a malarial region are likely to go into marasmus. They have a voracious appetite, a wonderful hunger, eating much, but all the time emaciating.


Nat-m. is useful in the complaints of women, in troublesome menstruation. There is a great variety of menstrual complaints: menses too scanty or too free, too late or too soon. We cannot individualize from the menstrual symptoms, we must do it from the constitutional state. Examine every possible function to be sure you have all the symptoms. Examine every organ, not by examining it physically, for results of diseases do not lead to the remedy, but examine the symptoms.

Conditions of pregnancy. The mammary glands waste there is wasting of the upper parts of the body. The uterus is intensely sore. The leucorrhoea, which is at first white, turns green. Women take cold in every draft of air. There is pain during sexual congress with dryness of the vagina; a feeling as though sticks pressed into the walls of the vagina; pricking pains. There is dryness of all mucous membranes; everywhere the membranes are dry.


The throat is dry, red, patulous; a sensation of a fishbone jagging into it when swallowing; there is inability to swallow without washing down the food with liquids; there is sticking all the way down the oesophagus.

Most prescribers give HEP. for every sticking or fishbone sensation in the throat; this is the old keynote, the old routine. NIT-AC, ARG-N., ALUM. and Nat-m. all have it, but all differently.

The tonsils are swollen, full, purple-quinsy. The patient is sensitive to the slightest draught, there is pain in the throat even on putting the hand out of bed; he sweats in the night with no relief; he is sensitive TO every impression; feels everything ten times amplified.

There are yellow patches in the throat; ragged, jagged ulcers in the throat or it is inflamed and purple. The urine smells like horses’ urine.

There is much hoarseness, the vocal cords being disturbed. The throat is swollen, patulous; the patient wants cold things, cold water, cold air. Adapted to those cases that have had ulceration of the os uteri with cauterization.

There is extreme dryness of the mucous membranes, as if they would break; chronic dryness without ulceration. There is much catarrhal discharge like the white of an EGG, with dryness of the mucous membranes when not covered by this mucus. The patient is extremely sensitive, sensitive to a change of weather.

Every remedy has its own pace, its order of succession. We must bear in mind the order of succession.

Nat-m. is useful in old dropsies, especially dropsy of cellular tissues. Sometimes there is dropsy of sacs, dropsy of the brain following acute diseases. In acute spinal meningitis with extreme nervous tension, where there is chronic drawing back of the head, chronic jerking of the head forward. Acute diseases that result in hydrocephalus, or in irritation of the spine. Sometimes useful in abdominal dropsy, but more often in oedema of the lower extremities. Acute dropsies after scarlet fever; the patient is oversensitive, starts in his sleep, rises up in the night with confusion; there are albumen and casts in the urine.

In dropsy after the malaria Nat-m., when it acts curatively, generally brings back the original chill. The only cure known to man is from above down, from within out, and in the reverse order of coming. When it is otherwise, there is only improvement, not cure. When the symptoms return there is hope; that is the road to cure and there is no other.


The skin symptoms are sometimes very striking. In old lingering cases where the skin looks transparent as if the patient would become dropsical, a waxy, greasy, shiny skin; other remedies with greasy, shiny skin are PLUMB., THUJA, SELEN. These remedies go deep into the life. Any remedy that can produce such wonderful changes is long-acting.





Useful after labor when the mother does not progress well; she is feeble and excitable; the lochia is prolonged, copious and white; the hair falls out from the head and genitals; the milk passes away, or the child does not thrive on it. Useful in afterpains where there is subinvolution of the uterus, the uterus is in a state of prolonged congestion. She is < noise, music, the slamming of a door. She craves salt and has an aversion to bread, wine and fat things. Sour wines disorder the stomach. Nat-m. will clear up the case, restore the milk, turn the case into order.

Nat-m. is needed by those chlorotic girls who have a greasy skin, a greenish, yellowish complexion; who menstruate only once in two or three months. The menses are copious, or scanty and watery. Where the symptoms agree, this remedy can eradicate this chlorosis and turn the countenance into a picture of health, but not in a short time. It takes years to establish health in a typical chlorosis; the cut finger bleeds only water; the menstrual flow is only a leucorrhoea; there is pernicious anaemia. Nat-m., goes deep enough into the life to restore the pink complexion.


























For the anemic and cachectic; whether FROM LOSS OF VITAL FLUIDS – profuse menses, seminal losses – or mental affections.


For the bad effects: of anger (caused by offence); of grief, fright, vexation, mortification or reserved displeasure (Staph.).
Irritability: child cross when spoken to; crying from slightest cause; gets into a passion about trifles, especially when consoled with.
Awkward, hasty, drops things from nervous weakness (Apis, Bov.).
Marked disposition to weep; sad weeping mood, without cause (Puls.), but consolation from others < her troubles.
Dreams: OF ROBBERS in the house, and on waking will not believe to the contrary until search is made (Psor.); of burning thirst.


Great emaciation; losing flesh while living well (Abrot., Iod.); throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint (Sanic.).
Great liability to take cold (Calc., Kali-c.).
Craving for salt (Calc., Caust.); great aversion to bread.
For the bad effects: of acid food, bread, quinine, EXCESSIVE USE OF SALTS; of cauterization of all kinds with the silver nitrate.

Headache: anemic, of school girls (Calc-p.); FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET; left sided clavus; as if bursting; with red face, nausea and vomiting before, during and after menses; as though a thousand little hammers were knocking in the brain during fever; > by perspiration.
Headache; BEGINNING WITH BLINDNESS (Iris, Kali-bi.); with zig-zag dazzling, like lightning in eyes, ushering in a throbbing headache; from eye strain.
The hair falls out when touched, in nursing women (Sep.); face oily, shiny, as if greased (Plb., Thuja).

Lachrymation; tears stream down the face whenever he coughs (Euphr.).

Sensation as of a hair on the tongue (Sil.).
Tongue: Mapped, WITH RED INSULAR PATCHES; like ringworm on sides (Ars., Lach., Merc., Nit-ac., Tarax.); heavy, difficult speech, CHILDREN SLOW IN LEARNING TO WALK.

Gastro-intestinal System
Constipation: sensation of contraction of anus; torn, bleeding, smarting afterwards; stool dry, hard, difficult, crumbling (Am-c., Mag-m.); stitches in rectum (Nit-ac.); involuntary, knows not whether flatus or feces escape (Aloe, Iod., Mur-ac., Olnd., Podo.).

Urinary System
Urine: Involuntary when walking, coughing, laughing (Caust., Puls.,Squil.); has to wait a long while for urine to pass, IF OTHERS ARE PRESENT (Hep., Mur-ac.); cutting in urethra AFTER (Sars.).

Seminal emission: soon after coition, with increased desire; weakness of organs with retarded emission during an embrace; impotence, spinal irritation, paralysis, after sexual excesses.

Pressing, pushing towards genitals every morning; must sit down to prevent prolapsus (Lil-t., Murx., Sep.).

Respiratory System
Hay fever: squirming sensation in the nostril, as of a small-worm; brought on by exposure to hot sun or intense summer heat.

Cardio-vascular System
Fluttering of the heart; with a weak faint feeling < lying down (Lach.).
The heart’s pulsations shake the body (Spig.).

Painful contractions of the hamstrings (Am-m., Caust, Guaj.).

Fever blisters, LIKE PEARLS about the lips; lips dry, sore and cracked, ulcerated (Nit-ac.).
Intermittent: PAROXYSM AT 10 OR 11 A.M.; old, chronic, badly treated cases, especially after suppression by quinine; headache, with unconsciousness during chill and heat; sweat > pains.

Hangnails: skin around the nails dry and cracked (Graph., Petr.); herpes about anus and on borders of hair at nape of neck (in bend of knees, Hep., Graph.).
Warts on palms of hands (sore to touch, Nat-c.).
Eczema; raw, red, inflamed, especially in edges of hair; < from eating too much salt, at seashore, or from ocean voyage.
Urticaria, acute or chronic; over whole body, especially after violent exercise (Apis, Calc., Hep., Sanic., Urt-u.).


AGG: AT 10 OR 11 A.M.; at the seashore or from sea air; heat of sun or stove; mental exertion, talking, writing, reading; lying down.
AMEL: In the open air (Apis, Puls.); cold bathing; GOING WITHOUT REGULAR MEALS; lying on right side (on painful side, Bry., Ign., Puls.).


Complementary: To, Apis; acts well before and after it.
Nat-m. is the chronic of Ignatia, which is its vegetable analogue.
Is followed by Sepia and Thuja.
Cannot often be repeated in chronic cases without an intercurrent, called for by the symptoms.
Should never be given during fever paroxysm.
If vertigo and headache be very persistent, or prostration be prolonged after Natrium, Nux will relieve.

















Loathing life, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS by shooting but restrains himself because of grief given to relatives.




Mental symptoms AFTER INJURIES TO HEAD OR SPINE (confusion, dullness, sadness, insanity).


Fastidious, too much sense of duty.







Feels every change in weather from dry to wet.


Difficult, asthmatic respiration, < 04:00 to 05:00, <wet, damp weather.


Diarrhoea with loud flatus, on rising and moving about.

Diarrhoea from sudden joy, after rich food, during jaundice.


HIP JOINT DISEASE <LEFT (almost a specific remedy).


Liver and gall bladder affections (inflammation, swelling, enlargement, atrophy, congestion, gall stones, etc.).


Warts. Condylomata red and soft.


Ailments after head injuries (headache, vertigo, mental symptoms).


Photophobia during headache.





AGG.: wet weather esp. warm, farinaceous food, fruits, vegetables, potatoes.

AMEL.: after stool, diarrhoea, open air.

DES.: cold drinks, salty fish, ice, beer.

AVERS.: sour milk and yoghurt, beer, bread.







NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Nat-s.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Asthma, diarrhea, ailments from head injury. Aggravation from damp weather, at 5a.m.

RESPIRATORY: asthma and dyspnea aggravated in warm wet weather, at 5am.

DIARRHOEA:   diarrhoea in the morning with sudden urging to stool. Stool with loud flatus, on rising and moving about. Diarrhoea from sudden joy, after rich food, during jaundice.


ABDOMEN: liver and gall bladder affections (inflammation, swelling, enlargement, atrophy, congestion, gall stones, etc.).


EXTREMITIES: hip joint disease esp. left (almost a specific remedy).


GENERALS: ailments after head injuries (headache, vertigo, mental symptoms).


MENTAL PICTURE:  dullness, depression after head injury.



Aggravation: wet weather esp. warm, change in weather from dry to wet, farinaceous food, fruits, vegetables, potatoes.

Amelioration: after stool, diarrhoea, open air.















The Nit-ac. patient is miserable, in a state of constant dissatisfaction. They are never pleased by anything. They become nihilistic to the point that life is meaningless.

The characteristic on the physical level is the sluggish circulation, the splinter-like pains and the offensiveness of the discharges.









Fear of impending disease, cancer, death. Hypochondriacal anxiety.


Unforgiving, bears a grudge. Unmoved by apologies.

NIHILISTIC. Irritable, sad, cursing. Never cheerful. Suicidal disposition.





STITCHING, SPLINTER-LIKE PAINS. Their special seat of action is where mucous membranes and skin meet.



Offensive perspiration. Excoriating perspiration of feet that destroy the socks.


UNREFRESHING SLEEP. Waking at 2 a.m.


CRACKS about lips, corners of mouth. Fissured tongue.


Cracking in jaw when chewing, in joints, in ankle or knee while walking.









DES.: FAT, salt, indigestible things, earth, chalk, clay.

AVERS.: cheese esp. strong, eggs.

AGG.: milk, eating, jar, after stool, after coition.

AMEL.: riding, loosening clothing, lying, wet weather.


















STATE AS IF IN A DREAM. Clairvoyance.

Weakness or loss of memory, lack of concentration, abstraction of mind. Confusion when walking in the open air.

Does not recognize, forgets well known streets. Makes mistakes in localities, uses the wrong words. Vanishing thoughts while reading, speaking or writing.

Periodical attacks of short lasting absent-mindedness.


Delusions he’s three persons, of being double, of floating in the air, that everything is strange.


Hysteria. Changeable mood esp. during heat. Weeping alternating with laughter.


Stupefaction < menses, pregnancy.







Dryness of mouth with thirstlessness <during menses, evening, night.

Tongue so dry that adheres to roof of mouth.

They sip water only to moist the mouth, they can even spit it afterwards. Sensation of dryness when mouth is moist.

Indicated in Sjogren’s syndrome.




Disposition to FAINT from sight of blood, pains, hysteria, during palpitations, during stool etc.


Anxious, accelerated respiration during headache.

Sensation of fullness in stomach during pregnancy.


Irregular, late, copious menses. Menses during pregnancy. Suppressed menses from exertion, from chill, from getting wet.


Constipation, soft but difficult stool, has to help mechanically.


Tendency to abortion.





AGG: change of weather, wet weather, lying on painful side, uncovering, cold (air, becoming), open air.

AMEL.: warm (bed, drinks, stove, weather), lying on painless side, pressure, walking.







The central idea in this remedy is the irritation of the nervous system. The individual is excited, impatient, quick to act and very irritable. It is often used in states of exhaustion from over-working, where the nervous system cannot tolerate the slightest stimulus. The noise, the light, the traffic, every little stress is intolerable. The irritability is found and is a leading characteristic during acute diseases.

On the physical level, this over excitability manifests in twitching, jerking, headaches but primarily in the sensitivity of the stomach.









Easily offended. May become violent. Sudden impulse to kill even for a slight offense. Sudden impulse to throw the child out of the window or into fire. Desires to kill the husband.



Increased ambition, competitive, industrious.


Jealous. Ailments from jealousy.


Fastidious, wants things in certain place


Oversensitive to external impressions: noise, music, odor, light.





STOMACH AFFECTIONS: gastritis, indigestion, duodenal ulcers, sensation of stone after eating.


CHILLY, easily susceptible to drafts <uncovering.


CONSTIPATION. Constipation from portal stasis. INEFFECTUAL URGING.


Urging to urinate with urging to stool.

Cystitis with frequent or constant urging which is ineffectual, only passes a few drops. Sudden urging to urinate, must hasten or urine will escape.


SLEEPLESSNESS from excitement, after mental strain, from thoughts.

Sleeplessness after 3 – 4 a.m.


Increased sexual desire.


Photophobia (esp. in morning).





AGG.: cold, drafts, undressing, touch, alcohol, coffee, tobacco.

AMEL.: warm (drinks, stove, bed, applications), lying, loosening the clothing.

DES.: stimulants, brandy, spices, fat, beer, earth/chalk/clay/lime, charcoal, highly seasoned food.




Chilly and irritable.


KEYWORDS: irritable, chilly, aggravated from cold, ameliorated by warmth.

ONSET:  the manifestation of the complaints is sudden and intense.

FEVER/INFLUENZA:  violent chills and rigor aggravated from uncovering, from any exposure to cold, from motion. Fever with gastric complaints. Fever with pain in back, bones and extremities. Headache, heaviness of head. Thirst during fever. Burning eyes.

EAR: itching of eustachian tube which compels swallowing. Mucous or pus. Pain on swallowing. Ear pain extending to temples. One cheek red and the other pale during otitis.

NOSE: catarrh, sneezing in the morning in bed, on waking, after rising, after eating. Coryza with heat in face. Hay fever. Sinusitis with obstruction of nose  aggravated at night. Fluent catarrh during the day, dryness at night. Tickling especially on the right nostril. Excoriating coryza.

Aggravated in warm room and ameliorated in open air.

RESPIRATION: hay asthma, asthma with sneezing, dyspnoea with cough aggravated in cold air.

COUGH: cough on waking, before rising. Cough from irritation of air passages, from rawness of larynx.  Ameliorated by warm drinks, lying on side  and aggravated from uncovering, moving the chest, cold air, eating, lying on back, night until daybreak.

CHEST: pain, rawness in chest aggravated by lying on painful side, motion. Oppression, congestion of chest.  Stertorous, rattling respiration.

EYE: inflammation of inner canthi. Purulent discharge in canthi. Dryness of eyes. Itching ameliorated by rubbing. Photophobia. Lachrymation.

ABDOMEN: colic (renal colic, gall stone colic), intense pains with nausea, with chills which are ameliorated warmth.  Pain extending from kidney to thigh, to genitals. Swelling of liver. Diarrhoea aggravated from cold air in abdomen, cold food.

URINARY: tenesmus, constant urging but little urine is voided. Painful retention. Painful, ineffectual urging. Has to hurry to the toilet otherwise urine will escape. Involuntary urination on coughing. Pain in bladder before or during urination. Paralysis of bladder after over-distention. Cystitis with burning pain in kidneys. Dribbling urination.

STOMACH: ailments from anger, nausea with perspiration. Nausea in the morning in bed. Nausea with inability to vomit.  Aggravated by alcohol and ameliorated by lying.  Bitter or sour eructation.

VERTIGO: from loss of sleep. Vertigo at night waking him from sleep. Aggravated by alcohol.

TEETH: toothache, abscesses. Pain after dental work. Painful gums after extraction of teeth ameliorated by warm (drinks, food, applications, wrapping of head) and aggravated on inspiration.

PROSTATE: enlarged prostate with dribbling urination, painful retention of urine. Emission of prostatic fluid during stool.

VOMITING: vomiting with palpitation, after anger. Offensive vomiting.


MENTAL:  The patient is usually irritable. Ailments from anger or from exhaustion, mental exertion, loss of sleep.


Aggravation: any exposure to cold, alcohol.

Amelioration: warmth.





























The keyword for Opium is the sleepiness. The opiates in the brain of these patients are so much increased that promote sleep very easily leading even to narcolepsy. The opiates not only make the patient sleepy but make them blissful. They are so blissful that they don’t feel the pain of their complaints, they don’t realize the seriousness of their condition.  Sleepiness and other symptoms can come after a frightening experience.








AILMENTS FROM FRIGHT – convulsions, chorea, neurological disturbances etc.
Sleepy expression of the face. Somnambulism.


Indifference to suffering. CHEERFUL AND HAPPY during sickness, during fever. Does not complain, wants nothing, and seems to be in bliss though very sick. Says he’s well when sick.


Abundant ideas, vivid imagination. Ailments from excessive joy.





OVERPOWERING SLEEPINESS, NARCOLEPSY. Falls asleep while talking, sitting, etc. Falls into a heavy stupid sleep.


PAINLESSNESS of usually painful complaints.


Snoring, respiration is arrested, difficult, slow <during sleep.


SEVERE CONSTIPATION. Constipation of newborns. Inactivity of rectum. Stool recedes. Stool like black balls.

Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Involuntary stool after fright. Diarrhoea from emotions, excitement, fright, joy.







AGG.: during and after sleep, wine, warmth.

DES.: brandy, alcohol.








OPIUM (Op.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Sleepiness and blissfulness with complaints. Ailments from fright.



Overpowering sleepiness, narcolepsy. Falls asleep while talking, sitting, etc. Falls into a heavy stupid sleep.


Painlessness of normally painful complaints – does not feel the pain.


APPEARANCE: dark red face.


RESPIRATION: Stertorous respiration. Snoring, respiration is arrested, difficult, slow aggravated during sleep. The patient wakes to prevent suffocation. Gasping inspiration while expiration is long and slow.


RECTUM / STOOL: Severe constipation. Constipation of newborns. Inactivity of rectum. Stool recedes. Stool like black balls.

Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Involuntary stool after fright.

Diarrhoea from emotions (excitement, fright, joy).


MENTAL PICTURE: ailments from fright – convulsions, chorea, neurological disturbances etc. Sleepy expression of the face. Somnambulism. Ailments from excessive joy, excitement.


Indifference to suffering. Cheerful, happy, blissful during sickness, during fever. Does not complain, wants nothing and seems to be in bliss though very sick. Says he’s well when sick. Abundant ideas, vivid imagination.




Aggravation: during and after sleep, wine, warmth.

Amelioration: wine, cold air.













Feels that death is near and has to settle his affairs (presentiment of death).


Depression with dim vision.


Loss of memory, confusion. Does not recognize well known streets.


Excited, irritable after coition.





Affects the skin and the mucus membranes.




ERUPTIONS, usually with painful cracks. Eczema, psoriasis, herpes. <winter.

Itching of skin, must scratch until is raw.



Diarrhœa during skin eruptions.


Sea-sickness, car-sickness.

Falling out of hair.


Weakness, stomach emptiness, hunger after stool or during diarrhœa.

Ravenous hunger, frequently awakened by it at night.


Burning sensation is marked.





AGG.: cabbage, flatulent food (beans and peas), after coition, eating after.

AMEL.: summer.

DES.: brandy, beer.

AVERS.: fat, meat.









The characteristic of this remedy is the great weakness which begins on the emotional level and gradually progresses to the mental and physical levels. The most usual cause is grief which progresses to such depth that freezes the individual. The patient becomes apathetic and indifferent that nothing can excite them. They stare at the wall with an empty look. They don’t care if they live or die.

The falling of hair and the desire for juicy things are confirmatory symptoms for a Ph-ac. case.








Weakness on the emotional plane progressing to the physical and mental planes.

AILMENTS FROM GRIEF. Ailments from grief, disappointment. Prostrated and stupefied with grief. Silent grief.




Memory weakness, dullness. Has to reflect long before answering. Forgetful of words while speaking.





WEAKNESS AND LASSITUDE <after emissions, after eating, exertion, morning.

Faintness from loss of fluids.


AILMENTS FROM GRIEF: falling of hair, headache, diarrhoea, palpitations etc.

Copious stool. Yellow stool.


Diarrhoea without weakness, after food, after taking a cold in the summer, from weather changes, after becoming cold, after anticipation, after grief.


Seminal emissions at night (nocturnal) < with stool, during erection, after coition or onanism. Too quick ejaculation.


Urine milky, curdled-like, cloudy, albuminous.


Diabetes, sugar in urine.


Pale, sickly color of face.


Ailments in young when growing too fast with a lot of acute diseases, growing pains.





AGG.: after perspiration, becoming cold, eating, emissions, evening.

AMEL.: after sleep, motion.

DES.: JUICY, REFRESHING THINGS. Fruits, tonics, cold drinks.

AVERS.: bread.



PHOSPHORIC ACID (Ph-ac.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Weakness, exhaustion and apathy. Ailments from grief. Ailments from loss of fluids.


APPEARANCE: Pale, sickly color of face.

FEVER: fever with weakness aggravated in the evening. Stupor during fever. Thirstlessness and sleeplessness during fever.

DIARRHOEA: diarrhoea without weakness, after food, after catching a cold in the summer, from weather changes, after getting cold, after anticipation, after grief.


PROSTATE: prostatitis with emission of prostatic fluid during stool, interrupted urination, feeble stream, frequent urging

THIRST/CRAVINGS: juicy, refreshing foods. Juicy fruits, tonics, cold drinks.

MENTAL PICTURE:  the patient is indifferent as a result of grief. Most of the times the ailments are a result of grief. Indifference, stupor during fever.


Aggravation: after perspiration, becoming cold, eating, emissions, evening.

Amelioration: after sleep, motion, walking. ADDITION

























SYMPATHETIC. Naive, easily trusting.


ANXIETY, becomes “free-floating” with no identifiable cause, fear that something will happen. Anxiety others for. Strong anxiety about health esp. relatives. – easily reassured by the doctor.


FEARS: thunderstorms, dark, being alone, something will happen, death, heart disease.


Desires company.





HÆMORRHAGES. Menses copious, bright red. Epistaxis.


UNQUENCHABLE THIRST esp. FOR COLD DRINKS, experiences burning pains internally, relieved by cold things. As soon as the water (or other liquids) becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up.

Nausea and vomiting when putting hands in warm water.


All sorts of affections of the respiratory tract. Pneumonia < left side.


Left sided, cannot sleep on left side.


Sexual desire increased.


Chilly. Coldness of extremities. Feet icy cold. Coldness of knees esp. at night.


Hoarseness. Lost voice, painless or with painful raw feeling of throat.


Burning pain in spots along the spine, between the scapula.





AGG.: cold, twilight, lying on left side, warm food, garlic, salt, change of weather.
AMEL.:cold drinks,shortsleep, rubbing, warm bath of head, eating.


AVERS.: warm food and drinks, fish, oysters.












PHOSPHORUS (Phos.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Increased thirst, anxiety, haemorrhagic tendency.

KEYWORDS: haemorrhage, thirst, chilly, insecurity, needs company.

All complaints are almost always accompanied by increased thirst for cold drinks.

GENERALITIES: chilly with cold extremities. Haemorrhagic tendency. Profuse, bright red blood.

RESPIRATORY: bronchitis, pneumonia, pleura-pneumonia esp. left lung. Respiratory affections with painful chest, thirst, perspiration, constriction of chest, fan-like motion of wings of nose. Respiration is accelerated, superficial, rattling.

Aggravated lying on left side.

COUGH: cough going from warm to cold or from cold to warm (room, temperature).     Cough from irritation in chest, in larynx. Cough with perspiration during sleep (also in cervical region), with fever, with coryza. Involuntary urination on coughing. Aggravated from cold drinks, cold air, lying, laughing and ameliorated from expectoration, on turning from left to right, on sitting up.

THROAT: laryngitis. Rawness of larynx. Hoarseness painful, preventing speech.

CHEST: oppression, pain on coughing making the patient hold his chest with his hands. Constriction, pulsation in chest.  Aggravated in open air, on becoming cold, on breathing deeply.

EARS: otitis with blood or bloody discharges.

FEVER: fever with thirst for cold drinks, weakness, perspiration at night.

STOMACH: nausea aggravated by cold drinks and ameliorated from warm drinks, and drinking. Vomiting as soon as the water becomes warm in stomach. Hematemesis. Dark vomiting.

VERTIGO: from loss of fluids. Vertigo is aggravated on looking upwards, on rising from a seat, on looking down, from exertion of vision.

SKIN: bleeding wounds. Ecchymosis.

MENTAL PICTURE: the patient is fearful, insecure and anxious about his health during the acute state.  Needs to have company, to have someone beside him at all times and often wants to be held. Cannot stay alone especially at night.

THIRST/CRAVINGS:  intense thirst for cold. Desire for salt. Desires ice-cream.


Aggravation: cold, lying on the left side.

Amelioration: warmth, eating after, cold drinks, sleep.














Intense mental activity (Cann-i., Coff.), cannot stop thinking.

Cannot concentrate the mind.





Heaviness of lids (Gels.).

Night blindness; myopia.

Twitching lids.

Eye strain (Ruta, Onos., Nat-m.).

Contractions of pupils.

Defective accommodation; astigmatism.


Floating spots. Flashes.

Profuse lachrymation. Photophobia.

Could not get his will into his muscles.

Muscle spasms and cramps.

Numbness of distal extremities.

Dread of cold water.

Sudden jerking of extremities on falling asleep.





AGG: Cold, draft.





















Wants to be naked during delirium. Shamelessness, exposes the person.


Sadness, indifference and apathy. Desires to be killed. Aversion to mental work, to business. Refuses to eat.


Weeping during menses.


Delusions as if snakes all around her.


Sensitive to pain.


Desire to bite.





Affects bones, glands and the throat. Most symptoms are in the glands esp. breast, parotids and tonsils. Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation.


AFFECTIONS OF MAMMAE. Pain in left mammae extending to the whole body.

Inflammation, induration, fistulous openings, ulceration, nodules, cancer etc.

Pain in mammae while nursing the child.


Pain in nipples radiating to the whole body <while nursing.



Painful dentition or teeth pain > clenching the gums and teeth, biting on to something hard. Clenching or biting teeth ameliorates.


Pain in throat feels as if it is burning like a hot ball.

Throat pain > cold drinks and < warm drinks.


Tip of tongue is fiery-red with smarting pain. Pain in root of tongue on swallowing or on putting the tongue out.

Tonsillitis with marked pain, swelling, enlargement and dark red discoloration of tonsils. Ulcers of tonsils. Inflammation of tonsils, pharynx or root of the tongue < on the right side.


Stitching pain in ears on swallowing.


Aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration.

Pain in forehead extending backward. Headache <rain.

Abundant hot lachrymation with cough or during coryza.


Pains fly like electric shocks, shooting, shifting, wandering.




AGG.: wet weather, cold weather, night, sleep after, motion.

AMEL.: open air, biting teeth together.











PROSTRATION OF MIND. Begins on the mental level and works through emotions to physical plane. Exhaustion comes suddenly.

BRAIN FATIGUE. Dullness, CANNOT CONCENTRATE, cannot think long – mind is stopped. Paralytic state of mind. Imbecility.


Indifference. Lacks will power to undertake anything.





WEARINESS- progressing from weariness to paralysis. Sleep does not refresh. Heaviness of limbs <while walking, after exertion. Numbness.

Burning pain along the spine with great weakness < mental and physical exertion.


Pain in posterior part of lower limbs.

Excessive sexual desire, easy erections, easy excitement. Lasciviousness.


Occipital headache. Bursting headaches.

Oily looking yellowish skin. Jaundice with itching.





AGG: physical and mental exertion, emissions, warm, wet weather.

AMEL: lying, rest, bathing, bandaging.
















In Platina we see excessive sexuality to the point of nymphomania. We see the inflated, enlarged ego which usually takes two directions: if the sexuality is suppressed, the person is mentally inflated and shows egotism, pride and haughtiness to the pathological extent that they can feel they’re someone important (king, queen) or if the sexuality is expressed and released we don’t see the haughtiness so much.

On the physical level there is predisposition to enlargements and tumors of the genital system.








HAUGHTY, CONTEMPTUOUS, PROUD. Superiority complex. Looking down upon people. EGOTISM. Desires grandeur. They want to have impressive look.


NYMPHOMANIA. Lascivious. Religious affections alternate with sexual excitement. Disposition to MASTURBATION.


DELUSIONS; DISORDERED SENSE OF PROPORTION- Things appear smaller. People seem physically and mentally inferior. Humility and lowness of others while he’s great.

Delusions she’s a noble, does not belong to her own family.

This delusion extends to body. Fancies herself very tall. Taller than others or she looks down to others from a higher place. Everything in the room are diminished while she’s tall.

You will see this mental picture esp. when the sexuality is suppressed. Mental symptoms alternate with sexual hyperactivity.


Ailments from grief- disappointments in love/sexual sphere.


FEARS: death (esp. when they get symptoms such as numbness), disease, ghosts (thinks he’s conversing with ghosts), something will happen to her husband, fear of being hanged, of knives.


Desire to kill, the husband.


Aversion to, even hatred of children. The world is bad to have children.


Mental symptoms alternate with physical symptoms.





EXCESSIVE, VIOLENT SEXUAL DESIRE that can lead to involuntary orgasms or even convulsions.


Cramp-like pains.

NUMBNESS of parts especially face (cheek, about mouth). In coccyx while sitting. Numbness in spots.


Fear that face is distorted (Bell’s Palsy).

BANDAGED SENSATION, sensation of a band around affected part.


Feeling of contraction or constriction in umbilicus. Pain in umbilicus extending to back.

Malignancy, tumors in uterus, ovaries, testes, external genitalia.


Menses dark clotted, offensive with bearing down pain.




Loud eructations in stomach while fasting.

Sensitiveness of genitalia. Painfully sensitive genitals.


Sticky discharges.





AGG.: lying.

AMEL.: motion, walking, wet weather.

AVERS.: meat esp. during menses.
































Suitable to people that are ‘bon viveur’, have the best of everything. Materialistic. Amorous.



SLOWNESS of perceiving external impressions, comprehension, answering.


WEAKNESS OF MEMORY – esp. for words, for expressing oneself.


Apathetic, boredom.


Fear of being poisoned.


Sadness with anxiety.

Desire to do self-destructive things.







Affects the TENDONS, muscles, nerves and spinal cord. Contraction of tendons and muscles, esp. flexor muscles of hand. Cannot abduct the finger. DUPUYTREN’S CONTRACTURE.



TREMBLING of muscles (hand, tongue, upper and lower limbs etc.).

Tremulous weakness, Parkinson’s disease, arteriosclerosis.


Emaciation of affected part. Atrophy of muscles. Sunken cheeks, face and eyes.




Radiating pains to all parts of body esp. stomach and abdomen.


Distinct blue line along the margin of gums.


CONSTIPATION – stools hard, lumpy, black like balls, like sheep’s dung.


Painful constriction of rectum.





AGG.: fish.

AMEL.: pressure, rubbing,

DES.: fried food, salt, sweets, bread.












Delirious loquacity during chill and fever.


Melancholia, sadness.

Moaning in sleep, during cough.






The diarrhoea soils the whole toilet bowl.


Offensive stool. If the diarrhoea is not offensive, forget Podophyllum (Kent).

Thin, liquid stool, pouring out. Involuntary stool on passing flatus.


Stool with meal-like sediment, like chalk lumps.

Diarrhoea < 04:00, after sour fruit, sour milk, drinking water, oysters, after bathing.

>warm applications, lying esp. on the right side.


Prolapsus of rectum during or after stool. Prolapsus and dragging down of uterus, ovaries, rectum.


Gurgling before stool. Faintness after diarrhoea, weakness from diarrhoea.


Alternating diarrhoea with constipation, alternating diarrhoea with headache.

Periodical diarrhoea.


The liver is out of order, bitter taste in the mouth, vomits bile. Pain in liver >rubbing.

The tongue is yellow, as if mustard were spread upon it and indented.


Right sided remedy.





AGG.: yoghurt, oysters, fruit, exertion, eating, warm air, midnight after (03:00, 04:00. 05:00).










PODOPHYLLUM (Podo.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Gushing, sputtering diarrhea.


DIARRHEA: sputtering, forcible, explosive mixed with flatus.

STOOL: stool is offensive, liquid, yellow. Involuntary stool when passing flatus. Stool with mucous or blood.

ABDOMEN: gurgling before stool. Abdominal pain that is ameliorated after stool.

RECTUM: prolapsus of rectum during or after stool. Prolapsus and dragging down of uterus, ovaries, rectum.

GENERALITIES: weakness, faintness from diarrhea.

FEMALE: inflammation of ovaries (especially right ovary). Prolapsus of uterus.


Aggravation: night (04:00-05:00), drinking, before stool.

Amelioration: pressure, warmth, lying, flexing limbs.



























Anxious about health, DESPAIR OF RECOVERY.


Fear of being alone, of business failure, of poverty.

Forsaken feeling.


Religious despair.

Fears busy streets.







CHILLY. Wears hat or overcoat in hot weather. Great sensitiveness to cold air or change of weather.


OFFENSIVENESS. Skin DIRTY-as if never washed, greasy.

Profuse and offensive perspiration.


Acts on skin esp. folds. Eruptions with offensive discharges. Driven to despair with ITCH <wool, night.


Feels unusually well before an attack of symptoms esp. faintness.


Always hungry during headache > eating. Increased appetite at night.


Dyspnoea > lying down on the back with arms outstretched < sitting up.





AGG.: cold air, change of temperature or of weather, warm bed, suppression of discharges, eruptions, perspiration.

AMEL.: warm wet weather, perspiration, bathing, lying, constipation, summer.

DES.: alcohol.

AVERS.: pork.




(Scabies Vesicle)

The therapeutic field of this remedy is found in the so-called psoric manifestations. Psorinum is a cold medicine; wants the head kept warm, WANTS WARM CLOTHING even in summers. EXTREME SENSITIVENESS TO COLD. DEBILITY, independent of any organic disease, especially in weakness after an acute disease. LACK OF REACTION, i. e., phagocytes defective; when well chosen remedies fail to act. Scrofulous patients. Secretions HAVE A FILTHY SMELL. Profuse sweating. Cardiac weakness. Skin symptoms very prominent. Often gives immunity from cold-catching. Easy perspiration when walking. Syphilis, inherited and tertiary. OFFENSIVE DISCHARGES.

Hopeless; despairs of recovery. MELANCHOLY, deep and persistent; religious. Suicidal tendency.

Awakens at night with pain as if from a blow on the head. Chronic headaches; hungry during attacks; with vertigo. Hammering pain; brain feels too large; worse, change of weather. Dull, pressive pain in the occiput. Humid eruption on the scalp; hair matted. Hair dry.

Agglutinated. Blepharitis. CHRONIC OPHTHALMIA, THAT CONSTANTLY RECURS. Edges of lids red. Secretion acrid.

Obstinate rhagades at corners. Tongue, gums ulcerated; tough mucus of a foul taste adheres to the soft palate.

Dry, coryza, with stoppage of nose. Chronic catarrh; dropping from posterior nares. Acne rosacea.

Raw, red, OOZING SCABS AROUND THE EARS. Sore pain behind the ears. Herpes extends from the temples over the ears to the cheeks. OFFENSIVE DISCHARGE FROM ECZEMA AROUND THE EARS. INTOLERABLE ITCHING. Chronic otorrhea. VERY FETID PUS FROM EARS, brownish, offensive.

Swelling of the upper lip. Pale, delicate. HUMID ERUPTION ON THE FACE. Sickly.


Tonsils greatly swollen; painful swallowing, with pain in ears. Profuse, offensive saliva; tough mucus in the throat. Recurring quinsy. ERADICATES TENDENCY TO QUINSY. Hawking up of cheesy, pea-like balls with a disgusting smell and taste (Agar.).

Eructations like bad eggs. VERY HUNGRY ALWAYS; MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. Nausea; vomiting of pregnancy. Pain in abdomen after eating.

Mucous, BLOODY, EXCESSIVELY FETID, DARK FLUID. Hard, difficult stool, with blood from the rectum and burning piles. CONSTIPATION IN INFANTS, in pale, sickly scrofulous children.

LEUCORRHEA fetid, lumpy, with severe backache and DEBILITY. Mammæ swollen and painful. Pimples oozing an acrid fluid that burns and excoriates the glands.

Asthma, with dyspnea; worse, sitting up; better, lying down and keeping arms spread wide apart. Dry, hard cough, with great weakness of chest. FEELING OF ULCERATION UNDER STERNUM. Pain in the chest; better, lying down. Cough returns every winter, from suppressed eruption. HAY-FEVER returning irregularly every year.

Weakness of joints, as if they would not hold together. ERUPTIONS AROUND FINGER NAILS. Fetid foot-sweats.

Dirty, dingy look. Dry, lustreless, rough hair. INTOLERABLE ITCHING. Herpetic eruptions, especially on the scalp and in the bends of joints with itching; worse, from warmth of bed. Enlarged glands. Sebaceous glands secrete excessively; oily skin. Indolent ulcers, slow to heal. Eczema behind the ears. Crusty eruptions all over. Urticaria after every exertion. Pustules near finger-nails.


Profuse, offensive perspiration; night sweats.

Sleepless from intolerable itching. Easily startled.

AGG.: coffee; Psorinum patient does not improve while using coffee, changes of weather, in hot sunshine, from cold. DREAD OF THE LEAST COLD AIR OR DRAFT.

AMEL.: heat, warm clothing, even in summer.

Complementary: Sulph.

Compare: PEDICULUS CAPITIS-Head-louse-(psoric manifestations in children. Eruption on the dorsum of hand, feet, neck. Prurigo; pellagra. Unusual aptitude for study and work. PEDICULUS transmits typhus and trench fever-Cooties). In lack of reaction compare Calc. and Natr-ars. BACILLUS GæRTNER. (Pessimistic, lack of confidence, subjective troublesome eye symptoms, fear of heights. Urticaria. Use 30th and 200th – Wheeler).

Two hundredth and higher potencies. Should not be repeated too often. PSORINUM requires something like 9 days before it manifests its action, and even a single dose may elicit other symptoms lasting for weeks (ægedi).























Psorinum is closely allied to SULPHUR. The patient dreads to be washed. The skin over the body, especially of the face, looks filthy, though it has been well washed. A dingy, dirty, foul look, as if covered with dirt. Skin rough and uneven, cracks easily, bleeding fissures; it becomes rough and scaly. He cannot wash it clean. The skin of the hands is rough, chaps easily, becomes thick and scaly, easily cracks; breaks out in little scaly eruptions; looks unwashed; he always appears to have dirty hands. Many of the complaints of the skin are worse from bathing and from the warmth of the bed. The skin itches when warm; itches when wearing woolens. Itching when warm in bed; he scratches until the part becomes raw, and then it becomes scabby. When healing takes place there is itching and then he has to scratch. Legs and arms raw and scabby from scratching. Violent itching from the warmth of the bed, even without any eruption. The skin is unhealthy, looks dirty, dingy; studded with capillary blood vessels and enlarged veins. This is the state before the eruption appears Scabs form from scratching and then comes the eruption. Papules, pimples, crusts, boils, vesicles, and eruptions ooze a watery moisture. When the eruption has gone on for some time the crusty formation and vesicles mingle; the skin becomes thickened and indurated, and new crops come out under the old crusts; rawness, itching, tingling, crawling, bleeding.

Eczema of the scalp and face; the crusts cover the scalp; the hair falls out; the oozing lifts up the crusts and exposes new vesicles; it looks like raw beef, and it tingles so that the child cannot keep its fingers off it; worse at night, worse from the warmth of the bed, worse from warm applications, anything that would keep the air away from it; ameliorated by cool air and worse from covering. This is the opposite of the general Psorinum state, which is aggravated from the open air. He has an aversion to the open air.

The eruption goes on, spreads, and the true skin becomes elevated, thickened, indurated, with an increased vascularity and redness. The oozing is offensive like carrion or decomposed meat; nauseating odor from the oozing fluid.

Offensiveness runs through Psorinum in such a characteristic way that it is worth while mentioning it here; foetid odors, foetid breath; discharges and oozings from the skin smelling like carrion; stool so offensive that the odor permeates the whole house, in diarrhoea, summer complaint, cholera infantum; perspiration foetid; leucorrhoea abominably offensive; eructations taste as if he had eaten hard boiled eggs and they had spoiled, and they smell so to others; stool, flatus, and eructations smell like spoiled eggs; offensive to sight and smell is the subject who needs this medicine.


The skin grows increasingly thick and bleeds, and the eruption spreads to other parts. Eruptions on the lips, on the genitals; very offensive; soreness and rawness about the anus; the vulva ulcerates and is very offensive; ulcers on the legs; on the tibiae; on the backs of the hands; on the dorsum of the foot; behind the ears and upon the ears; over the scalp; over the cheek bones; on the wings of the nose and on the nose and eyelids. Greasy skin. The eruption is accompanied by redness of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, lips and eyes.


Eyelids thickened and turned out, like ectropion; granulation and induration of mucous membranes, so that they become like gristle; redness and ulceration. Ulceration of the cornea; lachrymation; turning out of the lids with loss of the eyelashes. He looks frightful with his red eyes, eruption on the face, red skin oozing a thick yellow discharge. In the early stages the oozing is a whitish thin or whitish thick moisture. In old eruptions ulceration takes place beneath the crusts and there is a thick, yellow, purulent discharge. Yellow green discharge from the eyes and nose. Horribly offensive discharge from the nose; gluey discharge from the nose; offensive like MERC., SIL., CALC-P., HEP. Accumulation of foetid pus in the eyes.


Coryza with thick, yellow discharge. Always taking cold. In the coryza the nose dries up part of the time and runs part of the time; he must use the handkerchief continually; must blow the nose all the time. In the early stages of the coryza he blows it all the time, but there is no discharge or relief. This state is so marked that some think of it as a continuous hay fever, which runs all the year and ripens up in the Fall. It is closely related to hay fever; stuffing up of the nose in the Fall; catarrhal state of the eyes and nose. Hay fever is one of the most difficult conditions to fit a remedy to. It belongs to a low constitution which must be built up before the hay fever will cease. It is an expression of psora which comes once a year and the psoric miasm must be changed. In a few years most subjects can be changed, but not in one season, so do not be disappointed. In catarrhal states, hay fever often dates back to low fever improperly treated.


The Psorinum patient himself is one of debility. He wants to go home after a short walk. He is worse in the open air. He cannot breathe in the open air; cannot breathe while he is standing up; WANTS TO GO HOME AND LIE DOWN SO THAT HE CAN BREATHE. Asthma or cardiac dyspnoea, when the patient wants to go home and lie down so that he can breathe. Usually this condition is relieved by sitting up and from the open air. Not so with Psorinum, he wants a warm place and to lie down and to be let alone.


Psorinum is slowed down in all of its functions; a state of paretic weakness. He does not rally after a fever; his digestion is slow; the stool is normal, yet it requires a great effort to expel it; the bladder is full of urine, yet it passes slowly and he feels that some remains; he can never finish stool or urination; he has to go back several times. Although the stool is soft and perfectly normal it cannot be expelled at one sitting.

A psoric patient comes down with typhoid; the typhoid has been arrested or has run its course and it is time for convalescence. The fever has subsided, but the patient has no appetite; he does not convalesce; he wants to lie down and does not desire to be moved; he is worse when sitting up, lies upon his back; he has troublesome breathing and lies with HIS ARMS ABDUCTED FROM HIS SIDE, thrown across the bed; this relieves his breathing and allows the chest to operate properly; so tired and so weak; one dose of Psorinum will cause a reaction, stop his sweat, increase his appetite, cause better breathing.

The Psorinum complex of symptoms is one in which remedies cause improvement but a short time and then the symptoms change and another remedy must be selected. It is a state of feeble reaction.


The mental symptoms present some strong features. Sadness, hopelessness; he sees no light breaking through the clouds above his head; all is dark about him. He thinks his business is going to be a failure; that he is going to the poor house; that he has sinned away his day of grace. It is a fixed idea during the day and he dreams about it at night. Overwhelming sadness; dejection; he takes no joy in his family; feels that these things are not for him. His business is prosperous, yet he feels as if he were going to the poor house. No joy or realization of benefit. Extremely irritable, wants to be alone. Does not want to be washed. Full of anxiety, even of suicide. Despair of recovery if sick.

Though there is no eruption at night he is driven to despair by the continual itching. If he throws the covers off then he becomes chilly; if he covers up then there is itching. Sensitive to cold yet the skin is worse from heat. Tingling, itching, formication, crawling like ants running over the surface, as of insects in the skin.


Especially suited to broken down individuals, who have vertigo as soon as they go into the open air; become dizzy and want to go home and lie down; afraid they will lose their breath.





Old chronic periodic HEADACHES WITH HUNGER, and often the hunger lasts during the whole headache; MUST GET UP AT NIGHT TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT. The headache is sometimes improved by eating. If he goes without a meal he has a headache. Violent rush of blood to the head, hot face, hair wet with the perspiration, hunger. Every one, two, or three weeks a recurrent headache. Every time the air blows on his head it slacks up the catarrh and a headache comes on. Either coryza or headache from catching cold. Headache is violent, throbbing, pecking as of little hammers, red face, hot head-congestive; at times sweat. Hungry headache in such as have a dry cough in winter. Dry, teasing, racking cough with no expectoration. If the cough ceases he has a periodic headache. So complaints alternate. Headache goes and cough appears or eruption in winter alternating with headache.

Scalp cold; wears fur cap in summer; worse uncovering the head (SIL.), worse from getting the hair cut (BELL., GLON., SEP.). HEPAR is also worse from cold.

Salt rheum, psoriasis in winter. Dry, cold weather, cold wet weather; washing in cold water; dish washing, aggravate the salt rheum.

“Hair dry, lustreless, tangles easily, glues together; must comb it continually.”


Chronic offensive otorrhoea; thick, purulent, offensive, yellow discharge from the ears; smells like stinking meat; continuous discharge; eruptions about and behind ears. Discharge resulting from scarlet fever; abscess in middle ear; otitis media; rupture of drum; prolonged discharge from such an abscess; foetid discharge. “Otorrhoea with headache; thin, ichorous and horribly offensive like spoiled meat; very offensive, purulent; brown, offensive from left ear, for almost four years.” Otorrhoea associated with watery, offensive diarrhoea surfs in ears, and humid surfs behind ears.


Teeth. Rigg’s disease; the teeth become loose; the gums settle away, spongy, bleed easily, humid, blue, the teeth fall out. Ulcers about the tongue and mouth; ulcers as found in infancy; aphthae thrush; ulcerated sore mouth, sore throat, chronic ulcers of throat. Chronic thickening and elongation of the uvula. Enlargement of tonsils, parotids and submaxillary glands; they become hard and tender to touch; swelling from taking cold. Glands of the neck sore.


Chronic abdominal affections with disturbances of stool. He will strain to pass a soft stool (NUX-M., ALUMINA) Chronic diarrhoea; horribly offensive; frequent stool day and night (unlike SULPHUR, the remedy it most resembles). He must go several times to pass a normal stool.


Chronic vomiting; ulcer of the stomach, distension of stomach are commonly associated. Always sour belching, sour stomach. Vomiting of blood and bloody stools. This is not strange, because Psorinum has a tendency to haemorrhagies, especially from the uterus. All sorts of menstrual disorders, especially a prolonged menstruation. When a woman has passed through an abortion and the placenta has come away, but every few days a little gush of fresh, bright red blood and clots, or going days and weeks with a little oozing of bright red blood; every time she gets on her feet there is a new start of the flow; no tendency to permanent recovery. Two remedies that fit this state are SULPHUR and Psorinum. A marked state of relaxation, sub-involution. The uterus does not go back to its normal size and there is this tendency to bleed; a state of inertia.


“Soft stool, passed with difficulty,” do not forget this. Obstinate constipation. Haemorrhagia from the rectum. Cholera infantum; often in the early days the stool is horribly offensive, slimy, undigested; there is vomiting and prolonged weakness and the whole child has an offensive odor; child dirty; nose sunken in (ANT. T.), sunken countenance. Psorinum causes reaction and cures, or brings the child into such a condition that a simple remedy completes the cure. It is not the sourness of HEPAR; in spite of washing, the child smells so sour; like sour milk; the diaper, urine, and faeces and perspiration are sour. This is a strong general feature of HEPAR. The stool smells like spoiled eggs, so also the eructations and flatus. The offensiveness of the stool is horrible, but not so permeating as BAPT., which is thick and clay-like, while the Psorinum stool is watery, brown, gushing and may be bloody. Chronic diarrhoea, early morning, urgent. Hot flatus, burning the anus; smells of spoiled eggs, ARN. and STAPH. Involuntary stool at night (CHINA has a black, profuse, watery stool at night and after meals). In Psorinum we find the haste of SULPHUR, the flatulence of OLEAN and ALOE, and difficulty of expelling a soft stool like ALUMINA, CHINA and NUX-M.


There is prostration in some Psorinum cases; prostration of the genitals. It is not such an unusual thing in the female to have aversion to sexual intercourse, but man is not often subject to the complaints that cause aversion to coition. Yet we have in man as well as in the woman actual aversion or a state of no enjoyment. He can perform the act and he has no difficulty in obtaining an erection, so it is not impotence, but there is no enjoyment. Impotence comes later. “Absence of erections; parts flabby, torpid.” “Aversion to coition; impotence; want of emission during coitus.” “Prostatic fluid discharged before urinating.

Old gleet, painless discharge; the “last drop;” relaxed and cold genitals; a drop of white or yellow pus after a well selected remedy. (SEPIA, SULPHUR, ALUMINA, Psorinum.) Psorinum is indicated above all others if there is an unusually offensive state of the genitals. THUJA, if the odor is of a nauseating, sweet character; warts exposed by rolling back the foreskin; sweet odor in spite of washing.


Psorinum cures many heart complaints. Palpitation from the least exertion, better lying. Stitching pain better lying. Cardiac murmurs of either side. Mitral regurgitant murmur. Pericarditis of rheumatic origin. Heart symptoms with general weakness, dusky face, dazed look. Weak, irregular and rapid pulse.

But mark the modalities. Aggravation in the open air, aggravation when sitting up, aggravation when sitting at the writing table; wants to lie down; wants to rest the chest and breathing apparatus by lying down. Asthmatic dyspnoea ameliorated by lying down, and worse the nearer the arms are brought to the body. Such symptoms are found in very few remedies and in none so marked as in Psorinum.


Febrile state. Intermittents, bilious fever, fever from a cold. The patient is so hot that the hand under the covers feels as though in a steam bath and the sensation of heat causes one to draw it back. It is not the dry heat of BELLADONNA, yet it is as intense. It is a steam. He is covered with a boiling sweat in fevers. Head and body hot and hot air or steam beneath the covers. (OPIUM has this, but it is in a violent congestion to the head, an apoplectic condition.) In intermittents he is taken on the street with difficult breathing. He wants to go home; he is weak and exhausted, crawls up stairs on the hands and knees. The chill is not marked, but the heat is intense and the sweat copious. He is almost in a stupor, befogged, bewildered, cannot answer questions; face red, puffed, mottled. “Sweat profuse, cold, clammy from least exertion.” This is another form which comes on in the weak, broken down state. After typhoids, he sweats if he turns in bed, after the least exertion, and the sweat is cold. Profuse night sweats. Night sweats of phthisis; when there is that tremendous heat under the covers, a copious hot sweat; mental state as if dazed.

Marasmus; shrivelling of the skin; dirty skin; cannot wash it clean. Offensive discharge from the bowels; great emaciation; increased growth of hair on the face; a fuzz (NAT- M., Psor., SULPH., CALC.); horribly offensive in spite of washing; ravenous appetite yet grows thin. Foetid odors would lead one to think of Psorinum.








Especially adapted to the psoric constitution.
Extremely psoric patients; nervous, restless, easily startled.
Children are pale, delicate, sickly. Sick babies will not sleep day or night but worry, fret, cry (Jal.); child is good, plays all day; restless, troublesome, screaming all night (reverse of Lyc.).


Anxious, full of fear; evil forebodings.
Religious melancholy: Very depressed, sad suicidal thoughts; despairs of salvation (Meli.), of recovery.
Despondent: Fears he will die; that he will fail in business; during climaxis; making his own life and that of those about him intolerable.


Ailments: From suppressed itch or other skin diseases, when Sulphur fails to relieve; severe, from even slight emotions.
In chronic cases WHEN WELL SELECTED REMEDIES FAIL TO RELIEVE OR PERMANENTLY IMPROVE (in acute diseases, Sulph.); when Sulphur seems indicated but fails to act.
Lack of reaction after severe acute diseases. Appetite will not return.
Great weakness and debility: From loss of vital fluids; REMAINING AFTER ACUTE DISEASES, independent of or without any organic lesion, or apparent cause.
Body has a filthy smell, even after bathing.
The whole body painful, EASILY SPRAINED AND INJURED.
Great sensitiveness to cold air OR CHANGE OF WEATHER; wears a fur cap, overcoat or shawl even in hottest summer weather.
In stormy weather he feels acutely restless for days before or during a thunderstorm (Phos.); dry, scaly eruptions DISAPPEAR IN SUMMER, RETURN IN WINTER.
HUNGRY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT; must have something to eat (Cina, Sulph.).
Profuse perspiration after acute diseases, WITH RELIEF OF ALL SUFFERING (Calad., Nat-m.).
Sleepless from intolerable itching, or frightful dreams of robbers, danger, etc. (Nat-m.).
All excretions – diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, menses, perspiration – have a carrion-like odor.

Headache: Preceded, by flickering before eyes, by dimness of vision or blindness (Lac-d., Kali-bi.), by black spots or rings.
Headache: ALVAYS HUNGRY DURING; > WHILE EATING (Anac., Kali-p.); from suppressed eruptions, or suppressed menses; > nosebleed (Meli.).
Hair, dry, lustreless, tangles easily, glues together (Lyc.). Plica polonica (Bar-c., Sars., Tub.).
Scalp: Dry, scaly or moist, fetid, suppurating eruptions; oozing a sticky, offensive fluid (Graph., Mez.).

Intense photophobia, with inflammed lids; cannot open the eyes; lies with face buried in pillow.

Ears: Humid scurfs and soreness on and behind ears; oozing and offensive viscid fluid (Graph.).
Otorrhoea: Thin, ichorous, horribly foetid discharge, like decayed meat; chronic, after measles or scarlatina.



Quinsy, tonsils greatly swollen, difficult, painful swallowing; burns, feels scalded; cutting, tearing, intense pain to ears on swallowing (painless, Bar-c.); profuse, offensive saliva; tough mucus in throat, must hawk continually, to not only > acute attack but ERADICATE THE TENDENCY.
Hawks up cheesy balls, size of pea, of disgusting taste and carrion-like odor (Kali-m.).

Gastro-intestinal System
Eructations tasting of rotten eggs (Arn., Ant-t., Graph.).
Diarrhoea: Sudden, imperative (Aloe, Sulph.); stool watery, dark brown, FETID; SMELLS LIKE CARRION; involuntary, < at night from 1 to 4 a.m.; after severe acute diseases; teething; in children; when weather changes.
Constipation: Obstinate, with backache; from inactivity of rectum; when Sulphur fails to relieve.

Urinary System
Enuresis: From vesical paresis; during full moon, obstinate cases, with a family history of eczema.

Chronic gonorrhoea of year’s duration that can neither be suppressed nor cured; the best selected remedy fails.

Leucorrhoea: Large, clotted lumps of an intolerable odor; violent pains in sacrum; debility; during climaxis.
During pregnancy: Most obstinate vomiting, fetus moves too violently; when the best selected remedy fails to relieve; to correct the psoric diathesis of the unborn.

Respiratory System
Asthma, dyspnea; < in open air, sitting up (Laur.); > LYING DOWN and keeping arms stretched far apart (reverse of, Ars.); despondent, thinks he will die.
Cough returns every winter.
Hay fever: Appearing regularly every year the same day of the month; with an asthmatic, psoric or eczematous history. Patient should be treated the previous winter to eradicate the diathesis and prevent summer attack.
Cough: After suppressed itch, or eczema; chronic, of years’ duration < mornings on waking and evenings on lying down (Phos., Tub.); sputa green, yellow or salty mucus; pus-like; coughs a long time before expectorating.

Driven to despair with excessive itching.
Acne: All forms, simplex, rosacea; < during menses, from coffee, fats, sugar, meat; when the best selected remedy fails or only palliates.
Skin: Abnormal tendency to receive skin diseases (Sulph.); eruptions easily suppurate (Hep.); DRY, INACTIVE, RARELY SWEATS; DIRTY LOOK, as if never washed; coarse, greasy, as if bathed in oil; bad effects from suppression by sulphur and zinc ointments.
Psorinum should not be given for psora or the psoric diathesis, but like every other remedy, upon a strict individualization – the totality of the symptoms and then we realize its wonderful work.


Complementary: Sulphur and Tuberculinum.
Is followed well: By, Alum., Bor., Hep., Sulph., Tub.
After: Lact-ac., in vomiting of pregnancy.
After: Arn. in traumatic affections of ovaries.
Sulphur follows Psorinum well in mammary cancer.
“Whether derived from purest gold or purest filth, our gratitude for its excellent service forbids us to inquire or care.” – P. B. Bell.



PSORINUM (Psor.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Chilliness, offensiveness, anxiety.


DISCHARGES: discharges are offensive. Aggravation from suppressed discharges. Easy perspiration which is very offensive.

TEMPERATURE: the patient is extremely chilly. Wants to be covered. The head feels cold and needs to cover it with a hat.

RESPIRATORY: chest affections with weakness aggravated on lying especially on the back with arms outstretched. Cough or dyspnoea aggravated in open air.

MENTAL PICTURE: anxiety, hopelessness and despair are the main characteristics. Anxious and restless at night. They may feel very well just before they get sick.


Aggravation: cold (air, drinks), fasting.

Amelioration: warmth.





















In this remedy, we see that the main characteristic is the changeability. The physical symptoms are changing, the nature of the discharges is changeable, the pains are wandering. On the mental level, we see indecision, the mood is alternating. The Pulsatilla individual is soft, yielding and insecure. She usually relies on other people and needs their attention and reassurance. She’s sensitive, weeps very easily and is ameliorated by consolation and affection.








Malleable and changeable.







Forsaken feeling.


Fears: INSANITY, dark and dogs.






Menses change color every month, pains in body move from one place to the other.


WARM BLOODED < HEAT. Complaints are aggravated in heat.

> OPEN AIR, cold applications.


THIRSTLESSNESS with all complaints.


Hot feet, uncovers them at night.


Sensation of cold water poured down the back.

Sleeps on the back, arms raised over the head, or on the abdomen.

Styes esp. upper lid.


Mucus discharges are increased, bland, thick, yellowish-green < warm room.





AGG.: fat, pork, rich food, heat.

AMEL.: open air, cold applications, walking.

DES.: butter, cold food, creamy things, cheese, ice cream, hard-boiled eggs, sweets.

AVERS.: FATS, pork, butter, warm food and drinks.







(Wind Flower)

The weather cock among remedies.

The disposition and mental state are the chief guiding symptoms to the selection of Pulsatilla. It is pre-eminently a female remedy, especially for a mild, gentle, yielding disposition. Sad, crying readily; weeps when talking; CHANGEABLE, contradictory. THE PATIENT SEEKS OPEN AIR; ALWAYS FEELS BETTER THERE, even though she is chilly. All mucous membranes are affected. DISCHARGES ARE THICK, BLAND AND YELLOWISH-GREEN. Often indicated after abuse of iron tonics and after a case of badly-managed measles. SYMPTOMS EVER CHANGING. THIRSTLESS, PEEVISH AND CHILLY. When the first serious impairment of health is referred to the age of puberty. Great sensitiveness. Wants to hold the head high. Feels uncomfortable with only one pillow. Lies with hands above head.

Weeps easily. Timid, irresolute. Fears in the evening to be alone, dark, ghosts. Likes sympathy. Children like fuss and caresses. Easily discouraged. Morbid dread of the opposite sex. Religious melancholy. Given to extremes of pleasure and pain. Highly emotional. Mentally, like an April day.

Wandering stitches around the head; pain extend to the face and teeth; vertigo; better in open air. Frontal and supraorbital pain. Neuralgic pain, commencing in THE RIGHT TEMPORAL region, WITH SCALDING LACHRYMATION FROM THE AFFECTED SIDE. HEADACHE FROM OVERWORK. Pressure on the vertex.

Sensation as if something was being forced outward. Hearing difficult, as if the ear were stuffed. Otorrhœa. Thick, bland discharge; offensive odor. External ear swollen and red. Catarrhal otitis. Otalgia, worse at night. Diminishes acuteness of hearing.

THICK, PROFUSE, YELLOW, BLAND DISCHARGES. Itching and burning in eyes. Profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus. LIDS INFLAMED, AGGLUTINATED. STYES. Veins of fundus oculi greatly enlarged. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Subacute conjunctivitis, with dyspepsia; worse, in a warm room.

Coryza; stoppage of the right nostril, pressing pain at the root of nose. Loss of smell. Large green fetid scales in the nose. Stoppage in the evening. Yellow mucus; abundant in the morning. Bad smells, as of old catarrh. Nasal bones sore.

Right-sided neuralgia with profuse lachrymation. Swelling of the lower lip, which is cracked in the middle. Prosopalgia towards evening till midnight; chilly, with pain.

Greasy taste. DRY MOUTH, WITHOUT THIRST; wants it washed frequently. Frequently licks the dry lips. CRACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LOWER LIP. YELLOW OR WHITE COATED TONGUE, COVERED WITH TENACIOUS MUCUS. Toothache; relieved by holding cold water in the mouth (Coff.). Offensive odor from the mouth (Merc., Aur.). Food, especially bread, tastes bitter. Profuse, SWEET saliva. ALTERATIONS IN TASTE, bitter, bilious, greasy, salty, FOUL. Loss of taste. Desire for tonics.

AVERSION TO FATTY FOOD, WARM FOOD AND DRINK. Eructations; TASTE OF FOOD REMAINS A LONG TIME; after ices, fruits, pasty. BITTER TASTE, diminished taste of all food. Pain as if from subcutaneous ulceration. FLATULENCE. Dislikes butter (Sang). Heartburn. Dyspepsia, with great tightness after a meal; must loosen clothing. THIRSTLESSNESS with nearly all complaints. Vomiting of food eaten long before. Pain in the stomach an hour after eating (Nux-v.). Weight as if from a stone, especially in the morning on awakening. Gnawing, hungry feeling (Abies-c.). Perceptible pulsation in the pit of the stomach (Asaf.). All-gone sensation, especially in tea drinkers. Waterbrash, with a foul taste in the morning.

Painful, distended; loud rumbling. Pressure as if from a stone. Colic, with chilliness in the evening.

Rumbling, watery; worse, night. NO TWO STOOLS ALIKE. After fruit (Ars., Chin.). Blind hemorrhoids with itching and sticking pains. Dysentery; mucus and blood, with chilliness (Merc., Rheum). TWO OR THREE NORMAL STOOLS DAILY.

Increased desire; WORSE WHEN LYING DOWN. Burning in the orifice of urethra during and after micturition. Involuntary micturition at night, while coughing or passing flatus. After urinating, spasmodic pain in the bladder.

Amenorrhea (Cimic., Senec., Polyg.). Suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility, or chlorosis. Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, CLOTTED, CHANGEABLE, INTERMITTENT. Chilliness, nausea with a downward pressure and pain. Flow intermits. Leucorrhea acrid, burning, creamy. Pain in the back; tired feeling. Diarrhea during or after menses.

Orchitis; pain from the abdomen to the testicles. Thick, yellow discharge from the urethra; late stage of gonorrhea. Stricture; urine is passed only in drops, stream is interrupted (Clem.). ACUTE PROSTATITIS. Pain and tenesmus during urinating, WORSE LYING ON THE BACK.

Capricious hoarseness; comes and goes. DRY COUGH IN THE EVENING AND AT NIGHT; MUST SIT UP IN BED TO GET RELIEF; LOOSE COUGH IN THE MORNING, with copious mucous expectoration. PRESSURE ON THE CHEST WITH SORENESS. Great soreness in the episgastrium. Urine emitted with cough (Caust.). Pain as if from an ulcer in the middle of the chest. Expectoration bland, thick, bitter, greenish. Short breath, anxiety and palpitations when lying on the left side (Phos.). Smothering sensation on lying down.

WIDE AWAKE IN THE EVENING; first sleep restless. Wakes up languid, unrefreshed. Irresistible sleepiness in afternoon. Sleeps with hands over the head.

Shooting pain in the nape and back, between the shoulders; in the sacrum after sitting.

Drawing, tensive pain in thighs and legs, with restlessness, sleeplessness and CHILLINESS. PAIN IN LIMBS, SHIFTING RAPIDLY; tensive pain, LETTING UP WITH A SNAP. Numbness around the elbow. Hip-joint painful. Knees swollen, with tearing, drawing pains. Boring pain in the heels toward the evening; SUFFERING WORSE FROM LETTING THE AFFECTED LIMB HANG DOWN (Vip.). Veins of forearms and hands swollen. Feet red, inflamed, swollen. Legs feel heavy and weary.

Urticaria, after rich food, with diarrhea, from delayed menses, worse undressing. MEASLES. Acne at puberty. Varicose veins.

CHILLINESS, even in a warm room, WITHOUT THIRST. Chilly with pain, in spots, worse evening. Chills around 4 p.m.. Intolerable burning heat at night, with distended veins; heat in parts of body, coldness in other parts. One-sided sweat; pain during sweat. EXTERNAL HEAT IS INTOLERABLE, VEINS ARE DISTENDED. During apyrexia, headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea.

AGG.: from heat, rich fatty food, after eating, towards the evening, in a warm room, lying on the left or on the painless side, when allowing feet to hang down.

AMEL.: open air, motion, cold applications, cold food and drinks, though not thirsty.

PENTHORUM, often indicated after Pulsatilla in later colds. JANOSIA ASOCA-Saraca indica-(AMENORRHEA, Menorrhagia, acts powerfully on the female organs. Abdominal pain). ATRIPLEX (uterine symptoms, amenorrhea; hysteria, coldness between shoulders, dislike for warm food, craves strange foods, palpitations, sleeplessness). PULSATILLA NUTTALIANA, identical effects.

Compare: Cycl., Kali-bi., Kali-s., Sulph.. PIMENTA OFFICINALIS-Allspice (one sided neuralgias, parts of body hot and cold).

ANAGYRIS FOETIDA (headache, amenorrhea).

Complementary: Coff., Cham., Nux-v.

Third to thirtieth attenuation.



It is said to be a very good medicine FOR WOMEN, for blondes, especially for TEARFUL BLONDES. It is one of the polychrests and one of the medicines most frequently used, as well as often abused.




The Pulsatilla PATIENT is an interesting one, found in any household where there are plenty of young girls. She is tearful, plethoric, and generally has little credit for being sick from her appearances; yet she is most nervous, fidgety, changeable, easily led and easily persuaded. While she is MILD, GENTLE and TEARFUL, yet she is remarkably irritable, not in the sense of pugnacity, but easily irritated, extremely touchy, always feels slighted or fears she will be slighted; sensible to every social influence. Melancholia, sadness, weeping, despair, religious despair, fanatical; full of notions and whims; imaginative; extremely excitable. She imagines the company of the opposite sex a dangerous thing to cultivate, and that it is dangerous to do certain things well established in society as good for the human race. These imaginations belong to eating as well as thinking. They imagine that milk is not good to drink, so they will not take it. They imagine that certain articles of diet are not good for the human race. Aversion to marriage is a strong symptom. A man takes it into his head that it is an evil thing to have sexual intercourse with his wife and abstains from it. Religious freaks; an especial tendency to dwell on religious notions; fixed ideas concerning the Scripture; he misuses and misapplies the Scriptures to his own detriment; dwells on sanctification until he becomes fanatical and insane; thinks he is in a wonderfully sanctimonious state of mind, or that he has sinned away his day of grace. This goes no until he becomes insane on other subjects, and then the tendency is to sit day after day in a taciturn way. He will not answer questions unless hard pressed, when all he will say is “Yes” or “No,” or he will merely shake his head. Puerperal insanity in a woman who was mild, gentle and tearful, later sad and taciturn, and then she sits in her chair all day answering nothing or merely nodding her head for “Yes” or “No.”

Many of the complaints are associated with weakness of the stomach and indigestion, or with menstrual disorders. Women who abort; various irregularities of the menstrual flow; false conception. The mental symptoms are often associated with the ovarian and uterine difficulties.




With such a mental state the general state of the body is WORSE IN A WARM ROOM and RELIEVED BY MOTION. Tearful, sad and despondent, ameliorated walking in the open air, especially when it is crisp, cool, fresh and bright. Suffocation and an increase of the pains, and even chilliness in a warm room; a nervous chilliness when the patient perspires from the heat of a room. The inflammatory symptoms, neuralgias and rheumatisms are relieved by a cold, by eating and drinking cold things, by cold applications, or cold hands. Cold drinks relieve, even though the patient is NOT THIRSTY. Cold foods are digested while hot foods make the body warm from which symptoms are worse. Ice cold water feels good going down the oesophagus, and is retained in the stomach, though there is no thirst.

Many symptoms worse after eating. It is often only a lump in the stomach, but the mental and nervous symptoms also are worse after eating. The stomach symptoms are worse in the morning, the mental symptoms worse in the evening. AGGRAVATION FROM FATS AND RICH FOODS. Complaints brought on by eating fat, pork, greasy things, cakes, pastries and rich things. The Pulsatilla stomach is slow to digest. Hours after eating there is a sense of fullness in the stomach, a lump in the stomach, ameliorated by SLOW WALKING IN THE OPEN AIR. The patient is commonly relieved from SLOW MOTION IN THE OPEN AIR, becomes frantic when trying to keep still, worse during rest, ameliorated by doing something, generally slow, moderate motion. This relief from motion and aggravation from rest, relief in the open air, and aggravation in a warm room give us a good summary of this beautiful remedy.

In Pulsatilla patients the skin feels feverish and hot, while the temperature of the body is normal. There is aggravation from much clothing; she wants to wear a thin dress even in moderately cold weather. Does not need to dress warmly. Much clothing and covering aggravate. Often he cannot wear flannels or woolen clothing because they irritate the skin, causing itching and eruptions like SULPHUR, and this is not surprising, as Pulsatilla and SULPHUR are antidotes. There is no remedy like Pulsatilla to antidote SULPHUR when it has been used every Spring to “cleanse the blood.” Some people use SULPHUR until the skin becomes red, hot, easily irritated, and aggravated by clothing. Pulsatilla is the antidote. Old cases of psoriasis; little flat, brownish patches about the size of the thumb nail, which itch tremendously, in old SULPHUR patients are cured by Pulsatilla. A general feature of the skin is itching and burning, but a more marked Pulsatilla state is a LACHESIS appearance of the skin. It is mottled, erysipelatous; spotted, purplish in spots; veins engorged; capillaries tumid; a vasomotor paralysis of the capillaries or veins producing a mottled appearance. Pulsatilla has an unusually VENOUS constitution. The veins are engorged, in a state of stasis, hence there is over-heat of the skin. This unusual fullness, redness and purple aspect of the face is a false plethora. It often goes on to a puffiness and swelling, and especially at the menstrual periods. Considerable bloating of the face and eyes, bloating of the abdomen; feet puffed so that she cannot wear shoes, feet red and swollen at the menstrual period, ameliorated by the menstrual flow. Many women are late and are preparing for a week or ten days; face purple, red, puffed and bloated; abdomen distended; dyspnoea; and all this is relieved by the menstrual flow. She feels these symptoms perhaps one or two weeks, and is relieved by slow motion in the open air. Cannot breathe in a warm room; wants the windows open; chokes and suffocates in a warm bed at night. This increases until the menstrual flow starts. The stomach is so full and distended that she cannot eat. No appetite or desire for food.

With the engorgement of veins ULCERS surrounded by varicose veins are common in this remedy. Ulcers bleed black blood which coagulates early; little black clots; bleeding is not copious; clots easily, dark, tarry, offensive. Ulcers bleed and ooze discharge a bloody watery fluid or there is a very thick yellow or green flow.

This brings us to the CATARRHAL state. Wherever there is mucous membrane there is catarrh. The mucous membrane is covered with purple spots, dry spots; tumid, puffed, looks erysipelatous. Wherever there is inflammation of the mucous membrane it looks purple; a venous congestion. THICK, GREEN, YELLOW CATARRHAL DISCHARGES are most characteristic. The catarrhal discharges are BLAND with the exception of that from the vagina, which is excoriating, causing rawness of the parts. From the eyes, ears, nose and chest there are thick, yellow, green, BLAND discharges, but there is thick yellow green EXCORIATING leucorrhoea. Remember, however, that Pulsatilla has a bland leucorrhoea, in keeping with the general state. Discharges are often offensive, sometimes bloody, watery, but even then mingled with yellow green purulent fluid.


The Pulsatilla patient suffers from VERTIGO from affections of the eyes, ameliorated by wearing well-adjusted glasses; attended by nausea which is worse lying down, worse from motion, worse from the motion of the eyes, and ameliorated in a cold room, and by riding in a carriage in the cold air. As soon as she enters a room that is warm she has nausea, even to vomiting. Vertigo with vomiting after eating.


Pulsatilla has violent HEADACHES. Headaches in school girls who are about to menstruate. Headache accompanying menstruation. Headache associated with suppressed menses, with menstrual disorders; not caused FROM them, but associated with them. Pains through the temples and sides of the head are common Pulsatilla headaches. Headaches before, during and after menstruation; but more commonly before, when there is a general state of congestion, stasis, and tumefaction of the veins, and amelioration of the headache when the menses set in if the flow is normal. It is common to have the head and nervous symptoms through the menses, because the flow is so scanty, often little more than a leucorrhoea, and for a single day a little clot of dark blood. ONE-SIDED HEADACHES and ONE-SIDED COMPLAINTS are peculiar to Pulsatilla. Perspiration on one side of head and face; fever on one side of the body; one side cool and normal and the other side hot. I remember a case of puerperal fever with sweat on one side of the body and dry heat on the other and confusion of other symptoms. Pulsatilla was given and the patient recovered.

The Pulsatilla headache is a throbbing congestive headache; much heat in the head, ameliorated by the application of cold, by external pressure, and sometimes by slow motion, aggravated by lying and sitting quiet, ameliorated by walking slowly in the air; becomes worse towards evening and gradually increases through the evening and night, worse from the motion of the eyes and from stooping. The pains are often constricting, throbbing and congestive. Periodic sick headaches, with vomiting of sour food. Headache when he overeats. Though he likes ice cream, he has headache and congestion of the stomach after eating ice cream.



EYES. Catarrhal symptoms. Pustules about the lids and over the ball; on the cornea. Inflammatory features. Thick, yellow-green pus. Granular lids. Continued formation of little pustules. Isolated granules on lids grow out here and there in bunches as large as pin leads. Eyelids inflamed and bleed easily. Every time he catches cold it settles in the eyes and nose. Eyes red inflamed and discharge. In infants catarrhal diseases of the eyes of a gonorrhoeal character; ophthalmia neonatorum. In early days the infant often needs the same constitutional remedy as the mother. Yellow green discharge from the eyes; eyes are ameliorated by washing in warm water, or tepid water; even cold water feels good to the eyes. The SULPHUR patient is made worse by bathing; the eyes smart, burn and become increasingly red after washing in water. Pulsatilla causes a tendency to the formation of STYES; recurrent styes; always having styes. Pustules, papules and little nodosites on the lids.

Prior to menstruation, in young girls especially, things get black before the eyes like a gauze or a veil. Nervous manifestations, twitchings, spell of blindness and fainting. In the early stages of paralysis of the optic nerve Pulsatilla is a great remedy. The patient is always rubbing the eyes; whether or not there is mucus in the eyes it matters not; but it is a sensation of gauze before the eyes, ameliorated by rubbing. Pulsatilla has cured incipient cataract. ITCHING OF THE EYES, in keeping with the skin symptoms. Itching in the ears, nose, tickling in the throat, in the larynx.



In the EARS we have the same catarrhal condition. Thick, yellow, offensive, purulent, bland discharge; very foetid, sometimes bloody. Pulsatilla is commonly indicated in earache of children; when the child is a gentle, fat, plump, vascular red-faced child always pitifully crying. If it is a case of earache in a nondescript child Pulsatilla will also prove to be a temporary remedy, so closely is it related to pain in the ear. Pains in the ears in the evening or in the night, ameliorated by walking slowly about the room. In CHAMOMILLA you have a snapping and snarling child, never pleased, scolds the nurse and mother; ameliorated by walking about. The irritability decides for CHAMOMILLA. You can detect a pitiful cry from a snarling mad cry. Both are ameliorated by motion, by being carried. Both want this and that and are never satisfied; they want amusement. But the Pulsatilla child when not amused has a pitiful cry and the CHAMOMILLA child a snarling cry. You will want to caress the one and spank the other.

Ear troubles with a ruptured drum and no healing; otitis media. Abscess in the middle ear; inflammation of the middle ear; copious thick bloody discharge, then yellow-green. The case goes on night and day until rupture takes place. I have found this condition as an endemic, in which MERC., HEP., and Puls., were the most frequently indicated remedies. Ear troubles following eruptive diseases. Offensive catarrhal discharge dating back to scarlet fever or measles; badly treated and drugged patients. Inflammation and swelling of the external ear; erysipelatous purple conditions. Scabs on the tragus.



The patient is subject to repeated attacks of coryza, with sneezing and stuffing up of the nose; a febrile state; sometimes with chills, fever and sweat. Pains in the face through the nose. In the evening considerable watery discharge with sneezing; in the morning stuffing up of the nose with thick yellow-green discharge. Pulsatilla is suitable to chronic catarrhs, with thick yellow-green discharge which is bland; stuffing up of the nose; copious discharge; patient has a bad smell in the nose; smells various offensive things, sometimes like manure, but more commonly described as the offensiveness of a stinking catarrh. Large bloody, thick, yellow crusts accumulate in the nose, harden down and are blown out in the morning, accompanied by thick yellow pus. In old lingering cases, LOSS OF SMELL AND TASTE. The mucous membrane is in a state of thickening and suppuration, with the formation of crusts and ulcers. Fullness high in the nose; stuffing up and fullness in the posterior nares. Hawks up thick yellow mucus in masses, with crusts in the morning, very often offensive to others. Many Pulsatilla patients in this catarrhal state get relief from this horrible stench by blowing out great crusts. Thick clinkers of dried-up pus or dried mucus and pus accumulate for several days and this terrible catarrhal smell comes on; but as soon as he blows out these clinkers the odor goes away and he has relief until they form again in a few days. The patient


HIMSELF feels better in the open air, and worse in a warm room. He breathes better in the open air; feels stuffy in a warm room. But there are times when his NOSE stuffs up more in a warm room, where he sneezes more in a warm room.

The loss of smell is present in chronic and acute catarrhs. Much stuffing up of the nose occurring in the evening; he blows the nose easily and cleans it out during the day, but it stuffs up in the evening and he cannot clear it out. Remember that the mental symptoms are worse in the evening. He gets up in the morning with a stuffed up nose, but can clean it out; his mouth is foul, tongue coated, rancid taste, requires much brushing of his teeth and washing out of his mouth before he can take his breakfast. So you see the mouth and stomach symptoms are worse in the morning, the mental symptoms are worse in the evening and there is also a stuffing up of the nose in the evening.


Compare this with the cough. There is a DRY EVENING COUGH in Pulsatilla and a LOOSE MORNING COUGH. Copious expectoration in the morning, but a dry, tight, constricted feeling in the chest in the evening. Stuffed up in the evening, making breathing difficult. To repeat, then, Pulsatilla is one of our sheet anchors in old catarrhs with loss of smell, thick yellow discharge, and amelioration in the open air; in the nervous, timid, yielding, with stuffing up of the nose at night and copious flow in the morning.

With the catarrhs and acute colds there is often bleeding of the nose, blowing blood from the nose; the crusts cling tight, and when blown out they are torn loose, and this causes bleeding; but the nose bleeds easily, subject to epistaxis. Nose-bleed during the menstrual period; nose-bleed before the menstrual period; nose-bleed with suppressed menses; bleeding dark, thick, clotted, almost black, venous blood. Especially do we find catarrhal subjects in women who have late, scanty, light colored menses; scarcely more than a leucorrhoea; if bloody, then only a little black stain or clot. Chlorotic patients who have their menses once every two or three months; chlorotic girls who are irregular, and are subject to these catarrhal states.


Pulsatilla is very useful in hay fever. The management of hay fever requires considerable study because you have to deal with the troublesome imaginations of the patient, he will refuse to let you study him; he wants the hay fever treated; he don’t want the haemorrhoids, the thick skin on the soles of the feet, the pains in the sacrum, the diarrhoea which alternates with constipation, talked about or inquired into; these are always better when the hay fever is present. Sometimes he will tell you that he is always well except when he has hay fever. He may feel well, but it is impossible for him to be well; he has always had these complaints and he does not want you to bother with them. The hay fever will hardly ever reveal the indications for a remedy for the patient.

Another individual has epilepsy, and if you expect to find in the fit the remedy that cures the patient you will be mistaken. When an acute mimicking manifestation of disease follows several times the same beaten track the details are hard to find. He does not know much about his hay fever. If you suggest several things he has them all. In nearly all these acute expressions you do not find in the exaggerated attack the symptoms that will lead you to the remedy. You will, find these symptoms by getting the state of the patient before he was taken with hay fever. These primitive symptoms are of more importance. Sometimes it is important to know what region was affected before the nose was affected. At times you will find spinal symptoms; great soreness in the back relieved by lying on something hard. Few remedies have that. They do not tell you that at first but continue to dwell on the hay fever. In many nervous women the attack comes on with sneezing and watery discharge and then a copious, thick, yellowish-green discharge. These are the natural symptoms of hay fever, but in the “back” symptoms you see something.


In Pulsatilla the menstrual symptoms and the prolapsus come in. When the hay fever comes on, all the other symptoms are better, she feels nothing except the hay fever, however, all the symptoms interweave with each other. The NAT-M. symptoms will be worse in the morning and until toward noon, while in Pulsatilla they are worse in the evening, the nose filling up with thick, yellowish-green, ropy mucus, and when the nose has been cleared, a dry, burning, smarting feeling remains; if the room is warm at night, she cannot sleep. NAT-M. is a little like that in the smarting and inability to sleep at night in a warm room. In NAT-M., too, the discharge may continue day and night. We have an acute class in which Pulsatilla is sometimes indicated-copious watery discharge which ends in sneezing. In the beginning we will think of CARB-V., ARS., ALLIUM CEPA, and EUPHRASIA.


With CARB-V. there is a watery discharge and the irritation extends into the chest, with hoarseness and rawness. In ALLIUM CEPA we have one group of symptoms that points to this remedy. Excoriating discharge from the nose and bland discharge from the eyes; in the larynx, sensation as if hooks were there, and sometimes this extends below the larynx; this always means ALLIUM CEPA; it is also worse in a warm room like Puls. The EUPHRASIA looks like CEPA, only the discharge from the eyes is copious, watery and burning-the lachrymation burns the eyes and excoriates the cheeks; discharge from nose is bland like Pulsatilla; sometimes this goes into the chest, then it is no longer EUPHRASIA.


IODINE is worse in a warm room; thick discharge from nose which burns and excoriates and is yellowish-green; but there is one thing that differentiates it from all the others-the patient immediately begins to emaciate when the complaint comes on and is very hungry.


KALI-HYDR. with the thick yellowish discharge, worse in a warm room, there is a great amount of rawness and burning in the nose; external nose very sore to pressure; sensitiveness in the root of the nose; whole face aches and patient is extremely restless; wants to walk in the open air which does not fatigue him.


IODIDE OF ARSENIC; anxiety, restlessness and weakness; frequent sneezing and copious watery nasal discharge that burns the lip. Burning, watery discharge from the eyes like ARS. ARS. wants to be very warm; wants hot water applied to the eyes; the only relief is from sniffing hot water up the nose. The IODIDE OF ARSENIC is worse in a warm room, and, for days after sneezing, the discharge thickens and becomes gluey, looking like THICK YELLOW HONEY, this excoriates; much pain through the root of the nose and eyes; often rawness in the chest with dyspnoea. The remedies having the dyspnoea are ARSENIC, IODIDE OF ARSENIC, IODINE, KALI HYDR., and


SABADILLA; these are the ones I have found most frequently indicated in the asthmatic forms of hay fever. If the complaint has been developed after being overheated about that time, you will find that SILICA, Puls. and CARB-V. must be carefully compared.

There is another class of remedies having the stuffing up of the nose not relieved by the discharge. There is a constant desire to blow the nose, yet he gets no relief. This makes me think at once of LACH., KALI-BI., PSOR., NAJA and STICTA.

PSORINUM has the copious, watery, bland discharge from the nose, it may be excoriating, it has both. The stuffing up of the nose generally takes place in the open air; he is relieved in a warm, close room and by lying down; has some dyspnoea which is relieved by stretching the arms at right angles with the body. Hay fever is a psoric sickness. PSORINUM given in a single dose will so develop the symptoms that the case will be more clear. The attack is not the best thing to prescribe for. If it is too violent, a short acting remedy may be selected that will mitigate it.


NUX VOMICA has a free, easy breathing in the open air, but when he goes into the warm room his nose stuffs up, which also occurs at night, though the water drips on the pillow yet he stuffs up like Puls., BRY., and the IODINE preparations, IODIDE OF


ARSENIC and CYCLAMEN. Do not understand me to have given remedies for hay fever; we cannot lay down remedies for diseases. The whole constitution must be most carefully examined.



The face is sickly, often mottled, purple, intermixed with yellow and unhealthy colors; venous puffing; sensation of fullness; often a red face, like that of health, and the patient gets no sympathy; face often flushes; flushes of heat to the face; at times a sunken look; dark rings about the eyes; sallow, green, chlorotic. Subject to erysipelas; erysipelatous blotches on the face, spreading to the scalp, with stinging and burning; skin of face very sensitive to touch at such times.


Mumps and inflammation of parotid glands. If a woman suffering with mumps takes a decided cold the breasts swell, and there is an inflammation of the mammary gland. Girls take cold, the swelling of the parotid subsides too soon, and the corresponding mammary gland swells; sometimes both swell; or it may begin in one and go to the other. In men it is the testicle. Pulsatilla is one of the most important remedies in this form of metastasis; it breaks up complaints that flit about. Pulsatilla is the common remedy for enormously swollen testicles from mumps in a boy. CARBO VEGETABILIS is another remedy, but then you have a CARB-V. patient. ABROTANUM is also useful in wandering around symptoms.


Pulsatilla has WANDERING PAINS, rheumatism goes from joint to joint, jumps around here and there; neuralgic pains fly from place to place; inflammations go from gland to gland. But here is the distinguishing feature. Pulsatilla STICKS TO ITS OWN TEXT; it keeps jumping around, but it does not change to a new class of disease. ABROTANUM has this metastasis, but it changes the whole diagnosis; that is, the allopath says, “This is a new disease today.” The patient has a violent diarrhoea today, and an ignoramus suppresses it; an inflammatory rheumatism comes on, and he calls it a new disease. The suppression of a diarrhoea or a haemorrhagia, or the removal of piles, causes an out-cropping somewhere else. A child has a summer complaint suppressed and there follow symptoms referring to the brain, kidneys, liver, or a marasmus with emaciation from below upwards. Such things are in the nature of ABROTANUM.




STOMACH. Hours after eating the patient eructates mouthfuls of sour, rancid, bitter fluid; liquids roll up from the stomach; always belching up rancid food. Some patients cannot digest butter; cannot use olive oil on their food. All sorts of bad tastes in the mouth. Several hours after eating has not finished digesting food in the stomach. Sour vomiting and eructations. Digestion is slow, and the patient goes to the next meal hungry; eating does not satisfy; assimilation is bad. Always bilious. Mouth is slimy and the taste is bad. All these symptoms are worse in the morning. “Accumulation of saliva and much mucus in the mouth.” “Flow of sweetish or tenacious saliva.” “Constant spitting of frothy, cotton-like mucus.”

A striking feature of the Pulsatilla patient is that he never wants water. Dryness of the mouth, but SELDOM THIRSTY. Even in many of the fevers he is thirstless, but there is at times an exception to this- in high fevers there may be some thirst. “Thirstlessness, with moist or dry tongue.” “Desire for sour, refreshing things.” Often desires things he cannot digest; lemonade, herring, cheese, pungent things, highly-seasoned things, juicy things. “Aversion to meat, butter, fat food, pork, bread, milk, smoking.” “Scraping sensation in stomach and oesophagus like heartburn.” Many pains in the stomach when empty or when full. But the bloating, the gas and the sour stomach are most striking. Gastric catarrh. Craves ice cream; craves pastries, yet they will not digest, and make him worse. Craves things which make him sick. This is not uncommon. The whisky drinker craves his liquor, yet knows it will kill him. So in Pulsatilla with regard to pastries. Craves batter cakes, with maple syrup, yet knows they will be vomited. Craves HIGHLY SPICED sausage, yet averse to pork alone.



Pulsatilla produces and cures jaundice. “Jaundice in consequence of chronic susceptibility to hepatitis and derangement of secretion of bile, with looseness of bowels; duodenal catarrh; disordered digestion; feverishness and thirstlessness; after quinine.”

Many troubles seem to manifest themselves in the abdomen by bloating, distension of the abdomen, flatulence, colicky pains, rumbling, fermentation of food, and from disorders of menstruation or diarrhoea. Great sensitiveness, tumefaction, tenderness; whole abdomen, stomach and pelvic organs sensitive to touch. Bloating after eating, especially after fats and rich foods. Fullness of the veins; general venous stasis. It brings about especially a tumid fullness of the abdomen, such a stuffed feeling that she cannot breathe. In a woman about to menstruate, there is bloating of the abdomen, stuffed feeling, has to throw off her clothes, cannot wear stays, wants to get into a loose dress or to go to bed-so extremely puffed is she. Associated with this abdominal tumefaction the face and lips become bloated and puffed, the eyes red, and the feet puffed so that she cannot wear her shoes. There is also a sensation of dragging down, a sense of great weakness, commonly related to the menstrual disturbances or uterine disorders. The dragging down is recognized as prolapsus uteri. It is felt in the whole abdomen and is described as a tunnelling sensation, as if the parts would push out into the world, a dragging down. Oversensitiveness of the abdomen; especially in the lower part of the abdomen. She cannot stand on her feet or walk around much, because of the weight and dragging down. Labor-like pains in the uterus and back as if the menses would come on. It is not uncommon for the Pulsatilla patient to feel through the whole month as if she were about to menstruate.

The abdominal and bowel symptoms are associated. Cutting, flitting changing pains.



Pains urging to stool. Griping, in the bowels associated with dysentery or diarrhoea; loose watery or green stools. A striking feature of the bowel symptoms is a loose, watery, green stool, CONTINUALLY CHANGING; yellow, faecal, slimy. In summer complaints, when Pulsatilla is the indicated remedy, there will be hardly two stools alike; continually changing. This is characteristic of Pulsatilla in general; the pains wander; complaints change by metastases; the patient is scarcely ever twice alike. Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Menstrual flow stops and starts, intermits and changes. In the Pulsatilla patient you never know what you will find next. Dysentery; dysenteric stools: scanty, slimy, bloody, green, watery stool with a little spurt; next stool might be diarrhoeic, with quite a copious discharge; thus you have diarrhoea and dysentery together.

Troublesome chronic constipation; stool large, hard and difficult to expel, It has (like NUX) frequent urging to stool without any stool, or frequent urging with only a scanty stool; goes many times before can pass a stool, NUX and Pulsatilla. Frequent unsuccessful urging in a chronic case is looked on as a keynote to NUX, but many remedies have it. Pulsatilla is one. The diarrhoea and bowel symptoms of Pulsatilla are worse in the evening and during the night; that is, the stools are worse at night.

The stomach, throat and mouth symptoms are worse in the morning. The mental symptoms are worse in the evening. The bowel and stool symptoms are aggravated by keeping perfectly still, and ameliorated by gentle motion. There is much restlessness in Pulsatilla. Amelioration from motion in the cool open air. Feels stuffed up in a close room, and wants the windows open. “Dysenteric stools of clear yellow, red or green slime; pain in the back, straining.” “Stools of deep green mucus; pain in the abdomen; no thirst.” You will remember the word GREEN in Pulsatilla, as it relates extensively to the catarrhal discharges.


Most troublesome constipation with haemorrhoids; violent pains in the haemorrhoids, worse lying down, ameliorated from gentle motion, worse from the warmth of the bed, better moving about in the open air. She becomes so nervous in a room while at rest that the pains seem intensified and she must move about. “Haemorrhoids; painful, protruding, blind, with itching and stitches in anus.” The aggravation from lying down in extremely painful haemorrhoids is contrasted with AM-C. which has violently painful haemorrhoids relieved by lying flat on the back. In violently painful haemorrhoids, with intense burning, think of ARSENICUM and KALI CARBONICUM. In those with sticking, tearing pains study AESCULUS. Looking over a number of years I have been forced to use in these cases a remedy not yet fully proven. In painful haemorrhoids, in a broken down constitution, where the whole disease seems to culminate in the haemorrhoids; bleeding, protruding; a mere touch almost causes a convulsion; it causes her to scream out at the top of her voice; it is so painful that she feels that death would be a relief; she lies in bed holding the nates far apart with her hands; after every stool she has three or four hours of extreme suffering. In these cases look up the PAEON. The haemorrhoids it cures look like the flowers of the plant, they are so inflamed, so red and bleeding; oozing; tender to touch; patient is so worn out with the pain. It has many times relieved the pain and cured these enormous haemorrhoidal tumors. I have cured them after they had been operated on, and all sorts of violence done them, without relief. Do not go to this drug if you can find a remedy that covers ALL THE PATIENT. Many patients will not confess any other symptoms, and some of these will suffer so much from the haemorrhoids alone that you will really need this remedy.



Urine frequent, scanty, with urging; wonderful tenesmus; extremely painful, bloody, burning, smarting urine; there is scarcely a drop collects in the bladder but it must be expelled. She cannot LIE ON THE BACK WITHOUT HAVING A DESIRE TO URINATE. She may go all night without urinating if she does not lie on the back, but the minute she turns on her back she is wakened by the desire to urinate and she feels that if she does not hurry she will pass it involuntarily. Involuntary urination when coughing and sneezing, or from a sudden shock or surprise, or from sudden joy, or from laughing, or from the noise of the slam of a door or a pistol shot. Pulsatilla has dribbling of urine, dribbles on the slightest provocation. She must keep her mind continually on it, or she will lose her urine. As soon as she goes to sleep it flows away. Little, mild, gentle, florid, plethoric, warm-blooded girls, who kick the covers off at night and have noctural enuresis. Yellow, sallow, sickly girls who lose their urine in their first sleep call for SEPIA. Losing the urine in the first sleep is looked upon as a strong symptom, but you can figure it out, and hence it is not so. All those cases that have to make an effort to hold the urine during the day lose it in their first sleep; for then the mind is taken off it, and as soon as the mind is taken off it the urine dribbles. CAUSTICUM and SEPIA are remedies looked upon as curing involuntary urination during the first sleep, but I have cured it with many other remedies. A man past middle age flooded the bed at night as soon as he went to sleep. The medicines which have this are limited and he had received them all. I found I must figure it out on another basis. I ascertained that when moving about at his work he had no difficulty in holding the urine, but when he sat down he had to make an effort to control it. At the time this condition developed he had been in Atlantic City and had bathed much in the ocean. Here were the aggravation and amelioration of RHUS, and RHUS cured him. Few would think of BRYONIA in urinary trouble. When he moves the urine dribbles, when he walks it flows. He is relieved only by keeping quiet. BRYONIA is aggravated by motion; RHUS is relieved by motion.

Pulsatilla has relief from motion. A few remedies have relief from slow motion and of these Pulsatilla and FERRUM are the most striking. A few remedies are relieved by hurried motion; want to move fast. Such are BROMINE and ARSENICUM. The ARSENIC child cannot be carried fast enough. The Pulsatilla baby is content with moderate motion. Any motion that HEATS UP the Pulsatilla patient aggravates all the complaints. A wood sawyer working hard said his cough was relieved by moving about, but when he became heated up from sawing he had to sit down and rest on account of the violent spasmodic cough that would come on.

Pulsatilla has complaints from exposure to rain; getting feet wet. Urinary troubles worse when getting chilled (DULCAMARA). Pulsatilla establishes a chronic, inveterate catarrh of the bladder. Copious mucous discharge, bloody discharge, especially after taking cold. Thick, ropy, purulent, green, offensive discharge.



Sexual desire unusually strong. “Long lasting morning erections.” “Sexual excesses resulting in headache, backache; limbs heavy.” “Burning and aching of the testicles, with or without swelling.” Orchitis; inflammation and swelling of the testicles from suppressed gonorrhoea, from mumps, from catching cold, from sitting on damp ground, or on a cold stone when perspiring. Gonorrhoea suppressed by injections. “Cold” settles in the testicles. Pulsatilla is the most frequently indicated remedy in gonorrhoea, in which the discharge is thick yellow or thick yellow and green, in those who are sensitive to heat, ameliorated walking in the open air. But also in persons with no other symptoms, and the gonorrhoeal discharge is thick yellow or green; no symptoms contra-indicating it. Troublesome lingering discharges; an old gleet rouses into a thick yellow discharge, when he takes cold or after coition. Frequent tenesmus; chordee; urging to urinate; burning urination and yellow discharge. Tumefaction about the penis. Foreskin dropsical. (NIT-AC., FL-AC., CANN-S.). Pulsatilla is useful in cases of suppressed gonorrhoea, with complaints following.

Inflammation of the prostate. In old sinners with enlarged prostate, hard, flat, packed farres, must always use a catheter; especially when the trouble has been brought on by sexual abuses, sexual excesses, vices. Pain in the testicles; tearing in the swollen testicles. Pain along the cord like cutting of knives; lacerating, tearing.



Exaggerated sexual desire; nymphomania; wild, beside herself with sexual thoughts; uncontrollable sexual desire. Inflammation of ovaries and uterus. Suppression of menses from getting feet wet. Menses too late, scanty.

Face pale, yellow, sallow, or green like a chlorotic patient. It overcomes the tendency to miscarriage, false conception, moles, etc., and stops the growth of fibroids, other symptoms agreeing. In pregnancy and during confinement many symptoms call for Pulsatilla. Most often called for when the patient is not irritable and the pains are very feeble, lasting for several days, and doing nothing; irregular, flitting, changeable pains, now up the back, now down the limbs; a prolonged first stage or prolonged preparatory symptoms. CHAMOMILLA is more suitable if the woman is extremely irritable. But in a mild, gentle, mental state, when the pains are irregular, the os dilated and the contractions have let up, the pains too short, Pulsatilla will terminate that labor in a short time. The next pain after the dose will be a good one. You very often see in these cases that the outside parts are relaxed and the conditions are such that everything ought to go on well, but there is inaction. For weak pains Pulsatilla stands high.

Violent menstrual colic, causing her to bend double; soreness in the region of the uterus and ovaries; distended abdomen; throws the covers off; wants the windows open; tearful; weeps without a cause. Suppression of the menstrual flow from getting feet wet. Flow slow in being established and then scarcely more than a leucorrhoea. Menstruation that has been painful since puberty in plethoric girls. I have seen Pulsatilla cure a great many girls of sixteen to eighteen years old. The mother comes to me saying her daughter has suffered since her first menses; she went in swimming, or got her feet wet, and has suffered since. The doctor says the parts are undeveloped and she must be operated on. Pulsatilla has established a normal flow in a few months. Now I will give you a contrast in another remedy. Scrawny girls who are sensitive to cold, have also taken a bath at the time the first menses should appear, or have got the feet wet, and the flow is partially suppressed, or has come on with an inflammation; a state of undevelopment is established, a stenosis; horrible menstrual colic; bearing down pains, as if everything would escape into the world, doubling the patient up; ameliorated by heat and aggravated by cold. CALC-P. is the remedy. “In girls of mild disposition, when puberty is unduly delayed, or menstrual function is defectively or irregularly performed; they are pale and languid, complain of headache, chilliness and lassitude.” To develop these young girls Pulsatilla is a great remedy. Most troublesome cases of prolapsus. It competes with SEPIA, BELLADONNA, NAT-M., NUX VOMICA and SECALE; all of these are remedies with great relaxation, bearing down; some have cured even procidentia. Pulsatilla cures many cases of gonorrhoea in females. I think it is most commonly indicated. A striking feature is, when the menstrual flow is present there is milk in the breasts. In girls at puberty-milk in the breasts; a premature establishment of milk. In non-pregnant women, milk in the breasts. (CYCLAMEN and MERCURIUS.)



The chest, respiratory organs, and cough furnish some most trouble-some symptoms. Bronchitis; pneumonia. Dry, teasing cough and dyspnoea; wants the windows open, aggravated lying down. Cough, gagging and choking. Copious expectoration in the morning, of thick yellow-green mucus. Dry, teasing cough at night, worse lying down. Chronic loose cough after measles. Whooping cough.

In the larynx we have many symptoms; constriction; tickling causing cough. Dry, teasing cough, worse lying and in a warm room. Cough worse at night.

Bronchitis with loose morning and dry evening cough.

Dyspnoea; oppression from walking fast or becoming overheated after eating; stopping up nose; after emotions. Spasmodic contraction of larynx. Tightness of chest; dyspnoea when lying on left side; suffocation in the evening and during the night. Asthma of children from suppressed rash or in women from suppressed menses. Loud rattling in the chest when lying. Chronic loose cough after measles. Expectoration of copious, thick, yellow-green, or bloody mucus; salty; offensive.


Chronic catarrh of chest. Sensation of fullness in the chest in the evening with pulsation preventing sleep. Palpitation from lying on the left side. Soreness in the walls of the chest. Pain in the chest sometimes relieved by lying on the opposite side; dryness and rawness in the chest. Wandering tearing pains in the chest; cutting pains in pleurisy; violent heat in the chest. Haemorrhagia of the lungs, dark blood. Dry cough in the evening, loose in the morning. Haemorrhagia with suppressed menses or instead of the menses. Pulsatilla is very useful in catarrhal phthisis in chlorotic girls.

In curvature of the spine Puls., is of great value. Pain in the back, lumbar and sacral regions; wandering pains; spinal irritation after sexual excesses. Rheumatic pains in the spine and limbs, worse during rest and better from slow motion. Pain in small of back as if sprained; sensation of cold water poured down back.



All the limbs are painful; drawing, tearing pains in the limbs, better from motion and after motion; worse from a warm room and better from cold applications. Swelling of the veins in the arms and hands. Varicose veins of the limbs like FL. AC. Rheumatism of joints; pain in joints as if dislocated. Sciatica worse in the evening and better from slowly moving about. Drawing and tension of muscles in lower limbs in the evening in bed. Tearing, jerking pains in the limbs, changing place. Burning in the veins. Purple swelling with violent itching of the feet as if they had been frozen. Feet burn and he must put them out of bed. Soles burn and are bruised when walking. Marked restlessness and twitching of the limbs and feet; numbness of the limb lain on; wandering pains in all the limbs.


Sleeps on the back with hands over head. Cannot sleep on the left side as it increases the palpitation and suffocation. Confused, frightful, anxious dreams. Late falling asleep; sleeplessness on account of flushes of heat.



Pulsatilla cures intermittent fever, coming on from disordered stomach. Chill morning and evening daily. The chill begins in the hands and feet; pains in the limbs during the chill; onesided coldness with numb feeling; fever one sided. Thirst before the chill and seldom during the heat; heat with distended veins; sweat profuse all over or only on one side of the body. Vomiting of mucus during the chill.







Adapted to persons of indecisive, slow, phlegmatic temperament; sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears; affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition – the woman’s remedy.
Women inclined to be fleshy, with SCANTY AND PROTRACTED MENSTRUATION (Graph.).


Weeps easily: Almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping (weeps when thanked, Lyc.).
Feels better by consolation.


Especially in diseases of women and children.
The first serious impairment of health is referred to puberic age, have “never been well since”  anemia, chlorosis, bronchitis, phthisis.
Secretions from all mucous membranes are THICK, BLAND AND YELLOWISH-GREEN (Kali-s., Nat-s.).
Symptoms ever changing; no two chills, no two stools no two attacks alike; very well one hour, very miserable the next; apparently contradictory (Ign.).
Pains: drawing, tearing, erratic, rapidly shifting FROM ONE PART TO ANOTHER (Kali-bi., La-c., Mang-act.); are accompanied with constant chilliness; the more severe the pain, the more severe the chill; appear suddenly, leave gradually, or tension much increases until very acute and then “lets up with a snap”; on first motion (Rhus-t.).
Mumps; metastasis to mammae or testicle.
Sleep: Wide awake in the evening, does not want to go to bed; first sleep restless, sound asleep when it is time to get up; awakes languid, unrefreshed (reverse of, Nux-v.).

Styes: Especially on upper lid; from EATING FAT, GREASY, RICH FOOD OR PORK (compare, Lyc., Staph.).

Great dryness of mouth in the morning, without thirst (Nux-m.   mouth moist, intense thirst, Merc.).
Toothache: Relieved by holding cold water in the mouth (Bry., Coff.); worse from warm things and heat of room.

Gastro-intestinal System
Gastric difficulties from eating rich food, cake, pastry, especially after pork or sausage; the sight or even the thought of pork causes disgust; “bad taste” in the morning.
“All-gone” sensation in stomach, in tea drinkers especially.
Diarrhoea: Only, or usually AT NIGHT; watery, greenish-yellow, VERY CHANGEABLE; soon as they eat; from fruit, cold food or drinks, ice-cream (Ars., Bry.; eating pears, Verat., Chin.; onions, Thuja; oysters, Brom., Lyc.; milk, Calc., Nat-c., Nicc., Sulp.; drinking impure water, Camph., Zing.).

Derangements at puberty; menses, suppressed from getting the feet wet; TOO LATE, scanty, slimy, painful, irregular, INTERMITTENT FLOW, with evening chilliness; with intense pain and great restless and tossing about (Mag-p.); FLOWS MORE DURING DAY (on lying down, Kreos.). Delayed first menstruation.
Threatened abortion; flow ceases and then returns with increased force; pains spasmodic, excite suffocation and fainting; must have fresh air.

Respiratory System
Unable to breathe well, or is chilly in warm room.

Nervousness, intensely felt about the ankles.


AGG.: IN A WARM CLOSE ROOM; EVENING, AT TWILIGHT; on beginning to move; lying on the left, or ON THE PAINLESS SIDE; very rich, fat, indigestible food; pressure on the well side if it be made toward the diseased side; warm applications; HEAT (Kali-m.).

AMEL: IN THE OPEN AIR; lying on painful side (Bry.); cold air or cool room; eating or drinking cold things; cold applications (Kali-m.).


Complementary: Kali-m., Lyc., Sil., Sul-ac.; Kali-m. its chemical analogue.
Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla in nearly all ailments.
Follows, and is followed by, Kali-m.
One of the best remedies with which to begin the treatment of a chronic case (Calc., Sulph.).
Patients, anemic or chlorotic, who have taken much iron, quinine and tonics, even years before.
Ailments: From abuse of chamomile, quinine, mercury, tea-drinking, sulphur.
Follows well: After, Kali-bi., Lyc., Sep., Sil., Sulph























PULSATILLA (Puls.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Warm, thirstless and weepy.


GENERALITIES: the patient is warm, esp. the feet are warm and wants to uncover them. All symptoms are aggravated from warmth of room or of bed and ameliorated in open air, open windows, continued motion.


FEVER/INFLUENZA: the feet are hot and the patient wants to uncover them. Chills and coldness as if cold water was poured on the back. Pain in the bones that are ameliorated by motion. Thirstlessness (even if the mouth is dry). Thick coryza and obstruction of nose. Lachrymation. One sided heat and redness of the face. Involuntary urination during cough.


RESPIRATION: all respiratory affections with loose cough, mucous in the chest, dyspnea. Loose cough in the morning and dry in the evening. Involuntary urination during cough. Dyspnoea and cough aggravated in warmth (warm room, food, becoming warm), evening, lying down, during sleep (wakes the patient up), on violent exertion and ameliorated in open air, when sitting up.

The expectoration is yellow or green (esp. in the morning) and often of an offensive taste/odor (bitter or of old catarrh).

Hay fever with bland coryza and lachrymation, itching of eyes, sand sensation in the eyes, sneezing. All syptoms are aggravated in warmth and ameliorated by cold applications.


CHEST: oppression and pain in chest during cough aggravated on breathing deeply, lying. Respiration rattling, stertorous during sleep. Aggravated when lying on the left side and ameliorated in open air. Mastitis with swelling of mammae and wandering pain (esp. while the child nurses). Suppressed milk.


NOSE: sinusitis with thick yellowish-green discharge, wandering pain in face (often extending to ears or neck). Pulsating pain above eyes, in nasal bones and root of nose aggravated on stooping. All symptoms are aggravated in warmth (bed, food) and ameliorated in open air, by cold applications.


EYES: conjunctivitis with itching (eyelids, canthi, margins), dryness, photophobia, bland lachrymation, yellow pus. All eye affections are ameliorated in fresh open air and by cold applications and aggravated in warmth, in warm wet weather, at evening.


EAR: painful otitis esp. of left ear with discharge (yellowish green). Aggravated from warm applications, night. Ameliorated in open air. Pain extends to eye. Fullness of ear with impaired hearing. Children are weepy and want to be held by their mother during pain.


URINARY: cystitis with catarrh of bladder. With tenesmus and frequent urging which is aggravated when lying on the back. The urging can be ineffectual. Retention of urine and fullness of bladder. Painful retention aggravated when lying on the back.

The patient must hurry to urinate otherwise urine will escape. Pain in the bladder extending to thighs. Pain if desire is postponed, when lying on the back, before, at close (end) or/and after the urination. Burning pain in urethra after urination.

Urine can be bloody (esp. the last part), hot, cloudy, with mucous and sediment.


PROSTATE: swelling and enlargement of prostate. Pain of prostate after urination. Difficult urination, dribbling of urine especially while walking. Intermittent urination in spurts that are painful. Painful retention of urine with urging which is aggravated when lying on the back. Heat sensation.


GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea after being overheated, after eating rich food, after eating fat.   Ameliorated in open air, from cold applications and aggravated from warmth, cold food and drinks.

Stool like chopped eggs, bilious, acrid.

Nausea aggravated from warm drinks, fat, ice-cream and ameliorated by cold drinks and open air.


THIRST/CRAVINGS:  the patient is thirstless although the mouth can be dry. Strong aversion and aggravation from fat.


MENTAL PICTURE: sensitive and weepy patients who need support and consolation. Children weep, want to be caressed and held by their mother.



Aggravation: warmth, night, lying on the back.

Amelioration: open air, cold applications, sitting up.
















GREAT RESTLESSNESS, tossing about in bed.


Loquacious. Rapid thoughts. Thinks and talks faster than ever before during fever.


Delusions as if crowded with arms and legs, that the body covered the whole bed, that someone is in bed with him, that self seems too large.





Pyrogenium is a remedy for SEPTIC conditions (peritonitis, septicemia, last stages of tuberculosis).


FEVER septic, puerperal, hectic, zymotic, typhoid, intermittent.


The PULSE RATE is ACCELERATED, DISPROPORTIONATE TO THE TEMPERATURE, or the reverse, , eg high fever with not so high heart or low fever with high heart rate.


SORE, bruised, aching pains. Bed feels too hard. Aching through the whole body, extremities and bones esp. during chill.


>warmth, walking, motion. Must move to relieve the soreness of the part.


CHILL of the bones and extremities. Chill beginning between the scapula and followed by coldness of bones.


Tongue red, smooth and glistening. Red stripe in center of tongue.


Lochia thin, acrid, offensive, suppressed esp. from cold.


Sweetish, putrid taste in the mouth.

Offensive, putrid stool like black balls.







AGG.: cold (weather, becoming, touching cold things), bad meat.

AMEL.: motion, walking.








PYROGENIUM (Pyrog.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Septic conditions where pulse is disproportionate to the temperature


FEVER: septic, puerperal, hectic, zymotic, typhoid, intermittent.

The pulse rate is accelerated, disproportionate to the temperature, or the reverse, (e.g. fever is high but heart rate is not so accelerated as expected or a low fever that has an abnormally accelerated heart rate).

Sore, bruised, aching pains during fever. Bed feels too hard. Fever with perspiration.

Aching of the whole body, extremities and bones esp. during chill. Aggravated by motion, warmth, walking. Must move to relieve the soreness.

Chill of the bones and extremities. Chill beginning between the scapula followed by coldness of bones.

Puerperal fever with thin, acrid, offensive lochia aggravated from cold.

MOUTH: tongue red, smooth and glistening. Red stripe in center of tongue. Sweetish, putrid taste in the mouth.

STOMACH: vomiting as soon as the water becomes warm in stomach. 

STOOL: diarrhoea from septic conditions. Offensive, putrid stool like black balls.

CHEST: the patient is very aware of the heart throbbing.


MENTAL PICTURE: great restlessness, tossing about in bed during fever.

Loquacious. Rapid thoughts. Thinks and talks fast during fever.

Delusions that he is crowded with arms and legs, that the body covers the whole bed, that someone is in bed with him, sensation as if he is too large.


Aggravation: cold (weather, becoming, touching cold things), bad meat.

Amelioration: motion, walking.














Closed, careful, rigid people. Intellectual properness, wants to do everything ‘decently’, even sex. However they have aversion to responsibility, they have no ambition, out of sense of weakness.

Difficult concentration. Dullness from mental exertion. Depression, desire to die.


Irritability alternating with care, with cowardice.


Fear of ghosts in evening, fear of being alone.






PAIN IN CHEST, in costal cartilages, in short ribs, in shoulders. Rheumatic pains.


Muscular pains <change of weather, damp, deep inspiration, turning in bed, touch, stretching the arms, standing lying on painful side, after herpes zoster.

Burning pain in shoulder, in small spots.


Herpes zoster in chest, in back. Eruptions transparent, crusty, vesicular.


Coldness of chest, of sternum <walking in open air, breathing cold air.


Eye pains. Smarting pain in eyes as from smoke.


Headache in forehead above eyes <right. Enlarged sensation of head.


Bad effects of alcohol. Hiccough after alcohol.





AGG.: alcohol, cold (becoming, air, entering a cold place), change of weather or of temperature, wet or cold wet weather, drafts, motion.

AMEL.: standing, walking.


















Compulsive neurosis. Superstitions and compulsions of religious nature.


Compulsive in general or concerning their rectal hygiene.





Acts on RECTUM, eyes and teeth.


Haemorrhoids. Protrude after stool.

Fissures of anus with constriction.

Excruciating burning and long-lasting pains in the rectum after stool, which can be difficult or even diarrhoea.


AS IF SPLINTERS OR GLASS WERE IN RECTUM (Aesculus, Nitric acid). This causes a great sensitivity and anal fissures. Better with warm applications.


Important concomitant is bursting headache during straining during stool: Pain in the middle of the forehead, as if brain would fall out.


Pin worms.


Pterygium of the eye: inflammation of the whole eye, when a membrane extends to the pupil.


Burning pains. Eyelids feel stiff (Kalmia).


Toothache in pregnant women, who have to get out of bed at night (Magnesia Carbonica).

Sensation as if coldness rushed out of painful molars. Feel elongated. Worse lying down.





AGG: night, touch, exertion.



















Faintness, confusion, excitement before a storm. Fear of storms.


Forgetful of words while speaking. Omitting words when writing.


Anxiety on entering a house.







Rheumatic-gouty drawing and tearing pains in all limbs < at rest, > motion.

Pain in heels.


Orchitis. Epididymitis.


PAIN IN TESTICLE, may be described as CRUSHED < RIGHT SIDE, > motion.



Facial pains >moving the lower jaw.


Sleeps on back with feet crossed – sleeplessness unless they lie in this position.


Rapidly shifting, paralytic pains.





AGG.: approach of storm, during storm, change of weather, weather cold wet, foggy, windy.

AMEL.: motion.



















EXTREME RESTLESSNESS. Stiff, unable to relax.

Anxious and sad.


SUPERSTITIOUS. Compulsive, ritualistic behavior.


Anxiety about his children, about business.

Delusions that he was about to be poisoned.





STIFFNESS of muscles, of joints. Ailments from straining muscles or tendons, over-lifting, stretching, sprains.





Restlessness in bed – must change position to obtain momentary relief from pain.


Tongue – triangular red tip.


Cracking in joints, in jaw, in cervical region.

Skin eruptions >warm bathing.

Vertigo with tendency to fall on rising from bed.

Herpetic eruptions with much burning, itching and stinging > warm bathing.





AGG.: cold, damp, wet weather, beginning of motion, lying, uncovering.

AMEL.: MOTION (walking, motion of affected part,) exertion, change of position, warm applications, hot bath, warm dry weather.


AVERS.: soup.









RHUS TOXICODENDRON (Rhus-t.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


Musculoskeletal affections ameliorated by motion and warmth and aggravated by being still.


KEYWORDS: chilly, restless, stiffness, motion ameliorates, first movements aggravate.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: all kinds of musculoskeletal problems (arthritis, lumbago, rheumatism, sciatica, cervical stiffness) ameliorated by motion, warmth, aggravated when resting, while being still, by cold.

Stiffness of muscles or joints is aggravated on waking in the morning. The first movements are painful but continued motion greatly ameliorates the patient.


FEVER: fever with stiffness of the muscles and joints. One sided chill (coldness of right side, fever on left). Intense heat during fever, as if blood is boiling.

APPEARANCE: red tip of tongue.

SKIN: skin eruptions with fever. Urticaria. Skin eruptions ameliorated by hot water.

GENERALS: all kinds of pains and generally all symptoms are ameliorated by motion. The patient may complain that after long exertion the symptoms come back. This comes due to eventual tiredness. Once he rests, the discomfort comes back and he will have to move in order to feel ameliorated.

DESIRES/AVERSIONS: desires cold milk.


Aggravation: being still, first movements, rising, cold, cold wet weather, weather changes.

Amelioration: motion, warmth (warm applications, warm bath).


















COUGH constant, tickling, croupy, hoarse, whooping, hacking, paroxysmal.

< inhaling cold air, going from warm to cold, irregular breathing, touching the larynx, eating, bending head backward.

>covering up mouth so the inhaled air is warmed, drinking, turning from left to right side.


Early morning diarrhœa, driving patient out of bed, wakes with urging at 06:00 till noon, but often accompanied by the typical cough.

Rumbling in the abdomen.

Emptiness of stomach <talking. Eructations on waking, after coughing, evening. Heaviness after eating.


Itching of skin when undressing, in cold air, when uncovered.


Lump in oesophagus, descending when swallowing, going back up after.





AGG.: open air, cold (air, becoming, cold food), bathing, after eating.

AMEL.: warm bed.

























Restlessness during fever, changes position frequently.


Sluggish, slow mind. Dissatisfied.

Aversion to company except when in panic where they need to feel secure.


Fear of evil, of water.

Anxious, irritable and rigid persons.







The affected parts are bruised and sore with restlessness.

Stiffness of the body. Bruised painful feeling on the parts lain on.


ACHING, BURNING PAIN IN EYES. AS IF STRAINED, like balls of fire <fine work, reading, sewing.

Dim vision on straining the eyes. Headache or vertigo from reading.


Paralysis of the bladder after over-distension or forcible retention.

Intense feeling of weariness.


Back pain < inspiration >lying down.

Arthritic pains <cold and damp.

Skin- yellow discoloration in spots.

Prolapse of rectum, before or during stool, on stooping.





AGG.: exertion, cold, wet weather, exertion, lying on painful side, motion, using voice, 10 a.m., going up and downstairs.

AMEL: lying on painless side, rubbing, walking, motion, hard pressure; coughing; expectoration; rapid motion; bending double.


























Erroneous ideas as to the state of his body.

Delusions that parts of the body are DEFORMED, e.g. feel that the body is shrunken, that parts are shrunken. Delusions she’s pregnant.

Feels like there is a worm in the mouth, pharynx.


Imagines herself sick. Hypochondriac. Delusions that he has incurable disease.

Fear of death, evil, water.





Hay fever, hay asthma.


Affects the upper respiratory track with characteristic PAROXYSMAL SNEEZING with epistaxis and excessive lachrymation. Coryza > warm room.


Chilly. Warm room, warm bed, warm drinks, stove ameliorate.


Headache from mental exertion or putting too eager attention into anything. Pain in vertex on coughing.


Sensation of a lump, foreign body in the throat, or sensation something hanging there like a bundle of hair with a desire to swallow or hawk it.


Dry throat and cough. Sore throat in left side extending to right ear.


Worms in children. Convulsions from worms. Vomiting worms.

Formication in the anus. Itching in the ear alternating with itching in anus.


Restlessness of legs during heat.

Sore, bruised pains in spots.


Heat in head and face with chilliness in hands and feet.





AGG.: cold, cold drinks, beginning of motion, wine, lying.

AMEL.: walking, open air, warm drinks, warm bed, motion, wet weather.

DES.: raw onion, lemons, warm food and drinks, buttermilk.

AVERS.: wine, onion, garlic, sour fruit and acids, meat.












SABINA (Sabin.)








Closed, feels forsaken, sad and melancholic < consolation.


Oversensitive to music, sadness from music. Music is intolerable, it goes through the bones. Oversensitive to slightest noise.


Crying or speaking about their emotions is difficult. Non communicative, indisposed to talk. Desire to be alone. The INTENSITY IS EXPRESSED AT NIGHT where they cry and talk during sleep.


Confusion. Tired, looks for the bed.




HORMONAL IMBALANCE resulting to excessive sexual desire, uterine complaints (polypus, myoma etc.), metrorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, abortions.


HAEMORRHAGES – (menses, metrorrhagia) always PROFUSE with BIG CLOTS.

Metrorrhagia gushing, in paroxysms, during and after labor, between menstrual periods. Metrorrhagia worse with motion but better walking.



Pain in uterus extending back to groin.


Sexual desire greatly increased- insatiable, violent sexual desire < during metrorrhagia.


Miscarriages esp. in the 3rd month.


Pain in thigh esp. on the anterior part  <walking. Arthritic pain in joints.





AGG.: motion, touch, warmth (warm room, bed), change of temperature.

AMEL.: open air, cold.

DES.: juicy, refreshing things, lemonade.













Suffocative attacks of asthma after fright.

Mental symptoms during perspiration (confusion, restlessness, starting, unconsciousness, anxiety).


Fear and anxiety during suffocative attacks.





Mostly a children’s remedy.


Perspiration in bed before sleep and after waking. Perspiration of the affected parts only while awake. AS SOON AS HE GOES TO BED THE PERSPIRATION STOPS AND THE SKIN BECOMES DRY AND BURNING. Dry heat during sleep, profuse perspiration on waking. Perspiration with aversion to uncovering. General sweat except the head.


Wakes up after a few hours of sleep with dyspnea and profuse perspiration. The child wakes nearly suffocated, he cannot exhale the air.


Asthma, dyspnoea worse at night. Frequent attacks of dyspnoea or asthma at night, esp. after midnight, must spring out of bed. Bluish face in asthma.


Dry nose completely obstructed with suffocative feeling. Because of obstruction infants have difficulty in breastfeeding.


Kidney problems with asthmatic attacks. Kidney problems with oedematous, dropsical swelling of extremities.

Coldness of feet and hands and feet with heat of the body.

Cough with excessive mucus in the larynx.





AGG.: lying, uncovering, after midnight, beginning of motion, change of position.

AMEL.: continued motion, walking, perspiration, motion of the affected part.



























Delusions that people around her are talking rapidly.


LASSITUDE, indisposed to move or make any mental effort.


Delusion she was in some vehicle which was moving and jarring her, begs others to hold her.

Desires to be held.

Oversensitive to noise.

Irritable, morose.





Right – sided remedy affecting the head, liver, chest and right deltoid.




HEADACHE > VOMITING, sleep, passing flatus or eructation.

Headache starts from right occipital protuberance and extend to the eye.

Periodic headaches often every 7 days. Photophobia during headache.


PERIARTHRITIS OF SHOULDER JOINT < right arm and shoulder. Cannot raise the arm < AT NIGHT.

All arthritic complaints aggravated by wet weather.


Right-sided coryza (Ars.)


Sensitive to odors. Odors induce nausea, aggravate the hay fever.


Heat and burning of palms and soles. Uncovers the feet in bed at night.


Congestion of blood to head, chest and abdomen. Flushes of heat and general pulsations.
Redness of ears. Circumscribed red cheeks.


Cough > eructation, flatus, vomiting.

Pain at the root of the nose.





AGG: lying, stormy weather, motion of affected part.

AMEL.: vomiting, lying on back.

DES.: highly seasoned, pungent things, spices.

AVERS.: butter.



















Mental depression caused by the pains. Weeping before and during micturition.

Changeable mood, alternating.

Excitable, industrious during heat.







Frequent urging to urinate. Ineffectual urging.

Last part of urine is bloody with violent pain in the bladder. Burning pain after urination.

Can only pass urine while standing, dribbling while sitting but passes freely when standing.

Chills spread from the bladder. Coldness of back after urinating.


Sediment in urine.


Deep, bloody, burning cracks on bends of hands, fingers, thumb, feet.

Itching eruptions on the lids of eyes.


Retraction of nipples.





AGG.: vomiting, bathing, motion of affected part, sexual excitement, bread, getting wet, night.

AMEL.: loosening clothing, haemorrhage, cold, standing.

DES.: juicy, refreshing things.


































Shameless, exposes the person. Wants to be naked.

Raging, violent, muttering, maniacal delirium.

Restlessness. Discouraged and anxious. Apathy. Suicidal disposition to throw himself from a height.

Senility. Confusion of mind.





Hot remedy. Aggravated by warmth both generally and locally.


Although he is hot and does not want covers, the skin feels cold to touch.

Icy coldness with sweat and blueness but cannot bear to be covered, desires to uncover.

Chill and coldness of extremities but uncovering ameliorates.


GANGRENE of any part of the body esp. distal parts of extremities (foot, toes, hand, fingers). Senile gangrene. Gangrenous swelling ulcers, eruptions, vesicles.

Gangrene of foot with burning, tearing pains.


Claudication. Cramps in legs while walking or from exertion.

Formication in thigh, fingers, hand, lower limbs, foot.


Haemorrhagic tendency (hematuria, epistaxis, purpura, metrorrhagia).

Epistaxis in young women, drunkards, old people. Dark, black blood, thin or clotted epistaxis. Often offensive.





AGG.: warm (stove, wraps, air, room, bed, becoming), touch, motion.

AMEL.: cold, open air, vomiting.































Mental prostration, confusion, irritability esp. after emissions.

Weakness of memory, cannot concentrate. Dreads work.

Aversion to company and intimate friends.


Lascivious but impotent.

Dipsomania before menses.





Prostate affections. Inflammation, induration, swelling, enlargement of prostate esp. senile.


EMISSION OF PROSTATIC FLUID OR SEMEN DURING STOOL, during walking or sitting, during sleep.

Dribbling of urine after stool and urine.


Prematurely old – specific parts of the body seem old (e.g. sexual organs, thighs).


Falling of hair from different parts of the body (genitalia, eye, head).


Weakness is often sudden and is worse after emissions, in warmth, heat, warm weather, exertion, coition, after fever.


Sexual dreams with nocturnal emissions, wakes from the dream with incomplete erection.


Constipation with difficult, unsatisfactory stool and ineffectual urging.


During the night he thinks of business of the day.





AGG.: emissions, tea, alcohol, heat, sun, drafts, lemonade, salt, sweets.

AMEL.: half-asleep, standing, wine, haemorrhages.

DES.: alcohol esp. before menses, coffee.

AVERS.: salt.


















SEPIA (Sep.)



The word to describe Sepia is stagnation. The emotions are still and stagnant. There is indifference and detachment which lead to the characteristic aversion to coition, the irritability towards the husband and the aversion to the family. The physical exertion and dancing seem to stimulate the patient. The leucorrhoea and the aversion to sex are the main characteristics on the physical level.








STILLNESS of emotions and mind, DETACHED.

INDIFFERENCE to loved ones. Aversion to company, ameliorated when alone. Aversion to husband, to members of family, to going out.


Great sadness and weeping <consolation. Life has no joy.


Feels stimulation and amelioration through DANCING, PHYSICAL EXERTION, fast walking.


Anger and irritability <after coition, consolation, exertion, when spoken to.

Spiteful, malicious, critical of others.

Happy during thunders and lightning.

Fear of poverty.





Affects venous circulation and female pelvic organs.


LEUCORRHOEA esp. in young girls.



Pain in vagina during coition. Dryness of vagina.


Prolapsus of uterus, pressure and bearing down sensation, as if everything would protrude from pelvis <standing, > crossing legs.


Ball sensation in inner parts.

Crack in middle of lower lip. Fever blisters on lips.


Sensation of ’emptiness’, all gone feeling in stomach >eating.

Nausea during pregnancy.


Falling of hair.


Involuntary urination when laughing.


Yellow discoloration of face, yellow saddle across upper part of cheeks.

Tendency to abortion.

Headache < over the left eye > motion.

Faints easily- when kneeling, with heat and then coldness.









AGG.: cold (entering a cold place, becoming cold, cold bathing, cold wind), after sexual excesses, after coition, pregnancy, morning, evening, perspiration after, kneeling, stooping, loss of fluids, left side, seashore, 14:00-16:00.

AMEL.: PHYSICAL EXERTION, motion, crossing limbs, warmth (bed, applications), evening, pressure, cold drinks.

DES.: vinegar, sweets, alcohol.

AVERS.: meat, smell of food, salt, bread, fat.
































































SENSITIVE, REFINED, TIMID, yielding, reserved but obstinate.


Prostration of mind. Lack of mental stamina. Difficult concentration.

Weakness of memory for mental labor. Fear of literary work. Dread of work.

Timidity appearing in public. Fear that their mind won’t be able to withstand the stress of appearing in public.

Undertakes nothing due to fear he will fail.


Fear of pointed objects, esp. INJECTIONS, PINS.





Develops tumors, fibromas, breast cysts, swollen glands, warts which are usually hard. Caries of bones and spine. Scoliosis. Curvatures. Hip joint disease.


SENSITIVE TO COLD. General aggravation when becoming cold, esp. the head or feet. > wrapping up or covering.

Tendency to take cold.


PERSPIRATION – offensive acrid esp. feet.

CONSTIPATION, stool is hard, rectal muscles inactive. Stool RECEDES.


Nails are brittle, white spots on nails. Ingrowing toenails.

Stricture, inflammation of lachrymal duct.

Sensation of hair on the tongue.

Unhealthy tendency to suppuration. Discharges cheesy, offensive, purulent, thick.


Headache with violent and stitching pains.

Headache when head or feet get cold, from cold air, from becoming cold> wrapping up or binding up the head. Pain in the forehead associated with chronic coryza from sinuses. Inflammation of sinuses.


Children with large heads, open fontanelles, distended hot and hard abdomen, slow in walking and wasted in the body esp. legs.

Removes foreign bodies.

Stopped sensation in ear. Otitis media with impaired hearing.

Ulcers inside the nose.

Indicated in injuries of the coccyx. Coccygodynia after a fall <pressure, touch, rising.

Sensation of a stone pressing in breast.





AGG.: COLD (becoming cold, touching cold things, part of the body becoming cold), air draft, suppression of perspiration esp. of the feet, mental exertion, pressure, full moon.

AMEL.: warmth (warm stove, bed, applications) esp. to head, copious urination, warm wet weather.

DES.: cold food and drinks, fried eggs, fat, ice-cream, indigestible things like lime, earth, chalk, sand, etc.

AVERS.: mother’s milk, meat, cheese, salt, warm food, fat.


SILICA (Sil.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Chilly, perspires, needs to cover the head.


Tendency to catch cold. Develops tumors, fibromas, breast cysts, swollen glands, warts which are usually hard. Caries of bones and spine. Scoliosis. Curvatures. Hip joint disease.


GENERALITIES: sensitive to cold. General aggravation when getting/becoming cold, esp. head or feet.

Ameliorated when wrapping up or covering. Wants to cover the head.

PERSPIRATION: offensive, sour smelling, acrid esp. feet.

EYE: stricture, inflammation of lachrymal duct. Blocked lachrymal duct in babies.

SKIN: abscesses. Tendency to suppuration. Discharges cheesy, offensive, purulent, thick. Slow healing of wounds. Bartholin’s cysts.

NOSE: sinusitis with thick, purulent, offensive discharge, with post nasal discharge. Dryness of nose, loss of smell, pain of nasal bones with sinusitis. Ameliorated in warmth and aggravated from exposure to cold, from pressure. Ulcers inside the nose.

EARS: otitis media with purulent, thick and offensive discharge that leads to blocked sensation in ear and impaired hearing. Otitis with threatening mastoiditis. Itching of ears.

THROAT: tonsilitis with swelling of tonsils. Hard swelling and pain of cervical glands.

RESPIRATION: catching respiration during fever. Asthmatic respiration aggravated in cold.

MOUTH: sensation of hair on the tongue.

TEETH: abscesses of roots. Pain ameliorated from warm wrapping of head. Toothache after suppressed foot sweat. Painful gums.

MAMMAE: mastitis. Sore, bruised pain in mammae and nipples (also while nursing). Swelling and induration of mammae. Sensation of a stone pressing in breast. Abscesses, cracks, inflammation of nipples. Suppressed milk flow in nursing women. Cutting pain while nursing.

BACK: injuries of the coccyx. Coccygodynia aggravated on rising, from pressure, on touch. Backache while nursing. Sensation that the bed is hard.

STOOL: constipation. Stool is hard, rectal muscles inactive. Stool recedes.


Aggravation: cold (becoming cold, touching cold things, part of the body becoming cold), air draft, suppression of perspiration esp. of the feet, mental exertion, pressure, full moon.

Amelioration:  warmth (warm stove, bed, applications) esp. to head, copious urination, warm wet weather.













Delusions floating in air.


Restless and anxious. Easily offended.

Weak memory. Buried in thought, absorbed.





Affects the nerves: trifacial nerves, heart, eyes, teeth, left side.


PAINS: neuralgic, burning, like hot needles, jerking, tearing, stitching, extending to other parts.



Violent, audible palpitations < bending chest forward.


Angina pectoris < least motion, lying on left side, deep inspiration. Pain extends to back.


Eye: Glaucoma, intolerable pressing pain in eyeballs <left.

Sensation of enlargement. As if eye is too large for the orbit.


Body sensitive to touch. Touched part feels chilly.





AGG.: smoke and tobacco, motion, cold, walking, dry weather, cold wet weather.

AMEL.: bathing- also the affected part, wet weather, lying (esp. right side), while eating, loosening the clothing.

DES.: Warm drinks, alcohol.

AVERS.: Coffee.


















Weeping during heat.


Frightened easily at night, startled from sleep. Fear on waking.


Weeping, suicidal disposition during perspiration.


Terrified anxious expression of face.


Irresistible desire to sing, followed by sadness.

Anxiety about the future. Tired, loathing of life. Fear of death.

Despondent about loss of sexual power.





DRYNESS OF MUCOUS MEMBRANES (nose, larynx, throat, mouth).

Dryness of air passages “DRY AS A HORN”.


Awakens in a fright and with dyspnoea, AS IF BREATHING THROUGH A SPONGE.


COUGH – dry, barking, rasping, whistling, “like a saw- driven through a pine board”.   > eating.


Heart: Combination of respiratory and heart problems. Alternating or concomitant states (dyspnoea during pain in hear, during rheumatism of heart, during palpitation).

Pain in heart < lying with the head low, >lying on right side.


Heat of face after motion.

Throat pain <sweets.

Rushing of blood to legs.


Glands are easily affected, indurations.





AGG.: motion, cold (becoming, air, wind, weather, entering a cold place) sleep after, exertion, undressing.

AMEL: warm food and drinks, loosening clothing, wet weather, lying, eating.








SPONGIA TOSTA (Spong.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


Respiratory and heart problems. Dry, spasmodic cough.

RESPIRATION: bronchitis, laryngitis, asthma, croup.

Dryness of mucous membranes and air passages (nose, larynx, throat, mouth). Cough is dry “as a horn”, barking, rasping, whistling, “like a saw driven through a pine board”.  Cough from irritation in larynx. Painful chest. Congestion of chest.

Dyspnoea. The patient wakes in fright with dyspnoea, as if breathing through a sponge. Constriction in larynx on going to sleep.

Respiratory complaints are aggravated from cold drinks, lying, change of temperature, eating sweets.  

Ameliorated byeating (esp. warm foods) and drinking (esp. warm drinks).  

THROAT: sore throat aggravated by sweets, by uncovering. Tickling. Constriction of throat. Dryness.

HEART: combination of respiratory and heart problems. Alternating or concomitant states: dyspnoea during pain in heart, during rheumatism of heart, during palpitation.

Pain in heart aggravated when lying with the head low. Chest pain ameliorated when lying on right side. The patient wakes after midnight frightened with palpitations and dyspnoea.


GENERALITIES: indurations of glands.

MALE: epididymitis, orchitis with pain and swelling of testes.


Aggravation: motion, cold (becoming, air, wind, weather, entering a cold place), after sleep, exertion, undressing, sweetmeats, sugar.

Amelioration: warm food and drinks, eating, loosening clothing, wet weather, lying, sugar. 













The essence of this remedy is the weakness. The patient feels weak, exhausted esp. in chest. The dyspnoea from slight motion is characteristic. The physical weakness makes him hopeless and despondent. There’s a particular affinity to respiratory system.










No energy to react to external stimuli- feels like crying all the time but aggravates her. Aversion to company, misanthropy.






Strong affinity to respiratory system.

Deep and chronic, DYSPNOEA from slightest motion.

WEAKNESS IN CHEST < talking, so weak that is impeding speech.


Eyes are burning from weakness.

Skin is copper colored.


Sleeps on back with crossed legs (right over left).


Stomach pain on coughing.





AGG.: motion, physical exertion, lying on side, cold.

AMEL.: lying (in bed, on abdomen, on back), walking rapidly, warm bed, loosening clothing.











STANNUM (Stann.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Respiratory affections with intense weakness.

RESPIRATION: difficult respiration even from slight exertion. Even talking causes dyspnea.

CHEST: weakness of the chest especially when talking, coughing or any exertion.  The weakness is such that the patient feels too weak to talk. Empty feeling. Soreness of chest while coughing (esp. left side)

EXPECTORATION: thick expectoration of salty or sweetish taste. Expectoration comes in shape of little balls, globular.


Aggravation: motion, talking, exertion.

Amelioration: lying.
























The idea of this remedy is the suppression. The patients suppress their feelings, esp. anger. They are yielding, soft, very sensitive and lack self-confidence. They don’t stand up for themselves. The aggravation from siesta and the development of styes are confirmatory symptoms for this remedy.








SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS esp. centering on romantic relationships.

GREAT INDIGNATION- about things done by others or by himself.


Suppresses anger but can go to the other extreme and lose control- Violent outbursts where they throw things.


Yielding, sweet and sensitive. Very vulnerable, easily offended, sensitive to rudeness, to external impressions.





Development of hard dead tumors, chronic indurations of various kinds.


Affects the nervous system producing chorea, convulsions, jerking, trembling or paralysis from suppressed emotions, from indignation, anger, vexation.


Ailments from grief: psoriasis, chorea, stomach pain, falling hair, headache.


STYES – small hardened spots of induration which do not go away with time.


Excessive sexual desire, sexual thoughts leading to MASTURBATION- bad effects from onanism (indifference after onanism). Sexual excesses, however when confronted with actual situation they become impotent or frigid.




Honeymoon cystitis. Urging to urinate or dysuria in newly married women.

Injuries from post-surgical operations, stinging, smarting pains like cutting of a knife. Cuts, stinging in wounds. Wounds heal slowly.


Toothache during menses, teeth turn black, DECAY on edges.





AGG.: AFTERNOON SLEEP (SIESTA), emissions, coition, milk, tobacco, exertion, onanism, after sexual excesses, after emotions, touch.

AMEL.: breakfast, lying, rest, warm.

DES.: sugar, rice, liquid food.

AVERS.: fat, milk, solid food.






In Stramonium the words to remember are aggressiveness and violence. They can become so violent as to kill.

There is a dark element in these patients and it’s interesting here to mention the extreme fear of darkness. They have fear of tunnels, of closed or narrow places, of water, of shining surfaces.

These patients (esp. the children) can get into a Stramonium state after a frightening experience. They get terrible nightmares where they wake up in terror, with eyes wide open, but not recognizing anyone. They need some time to get out of the nightmare and come to their senses.

Their physical symptoms are also aggressive. Their convulsions are aggressive, their stammering is aggressive, the grimaces are aggressive.











Fear of shining objects, mirrors, brilliant objects, surface of water. Fear of VIOLENCE, of being injured. Anxiety, fear from the noise of running water.


Strong fears at night. Terror at night. Nightmares. Child wakes up in terror, with so vivid nightmare that knows no one around. Shrieking in sleep.


Wild look in the eyes. Desires light and company.


VIOLENT FITS OF ANGER, out of control. Mania, rage. They get destructive, malicious. Striking, biting, shrieking, cursing, breaking things, attacking others. Rage at sight of water.


Delirium wild, violent with open eyes, loquacity, desire to bite.





AILMENTS FROM FRIGHT (twitching, chorea, convulsions, cough, palpitations).


Violent STAMMERING. Has to exert himself long before uttering a word.


Vomiting as soon as he’s raising the head.


Heat, congestion of face with cold hands and feet. Congestion of head.


TWITCHING of foot, of single muscles or groups of muscles esp. upper part of body. Twitching of one side, paralysis of the other.


Painlessness of usually painful complaints.


Cough: barking, deep-sounding, sonorous, croupy. Jerking of lower limbs on coughing while sitting.


Spasmodic openness of eye. Protrusion of eye, brilliant, pupils are widely dilated.


Ailments from suppressed secretions and excretions, discharges, perspiration (convulsions, insanity).


Difficult, impossible swallowing.





AGG.: DARK, sleep after or during, bright objects, alcohol, cellars.

AMEL.: lying after, sun, vinegar.

DES.: sweets, sour.

AVERS.: water, cold drinks, milk.


























SULPHUR (Sulph.)



Sulphur produces such a huge variety of symptoms that it is difficult to find one word to describe it. However we can say that there are some characteristic tendencies that run through the remedy. The redness, burning, congestion, aggravation from warmth and offensiveness are very characteristic traits of Sulphur.

On the mental level we see the selfishness and criticism in most cases.

The desire for fat and the heat on soles are confirmatory symptoms.








Philosophical, intellectual type: reclusive, looking for truth behind things. Theorizing.


Practical type: over enthusiasm, practical idealist, social, extroverted. Hopeful dreamers.




Lazy. Untidy. Aversion, dread of bathing. Indifferent about his appearance, dirty, smelling but at the same time easily disgusted.


Fear and vertigo in high places. Fear of contamination, infection.


Nervous temperament, hurried and irritable.





BURNING PAINS AND SENSATIONS. CONGESTIONS OF SINGLE PARTS, head, face, ovaries, uterus, genitalia, nose, eyes, rectum, liver. All orifices of the body are very red.

Constant heat on vertex. Burning soles at night. UNCOVERS FEET.

Burning pain in foot but sole to cold touch.


Offensive odor of body in spite of washing. Aversion to odors of others, loves his own.


Weak empty feeling in stomach 11a.m. > eating.

Diarrhœa, driving out of bed early in the morning.


Conjunctivitis with burning pain, itching and pain as from “sand in the eyes” > cold applications, cold bathing.





AGG.: warm (wraps, room, bed, air, becoming, touching warm things), bathing, standing, evening, night, left side.

AMEL.: motion of affected part, motion, cold, lying (also on right side), rubbing.

DES.: SWEETS, FAT, cold drinks, highly seasoned food, raw, spices, alcohol.

AVERS.: EGGS, sour, fish, olives, chicken, strong cheese.




(Sublimated Sulphur)

This is the great Hahnemannian anti-psoric. Its action is centrifugal, from within outward having an elective affinity for the skin, where it produces heat and BURNING with itching; worse by heat of bed. Inertia and relaxation of fibre; hence feebleness of tone characterizes its symptoms. EBULLITIONS OF HEAT, DISLIKE FOR WATER, DRY AND HARD HAIR AND SKIN, RED ORIFICES, SINKING FEELING IN THE STOMACH AROUND 11 a. m., AND CAT-NAP SLEEP; always indicate Sulphur homeopathically. STANDING is the worst position for sulphur patients, it is always uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. Aversion to being washed. WHEN CAREFULLY SELECTED REMEDIES FAIL TO ACT, ESPECIALLY IN ACUTE DISEASES, it frequently arouses the reacting powers of the organism. COMPLAINTS THAT RELAPSE. GENERAL OFFENSIVE CHARACTER OF DISCHARGE AND EXHALATIONS. Very red lips and face, flushing easily. Often of great use in beginning the treatment of chronic cases and in finishing acute ones.

Very forgetful. Difficult, in thinking. Delusions; thinks rags are beautiful things; that he is immensely wealthy. Busy all the time. Childish peevishness in grown people. Irritable. Affections vitiated; VERY SELFISH, no regard for others. Religious melancholy. Averse to business; loafs; too lazy to arouse himself. Imagines giving wrong things to people, causing their death. Sulphur subjects are nearly always irritable, depressed, thin and weak, even with a good appetite.

Constant HEAT ON TOP OF THE HEAD (Cupr-s., Graph.). Heaviness and fullness, pressure in the temples. Beating headache; worse, stooping, and with vertigo. Sick headache recurring periodically. Tinea capitis, dry form. SCALP DRY, falling of hair; worse, washing. ITCHING; SCRATCHING CAUSES BURNING.

BURNING ulceration on the margin of lids. Halo around lamp light. Heat and BURNING IN EYES (Ars., Bell.). Black motes before eyes. First stage of ulceration of corneal ulceration. Chronic ophthalmia, with severe burning and itching. Parenchymatous keratitis. Cornea like ground glass.

Whizzing in ears. Bad effects from the suppression of otorrhea. Oversensitive to odors. Deafness, preceded by exceedingly sensitive hearing; catarrhal deafness.

Herpes across the nose. Nose stuffed indoors. Imaginary foul smells. ALæ RED AND SCABBY. CHRONIC DRY CATARRH; DRY SCABS AND READILY BLEEDING. Polypus and adenoids.

Lips dry, BRIGHT RED, burning. BITTER TOSTE in the morning. Jerks through teeth. Swelling of gums; throbbing pain. Tongue white, with a red tip and borders.


Pressure, as if from a lump, from a splinter, or of a hair. Burning, redness and dryness. A ball seems to rise and close pharynx.

Complete loss of, or excessive appetite. Putrid eructation. Food tastes too salty. Drinks a lot, eats little. MILK DISAGREES. Great desire for sweets (Arg-n.). GREAT ACIDITY, sour eructation. Burning, painful, weight-like pressure. VERY WEAK AND FAINT AROUND 11a. m., must have something to eat. Nausea during gestation. Water fills the patient up.

Very sensitive to pressure; internal feeling of rawness and soreness. Movements as if something alive in the abdomen (Croc., Thuj.). Pain and soreness over the liver region. Colic after drinking.

Itching and burning in the anus; piles dependent on abdominal plethora. Frequent, unsuccessful desire; hard, knotty, insufficient. Child afraid on account of pain. REDNESS AROUND THE ANUS, with itching. MORNING DIARRHEA, PAINLESS, DRIVES HIM OUT OF BED with prolapsus recti. Hemorrhoids, oozing and belching.


Frequent micturition, especially at night. ENURESIS, especially in scrofulous, untidy children. Burning in urethra during micturition, lasts long after. Mucus and pus in urine; PARTS SORE OVER WHICH IT PASSES. MUST HURRY, sudden call to urinate. GREAT QUANTITIES OF COLORLESS URINE.

Stitches in the penis. Involuntary emissions. Itching in genitals when going to bed. Organs cold, relaxed and powerless.

Pudenda ITCHES. VAGINA BURNS. Profuse offensive perspiration. Menses too late, short, scanty and difficult; thick, black, ACRID, MAKING PARTS SORE. Menses preceded by headache. Leucorrhea, burning, excoriating. Nipples cracked; smart and burn.

Oppression and burning sensation in chest. DIFFICULT RESPIRATION; WANTS WINDOWS OPEN. Aphonia. Heat throughout the chest. Red, brown spots all over the chest. Loose cough; worse talking, morning, greenish, purulent, sweetish expectoration. MUCH RATTLING OF MUCUS. Chest feels heavy; stitches, with heart feeling too large and palpitating. PLEURITIC EXUDATIONS. Use Tinctura sulphuris. Stitching pains shooting through to the back, worse lying on back or breathing deeply. Flushes of heat in the chest, rising to the head. OPPRESSION, AS IF A LOAD WAS PUT ON THE CHEST. DYSPNEA in the middle of the night, relieved by sitting up. PULSE MORE RAPID IN THE MORNING than in the evening.

Drawing pain between shoulders. Stiffness of nape. Sensation as if vertebræ glided over each other

Trembling of hands. HOT, SWEATY HANDS. Rheumatic pain in left shoulder. Heaviness; paretic feeling. Rheumatic gout, with itching. BURNING IN SOLES AND HANDS AT NIGHT. Sweat in armpits, smelling like garlic. Drawing and tearing in arms and hands. Stiffness of knees and ankles. Cannot walk erect; STOOP SHOULDERED. Ganglion.

Talks, jerks, and twitches during sleep. Vivid dreams. Wakes up singing. Wakes up frequently and becomes wide awake suddenly. CATNAPS; slightest noise awakens. Cannot sleep between 2 and 5 a. m.

FREQUENT FLASHES OF HEAT. VIOLENT EBULLITIONS OF HEAT THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BODY. Dry skin and great thirst. Night sweat on the nape and occiput. Perspiration of single parts. Disgusting sweats. Remittent type.

DRY, SCALY, UNHEALTHY; EVERY LITTLE INJURY SUPPURATES. Freckles. ITCHING, BURNING; WORSE SCRATCHING AND WASHING. Pimply eruption, pustules, rhagades, hang-nails. Excoriation, especially in folds (Lyc.). Feeling of a band around the bones. Skin affections after local medication. PRURITUS, especially from warmth, in the evening, often recurs in springtime, in damp weather.

AGG.: at rest, when standing, WARMTH OF BED, washing, bathing in the morning, 11 a. m., night, from alcoholic stimulants, periodically.

AMEL.: DRY, WARM WEATHER, lying on the right side, from drawing up affected limbs.

Complementary: Aloe, Psor., Acon., PYRARARA (a fish caught in the Amazon, clinically used for various skin affections). Lepra, tuberculides, syphilides, varicosities, etc.

Compare: Acon. (Sulph. often follows in acute diseases); Merc. and Calc. are frequently useful AFTER Sulphur, not before. Lyc., Sep., Sars., Puls., SULPHUR HYDROGENISATUM (delirium, mania, asphyxia); SULPHUR TEREBINTHINATUM (chronic rheumatic arthritis; chorea); TANNICUM ACIDUM (Nasal hemorrhage; elongated uvula; gargle; constipation). MAGNES ARTIFICIALIS (great hunger in the evening, profuse sweat on face, bruised pain in joints, rectal constriction after stool).

MAGNETIS POLUS ARTICUS (anxious, COLDNESS OF EYES AS IF A PIECE ICE LAY IN THE ORBIT, increased flow of saliva, constipation, sopor, trembling, abdominal flatulence).

MAGNETIS POLUS AUSTRALIS (dryness of lids, easy dislocation of ankle, INGROWING TOE NAILS, aching in patella, shooting in soles).

Compare in adenoids: AGRAPHIS NUTANS.

Acts in all potencies from the lowest to the highest. Some of the best results are obtained from the higher and not too frequent doses. The twelfth potency is a good one to begin treatment with, going higher or lower according to the susceptibility of the patient. In chronic diseases, 200th and upward. In TORPID eruptions the LOWEST potencies.




























Sulphur is such a full remedy that it is somewhat difficult to tell where to begin. It seems to contain a likeness of all the sicknesses of man, and a beginner on reading over the proving of Sulphur might naturally think that he would need no other remedy, as the image of all sickness seems to be contained in it. Yet you will find it will not cure all the sicknesses of man, and it is not well to use it indiscriminately any more than you would any other remedy. It seems that the less a physician knows of the Materia Medica the oftener he gives Sulphur, and yet it is very frequently given, even by good prescribers; so that the line between physicians ignorance and knowledge cannot be drawn from the frequency with which Sulphur is prescribed by them.

The Sulphur PATIENT is a lean, lank, hungry, dyspeptic fellow with stoop shoulders, yet many times it must be given to fat, rotund, well-fed people. The angular, lean, stoop-shouldered patient, however, is the typical one, and especially when he has become so from long periods of indigestion, bad assimilation and feeble nutrition. The Sulphur state is sometimes brought about by being long housed up and adapting the diet to the stomach. Persons who lead sedentary lives, confirmed to their rooms in study, in meditation, in philosophical inquiry, and who take no exercise, soon find out that they must eat only the simplest foods, foods not sufficient to nourish the body, and they end up by going into a philosophical mania.

There is another class of patients in whom we see a Sulphur appearance in the face; dirty, shrivelled, red-faced people. The skin seems to be easily affected by the atmosphere. He becomes red in the face from riding in the air, both in very cold and in damp weather. He has a delicate, thin skin, blushing on the slightest occasion, ALWAYS RED AND DIRTY LOOKING, no matter how much he washes it. If it be a child, the mother may wash the face often, but it always looks as if it had been perfunctorily washed.

Hering called the Sulphur patient “THE RAGGED PHILOSOPHER.” The Sulphur scholar, the inventor, works day and night in threadbare clothes and battered hat; he has long, uncut hair and a dirty face; his study is uncleanly, it is untidy; books and leaves of books are piled up indiscriminately; there is no order. It seems that Sulphur produces this state of disorder, a state of untidiness, a state of uncleanliness, a state of “don’t care how things go”, and a state of selfishness. He becomes a FALSE PHILOSOPHER, and the more he goes on in this state the more he is disappointed because the world does not consider him the greatest man on earth. Old inventors work and work, and fail. The complaints that arise in this kind of case, even the acute complaints, will run to Sulphur. You take such a patient and you will notice that he has on a shirt that he has worn many weeks; if he has not a wife to attend to him, he would wear his shirt until it fell off from him.

Cleanliness is not a great idea with the Sulphur patient; he thinks it is not necessary. HE IS DIRTY; he does not see the necessity of putting on a clean collar and cuffs and a clean shirt; it does not worry him. Sulphur is seldom indicated in cleanly people, but it is commonly indicated in those who are not disturbed by uncleanliness. When attending the public clinic I have many times noticed that after Sulphur an individual begins to take notice of himself and puts on a clean shirt, whereas his earlier appearances were in the one same old shirt. And it is astonishing how the Sulphur patients, especially the little ones, can get their clothing dirty so fast. Children have the most astonishing tendency to be filthy. Mothers tell you of the filthy things that little ones will do if they be Sulphur patients. The child is subject to catarrhal discharges from the nose, the eyes and from other parts, and he often eats the discharge from the nose. Now, that is peculiar, because offensive odors are the things that the Sulphur patient loathes. He is OVERSENSITIVE TO FILTHY ODORS, but filthy substances themselves he will eat and swallow. He becomes nauseated even from the odor of his own body and of his own breath. The odor of the stool is so offensive that it will follow him around all day. He thinks he can smell it. Because of his sensitiveness to odors he is more cleanly about his bowels than anything else. It is an exaggerated sense of smell. He is always imagining and hunting for offensive odors. He has commonly such a strong imagination that he smells the things which he has only in memory.

The Sulphur patient has FILTHINESS throughout. He is the victim of FILTHY ODORS. He has a filthy breath, he has an intensely foetid stool; he has filthy-smelling genitals, which can be smelled in the room in spite of his clothing, and he himself smells them. The discharges are always more or less foetid, having strong, offensive odors. In spite of constant washing the axillae give out a pungent odor, and at times the whole body gives off an odor like that coming from the axillae.

The DISCHARGES of Sulphur from every part of the body, besides being offensive, are EXCORIATING. The Sulphur patient is afflicted with CATARRHS OF ALL MUCOUS MEMBRANES, and the catarrhal discharges everywhere excoriate him. Often with the coryza the discharge excoriates the lips and the nose. At times the fluid that remains in the nose smarts like fire, and when it comes in contact


with the child’s lip it burns, so acrid is it; almost like the condition under SULPHURIC ACID, so red will be the parts that are touched by it.

There is copious leucorrhoea that excoriates the genitals. The thin fasces cause burning and rawness around the anus. In women if a drop of urine remains about the genitals it will burn; very often it is not sufficient to wipe it away, it must be washed away to relieve the smarting. In children we find excoriation about the anus and between the buttocks; the whole length of the fissure is red, raw and inflamed from the stool. From this tendency a keynote has been constructed, and not a bad one either, “all the fluids burn the parts over which they pass,” which is the same as saying that the fluids are acrid and cause smarting. This is true everywhere in Sulphur.

The Sulphur patient has all sorts of ERUPTIONS. There are vesicular, pustular, furuncular, scaly eruptions, all attended WITH MUCH ITCHING, and some of them with discharge and suppuration. The skin, even without any eruption, itches much, itches from the warmth of the bed and from wearing woolen clothing. Many times the Sulphur patient cannot wear anything except silk or cotton. The warmth of the room will drive him to despair if he cannot get at the itching part to scratch it. After scratching there is burning with relief of the itching. After scratching or after getting into the warmth of the bed great white welt’s come out all over the body, with much itching, and these he keeps on scratching until the skin becomes raw, or until it burns, and then comes a relief of the itching. This process goes on continuously; dreadful itching at night in bed, and in the morning when he wakes up he starts in again and the eruptions itch and ooze. Crops of boils and little boil-like eruptions come out and this makes it useful in impetigo.

This remedy is useful in SUPPURATIONS. It establishes all sorts of suppurating cavities, small abscesses and large abscesses; abscesses beneath the skin, in the cellular tissues and in internal organs. The suppurative tendency is very marked in Sulphur. The glands become inflamed and the inflammation goes on to suppuration.

Wherever there is a Sulphur complaint you will find BURNING. Every part burns; burning where there is congestion; burning of the skin or a sensation of heat in the skin; burning here and there in spots; burning in the glands, in the stomach, in the lungs; burning in the bowels, in the rectum; burning and smarting in the haemorrhoids; burning when passing urine, or a sensation of heat in the bladder. There is heat here and there, but when the patient describes something especially typical of Sulphur she says: “Burning of the soles of the feet, in the palms of the hands, and on the top of the head.” Burning of the soles of the feet will very often be noticed after the patient becomes warm in bed. The Sulphur patient has so much heat and burning of the soles at night in bed that he puts the feet out from beneath the clothes, sleeps with the feet outside the covering. The soles and palms of the Sulphur patient when examined present a thick skin which burns on becoming WARM in bed.

Many COMPLAINTS come on FROM BECOMING WARM IN BED. The Sulphur patient cannot stand heat and cannot stand cold, though there is a strong craving for the open air. He wants an even temperature; he is disturbed if the temperature changes much. So far as his breathing is concerned, when he has much distress he wants the doors and windows open. The body, however, he is frequently forced to have covered, but if he is warmly clad he is bothered with the itching and burning of the skin.

As to TIME AGGRAVATIONS, NIGHTLY COMPLAINTS are a feature. Headaches begin after evening meal and increase into the night; he cannot get to sleep because of the pain. There is nightly aching and nightly thirst; nightly distress and symptoms of the skin coming on after becoming warm in bed. “Intermittent periodic neuralgia, worse every 24 hours, generally at 12 a.m. or 12 p.m..” MIDDAY is another time of aggravation of the Sulphur complaints. It has chills at noon, fevers increase at noon, increase of the mental symptoms at noon, headache worse at noon. COMPLAINTS that come ONCE A WEEK, a seven-day aggravation, is another peculiar condition of Sulphur.

It is a common feature for a Sulphur patient to have a peculiar kind of diarrhoea which has been long known as Sulphur diarrhoea,” though many other remedies have a similar condition, viz.: Diarrhoea COMING ON EARLY IN THE MORNING. The Sulphur diarrhoea belongs to the time between midnight and morning, but more commonly the time that he begins to think about rising. The Diarrhoea DRIVES HIM OUT OF BED. It is generally thin, watery; there is not much gushing, and it is not very copious, sometimes quite scanty, sometimes yellow faecal. After this morning stool he has, in many cases, no further trouble till next morning. There are many people who go on year after year with this urging to stool driving out of bed in the morning. The patient suffers from pain, griping, uneasiness, and burning soreness through the bowels. The stool burns while it is passing, and all parts that it comes in contact with are made sore and raw, and there is much chafing.

The Sulphur patient is very THIRSTY. He is always drinking water. He wants much water.

He also speaks of a HUNGRY FEELING, a desire for food, but when he comes to the table he loathes the food, turns away from it, and does not want it. He eats almost nothing, takes only the simplest and lightest things. There is a craving for stimulants, for alcohol, and an aversion to milk and meat; these latter make him sick and he loathes them. One of the old men invented out of these things the keynote “drinks much and eats little.” This is true under Sulphur, but many other remedies have the same thing. As to the use of keynotes I would impress on you that it is well to gather together


all the symptoms with their associations. It will not do to place much dependence on one little symptom, or even on two or three little symptoms. The symptoms of the whole case must be considered and then, if the keynotes and characteristics and everything else cause the remedy to be well rounded out and full, and to look like the whole patient, only then is it suitable.

There is EMPTINESS OCCURRING AT 11 O’CLOCK IN THE FORENODN. If there is any time in the whole twenty-four hours that he feels hungry it is at 11 o’clock. It seems as though he cannot wait for his dinner. There is this also about the Sulphur patient: he is very hungry about his customary mealtimes and, if the meal is delayed, he becomes weak and nauseated. Those that are accustomed to eat at about 12 o’clock will have that all-gone hungry feeling at 11 a.m.. Those accustomed to eat about 1 or 1.30 will have it about 12 o’clock. The all-gone sensation is about one hour before the accustomed time of eating with many people.

In a sort of condensed way a strong Sulphur group is this: an all-gone hungry feeling in the stomach at 11 a.m., burning of the soles and heat in the top of the head. These three things have been looked upon as a SINE QUA NON of Sulphur, but they are scarcely the beginning of Sulphur.

There is an UNHEALTHY CONDITION OF THE SKIN in Sulphur aside from the eruptions. The skin will not heal. Small wounds continue to suppurate; abscesses formed under the skin become little discharging cavities with fistulous openings, and these leak and discharge for a long time.

Sulphur produces an INFILTRATION in inflamed parts, so that they become indurated and this induration last for years. When the inflammation is in a vital organ, like the lungs, this infiltration cannot always be endured; it leaves infiltrations after pneumonia called hepatization. Sulphur produces this same tendency in inflamed parts throughout the body and hence its great use in hepatization.

Sulphur is a very useful remedy WHEN THE PATIENT DOES NOT REACTS after a prolonged disease, because of a condition in the economy, a psoric condition. When a patient is drawing near the end of an acute disease he becomes weak and prostrated. The inflammatory state ends in suppuration and infiltrations; the patient is in a state of weakness, much fatigued and prostrated, and has night sweats. He does not convalesce after typhoid or other acute disease. There is slow repair and a slow, tired economy, and order is not restored after the acute disease. Sulphur often becomes very useful in such conditions.

Old drunkards become debilitated and have violent craving for alcohol; they cannot let liquor alone. They crave strong and pungent things, want nothing to eat, but want cold water and alcoholic drinks. They go on drinking till greatly exhausted and then their complaints come on. Sulphur will for a while take away this craving for drink and build him up.

The TISSUES SEEM TO TAKE ON WEAKNESS, so that very little pressure causes soreness, sometimes inflammation and suppuration. Bed sores come on easily in a Sulphur patient, as there is feeble circulation. INDURATION FROM PRESSURE is also a strong feature. Sulphur has corns from pressure, callosities from pressure. These affections come easily. If a shoe presses anywhere on the skin a great corn or bunion develops. Where the teeth come in contact with the tongue and other parts of the buccal cavity nodules form and these little nodules in course of time commence to ulcerate. It is a slow process with burning and stinging. They may go into cancerous affections. They may be postponed for a long time and afterwards take on a state of malignancy. Cancer is an outgrowth of a state in the body, and that state may come on from a succession of states. It is not one continuous condition, but the malignant state may follow the benign. Sulphur removes these states when the symptoms agree.

We notice a marked evidence of disturbance of the veins under Sulphur. It is a VENOUS REMEDY, has much vein trouble. The veins seem to be relaxed and there is sluggish circulation. There is a flushed appearance of the face here and there from slight irritation, from the weather, from irritation of the clothing. Tumefaction of the face. Sulphur has varicose veins; most marked of these are haemorrhoidal veins, which are enlarged, and burn and sting. Varices of the extremities. The veins even ulcerate, rupture and bleed. When going out of a cold into a warm atmosphere the patient suffers from enlarged veins, from puffiness of the hands and feet, from a sense of fullness throughout the body.

The Sulphur patient emaciates, and a peculiar feature is the EMACIATION OF THE LIMBS WITH DISTENDED ABDOMEN. The abdomen is tumid, with rumbling, burning and soreness, and with the distended abdomen there is emaciation of all other parts. The muscles of the neck, back, thorax and limbs wither, and the muscles of the abdomen are also wasted, but there is much distension of the abdomen itself. This condition of affairs is found in marasmus. You will find a similar state under CALCAREA; and, in women needing CALCAREA, you will notice great enlargement, distension and hardness of the abdomen with shriveling of all other parts of the body.

Under Sulphur there are FLASHES OF HEAT to the face and head, like those which women have at the climacteric period. The flash of heat in Sulphur begins somewhere in the heart region, generally said to be in the chest, and it feels as if, inside the body, a glow of heat is rising to the face. The face is red, hot and flushed, and finally the heat ends in sweat. Flashes of heat with sweat and red face; the head is in a glow. Sometimes the patient will describe a feeling as if hot steam were inside the body and gradually rising up, and then she breaks out in a sweat. At times you will see a woman having little shiverings followed by flashes of heat and red splotches in the face, and then she fans vigorously; cannot fan fast enough, and she wants the doors and windows open. Such is Sulphur as well as LACHESIS and many others. When the flashes begin in the chest, about the heart, it is more like Sulphur, but when in the back or in the stomach it is more like PHOSPHORUS.

Among other general aggravations we have an AGGRAVATION FROM STANDING in Sulphur. All complaints are made worse by standing for a length of time. Standing is the most difficult position for a Sulphur patient, and there is an aggravation of the confusion of mind, dizziness, the stomach and abdominal symptoms, and a sense of enlargement and fullness of the veins and dragging down in the pelvis in women, from standing. The patient must sit down or keep moving, if on her feet. She can walk fairly well, but is worse when standing quiet.

An AGGRAVATION AFTER SLEEP fits into many of the complaints of Sulphur, but especially those of the mind and sensorium. Most of the complaints of Sulphur are also WORSE AFTER EATING.

The Sulphur patient is AGGRAVATED FROM BATHING. He dreads a bath. He does not bathe himself and from his state in general he belongs to “the great unwashed.” He cannot take a bath without catching “cold.”

Children’s complaints. Dirty-faced, dirty-skinned little urchins, who are subject to nightly attacks of delirium, who suffer much from pains in the head, who had brain troubles, who are threatened with hydrocephalus, who had meningitis, need Sulphur. Sulphur will clear up the constitutional state when remedies have failed to reach the whole case because they are not deep enough. If the infant does not develop properly, if the bones do not grow, and there is slow closing of the fontanelles, CALCAREA CARBONICA may be the remedy and Sulphur is next in importance for such slow growth.

You would not suppose that the Sulphur patient is so NERVOUS as he is, but he is full of excitement, is easily startled by noise, wakens from sleep in a start as if he had heard a cannon report or seen a “spook.” The Sulphur patient is the victim of much trouble in his sleep. He is very sleepy in the fore part of the night, at times sleeping till 3 a.m., but from that time on he has restless sleep, or does not sleep at all. He dreads daylight, wants to go to sleep again, and when he does sleep he can hardly be aroused, and wants to sleep late in the morning. That is the time he gets his best rest and his soundest sleep. He is much disturbed by dreadful dreams and nightmare.

When the symptoms agree, Sulphur will be found a curative medicine in erysipelas. For erysipelas as a name we have no remedy, but when the patient has erysipelas and his symptoms conform to those of Sulphur, you can cure him with Sulphur. If you bear that distinction in mind you will be able to see what Homeopathy means; it treats the patient and not the name that the sickness goes by.

The Sulphur patient is annoyed throughout his economy with SURGINGS OF BLOOD here and there-surging, with fullness of the head, which we have heretofore described as flashes of heat. It has marked febrile conditions and can be used in acute diseases. It is one of the natural complements of ACONITE, and when ACONITE is suitable to the acute exacerbations and removes them; very often Sulphur corresponds to the constitutional state of the patient.

Sulphur is suitable in the most troublesome “SCROFULOUS” COMPLAINTS in broken-down constitutions and defective assimilation. It has deep-seated, ragged ulcers on the lower extremities, indolent ulcers, ulcers that will not granulate. They burn, and the little moisture that oozes out burns the parts round about. It is indicated often in varicose ulcers that bleed easily and burn much.

In old cases of GOUT, Sulphur is a useful remedy. It is a deep-acting remedy, and in most instances it will keep the gout upon the extremities, as its tendency is outward from centre to circumference. Like LYCOPODIUM and CALCAREA, when suitably administered in old gouty conditions, not where there is much organic change present, it will keep the rheumatic state in the joints and extremities.

Sulphur, like SILICEA, is a DANGEROUS MEDICINE to give WHERE THERE IS STRUCTURAL DISEASE in organs that are vital, especially in the lungs. Sulphur will often heal old fistulous pipes and turn old abscesses into a normal state, so that healthy pus will follow, when it is indicated by the symptoms. It will open abscesses that are very slow, doing nothing, it will reduce inflamed glands that are indurated and about to suppurate, when the symptoms agree. But it is a dangerous medicine to administer in advanced cases of phthisis, and, if given, it should not be prescribed in the highest potencies. If there are symptoms that are very painful, and you think that Sulphur must be administered, go to the 30th or 200th potency. Do not undertake to stop with Sulphur the morning diarrhoea that commonly comes with phthisis. Do not undertake to stop the night sweats that come in the advanced stages, even if Sulphur seems to be indicated by the symptoms; the fact is, it is not indicated. A remedy that is dangerous in any case ought not to be considered as indicated, even though the symptoms are similar.

In old cases of SYPHILIS, when the psoric state is uppermost, Sulphur may be needed. Sulphur is rarely indicated when the syphilitic symptoms are uppermost, but when these have been suppressed by MERCURY and the disease is merely held in abeyance, Sulphur will antidote the MERCURY and allow the symptoms to develop and the original condition to come back in order to be seen. The great mischief done by allopaths is due to the fact that they want to cover up everything that is in the economy; they act as if ashamed of everything in the human race; whereas Homeopathy endeavors to reveal everything in the human race and to antidote those drugs that cover up, and to free those diseases that are held down. It is true that many patients will not have Homeopathy because they do not want their syphilitic eruption brought to view; they do not want the evidences of their indiscretion brought to light; but Homeopathy endeavors to do that. Conditions that are in the economy will come out under proper homeopathic treatment. Sulphur brings complaints to the surface, so that they can be seen. It is a GENERAL BROAD ANTIDOTE. It is a medicine often called for in the SUPPRESSION OF ERUPTIONS from cold and from drugs, and even from Sulphur. It is a great medicine to develop these things which have been covered up, hence you will see Sulphur in all the lists of remedies useful for suppressed eruptions or for anything suppressed by drugs. Even when acute eruptions have been suppressed Sulphur becomes a valuable remedy. In suppressed gonorrhoea Sulphur is often the remedy to start up the discharge and re-establish the conditions that have been caused to disappear. Symptoms that have been suppressed must return or a cure is not possible.

Sulphur has been the remedy from the beginning of its history, from the time of Hahnemann, and on his recommendation, to be thought of WHEN THERE IS A PAUCITY OF SYMPTOMS TO PRESCRIBE ON, a latent condition of the symptoms due to psora. In this state it has been administered with so much benefit that the routine prescriber has learned the fact. When apparently (superficially) well-indicated remedies fail to hold a patient, and symptoms cannot be found for a better remedy, it is true that Sulphur takes a deep hold of the economy and remedies act better after it. This is well established from experience. You will find at times when you have given a remedy which seems well indicated, that it does not hold the case, and then you give the next best indicated remedy, and then the next, with the same result. You will begin to wonder why this is, but you will see that, although the case does not call clearly for Sulphur, yet on its administration it so closely conforms to the underlying condition (and psora is so often the underlying condition) that it makes the remedies act better. This is an observation that has been confirmed since the time of Hahnemann by all the old men. Such things are only necessary when there is a paucity of symptoms, where after much study it is necessary to resort to what seem the best measures, measures justifiable to a certain extent, based upon observation and upon a knowledge of the conditions underlying the constitution of the whole race. We know that underlying these cases with few symptoms there is a latent condition, and that it is either psora, syphilis or sycosis. If it were known to be syphilis we would select the head of the class of remedies looking like syphilis. If known to be sycosis, we would select the head of the class of remedies looking like sycosis. Sulphur stands at the head of the list of remedies looking like the underlying psora; and so, if the underlying constitution is known to be psoric, and it is a masked case, Sulphur will open up the latent cause, and, even if it does not act on a positively curative basis, it is true that a better representation of the symptoms comes up. And as Sulphur is to psora, so is MERCURIUS to syphilis and THUJA to sycosis.

In the coal regions of Pennsylvania, those who work in the mines and those living in the vicinity of the mines often need Sulphur. We know that the coal is not made up of Sulphur; there is a good deal in it besides; but those who handle the coal often need Sulphur. Persons, who are always grinding kaolin and the various products that are used in the manufacture of china, and the workers among stone, especially require CALCAREA and SILICEA, but those who work in the coal mines often need Sulphur. The patients look like Sulphur patients; they have the aspect, and even when their symptoms are localized and call for other remedies, you will get no good action from these remedies until you give them a dose of Sulphur, after which they go on improving. Some believe this is due to the fact that there is so much Sulphur in the coal. We may theorize about these things as much as we have a mind to, but we do not want to fall into the habit of antidoting the lower potencies with the high. Only use that method as a DERNIER RESSORT. When THERE ARE NO SYMPTOMS to indicate the remedy, then it is time for us to experiment, and then it is justifiable only when it is carried on by a man of the right sort, because such a man keeps within the limit. He knows how to give his remedy. Such a man is guided by the symptoms in each case so far as symptoms speak out.

In inflammatory conditions a PURPLISH appearance of the inflamed parts, a venous engorgement, is seen under Sulphur. MEASLES, when they come out with that purplish color, very often require Sulphur. Sulphur is a great remedy in measles. The routinist can do pretty well in this disease with PULSATILLA and Sulphur, occasionally requiring ACONITE and EUPHRASIA. Especially will Sulphur modify the case when the skin is dusky and the measles do not come out. This PURPLISH COLOR may be seen anywhere, in the erysipelas, in the sore throat, often on the forearms, legs and face.

The dreadful EFFECTS OF VACCINATION are often cured by Sulphur. In this it competes with THUJA and MALANDRINUM.




In the MENTAL STATE, which gives out the real man, shows forth the real interior nature, we see that Sulphur vitiates his affections, driving him to a most marked state of selfishness. He has no thought of anybody’s wishes or desires but his own. Everything that he contemplates is for the benefit of himself. This selfishness runs through the Sulphur patient. There is absence of gratitude.



PHILOSOPHICAL MANIA is also a prominent feature. Monomania over the study of strange and abstract things, occult things; things that are beyond knowledge; studying different things without any basis to figure upon; dwelling upon strange and peculiar things. Sulphur has cured this consecutive tracing one thing to another as to first cause. It has cured a patient who did nothing but meditate as to what caused this and that and the other thing, finally tracing things back to Divine Providence, and then asking “Who made God?” She would sit in a corner counting pins and wonder, pondering over the insolvable question of “Who made God?” One woman could never see any handiwork of man without asking who made it. She could never be contented until she found out the man, who made it, and then she wanted to know who his father was; she would sit down and wonder who he was, whether he was an Irishman, and so on. That is a feature of Sulphur. It is that kind of reasoning without any hope of discovery, without any possible answer. It is not that kind of philosophy which has a basis and which can be followed up, reasoning in a series, reasoning on things that are true, but a fanatical kind of philosophy that has no basis, wearing oneself out. Sulphur has an aversion to follow up things in an orderly fashion, an aversion to real work, an aversion to systematic work. The Sulphur patient is a sort of INVENTIVE GENIUS. When he gets an idea in his mind he is unable to get rid of it. He follows it and follows it until finally accidentally he drops into something, and many times that is how things are invented. Such is a Sulphur patient. He is often ignorant but imagines himself to be a great man; he despises education and despises literary men and their accomplishments, and he wonders why it is everyone cannot see that he is above education.

Again, this patient takes on RELIGIOUS MELANCHOLY, not meditating upon the rational religion, but on foolish ideas about himself. He prays constantly and uninterruptedly, is always in his room, moaning with despair. He thinks he has sinned away his day of grace.

A patient needing Sulphur is often in a state of DULNESS AND CONFUSION OF MIND, with inability to collect the thoughts and ideas; lack of concentration. He will sit and meditate on no one thing continuously, making no effort to concentrate his mind upon anything.

He wakes up in the morning with dullness of mind and fullness in the head and vertigo. Vertigo in the open air. In the open air comes on coryza with this fullness in the head and dullness, so that there is a confusion of the mind.

In the books there is an expression that has been extensively used. “Foolish happiness and pride; thinks himself in possession of beautiful things; even rags seem beautiful.” Such a state has been present in lunatics, and in persons who were not lunatics in any other way except on that one idea.

The Sulphur patient has an AVERSION TO BUSINESS. He will sit around and do nothing, and let his wife take in washing and “work her finger-nails off” taking care of him; he thinks that is all she is good for. A state of refinement seems to have gone out of the Sulphur patient. Sulphur is the very opposite of all things fastidious. ARSENICUM is the typical fastidious patient, and these two remedies are the extremes of each other ARSENICUM wants his clothing neat and clean, wants everything hung up well upon the pegs, wants all the pictures hung up properly upon the wall, wants everything neat and nice; and hence the ARSENICUM patient has been called “the gold-headed-cane patient,” because of his neatness, fastidiousness and cleanliness. The very opposite of all that is the Sulphur patient.

“Indisposed to everything, work, pleasure, talking or motion; indolence of mind and body.” “Satiety of life; longing for indolence of mind and body.” “Satiety of life; longing for death.” “Too lazy to rouse himself up, and too unhappy to live.” “Dread of being washed (in children).” Yes, they will cry lustily if they have to be washed. The Sulphur patient dreads water and takes cold from bathing.

As to its RELATIONSHIP, Sulphur should not be given immediately before LYCOPODIUM. It belongs to a rotating group, Sulphur, CALC., LYC. First Sulphur, then CALCAREA and then LYCOPODIUM, and then Sulphur again, as it follows LYCOPODIUM well. Sulphur and ARSENICUM are also related. You will very often treat a case with Sulphur for a while and then need to give ARSENICUM for some time, and then back to Sulphur. Sulphur follows most of the acute remedies well.




The Sulphur patient is troubled with much DIZZINESS. When he goes into the open air or when he stands any length of time, he becomes dizzy. On rising in the morning his head feels stupid, and on getting on his feet he is dizzy. He feels stupid and tired, and not rested by his sleep, and “things go round.” It takes some time to establish an equilibrium. He is slow in gathering himself together after sleep. Here we see the aggravation from sleep and from standing.




The HEAD furnishes many symptoms. The Sulphur patient is subject to periodical sick headaches; congestive headaches, a sensation of great congestion with stupefaction, attended with nausea and vomiting. Sick headache once a week or every two weeks, the characteristic seven-day aggravation.


Most headaches coming on Sunday in working men are cured by Sulphur. You can figure this out. Sunday is the only day he does not work, and he sleeps late in the morning and gets up with a headache that involves the whole head, with dullness and congestion. Being busy and active prevents the headache during the week. Others have periodical headaches every seven to ten days, with nausea and vomiting of bile. Again he may have a headache lasting two or three days; a congestive headache. Headache with nausea and no vomiting or headache with vomiting of bile. The headache is aggravated by stooping, generally ameliorated in a warm room and by the application of warmth; aggravated from light, hence the desire to close the eyes and to go into a dark room; aggravated by jarring, and after eating. The whole head is sensitive and the eyes are red, and there is often lachrymation, with nausea and vomiting. Headaches at times in those who suffer constantly from great heat in the vertex; the top of the head is hot and burns and he wants cold cloths applied to the top of the head. These headaches associated with heat are often ameliorated by cold, but otherwise the head is ameliorated in a warm room. The head feels stupid and sometimes he cannot think. Every motion aggravates and he is worse after eating and drinking, worse from taking cold drinks into the stomach and better from hot drinks. When the headaches are present the face is engorged; bright red face. Headaches in persons who have a red face, a dirty face or sallow, a venous stasis of the face; the eyes are engorged and the skin is engorged; the face is puffed and venous in appearance. Sulphur is useful in persons who get up in the morning with headache, dizziness and red face; in persons who say they know they are going to have the headache some time during the day because the face feels very full and is red in the morning, and the eyes are red.


Before the headache comes on there is a flickering before the eyes, a flickering of color. Scintillations, stars, saw teeth, zig-zags are forewarnings of a headache. Some Sulphur headaches that I have known present a peculiar appearance before the eyes; a rhomboidal figure, obliquely placed, with saw teeth on the upper side and the body filled with spots. Sometimes this figure is seen toward one side of the object looked at, sometimes on the other side, but it is seen equally distinct with both eyes at the same time. These saw teeth are flashes of light, and the base of the figure grows increasingly darker until you get all the colors of the rainbow. Whenever he disorders his stomach he has this peculiar vision. Sometimes it comes in the morning after eating and sometimes at noon after eating. It comes also when he is hungry in the evening and delays his eating. These zig-zags come very often with that hungry all-gone feeling in the stomach. We have the same state of affairs, similar appearance of zig-zags and flickerings in both NAT-M. and PSORINUM before the headache. They are warning of headaches. These zig-zags, flickerings, sparks, stars and irregular shapes appear before the eyes periodically, and may last an hour or so. In the head there is much throbbing. Morning headaches and headaches coming on at noon. Headaches also, as mentioned before, that begin after the evening meal and increase into the night, hindering sleep.

Upon the EXTERNAL HEAD the itching is indescribable; constant itching, itching when warm in bed. It is worse from the warmth of the bed and yet it is also worse from cold. Itching eruptions; scaly, moist and dry eruptions; vesicles, pimples, pustules and boils; eruptions in general upon the scalp. Much dandruff in the hair, and loss of hair. There is slow closing of the fontanelles. “Humid, offensive eruption on top of the head, filled with pus, drying up into honey-like scabs. Tinea capitis.” “Humid offensive eruption with thick pus, yellow crusts, bleeding and burning.” Hair dry, falling off, etc.




It has many symptoms, such as in olden times would be called scrofulous, but which we recognize as psoric. There is a tendency for every “cold” to settle in the eyes. Discharge of mucus and pus from the eyes. Ulceration and thickening of the eyelids, lids rolled outwards or inwards, loss of eyelashes; red and disturbed condition. Now, if we would say “complaints of the eyes in a Sulphur patient,” it would cover all kinds of eye troubles. Sulphur has extensive eye symptoms. Eye symptoms with eruptions on the face and scalp, with itching of the skin, especially when warm in bed. Catarrhal eye symptoms that are made worse from washing. When not only the eyes are aggravated by bathing, but the patient himself is aggravated from bathing and he dreads to bathe, and he has itching which is made worse from the warmth of the bed, and is subject to chronic sick headaches and has heat on top of the head, with such concomitants his eye symptoms, no matter what, will be cured by Sulphur. Sulphur has cured cataract and iritis, inflammatory conditions and opacities, and all sorts of “hallucinations of sight” (coming with headaches). “Flickering before the eyes” (as described) “small dark specks; dark points and spots; black flies seem to float not far from the eyes; gas or lamp light seems to be surrounded with a halo,” etc. There are so many of these peculiar images before the eyes, but all have the Sulphur constitution. “Burning heat in the eyes, painful smarting.” Every “cold” settles in the eyes, i.e., the eye symptoms, when present, are increased and, when he has no eye symptoms, these are brought on from every “cold.”




The EARS are subject to catarrh. You have learned in the generals that the catarrhal state is a very strong feature of Sulphur. No mucous membrane of the body escapes, all have catarrhal discharges, copious, sometimes purulent, and sometimes bloody. The eyes and ears are no exception. The catarrhal state goes on in a patient until deafness follows. Thickening of the mucous membrane and of the drum. All sorts of strange noises in the ear until the hearing is lost. After structural changes have taken place and deafness comes on even if there is no cure for the deafness, you may cure the patient. When a patient wants to know if he can be cured of his deafness you can never tell him. Many of the troubles are in the middle ear, and as you cannot examine it, you do not know how much structural change has taken place. You can only say that if the PATIENT can be sufficiently cured then it can be ascertained. If the structural changes are not very great they will disappear after the patient is cured. If the internal parts are destroyed, if there is a dry, atrophic catarrh of the middle ear, you can hardly expect to restore that middle ear. It has been destroyed; the parts that are necessary for sensation no longer register sensation, because they have become atrophied. You can only talk to the patient about the prospects of curing HIM. Do not entertain in your mind the idea of curing an organ. Keep that idea out of your mind as much as possible, and, when people want you to locate the disease in organs, keep quiet, because only the PATIENT is sick. Think as much as possible about the sick patient and as little as possible about the name or the pathological conditions of organs. So, when patients say, “Doctor, can you cure my hearing?” answer them: “First, you must be cured. The first and most important thing is to cure YOU.” Cure the patient and then it will be seen afterwards what can be done for the ear, for the hearing. That keeps your mind in proper form, keeps you in right relation to the patient. If you were all the time talking of the ear, the patient would worry your life out about his ear. “When are you going to do something for my ear? When am I going to hear?” Start out with the understanding that the whole patient is to be treated. REMEMBER THE PATIENT FIRST, and let him understand that. The idea of a patient going to a specialist for diseases of the ears should be discouraged unless a homeopath is at hand. It is a disease of the whole body that is to be treated. There is no such trouble as an ear trouble considered apart from the constitutional state of the patient himself. Sulphur has “frequent stoppages of the ears, especially when eating or blowing one’s nose.” “Sounds in ears.” Inflammation of various kinds. Discharges from the ears in a Sulphur patient. You see I have avoided saying that Sulphur is a remedy for the ears. Many times you will cure patients of these “local diseases” if you select remedies for the patients, when the local symptoms would never have led you to the remedy. You would never have thought of Sulphur for the ear alone, or for the prolapsus of the uterus, yet the patient needs Sulphur, and, having given it, you are astonished to see how the organs are turned into order after the constitution of the patient has been made orderly. Now and then pains that are located here and there in the body are prescribed at by the physician, and failure follows. He hunts a remedy through and through to find some particular kind of pain that resembles the pain which the patient has. You should treat the patient and not bother about trifling pains. Leave it out if you want to, but get a remedy for the patient. If that pain is in the remedy well and good, but if not do not bother about it. Do not bother about the little symptoms. You may even leave out a most prominent KEYNOTE in treating the PATIENT. Sometimes that particular pain is the only symptom the patient wants cured, but if it is an old symptom, it will be the last thing to go away. Under such circumstances the patient will bother your life out wanting to know when that pain is going to be cured, but if you have knowledge of the matter you will not expect to relieve that pain the first time; if you do relieve it you know that you have made a mistake, for the LATER symptoms should all go away FIRST. It is sometimes necessary, in order to hold a patient, to say, “That symptom must not be cured first, but these little symptoms that you do not care much about will go away first.” You will hold that patient for life simply because you have told the truth, simply because you have exhibited to her that you KNOW. Such business is honestly acquired business.




The catarrhal affections of the NOSE are extremely troublesome in Sulphur. “Smell before the nose as of an old catarrh,” and so troublesome is the Sulphur nose, so troublesome is this catarrhal state that with odors he is made sick. He thinks he smells his own catarrh, and thinks others also smell it. The smell of this old catarrh, or of filthy things, keeps him nauseated. He is subject to coryzas; constant sneezing, stoppage of the nose. Under coryza we read “fluent like water trickling from the nose.” All the nasal discharges are acrid and burning.

This is a state in Sulphur. Every time he takes “cold,” it brings on a coryza. He cannot take a bath, he cannot become overheated, he cannot get into a cold place and cannot overexert himself without getting this “cold in the nose.” Changes of the weather establish a new attack. I have observed in numbers of those old people who are in the habit of taking large quantities of Sulphur in the spring for boils, and as a spring cleanser, that for the rest of the year they suffer from coryza


and the various complaints of Sulphur If you can hunt out some of these old Sulphur takers, you will have a very good picture of Sulphur, interesting for the homeopathic physician to look upon. He is also subject to nose-bleed, dry ulcers and scabs in the nose.




I have quite sufficiently described the general aspect of the FACE in Sulphur, but we must especially remember the venous stasis, the dirty appearance, the red spots, the sickly look, the appearance of false plethora. It is a face that changes from pale to red, a pallid face that becomes easily disturbed, flushed from excitement, flushed in a warm room, flushed from slight stimulation, especially flushed in the morning. Eruptions upon the face.

Periodical neuralgias of the most violent character, especially on the right side of the face. Long and tedious right-sided neuralgias. Persistent neuralgias in those that live in a malarial climate, when the short-acting remedies given for the neuralgia, such as BELLADONNA and NUX VOMICA, have only for a short time mitigated the suffering. If upon studying the whole case you find he turns out to be a Sulphur patient, Sulphur will permanently cure the neuralgia.

Sulphur cures erysipelatous inflammation of the face. In Sulphur the erysipelas commences on the right side of the face and about the right ear, and there is considerable swelling of the right ear, and it spreads slowly, moves with sluggishness and is unusually purple. The whole patient is an offensive, filthy patient; in spite of washing, his skin looks wrinkled, shrivelled and like dried beef. Sulphur is not so suitable in the cases that come on with rapidity and great violence, with vesicles and enormous blebs, but it suits those cases in which at first there is the appearance of a mottled dusky red spot on the face, and a little distance from it another spot and then another, and these, as it were, all run together, and after a week or so it develops into a sluggish erysipelatous state, and the veins seem to be distended, and he is passing into a state toward unconsciousness. You will be astonished to see what Sulphur will do in such a case, which comes slowly as if there were a lack of vitality to develop it, a slow, sluggish, erysipelatous inflammation. Whereas, if it be ARSENICUM, APIS or RHUS TOX., it spreads with rapidity. ARSENICUM and APIS burn like fire and RHUS has blisters upon the erysipelatous patches.

The whole face in Sulphur is covered at times with patches of moist, scaly, itching, eczematous eruptions. Crusta lactea that involves the scalp and the ears, with moisture, thick yellow crusts, piling up, with much itching, which is worse when warm in bed. The child sleeps without covers. If there is itching in parts that are covered, when the parts become warm the itching increases. These eruptions are associated with eye diseases, catarrhal affections of the eyes and nose.




The Sulphur patient has thick incrustations upon the lips, scabby lips, chapped lips, cracks about the lips and corners of the mouth. The saliva oozes out of the mouth making red streaks. Eruptions with itching and burning about the lower part of the face. Herpetic eruptions about the mouth. All of these burn and become excoriated from the fluids of the mouth. Round about the under jaw there is swelling of the glands. Swelling and suppuration of the sub-maxillary glands, swelling of the parotids. The glands of the neck are enlarged.

In the Sulphur constitution the teeth become loose; the gums settle away from the teeth and bleed and burn. The teeth decay. There is a general unhealthy condition of the MOUTH and tongue. Foul taste and foul tongue. Ulceration of the mouth and burning in the ulcers. In the aphthae there is burning, stinging. White patches in the mouth. Sulphur is a very useful remedy in sore mouth of nursing infants, and such as occurs in the mother during lactation. It has also deep-seated phagedenic ulcers that eat around the inner surface of the cheek. Peculiar little nodules form upon the tongue and upon the sides of the mouth where the unhealthy teeth press. When these nodules come along the edge of the tongue they are so painful that he cannot talk and cannot swallow He must live on substances that he can take without having to move the tongue. Sometimes they involve the whole tongue, and have been called cancerous affections even when benign.




Sulphur is a wonderful medicine for chronic sore throat when the symptoms agree. The old Sulphur patient suffers from a general catarrhal state, as has been said, and the throat symptoms are of that sort. There is a catarrhal state which goes on even to ulceration. The tonsil is enlarged, and of a purplish aspect lasting for weeks and months, a general sore and painfully sensitive condition of the throat; but it has also an acute sore throat. It is especially useful in inflammation of the tonsil with suppuration, when the aspect is purplish, venous, and not a bright red inflammation. The PURPLISH, dusky color is especially a Sulphur color. There is often burning in the throat, stitching, rawness, smarting, inflammation and difficulty swallowing. It has cured diphtheria.




I have sufficiently covered appetite, desires and aversions under the generals. The Sulphur patients are commonly dyspeptics, patients who can digest almost nothing. They must live on the simplest forms of food in order to have any comfort at all; cannot digest anything like ordinary diet. The STOMACH is sensitive to touch with the all-gone hungry feeling before mealtimes. The Sulphur patient cannot go long without eating; he becomes faint and weak. Great heaviness in the stomach after eating but little, after eating meat, or after eating foods that require a healthy stomach to digest. Then he becomes the victim of pain. He will describe the pains in his stomach as burning pains and great soreness; he has a morbid feeling in the stomach; smarting and rawness in the stomach. He will describe this sensation as “Pain in the stomach after eating. Sensation of weight in the stomach after eating,” etc. The Sulphur stomach is a weak stomach is slow in digesting. There is acid and bilious vomiting, as a result of the disordered stomach. Sour taste in the mouth from the welling up of acids from the stomach.




The LIVER is a very troublesome organ. There is enlargement and induration, with much pain fullness, pressure and distress. With congestion of the liver, the stomach also takes on its usual symptoms, or, if present already, they are aggravated. The patient becomes jaundiced, with sensation of engorgement or fullness of the liver, dull aching in the liver. He is subject to gall stones; tearing pains in the region of the gall duct, coming periodically, attended with much increase of his sallowness. The Sulphur liver patient is the victim of chronic sallowness, which increases and decreases. When this patient takes “cold” it settles in the liver; every “cold,” every bath he takes, every change of weather, aggravates his liver symptoms, and when these are worse he has less of other troubles. It localizes itself in attacks of bilious vomiting, in attacks of “bilious headaches,” as he calls them. At times the stool is black as tar, at others it is green and thick, and there are times when the stool is white. These stools alternate and change about with the engorgement of his liver, and then he is subject to gall stones.

The Sulphur patient suffers from great distension of the ABDOMEN; rolling in the abdomen; soreness in the abdomen. He cannot stand because the abdominal viscera hang down so; they seem to be falling. There is rawness, soreness, distension and burning, with diarrhoea, with chronic diarrhoea, and then this goes on to more serious trouble, towards tubercle in the abdomen. The mesenteric glands become infiltrated with tubercle. There is nightly itching with the eruptions upon the abdomen, the itching being worse when warm in bed. Shingles come out about the sides and seem inclined to encircle the body.

He is also a FLATULENT patient. There is much belching, much distension, much rumbling and passing of flatus. He has spells of colic without being flatulent; the wind is confined. Dreadful spells of colic, cutting, tearing pains relieved in no position; burning and smarting in the whole abdomen and soreness of the intestines. Catarrh of the whole intestinal tract. That which he vomits is acid and smarts the mouth, and that which he passes by the anus is acrid and makes the parts raw.




The liquid stool burns while it is passing, and there is much burning when passing moist flatus. He is often called to stool, but while sitting at stool he passes only a little fluid or a little moisture with flatus, and that fluid burns like coals of fire, and the anus becomes raw.

The stool may be thin faeces, yellow, watery, mucous, green, bloody, excoriating. The stool is OFFENSIVE, often sickening, of a penetrating odor which permeates the room, and “the smell of the stool follows him around, as if he had soiled himself.”

The diarrhoea comes on especially in the morning and it is commonly limited to the forenoon. It drives him out of bed in the morning; as soon as he wakes up and moves in bed, he feels the urging to stool and must make great haste, or he will lose it; it is with difficulty that he can hold it until he reaches the commode. The morning is the typical time, but a diarrhoea that comes on any time after midnight, from midnight till noon, may be a Sulphur diarrhoea. Very seldom would you expect to cure with Sulphur a diarrhoea that is in the habit of coming on during the afternoon. Sulphur has some evening aggravations in diarrhoea, but these are exceptions; it is the morning diarrhoea that we look to Sulphur to cure.

Sulphur is a wonderful remedy in cholera and in those cases of diarrhoea that occur in cholera times, when the diarrhoea begins in the morning. It is also of great value in dysentery, when the stool is bloody mucus with constant straining. As in MERCURIUS he must sit long at stool because of a feeling as if he could not finish. Such is the typical MERCURIUS state-a slimy stool with the sensation as if he could not finish. Sulphur often cures this state after MERCURIUS fails. It is the natural follower of MERCURIUS when the latter has been misunderstood and given. In dysentery, when this tenesmus is of the most violent character, when the stool is pure blood, when it is attended also with much urging to urinate. MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS gives the quickest relief. If the tenesmus is less violent, and there is not much straining to urinate, or it is altogether absent, MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS is the more natural remedy. These medicines run very close to Sulphur in dysentery, but are more commonly indicated than Sulphur. In Sulphur PATIENTS of course Sulphur will be the suitable remedy in dysentery.

He is subject to HAEMORRHOIDS, external and internal; great bunches that are sore and raw, burning and tender, and that bleed and smart with the liquid stool.




The URINARY symptoms, and those of the BLADDER and MALE SEXUAL ORGANS, combine to give a very important group in Sulphur. There is a catarrhal state of the bladder, constant urging to urinate and burning and smarting while urinating. The urine scalds the urethra while passing and the smarting is so great that it lasts a long time after urination. It is indicated in broken-down constitutions, in old inventors, in old philosophers who have been leading sedentary lives, who suffer from enlarged prostate, burning in the urethra during and after the flow of urine, and a urethral discharge not unlike gonorrhoea, but really a chronic catarrhal state. Mucus in the urine, sometimes pus. In old cases of gleet, in old broken-down patients, when the ordinary gonorrhoea remedies and the remedies especially fitted to the discharge itself, only palliate; when the patient himself is a Sulphur patient. Such a patient has had a gonorrhoea and has been treated by remedies adapted to the new appearance, to the discharge itself, but a catarrhal state of the urethra follows, with burning in the urethra, swelling of the meatus, a red, swollen, pouty condition of the meatus, and only a drop collects, just enough to soil the linen, and this keeps up week after week, and sometimes for years; he will be cured of this discharge by allowing potentized Sulphur to act long enough.

Sulphur has cured patients with sugar in the urine, in the early stage of diabetes. Sulphur cures involuntary urination during sleep. It cures troubles brought on by taking “cold.” Every “cold” in some patients settles in the bladder. This is like DULCAMARA, and when DULCAMARA will no longer hold, or when it has been suitable in earlier stages, Sulphur follows it well. Continuous smarting of urine and frequent urging; burning, stinging, smarting in the urethra for a long time after micturition.




On the GENITALS there are many eruptions. Itching of the genitals, worse from warmth of the bed; much sweat about the genitals; coldness of the genitals. In the male, impotency; the sexual desire is fairly strong, but he is unable to secure suitable erections; or there is discharge of semen before intromission, or too soon after intromission. There is an inflammatory condition around the glans and foreskin. Herpetic eruptions under the foreskin, itching and burning. This patient has much annoyance from itching eruptions on the genitals. The prepuce becomes narrow and cannot be drawn back; inflammatory phimosis; thickening or restriction of the prepuce. Inflammatory phimosis can be cured by remedies, if the phimosis depends upon some trouble that is in itself curable. Congenital phimosis cannot be cured by remedies. The genitals are extremely offensive both to the patient and to the examining physician. The patient is likely to be very uncleanly; he does not bathe himself, and the genitals accumulate their natural filth. Discharge of prostatic fluid when at stool.




Under FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS we have sterility. We have irregularity in the menstrual flow, menstrual flow suppressed from the slightest disturbance. Haemorrhagia in connection with the menstrual flow; uterine haemorrhagia; prolonged uterine haemorrhagia.

In an ABORTION you may have selected BELLADONNA, which was suitable while the woman was aborting, and it may have overcome the present state; or you may have selected APIS or SABINA, which was suitable for the early state, and it either postpones or checks the haemorrhagia for the time or hurries the expulsion of the foetus; but the haemorrhagia starts in again and with its return we have prolonged tribulation. In many of these cases we can do nothing until we put the patient on Sulphur. If the symptoms are masked, Sulphur stands very high. When BELLADONNA has been given you will often have to follow it with Sulphur. SABINA, which has the most violent gushing haemorrhagia in abortions, very commonly needs to be followed by Sulphur. In such haemorrhagic affections, however, i.e., in a prolonged recurring haemorrhagia, a chronic condition, not in the first or most exciting time, not in the time of the earliest gushing, there are two very frequently indicated remedies, viz.: Sulphur and PSORINUM. The flow keeps coming back in spite of ordinary remedies, and in spite of remedies selected upon the group of Symptoms related to the pelvis. In many instances we go to a haemorrhagia and the pelvic symptoms are prominent and all other symptoms clouded; there is a gushing flow, the blood is hot, etc., and there are only a few symptoms; but the next time you see the woman she is quiet enough to give other symptoms, and in the course of a few days more symptoms come out, as the haemorrhagic state is an outcome of the chronic condition. This is unlike measles. You do not have to look into the chronic state until the measles or scarlet fever or small-pox is finished; these are acute miasms. But the haemorrhagia is a part of her constitutional state; it is not a miasm; and hence when it is violent, calling for a remedy, probably the best adapted will be the short acting remedies, such as BELLADONNA or even ACONITE; but then look into the constitutional state for it is likely some remedy will have to follow the ACONITE or the BELLADONNA, and commonly it is Sulphur; the acute remedy being suitable to the violent action and then followed by its complementary medicine.

Women needing Sulphur are full of HOT FLASHES, such as they are likely to have at the climacteric period, and here it competes with LACHESIS and SEPIA. Sulphur and Sepia are suitable in the most violent cases of dysmenorrhoea in girls and even in those of advanced age. Most violent cases that have existed a long time, since the beginning of menstruation, in women who always needed Sulphur. If you select a remedy merely on the kind of pain, on the sensitiveness of the uterus, on the appearance of the flow, i.e., on the pelvic symptoms, you will make a failure. You must treat the PATIENT, even if the pelvic symptoms do not fall under the generals; when the generals agree Sulphur will cure dysmenorrhoea even though you cannot fit it to the pelvic symptoms. The GENERALS always precede and rule in every case.

Sulphur has violent burning in the vagina. Troublesome itching of the vulva. Great offensiveness from the genitals. Perspiration copious and foetid coming from about the genitals, down the inside of the thighs and up over the abdomen. She is so offensive that the odors nauseate her, and this general state is true, it is not the imagination. Remember the over-sensitiveness to odors. Leucorrhoea copious, offensive, burning, sticky; it may be whitish or yellow; it is offensive, acrid, and causes itching about the parts and excoriation.

There is much NAUSEA DURING GESTATION, or only during the early period of gestation. In those women needing Sulphur, it will stop the nausea, and they will go into labor easily, with few protracted pains; they will go through their labor with only the contractions, and these comparatively painless. The only pains in such cases will be those from the pressure of the child’s head. Labor is painful we know, but it is comparatively easy when the woman is upon a suitable remedy. Sulphur is indicated then in women who have suffered from the most dreadful agony in confinement; prolonged labor. Troublesome after-pains. Suitable also in swelling of the mammary glands.

Then we have SEPTICAEMIC CONDITIONS, with purulent lochia or suppression of the lochia. You may go to a case in which, on the third day, there has been a chill, the lochia has been suppressed, the woman has a high temperature and is covered from head to foot with sweat. As you put your hand under the covers you feel steam come up from the body so that you want to take your hand away, it is so hot. She is dazed and is sensitive over the whole abdomen. You know now the meaning of the suppression of the lochia; you have a PUERPERAL FEVER on hand. STUDY CLOSELY FOR Sulphur instead of hunting around among ACONITE, BRYONIA, BELLADONNA, OPIUM, etc. With these you will make a total failure in most instances, but Sulphur fits into just such a state and has cured many cases of puerperal fever. If it is but a milk fever or mammary indisposition and the chill is only acute, then your short-acting remedies will do very well and even ACONITE has been useful, but when it is a case of septicaemia Sulphur goes to the very root of it. When the feet burn, when there is a hungry feeling in the stomach, the night aggravation with sinking and exhaustion, and when throughout the body there is a sensation of steam rising or hot flashes, one after another, you must give Sulphur. Now, on the other hand, if in such a case, with the hot sweat and other general features, you have one rigor following another in rapid succession and no end to them, you cannot get out of that case without LYCOPODIUM, which goes as deeply into the case as Sulphur. When there is a continuous intermingling of little chillinesses and little quiverings throughout the body and the pulse has lost its proper relationship to the temperature, PYROGEN must be administered. If there is a purplish appearance of the body, cold sweat all over, if there are remittent or intermittent chills, with thirst during the chill, and at no other time, and the face is red during the chill, you must give FERRUM, as no other remedy looks just like that. When one side of the body is hot and the other side is cold and you find the woman in a tearful state, trembling with fear, nervous excitement and restlessness, give PULSATILLA, which also has a septic state and is sufficient to overcome the septic condition.

Sulphur is suitable in surgical fever when it takes this form of flashes of heat and steaming sweat.

In these deep-seated septic states, somewhere from beginning to end, Sulphur will most likely be wanted. You may see in the earlier stages of that septic state a number of BRYONIA symptoms, but BRYONIA cannot take hold of that case. Remember that in a septic state you want to get ahead of it in the first twenty-four hours; you do not want to let it run on, and if BRYONIA has only mitigated it in its beginning then it is too late for Sulphur. Go to Sulphur at once. Now, another thing, even if you have made a mistake in giving Sulphur and you find it does not take hold of the case, it always simplifies it, does good and never spoils it. It gives you a good basis to begin on. It goes to the bottom and simplifies the matter, and, if you have mental and nervous symptoms left still you have


overcome that violent septic state which must be met at once, and the remaining symptoms in many instances are simple. Sulphur is a general remedy to begin with in those cases where the symptoms are not perfectly clear for another.




This remedy is full of DIFFICULT BREATHING, shortness of breath from very little exertion, copious sweat, so exhausted; asthmatic breathing and much rattling in the chest. Every time he gets “cold” it settles in the chest or in the nose. In both these instances the catarrhal state hangs on and holds a long time; it seems never to be finished, always remains as a catarrhal state. “Every cold he takes ends in asthma,” calls for DULCAMARA, but very often the fag end of that attack will remain and the physician has to give a deep-acting remedy. After DULCAMARA has done all it can do Sulphur comes in as its complementary remedy. CALCAREA CARB. has a similar relationship to DULCAMARA.

The NOSE, the INNER CHEST and LUNGS furnish us localities for much trouble. The patient has had pneumonia and it has gone on to the period of infiltration; you have taken the case in this advanced stage after BRYONIA has overcome the threatening features, and now when the patient should rally he does not rally; he perspires all over, is tired and has a strange and singular consciousness that “there is something wrong in there; a load in there;” difficult breathing; flashes of heat and yet not much fever; sometimes coldness alternating with flashes of heat. I have often heard them say, “There is a great load in there, doctor. I cannot get rid of it.” Upon close examination you find there is hepatization and now comes the time for such remedies as PHOSPHORUS, LYCOPODIUM and Sulphur, and Sulphur leads them all. When BRYONIA has been sufficient for the earlier symptoms, or when ACONITE has cleared them up, there has been too much for these remedies to relieve, and then hepatization comes on. If this is confined to only a small area it will keep up quite a chronic course, but Sulphur will clear it up. If, however, it is a double pneumonia, or the hepatization involves a considerable portion of the lung, and the remedy given has not been sufficient, and the case is advancing towards a fatal issue, it may be that all at once at one, two or three o’clock in the morning, he begins to sink, his nose becomes pinched, his lips are drawn, he takes on a hippocratic countenance, is covered with cold sweat, he is too feeble in every part of his body to move; he only moves his head a little in a restless manner. Unless you are called at once and give him a dose of ARSENICUM he will die. You give the ARSENICUM, and you have done well, but ARSENICUM has no ability to remove the results of inflammation. But though it cannot CURE that hepatized lung it acts as a vital stimulant; it warms up the patient and makes him feel he is going to get better; but, mark this, in twenty-four hours he will die unless you follow the ARSENICUM with the proper remedy. You must not wait on your remedy too long in these cases. Just as soon as he rallies and the reaction is at its highest pitch, give him the antidote and natural follower of ARSENICUM, which is Sulphur, and in twenty-four hours the patient will say, “I am getting better.” As sure as you exist today, it will do just that thing. There are times when you will see clearly that PHOSPHORUS is the medicine to follow ARSENICUM with. If such a patient, rallying under ARSENICUM, goes into a fever, if a hot fever comes on with burning thirst and he cannot get enough ice-cold water, you must follow it with PHOSPHORUS, and it will do in that case what Sulphur will do in the other. You will not see these cases in your own practice because you will not let your cases get into that state; if such cases have power enough to live when prescribed for properly in that state, they have power enough to let you break up the whole nature of the case in the beginning. But go back to that patient who had only a circumscribed hepatization and felt well enough to get up and go around. He has a lingering cough, and now six months or a year after the attack he says. “Doctor, I have never been right since I had an attack of chest trouble. The doctor called it pneumonia.” He can tell you about the rusty sputum and the other little things that belong to pneumonia; that is all you need to know. He has had a chronic cough ever since that attack and now he has chilliness. There is fibrinous infiltration, not a tuberculous state, but the remains of hepatization that nature could not cure. If that is allowed to go on he will go into catarrhal phthisis, asthmatic conditions of chronic bronchitis and troubles of various sorts, and finally he will die from these.




Sulphur will very often conform to all of his symptoms; it especially has the ability to clear up the lungs that were not properly cleared up at the time of his illness.

Sulphur cures bronchitis. It cures asthmatic bronchitis when the symptoms agree. Sulphur has a most violent cough that racks the whole frame; it seems that the head will fly off; pain in the head when coughing; the head is jarred by the cough. Then he has expectoration of blood, bleeding from the lungs; in all of these cases threatening phthisis, when there is yet not too much deposit of tubercle, when there is only the beginning of tubercular deposit. The low, stricken-down constitution, the emaciated subjects that have inherited phthisis who have the all-gone hungry feeling in the stomach, heat on the top of the head and uneasiness from the warmth of the bed. These cases would be better if they had plenty of eruptions come out upon the body; but as a matter of fact the skin has no eruptions; there is no relief; it is all going on in his internals and he is gradually breaking down. Sulphur will in such instances rouse that patient out of his phthisical state and he will return to health, or, if he is too bad for that he may be kept for years from his troubles. Look out for it in the advanced state of phthisis. You have had sufficient said concerning its administration in such a condition. It increases the suppuration, and brings on little pneumonias wherever there is a tubercle; it tends to suppurate these out. Every cell that is incapable of carrying on its function will be sloughed out by Sulphur.




The striking thing in Sulphur as to the BACK is pain in the back on rising from a seat, compelling him to walk bent, and he can only straighten up slowly after moving. The pain is principally in the lumbo-sacral region.




The EXTREMITIES are covered with eruptions. Eruptions upon the back of the hands and between the fingers, and sometimes upon the palms; vesicular and scaly eruptions which itch; pustules, boils and little abscesses; irregular erysipelatous patches here and there upon the extremities; a dirty appearance of the skin. Itching of the skin from the warmth of the bed. Enlargement of the joints. Rheumatic affections; great stiffness of the joints; tightness in the hollow of the knees; tightness of the tendons, of rheumatic and gouty character. Cramps in the legs and soles of the feet. Burning of the soles of the feet in bed; he puts them out of bed to cool them off. The soles cramp and burn and itch. At times you will find the soles are cold, and then again burning, and these states alternate with each other. Distress of the body with coldness of the limbs, but after going to bed they burn so much that he must put them out. The corns, which he is a victim of and suffers from almost constantly, burn and sting in the warmth of the bed.




The SKIN of a Sulphur patient ulcerates and suppurates easily; a splinter under the skin will cause it to ulcerate; wounds heal slowly and fester. Every little prick of a pin festers as in HEPAR.

The ERUPTIONS of Sulphur are too numerous to mention. They are of all sorts, but there are a few characterizing features in all, such as the burning, stinging and itching and the aggravation from the warmth of the bed. The skin is rough and unhealthy. Upon the face are many “black-heads,” acne, pimples and pustules. Sulphur is full of boils and abscesses in all parts of the body, squamous eruptions, vesicular eruptions, etc. They are all present in Sulphur and they burn and sting.

































Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous congestion; especially of portal system.
Persons of nervous temperament, quick motioned, quick tempered, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes (Hep., Kali-c., Psor.).
For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stooping; walk stooping like old men.
Children: CANNOT BEAR TO BE WASHED OR BATHED (in cold water, Ant-c.); emaciated, big-bellied; restless, hot, kick off the clothes at night (Hep., Sanic.); have worms, but the best selected remedy fails.
DIRTY, FILTHY PEOPLE, prone to skin affections (Psor.).


Happy dreams, wakes up singing.
Everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to; even rags seem beautiful.
Too lazy to rouse himself; too unhappy to live.
Movement in abdomen as of a child (Croc., Thuja).


Aversion to being washed; ALWAYS < AFTER A BATH.
WHEN CAREFULLY SELECTED REMEDIES FAIL TO PRODUCE A FAVORABLE EFFECT, especially in acute diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive powers of the system; clears up the case (in chronic diseases, Psor.).
Complaints that are continually relapsing (menses, leucorrhoea, etc.); patient seems to get almost well when the disease returns again and again.
Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients; they cannot stand; every standing position is uncomfortable.
Scrofulous, psoric, chronic diseases that result from suppressed emotions (Caust., Psor.).
Congestion to single parts; eyes, nose, chest, abdomen, ovaries, arms, legs, or any organ of the body marking the onset of tumors or malignant growths, especially at climacteric.
Sensation of burning: On vertex; and smarting in eyes; in face, without redness; of vesicles in mouth; and dryness of throat, first right then left; in stomach; in rectum; in anus, and itching piles, and scalding urine; like fire in ripples (Ars.); in chest, rising to face; of skin of whole body, with hot flushes; in spots, between scapulae (Phos.).
The discharge both of urine and feces is PAINFUL TO PARTS OVER WHICH IT PASSES; passes large quantities of colorless urine; parts around anus red, excoriated; ALL THE ORIFICES of the body are VERY RED; all discharges acrid, excoriating wherever they touch.
To facilitate absorption of serous or inflammatory exudates in brain, pleura, lungs, joints, when Bryonia, Kali-m. or the best selected remedy fails.
Chronic alcoholism; dropsy and other ailments of drunkards; “they reform,” but are continually relapsing (Psor., Tub.).
Hot flushes during the day with weak, faint spells, passing off with a little moisture.

Sick headache every week or every two weeks; prostrating, weakening (Sang.); with hot vertex and cold feet.

Bright redness of lips as if the blood would burst through (Tub.).

Gastro-intestinal System
Weak, empty, gone or faint feeling in the stomach about 11 a.m. (10 or 11 a.m. > by eating, Nat-c.); cannot wait for lunch; frequent weak, faint spells during the day (compare, Zinc.).
Diarrhoea: After midnight; painless; driving out of bed early in the morning (Aloe, Psor.); as if the bowels were too weak to retain their contents.
Constipation: Stools hard, knotty, dry, as if burnt (Bry.); large, painful, CHILD IS AFRAID TO HAVE THE STOOL ON ACCOUNT OF PAIN, or pain compels child to desist on first effort; alternating with diarrhoea.
Hemorrhoids, that have been treated with ointments.

Menses: Too early, profuse, protracted.
Menorrhagia, has not been well since her last miscarriage. “A single dose at new moon.” – Lippe.

Respiratory System
Nightly suffocative attacks, wants the doors and windows open; becomes suddenly wide awake at night; drowsy in afternoon after sunset, wakefulness the whole night.

Cold feet in daytime WITH BURNING SOLES AT NIGHT, wants to find a coo1 place for them (Sang., Sanic.); puts them out of bed to cool them off (Med.); cramps in calves and soles at night.

Boils: Coming in crops in various parts of the body, or a single boil is succeeded by another as soon as first is healed (Tub.).
Skin: Itching, voluptuous; scratching >; “feels good to scratch”; scratching causes burning; < from heat of bed (Merc.) ; soreness in folds (Lyc.).
Skin affections that have been treated by medicated soaps and washes.


AGG.: At rest; WHEN STANDING; WARMTH IN BED; washing, bathing; changeable weather (Rhus-t.).

AMEL: Dry, warm weather; lying on the right side (reverse of Stann.).


Complementary: Aloe, Psor.
Ailments from the abuse of metals generally.
Compatible: Calc., Lyc., Puls., Sars., Sep.
Sulph., Calc., Lyc. or Sulph., Sars., and Sep. frequently follow in given order.
Calcarea must not be used before Sulphur.
Sulphur is the chronic of Aconitum and follows it well in pneumonia and other acute diseases.



















SULPHUR (Sulph.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

All kinds of acute conditions where there is burning, congestion, heat, thirst and aggravation from warmth. 


TEMPERATURE: warm-blooded (although sometimes we see chilly patients). Heat of soles with a tendency to uncover the feet. Heat of head (vertex).

ODOR: the perspiration or the discharges are offensive.

APPEARANCE: the affected areas are red and burning. The lips, the eyes, the ears can be redder than usual.

PAINS: burning pains that are ameliorated by cold applications.

EYES: conjunctivitis or hay fever with itching, burning and redness of eye. Ameliorated by cold applications and rubbing and aggravated from heat

Agglutination in the morning. Sensation/pain as if sand (or a foreign body) were in the eye. Acrid, purulent discharges. Photophobia.

RESPIRATORY: cough which is aggravated at night (waking the patient), by warmth (warm room, becoming warm) and ameliorated outdoors.   Cough ends in sneezing.

CHEST: Weakness on talking. Congestion, oppression, constriction, sensation of coldness, pain in chest during pneumonia. Pain on coughing. Aggravated left side.

THROAT: tonsillitis with white tongue, swollen and red tonsils. Swollen submaxillary glands. Enlarged uvula. Offensive mouth. Pains ameliorated by cold drinks and aggravated by warm drinks.

URINARY: cystitis with sudden urging to urinate, has to hurry or urine escapes. Itching of urethra. Burning pain in urethra during urination. Offensive, acrid, hot urine.

FEVER/INFLUENZA: hot feet (uncovers them).  We can also see hot head with cold feet, perspiration (esp. at cervical region), cold sensation up the back, burning/smarting pain in eyes, thirst.  Offensiveness in perspiration or stool during influenza.

EAR: offensive/ excoriating discharges, redness of lips and/or external ear, itching in ear, perspiration in cervical region. Pain aggravated by warmth (warm applications, room, bed), on lying in bed, from noise, left side.

PROSTATE: prostatitis with emission of prostatic fluid after or during stool or urination. Fullness in rectum. The urination is difficult (dysuria). Feeble stream, dribbling urination.

Pain in prostate and back. Burning pain in prostate. Painful ejaculation. 

GASTROINTESTINAL: offensive diarrhoea in the morning, driving the patient out of bed. Burning pain in rectum. Aggravated on standing. Offensive stool often accompanies acute conditions.

THIRST/CRAVINGS: desires sweets. increased thirst esp. for cold drinks.

MENTAL PICTURE: the patient may present dirty with an aversion to be washed.



Aggravation: warm (bed, room, drinks, applications), standing.

Amelioration: cold applications, cold drinks, lying. 

































































HURRIEDNESS. Cannot do things fast enough. Everybody must hurry. So hurried that he does things out of order.


Impatient, feels there’s not enough time to get things done, things move too slowly.

Hasty speech.


Fretful and irritable over the slightest cause.


Prostration of mind after an injury.

Changeable mood during perspiration.





Sensation of weakness in the abdomen.


APHTHÆ on the tongue, inside of cheeks and whole gastro-intestinal tract which are painful, often periodical.




Sensation as if the brain is loose in the forehead.


Bluish or black spots in skin, esp. face, extremities.


Sourness of the body and stomach (Hep., Mag-c., Rheum)


Diarrhœa very foul, offensive, from unripe fruit and oysters, after the slightest indiscretion in eating.


Yellow, saffron-like, stringy stool.

Eructation like spoiled eggs.


Profuse, acrid or stringy discharges.


Bruising and ecchymosis. Follows Arn. in acute injuries.


Pains increase gradually and end suddenly.


As if a blunt plug being driven in.

Pains felt during sleep, disappear on waking.





AGG.: SMOG, SMOKE, becoming cold, oysters.

AMEL.: air, walking fast.

DES.: brandy, fruit, alcohol, sweets.

AVERS.: water (unless alcohol is added), coffee.













FEAR OF INFECTION, of contagious disease, of syphilis. DISGUST.

Delusions that he’s dirty. DESIRES TO WASH HER HANDS.


Compulsive checking.




Great irritability during headache.

Weakness of memory, cannot remember names or dates.


Erosion of the emotional level the patient may have a feeling to let everything crash down around him. On the mental level we see a breakdown into insanity.





Affects mucous membranes, nerves and bones.




Syphilitic eruptions and inflammations. Ulcers. Abscesses. Caries of bones. Distortion of facial features e.g. ulcers in palate (cleft palate). Teeth are dwarfed, loose, feel sticky. Curvature of spine.


Bone pains < warmth of bed, > cold applications. Back pain from sunset to sunrise.


ALL SYMPTOMS < NIGHT (sunset to sunrise) esp. 02:00 – 04:00.


Headache, with pain in the bones of head, worse at night.


Strong desire for ALCOHOL esp. liquers. Alcoholism.


Sleeplessness after midnight.


Back pain after urinating.

Salivation during sleep.






AGG.: night, 02:00 to 04:00.

DES.: alcoholic drinks.

AVERS.: meat.












SEASICKNESS, terrible faint, sinking feeling at pit of stomach, better in fresh cold air and by uncovering the abdomen.


Deathly nausea with or without vomiting. The patient is clammy, cold and pale.


Nausea of pregnancy, with spitting.


The nausea is worse when opening the eyes.


Prostration and relaxation of entire muscular system, with free secretions.


Sensation as if stomach were hanging down.


Vertigo on opening eye’s.


Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, esp. in tobacco users.


Constipation, esp. in tobacco users.


Hiccough after cough.


Desire for tobacco.





AGG.: opening eye’s, evening, extremes of heat and cold.

AMEL.: uncovering abdomen, fresh open air.















Tarentula is a remedy with excess energy. They are restless, quick in their motions, impatient, do many things together. They feel better when they listen to loud, rhythmical music and when dancing. All symptoms are ameliorated with dancing. The energy is so much that the sexuality is increased to the point of nymphomania. When they get angry they get intense too, they can become violent. In later stages of pathology they can become manic-depressive or develop insanity with rage.








HYPERACTIVE, RESTLESSNESS. Does many things at the same time.

Impatient, impulsive, cunning.




DES. DANCING which also ameliorates.


Sexual mania, erotic delirium. Lascivious hysteria.


Anger, rage. Violent, destructive, tears or breaks things. Insanity with increased strength. Desire to attack others. Rage is such that has to be chained.


Manic-depressive states.





Affects nerves which are highly strung. Symptoms appear suddenly with violence.


Excess energy is channeled through: RESTLESSNESS, HURRIEDNESS, INCREASED SEXUAL DESIRE. Hurry in movements, while walking.

Restlessness of lower limbs >motion. Restlessness of extremities >music.



Relieved by RHYTHMIC activity, dancing up and down.


Vomiting after going to bed.

Constipation with no urging and awful anxiety.

Dyspnoea with heart and ovarian troubles.


Abscesses, boils are a ‘bluish color’ and burning pain.





AGG.: cold drinks, becoming cold, cold wet weather, exertion, coition.

AMEL.: motion, walking slowly, physical exertion, dancing.

DES.: sand, highly seasoned food, salt, cold drinks.

AVERS.: meat.














Unconsciousness after stool.

Muttering, maniacal delirium. Delirium during fever.


Delusions is floating in the air. Fear of apoplexy.





Haemorrhagic tendency. Purpura haemorrhagica. Ecchymosis on skin. Haemoptysis.


Severe urinary track infections, pyelonephritis or nephritis with characteristic burning pain over the kidneys.


Bladder pain, cutting or burning, which is ameliorated when walking in the open air.



Sweetish odor of urine, odor like violets.

Sediment like coffee grounds.


Pelvic peritonitis from metritis; nephritis from exposure to cold rains, with scanty, high colored urine.


Smooth, shining, red tongue, as if deprived of papillae.


Capillary bronchitis (bronchiolitis) in children, with extreme drowsiness and scanty bloody urine.





DES.: dry rice, bitter drinks.











TEREBINTHINA (Ter.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)


Nephritis and urinary tract disorders with smoke coloured urine. Haemorrhages.



Haemorrhagic tendency. (Purpura haemorrhagica, ecchymosis on skin, haemoptysis).


URINARY/KIDNEYS: severe urinary track infections, pyelonephritis or nephritis with characteristic burning pain over the kidneys ameliorated in open air. Nephritis from exposure to cold rain, with scanty, high colored urine.


Bladder pain, cutting or burning which is ameliorated when walking in the open air.


URINE: bloody, black, smoke-coloured urine.

Sweetish odor of urine, odor like violets.

Sediment like coffee grounds.


ABDOMEN: pelvic peritonitis from metritis.


RESPIRATORY: capillary bronchitis (bronchiolitis) in children, with extreme drowsiness and scanty bloody urine.


MOUTH: smooth, shining, red tongue, as if deprived of papillae.

MENTAL PICTURE: unconsciousness after stool. Muttering, maniacal delirium. Delirium during fever. Delusions that he is floating in the air. Fear of apoplexy.



Aggravation: rest.

Amelioration: walking in open air, motion.











RESERVED. Secretive. Manipulative.


Delusions that the body is brittle, is delicate, that she’s made of glass, that animals are in abdomen, that soul and body were separated.


Lack of self-confidence, delusions he’s worthless.


Dullness <morning.





OVERGROWTHS: WARTS, CONDYLOMATA, tumors, fibroids, cysts.


Used for treating bad effects of vaccination esp. smallpox.


Ailments from suppressed gonorrhea (rheumatic pains of joints, prostatitis, eye inflammation etc.). Urethritis. Forked stream of urine.


Sensation that something is alive in the abdomen.


Coryza during stool. Strong tendency to catarrhs. Leucorrhœa, nasal, urethral.


Perspiration is oily, of sweetish odor, offensive.


Headache as from a nail. Begins in forehead over left eye then occiput.




Constipation, stools recedes.


Fingernails and toe-nails are brittle, crumbling, distorted, corrugated.





AGG: ONIONS, uncovering, tea, night, 3 p.m. & 3 a.m., wet weather.

AMEL: touch, perspiration, lying on back, coryza, rubbing.

DES.: ONIONS (raw), garlic, tea.

AVERS.: onions, garlic, tea.
















Romantic and unfulfilled. Enthusiastic but soon bored, they need change in their life. They cannot stick in one place, with one person, with one job, hence their love of travelling.

Tuberculinum is a remedy that is very often indicated when there is a history of tuberculosis in the patient or his/her family. The grinding of teeth during sleep is a strong indication for this remedy.











Moaning and groaning.


CHILDREN: Hyperactivity. Behavior disorders.

Obstinate, disobedient, destructive children. Malicious behavior.

Temper tantrums. Striking, breaks things.


Compulsive and ritualistic behavior. Constant belief that something has been forgotten. Tormenting persistent thoughts during the night.


Fear of cats, dogs. Disgust with cats and furry animals.


Contradictory characteristics, mania and melancholia, insomnia and sleepiness.


Anxiety at night. Fear something will happen. Irritable esp. on waking.


Shrieking in sleep, esp. before menses.


Loquacity during fever.











Weak, depleted constitutions. Emaciated despite eating heavily.


Night sweats.


Allergy to cats. Allergy to milk.


Generally worse in wet weather, before storms or any change in weather. Better in mountains, esp. in pine forests.


Periodicity of symptoms.


Induration of glands. Glands hard, knotty like ropes < cervical, inguinal.






AGG.: change of weather, wet weather, cold (air, bathing, entering a cold place), change of temperature from cold to warm, seashore.

AMEL.: in pine forest, warm and dry weather, walking fast, in the mountain, open air.

DES.: pork, ham, bacon, SMOKED MEAT, COLD MILK, fat ham, bananas, ice cream.

AVERS.: food, meat, milk.




(A Nucleo-protein, a Nosode from Tubercular Abscess)

Tub. is indicated in renal affections, but caution is necessary, for where skin and intestines do not perform normally even high potencies are dangerous. In chronic cystitis, brilliant and permanent results are obtained (Dr. Nebel Montreux.).

Of undoubted value in the treatment of INCIPIENT TUBERCULOSIS. Especially adapted to the light-complexioned, narrow-chested subjects. Lax fiber, low recuperative powers, and very susceptible to changes in the weather. Patient is always tired; motion causes intense fatigue; aversion to work; wants constant changes. When SYMPTOMS ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING AND WELL-SELECTED REMEDIES FAIL TO IMPROVE; ALSO, THE PATIENT TAKES COLD FROM THE SLIGHTEST EXPOSURE. Rapid emaciation. Of great value in epilepsy, neurasthenia and in nervous children. Diarrhea in children running for weeks, extreme wasting, bluish pallor, exhaustion. Mentally deficient children. Enlarged tonsils. Skin affections, ACUTE ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM. Very sensitive, mentally and physically. General exhaustion. Nervous weakness. Trembling. Epilepsy. Arthritis.

Contradictory characteristics of Tub. are mania and melancholia; insomnia and sopor. Irritable, especially when awakening. DEPRESSED, melancholic. FEAR OF DOGS, ANIMALS ESPECIALLY. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.

Subject to deep brain headaches and intense neuralgias. Everything seems strange. Intense pain, as if an iron band was around the head. Meningitis. When critical discharges appear, sweat, polyuria, diarrhea, exanthema, repeat the dose only when crises comes on. Nocturnal hallucinations, awakes frightened. Plica polonica (Vinc.).


Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose; GREEN, FETID PUS.


Averse to meat. All gone, hungry sensation (Sulph.). Desire for cold milk.

Early-morning, sudden diarrhea (Sulph.). Stools dark brown, offensive, discharged with much force. Tabes mesenterica.




ENLARGED TONSILS. Hard, dry cough during sleep. Expectoration thick, easy; profuse bronchorrhea. Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation, even with plenty of fresh air. Longs for cold air. Broncho-pneumonia in children. Hard, hacking cough, profuse sweating and loss of weight, rales all over the chest. Deposits begin in the apex of the lung (Repeated doses).

Tension in the nape of the neck and down the spine. Chilliness between shoulders or up the back.

Chronic eczema; itching intense; worse at night. ACNE in tuberculous children. Measles; psoriasis (Thyr.).

Poor; wakes early. Overpowering sleepiness in daytime. Dreams vivid and distressing.

Post-critical temperature of a remittent type. Here repeat dose every two hours (MacFarlan.) Profuse sweat. General chilliness.

AGG.: motion, music; before a storm; standing; dampness; from draught; early morning, and after sleep.

AMEL.: open air.

Compare: KOCH’S LYMPH (ACUTE AND CHRONIC PARENCHYMATOUS NEPHRITIS; produces pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and congestion of the lungs in tuberculous patients, is a remarkably efficacious remedy in lobular pneumonia- BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA); AVIARE-Tuberculin from birds (acts on the apices of the lungs; has proved to be an excellent remedy in influenzal bronchitis; symptoms similar to tuberculosis; relieves the debility, diminishes the cough, improves the appetite, and braces up the whole organism; acute broncho-pulmonary diseases in children; itching of palms and ears; COUGH, acute, inflammatory, irritating, incessant, and tickling; loss of strength and appetite); Hydr. (to fatten patients after Tub.): Form-ac. (tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, malignant tumors; pulmonary tuberculosis, not in the third stage, however; lupus; carcinoma of the breast and stomach; Dr. Krull uses injections of solutions corresponding to the third centesimal potency; these must not be repeated before six months).

Compare: Bac., Psor., Lach. KALAGUA (tuberculosis; garlicky odor of all secretions and breath). TEUCRIUM SCORODONIA. Compare: Thuj. (Vaccinosis may block the way of action of Tub. until Thuj. has been given and then acts brilliantly – Burnett).

Complementary: Calc., Chin., Bry.

Tub. needs more frequent repetition in children’s complaints than nearly every other chronic remedy (H. Fergie Woods). Thirtieth and much higher, in infrequent doses. When Tub. fails SYPHILINUM often follows advantageously, producing a reaction.

“The use of Tub. in phthisis pulmonalis demands attention on the following points: In apyretics, purely tubercular phthisis results are marked, provided the eliminative organs are in a good order but nothing below the 1000th should be used unless absolutely necessary. In patients with strepto-staphylo-pneumococci in the bronchi; where, also after washing the sputum, a pure “T.B.” bacilli mass remains, the same treatment is indicated. In mixed infection, found in a majority of cases where the sputum swarms with virulent micro-organisms in addition to the “T.B”, other procedure are necessary. If the heart is in a good shape, a single dose of Tub. 1000-2000 is given, provided there are no marked indications for other remedies. With due attention to temperature and possible excretions, the dose is allowed to work until effects are no longer observed, eight days to eight weeks. Usually a syndrome then presents, permitting the accurate choice of an antipsoric Sil., Lyc., Phos., etc. After a while the picture again darkens and a high potency of the isopathic remedy corresponding to the most virulent and prominent micro-organism found in the sputum is now given: Staphylo-, Strepto-, or Pneumococcinum. The accurate bacteriological analysis of the sputum is absolutely essential; the choice of the ison again clears the picture, and thus we proceed on one side, etiologically (where these isopathica have not yet been proved); and on the other side symptomatically with antipsoric remedies, the disease is dominated.

My own experience warns, against the use of Strepto-, Staphylo-, or Pneumococcinum below the 500th in cases of mixed infection. I use them only from 1000 to 2000, having seen terrible aggravations from the 30, 100, 200, with a lowering of temperature from 104 to 96. Hence the admonition, which need not concern scoffers, but for those who wish to avail themselves of a potent weapon. The toxins used as remedies are, like Tub., prepared from pure and virulent cultures.

And cases, seemingly condemned to speedy death, are brought a year or two back with normal temperature after of course, sacrificing a large portion of the lung tissue. This result is sure when the patient can and will take care of himself, where the heart has withstood the toxin and the stomach and liver are in good function. Further, climatic variations must be avoided. With the great mineral metabolism of the phthisic, diet regulation is imperative and should predominently consist of vegetables, with the addition of psysiological salts in low potency, Calc., 3x, 5x, Calc-p., 2x, 6x, and intercurrently according to indications, organ remedies like Cact. Tr. 30, Chel. Tr. 30, Tarax. Tr., Nast. Tr., Urt-u. Tr., Tuss-far. Tr., Lysimachia numularia Tr., for short periods.

The first dose of Tub. in any difficult case is, however, the most weighty prescription. The remedy should not be given without a very careful cardiac examination. As the surgeon before the anesthetic, so must the physician know the heart before administering this drug, especially to children, and seniles-and to young seniles. He who observes this rule will have fewer clinical reproaches on his conscience. When Tub. is contraindicated, recourse must be had to the nearest antipsoric.

The above caution applies also in asthma, pleuritis, peritonitis in scrofulous (tuberculous) subjects” (Dr. Nebel Montreux).




I want to take up the study of Tuberculinum. The preparation which I use is a little different from that which is generally found in the market. This preparation I procured through a Professor of Veterinary Surgery. In Pennsylvania there came a time when a handsome herd of cattle had to be slaughtered because of tuberculosis. Through the Veterinary Surgeon of the Pennsylvania University I secured some of the tubercular glands from these slaughtered cattle. I selected from these the most likely specimen. This was potentized by Boericke & Tafel as far as the 6th, and has since been prepared on the Skinner machine, the 30th, 200th, 1000th and the higher potencies. This preparation I have been using for fifteen years. Many of my friends have been using it, as they have procured it from me.

From observing the effects of this preparation I have been gathering these notes in my interleaved Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, and they now guide me in the use of Tuberculinum. I do not use Tub. merely because it is a nosode, or with the idea that generally prevails of using nosodes; that is, a product of the disease for the disease, and the results of the disease. This I fear is too much the prevailing thought in using nosodes. In certain places it prevails and is taught that anything relating to syphilis must be treated with SYPHILINUM; that anything relating to gonorrhoea must be treated with MEDORRHINUM, anything psoric must be treated with PSORINUM, and anything that relates to tuberculosis must be treated with Tuberculinum. That will go out of use some day; it is mere isopathy, and it is an unsound doctrine. It is not the better idea of Homeopathy. It is not based upon sound principles. It belongs to a hysterical Homeopathy that prevails in this century. Yet much good has come out of it.

It is hoped that provings may be made so that we may be able to prescribe Tub. on the symptoms of Tub. just as we would use any drug. It is deep acting, constitutionally deep, because it is a product of disease from a very deep-seated constitutional condition, like SILICA and SULPHUR. It goes deep into the life; it is antipsoric; it is long acting, and it affects constitutions more deeply than most remedies; and when our deepest remedies act only a few weeks, and they have to be changed, this


remedy comes in as one of the remedies-when the symptoms agree and brings a better state of reaction, so that remedies hold longer. It may well be considered a species of PSORINUM.

One of the most prominent uses of this remedy is in intermittent fever. Some of our most stubborn cases of intermittent fever will relapse and continue relapsing, even when such remedies as SILICA and CALCAREA and the deeper-acting remedies have been indicated, have acted well, have broken the fever, and in a few weeks, from exposure to cold, from sitting in a draft, from becoming fatigued, from mental exertion, from over-eating and from disordering the stomach this ague has returned. Any of these circumstances will bring back these stubborn cases of intermittent fever when Tub. is needed. When a patient is travelling toward phthisis and he is exposed and intermittent comes out. He is of a feeble constitution and his complaints have a tendency to relapse, and remedies well selected do not hold long, though they act well at first-they must soon be changed-changing symptoms.

It is not an indication for Tub. when the well selected remedy fails to act. Well selected is a relative expression and involves too much of human opinion. It may be thought to be well selected when it is not related to the case. When the well selected remedy has acted and the constitution shows a tendency to break down, and the well selected remedy does not hold, because of vital weakness and because of deep-seated tendencies; then it is that this remedy sometimes fits in. Such a case is often tuberculous in inclination, even though no evidence is present of a pathological character.

Burnett dropped an idea that has been confirmed many times. Patients who have inherited phthisis, patients whose parents have died of phthisis are often of feeble vitality. They do not throw off their inherited tendencies. They are always tired. They take on sicknesses easily. They become anaemic; nervous; waxy or pale. These conditions are sometimes met, when the finer symptoms agree, although Burnett evidently used this medicine in a sort of routine way for this kind of constitution, which he called “Consumptiveness.” Persons who had inherited phthisis, who were debilitated and anaemic.

It seems from looking over the record of many cures that this remedy has been given many times for just that state on a paucity of symptoms, and if the records can be believed it has many times balanced up to the constitution in that anaemic state, where the INHERITANCE HAS BEEN PHTHISIS. It is not the best indication for Tub., but where the symptoms agree in addition to that inheritance, and then you may have indications for the remedy.

If Tuberculinum bovinum be given in 10M., 50M. and CM. potencies, two doses of each potency at long intervals, all children and young people who have inherited tuberculosis may be immuned from their inheritance and their resiliency will be restored. It cures most cases of adenoids and tuberculous glands of the neck.


The notes that have guided me to its use I will attempt to explain. The mental symptoms that I have seen give way while the patient was under treatment, and the mental symptoms that I have seen crop out under the provings, and the mental symptoms that I have so often seen associated when the patient is poisoned by the tubercular toxines are such as belong to many complaints and are cured by Tub. Hopelessness in many complaints. Aversion to mental work. Anxiety evening, until midnight. Anxiety during fever. Loquacity during fever. Weary of life. Cosmopolitan. Tormenting, persistent thoughts during the night. Thoughts intrude and crowd upon each other during the night. These I will say are the common mental features, and have often yielded when the remedy has been prescribed. Anyone who has inherited phthisis, anyone who has been in a state of debility, who has had intermittent fever with continual replaces, and these mental symptoms are present, you may think of Tub. Loquacity during fever is a common feature in hectic fever when the patient is decidedly affected by the toxines of tuberculosis. A person gradually running down, never finding the right remedy, or relief only momentarily; has a constant desire to change, and travel, and go somewhere, and do something different, or to find a new doctor. The desire to travel, that cosmopolitan condition of the mind belongs so strongly to the one who needs Tub. It comes out so often in clinical experience, is found so often in the CALCAREAS, and especially in CALC-P., always wanting to go somewhere. Such is the condition of those about to go into insanity, about to go into some lingering disease. Persons on the border-land of insanity. It is true that phthisis and insanity are convertible conditions, the one falls into the other. Many cases that are treated and cured and phthisis of the lungs has just been turned aside, finally become insane. Persons who have been cured of insanity go into phthisis and die, showing the deep-seated character of their nature. The intellectual symptoms and the lung symptoms are interchangeable.


Tuberculinum cures the most violent and the most chronic periodical sick headaches, periodical nervous headaches. Coming every week; every two weeks; and the irregular periodicity coming under certain conditions, in damp weather, after overwork, from mental excitement, from overeating, disordered stomach. Tub. breaks up the tendency to this chronic periodical headache when the symptoms agree.

It has been observed in the hands of good prescribers that when chronic constitutional headaches have been broken up sometimes the patient has a tendency to lose flesh and become feeble. An entire transformation scene takes place; a cough sets in; the headache has been removed, but the patient is feeble. Whenever that takes place Tub. is a most useful remedy. A new manifestation comes; a new organ is affected.

Sore bruised feeling all over the body. Aching of the bones. Sore bruised condition of the eyeballs, sensitive to touch, and on turning the eye sideways. Persons who have long felt the weakness of tuberculosis, tubercular conditions, and are subject to cold sweat on the head. This was brought out in the provings of CALCAREA, and those about to go into phthisis have many times been cured by CALCAREA. The relationship between Tub. and CALC. is very close. They are interchangeable; that is, the one may be indicated for a while, and then the other. They are both deep-acting remedies-also SILICA is closely related to Tub., on the same plane of action, going deep into the life in a similar way; CALCAREA, Tub. and SILICA, and the SILICATES.

In the Guiding Symptoms is a record, “Pain in the head, as if the head had a tight hoop of iron around it”, an iron band.

Headache, with frequent sharp cutting pains. Headache, worse from motion. In the Guiding Symptoms, “A sullen, taciturn, irritable” condition of mind. “Screams in his sleep. Is very restless at night. Sister died of tubercular meningitis.” That symptom was given by Burnett. It has cured hydrocephalus.

Many years ago Doctor Biegler cured a case of tubercular meningitis with Tub. In many instances, it has cured tubercular meningitis and tubercular diseases of the brain in the early stages.


The face becomes red, even to purple, during the chill, and during the heat. Aversion to all foods. Such aversion to meat that it becomes impossible to eat it. Thirst during the chill and heat, for large quantities of cold water. It has cured tubercular meningitis with effusion, where the head was greatly enlarged. Craving for cold milk. Emptiness in the abdomen, with faint feeling. Anxiety in the abdomen and stomach, much like the SULPHUR sensation described. An all-gone, hungry feeling, that drives him to eat. This has been cured by Tub. after SULPHUR had failed.

All know what a marked feature emaciation is in persons who are going into phthisis. The emaciation often begins before there is any sign of phthisis, gradually losing flesh. A gradually growing weakness, a gradually increasing fatigue. This is a prominent place for Tub., if the symptoms agree. Always let that stand out boldly, IF THE SYMPTOMS AGREE, and WHEN THE SYMPTOMS AGREE. Of course it will be said that Tub. has cured when there are few symptoms; this is granted, but should not be lauded as a clinical practice.


It is a common feature of tubercular affections of the brain and of the meninges to suffer from constipation. Stool large and hard; or, constipation alternating with diarrhoea. It is a well-known clinical fact. Constipation is a strong feature of Tub. “Constipation, stool large and hard; then diarrhoea. Itching of the anus. Sudden diarrhoea before breakfast, with nausea. Inguinal glands indurated and visible. Excessive sweat in chronic diarrhoea.” That symptom was brought out by Burnett. It was merely a clinical symptom. Burnett dwells on this phase of it; “Tabes Mesenterica.” “Swelling on left side, also on right; complains of a stitch in side after running; languid and indisposed to talk. Nervous and irritable. Talks in his sleep; grinds his teeth. Appetite poor. Hands blue. Indurated and palpable glands everywhere. A drum belly. Spleen region bulging out.”


That was one of Burnett’s clinical cases. That was cured by Burnett’s BACILLINUM. In most instances, I am informed, he used the BACILLINUM 200th.

It is a common feature of SULPHUR to be driven out of bed in the morning by a diarrhoea. It is a very common feature in cases of phthisis, and patients going into phthisis. In advanced stage of phthisis, driven out of bed with a diarrhoea; or, diarrhoea worse in the morning than at any other time in the twenty-four hours. This is a common” feature of phthisis that Tub. has cured, and it has been verified many times, although it is a, clinical symptom.


General relaxation. Weakness and hanging down of the genitals. Relaxed scrotum.


Menses too early, too profuse, long lasting. AMENORRHOEA. DYSMENORRHOEA.

Suffocation; worse in a warm room. Tubercular deposits in apices of lungs (left).

The uterus sags down and is heavy. At the menstrual period, a relaxation, as if the inner parts would come out.


Cough before, and during chill.

Dry hacking cough before the evening chill (RHUS-T.), and the hacking cough lasts sometimes during the chill, and sometimes during the fever, but he knows the chill is coming by the cough. The patient has been cured perhaps a number of times by remedies. Intermittent fever has been cured a number of times by remedies well selected. The fever goes away promptly under the action of the remedy; but from slight exposure, as was mentioned, it comes back again. Now at the end of three, four or five weeks-often two or three-he says, “I know my old chills are coming back again, because of the cough I have.” The previous remedies have not been successful. They are not deep enough acting, they are not long enough acting. When the homeopathic remedy is really and truly able to cure the diseased condition it will hold that case, so that when the symptoms come back again the same remedy will be indicated, and only a changed potency perhaps will be necessary. The same remedy is called for; but it is an indication for Tub. when at every coming back of the case it calls for a new remedy. CALC. breaks up the case once, and the next time it comes back it calls for something else, and the next time for something else, and it keeps turning around. Perhaps a number of times it calls for the same remedies again. Changing about. That very changing and unsatisfied symptom image is a strong indication for this medicine.

Suffocation in a warm room. Can find easy breathing only when riding in the cold wind. When phthisical patients find no comfort except riding in the cold wind-which is a rare symptom, but has been noticed. This was a symptom specially marked in the lamented Gregg, of Buffalo. He would ride out in the cold winds by the lake for hours. ARG-N. many times relieved that, but it is a strong symptom of Tub. He finally died of tuberculosis.

Desire for deep breathing. Longs for the open air. Wants the doors and windows open. Sits in the room covered with a cold sweat, but wants the air, wants fresh air. When covered with cold sweat he cannot have the wind blowing on him because he takes cold, he is sensitive to it, but he wants the fresh air, he wants the open air. Especially when the tubercular deposits begin in the apex of the left lung, which is the indication that has been verified by quite a number of observers.

“Hard, dry cough. Hard, dry, shaking cough,” were symptoms noticed by Boardman -regardless of phthisis. The expectoration is thick, yellow, often yellowish-green in catarrhal conditions. Hacking cough in young girls, where there is a suppression of the menstrual flow, of the first menses. They come on once or twice or three times, and the patient is yellow, is puny, is tired, has a hacking cough, and a suspicious chest. If the tubercular deposits have not gone too far, Tub. may arrest the progress of the disease. Tub. often gives immunity if taken before the tuberculosis begins in those who have inherited it. It immunes the constitution.

Another marked feature recorded by Burnett was ringworms. Burnett was of the opinion that ringworms commonly formed upon those who had inherited phthisis. He thought it was a sign of approaching phthisis, that it was a very common feature of those who have inherited phthisis; and he used the BACILLINUM 200th. He used it somewhat as a routine remedy on every child with ringworm.


Patients who suffer from weakness in the evening. Rapid pulse in the evening. Every evening for years he has noticed the pulse has been rapid. Palpitation after the evening meal.


Jerking of the muscles on going to sleep, and during sleep. Rheumatic pain in the right elbow. Sore bruised condition of the bones and periosteum. Aching, drawing pains in the limbs during rest, better by walking. A strong feature of this remedy is that its pains and aches are better by motion. I have seen this aching distress in the limbs many times where RHUS has acted only temporarily or has failed; where RHUS seemed to be the remedy, but was not deep enough to hold its action. Where RHUS was superficially indicated-or the deep action of the disturbance, the deep inheritance-the tired constitution, the chronic nature of the case prevents the action of RHUS, and Tub. cures these cases. Especially in girls that are bookkeepers, and shopkeepers, who have inherited phthisical constitutions, who have aches and pains during damp weather, in rainy weather, during a storm, when the weather changes, when the weather becomes cold; then it is that Tub. cures after such remedies as RHUS have failed; these patients are better by motion, better by walking; worse during rest. While sitting the pains become so severe that he is driven to travel, driven to walk. Aching, drawing pains in limbs during rest, better walking. Coldness of left foot and leg, evening in bed. Stitching pains in limbs during rest. Wandering pains in limbs, in joints. Pains all over the body, but mostly in lower limbs. Aching, drawing, tearing, as if in bones, and nerves, during rest; better walking. Pains in bones of lower limbs. Stiffness on beginning to move. Sore bruised joints. Pains all ameliorated by heat. Drawing pains in thighs. Stitching pains in limbs. Restless. Stiffness of lower limbs, evening. Physical exertion aggravates.

Complaints worse standing; must move. This is as marked in this remedy as in SULPHUR.


Intermittent fever, with drawing in limbs during rest. Chill 7 p.m.. Chilliness, evening; better in bed. Chill 5 p.m., with thirst. Cough before chill, during chill, and vomiting during fever. Wants to be covered during all stages. Extreme heat, with chilliness. Relapsing intermittents.


Drawing in the limbs in the evening before the chill, and during the chill. He knows the chill is coming on because of the drawing in the limbs. Chill at 11 o’clock at night. Must be covered up during all stages, the chill, the fever and the sweat. The chilliness extends into the fever and into the sweat if there is any uncovering.

Aching in the bones of the head, with soreness of the periosteum and these are better by traveling about, like RHUS. Better by motion; worse keeping still.


Perspiration from mental exertion. Perspiration stains the linen yellow. Heat and perspiration during sleep. We know what a common feature it is in phthisis to have night sweats.


Formication in the skin. This remedy has cured tubercular eruptions of the skin. This remedy has cured red purplish eruptions that are nodular in character; the patient wants to sit all the time by the fire- itching in cold air, better by going to the fire, worse from scratching. Sensitive to every change of the weather, especially to cold, and to damp weather, and sometimes to warm damp weather, and to rainy weather. Always worse before a storm. Can feel every electric change in the weather. Becoming cold brings on all the symptoms, pains, aches, distresses and sufferings. A large list of symptoms of patients that have been cured in all their varying conditions may be found by looking up the Guiding Symptoms.

Periodicity, then, is a strong feature of this remedy, and sensitive to weather changes.

Fainting fits. Weakness after a short walk.

It has cured constitutional headaches, periodical headaches that existed forty-five years. It cures even old people of these periodical complaints.

The pains will sometimes travel. Stitching, pinching, cramping, wandering; and always worse from cold, and from cold damp weather.




Adapted to persons of light complexion; blue eyes; blonde in preference to brunette;.tall, slim, flat, narrow chest; active and precocious mentally, weak physically; the tubercular diathesis.


Melancholy, despondent; morose, irritable, fretful, peevish; taciturn, sulky; naturally of a sweet disposition, now on the borderland of insanity.
Everything in the room seemed strange as though in a strange place.


Symptoms ever changing; ailments affecting one organ, then another – the lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous system – beginning suddenly, ceasing suddenly.
Takes cold easily without knowing how or where; seems to take cold “every time he takes a breath of fresh air” (Hep.).
Emaciation rapid and pronounced; losing flesh while eating well (Abrot., Calc., Con., Iod., Nat-m.).
When with a family history of tubercular affections THE BEST SELECTED REMEDY FAILS TO RELIEVE OR PERMANENTLY IMPROVE, without reference to name of disease.

Headache: Chronic, tubercular; pain intense, sharp, cutting, from above right eye to occiput; as of an iron hoop around head (Anac., Sulph.); when the best selected remedy only palliates.
School girl’s headache: < by study or even slight mental exertion; when using eyes in close work and glasses fail to >; with a tubercular history.
Acute cerebral or basilar meningitis, with threatened effusion; nocturnal hallucinations; wakes from sleep frightened, screaming; when Apis, Hell., or Sulph., though well selected, fail to improve.
Plica polonica; several bad cases permanently cured after Borx. and Psor. failed.

Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose; GREEN, FETID PUS (Sec.).

Gastro-intestinal System
Diarrhoea: Early morning, sudden, imperative (Sulph.); emaciating though eating well (Iod., Nat-m.); stool dark, brown, watery, offensive; discharged with great force; great weakness and profuse night sweats.

Menses: Too early; too profuse; too long-lasting; tardy in starting; with frightful dysmenorrhoea; in patients with a tuberculous history.



Respiratory System
Tubercular deposit begins in apex of lungs, usually the left (Phos., Sulph., Ther.).

Eczema: Tubercular over entire body; itching intense, < at night when undressing, from bathing; immense quantities of white bran-like scales; oozing behind the ears, in the hair, in folds of skin with rawness and soreness; fiery red skin. Ringworm.


Complementary: Psor., Sulph.
When Psor., Sulph., or the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve; follows Psor. as a constitutional remedy in hay fever, asthma.
Belladonna, for acute attacks, congestive or inflammatory, occurring in tubercular diseases.
Hydrastis to fatten patients cured with Tub.
























TUBERCULINUM (Tub.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Respiratory affections with grinding of teeth and perspiration during sleep.


RESPIRATION: all kinds of respiratory problems (cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma) with perspiration and grinding of teeth during sleep. Aggravated on becoming cold, on lying, in warm room.

CHEST: oppression of chest, dyspnoea aggravated by lying and ameliorated in open air. Rattling respiration. Asthma and dyspnoea aggravated at night, in warm room. Pain in lungs, catarrh of chest, abscess of lungs, hepatization.

COUGH: cough with fever. Cough with perspiration. Dry, hacking cough aggravated on getting/becoming cold, by cold drinks, in warm room, on talking.

FEVER: fever with perspiration, chills on uncovering, on putting the hands out of bed. Painful extremities during fever, esp. thighs.

PERSPIRATION: profuse perspiration during sleep.

NOSE: offensive discharge.

EAR: otitis with offensive, purulent discharges.

THROAT: Induration of glands.

GASTROINTESTINAL: offensive, painless diarrhoea.

DESIRES/AVERSIONS: desires cold milk.

MENTAL PICTURE: children are discontented, destructive and aggressive. Striking. Loquacity during fever.


Aggravation: cold, cold to warm, cold wet, lying, seashore.

Amelioration: warmth, pine forest, motion.


























Animated, anxious, irritable, restless patients with changeable mood.


ACTS HYSTERICALLY. Weeping alternating with laughter.

Over sensitiveness of all senses.

Mental symptoms alternating with physical.

Cheerful in evening, mirth, hilarity.


Various delusions she is someone other person, he’s poor, people are beside him, is away from home, floating in air.


Fear on entering a room. Fear ameliorated in open air.

Restlessness at night, open air amel.

Mental symptoms are worse in darkness.






Sensation as if a thread were hanging in the throat.

Stitching pain in heels when sitting >walking.


Sciatica < standing, stretching the leg, sitting, hanging down the limb.


Slimy taste in the morning on waking.

Pressing pain in forehead alternates with stitching pain.

Child vomits curdled milk, in large lumps after nursing.

Diarrhœa, with lumps of coagulated milk, with violent screaming in children.


Jerking pains in the upper and lower limbs >walking. Jerking internal and external.





AGG.: after motion, sitting, standing, evening.

AMEL.: walking, motion, ascending.




















The prominent characteristic of this remedy is the overactivity, mental and physical. There’s an exaggeration in all levels. On the mental level we see a restless, overactive and overstimulated mind. The mental abilities are over developed. We see too clever children, with skills beyond their age.

These people can impress you with their knowledge and acuteness of mind.

On the physical level, there is restlessness in chronic as well as in acute states.








MENTAL OVER-STIMULATION. Unhealthy acuteness of mind, precocity.


CONFUSION AS TO HIS IDENTITY. Religious delusion he is Christ or a person that has to save the world. Delusions he’s a great person. Feel they must protect the weak.


RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS. Religious delirium. Praying. Preaching.

Religious despair. Anxiety about salvation. Doubtful of the soul’s welfare.


Despair of social position. Never happy with social position, feel they deserve better.

Brooding < evening.


Violent. Mania with desire to tear things. Erotic, puerperal insanity. Delirium with loquacity, with open eyes, raging.





RESTLESSNESS – go up and down. The moment the mind is working, the restlessness becomes more and more. Restlessness in chronic as well as in acute states.


CHILLY (esp. during the acute state). Internal chill, coldness in blood-vessels. Chill as if coldness in the bones.


Cold perspiration (forehead, feet, face, hand). <during menses, during stool, fainting.


Great thirst for COLD DRINKS with ice.


Vomiting / diarrhœa- violent vomiting and profuse diarrhœa with coldness and cold perspiration. Vomiting during diarrhoea.

Rocket vomiting. Collapse from vomiting.


Rapid sinking of vital forces- complete prostration and collapse. Faints easily.





AGG.: fruit, cold, pears, raw food, potatoes, warm (becoming, wraps, room, sensation of heat), during menses.

AMEL.: continued motion, after perspiration, walking.

DES.: sour, salt, salt and lemon, unripe fruit, ice, cold drinks, cucumber, herring, sardines.






Chilly, cold perspiration and weakness.


GASTROINTESTINAL: Vomiting with diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is forcible, acrid, green, involuntary on passing flatus.

Vomiting is forcible, violent, with weakness and cold perspiration.

Chilly with cold perspiration. Chill and sensation of coldness of back. Weakness accompanies all complaints.

RESPIRATION: respiratory affections with blue face, coldness of breath, oppression of chest. Cough with vomiting.

FEVER: coldness and paleness of face with chill, red face, fever with brown urine.

SKIN: coldness of skin, blueness, paleness.

THIRST: increased thirst for large quantities of cold drinks.


Aggravation: cold, perspiration, warmth.

Amelioration: walking, motion.































Hyperactivity is the word for Zincum and we observe this mostly in feet and mind. We  see constant motion of the feet, twitching, spasms, jerking. Usually the moment they go to sleep there is an electrical stimulation that comes out in the lower extremities and they jerk. On the mental level there’s restlessness too. The brain is overstimulated but not in the way that Verat. and Coffea is. In Zincum the over activity causes a kind of dissatisfaction. It’s one of the main remedies for dissatisfaction and complaining.








RESTLESSNESS. HYPERACTIVE. Active concentration. – ‘Brain fag’ from over study.


Mental dullness. Repeats question first before answering. Understands question only after repetition.


Moaning, complaining, esp. of not being treated well by others. Torments everyone with his complaints.


Delusions devil is after her < during menses. Delusions is about to be arrested.

Sees devils, phantoms.


Sensitive to noise, to voices. Indisposed to talk.





OVERACTIVITY OF NERVOUS SYSTEM (esp. nerve endings are affected).

RESTLESSNESS of extremities esp. FEET- in bed or while sitting.

Jerking of extremities during sleep.


Twitching, facial spasms, convulsions, epilepsy esp. after suppression of eruptions <after exposure to sun. Convulsions when eruptions fail to break out.

Convulsions during dentition with pale face.


Ailments from suppressed eruptions: mania, comatose sleep, neurological complaints, convulsions, unconsciousness, chorea, scabies.


Strong sexual desire < before menses, > by the flow.


Defective vitality- lack of reaction. Too weak to develop menstrual function, to expectorate, to urinate, to comprehend.


Burning whole length of spine < sitting > walking.


Expectoration bloody with dry cough in the morning before menses.


Intolerance to wine, however craves stimulants.





AGG.: sitting, sleep during, after eating, after breakfast, drinking wine, after vaccination.

AMEL.: rubbing, eating while, motion, wet weather, walking, open air, during menses.

AVERS.: veal, fish, sweets.

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