MEDICINES: COMPARATIVE MATERIA MEDICA POINTS ARSENICUM ALBUM HEPAR SULPH KALI CARB NATRUM SULPH PHOSPHORUS TUBERCULINUM 1) AETIOLOGY (i) Asthma from suppressed itch.(ii) Suitable for attacks occurring as consequence of suppressed catarrh. (iii) Chill in water; eating ices. (i) Cold, dry, winds.(ii) Land wind (open fields). (iii) Suppressed eruptions. Catching Cold. Every fresh cold brings on an attack of asthma. (i) Strong odours, flowers.(ii) Exposure to drenching rains, washing cloths. Exposure to cold air. 2) COUGH &ASTHMA (i) Dry cough.(ii) Cough as if from sulphur fumes. (iii) Cough after drinking. (iv) Apex of the right lung is more affected. (i) …
Some Reflections on Repertory (Dr. Tilottama.B. Galande)
Being a university approved teacher of repertory from 1994 till today, I have witnessed a huge transformation in the subject of repertory, in India. Way back in 1994, when I started teaching the subject, there were no textbooks as such. There were reference books for few to refer to, and the articles in I. C. R Symposium Volumes. There were very few in print and they were difficult to procure. I had to study each repertory with some help from the reference books if available. Fortunately, my teachers guided me a lot whenever I had queries, including how to …
Case Submission Form (Chronic) for prescription of homeopathic medicine – Hussain Kaisrani
Describe all your present complaints, first the most troublesome ones, then others. As far as possible, try to provide the following details about each complaint with date of its start, if possible: i. Nature of the complaint (e.g. pain, swelling, fever, cough, etc) ii. Seat of the complaint (e.g. head, chest, etc.) iii. Conditions and circumstances which cause increase, decrease or relief of the complaint (e.g. rest, motion, walking, standing, lying, etc.) iv. At what time of the day or night is the complaint worse? v. Any cause for this particular complaint? 2. What do you think is the cause of …
Modern Classical Prescribing – Practical Approach (Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea)
MODERN CLASSICAL-PRACTICAL PRESCRIBING: METHODOLOGY APPROACH- A NON-SUPPRESSED CASES: CASES WITH CLARITY OF SYMPTOMS: MTEK is an useful memory aid to arriving at a correct prescription. M = Miasmatic Totality T = Totality of Symptoms E = Essence (should include gestures, postures, behaviours etc) K = Keynotes (which should encompass PQRS symptoms, refer §153 and §209 of Hahnemann’s Organon) When the above criteria are considered and the steps below followed, a correct prescription can be made. Step-I: Make the miasmatic diagnosis of the case, i.e. ascertain the surface miasm. Step-II: Assess the Totality of Symptoms + Essence + Keynotes and PQRS …
جارج وتھالکس
جارج وتھالکس بنیادی طور پر سول انجینئر ہیں ۔ آپ یونان کے شہر ایتھنز میں 1932 ء میں پیدا ہوئے۔ 1959 ء میں وہ حادثاتی یا اتفاقی طور پر ہومیوپیتھی سے متعارف ہوئے اور پھر اسی کے ہو کر رہ گئے۔ آپ نے 1966ء میں انڈین انسٹیٹیوٹ آف ہومیوپیتھی سے ڈپلوما حاصل کیا۔ آپ نے 1976 ء میں یونانی زبان میں جریدہ ’’ہومیوپیتھک میڈیسن‘‘ کا اجراء کیا۔ آپ بہت ساری کتابوں کے مصنف بھی ہیں جن میں’’سائنس آف ہومیوپیتھی‘، میڈیسن آف نیو مین کا لاتعداد زبانوں میں ترجمہ ہو چکا ہے۔ آپ کی کتاب میٹریا میڈیکا وائیوا کی گیارہ جلدیں …
KALMIA LATIFOLIA (Kalm.) RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS ESPECIALLY OF HEART MENTAL Excitement in the morning. Thoughts rapid and quick. Anxiety about future. Fear of evil. Memory weakness. Averse to being spoken to. PHYSICAL Rheumatic remedy. PROMINENT ACTION ON THE HEART. Gouty heart. Fatty degeneration of heart. Rheumatic endocarditis. Affection of the heart after rheumatism. Pain in heart alternating with rheumatism. Stitching pain in heart extending to left hand, to left scapula. Paroxysmal anxiety in heart region. Hypertrophy of heart. Palpitation < bending forward. Arrested respiration during pains. Rheumatic inflammation of …