Speech of Prof. George Vithoulkas at his Nomination as Honorary Professor at Cheboksary Medical University


Reprinted Courtesy the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH)

Dear Rector Prof. Ludmila Gerasimova, Vice Rector Prof. Tamara Denisova,

Director of Homeopathic Center Dr. Nadezhda Pakhmutova, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is the year of Russian Greek friendship and it is my hope and wish that will last forever. Our therapeutic methodology is one of peace and balance that can bring union, love and friendship between people and countries that today are in a turmoil and aggression.

This Homeopathic therapeutic methodology, established 200 years ago, by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, is starting now to be accepted in several open, pioneering medical institutions of higher learning.

The world today is desperately searching for avenues to improve the treatment of degenerative diseases. It is therefore a blessing that medical schools are opening their doors to a therapeutic modality that can bring about a feeling of integration and serenity within suffering individuals. This decision of the senate will be hailed by us as the turning point in global medicine and I am sure will be appreciated highly by the future generations.

This affiliation with your esteemed University, the State Autonomous University of Chuvash Republic, I hope to become a work place for new knowledge and exciting discoveries not only for homeopathy but for medicine in general. We are going to sign a document for academic collaboration, which I hope will be honored by all of us. My contribution so far, to this therapeutic modality is a small token to this great man, Samuel Hahnemann.

I will give you now, in a nutshell, my observations and I will propose to submit such observation under rigorous investigation and research a project that can advance with our affiliation. My observations and conclusions  come from many thousands of cases I had seen and treated.

The Definition and the Measure of Health which I gave in my first book, the “Science of Homeopathy”, in 1978, gave the sociomedical environment of my theoretical thinking and became the basis for my observations.

After several years of observing sick individuals and their road to recovery, I thought that a complete definition of health should include the ideas of FREEDOM. Freedom from pain with feeling of well being, freedom from passions with feeling of serenity and calmness and freedom from egotism with a clear mind and high ideas. These are the main components that constitute an ideally healthy individual.

For example:

Do treatments lead the sufferer towards this objective? If yes, it is a complete and correct treatment. If not, then it is a partial and suppressive one. For instance, if we treat a case of polyarthritis and the inflammations from the joints are relieved but the liver starts degenerating, then the treatment is not correct and has taken the wrong direction. If we treat a case of psoriasis and when the psoriasic patches are eliminated, then a depression sets. In that case the treatment is wrong and leads to degeneration of the organism rather than regeneration.

In fact, what I was proposing to my students all these years was not a theoretical model of medical philosophy but tangible facts about health and disease that could help them in their daily practice to determine whether they were benefiting their patients or actually set them on the road of degeneration.

I had questions about of who is sick and to what extent, who could be cured, and who had passed the point of recovery. Such thoughts led me eventually to the idea that a great part of the population is sick to a lesser or greater degree. From these thoughts the idea of the “Levels of Health” was formed. We are born to a certain level of health and we can improve or degrade this level during our life depending on positive or negative internal or external stimulations or stresses.

Then I had questions as to which were the parameters to determine such levels. I gave my observations initially in my book “A New Model for Health and Disease” and in more detail later in my book “Levels of Health”. What I had found was that while two persons may have similar symptoms and similar pathology, one was easy to cure, and the other much more difficult. This was happening not accidentally but according to some inner rules or conditions of the human organism that were not so far revealed.  These observations led me further to investigate the reasons underlying such differences in reactions and I discovered some very interesting facts.

To give some examples:

I have grounds to believe that with a lot of chronic patients, their sufferings started after an acute disease, with high fever, that was suppressed by strong drugs.   

A common bronchitis after suppression could turn into bronchial asthma, a common cold into a chronic sinusitis, a suppressed tonsillitis may trigger cluster headaches that last for life, a suppressed eruption could end up in asthmatic conditions or ulcerative colitis or anxiety and panic states or anything else depending on the predisposition of the person.

The implications of this observation if proves to be correct is of great importance.  Another observation was that, if the organism, from a period of constant acutes with high fevers was shifting to a chronic disease state, then the organism will stop developing acutes!  Once the patient has entered a serious chronic condition, he stops developing acute conditions, even if he was coming in contact with bacteria or microbes or viruses that they used to affect him before.

This phenomenon was never noticed in conventional medicine as far as I know.  But if this observation is correct then it is of such importance that it could change our whole concept of health and disease. The implications are so deep and so serious as to change our understanding about diseases.

Following this observation I saw that all chronic diseases have periods of exacerbations and recessions attributed usually to unknown factors. What I suspected was that the exacerbations were due to the rise of a sub-acute inflammatory process, that was taking place periodically and it was in a similar pattern to the acutes previously manifested.

From our knowledge in Homeopathy, we know that these are periodic unsuccessful efforts of the immune system to cure itself. Should they be suppressed or rather encouraged? For example an asthmatic crisis can be suppressed by a strong drug, but next day it re-appears. An epileptic fit can be suppressed by an equally strong drug but soon another fit follows. With the homeopathic remedy there is an initial intensification of the symptoms but then follows a cure. This is a great difference of view from conventional medicine.

But the great proof that there was a connection between the previous acutes and the present chronic condition was this:

If a patient was treated with homeopathy successfully for a chronic condition, while the chronic symptomatology is getting better, acute conditions will re-appear.  The re-appearance of the original acutes, if  accompanied by an amelioration of the chronic condition, indicates the restoration of the immune system to its normal condition.

These observations of many years of treating thousands of cases with chronic diseases, and the consequent manifestation of old acutes at the end of the treatment, led me to the understanding that there was a “continuum” in the medical history of a patient.

I will not go in to details at this moment but suffice to say that there is a “continuum” in the development of diseases, acute or chronic, in the life of an individual. These observations have been expanded in an article with the title  “The continuum of a unified theory of diseases”, published in the Medical Science Monitor journal.

With the signing of the agreement of scientific collaboration between the Academy and the State University of Chuvash, I hope that a rigorous process in research will start with the help of the most interested students in order to confirm or disprove these assumptions.

At this point I want to make clear that homeopathy does not cure everything.

There are pathological conditions that have passed the point of recovery as far as homeopathy is concerned. In such advanced pathology, the need for conventional medicine, surgery and all the other technicalities of conventional medicine are necessary and welcomed. Homeopathy can complement conventional medicine in a wonderful way, making the whole medical system more efficient and less expensive. But I must add that this therapeutic modality has ample scope for research and discoveries not only in the areas I mentioned, but in many other areas, in order to show its real potentials in preventing human suffering.

I do wish and hope that the collaboration of your excellent University, in which I have the honor today of becoming one of its members, will manage to establish a pillar of resistance to the spreading of chronic diseases that have befallen in excess, the last decades, on the human race.

In conclusion, I want to say that the ideas I spoke about can be considered as assumptions and as such I put them forward for consideration and research and in this excellent Medical University. We could devise interesting experiments to investigate these ideas together.

Thank you for listening to this rather strange, rare and peculiar view of therapeutics, but I can assure you it is coming from my experience and true observations in this life of 55 years of practice that were full of challenges, struggles, fights and conflicts but did not stop me from promulgating what I always felt was a boon to humanity, given by this genius German physician, Christian Samuel Hahnemann.

Thank you for being here with me on this special Day!

5th of September, 2016

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Editor’s Note:  You can watch Prof Vithoulkas accept this honor on Youtube:



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