(George Vithoulkas describes the homeopathic remedy Bismuth, carefully distinguishing it from Arsenicum and Phosphorus.) Bismuth is a remedy which should be thought of in cases where the focus of the problem lies in the stomach region. Severe stomach…
S. Kivellos and G. Vithoulkas According to Prof. G. Vithoulkas’ theory of “Levels of Health”, patients are classified into different levels of health. The criteria used for this classification are based on the immune responses of the body to different…
Reprinted Courtesy the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) Dear Rector Prof. Ludmila Gerasimova, Vice Rector Prof. Tamara Denisova, Director of Homeopathic Center Dr. Nadezhda Pakhmutova, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the year of Russian Greek friendship and…
For a very long time, the idea of the “memory of water” tantalized not only the homeopathic community, but also serious scientists and researchers like Luc Antoine Montagnier, a recipient of the Nobel Prize. This misconception originated from an…
Homeopathy and healthcare: an interview with Professor George Vithoulkas Abstract In an age of increasing commercialism and advertisements, we often find saner voices suppressed or go unheard amidst the din and noise of these prevalent views. However alternate views exist…

There is an overall impression that homeopathy is used today by millions of people and practiced by hundreds of thousands of practitioners all over the world … which is true! Whether the practitioners are capable of using this new force…
ACONITUM NAPELLUS (Acon.) All ailments acute or chronic are attended by fear of impending death and the feeling that death is imminent or near. Ailments that arise from fright that threatened the life of the person. FEAR…
Aethusa cynapium (aeth.) The chronic type Individuals who feel apart. Strong emotions but do not express them easily. Moved to tears but do not actually cry – emotions felt inside (Unlike Ignatia – moved to tears but constricted at…

In order to find the right remedy, the practitioner has to understand the importance of the symptoms given and of those withheld. He must also meet certain inner conditions if the patient is to trust him. To find the right homœopathic…