HYDROPHOBINUM / LYSSIN (Lyss.) – ہائڈروفوبینم لائیسن ہائیڈروفوبینم VIOLENT TEMPER & FEAR OF WATER MENTAL VIOLENT, IMPATIENT TEMPER, impelled to do reckless things, desire to throw child out of the window. RUDE, ABUSIVE, BITES AND STRIKES. (Reminds…
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS (Hydr.) – ہائیڈراسٹس VISCID, ROPY DISCHARGES MENTAL Suited to people that are old, weak, easily tired persons with emaciation, depressed, sure of death and desires it. Irritability. Curses his mother, throws food or medicine across…
HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM (Hep.) – ہیپر سلف OVERSENSITIVE AND ABUSIVE MENTAL OVERSENSITIVITY TO PAIN. Fears bees, wasps that sting. They panic and flee. Fears suffering. Irritable. The slightest cause irritates him. Impulses to kill for slight…
HELLEBORUS NIGER (Hell.) – ہیلوبورس ۔ ہیلی بورس DESPAIR, AGONY, TREMENDOUS ANXIETY with ROLLING OF THE HEAD MENTAL DULLNESS, STUPEFACTION (SENSORIAL DEPRESSION) nothing is seen or heard distinctly. ABSORBED IN THOUGHTS. Answers slowly, reflects long before answering.…
HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA (Ham.) – ہیمامیلس ہمامیلس AFFECTIONS OF CIRCULATION, VARICOSE VEINS MENTAL ANGER, IRRITABILITY. Aversion to company, to being spoken to. Gloomy, depressed. Aversion to work. Absorbed, buried in thoughts. Thinking constantly of his ailments. Abundant of…
GRAPHITES (Graph.) – گریفائٹس SKIN ERUPTIONS, GLUEY DISCHARGES, OBESITY, THICK NAILS MENTAL Simple, practical, down to earth people. Dullness, SLOWNESS, irresolution. SENSITIVE TO MUSIC, WEEPING FROM MUSIC. Restless while sitting, or working. Fear ameliorated by weeping. Anxiety…
GLONOIN (Glon.) – گلونائن AGGRAVATION FROM SUN AND HEAT, SUNSTROKE. MENTAL Confusion as if being intoxicated, forgets or does not recognize well-known streets, which side is his house. Makes mistakes in localities, does not recognize his relatives.…
GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS (Gels.) – جیلسی میم In Gelsemium the weakness and trembling are the main characteristics. Those individuals are totally afraid; they are trembling psychologically and physically especially from anticipation or when they have to perform. The mind is weak and…
FLUORICUM ACIDUM (Fl-ac.) – فلورک ایسڈ – ایسڈ فلور MENTAL DOMINEERING, MATERIALISTIC WITH STRONG SEXUAL DESIRE. LASCIVIOUS THOUGHTS. Egotism, focus on their pleasure, isolated from others, indifferent to loved ones. Inability to realize responsibility. Hurriedness, rapid speech, rapid eating.…
FERRUM METALLICUM (Ferr.) – فیرم میٹالیکم ANAEMIA – FALSE PLETHORA MENTAL SENSITIVE and excitable < on least contradiction. IRRITABILITY to slight noises like crackling paper drive him to despair. PHYSICAL ANAEMIA – extreme paleness –…