MURIATICUM ACIDUM (Mur-ac.) – میوریٹیکم ایسڈ – ایسڈ میور This remedy is exhausted on the physical level. The exhaustion is such that they cannot support the body. They slide down in bed, the lower jaw is hanging…
MEZEREUM (Mez.) – میزیریم THICK, CRUSTY, DISCHARGING ERUPTIONS MENTAL ANXIETY, FEAR FELT AND ARISING IN STOMACH (Calc., Kali-c.). Empty feeling, as if something was going to happen. Anxiety when alone. Confusion of mind from interruption, knows not…
MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS (Merc.) – مرکسال INTROVERT WITH OFFENSIVE BREATH, METALLIC TASTE, SALIVATION MENTALS INTROVERT, FEELS THREATENED Aggressive- impulse to kill, to do violent things. STAMMERING, mild, not violent. Impolite, contrary, reproaches others, aversion to his family, discontented.…
MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS (Merc-c.) مرکیورس کار – مرک کار VIOLENCE OF SYMPTOMS, INTENSE BURNING, RAPID SPREAD MENTAL Impulsive, violent and active in movements. Startled from sleep, or on falling asleep. Dullness, memory weakness, stupefaction. Anxious and restless. …
MENYANTHES (Meny.) مینی اینتھیس A REMEDY FOR CERTAIN HEADACHES, INTERMITTENT FEVER MENTAL Confusion > open air. Discontent. Restlessness. Forsaken feeling. Fear of being alone with headaches. Dwells on disagreeable occurrences (Nat-m.). Anxiety about heart. PHYSICAL Headaches:…
MEDORRHINUM (Med.) – میڈورینم The Medorrhinum persons are passionate with everything they do. They are passionate with their relationships, their beliefs, their interests. They are very sexual. They enjoy sex as long as the passion lasts. They enjoy the…