Asa Foetida O. Umbelliferae The essential features Whenever you think of Asafoetida, your mind naturally goes to fat, plethoric, hysterical individuals, with a purple face and a lot of hysterical symptoms. The central idea of Asafoetida is unsteadiness and…
Arsenicum Album Acidum arsenicosum English: White arsenic, arsenious acid, Arsenic Trioxide French: Arsenic, Oxyde blanc d’arsenic, Acide arsenieux German: Arsenik, Arsenige Saure Mode of preparation: 5 centigrams are put into a vial with 4 grams of distilled water; the…
Arsenicum Iodatum Iodite of Arsenic Trituration; AsI3 The essential features Arsenicum Iodatum is a remedy that you will need in severe chronic conditions where the organs involved are in a precarious state. You will need it in cases of…
Arnica Montana ARNICA MONTANA: Doronicum plantaginis folio alternum, Doronicum oppositifolium, Doronicum Austriacum quantum Ptarmica montana English: Mountain arnica, Leopard’s bane, German Leopard’s bane, Mountain tobacco. French: Arnique des montagnes, Arnique, Arnica, Tabac des Vosges, Betoine des Montagnes. German: Arnika, Wohl-verleih,…
لائٹ اَپ ود شعاع کی میزبان گذشتہ ماہ پاکستان کے دورہ پر تھیں۔ ایک غیر رسمی نشست کے لئے وہ میرے ہاں بھی تشریف لائیں۔ اِس نشست میں ہومیوپیتھی یا سائکوتھراپی کو فوکس کرنے کے بجائے انہوں نے یہ ڈسکس…
Argentum Nitricum Nitras argenti English: Nitrate of silver French: Argent nitrate, Nitrate d’argent German: Salpetersaures Silber The essential features In my writings, I have repeatedly emphasized the hierarchical structure of human health. In the healthy individual the mental…
Apis Mellifica Apium virus. Honey-bee poison. N.O. Insecta Tinctures are made of the whole bee or of dilutions of the poison with alcohol. The essential features Apis is a large remedy that has been but partially understood and little…
Antimonium Crudum Native sulphide of Antimony SbS2 The essential features Antimonium crudum is a seldom-prescribed remedy which should be used more frequently in practice. The following is a description of the constitutional Antimonium crudum patient, the type of person…
Antimonium Tartaricum Tartar Emetic 2[ K(SbO)C4H4O6 ] H2O Trituration and solutions The essential features This remedy finds its primarily usefulness in severe cases and hospitalized cases; these cases may be classified according to the organ system principally affected: a.…
Anthracinum The essential features Anthracinum is indicated in patients who suffer chronically from carbuncles, boils, hydradenitis, and tumors which tend to have a malignant appearance, a reddish-black color, and cause a burning sensation and extreme pain. In Anthracinum, ulceration…