Calcarea Sulphurica Calcium Sulphate, CaSO4. Gypsum. Plaster of Paris. Trituration. The essential features The general idea that runs through this remedy is of an organism which tends to produce tumours and abscesses that not only do not…
Calcarea Carbonica Impure Calcium Carbonate. CaCO3. Includes symptoms of Calcarea acetica and Calcarea ostrearum, for which Hahnemann also made provings. Koch’s provings were made from carbonate of lime precipitated from a solution of chalk in hydrochloric acid. Trituration of the…
Caladium Seguinum Caladium seguinum. Arum seguinum. Dumb Cane. (South America.) N.O. Araceae. Compare: Bov.; Nux-m.; Asaf.; Ign.; Bapt. The essential features Caladium has come down to us as a remedy mainly for disorders of the sexual sphere and, more…
Cadmium Sulphuratum Cadmium sulphide, CdS Trituration The essential features The physical picture This remedy is indicated mostly in cases that present symptoms of severe gastritis or gastro-enteritis. Primarily, it is the mucus membranes of the stomach…
Cactus Grandiflorus Cereus grandiflorus. Night-blooming Cereus. (Mexico and the West Indies.) N.O. Cactaceae. Tincture of youngest and tenderest stems and flowers collected in summer. The essential features Cactus grandiflorus is a remedy that has a special relationship to heart…
Bryonia Alba Vitis nigra; Bryonia nigram; Chironiam vitam; Bryonia dioica; Bryonia vera; Vitis alba. English: White bryony; Black-berried white bryony; White hops. French: Bryone; Bryone blanche; Coulevre. German: Weisse Zaunrube; Stichwurz Polish: Pryestepbiaty. Dutch: Welde wyngaar; Witte Bryon Portuguese:…
BISMUTH Bi2O3OH2. Hydrated oxide of Bismuth and the precipitated subnitrate of Bismuth are not differentiated. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES Bismuth is a remedy which should be thought of in cases where the focus of the problem lies in the…
Berberis Vulgaris Barberry. (Britain) N.O. Berberidaceae. Tincture of the bark of the root. The essential features Berberis vulgaris is indicated for persons who are pallid and sickly looking. The Berberis patient is pale-faced and appears tired. He has…
Benzoicum Acidum C6 H5 CO. OH. Obtained, by sublimation, from Gum benzoin; or artificially from several aromatic hydrocarbons. Tincture or trituration. The essential features Benzoic acid is one of the main sycotic remedies and particularly concerns cases with…
Bellis Perennis The Daisy. N.O. Compositae. Tincture of whole fresh plant. The essential features Bellis is an important remedy for deep traumas, whether they be of the physical body or of the psyche. It is a remedy…