Ear Pain, Discharge, Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Itching, and Irritation – Homeopathic Treatment by Hussain Kaisrani
Understanding Ear Problems and Homeopathic Treatments by Dr. Hussain Kaisrani Introduction The human ear is a complex organ that allows us to hear, enabling communication and interaction. Ear problems such as itching, pain, discharge, and hearing loss can significantly impact our quality of life. In this article, Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, a Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Consultant from Lahore, Pakistan, discusses ear-related health issues and the effectiveness of homeopathic treatments. Common Ear Problems and Causes 1. Ear Pain Ear pain is often caused by cold exposure, nasal congestion, or inflammation. Children, in particular, may suffer due to their delicate immune systems. 2. …
The Science Behind Eating Less: Benefits of Fewer Meals and Intermittent Fasting | Hussain Kaisrani
Fewer Meals, Better Health? Understanding Meal Frequency for Optimal Well-Being Introduction For centuries, the notion of “two meals a day” governed eating habits. Today, however, three meals a day—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—are considered the norm. But is this the healthiest way to eat? This article explores scientific insights into the optimal frequency of meals and the benefits of intermittent fasting. The Evolution of Meal Patterns Historically, humans ate primarily when food was available. Ancient Romans, for example, had one large meal in the afternoon. Breakfast, as we know it today, only gained prominence in the 17th century among the elite. …