Carcinosinum Cancerinum A nosode from Carcinoma Historical background The first to mention and use Carcinosin, the cancer nosode, was James Tyler Kent. He called it ‘Carcinoma’, and this is how he prepared the remedy: ‘The preparation of Carcinoma…
Carbo Vegetabilis Vegetable Charcoal C (impure). Trituration. The essential features If there is a one word that characterizes the pathology of this remedy, the word is emptiness. It is a feeling as if life has gone and left an…
Carbo Animalis Animal Charcoal. Made from charred ox-hide. C (impure). Contains Calc. phos. Trituration. The essential features The Carbo animalis patient is a burnt-out individual lacking self-confidence, without stamina, and with a lot of fears, anxieties and delusions. He…
Capsicum Annuum Cayenne Pepper (South America and West Indies) O. Solanaceae Tincture of the dried pods. The essential features The constitutional Capsicum individual is usually obese, flabby with a red face (especially a red nose) and has varicose vein…
Cantharis Vesicatoria Cantharis vesicator, Lytta vesicatory. Blister-beetle, ‘Spanish fly’. N.O. Insecta, Coleoptera. Tincture or trituration of live insects. The essential features As is well known from our materia medica, remedies generally prefer a specific system, organ or area of…

My sleep has improved … I am sleeping more and feeling relaxed …. The feeling of Over-burdened has finished … Alhumdulillah Totally agree with whatever you said …. It surely is a blessing, I am back on my feet, driving,…
اچانک، غیر متوقع، یک لخت، آناً فاناً – ہومیوپیتھک علامت کی تشریح اور دوائیاں – ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان
Abrupt حاضرینِ کرام: مندرجہ بالا روبرک (Abrupt)، کا لفظی مطلب ہے اچانک، یک لخت، آناً فاناً ۔ یعنی کوئی ایسا واقعہ پلک جھپکتے وقوع پذیر ہو جائے یا وہ غیر متوقع ہو۔ جیسے کہتے ہیں، اس نے آؤ دیکھا نہ…
Camphora Officinalis Camphor. C10H16O. A gum obtained from Laurus camphora. N.O. Lauraceae. Solution in rectified spirit. The essential features Camphora is so powerful that it antidotes most of our remedies. It should not be kept in the home…
Calendula Officinalis The essential features Calendula is to lacerated wounds what Arnica is to bruises. Both are considered specifics for injuries (as are Ledum, Bellis perennis and some other remedies). When the skin or an organ is not torn…
Calcarea Sulphurica Calcium Sulphate, CaSO4. Gypsum. Plaster of Paris. Trituration. The essential features The general idea that runs through this remedy is of an organism which tends to produce tumours and abscesses that not only do not…