RATANHIA (Rat.) ریٹینہیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


RATANHIA (Rat.)  ریٹینہیا





Compulsive neurosis. Superstitions and compulsions of religious nature.

Compulsive in general or concerning their rectal hygiene.



Acts on RECTUM, eyes and teeth.

Haemorrhoids. Protrude after stool.

Fissures of anus with constriction.

Excruciating burning and long-lasting pains in the rectum after stool, which can be difficult or even diarrhoea.

AS IF SPLINTERS OR GLASS WERE IN RECTUM (Aesculus, Nitric acid). This causes a great sensitivity and anal fissures. Better with warm applications.

Important concomitant is bursting headache during straining during stool: Pain in the middle of the forehead, as if brain would fall out.

Pin worms.

Pterygium of the eye: inflammation of the whole eye, when a membrane extends to the pupil.

Burning pains. Eyelids feel stiff (Kalmia).

Toothache in pregnant women, who have to get out of bed at night (Magnesia Carbonica).

Sensation as if coldness rushed out of painful molars. Feel elongated. Worse lying down.



AGG: night, touch, exertion.

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