PYROGENIUM (Pyrog.) پائروجن – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA

PYROGENIUM (Pyrog.) پائروجن





GREAT RESTLESSNESS, tossing about in bed.

Loquacious. Rapid thoughts. Thinks and talks faster than ever before during fever.

Delusions as if crowded with arms and legs, that the body covered the whole bed, that someone is in bed with him, that self seems too large.



Pyrogenium is a remedy for SEPTIC conditions (peritonitis, septicemia, last stages of tuberculosis).

FEVER septic, puerperal, hectic, zymotic, typhoid, intermittent.

The PULSE RATE is ACCELERATED, DISPROPORTIONATE TO THE TEMPERATURE, or the reverse, , eg high fever with not so high heart or low fever with high heart rate.

SORE, bruised, aching pains. Bed feels too hard. Aching through the whole body, extremities and bones esp. during chill.

>warmth, walking, motion. Must move to relieve the soreness of the part.

CHILL of the bones and extremities. Chill beginning between the scapula and followed by coldness of bones.

Tongue red, smooth and glistening. Red stripe in center of tongue.

Lochia thin, acrid, offensive, suppressed esp. from cold.

Sweetish, putrid taste in the mouth.

Offensive, putrid stool like black balls.




AGG.: cold (weather, becoming, touching cold things), bad meat.

AMEL.: motion, walking.


PYROGENIUM (Pyrog.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Septic conditions where pulse is disproportionate to the temperature

FEVER: septic, puerperal, hectic, zymotic, typhoid, intermittent.

The pulse rate is accelerated, disproportionate to the temperature, or the reverse, (e.g. fever is high but heart rate is not so accelerated as expected or a low fever that has an abnormally accelerated heart rate).

Sore, bruised, aching pains during fever. Bed feels too hard. Fever with perspiration.

Aching of the whole body, extremities and bones esp. during chill. Aggravated by motion, warmth, walking. Must move to relieve the soreness.

Chill of the bones and extremities. Chill beginning between the scapula followed by coldness of bones.

Puerperal fever with thin, acrid, offensive lochia aggravated from cold.

MOUTH: tongue red, smooth and glistening. Red stripe in center of tongue. Sweetish, putrid taste in the mouth.

STOMACH: vomiting as soon as the water becomes warm in stomach. 

STOOL: diarrhoea from septic conditions. Offensive, putrid stool like black balls.

CHEST: the patient is very aware of the heart throbbing.

MENTAL PICTURE: great restlessness, tossing about in bed during fever.

Loquacious. Rapid thoughts. Thinks and talks fast during fever.

Delusions that he is crowded with arms and legs, that the body covers the whole bed, that someone is in bed with him, sensation as if he is too large.


Aggravation: cold (weather, becoming, touching cold things), bad meat.

Amelioration: motion, walking.

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